fold more importance than merely ar teles oou- wetiand or war. Now, the rlghtj In time of war, of every bel ligerent ttiip to search ell vessels, except na tional votsels, for contraband, baa never beotf denied. Tbe Qaeeu'e proolematiou prooeedeet apoa tbli prlnalple. Hauifeullle propound nlsed U4b-Bmt39it"TrlflTaaf tbie dootritie,.. Lillet . Jastliie. Maohall.- reoor Wheeton, 8331;, .o tiAUCu &2 T4 pablioUti,iVh,a.. end Ortolan, adopting the opto ton ot lb Begllah )tdfe, -4oev. upon "Th tret tport ' of dUpal bee bjr a DWinl ae en not quite grave ae lb minor of troop t, tad U leedlQg.t tbarirmntntliaa f ftoaeetraivouei.. " .";..,, ,it- v-v i r"-b. 8ooh,l tbeDKUi! of Heutfenllle. " Hoi tile dlapatohee ere is the' Uui eategorj'wUeV oontrabaod.'t (Chltxy'i V ojf, NaUou", p H7j PuilIcBOro, 36937Uj; Jt Kent, 454j . Whoo, 889.) 'K I ,-,. ft! V.,i, ;" la the oie of lb' OroMboT blob "carried three soidiere aod tel'6iv,iUae, ia the Dumb Servioe frqo JlipOxio.EkUTiSir Wtllletn 8oettbel4C" . '-i t:,"'''. Ihli lh eaat of to' aAmlt'tsJ' Amerloao. veweli but the tiileafrttriiatiftnti Impugned oi( the ground ef lie having beta emplojed, mi the time bl the otputre, la the eervtoe eMhe eoeav. fa transporting mister, pe-aoae, rot w Maat, end altinutely la fiautv-a. ., Xbei vet Ml bind try the enemy for th oauveyaece of military peieone ttlieoeeleerod u a treua,.ori tuwt,to oesaatlon hai Hc i to reoant eie held br ihl eouit, aad on other ota-alone.. . What kt tbe aua--r--orb.lllt ryaereobaihthinallcorsiliaia mcu i.tut l ow b indn&nii. In lh rormiiroiil then Wert BieT-v tsihtorteentthtre are muoh fever In numbet; But I, aetata to. what bat bHBtww ijnnmBf, mat nonv bar elontle.n 1iaWoiaoBat eUrjuae-eacc in the aoeelde ratlooa on which the principle of taw oa ibia ea'Jest bollt. aloe irpriOD of hi,h qulli aad ctt.iir au7 b oi awmhapartanot tban a niuch yr4tr Bum baratpanoat pf lof ondilto. - To tmd ott on larnfDralor JTranoa t tab tba nnul l (a forsaaat ItaUf la night t muoh mora Doxlowact ibaa lba fooTaranoa of a wbola ngmtol. tbt ooniequaaota f aaohaMlataaoa.ara(atirsd tbarafora U it lit UMbtingiraatbaaeatroafarrtthtto ararant Md pun lab. In tblt Ittutau. tba atllUarj ptraaaa ata'tbraa, and tbtrtara basldtt to other pvrioui. who wort goU toot tmplojot tt1tl 0V"tPet to tbt Qutarauitut of BaUTla Wbttbtr tha prluclplt would apply to them aioaa. I do not fal atowatry to datrintu.J laavtiat awm of luy Cut In whlfb tbat qotaUoa babtto af iiau. ad bt iiaiipMrt to mo, ou criuclt.l, is bebat reuooa bl thit aauarwtt it gfauffl slant topotuoot to that e atoj that ttb paiaoaa abaeld ba atal oat on tba put iMwrtioa at tba pabito-wtpoatat Uabaeli aOaid equal Jroaad of forftkuit m tiott Cut Tcwtl that nay ba Mi at for a parpaaa to Intimately solum tad wlib tba boa Ula cparailoai. , Tbe tea frlnolpte 'lr beWti Keaobe'e Mtnoal of fdarnime' WaiUre. f tge 8S3. It te vtreeg'y stated, lb tts reiaun end prioeiple. bj Lori Stowell In tbe cue ef the maris, i juxuoauUf ou;, u iuhuw?. , ( : tbt right of rtiltrDf atS .lOhtEg'ttjerotunt b! apoa tba blthataa. vbatavarba tba tblpt. wbtttTtr I Um eartott. wnaitTtr be tbt dttttutlont, u an Insonlatt abM rijbt of tba i( camauaitaaca oruiautoi a mi UMrant n.Uoa " i. . Xhlt rtuht Xblt nbt la to altar la prlnotplethat nd'maa can deny It who ad tit tba bralKr of Mrtct cptr. -- Tha ilf bt(t qually elm la pnKtloa, tor paoMftutjt. rora Md.nntTtnal upon ibta tabject. Tbt many Buro- pass traaltat which rafar to tbla ritht, rabr to It aa . aUtlng aa4 'mtrtly reinlata -tba eieroita ot U. All wrlwra apM tba law of aauaua aDanlmoutly aeknotrl- adta It. la abort. a BiMt In tha laaitaagroe eaarar aaat wim tonjecu oi taia ua j tTor, vH4 eaow m, lo tbe- base It tbe AtaWta, decided Jo 1608, ( Aoblnwn,. (be (oaraed uuge eeid Hoi lat it ba tapratd that U faaa aetil')ht or oa- uti importance. xna-coattqaaooi woaaaerrioa la tadtBiilt toflnlttly btjocd tbe adect ot any oootia- caaa inn ate aa eerayaa. inoearrjiDg or area two aarfoee of ataiat la Dateaurily aa aatutaaoa ef a Holtsd aatant but la tba traoamlttioa af diptebea.eay bt oonvtjiad tbt entire pUn of t eaaiptiga that may dtfeat all tbe project! of the other belligertBt In teat quarter ofthewttu. ',' ' . . . ' In a - laberqaent cifce.'wbea' (be Wspatclut were in eourew of ooDreyanoe, sol from tbe coir oolee of toe enemy, but from e State in oomiif, end iron tbe paoiie embaeaaor or die euemj residing in tbat State, to bis own Qoyernmeut, elf. William rsoott restored ntf Tesetl's cargo on pajmautcf tne captor's ezpeosce: tbasbolU' log tnesesroa sua capture juetinaoie. - xuais' tiugnioib tnis . case ram ibe preoediogv be 1 bare before ritd that pertoot dltebaraloa the faoa- Uota ef emfteHidort ire, la a peculiar tkaaoer, objeou ot tbaproleoitoa and fivor of t-is lair of laUoaa. .. Ibe llaalta that are eailfiied to tbe operation it war efiiau 1bm by raitel, aod tiaer -wriurt apoa meat aoojeou. an. that roa may exercise Tear rlg'utof waregalaet tbem wherever tbe ebaraeier f -heaUlitj esittM f oavaw; aV-r Cnlin, S 4ob:, 46l-4oa; i d , , . .,. .) Mr. Cueblng, in bis parsploaoua and able die cussloD of tbla subject, niaiuteios; tbe prjaoipte by wblob tbis question, tin be determined, ram his abundant learuin j in ibtornalional-law. and bis cogent logic, be deduces tbe deetriae wnlcb I venture to say no EjuliebJurUit, will dispute. Hesajr.1'" ' IbebelllerenteUarasof eaamy4Upfcbeian4 ill. Mary eereoae, eUhoush sot predeely la petat aa oetaa, I art yet ute eommoa coronaritt or tat tame pnncipia e I tbe ariatol enemy meeeedore. Toarue the aoutrare 1 ejAnld h ea At taa-iaw oi aaaiaae a aetw e notion at detached lKta,)atuud of a ajetem of dootrlaesaad urtadlea Ibei 1 not o. Sew ordoabtfal. eettiawj eacur, iadovttioo Day be aroomplltbed or auea.ptcd. U lb laemf Batleaa, at In eoy brjoeb of mnai.lpal bat srtocilial raataiat. dvauioee aabelit, eorl rnlee are i be reaaooed op i for ibe laidaueaaf; Battens tod e mea, ai well la the JurUlcel relatloaa of Uo j at at Ufa. Aae iat oooiriae aerv u( xn ouDinime enu the oilnalBle I bat af aba dety of all aeatral Act raaMnia toaoenio fiooe aCortias mllitart aid Sp either reeoxaiaed belliyereot; ana. in tue meaner, w aotiaa from aSordini polliioal aid to tha lotaryenta of soother (nveramealtaeTawbta tnattme atey bate eome, if It aeer ahall come, to ueat soon toiargeau at a new, una pendent (late, and to do uut area at tbt riib o4ro- apaMibUityof war wltn tea tagtnmate uoveiamtnt. I might add to this the authority of Mr. Ever ettt and to ms, tne opinion wnicn i reoeirea to dev in a letter from a states man now in retire msot, who bai served his country as a diploma tut at two or tne icacuon courts oi &aroee. bi sides filling our ooe of Secretary of State with consummate tability." ' Tbe .ease of the Trent in their Jndgueot ts embraced within tbe reason of the role lam down lor oupatohes and oontraoauu. , . "j ; - Tbe more this qaesllon u examined the more Imprsgnable It our position. Nor ia tbere any tbiog in our previocs diplomacy to weaken It.. 1 bad snppoaed, befcr etamiolog tbe question, that we were preoluded by o&r previous oooduot from aaserUQguiis principle., oit toe queatton apoa which this Government, once went to war with Great Britain was ludiisDce of bet Claim to take trom our ships Saft.-efi Dot embaasadota. Nor does our denial ot tbe right of search, whica wa involved In the slave trade, prealode as from asserting the posi'.ioo 1 maintain. That dootriue bad reference txln eively to ali'epeeee. There is nothing, thee. laoardlpiomatioroora to weaaeo our pusuioo. It ia enoeih now ..for iie that oo Ibis eronod we may safely say ;o EogUnd: ''.Fulfill your neutral obligations, y uti,l. you do so, you ca j not quarrel' with UB for tbe exercise of our nqf t rndubi table right. Jf you' lniat on btlligercut rigbte btween the Norib and Soutb, do not, as a neutral, bslp tbe noe beliigerene, to the detri ment of the other, w, at Vattel hnd alt pnblfb tste bold, tb is fraod " . ' A 1 In tbis spirit s loo a can bar relations toward Great Britain eontiuee atnloaole. ' We will readily yield her rightful demands ai in this cise of the Pertbtb re. - We yield nothing sothino, to bar arregaoce-, passion, or jTide, wbed we are elearly la tbe vight."Th lerttr of General Jackson (9 Livtogston, tbe origlcal 'of wblob wee read by tbe historian Bancroft at a New Tork meeting; and applied by bird to disunion iete here,' may be a appropriately applied to tbelr sympatbUer abroad:' The Union most be preserved without blood, If this be pcsible ; hut ft most be preserved at all hazard, and at any price." This .Jacksoclan talk bat ever been my role" of setloo herer "the Union, iciMont UotdtKti, ifpomiblti tvrjn Union IT all h. ana ites T any rue " 8d with" our honor amooit the nations. "For it Is 'tbrts, and thug only, tbat id the glgebtio conflict for our nation" at existence we will avoid entanglement and eooftlct with natiooe whose material Interests, aa they tttfnk, depend bpon our dlscomfitarr, and whose chnmio jjealonsy of dor "rspubliciu aneeeee baa led their rulers to hail our antici pated disruption aod raid with delight. " " ' 1 We are, sir, Id tbie country too eenaitfve f foreign opinion. Mr.' Seward sid well trhen bo told Mr Daytca thet if wag no-basinets' of enr embaseadars W overbear-what tbe foreign pretiov foreign ministers snid 'sboflt tij.-Our dety was te maintain our Union in its integrity, and our ooeltioe ae av leading power among man kind, regatdlettt "of the ffischraations o rebels at borne, end the derision and hostility of kings and aristocrats abroid. I know tbat we natu rally dlllike- to - bave -onf Institutone 'mis represented, and ear 1 destruction " pr'edlot ed. There' Is much "tn' -tbe old Bpsnlsh motto, Dt ml' ref, eoZe--, B0 . one ahall apeak'of our klcg' except ourselves no one shall speak of onr sovereignty hot our selves. I wosld th it we Were fnore Indifferent 1 tbe poiaoned sbalte of foreign malice, barbed as tbey are by trletooratio bate and pretension. Wo bave teen ' very freely ecorned by natlots whose moral standard lemeiaured by their oom meroial profit nl lose, whose national honor depends upon a cotton pod, wMre philanthropy bae been an Intermeddling' FiiarlnetHemi and wbcte cosiplacent neutral. ty, so promptly as sumed, seems te lory ttt- U hnmlllalion of a . v- . of ed ler Mig-v,:! of the tbe It part clip"' the will tbe the " : the -' rlnsidrs'l atl C jrittilan nation, tHthwl regret or mp.,by, b eauireof Its apludid UluatratloBOf 0 irumtroUl praeJaur, anil ite defiant adbereuee to deaOcrtic govrrutuent. f.;- ( 'i 1 JLu na,Slr, pni.eniextHr ty tg tbo age. end tbe nation w!ib unruffled composure end dj'er mined will- Henrea does not desert tbe wala msjr.1 Etettfttbougb,-. tbeteBja -W iorelgn (Ttruubl Impending, lor us to despair bow U o die. I like, Mr. Speaker, tbe motto of t&e old Romans, wblch I bave, in tbis boor ot trial; olten oommeoded to my constituents, "never to rlannilrof th.v KenublloJ" r-Tbev ade rlle it va tbe lpiel ot tteit doors-ao4 embiiittm It upon tbulr temples. Kifas upon tbe Hps Of the people,, J,t was lit the mouths ot bel entors, bbver jio desjMir ot tbe RepubHo;' and wbea' i Itoman gerai.e3veo in Jibe agony ef bis de fei g4ve ,out bo JtuplrioR words, nevot deepelr. q (,lbe vepubliaVm Roman- Senate voted hint a triumphal entry within tbe imperial 'gates. ..), ..,,.6 i,&;-r:,i ,w o;" Let us fling nslde the burden of our national WjO) lwnwm notltUig.of be irrevoeable past dare all tbat is ju4t and constitutional, make no cruel and disastrous, diversions1 from tbe great object of ietouiuK our nationality, ornab e we would a nest of adders those who would Impair its, jtropottien as well, ae thoie who wuuld ,ut oa irynt tbat object .to other aod igrjubleobjeota, involving froandi visions, broken armies, social revolqtioue, servile inearreatiobs, perpetual pooaHier, and-. eternal bateet-and move ech , end . all. heart.. eouU body, men, jseics, juuutttuna, tutetligsnoe, ana patftoiiear, toxtb Ltiua and only objeoi .be restoration oi our diiwuttiUd VdIoo. Thns feeling and thus actmg, vfo ., emergt Irom.tbie itrita of strng gllce; Sttet and. like the febled demltod, re ceive addea S'teogth (rotn oar very prostration. it, sir, we bsjorve tbe rules ol tight aoa honor In regetatiog c,ut cooduol abroad, tf we ob serve tbe objBci of :be war that Is now upon us, as the President nroi.1 aimed it to the people, as tbe soldisra ot tbie Kepubbo uoderslaod it, st toe uoute) resolved, m the umtenden reeola tlon4 and af. the Constitution and tbe Union demand, we 'nay. be etsured that our warlike resources, the - intelligence and valor of the mastw,BfbeL verjrcojsloal geography of tbe eountry, ami uuu bJmteir, win flent lor nt stfttoti this rebellion. I believe that Providence bee marked, .upon the ace. of this -eouutry rritian vu uue new to Do erased tbat tbie union, ae,ii wfj, enau remain, one anajnaivie iole. " I believo la the idea suggested by Mr. Evtre.t tbat pnr pbjsiQl geography binds os and bars ns togeiherr. ifle said tbat bef ore tbis Union could be permanently broken, tbe Alle ghaDls mus; bow tbeiy heeds to tbe ocean, and me Mistutilppl ai.d Missopri roll back their our. rents to; tba Eook Moantalus. If we would asrnro to posterity iJje f olitical fJniun we bave uvea Buder so happily, we should lorsel au toougbis oi veogeauue, seleo, artta etatemn ilke sagacity, upon tbe elements of "unity we uaTo even ye in cur uuneppy una, ana moia them 1a tbe spirit of conciliation and wisdom, keeping out ot these Halls fatal and disastrous dftousaions on kflitnmatcT and sectional top loa;. keeping tbe one boly object before us for whtob tbe liver of tbe bravo soldiers are so Ireely ofXered,' and 'the millions of our means are so freely expended. 'With this objcot nobly poriued, God' will be with us, end our eras will prevail! L' -1 ' " r - '..V .'. , - - We hve raanf elemente of Ualon." Wei nave as ye a common blood, s common laDgua;e,"a rjomoon' ancestry, a com mou history,' a common, glory and a common faith in the same Heavenly Father. Thanks to their oocrigoour patriotism', we have many of tbe noblest men from the south tail with ns, taking their part in our legislation:, end sbariug the perlft of the Republic Tbey s'.t eronod me, 'with eye nnbleucbed and spirit bnbruken. I am resdy -to beedHow, as I have "always neeaeo, tnetr aonosei, wnen tney te.i ni bow rigbtlr to mold these element! of Union for ite restoration. . - v , Mr. Speaker, If we would thus 'act in may yet ba welt. -We mao6me from this great straggle Strengthened and purified by, sacrifice, asore yoooe, tuore exultant, more progressive. 4iusp(red with a purer, if not so ostentations :Oonclouiaeis or our great destiny, under Providence, i moVi jou, sir, tberelor. tbat this bill I have dfeonesed' preliminarily may be put npoO 'its passage. ' " ' . ... (d i J -rf' n m I' ---' o a"a. - vlwvpehity aV MtTjLEK. Publishers ot iwaa auiet-.srtwtaaeia. tt-F.O. W. MA3iYHiNX, Eeutor. ; : SUNDAY MORNING, DEC. 22, 1861 . Mr. Cox's Speech. A large space Is occupied in this paper with the recent speech .of Hon S . S. Cox, member Cdrigreie from this disuiot mjlbi bill ii parted by bim from the committee on Foreign Affairs for tbe relief of the owner of the Brit ish thin Perthshire.' After .Mr. Cox had flulsh- his remarks, the bjl wat eugrtwstd and read the third time; a demand for the previous ques tlod was sustained, 'and the bill passed' A mo tion Id reconsider (he vote, by whioh ' the bill was passeU, was laid on the table. ...Oa Thurs day, Dec. 19, a bill, having a similar object In view, wat reported In the Senate aud laid on the table. . : ttf,.i .-t-w. ' - Toe oompeneation insisted on by Mr. Cox to owner of tbe Perthshire for an admitted mistake In her detention at Pemaaola, may seem, in lweil . consiaeteo, a amau mau ; but If 1 our Government tbows a dis position to-ba unjust in 'small affilri. 'lt may be reasonably inferred .tbat it will, be no less.ittoliatd to ii justice lo those of greater 1m. parlances- The reason! which Mr! Cox a;signi wby -compensation should be' made, and that without d"e.lj, a.r.ef f .tjB,cloyjiij.cpBVino We need but barely allade to those portlops the speech itfirblch Mr .'Cox dlcoaasss the Ciss of the'Nashvnlf.' and'ar greater,' length," principles pf .inttraational law applicable to capture f AUbo anduncni,- Tbe latter the absorbing topic of the day, and we there fore invite 'particular atteutiyn'. to the olosfng pf the speech alter the interruptions by Mr, LovtJOT and-otheve bad ceased. -j" " Plundering the Government. From tbo Cincinnati Gttu, of, thp Wtbj we the following artlcisr to srhlco -we oall tbe epealal attebtlou f our readers: " " ; -. Ourepectal 'dispatches' Trom Washington re ecme or the extraoraicary oiocoveriea, in line of corruption, made by the Wsshburne InveaiigaTing committee. People bating kit corns need ' to hearing1 of Infamous frauds ooukected with the administration of the Government, probably be aekber serprised tor' shocked, however sbookiog, aerprltlDg' and lamentable operatioeB are in themselves. . But is Is not time tftat - we bad a law to punish these offend--eri?, Tbe -people wuld cordially apDrove of summary excetlon of men found guilty of robbing tbe Government at ary time, but eeptj eially -now, when- the eouotry is patriotically1 fornirbirg men and money to pot down rebel-1 4100.41 is one satisfaction, lo-the absence of adceaato laws, to punish these parties, tbat the whole crev; ef tbievee, who' bave been or may beexpesed, will be remembered by tbie and fa tare ceneratioifa wltS feelings ef 1otbinf and contempt - The fearse tbat meat fall upon the beade of these robbers end traitors, will pats dowathronh more than one -generation. - Bat th'e, though a consolation, -is not enough. ' Let Congrns past a law that will secure tbe Bang ing of such disgraceful- and moiudiho speci-mene-ef huntanity' -' "-."j -t . Wetcet'not say tbat the acnufifitatlon by &h Gateiit qf the bold and outrageous " corrnp tlots"nd robberies committed by these ''rob bers and traitors" la just, hat we wish to "stick 4'pin' rrht' Jere!,"' OflJe 7th bt'Augasi' lsst, Democratlo. Sut,e Convention passed .the following resolution: fmA'j tyj vi.- .. 4. That 'tbr ccrrtpttoa dnd ixtfavagtDce', 1 Incompetency and favoritism -shown In the ad ministration of the War Department of the State and-Federal overnmontB, dtasrveand reoaive our uoquauaoa coauca'imuou, auu ought to be Immediately corrected oua reform. Fortbir Ihi'-Caetfts and lis KepubUcad M- tempories denounoed the Cpovcntlon ao se- (ignsloa CooventlonV-ani'Hhe mtnnben thereof as, secfasioottWijeod declared thai the effect was to grveN'al4 apCoptplprt ,ti Now, the Oestffs desires "Congress to pass a law that will secure the' hanging of mob dlt- Kraceful and ptauniNe apeclatans of human! ty.n; The oorpeotaeee W-the resolutlopt of that CofiVention are ,Jtr j. Ja j being orIfled bj eesa those who denounced henujr jwlltloal ef- foot. ,f ..- xra- Relief for Families of Volunteers Enlisted Outside of the State. Tbs quesdon htvlng bet-a atfed of Attorney General MtJsaaT, of this Staie,"whether nnder the. hct,.pl MaylfllSfilithoratng the levy of ft tax Qtone haJfmlil.oa the dollar-valuation in each oounty, foe tbe relief of the familiei oi voluntuera, etc., that fund 0c8 be distributed to tbe families of Volunteers gottig'oot.of this State, and enlisting la regiments raised in other States,'.' tbat officer gives it as hie opinion that "vHurner a resident of Ohio, having a family therein, my enlUt,' whether in Oblo .or else where, from th moment belt mtuUred into (As eereiee tf th United States, and becomes Id sol dier, or lntd" the actual tenia if Qkk, aud no sooner, bis family is u titled to the relief pro vided for by the act of May 10..1861, and not otherwise."'-It follows, then, from this oplblon that if the volunteer has "euliste' jregi; meat from any other State than jQblo which re mains in the strafcf end say tf feel efssr State, to long as It docs to; bit fbmlly,' though rt'ld- ing in this State, and is other respect Coming within tbe prorb-loot of the aboTe-oUsd ao, Is not entitled to rellei oader H-" " - tjeweta-aB-tTBMsraaMSBraat- 'v CCT The CinclnnaU Timee alluding to tbe robberies committed by peiiobi connected with the Government, eaysj .-- " .' We bavecatle.d attention, elsewhere, to the extennive abatraot wblob 4r. publish to-day of the teoort of tbe oommittoe appointed some lime ego to investigate- tbe unparalleled eut-i rages whioh have been, perpstratsd upon tbe people by toots wbo bave been building fortlfi oations and .iurniabing supplies foe the Federal army. ; Is there another instance, lo the history ot modern times, of snob eorrupueii eebvl obar aoterised the operations ef our officials -within tbe last few months t. ' , Absolute robbery has beeo tke order f tbe day 1. The eUtemeote wbicb we present -and whioh are fully authenticated, wiU'efarde the nation; and we aaygao,eot npondhe rascals; atop tbis wholesale vunderiBg, and, II Deoeteirj take tbe guilty' parties and shoot them as com mon felons. ' ..Wo bave a set of. men who will steal the Federal .Government end carry 1t away, unless we shall imprison tbem, or pot them to deatn. ibey ere doing our army more mischief than the meaalea, the typhoid fever, tbe email-pox, and Jeff. Davit, combined. We bave beard much of the bad oooduot of Floyd while Secretary of War,' but the facts brought out by; this .committee completely throw anything i onarge... opon oitn. in toe shade. !.:iv-...'. .,.. :. The Timet truly esjr, "Absolute robbery hat been the .order of the day V In and about tbe War Department.. : And. .still, with- all this, CaMton la rctelaed lb the Cabinet.'" of a Grand the "K. G. C's." - Tbe Grand Jury of Crawford, at the late term of the Court of Common Plots' In tbat county, made a report. In whlcb jthcy say : & 1 1 We bave need all tbe means within oar pow er to ascertain, If possible, whether nr sot there exists In tbie county any secret and treasonable order of men by the name of the KiJgbteof the Golden Cirole or , by , any other same, or whether mare were stay person or persons within this county .tbat, knew pf fir, belonged to any such order here or elsewhere... Wa bate bad before ns to give (eatlmtwy en thatauojeot the following witnesses:,, u-u-vw- .Here follow the namce of twenAg-fivewlt oessee. me report common: . . , And from all' the testimony we have )SStn en ahled to get from the witnesses celled as afore. said, we are foroed to tbe oonolueion that tbe KolRhte of . the Golden Circle exist in this coun ty in Imagination only. We are well tatlsfied tbat there ia no political, or other order of a treasonable cbaraoter existing In tbla oounty, and v bave utterly failed to l)oii from, tba testimony of any witness before as, any single fact tending to abow that any aoob order exists ta this county cr in the mate of Ohio.. .Mr. John Thompson wbo received tbe Withers let ter, knows of no tuoh man as A-T. Wlthers. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Iron Buildings, Fifth - Street, ' -PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA'. " " Eitabll-bed la 184.j ' ; ' XuorporaUd ty th ItgUtttur tf n-eetoatto pBINd TBI OltLT COMMEROIAL C0LLKG1 15 XJ I Over the eonntry oondnoiei by a PrtolTal Mereoast. c rnr oi-j a - -'i from thirty States bave here earaed a battaeta repute- iod wqaai te tan t neei aif rauii at tnsanay Duresyatampf . . ,, .r v A, .;6 ..:. MERCANTILE BOOK-KEEPING Awarded four Hirer n4 the unction of neolal oomraitteee of tba amerioaa fnttltate aad Chimner ol Oommeree ef New (arluas tbs best knewn.- - Also, Sal s ..j ;..;..WeuBoat uetKTsvelBa;-u . t.) 4 Pronounced by tba Ute Garbles af ana ef ear bants "s peneot ayittm lor anon, bookt and actoaatt." . Also, 1ub a new tytiem or !t J(U;) -. v. -t , , .4,:, . . . RAILROAD - BOOK-KEEPING ' U TaBMBaterrpt) tbe-only eyttea . of Iblr evcaen cf 4- ataau uugntln the uty. Alto, Sao t new tyetaa of u BANK ' BOOK-KKJCPINO (In mebaeoript) the only one la ua.praetleally adapted to private banting. Thete tyiMnt of aocoante are here taaehtaoder 4he detly tapervliloB ot tbetatbor, Wlib bit dally Msm'ea draaa from oearlv fort teen exaeri. eaee ia ontloete. Tbe latt United tatet aad iltUbttria. eaiiea-J-wuev "imwimi ee yeomtytuip fir, i " , ', HIS riBRT PKEjniTJiTH vU Ia all deatrtmeott of botioeas and emameatal aaamaat thlp, ovnr all the beet penjoea lo thf ooantry. , ..j ybe.snlariadsdlUonot Duff e Bonoan's ;Vs,,-a ; BoiiseBi aad Ornnwatil Pernntsship With new plitet andseales, by fa. Duff, lllnttratksat tba etemeota of tbe penman's art tba meet eomplets eelt-inetroetor saowa. jtiegantij Douna. Orowaqaar to. Price $i. p'jat paid. . Oar elenaot new elrealar, pp. (8, aad templet of ear penmen'a writisf nailed on tbe receipt of x eants aeuj itaaw. x vuir et sun, principals J .' I . . I I I t I.IJU '' iHI'.'lH ; Master iCoDiffiljslonci'g Setlcj ; timntl A. Moore.for tbs bte'afl " t fllitiOein Jlaiworuu J.- O lUornmon nasi, no- ?,. j: Atmbtt torn, VOL -Hesry 0. Stanley St s(. ,J,-,., , a-, BT vrrtat of an order of sals to mt directed from the 0rt of Common Pleat of franklin eonatv. Ohio. I will offer for ale at tbe door of the Court Haute, In the oily of Oolambns, aet u' ,!i.'.' Saturday, the S5th day of Jan., A. D. 18C2,- the following deeorlbed iandi and tenements iltnatela f iwoklla oounty. Ohio, to wtu All tbat ttaetof land elt Bate to tbe townahlp of (harm, and bounded at follows, being lot number erven, In aeetion number four, town thtp number two, range number eighteen, United States military iaaa,"BiMi-aiev tne vmi-jt eraoi oi jena in lata towniblp and oounty, aad deeerlbed aa follow,: Being lot number eight. In ecotloa somber four, towniblp nam btrtwo, range anmber eighteen, United Statee m iliary ettwey of land, ezoept eighty aoree told off tbe eatt end of the two treats about two rear, age. the balaoce here, by euaveyed being abool eee busdred aod tlghtyelght aorotof lead, more or wea. , ., ... -j M APpraUedatSStperacrs. ' , ... ' rrlour't fees IS, . -H ' -'. ',' ,:.-!,( . ft. W. HTjrraiN, ghtrKT, U. i :; -.0 ' J 3. r: a. i&!&Mj. IMt taMWentlW'aU)taKi'3amai (aatod, wUI to opoiiti for ihi MaaaoonT 0 htistratis -XiSV-,, IWSj)3EiipAy moeoiber gbttit liflli Masir...irttit tnjxw Hr, Oi.T. Bl.ue Director Mr BMTTH. RHN. . Xfeeatr M.JUbNETJ oaaleartl iuu "vvir. - fee (oU.efrrsla..ArUata.toA akaadybetB setae; ) -r..,v Mr.UlNARD,. Mfaw.BARrof Mr!' R ALTON. Mr. H. ME HEN, . MrJ-r JENNINGS,! an a, 1 1,-plxiXJraUTtf.a tHttfiftw'Ii m.. n T suiTH I Miaa-Er HARDING, Mr.;H-MEHN.;i.iMis. "i , ROSA U ILL, Premier Divtfa ai) MARiAN MAkjASMtTjU-) ..i -xae xaieiksvu,u. mi . .I.. ihm rvmnenv ai tbattasnal. A Iplandld lutarUbuaant will bt prctttitsd OB tbsepaa. Oome6y, Farce, Blnglng; ad Sanolcg, Toietherirlth-- GraaiTUBloii AIlegbHcal Xa1ica1i A ..-..7 ., i ; .... Vj.S-.J"! ,i folla lPKUOUiarvieeoiiB weaef-. ,,., ..Ai lie bt i it-,--r -'r - .-.Li . - tolurbf tBfcsi! " tie ,0 Dram Olrols tnd Parnoetts i..d.'' 'tiri Me. temllr Ulrole.... , utJ.'e 1-s .1 tWt a fc.ll i --U. '-' .i ! . " . ......I .t ft-- J ..- Deori opaa si 1 rerfortoaaoa. wUI WmmeaoeatJH - I . AI . I et-i- ' - -! a J'".i.J . j' .t r. i rrrm- ti .taeie-.i t i . '' Tbs' foiuwlos tmiaant Start biTS beta McateeV, aai til ..M..I- .-nlfl laMitllrU ' Mia Julia Dalv. "Tba rtauU! Amarlair. Con tin i" Um Miff it IdltbtU, atUt taliltst. Clair, air, and MiM KlonirKi . attai aoaa uaaoa aeDMn, ewv dtcSS-U---'.t '-' '' ' - i ARMORY HALL. l, (Tina World H-nowea Oanlatrlei. who', stnot btr ap X pearanee In the United Statea. bu ma dt (be ctrouK of tbe Ulobe, kaista aaaoaaoaaas- i-V- -GRAND-CONCEFlTp ' Uvlame tana Blahos will be satiated bv Mr ID WSSD 8K0U1S, tbe Aa-erii-aa Saritoae, Sieve de Opoatrvatora imperial de Slnilqne, rant; OliBtAVh IjK BrlleB, IbeemlDealrlaaiaiKpapil or uti'.) Doore opea- JMOouotrt lo oommtneeat 8 o'olook. Tloktta - 30oena. i The tale of Mekata will oommeaca at 10 o'cloek Betur- day morning, Stctmbtr Klit, at icllaer at Wehetex'e klurto Store, where ttatt mav ba aaeured witnout extra barge, and dUaiem of tbe Ball an be if en. . f be Oread Kiat e aaed oa Ibis oocaalon la one of Kaaba ai Oo'a oelebiated iDttrumen t and bu been kindly loaded by tlalr aiesta.Mcnri Btltsar Si Webetar. d.oti-dt4 t, QLnAAOJulsnaab 5. 1 IV t '! con CERT. "t A aed u.iw. ui, li-.Xi tSil SOLDIERSIDSOCIETY, f 'e 1 MriviwrkT riMLu- Monday,, Evening, .PeQi23,. 11361 At eJ- X eaeV i-i -1. . Tbs rrorrtaate will eoetlit of ytleetloai from , ...... -. ll (ik ' ii la t.i.f iJ UATBIDIl, w I il fimiev -l i Kill - l-via.H'vtv iiJ AM 'ethers, tad itfa;rJJtWteg Mies) talent.' I "T." " , i . , Ilalattt ..w.ii.'.;....V...i.; 80 CUl. Tor lalt a.Urlopk.aGd Mailo Stores. -- dtcSO-dtd ' vjuia.-'i ' Otruz orBS'rm A Xnu IV. . 'Co. ' bOLDasDt, Deo. IS, 1H61. ( TBI STOOKHOLDIBS Of Till OOtUMBD ASS a. Xenia Btllroad Company are btrrbv mtldrd tbat tbs Asnaal aetilof for the altetloa af Dtreaton to serve tbe enialng yeacaadfur other parpoeee, wilt be held at tne ottos of tbe Companv In Uolumuoa,on lueeaaj, tbe 7ih dtv of laun.rr. 160S,- betwtea lba boure of 10 ee'leok A. M. and 4 o'clock f: M CVBU3 .f AT,. Secretary decl7-dlw THE I Y ttm BOOK MAJlUFACTOQVe. IUPHOVED .11 4 Jctr.l , MAOHIJJERY -'. ;.t j. .At., aai.. STEAM PO W EE." . .. .1 a -.-'-' ' . J 4iK6s v - .- !;;'. .'.. .1.1: J. w-:; i Jj m, as, ss NOBia mon bibkst. - tatteaniMn Bntidingv Becossdt' Floor, ever B. Navina'a Btata Ktesfti .a. - J Srlnr.leiar ttenim.J ' ii! -;.-i ; i -. i. r XXTftA tCBSIAHIUIi .... ; PAGED "BLANK BOOKS, Witt r without Prtottd HtdlDft, en Bopiior f tp RULED AND 'BOUND ,i, iwVi a1-, i Tanreiu at tern. et aif pxrAsxxxMis. katibOao orriots, ' BABK.INO BOUSIS. r,. OOraTTfflOIa. .:..;iViw:i USBOSAKTB, fumltbed at the Lewsit Fittes. . , . .U. .-i. . w V. ..... -' , . ti : i.i I ilJ.i !,'! ti.'-i! '!-! 1 ' at 1 fS -i 1 ... t . - (J 'tJB O O K BfNbl N 6, , e . j : By tbe fcdlrttm-eir ehrTohrme " J " maoajinisJ st i i. r. i : ::. '? i " i . . t : ',... fc.Li. J. cJ HONTSLT PUBLICATIONS. PAMPHLItS, . .Bound tt any Aeqaired Btyis., .i .. I,-, "-td! o.nlsS ' fablle aad Private Libraries. ax - J va a at Ord'ers from abroad will reotlve promDt and snsclal upvteutivu.--aiwiiveer J. H. RILEY, - or; N.W.LErAVOR, Booluelleraid Butioaer, Superintendent re bob tB niga B tree I novle-d3a franklin Blsdory. - - -iy EOW .lOSt HOW RgglOBXO Jnrt Pahllibed la a atalad.Xnwalaaai frloa' debi.l' ' MIOTUBI ON TBI If ATCRI, TRBATMEHT AtTD BA0I0AI, ODHJ Of .WKftHATOUBUAA Or -Seaaiiral Weakoeee, Involuntary Kmietione, Sexual Debility, aod ImpeduTMBta to Marriage generailly, Hervoaeoaaa, Con eumptioa. Bpllepty aad f ita, Mental aad Pbyaloal la aapaolty, reiultlng Iron" Self-aboee, tie.. By Hubert 1. Oalverwell, Mr B.-, aulbor of the areen Book, Ao. A Boon t TJaoetaande ef afferers, Sent ander aval, la a plain envelope, te any addratt post 6ld, on raoetpt of two itaupa, by lr. OHAS, 0.rwfi, l. itatmtw, Ifew JiitHi' OffiotBos Kei-kd. -. . etyriSodAtw Fill 1011 , THE . tib&XtCfc'.rV?- ) .aaaitiijJOD - . i PJU!IDAIaLtM10Iri3. nil ll'wM. tnitk atr ft isKTmNETJC ABIIBJI t)liiavjiA MCH1FICEWT -STOCK: i'lA Of all kinds of (roods for ... ITJ. THRHOLDaA'H'S i v uo. r -,r (T .J J. fl,,' - CBI I, tad rauofls - , ioa MtAM lATtto - axaw lrft lM-.-V-A t. u-. .m r bl -tia. d'BUtltd' d tm .0 V''- for the tHUl Ones-i" targt Varletjr. U. -jei t " " VA e-i . .. B t !-! a t .1 'tit ii 1 4 U "' SPLENDID -1''!- BIBLESr-PRAYER & 1M feOOIS. Of alt Kinds. 1 i t .... .u:.l-- V. ..; . .. i" ) .,.T ji-.., ,'i i4' i,ll.- - STANDARD. POETS, " And ottil fine Books, st prices never so cheep btfois. !:... 1 . '..l-i I-. ...i,.j-tj Utti ,gli..... l U The Eitesit ; Bks - t t i ' - - PAPIER MACHE, 1 :i JVIAHOGANT.: ROSBWOOD,- EBONY 4t'".. WALNUT.' 4ti. f.Jtf. WORK BOXES. eVit e--vl -1 C ? J"; km jB.-e)tiw-.t odoe cases; . a . " - V JSWCf CASE3r ...1 , a;...CARD OASES, . ' il'Jl-1 ri;- ' WATCtttSABla,' I jj-. ;i 1 .u. CIO AU CASES, -iir. l l... - r . . h-3 Of all klida.tavtsiial,a4 et the meet eewuftral i d-etwna. e... 1 i.'.t -'- i - Games cSs Puzzles. m.. b it;-, i-'- ,ri. PORT POL IOO. . " t vlarilibed snd rialn. -" U i i w ' ; Photoaphic A A obolct lot, asd more romlsf . - ' '' '-,1- i -y Pictures for- Same -: f0 Of all 4 IttlDgaithed and eatiagvlihed Asierleeas and Eumptan. Zbey are all' the sfony now; and "SO WCX 'tortbs ojlbit.lon and tafy-ksfplAg of famlUti aad frtepni. . t .k . NEW'STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, - i ... . I t.a 1 USTKEflSInGliT CHEAP, . feerrm-w$w f --WMAIOB. J . ' J d j;. u t. .. n ID Ws sdtls ear old and aa sjaaj tw frlenui u may feel dltpeted to bay htodeome goods. eLeap, corns er- fBM-tM KCBH, to that they pv. hsra ton,s.. attlsfse non inppreoasiug- . ,, O t t'.t ivd W l.iHi. ,M.r.-i .atH.:viI :Tile LADKE3' SITICT7LE3, j PURS8, OAESES, .i 1 - ABD BA03, In endless varltty. ad very cheap. ;.ui; : i .. I.. -' 4 1 - - ... . . c:2 " Ladies & -g ents'"" 1 ' DFESSINQ CASES, ; Or all III aids, and many toe mile BBAUT1E8, whioh Vuean .nt ti.enr.rMl.ted be balBB aeen.- , Kemts tber that money wis bsvsT se plenty btfors la Columbus, and aa It Is fsahionsbls to ROATTEtt 'TH1JV,0" It?; there ot to. the faiblon for coos any wiy, anl eallst ; a j 3 S,V, - f ': ''V RANDALL & ASTON, r-rf -n.-l st.a. 1, -k i jkI I, UaJ t f ' w' ENGLISH & AMERICAN . . tT;rt7 rssr-xiaof ' H9-dl .-3 j: i,;,i- ;.J ;-. . 'ii 1 trn'-p j. m mmt m m w HE !.U1.1W.U 1 51 to) t . .. - - fe rJ avaydgei lAUbTll oiargQffl.oiiTjMppo. - ;'.i'.JU - . .jo . I .irW.uivl. & .-t i'rm 'a - TOw A N'W A JUlvu a "'ae ' w tfie WaIEXS;!-! tl low rate of taveaj 1 ssir-.T YTV W ..-A a . . : , 1 ft M -jKbi lOf. , J . t- .nil " jVt, v l I Subecriptjone to tbe Paftf a4 ,TuWsixt STATxiiulf 'will be reterved , . ... . ., u.lm ,.,.-UUo-..llV tW ' " FOE HTO , ,p'fTTt"v, m t, rt- TO . e A DDICDQ ' IW ,ANY - I viviti ew. y, Ai1fia'Bfe an eeUblubed dnrj M elaee l"tii U,i-a ,''" - THE STATESHAII.ISjWELE KNOWII. -:. ou -tjj tjj, fatrJre1, at fa the pait, ltlU yipbold and defend the. . j . PRIINJOIPI PARTYt .Which lvaabeen so triitrol tf gond'to th PEOPLE OF THE UNITED 8TATE3; and. wll A . tnlilifiillT nriia the rtveatabliahmenl and ncNmacv of the : . .Z.. .-. DEMOCRATIC; CREEP;A!.:P0i3M Llr-THErSTAfES1 ... ; ui erettial tof th 'odnfpteu' add perfect r4outnatio of the 't..-v.ii.oU. On the basis oa which that .i tfJ i., I ,-- .lit UiM ::t . imJIIHIWI I - - - - 1,'i i j i i 1 li ... ' . j'.'"" ' The SraTrstoJi will support the AdrnlnMratlon of the (eenerat wrmwms in aU jsgai and sod oonttitntiooal efforU to put down rebellion and sternly resist the effcvte de U eome l(tjTj -J" to eonvert the preeent unhappy war Into Aboliaon f . k It will eonstentiy urge economy is toe puuuo -of U publie oiBcnL.u'.i . v a. . m.Hium of ireneral news, the Statmoxaw - mimerous readers, and at all timea supply them with j,v.l " T?xo ateavt moat neUetbl noporti) Of the home and fcreign markeU. InlUcwlomns 0' s":Ti Will find their- interesti oonsdlled and attended to, ahd bo eflbrt wfll be spared to make hi flrej.'o,,,!, urlng'tiTspproaAhing session of Congreea we will have A talented and accompllshtd wmr pondent at Waahington, through whom our readers will be fiirniabed with mueh vsiuble aaa " reliable information. ' ' ' .. T ,-..... -i '"'kl'- " The doinge of onr own State Legislature will be fully reported, and the local saws of Uie. f q Bute and our own immediate hve A due abare of attention. .w w.nH. in all narta of Ohio, and the North Westarn Statee. to aid in extend- v-l"l1J' leg the cireniation of the Stat-mma", since bj eo doing, they wjll assist in the ptomalgatloTj ol'0" ' aonnd political docirines and mlieble g4ieral intelligeoee,,. tJ, i,. , . "-"'-v"J,bll THE WEEKLY OHIO tv ! '.v '..t-'r' ' 'i"- ' 1 To any prson raising Club ol Ten Subscribers to the Wixxxt Orno BtATtsiUJf.iend-r ' sending as the moneyten dollars for the same, we will send tne copy gratis. ' " ., All oroera wui oe protnpuy swwie. , Address, ' - Novwnoer 1. 1801. .n j- . . JO-CTOrlCKlBE!; vli..AwA, . . ... , .. ..... . ... . - ,-in . ..,.-:..vt ivy "tw--v-"e-ai , V! A-.JV.. 1.1 Tt 'Hi em. " Six Dollars per Asoum; J . "f ti - VI ixi r. 7 l .. Three Dollan periAra'aBit',lJv 'One;' DolW' per Animn. ; " : ! SIX; MONTHS fcrnlshej PARTOF TH5 8TATE, nllafcli organ of the Dsmocratle party,' ; . I ,1 .... - .- - -- ' j T. Union Iras originally formed. I , t U Y i i T - r ej,uiwiwi i ewvuuu-uuity .... I iX-v "V .) ".TT1 k-,l . , L. JLaA Jfc nw L . - rr.- uu - -si .ee.3 will endeavor lo make Itself acceptable tp itV,vi A STATES N.l:CLOBS.ff ' 1 1 1 P.." . .J . ' j MANYPKFjnr. A UIXXERr 'J . I Publishers of the Ohio Statatouo,,. . i r - f, .. - - - OoLCTtsct, Omo. .'. i ". , '. i ;a r..ln: I SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. : IIB.Wi -Q OAL -TARD It. TBTE DrtDERBieivED KBtPI ON BXARIIiY orr band aad for sals, tbs best ijaaUry of HOCKING G1UTEXJ0AL, whioh be will tell at the lowett market prtots. Call aad ex.BiUM my Coal btlora parohailag Slie wbere. - - -i ' . "' Office at the ftora of Bradford, 8udam k Co., hea4 of Canal. ........ . . . .. jj. f. jTjtDAif.-.'fpSS-Sa ; ' . f " - - 0 SPECIAL NOTICES; f Slight Cold, Cough JflaatejnMi, or gfoJ-t. 7haat, whioh might b ohtaked with a simple wiv tdy, .if.ngltatd,qftin tr- minoted ssrioue-y. -Fsau art aware qf t importance 0 trtoppirii' A $out&h. or &lifh j$cld in tte jfvrf etafe ; tat uAto?v trt tAe bejnninj' tinuld teld to a mild remedy, t not attended to, soon. attaaZes tAe lung's. .' " &.&uin't J&MJiLhial gfcjchok were frtt tvfredtioed tltvm ytarn ago. It hat ln proved that tAey are the beat artielw itore ie putiia for . Sough., tfatattfi, th Hooking Gaugh in, fron? tujnftticjl, rmmeroue aecfiooe e th ZJkfiaat, gHng.imrnf:tUatt nlvtfK 1 Public Spsahert and Singtrt, wiU Jini thn tfKtUal fst (faaring and ttrtr.g1hnvng th wioe. ; Bdd bji aZt 0ruggistt tti ealer ir -'j&tosin, tU SS pem ptr .fcox, :, .. u 2 for te wboltMle or retail, by ' ' 0. B0BBST8, Brnggli.,',' ,. . "" ' o.' Mlterti Blfb strse't," ' .-deeio-dketm... . wa j . . TO MARRIED MEN". Or rttoee Contemplating jntarrlag-e. THB andertlg-ned will gvrelBfovmatlon oa a vary fne UrttHng and important subject, 'which will be vale d mere than a thoutand timet lu doet by dvery aiarried soaple of any age or ooodiitoa la life. Tbe information will ba sent by mall to any addrets f a JJis jrsoelpt of Bt cents (stiver) and one red stamp. ' All letters thoald be oddreeted to: ' '( . ' ta ' B.. WOBIUi, JfTp., . eettl-lyStawdAw . Boston, IIsm,1 ' - rEVEBf,- FETEB A1TD AGrE.-BlI-lions Affeotioni,0oldt, Rbeamatitmti)oatirensu,Ooa amptloos, Affeotlont ef tbs Spleen, of the Liver, of the Heart, Tnmort.and all dlieatet whioh dettioy life have always exhibited,. epos dissection ef the body, a aambtrtof bard or eoaortte poinla, either tn tome of the orgeat named or la the blood vettalt, tometunes area ramifying In the fiet h, and again de poll ltd apoa tbs side ef a bone. Now thete-little hard eabttanoet would "Via boB If Brandre th'e Pills wars ated! they Weald be pergtd oat of the ssttav and years af happy li'e would be lbs sufferere' lot lnatead of aa early grave. Always purgt bat trvut surts Insiekaets.,..) ,. , T, T. Carpenter, Xtq of Oovemear, St. Lawrenee oodnty, Hew Tork, M years of age,, says be has eaed Brandretb's Pills for 34 years, sdmiauterel tbem Snt te bit sbaehmao, ifbe hid fever and agae;gavs sight tbe day after the eat 11 1 chilli sad fever leee severe; gave sight mors tbt next day, and se every ether day onttl, the eblll and fever did not return, which wm about elgh . dyl from the first stt&ok.'- Be tbsa gave foar every ether day for another, week, when the mairw-( eatbaly rettortd to bit o,ual good health., , , t -Be tat hlmielf aitaoked took them la the same way, aad was eared la lest time. Bae aaed be other ajedl oios for S4 yeair, foand tbem al'aya reliable for htmeelf sad family when sicks baa it oom mended tbem to then- ssBdaverlth Ute befe-wltarariee)cflteat ttters-f ry family would have a larger average of aeelib If tbeat Pllleeretd Id tbs place of oakmel aodolber hurtful tamediee. - 1 " ; -..' ' .'. . Sold by JoaH B. Coo, Uruirglit,- Oolambas, est by all retpeotabia dealers in aeateluts- . avT8-41ai .JOST..OmOE.- HEADLEY, : lEBERLY & 1 ..... ... " "I at a .! RICHARDO'O . NEW STO Bill. Z: . ... GSO stZ3il t330 ; SOUTH HI5a STREET. , Are now opening a large lot of . . Ladies', Misses' and ChiMrcn'i FURO, Ladles1 Cloth Cloaks, BALMORAL SKIRTS, ' Shephard's Pledd Bhawli,: ! '.'r,', i 1 1 v.' t'.'-.V. J. !S '- ' Ladles' Merino Vests & Drawers, ' ' M-oi.tC ,a...f,:.iit-s- Boys' .Merino ,. Shirts &'Draweri, A'dtEim.:,tllW Exabroidoreid neppfJ,1"''1 1 .;. XtCKaiota" ah. 1 . Z-TU'blAe9a ,1 camaUf t:'''tipEBA Pm -HCWeT y 1 1 - Opera 'fi iPlaxmcto m ka.-i .-ii WOOLEN - BLANKETS, J OL O AE ; OLOTnO,1 u Misses superior' LONd Bhawu, :a 1 Tbis firm, bavtog adopted ths Oath syitsat in the pu shaas and tale of Hoods, are enabled te sell from Jtu . per sunt, less than other boons andnthesndlttfstBM., 1 ; S56 AM) 252 SOCTH .HQlt BTED'. '"'t. nevSl Oysters;! :pyster8(f. HAS JCST REOEITEO, AUD .WaXlw n , , be b dally repeipt,by Xapeeea, of v o - - V1 1 f rem Balttmoreatsi! fair Hawn. ' " w ajult .. 0.U at Waeaei s Oyster aei I rail Xrepet, Be. H Isst giatettrees. ;tW cK-sSl". .J51