(Dln&BfMi THURSDAY MORN WU, .DEC. 6, 18GW. Hail Head Tibia TaBle. .' Littl Muki tiunri It Twi 1I K A Leave. ' Arrives. Night Biprest, rl Day tea, 8:00 A.M.., 3.30 A. M. Cincinnati accommodation. 6:10 A. M . - ' 1:80 P.M. DsyBipreu . IUMI.i i 00 P.M. Mall and Aauiat(UUi4i rk Ml J P. ef. r j a. W. fcotmwv, Atent.- Golousoi Ounrii-iKD B. B. . .1 Might Bxprete... .,..3:50 A. M. M 140 M. Ntw York Bjtpreti SUP.M. i-1:SP. H, ; ' ' ' Jna PiT-rtlioK, Stent., " m.ulfi,. '.1 ..at) A.. II. :v.-'l:3ll X. M Dm Biurets.....-...:.. . t' - K M Pirmoraa, Oounn e Oiboutt B. B. ' . M.IITth...... 4:00A.M. IMA. M B.prMTrln..,...i......:..l:3JA.M, 1:80 P.M. Joe. Bourns, Agent- -OoLDHtog luDUMorom, B.B. ', . , (OOLUSItO PlOPA A INDUS B. R.) OhloicoZxpmt 8:00 A. M. 8:35 P. H Mo.S " 00 P 11:S0 A. M Sandusky .' 9:40 A. U. v .J OOP, M , . """ 0; W. Surra, Agent. Local Matters. CoMoicotTioNAL Fiari!.. The ldiee of the Congregttionil Society will bold Feitlrnl at the parlort of the Chutoh on Tbnejday eren- log.DM.Sb- ....., . Admittance 25c; cWldren 10j. Orstero end Ice-cream In Abundance. '.' , Board of County Commissioners. TUESDAY, Nov. 26, 1861. Board meb Preeent Meaere. Sparrow. Strait andSbb. CommleBlonerg. ' ' ' Ordered,- Thai the bridge bnilt by Orria ln- don, at Stephenson's, be accepted, and that bt be paid the anm of $HC for the iopcrstructare of the eamt. ',' "'' 1 ' '- ' " Ordered, That the etone work, mbankment and exoaratlon done -by Welch k Comptoo, in Stepbenaon'a bridge, be accepted, and an order leaned to them for $573 25, In full of the, bal ance due them for jald work v- x'iv Ordered, That tha fcridga over Rocky Fork be accepted, and that JmtU Lando'n be paid by Perry townihip the rum of (844 SO, in foil for the luperetrnctnre, maeonry and' embankment on eald bridge ; TS- MONDAY, Dec. 2. Board met.. J" George W. Huffman'! bill allowed for eer- Ticet tn eommoniog jurori, amounting to t9v TUESDAY, Dec. 3. Board met,! i) rVJJL.' i'-M V Petition from B. G. Smith and other receir td for the vacation 'of county road in Blendon township. -.'.'- ,. . . i i ' f ii ,1 titr Court of Common Pleas. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 4. In ihe case of Charles Bryeoo. indicted for stabbing with intent fo wound, the Jury returned a verdict of "guilty," and Bryeon was sentenced to ten days la the dungeon on bread and water, and to pay a fine of twenty fire dollars and the costs of prosecution.-1 "' "' Ke.-.iH Dewitt C. Cook, Indicted fof'ketylng a room in wbiob intosioating liquors were sold contrary to law, entered into a recogafxance In the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for his appear ance at the next term of the court. . , Daniel Decker, indicted for an assault with intent to murder, failing to appear, bis iccog nizancs waa forfeited. . , . . ... , The recognizance ol Michael Fisher, indicted for murder in the first degree, was also forfeited for the same reason. ' ' j Susan Jones was diroroed from her hueband, James Jonrt. and Jacob Olout from his wife, Martha Olout. .,.....,, Tha case of John and Richard Geary, indicted for libel, was continued. ; ti i 2",- Thi Reviiw and Drill ar Camp Chasb. A large conoourse of people assembled at Camp Chase yesterday to witness the review and drill. The day was beautiful," though After 12 M. the ground bad thawed aud it was quite muddy and disagreeable under foot. ' The troops consisted of the 1st Cavalry', CoL O. P. Ransom sight companies, 849 strong two companies of this regiment are . in Virginia and one in Kentucky; 421 Regiment, Col. J. 'a'. GasriiLD, 1006 men; '.. J lu $ A ,. h. '; J ! '' 40tb Regiment, Col. Josath4N CsaiNoa, 928 men; '," tr. Four companies of the 68tb,Col...5A08iHwiin, 403 men, commanded by Major Diana.--.- . For review the Infantry occupied' the right, and the Cavalry the left.1 Total number of troops, oleu.' j. 11 t .a j,i Gov. Denniioi accompanied by bis staff then reviewed tow troops. "... - - - '. 'f ' '. After wbloh the 'cavalry were deticlrVd for drill under their own officers. ' The infantry un der General Hill then wheeled! into opea col-r umn by companies, and m6red. 'forward and to the left into line and delivered their firei tbea formed by the "right ol ebmp&nles to (he rear into column, and marched into line, faced to the rear-Hhus re occupying the place of their first alinement. where they delivered, Meoond fire. The whole line then marched forward about forty o .fifty, paces, and there each! battal ion formed' double column at half dlstanoe, deployed the column at double-quick time; then formed close column by division on first division, second battalion en the right, In front. That column was then deployed 1y battalion in mass, then formed oblique squares' by battal ion and delivered several nYea' by treat and iy batullonj thea edieed. rqaares and deployed columns and dismissed-J Everything passed off .jniVceljeftfordei.Vni to the saOefactibn of jhoae who witneeaed the affair. , The regimeota aud affioera made a ne appearance, ui JsonBldering s that ;;lha": largest nroDortlon of the troops are new to the service, 'the performance waa highly creditable both to men and officer. V1.-C:ri VJ' The eourtesies. and kind attentwus f the officers to 'the cltxens who attended (he review was highly appreciated; for wbish Oeneral Hill and all the officers and men In discharge QivPO-, lice duties, are entitled to and will receive the thanks of those who had the pleasure of visit ing Camp Chase joa this Qcca,3lon ' 1 i - mi wn ,i v j. MATO'e'CovaTvrTwo boyi,' Chade Ieb' man and Benjamlri; Davis, respectively aged twelve and fourteen years,.' were before'.jl.f.yOr Thomas yesterday morning, on the charge of ' '' iB ' '.' robbing the money orawer ei os. iair qp ooou. Davis gave ball In one huqdrbd ; dbllars; forjils appearance at Court, "whloh lehmanlinj 00, was eoaimieam iw yrMuu, : t i t'M . -A eoIdleri",fof drunltenness and disorderly conduct, was fined three dollars and costs, which he paid; but anothermaafaiUBg.10 pay A .siml i flna re Th like offenseaA was sent tor Use " 1 - . ..- V-.tlj ,.t4, J ,J jlAnt cnainB.ang- n'.--eujm i.i D" Bltol-IMfroilAf ewJfpri try, Knalknd. tri fh Bteataef CJtt of EdUlbttrgh, oaths 334 ult.-Pishop' Bedell 'wlUliave' full of the Diocese of Ohio until bis re ... 1 , ttttn. ,11 ( Vr . CimAL Ohio ,Railoh Th .ZnfTlll Courier says that both freight aod passenger baslsess over this road continue! excellent, tod during the past month the trains have run as regnUrly as clockwork. The following ere the groe( eernlngs; for the month . of September, 18611 i i ' " J, Passeartit 28,5T9 40 l.ISS w Expnw ..... MA.IS..'.btf freight.. J I ' ' " ' ' . "' 8,3110 60 . S7.S08 80 it. . TOwl.....Vvv...K ..W,S0 8S FiasT op St. Xaviib. Tuesday last waa the reset of St. .Francis Xavier.. Solemn High Mass was celebrated at lbs magnificent Gothic Church of St. Xavier. on Sycamore atrsel, CiO' oinhatf, and Haydn's Coronation Mass; with full orchestral accompaniments, was performed, under the direction of Prof. IT F. Gerold, or gsnlst of ths thurcn. '?- m 'rf'. . BT VVm. S, Lowe, of Xenla,' (son of Col. J Ur. Lowe, who fell at Carnifex,) has been ap pointed a Lieutenant in the regular army, -c a J -.. INTERESTiriC TO EVERY READER, TI it as Indlipatabla tut. thit If any Dtnon want! one X o( (hoM comfortable ABQUIMADI BAV1!E OVER COATS, bt will niuill; find them In Urge quantltleiat IB any penon deilrom of awnlof on of the UU etjle ( BAATIS OTIB COATS, with MM atUcbed. don't break your beadi to Itara where to iai them, bat o to the .'!... Oppoelte the Bute Houw. . .. -Vive nlH Bad the mart to all o1ra, tf t by ' ' ' 5 1 :' : ' : marcus childs. TfD Ton never wear anv ot tha BILK MIXED 048- XJ BIHBRI 80IT8. which ar Mid at tha Capital OUT JUVMar nun in ana yoa win nna inewi m piiee, at , " ' .MARCUS CHILDS'S. YOU may alto b In want of PARTS ens TI8T8, and ther M bvt on eatabliiameBi In Um Wt where Panta and Ve.la are to b bad la all atrlDet. ahaBca. ttylea, qnantitlaf and qnalltlei, and that place It tha 1 1 , ..... ... DOH'T forget the txtnatv aamortnent oT TTJIWI SH INS) BOOD8. particalarly In WOOLKS SUIaTB, wbicb yoa can Snd In Bed, white and blue," at tha LAri 1 AL til X AlUADCi, Bnparlntmdedl by SUrcas Ohlldi. IP yon wUh to wear gataaota HI A BE -'TO OR DEte. yon ean do ao better than to ( 0 to In Her bant TtilortM XetabllabaMnL Best tha Arcade, and aelact yonr goodi from a .lock osiprlin all eolor t n,Ter vioina. uaeaunerea, ciia . eirei ana nusn Teet iDgi, and yoa will rarely meet with a good fit by paroaaa MIXITABT aiNTLBMIir, whan tthey eorna to thl. Hy, at etrannn, and wiikr to ni l CMIIOBM. It toeMlrbeaeadewatagatoaallat - ; When a mrta aworlmeot of BLUB OIA)TH and othar artklea belonging la tha aqalpiga fit an officer oan be naa at Tory mouerata pnaea. t ., v. , - t . utnorteaiiat . .. ; -. ; fllarcus Cltilds's, . Proprietor of that eaUnilra tnulnau locality . no, Sit 9S maiA t& I1IGU 8THF.r:r, t ' OnfuMltil Ih Statu TTrttiMk tjrf-dom HEW GOODS AT fF. ROSE'S. HAVING JUST BETtRKED FKOU New York. I am now prepared to offer to tha Dahlle a moet excellent auortment of GOODS f OB 0ENI8 WAAn, aacbaa .a.1 -1; "j ix -JCL0THS, . '., CAS 8 1 ME RE 8,. I . ; 'i.' ;.; : . ,' V E 8 T I O N 8, f h J r - a, ,J , if jaoti gmersv Mcoitment of , a sc. . , f ' j FURNISHING GOODS, of tha rlrhert and aeateit itylei lo the market; all of which I am telling at the CUBAPBST POSSIBLE BATBB BOB CASH. ITrreUt! AttaatfOM Pai to Mitt. tarV OificereVCloiBiaa;. : . . . i .- . Harlnr had lone exparianc la tha Out and Uannfao tare of Offioeri' Olothlnx, I feel confldent I can (Ire en tire aatiifactlon to all my patron. v.. ROSE, i ' Merchant Tailor, . .Cot. High and Town Btreeta, ' i aorllMf , . .Colnmbai.Ohio. NEWARK , MACHINE WORKS, NXWABK OHIO,' Nanntaetnrera mt all klaitls Pos- Uble aa Biauanryneim - flnea, Haw irillls, Urlat Mille, LASS BODLXi Jtealmi B.A1. SLAKA YStoUnt J.f. B. DUTALL Satmtn- COLVMBPS MACBXSt CO. Bcatmlll! MRADIOBD , , . CO. BeaithlllU ... - 1 i . H f Onr Fortabls Enrlne aad taw Mill - . Wai awarded tha An premlma M $50 a tha Indiana State fair for 1300 over tans A: Bodley y on account ot Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel and superior character of lumber saw oil. rOnrBtatlonarrBndnawu awarded at tha nuns Pair the Bret premiam of $aoB. oar ronabM anains waa awaraea ma nrn premtOA 01 100 at tha Pair at atemphla. Term., orer Blandy'a Do Tall 'a. Colomaoa Manntna Vo a ana Bradford A by a committee of practical Bailroad Enginean 3 . 1 orsriceasdienniaaiiKM ' deoMkwlyaals. , L... , Hawaik.Ohla . wuiij&ai nu.. liwiuir, -- XtlE riVDKRSIGNKD KFEPI COPT. ATAHTLX band aad for aaW, tha baat qnaJUy of 3 hQCKIKG' GRATE COAIa : which ha will sail at tha loweat market prloea. ' ': Call and exkmlna my Coa before nnrchailni f lie where. "- 1 - . ' ' ' Ofllea at tba store of Bradford, Bnydam at Co., bead Of, Canal. - - 1 , . , -n in; t. v, w. bui van., riBAITJ & SOTJ, Kd 23 South High Streety Columbus, , 8000 yards IiareUn . Cnaa flooda atSX, valoe 1 ixftoenn. . t5O0yarda Trarelini Dram Oaodi at )9K. valaa 90 eta. SOOO yards Kofllih Baraea at 12, valaa SS centa. 1000 yards French Organdiei at Xiji, ralije 90 oenta. 900n yarda Peat Colored Lawns at 10, ralae Ueanti. Vm yards Poalard Pram Bilkf at 37X, raise 50 ccnti. IMiOyaraa Bopar nam jiaca diii nem, raine 9 1 zj Bobee of Organdie Bcrage, and Bngliah V crag a, at one- if fh.tr va.,..; ; t ;;; MWl'Mtf.V- iB X ' J9 Booth Hih Btreat' ' t'tCHT flTVLIaHaTHIPED CLOTH V BHAWLS, la new dealrne at OS Valaa S 00. LSOO yards Sops Plain Black Bilk at 1 0Vala 1 SJayard. Prrneli Martnoa, 6?t eaats Talne STH aU a yard v -ti.-.: . 7tcata raloeet OWajrart. i ' I ' c , -' BAIN at P0f ' 9oS .t'LUTI a Bos W goath Hlfb BtraeC T nENTLlflliatl rCKNIsniNG esvsi. . - KoreltteaJn Mack Tret anS Bearfa. J M . M Byron and Barrota ColIariV"" " "'" t " M Xnbroldetiaa Pocket Bandkercbtrni- Parts KM OloVea. anparior maka. -J '"- h Oolrlea Hill Bhlrta,Tartaaaetyk)ty , a . k CDrrftajand Street eiovca, do " ' ' . ' - . Hemmed Peoket BandkaKhialk, Tariaa. atylas.- . Half lloet aad Under Oarmaals. " - J BAIHIOS eprTB ' no. B9 loath Blch stmt ' "ggFir-T '-f-tf" " 111 ' ' THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH From all Parts of the World. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. WAR FOR THE UNION. A Fight near Newport News. The Maryland Legislature. GOV. HICKS'S MESSAGE. The Rebellion mast be Put Down. LATEST FROM MISSOURI. Outrages on Union Men. THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. The Everlasting Slavery Question. A PEACE COMMISSION PROPOSED. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. A Fight between Union Gunboats and a Rebel Steamer. sbarn eneaee meat between the United Slates gunboats Ilet- ael, Seymour, Whitehead and Shawnee, and a enei steamer supposed to be the Yorktown, took place yesterday about, five miles above Newport News. ". The bombardment lasted about two hours, eommencinf at five o'clock In the morning. . The rebel ateemer kept cloee to the shore, where a powerful battery assiated U materially, but never venturing;- within ranee of our gims.- - Tbt engagement was kept ap with great vigor.. . a A flag of trace, In charge of Provost Marshal Davis, went from here this moralnar to oonvev Mr. Pangborn, Conaul for Saxony to New Or leans, to Norfolk. By that means we learn that the rebel vessel engaged in the action yes terday was the steamer Patrick Henry. The rebels claim that 00 damece waa done them. Affairs in South America. Niw Yoik, Deo 4,-Advlces from St. Thorn as via Panama, report that the Captain of the privateer Jeff. Davis waa 00 board the British mail steamer Trent when Slldell and Mason were taken, from on board of her by Captain Wilkes. H t -j - (- r- ,s ; ;v A Dutch fleet of eleven vessels were to be off Ltgnayra November 7th, to demand satis faction from Venezuela for having trampled on the Dutch flag.- , ; --r - The Dutch Government bad concluded to al low United States vessels of war to remain in their ports forty-eight hours to eoal. ' The West India 8teamship Company have, In- consequence of the Trent affair, ordered all their agents to forward no more eoal to vessels or the United States The aooouota from Bolivia are denlorable The Commanding General at Lspos had order ed the execution of over two hundred persons, who recently were engsged in revolutionary movements. Among those who bad been execut ed, were Ex-Preaideot Cordora, Gen. iierlosa, a number oi priests aud four Colenels. Arrival of the Northern Light. Nsw Yoix, Dee. 4 The steamship North ern Light from Aspinwall, Nov. 26th, has ar rived. She brings $373,000 in treasure.. The Captain reports that information hid been re ceived at Aspinwall that the privateer Sumter waa at Martinique Not. 'Jib, and that the Unit ed o La tea gunboat Iroqnoia waa within four houra' sail of her. Power Mill Exploded. SraiNarrLB, 0., Dee. 4jA powder mill ex plosion took place at Yellow Springs, nine miles from here, at 7:50 this evening.-' The shock of the explosion was strongly felt here. We can not hear the particulars to-night. . J-.' Maryland Legislature. Bai.TiHoai, Deo. 4. The Legislature organ ized to day by electing Mr. Berry Speaker of the Ilouee, and Mr. Goldsborough President oi the Senate. : Ths Governer's message was trsnsmitted. It is eminently loyal and patriotic He aays he has convened ths Legislature in apeolal session in order that they may at once perform clearly the express will of the people by taking such steps as seem most effective lo vindicate the honor and loyalty of the State, by undoing as tar as possible, snd remedying the evils or the legislation of their predecessors. . , tie un es measures for the pavaaent ot tne State's portion of Ihe aatlonal lax for the ex penses of the war. s He says the rebellion must be put down, 00 matter at what cost. Uur State must bear her share, and he hopes it will be done with no niggard band. He urges a loan for the purpose; also that it is due to the pride of the House that . immediate provision be made for raising and. equipping Maryland's quota of volunteers for the war. "' 1 He also recommends legislation for the sum mary puniabment of persons la Maryland who snail oe convicted ot aiding or abetting in any manner those who are lo arms against the Gov ernment. . ; . : - ... -u r-" i fi I i . ' BaLTiMOkE, Dec. 4th. Gen. McClellad paid a flying viait to hia family at Farkton, Balti more county, this morning. He psssed through tniy city this evening, returning to Washington by special train. 1 - ' From Missouri. SiDALtA, Deq. 4. The country west of, here is again reported tolo overrun with numerous bands of from fifty te seventy-five men, wbe represent that they are from Price's army. ' They enter every union man's no use and carry off all the beddinc, clothier, and provisions thev oan find, aad drive off all the Borees and cattle, the larger gangs having bcrees and wagons to transport tneir bootv. . rnci win undoubtedlv run to Price as goon as they oan steal enough to supply tueif waoia ior m winter. . A detachment of cavalry left here this morn ing, snd we shall probably soon hear of some Skirmishes. From Washington. Washington, Deo. 4-Mr. Saulsbury, of Del aware, offered a resolution to-day In the 8enata to appoint Edward Ererett, Geo. E.Pogh, Geo. M. Dallas, Chief Justice Taney aad. ethers, as commisaionera to meet a -similar commission from the seceded States, to arrange for a res toration of the Union and ceeeatioa- ef hostili ties. This resolution waa greeted with laughrer In the beiate, and laid aside. 1 '' ' -.Senator Wilson has Introduced a bill to pun ish ofijeers oT the army or soldiers who, shall return fogitires from slavery. -- i ..j, Not much real business will be tpansaoted la either House of Congress before the commence' mentot tne new year. ' 1- r -. Scouts who have just come In report that there is a foroe ef oao thousand rebels at Ger man town r alee there ia a large force at Centra Till. Al Manassas and vicinity the rebels are sixty boqaend strong, , . POST OFFICE WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 1861. A branch office having been established at be Capitol, in the city of Waahlngton, tbe va rious distributing; effioes are hereby directed, during tbe session of Congress, to claca all let- ters and aewspapere directed te the members of tbe House ef ' Representatives, - in teparate pohches Iron ail .otneraiall matte, add label soeh. poucbes "Cofigress, Wsablngton, . C", JNO. A. First Assistant Post Master General. First Assistant Post Master General. THIRTY SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session. WASHINGTON, December 4. BisaTa. afr. Chandler Introdacel a retolntlan to expel Mr. Braoklnridra. i- Sir. Powell took around af aloet It. AA Mr. Brecklp- i rMta had already reelf nod, ha aeald act bt expelled. I nr. TroHbaUl Inilated th.t b. tnoaia Be eipc.ica, ana nrta a eubaututt ft Mr. Oaanaiaa a raaoiuuon.aa ioi lowr - WmrarAt. Joan 0. Braeklaridn. A mamaar at Ull body, baa Joined tha enemtea of bia eonntry and It now in arme aaainat tba Noranimaat as aaa aworu wrap- port; tharafora, . " Kaolvtti, That tha traitor Braeklnndfa aa tzpeuea. Mr. Ohandlaraosanlad tha tnbttttata, and the reaola- tlon at thai amended waa unanlmoualy adoptad yea. 34, aajeaont. NotTotlncarabeent. Maaan. Bayard, Bricht, Jobnaon of Tenneeeao, Johaaoa of Mlaaourl, Pearea, Palk, Powell, Blot, Baulabnry and Wlllay. Iba followlna atandinv aommlUaaa ware annonnoed.. Phay art tba tamt at atlhs lMteea.lon. wita tba follow Ins changaa. - . 1 - On Porelf a BelaUooa-Mr. Harris ta tba place af Mr. Bncklnridge. Oa MUllarr Affair. Mr. Batmlth'ln the Dlice of Mr. Baker. On Public Landa Mr. Oarli.la In the Dlaoe of Mr. BlDfhaa. . Oa Panalona Mr. Wllley hi plaes of Mr. Bingham. On Territories-Meaara. Pnmaro and Oarlllle tn place tf Mr. Bakarand Mr. Braoklnrldn. the committee on Bnrolled Bltla will eoniltt of Meaara. Browolnf , Willay and Baalabwry. Mr. Wilton oilled attention Ua lUt of colored per torn confined la pritona la Wuhlofton, lent there by paraont calling thamaelrat Ju.tlcei of tha Peace. Tha report had been made br Detactira Allen to tha Provoit aianaai. Mr. Nelaoa Introduotd a retolatloo for their releaat. Mr. Hala admaatcd Uia aeaenan of tha neolatlon Bt r. marked that wa arc aow anpportlng tha tlavat of the rebel! for them during tha war. Ha tbawght thlt oountry tha moat corrupt, from tha Baprtms Coart down, of any othar In tha world, tba eonraa of juatlca in true city was moat extraordinary, tit argoea mat u wu tha duty af Oongreai to look Into tha admlnlftratton af Joatlea In thla Diatrlat. - ' Mr. Wllaan ramarkad thatbt bad vuited tbett poor pertona la Jail and witataaed tha tulnre of which bt bad epoken, and the cruel condition In which lnmalaa wan placed. Ht tndortad tha vlewt axpraaaed by Mr. Hale at to tha admlniatratloa af luetic In thlt Dtatriet. H waa willing that hit rteolaUoa should ba referred to tha Judiciary Committee. . nr. aiouougall taggeataa that intttad or announcing tht admlnletration of Ju.tica -a tha Dl.trict, thty thoald propote a proper rarncd and dlacaat tlha bett modt of reform. Mr. Petiendeammaikad ta tha Bcnatora. that durlna a former a. a. ion, whlla Uwat prupotad to make appro priation, for withholding tha moans for othar parpoeea. Tie., ror wa proeeenuoa or ta war, waa urged, aa 10 tha Judiciary ayttem in thlt Diatriot, ha had for yean looked oa tha hopala.ineat tf reform, bail now bt taw an opportunity for a changa, and thereto, wlahed that tha ratyeol wool he rally and properly dealt with . With regard t fuglttv tiara than waa much feeling oa that qaeetlon, tad II we Intimately connected with the aiffioultlej in which tbe country it now tnvelrtd. Be would mete out Jaatlct and dltcriminata at to th (acta. bt debate waa further continued. Among the apeak- era waajir. Siuan.r, In aarnatt approbation of bit 00W letgue't Ktolution, which wu referred I tha committee on OletVlct of Columbia Affaire. . Oa motion of Mr. Clark. II we resolved that tht Mar thai of the Piatrict of Oolumbia ba requeued to report Immed aloly te the Benatt tha name of all ptraona now conSned hi th jail of th City of Washington, with tha oaatat af their commitment, tbe namee of tht augia- trattt by whom committed, tba length of their imprlKn- meat, and th namet of tht p enont who mad toe flnt arraat. Oh motion of Mr. wilron, It wit reeolred that tie lawt now in tbrce within tha Vletriet of Oolambia rela tire to the arrtet of lagltlrea from tarvlca or labor, to- S ther with all other laira concerning peraont of color tht Di.trlct of Oolnmbit, bt referred te tht committee on the District of Columbia, and that the committee bt further Inttruc ted to eoneider tht txptdlency of ibel lablDi tlarery In tht Dlatrlct, with compeaiatlon to tht loval ovKara of tht tlares. UXm. Wilkinaon Introduced a bill to abolith ihe diitlno Uoo between Tolunteera and regluara. Mr. Baulabury offered a Joint retolatloo which Is at followa: Wxruit, Tht people of tht Btatet ofvlrauila. North Carolina, Booth Carolina, Georgia, PlorMa, Alabama, Miattaeippl. Loudlaoa, Tcxat, Arkanaa and Tanntaae. an tn nvolntion againtt tha tonaUtatlonal OoTernment of the United Btatea, and hare uaamcd to accede from tbe Pedenl Union, to font an Independent gorernment under tne name 01 ina oonteaerate Bute, or America; and whereat, tht Congrem of tbe United Ptatei, appror Ing of the eentlmentt of tht Pretident In hie annual meemira that the Union mntt be pre .erred, and hence all dieposablt mesne mutt be employed ; aad btllerlag that kind and fraternal feeling between tht people of all tbe Btatea It lndltpenaabl to the maintenance of a happy and protperout Union; and being willing to manliett aucb feeling on their part to them; and that peace may benttored to thle diatracted country, and the Union and Oonetltntlon be pKearred and maintained; and lnrltlDf tbe co-operation of the people of the afoma'd Btatea In the asoompi'lahment of thlt object, it desirable to each tod till Jtetolttd, That Millard Plhnore, Fnnklln Pierce, Boger B. Taney. Edward Brerett, Geo, M. Dallat, Tbot. Swing, Horace Barney, Bererdy Jobnaon, John J. Crit tenden, Geo. M. Pugb, and Richard W. Thompson, be and they an hereby appointed Oomminionentn tbe part ot Congress to confer wkh a like number of Commie tionera to be appointed by the Btatea aforecald, for tht pnserratioa of the Unloa and the maintenance ef tbe Conatltutlon; and that they report the retult Meaidcen forenoe to Oontear for approral or rejection Jtmolved, That upon tne appointment of Communion an at henby Invited by aaid Btatet. and npen tht meet ing of tbe joint commlaaton for the purpoe 0 of confer ence, the eforeaaid actiTe hoetllltiet thali ceaae and bt tuapended, and thall not ba itntwed unlet aaid 00m mlmlon ahall ba unable te aaree. er in case of an agree ment by them, talot agreement thall be rejected either by uonireaa or hr the aioreeaia Btatet. . Tht retolation wu laid on tbe labia. On moUon of Mr. Sumner, It wu Btecivtd, That the secretary ot War b reqaeiled to farnteh to the Senate eopiet cf any general orden lo th Military Department of Mi.iourl relating to f ugltlrt urea, Mr. Hale submitted tha following, which Ilea over: IWWWI. a tim uv vwiwulw. iw .uuiiiwr w ui- trocted to inquire into tht expediency and propriety of abollthiag the preeent euprame Court or the United Blatea, and tftabllahlng loatead thereof a Bupreme Dour in ponuance of toe proriaiont 01 uia uonautu tlon; which, In tbe opinion of Oongnet, will meet the requirement of the Oonttitutioa. . Amonr the billl Introduced wen the follewlna: By Mr. Latham A bill te eetabliah a line oftleam mau anipf netween eau rranciaco ana naangnai, roucn Ing at the Sandwich Ialanda and Japan; and the bill to authorise and facilitate mining operationi In the State of Oregon aad California tn tba territory ef tht United Btatet. -. .... ' . , Adjourned. Hones. Mr. Hurley gart notice of hit intention to Introduce a bill to connaoatt all property belonging to persons In rebellion against tht Gorernment of tht Unit ed Bates, Including persons recognised as alana, who shall ba made free men; and to proride for their employ ment during tbe war, their subsequent apprenticeship to loyal masters, ana tntlr anal oolonltauon. Mr. Lorejoy, from the committee on Agriculture, re ported a homestead bill. After Incidental debate, the homestead bill wu re ferred to the committee ou Public Lande. Ur. Upton introduced a tail -for tba rettorauon or Alexandria county to the District of Oolumbia. On metka of Mr. vallandltham, a resolution wu adoptad, requttting the Pretident to communicate to the Bouse, it net incompatible with th public Interests, eoplee of any communicauocit aoareeaea to ine stxeca- ttre br in uortrnmenm ei ADKiena, epxin ana s ranee, in regard to tba armed lnterrention proposed by tbtm in tht .flairs of Mexico, and any tther information ba may hara ta oommunieale. ' Mr. Butohln Introduced a joint letolutloti ccnotrnlog the rebellion th otnaideraUaa of which waa postponed; also th following:, i -- Wassuaa, It hu been repretented that than an con fined la tha Qorerntaent Jail forty-fir prisoners whe an not charged with crime, but an represented at being slaves, therefore, Beeolved, That the committee for tb District of Oo lambia be Instructed to Inquire into tha truth of said re port, aad by what authority they are confined; who arc the reputed owner, and what legislation If any is neces sary to releae tbtm from imprisonment; and lo prevent person! from being similarly Imprisoned hereafter; aad to report by bill or otherwise. Adopted. Mr. Pendleton Introduced, a resolution which wu adopted, Instructing the committee on Military affaire t report what change tf any Isntotctary in tbt modt of payment of Solditrt who an htld at prisoners of war. Mr. Cox Introduced tbe following, which wu nfernd to the committee oa tbe Judiciary: , , Wntaait, Tht exchange of pateonera tn tht present war has already been practiced Indirectly; and .. inch txohangt weald not only increase the enlistments snd rigor of our army, but subserve tht highat t interests of humanity; and u such exchange dees not Involve the saeornltion of tht rebels u a (Government; therefore, JtMolotd, That tha President of tht United States be requested to Inaugurate and systematise measures for the exchange of prisoners In tbt preeent war. Mr liolman Introduced a preamble reiterating the sen tlntntt contained in the Crittenden resolutions, adopted at the lMt session, In affect that the war was forced npon us by tbe dlsunlonists, that the only object In car rying it on by th Doited States it to r-tblish obe dience to tha Oenttitatton and tba Union; and that,' when Lhasa object an accomplished, tha war ahall cease, etc. . - - - -1 Mr. Holman's propotltloi oonoluded with a resolution re offering these sentiments. ' On motion of Mr. Stevens ef Pean. it wu laid an the table by a vote of 71 against OS. . Mr. Dunn offered a resolution Instructing the commit' tea en Porelgn affairs to ineulre Into the praotloabUlty and expediency of prooaring tbt right and privileges of sett lament in any part of this Continent or en the adja cent Island south ef the United Btatea, for tha habita tion of In persons of Attlcan descent who may choose to emigrate thereto fron the United Btatea, for the formation of Independent ce tcntta, to be protected from ' fsnlga molestation. , Adopted. Mr. Lorejoy and Mr. Conway severally Introduced proposition on the subject of tlarery, the consideration of which was postponed. I - , . - ' Mr. Watte, delegate from Hew Mexico, Introduced a preamble concluding with a resolution requesting tht Secretary of War to report to th House wbat measures hare been or ought to b take to expos Major Lyade and ether army officen who may be guilty of treason or eevardioe In Sarnaderiag a targer and sa peri or foroe ef Catted Btatet soldlwa tt Irxaa troop, a that tnooe wa an innocent stay be rehired from blame, etc. Adopted. Mt. Bntchins uked leave to Introduce a bill to abolith slavery In the District tf Columbia. Mr. Cox objected.- I r I ".. P 9 ' T ' Adjoaraed. i - ' .'' " From Kentucky—Federal Troops Attacked at Somerset. UmrrrUtE, Dee. 4.Tbe, Trovost; Msrsial ordered all retail liquor establishmsnts to close at T o'clock, every evening, until further orders. " " ' -The- dRWrtmcnt-rjf" the redera! trooPBrra large numbers, in and stound Louisrille, elicits ue encomiumB oi everynoay, Captain Buckohurl, who hu raised two cav alry companies tor Colonel Boyle's Ksntucky It r avalrvreeiment. and who refialved seventeen wounds In tbe Mexican war, was yesterday elected Lieutenant-Colonel of that regiment. B A letter to the Democrat from Somerset, on tne cocoenand rivet, says lioskins s raaerai trooos. enoamoed near Sommerset on Cumber land river, were attacked . by rebels who had planted artillery on the opposite side of the riv er, Sunday last. Tbe eorreaptmdeot says one rebel officer was killed, tut given t lurtner particulars.""" , - --,.-w Tbe thirty-seventh "indihlrtyBghth Ohio had come to relieve Uoakios with artillery, . ; . COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK, Dec. 4. W poto an vaw ror pearia. COTIOM Bnlted and prlcet adranoed 1c; of sow aatea al xkc lor Middling Uplanda. , PLOUB Ike market la abade Sneer and ntieea an without much change! demand fair; ealet ef $4,000 MliatOi ' 40 for rejected: 05 35BS 40 for auo atate; ti iiiBi 60 for extra etate. 5 MMZ 40 for auner Ana weatarn; $i totga 80 for common to medium extra western; $1 80(gM SO for shipping brands extra round hoop Obw and BS Otk$6 75 for trade braadi do, market doling arm. Canadian flour may be quoted eteady with a moderate demand: sale, of 850 bbla at Mi 3508 S 40 for enperflnt; S3 407 SO tot common to, obolct extra. ' -...(-, , BYB PLOUB (Julet aad tUady with moderate taltt at syiouoit u, ... OOHH MB AL Quiet and unchanged. WHISKY Lets actl re, bat wiitbout chance; ulet250 barrelaatirtiavixc. . , - i a .. WHEAT The market opened dull and eloeed a shade easier, with only a moderate demand for export; holdera owerer exniou ao rery prcatlng desire to realize tales ol 41,000 butbelt Chioaeo asrinsr at Al 20ai 25 SlOOdo Bacint spring at fltO; 50 000 do Milwaukee euunat 11 X7ti mi; iw.OOSdo amber Iowa at at StKaS 180; tbOO do red elate at t 31X; B6.000 do win tar red western at 1 1 31S1 30; 19,000 do amber Michigan at 1 Wl 38, tbe latter for very choice; 11,300 do whit Indiana at Al 151 38; 15,500 do whit Mlchigaa at 1 4411 48; 6200 do white Kentocky at (1 47; J!t,800 uv vaoaaian ciunat fgi avcavi JU. ' w ' BYE Market rather easier; atlei of '4 500 baihole at rwsMUe. BAKtAlf Unchanged; tiles of 13.200 bothtltt att at COBB Opened a shade firmer and closed eteady al abont yetterdayt prtcea) tain of 148,000 bath at 63J.C l"1 mixra wettani; uftsioue ror good te strictly r""""! oivaioiatmiatoso lar anoaiaadat 050 In Store. ... - . , OATBSall and hoary;, eant at 43948c for Jersey, POBK Market eonUnne fair, but Is without material Change in price; tale 1060 barrel at BI2 40JI3 for meu; H 50aV8 75 for prime. Included Is ealet an lots) mim pimvnmsueiiTeraoie in January. BEEP The market It men ectlre to-oW. and a tbade Srmtr: aaln S500 barnlt at $494 50 lor conn try prime; 5 01XS5KI for country meat; ll S0SI3 SO oi .""' 'Jn otx tor txtra meat rnmt mm beef quiet and unchanged at tie1 3)20. We notice ealet of titj tit roes ef India men at B28. BBS HAM8 Inacttrt. HOOS Dressed, an In entire demud at $4C2i 75 r - aJ.KJSi ..HA-sa-al wniui,, miswi ior oia name and BK(stYc for new do. n BMOKEO MIATB-Idbetlee WAIMflT fltrirl Sari 111 aalVa. easier prloea; sales of f 0 bhds a) 6 8ac BAOON-gldeeflrm and In demand; tales or 1000 boats III ni' 5u,n5"Ul,d "Uldlts; 7xSc for long clear and 8X0 for abort clear. . .. . -I'KD Inf1r lot nd prlcet unchanged; tale of 50 tierces at BMS)ge aad 300 kegs at j,o " "! m BUITBBjtrm, at HiSlSt for Ohio, aid lftS3o for OHEEgB-SltadyatBaSt , , , COPf EB Quiet and wlthant --7. i. -j... salet of 100 bags Bio at 16J.c and jOO mate Ci Ion at 19o! Bio It nominally unchanged. 7JBB ry quiet; itUt of C hhdt Cuba at Mut,aeBi.s In fair demand; sale of 15 hhds Cuba Mntoorado at 27c: 36 hhd.andhhi nrhutM . iian.. S?i!.Po.rtoElco,40:: b "0 hhdt at 3CH'4lc for ce.b. rl MBNTO 150 hagt told at Sjfc.- MUTMBQ3 15 kegs sold at 50c cash: ' SPIRITS OP TUAPBNriNS-Ontetat v fo. ,,m. BOO .I--. r- -- h08IN-Ie lewar; salt of 400 bbla at 5 50. TALLOW Bather easier: lar is nrn a. - western at .tcf 1900 fca prime southern at Oo. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Dec. 3. PtOUR Bupeiflne Anils a dull market at Si. arut family of good quality will hardly bring orer i S5. Bpecnlaton ean see no margin for tht risks of a venture and shippers cannot get their money back on consign urui i - WHEAT Until to-dsr there hu keen heavy market for wheat;- now th Inquiry ta good, both from local and Interior miller. An adranoa in price wu eetabllshed ta dar, saasnly on the atrength of the ofleringe. Prime red wu taken readily at 85c, and aalea of very desirable were made at87. White wu scarcely offered at all. There wereealeo reported at 00 and (K2e. Tbt rang ef prices for It extends from 87c to 93c. COttN In ready demand, and then wu not much re sistance to-day on the part ot buyen to an advance of cper puenei mating it xeo. OAT Bare a firm market, bat with somewhat Irreg alar price. We would quote thtm at S73e , BYK-Is In some request at 41c. BABLBT It tailing mora freely and it hard to buy at KH Lli.ii too. WHISKY Recovered a little of tht late Ion In price. HU uwj 1 iur BUUI II Jl.0. BOOB-To-day. altbonah d rover, exhibited consider. ble independence aad spirit, the most of th packers were quit u stouu u iney nave been heretofore In their Indifference. Then wen somt, however, whe wen in the market and tan it little better tons than it h.d yesterday. Wt widen tb rang of prices a little, and makt them B3 Busts 35. There wu ana aaU it -, In. at S3 40. but even S3 35 appears to atrai tha market. and this figure it consequently regarded u abort U. v HuiaiaKAaC. M , t . ) t Commercial. Superior Court 'of Franklin. Coun- Joseph Prict and wife) W1 Bta-lpagallB., John Cramer at al. ) 8al in partition. I If PrRSCBTfCE OF'lf ORDER Of the aaid Court to me directed, I will offer for tale at the door tt th Coart Hons In tbt city f Colum bus, on Saturday, tb 28th day of December, 1861, . bet la hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and. o'clock m., we sonowing desert bed real estate, tilnate in osumy oi rranxim, ana Brass ef Ohio, to wit; in remaiaaer or a tract of land estimated to contain one hundred and Are acres, known at th Old loor sums raim, seing in tamt land conveyed by John An derson to hit torn Robert. Joanne. Basdlns? and John Anderson, by deed dated July 13th. 1839, after catting off fifty acre, from the eaat tide of aaid tract, which was setoff to Robert King and rift, la an amicable partition, by deed dated December 18th, 1855 " Appraised ot (OS 09 par acra. , ry.- -qboW. BUPFMAB, Iherlu. Printer fees, 8 00.- -- k Nor 17, UOl-wtd, . . " Masted CmmiMioner's - SaW : JojhuABaldwln,;ad'mVyn ?;'! va. 5 Court ot Common Pltaf. ' 1 ' Blchard Bnowdea tt al.r -" DTTIIITI1E OF Alt ORDER OF 8 ALE U t m lit rented from the Court of Ootnxeoa Plea of Pranklln county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door oi tne uoan nouee. in int city at comment, Ohio, on Saturdayathe 4;h day of ianuary, A. D. 18C3, betwtea the honn of 10 A. M and 4 P. M, the follow ing premises, tttuatt In tht city of Oolumbut, Pranklln county, 0-, to wit: . . - In-Lot No. 395; also, lott Not. 14. 15.X 17, 18, 10, SO, SI and ti, of fnowdcn'i sublitlsloq ot But-Lots Mot. 33 and 34 of tali city. Arp-ti!red at Lot No. 30J l.f.'. t3 900 00 , n. Kna. it Mil lt. nil m.1 'i 1, (. lit .n 4 IT MH fWl . 1 t -t J .. r.?.r 1UT - if ,a tn DALAI AM " V BUW ... B . WW VV 1 .A-" . i ! ;. , a ft.. W. KUFPMAN, Bhertff, ', . , ana aiuur vommieaioner. dtcSdlt-wtd , .e.j.., . , ,. - . Sherift'e Sale. . ' I Jeter APreuler vk . . , ! Thonu Daniel. Dee. 3, p. SM, ( Baptrior Ooart, ' BT TIRIDB 99 Alf ORDPR OF BALE to ma directed, from the BuperiorOourt of Pranklln County, Ohio, I 'rill offer lor ukt, at to deer of ah Court Boat, ba ta city f Columbus, Ohio, ea - ' Saturday, (he 4th day ql January, A.' VI 18G3, Vietweta tha houre ef IS oVilook A, M. aud 4 'lock P. Mm ta following land aad ttuimtuta. sltoat la tbe aoanty of Pranklln, - Btaet of Ohl. and la tb tow of Worthing tan, and known and described u follow, to ' a?h aorta eqnal third part Of la-lot aamber nlnetr two (09), aa di.tloTeliked th rtgina1 and rreirdeO put of the towa wf Wertbragtea, tn said Prank Ira ea ty, Ohio, swing tb earn preasrea) eonrevad hy (aid i netware n. xuiier anu aoonna la rat, to tela Tales Pastel, by deed dated August Siilh, A. s. 1855, . ' AnprtiscA at ttWO SO. , Prlcter'trtes B8 00. . i "..- . , noi-dltwtd , , iit, IrisK linen' -Goodi Hi WARRANTED FAR?f IO " - , Linen Shirt Boeoln fisan and faaey a tthlrtln Mil Tli mi i I I 1 . ' ' 1 -j- : Llaem Bhtetrnes and Pillow Carina. " :. v i Uaea Oambrie and Ifsog isnrna. - .... Line Psskil handk'ls, all slu. - d -m i ' Llnn Towellings acid Diapem u V linen Nnriklns and C'Oylle.' A , linen Table Clotii.and Batia Lvmuka. ' linen Towels with colored border. " ' Llpen 8 utlr Coverings and Orsak. ' . 'T- Portal at low oriua. 7? BATS Ss BON, febn Re-nrthHlahstrrti, 4 . Master missioner's Sale. ...... . Baawal Panons' Bxecatm rs ... . . T .T".' . .,- . uprlor Court. John K. Beyl at all. . " - -a DT TIBTVE OF 4 B BRDKa a a i r Jj lo sue directed from th Superior Overt of P raaklU Ooanty, Ohio, I will Ter .for sale at the door at ih r a ,1 . 1 .1 A -1 1 vimrnwiPl m vmwui w -,ninea, on Batutday. tbe vow aj or December, A. D. . ! joui, between the boon of M 'clock a. sr., and 4 o'cUrk m ths following deecrlbtd real estate , tltnate in the eaaatT inuiiia mu pm vi vow. w w iw wu m oa aereo 2) eight, (8) nla. (tf) and ten. (10) of 'John and Henry lllcr's subdivision of lots Bos. els hty-nlne, (8)'ninety, (00) and ninety-one; (01) of Creator's additlen to out lou est of Columbus, a delineated on tht plat thereof, re corded la rolume one, page seventy, of the record of plait i wma couniy, .. .. Appraltf d Loll Hoi. 7, 8, at 1300 00 each. A. W HUPPVAB, Sheriff . : and Master CommisaiuBer. Printer t rres $0.00. norl7-dllAwtd . . i - , ... " : Sheriff's Sale. . Pianclt tt. BUry by his next frltLd. 1 , tutryptory, peiiuoner I Superior Court. Joseph Story ek othtrst Kipondes!!. J VS. - I VMnklln mii.I. BT VIRTUE OF All ORDER OF BALE t me directed from th Superior Ooart of Prankha oumy, Ohio, I will offer for sale at tht door ot th win mouso, in u oiiy oa uoioanbui, on - Baioraay, tne em day of January A. D. 18C2, at onto clock. P. U-, th followiog described real as' isu, situate in ricuant township, franklin county' Part of taswey No. 3800. of tht Vlifclnle M llll.r. a.,,. reyt, beginning tt a tske In ths southwest corner of the tract of land, containing cm hundred sores, conveyed to Jostsh Btvant by Joseph Story by deed bearing date Hay 7, IKW; thence tonth 7i poles to a stake aud four email hickories and nn elm; thence eul 124 poles to a Make In a pimuic, lucuce norm vi poles to a stake on tbe west sids of an elm marked u corner in the line of the Bloat lot; Ike ore west 124 pole to the beginning, containing fifty-two and n half acre, mora or leaa; nhiiw.t - oower niai nereimor mi a ana asslgntd to Mail' Story, widow of mid Marmsdus Story In said premises deMtlbed u follows: Beginning at a atake from which a black walnut 13 inches in diameter bean N. 4iii detr. A. IS links; thence 8. S deg. W 8polt inl SO links to a state; thence B. 88 deg. B. 124 poles to a stake In the west ttne of Yeoman's land: th.m u. on i - -. 90 Inks to a Itikt la the west elde of an elm mw. . sorurr, incnee b- oo orj. wrt is poles to tit begin' Taasn or Bau. Ont third in hand. or,a third ! year, and ont third I two ynra, with Interest from tht wt tuno oy ttortgar. f , ,ppristi at f u uu per ear. . ,-..A'im,j,."'-'V. HUPPM AB. Sheriff, ' By Kn. Bsvii, Beputy Prioter'sfec IS Ml . -,. . , aavtVeUtssets) . . .... .. . , , The Court of Common Pleas Frank- - lin County, Ohio. - Joteph Btory I.- !Doc. 3, pate Ml, Mo. Bal In partition. - 315 Baaael 0. Story tt al tf PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF tht laid Court to mt directed. I will offer lor u . public tuition at tht door of tht Ooart Boat, in tht city of Columbus, on Saturday, the Slat day of December, 18C1, between tbe hours of IS o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M.. in following described real utata, situate In tht coun ly ei aranaim at a Btaet or Vhloi Th undivided two-ninths Ci 91 nf a erll tr.- panel ef land, situated In th county; of Pranklln and Btateef Onto, lyUig oa Darby Big Bun, a branch of Darby Onek, a put of thrlinal anrreiHo. a an and bounded aad daseribed u follow: Beginning at a large ttont la the Ban, lower corner , Josiah Bivent' lot la the loath of said ari.in.i survey Mo. 3.811; Ihenc with uid line south eighty, nlnt (89) degree out one hundred and forty (140) poles at the sontheut corner, corner tree down; thence with tnaeast line north one '1) degree east sixty-three and one-half (63S) poles to a bar oak and thru nd elms north eiahty-nln (80) deg reu wtet one hundred and fifty ( ISO) poles to a point In tht oentn of tht run , w iih its meanders, to thl plsee of beginning, containing sixty (60) acres mora or lew Appraised at V 15 00 per acre . ' a. w. nnppMiv a,.,ir Printer ftei S 00. , -. , . , novli.ld. ,; ' -,' Master Commissioner'a Sale. Lout) Lindtman VS. . ' . ' r .flnnertAV flArt. Ilaldimond Crary tt al. J BT rirtu of an order of tale lo me directel from the Superior Court of Prenklin counte. Ohio. T will or. fer for sale at tht door of tht Court House in the City of Columbus, on Saturday, the 14th day of December, A. D. 1 10W, at out o'clock P. M , the following described real estate. attuate In the county of Pranklln and Stele of Ohio to wit: - Lota numbered thlrtv nine r.Kn. fart. na trf..... ti1Ji,0iLt,"two (4J- ,Dd ,ort three 3). In the addition of H. Crary and cthen to tbe city of Oolambua, as designated In the plat of aaid addition, recorded tn the Keeoruer s otnoe of Pranklln onnty, Ohio. Ayiinuiru av . Lots Not. 39. 40 and 43, 950 00 each. ; " 41 aid 42, 300 00 " . W. HUPPMA1. Sherltr and Matter Oommlssiontr. Printer', fees, 6. nov3-dlUkwtd Domestic Cotton Goods. BAIN & SON OFFER she most Extensive mint of . ; Brown and Bleached Cotton flannels; I " - Muslins; Barnaley Cotton Sheetings; ' Boteot Styln of Oallco't and Deblnet; Tickings, Bbirtingt, Glnghamt, And Cotton Batting. Also, BlankaU, flannel, ' Ouelmens, Cloak Cloths, etc, etc. Muoh below regular prices. BAIN et BOM, ' ctlS ' ; r. n South High Street. G a EAT CUB E DR. LELAITD'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 Id THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR . Rheumatism, Goat and Kearalgia, ! AND A SUR1 CUBB f 0B All ; Mercurial Diseases. It is a oonranlentty arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, tobtwornaroandth Waist, without Injury te th most delicate person.; no change In habits of, living si required, and It entirely removes the dit an from th ayttem, without producing tb Injurious effect arising from tbt use of powerful internal medi dntt, which weaken and destroy th constitution, and era temporary relief only. By thlt treatment, the med nal properties contained ba the Band come In contact with th biood and reach thl disease, throusb the pone of the Uin, effecting ta every instance a perfect can, and restoring the parts afflicttd to a bealiliy condition, Thlt Band U also a mostpowerful Airn-Mxxouaui. agent, and will entirely relieve the system from tbe fwnmtoM effects ol Mercury. Moderate eatee are cured In a few day, and we an constantly receiving testimonials of Its attieacy In a it raveled oaen cf long standing. Paica 12,00, to be bad of Drwggista generally, or can be ten thy malt or exprett, with full directions for m to any ptrt of tht ooantry direct from th Principal Office, . , , , ., , I . lo. 408 8K0ADWAY, jTsv Tork. ." ! G. SMITH 8l CO., Sole Proprietors. , X. I. Descriptive Circulara Sent f raa, ,. ' A. J, BOHUBItLBB Sc BOB, Paoasnsii, aerrwra. Mo. 77 S. High BU MU f rieod tad Mosmd, Oolaanbna, O. JD Areata Wamteel Ererfwhere. ' , mh!8 lylsorlstp dAw '.-'-, i Elegant lace Ilantillas, iPATTV eJt boKT, T$o. 29 South High St., HAtB nst optuad an Invoice .of very- mrgt and bandtcma . h '. , . PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA UCE MANTILLAS AND P0INTES. . 1 Wide French Laces roa Shawls. Very Deep Freioh Flooociog Laoea. Ti .' Real Thread, French, Cbaotilla ft Qeocveee Valenciennes, Point i Que, Brussels and Thread -Laces and Collari, . YALENCIENNE3 TRIMMED H'DKFS, ' MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINEN COLL R3 4 CTJFF3, - . ... i-..---. f- 11 la svew Shapes, PAPER COLMR3 k. CUFFS. ' ' - For traveling miOKB TJ Nt?BXT AJLiIjV I1W. ".. . -' ;.. , -. - . , - . - Ravelins Preisai' Goodar MOIAMBIQUBS, POPLIIf 8, BHBPffBRD'S CpECK , BILES, FOIL B OBIT BBS, v ' , -'- --t i lATELLAS, BBO0HB TALKKCIlS, Ac. o. Tbe b,st and most fashtoaabl styles la th ally, a AT VERY LOW PRICKS. BATBskSOM, -JtSl , tt oth High Buret. THS OHIO STATjMAJsTItZm j. .'1B4MK AttB JOB C iPRINTINQ ISTABLISliilWr, , . Hsrlng Incrsase Its slraady KXTElTSlVl FAOILITIKS ' i ' : .r sf . , t . Is folly prrparad to axecat la tht - r" M09T SLABOHATB If ANlffiBv AKfs IB X . J.... THE LATEST ITVLBI, . CATALOGUES, -BBIBPS, BILLS UDIN3, BILL DBADS, NOTES, DR4PT3, OHBCKS, . IBOUIABB,- ' fsJSIPBXBTS, IXSS'B HIABS, ' IICUC BLANKS, BRAT BI0IIPT3, LABELS, CARDS, ENVELOPES, ' t RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Equal to any fjtabUshmeot in tb Stet, and upea ttnai which win eompan favorably with tb leading Eastern Printing House.' Hav-ino; every Facility to aid Vm tit TBI PAOOUOTION OP ELECJANT POSTERS AB HIGHLY ILLUMINATED SHOW CARDS, We offer our surrioei to all who may deslrs thst class ' of work. We hart connected with oar BaUMlihment a BLANK BOOK BINDERY. Prom whl we prodoc the FluesBt BleazilK. Worlj !tD TBI MOST 8 ;i t B BAIL ItOAB BLAKE BOO OUH TABLISHMEN T Is to beadmitted HS MOST COMPLETE IN fACILITIES, ar tr host PERFECT lie ORGANIZATION In this City, tnd w may add, WE WILL FAVORABLY COMPARh WITB AITV . Priatlnc Hoaae la the Weat. RICHARD NEVINS, PB0PBIZT0B GOOD SMIARITAN, (salaBriaw .- t E. B. AnMSTROWa,- ;: i No. 17 East Town Street,' ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES AND TIN AYAUfc- haST A Ursa stock cf tht GOOD 8 HABIT AB oa arl9-d3m coLtrimua OPTICAL i;3TITUTL' " i .- , ... . ; ... - Tte BUaa B'rtiriclal- Help se 4at7 II aaataa i(k ever I .. ... , . iOSSfO, 8. 1TES1EY, -.-t-it.e, PRACTICAt ft SCIENTmC OPtrCUN.t KEEPS TUB LARGEST . ASSORT t seat of the moat improved kiud f Bpaeteete, ail kt QJatssa, whether for near or ftr-slghted, aie srsmnd la eosrsv fnrm with lb freates , e as t salt the By all e, wrlna vSeasneet.. Diaslnes er InSaaamatloa ef the By, aod sssparUna Mrenrth fur leas; reading or flnt awwinf - Olttce, Bast State etreM, ex Sellaer Sk W tenter's Baste Store .r,r( f-tr ,v? snMsVday. - , c j.-.t- - jj, THE REST (BHldDi Of EAMILI ' BLOB A, bj barrel r day toad. for sals by - WM. B. B18TIBATJX. avlS - 106 Boath Utah kirec. -""Ma . ' t . ... . -1 t ilia