9ocice'to PbrilcUni an4 the Public. ItLOOOK'tf POROUS FLA.BTSRI.-TBHTIMOMrAT, 'Te AlaUMMTK mt fln. Ma (Min.n.l y wv,t vwiM lipw XUrft ot. Bttth, 1859-aentlemen: I lately .ufToreu Hvanlf "n a wmim In my tack, occMloned by suddenlv wrexertlng myself, Having heard jour piaster! much "commended Iter oases of tbii kind, I proouied one, ind . - ii retail wu til that 1 0 uld desire. A slngls pliiter di in a week. Tours respectfully, 4 J. 0. BBiaas, ' f Proprietor of the Brindretb Home, New Tork. . '1, .... .... . ... j uoimng squat m in way or s putter to the f orous Pluter of Ur. ALLGOOK. In Asthma, flnn.h. Ijldney Affections, and local dnp tested paint, the; '"! permanent relief! and for weak backs, paint in tide, ttltobea, and ipatmodlo palm generally, they tj'.nnsurpsiiedfor the benefit! they Impart. FrloeSS eacn, Frlnolpal office SM, Oaoal street. ill , 0?0, Columbus, and by woxs-aawim 1 Slight Cold, Cough, jDhfical, which might be rihAcyrp.ri. infth. n. rlj rm vj7a7 :rr- ar, dj, jf negleotea, often ,ter- Ihitiaten seriously. . Fevi are , aware of fs impmKcnae of stopping a rfpaugh. or witoi in. tfte beginning mould yield to a mild remedy, f not attended to, eoon w.aaks the lungs. ' we first introduced eleven years ago. has bean proved, that they are the best $old, .f-anJiMa., Jtuna, iCaiafifh, the Backing Cough in an.- yumhtLan., and numerous affections of JiJfttaat, giving immediate relief. ' "ublic Speaker and Singer 9, Jl find,, them effectual for clearing and lengthening fie voice. Sold by all Qruggiats and Dealers in Jfiedicine, at 5 cents per box. Tor Hit, wholetale or retail, by 0. ROBERTS, Druggist, 4eolO-dit0m '" ' - - .. TO MARRIED MEN, .Ttooae Conterapiatlnr narrlage. i"'Bnd,r,lffneilw"Ulvelnfoiniafion on a rery. Cfa9 and important tuWeot. which will be Tal aort than a thootand tlmei Ite aott by treiy married WM 01 any an or oondlilon In lite. The lnramu. m seni oy mail to any addraM on the receipt of 85 mm vuter) ana out red itemp. llt lettera thoald be addreued to H. B. MORRIS, H. D. " yiai-jy3wd , iBotton.Maai. 0 ALL .AT NORTH HIGH AND BBS THI 1ARBBBT BTOOK, THE flBEATEST VARIETY AND HH MOBT BBAUTIfUL -OF STOVES pKrer offered to th MtUns 'of Oolumbni. TB17.HAT1 OKlVd ST0VB6 FOR OOAL, f ObidNC STOVES FOR WOOD, ' AUD - - COOKING STOVES lor either Wood or Ooal. 1 i OOEING STOVES r V.mllt a Qmeill laMl1(Aa anA vwln In frt Dollars fo OnA TTiinrtrfifl and $Jy Twenty-Five." , PARLOR STOVfes, Vary Price, 81m and Variety, for Doal or Wood. I'NG-ROOM STOVES, 7 'HALT. STOVES. St h Of many PrUerni. SITTING-ROOM STOVES. STORE-ROOM STOVES. - ' . ;; ,". ' OFFICII STOVES, : ' Army stoves, ,Botb Cooking and feaung.-: . , , : Mghteet and moet PorUb Tent Btofe erer officers of our G-iJat, Army. R" U R. N A 0 E S, rating Dwelltnga. Churchet, Btp-rooma, or other urge nuiiuingi... ,, .. . . ..1' ! . .- . ' " llUNDRY STOVES, rT BOILERS, ' ' 1 AG RtCULTURAL BOILERS, vUGAR EVAPORATOR : 1 , "SOGAR KETTLES :klOW WARE, ; 11.. BAU 1K.UJN9, TAILORS' GEESff, And mu; oiuoi kush.- v. VTJfrl AND 8EK ?Tfl2 North 'High Street, COLUMBUS, OHIO. . , . .T L. Gill & Son. mm 7 "boarding house. i1SHAXIEl HAS WFENE0 A AT WO. SO BAST 'TOWN VOXR,.)M JfTttn aeootMaodate nnabiret Boartni by.th TOFES, STOVES, STOVES STREET i:-. PATTBRNS C. EBERLY & CO DRY GOODS AT COST, IN 00NBEQUENC1 Of HB HIGH PRIOB OF Cotton, and the recent adranee In Dry Qoode, and the exphratlon of oaroopartnerililp, we will, on and after the Mlh day December, offer our ttook of Dryaoode, Hatj, Capt, Boot! and Blioet at met, or le than New wnoieiaie pneei, and will contlnoe nntll the en tire ttcck le olaied ant. The arocery and Produce Builntu will be eontinoed ui our new oauaing - The fitoreroom we now nnrnn will 11 tnr rtni tnil beV!5?l0n ,lV,n 00 flr,tta A"" by Cyrut The Store room It 91 bySSfeetithe building three K?u ' hb' Dd altnllte1 t0 aootheait oorner of ull i minaa eireeu, uoiumuue, unlo. ., 0. ISBHELT ft 00. deol8-d3w GENT8 DOUKLE.nilEA.STED joe BINO UndeftUlrti. . BAIN k. SON. G KBITS' KIIIU'D OABMKNTB. , nEHINO 1IVI)EH . BAIN c BON ' 3 BAIN BON. f If'KS', EADIE8' AND BOYS JIIE. ' irawert BAIN 4c BON. GENTS KID LINED GLOVES. BAIN BON. TIIICOT &, new itylee. BEAVEK CLOAKINOS, BAIN t 0ON. SIIAKKIt Drawen. FLANNEL SHIRTS AND BAIN. BON. P.ANfON FLANNEL DRAWERS FOR " , BAIN ac SON. TS!58!'BTS' AND MISSES' NEK. iHw unuer'inirt!. , , BAIN 4c BON. GENTS' FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS BAIN 4c BON. SHIRTING lanoy. rLANNELS, PLAIN ic BAIN 4c BON liFd"' i"" BOYS' SUPERIOR SHIRTS and Oollart. . BAIN 4c SON. THE BALMORAL NoTelty. HOOP SKIRT A BAIN k. BON. CLASP HOOP BAIN 4c BON, SKIRT. NEW DELAINES VALCK SO cents. at ltX CENTS, BAIN 4c BON. Eee0" BE. ' , BAIN 4c BON. (ITV"? CORAHS, nUF.FS tc CCFFS, BAIN 4c BON. BED, CRIB eV CRADLE BLANKET all iiiet, BAIN 4c BON T ABIES' WHITE CASHMERE Skirts decibel , ' BAIN4CB0N.M AMD BUNK BOOX MANUFACTORY j SPLENDIDLY 14UIPPBD Wt'JH IMPROVED MACHINERY j . . AND i..- i STEAM POWER., N.j W: LEFAVOR, Supt: NOB. 38 34, 39, 33 NORTH HIGH BTEKET, Statesman Balldlnar, Second Floor. over R. NeTlna'a State steam Printing Room. ;...). IXTKA SUBSTANTIAL PAGED BLANK BOOKS, With or without Printed Heading. n HnrAor p.P.r. 'ruled and bound To any required Pattern. 8TAT1 DEPARTMENTS, ; RAILROAD OIIIOEB, . i " bankino nocBia. j COUNTY OFIIOIS, r ; ' .' KEBOHANTB, 1 Vurnlihed at the Lowest Prices. BOOK BINDING, i By tne Edition or Single Volume i MAGAZINES. FiiMmifiooKfiiiiiy i MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS, PAMPHLETS, " - . PAPBB8, ; ' Bound in any Required Style. . BINDING AND HE-BINDING f' ' i . tot Public and Private Llbrarlei. Orders from abroad will reoelre prompt end ipeclal attention. Addreai, J. H. RILEY, or. N. W. LEFAVOR. Bookseller and Stationer, Superintendent 7 Bouinmgn street. franklin Bindery. novl4-d3jB .. GOOD SAMARITAN E. B. ARMSTRONG-, No. 17 East Town Street, . WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN d i STOVES AND TIN WARE. irr A larito itock of the GOOD S M ABIT AN on nana.' . , novlB-d3m , DR. ROBT; , THOMPSON, J Stirgeon fc Physician. rrSBEtTB ALL DISEASES OV THI XYK. ' ' A Offloe HlKh Street. North of Broad (No. 10. i Beaidenoe, N. Fourth (Market) Street, near corner or spring. Colombo!, Dee. 99, 1801. dAwtfi DR. J. :W. THOMPSON riTflCB ON HIGH ST&1ET, OVER HAYDIN'S J IRON STORB, a few doer. Koita of Broad. Colanbuf, Pig, , IWWU . " -""- .V. j4v I r.r FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 3, 1862. THE LATEST NEWS. BY TELEGRAPH BY TELEGRAPH From all Parts of the World. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. Fire in Rochester. Bufflo, Jan. 2. A fire last nlcht in Roohei teroansed the Interruption of all the eastern wires, rartiouiars not received. Mason and Slidell Sail for England. rnoviDENCE. Jan. 2. Th British itetm ciin. boat Rioaldo loft here atflva o'clonk afternoon with Mesirs. Mason and Slldall, and ineir oeoretaries on board. The wind blew hnrrioane all night. Boston, Jan. 2. Tho gale' at Boston list nigntwas the most severe known for years. From Missouri. 2. Dispatches recoived at ueaaquaners announce tne caDture of the noto. rious Jeff. Owens, Col. Jones and fifty of their onage-ourniog gang near Martinsbnrg, Andrian OOnntT, by Gen. Schofield. commander of thn ocaie militia; and various guerrilla bands along uo iiurm iuiBBoun itauroaa nave been pretty thoroughly scattered. Sis reeiment! of Fednral imnnd hava lofl fLL 111. 9 m. . - L uuemue ana upton lor Weston, on an un known expedition. - latxr, The report this morning that six regi ments of federal troona started on a western expedition is a mistake.. Recent deyelonmunta dlnnlnan imhsiilaniiiil. In the county collector's office, amounting to uircj inoueana aoiiars. ibese lrauds were committed bv SteDhen Daxtell. chief n . -.. J t. 1 r . ' vadcuu uck ior a series years. From Fortress Monroe. FoATRiSa MoNBnr Jan 1 via Ritn.n.. Jan. 2 Capts. Shillinglaw and Monson, of the Seventy ninth New York RouimAnt i.un w Dickinson, Third Regiment infantry, U. s! A.', Lieut. J. W. Hart, Twentieth Indiana Regi ment, and CorMril Thoa. MeDnvell. nf ,h. Seventy-ninth New York, arrived here last night by a flag of truoe from Norfolk. They are of the two hundred and fifty to be released in exchange for an equal number who were sent to Richmond last week, A great Improvement In the treatment of prisoners is said to have taken place within the last two weeks. The above named soldiers go to Baltimore to-night on tbeir wav to their hnmen. Th . mainder of the number to be released are ex pected to-morrow afternoon, and 'a number of our wounded, making a total of two-hundred and eighty four to be released, are expected in a few days. From Fortress Monroe. From New York. New Yore. Jan. 2. If la renorud tht r.ri Sohurz has resigned the bpaniah mission to vase a commana in tne army. -The workmen at the Navv Yard, numharinir nearly three thousand, have struck in conse quence of a repent order of the Secretary of the J.1BTJ, requesting id em w wort irom sunrise to sunset, as is paid outside. The Chamber of CommernA to-dar adopted a rfanlntios'to propose a memorial to Conereas. asking for the speedy passage of effective laws by which equal taxation will be laid on the sev eral mates; also, ajudioions system of excise to sustain the publio credit, and form a stable basis for the ultimate liquidation of the pnblic debt. A resolution was also adonted after an extend ed discission, that the Chamber remonstrate against the recent construction of the late tariff law, by which the act is made aoolieable to goods in bond, imported prior to its passage, and goods on ship board prior to the 5th of August. .--. The Spanish squadron took ncsseasion of San Juan Dulloa on the 16th of December. Vera Cms was evacuated by the Mexioan troops the next day. They retired without firing again. Havana letters say that Santa Anna and Mi- ramoa. are both to go to Mexico. General Prim was at Havana, and was about to leave for Mexico with reinforcements. Puiladiuhia, Jan. 2. Captain Alfred Ba con was not killed at Paducab, as previously reported; but In a skirmish between the Federal and rebel pickets near Calhoun, McLean ooun- ty, a guard composed ot men trm tha 30th Ken tucky cavalry regiment was attacked by a large force of the rebels and fifty of our men, includ ing Capt. Bacon, were killed and twenty taken prisoners. Wm. Bacon Stevens was eonsecrated Assist ant Bishop of Pennsylvania this morning, at St. Andrews church. From Port Royal. New York, Jan. 2. The. steamer Ariel ar rived here yesterday from Port Royal, 28th. She brings no news. The frieate Sabine arrived yesterday from Georgetown, South Carolina, via Port Royal, for repairs. The prize bark bmpress arrived Irom new Orleans bar. - The steam corvette Richmond arrived to day from Hey West. New Hampshire Republican State Convention. Concord, N. II., Jan. 2. The New Hamp shire Republican State Convention to-day nom inated Gov. Berry for re-election. Dr. Crcsby, of Hanover (Dem.), received the nomination for Railroad Commissioner. Resolutions were adopted sustaining the Gov ernment in prosecuting the war, indorsing the national Administration, demanding strict econ omy, indotslng the State authorities, thanking the volunteers for their devotion, and promising to support tne candidates nominated without regard to party issues. " Affairs in Mexico. New Yore. Jan. 2nd. We learn from the Havana Diokio that the governor of Vera Cruz was willing to evacuate the city, but demanded and received a respite of 24 hours. Uen. Uozett, on landing, issued a proclama tion to the troops and another to the .people: the latter to the effeot that troops had come hither only to demand satisfaction for the fail ore of treaties and violence committed against tneir compatriots but to obtain guarantees against similar outrages, the greatest satisfao. tion to the army would be, alter fulfilling its mission from the queen, to return to its own country with the certainty of having merited the atlections ot tne Mexicans. Nearly one hundred rifled cannon of the latest pattern were found in San Juan. From Washington. .Washington. Jan. 2 -We are hapfiv to aav thtt at no time bas General McClellan been dangerously ill. He is rapidly recovering from a setere oold taken'at General Porter's last re view., He is attending to all important busi ness, and will be out in a few days. - The steamer Stepping Stone came up from the flotilla last night. This steamer, on her reconnoitring trip up Oooquan bay, scattered the rebels wuh three well directed shots from her 24-pound rifled gnn, the shells bursting right In the m'dst ot the rebel soldiers; bot on her return she as followed by riflemen who concealed themselves behind trees and fired several bullets through her sides. One of these snots passed tnrougn tn bead of the Captain's berth. ... . . . .. .. The new rebel battery is on Possum Nose, this side of Cookpit Voint, and la therefore the nearest battery to th, city. At least one heavy rifled gun is planted Mere, as shells have been fired into the mouth o Mattawomon Creek. . - Gen. Benham has bfen released from arrest, and is ordered to repb-t himself for duty at once. The Court of InquVy ignored the charges against him as soon as that were reooived. -. . Col. Wilson's regimentVif Mechanic Foall eers have been ordered to report to Gen. Lane at Fort Leavenworth. The la officers will be selected from the States from yuich each eora pany hails.. - . V .'' A quorum was not present In eher boose to day. ! ' ' New Year wm marked by especially cotdiftl- V be : ' Ity on the part ol .the Dlplomatio Corps. All the foreign legations were present at the White tiouse ai omoiai -reoeption, ana csnea sunse quently on the Secretary of State. From Washington. THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Senate Mr. King presented a petition nu merously signed by citizens of New York city, praying for the emancipation of slaves under the war power. ... Mr. Latham presented a petition from the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco for a steamship mail line between that port and China. Mr. Sumner offered a resolution that the President be requested, if not incompatible with the publio interest, to transmit to the Sen ate all the correspondence which has taken place since the Congress held at Paris in 185G, relating to neutral and belligerent rights on the ocean. Which was sareed to. ' Mr. Kennedy presented a resolution from the state or Maryland, protesting against inter ference with slavery in that State by the Gen erai Government. -.!., ;. Mr. Latham offered o resolution instructing the committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of establishing a distinct barnaa for tne Treasury Department, to regulate and con troi tne mint, .. ,. . . . .. :,... Agreed to. Mr. Wilson offered resolution instructing the oommittee on Military Affairs to inanire into toe necessity ot modilying the act ot July, 1861, increasing the military stations of the united estates. Agreed to. Also, a resolution calling on the Seoretarv of War to transmit to the Senate the number of cavalry regiments authorized to be raised. where stationed, and, if it would be advisable, to convert those not yet mustered into service into regiments of inlantry. Agreed to. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to provide for tne appointment or sutlers lor tne volunteer service of the army, and to define their duties, iteterrea. Mr. Grimes introduced a bill in rceard to the administration ot justice in the District ot U lnmbis. Referred. ' Mr. 'Nesmith offered a resolution callintr on the Secretary of War for copies of the reports oi ine surgeon-uenerai ana sanitary uommis sion on the health of the army. Agreed to. Senate adjourned till Monday. Boston, Jan. S. About three hundred men of Butler's division embttiked to-day, and will sail tomorrow. - m INTERESTING TO EVERY READER, TT ! an Indisputable fact, that If any cenon want, one JL of thoae comfortable ESQUIMAUX BEAVER OVER COATS, he will uiually find them In large quantltle. at MAKUUa ClilLDS'S. IS any pernor, dealrone of owning one of the late tyle of REAVER OVER COATS, with eape attaohed, don't break your head! to leam where to find them, km. go to trie , CAPITAL CfTTY AROADE, Oppoilte thS"e Home. You Will flrnl tliem theie In all colore, kept by ' MARCUS CHILDS. Dirt you never wear any ot the 8ILE HfXED OAS 8IWJCK1C BUITB, wuich are sold at the Capital City Arcade.V Ru.h In and you will And them In pile., at ; MARCUS CHILDS 'S. YOU may alio be In want of PANTS and TESTS, and there I. but one establlahment in the' Wei t where Panta and Veet. are to be had In all itrlnee. ahane. styles, quantltiei and quallttee, and that place Ii the UAril Ab til l ARCADE. DON'T forget the extensive aiiortment of FURNISH INO GOODS, particularly In WOOLEN SHIaTS. which you can find in "Red, white and blue," at the CArlTAL, CITY ARCADE, Superintended by llanui Child!. IF yen with to wear garments 1VIADR TO OR. DKK, you can do no better than to to to the Mer chant Tailoring Establishment, next to the Arcade, and .eieoi your gooua irom a iiocr compniing all oolora of Beaver Olotba. Oaaitmarea, Silk Velvet and PluihVes logs, and yon will tnrely meet with a good flt by purchas lug at i MARCUS CHILDS'3. MILITARY GENTLEMEN, when they come to this olty, as .tracgera, and wUh to get a UNIFORM, It la to their beat advantage to call at MARCUS CHILDS'S, Where a large awortment of BLUE CLOTII and other artiolaa belonging to the equipage of an officer ean be had it very moderate prices. In sport oall at . . .; : . r. - . , Marcus Childs's, Proprietor of that eztenilva business locality, ' NO. 91 23 ana so mci STREET) Orposlto the State House. - - ... oet27-d6m Rorooval. TI7E have removed to enr new store., 70 and 72 Vine ' .treei, Between Second and Pearl atreete, where we w.k.'rT? ur inena. and customers. With a large a oomplete stock of Groceries of All Kinds, and greatly Inoreased faotlllles fot doing buainen, v are I'iciNucu w mnyyij uujen on toe most ia.oible term.. , WU. GLENN B0N8. Cincinnati, Deo. 18, 1861. . , . . , WM, HKK. 1X3. U. OUlnt. R. BIHOND, JX. 0. T U5N WM. GLENN & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, 70 and 72 "Vine Street Between Second and Pearl Sts,, ... 1 OIn.oixan.riti. dec24 2w GREAT CURE DR. LELAND'd ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND' IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, AND A SURE CUBE FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without Injury to the most delicate purnna; no change in habit! living ii required, and It entirely remove, the di. eaee from the system, without producing the Injurious effeot. arising from the use) of powerful internal medi eine which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only . By tills treatment, the med icinal properties oontalned In the Band come In eontaot with the blood and reach the disease, through the pore, the skin, effecting In every Instance a perfect cure, restoring the pari! afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band i. also a mostpowerful ANTt-olraooRiat, agent, and will entirely relieve the lyatem from the ptmteiout effects of Mercury, Moderate ease, are cured In a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonial! of it. efficacy in aggravated caeca of long standing. , Paioa S200, to be had of Druggist! generally, ot can sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the oountry direct from the Principal Office,, , , . ; .. , Vo. 409 BBOADWAT, Raw York. - 0. SMITH k CO., Sole Proprietors. N. S. Descriptive Circulars Sent Free.' A. J. SCHUBLLER Sc BON, Dseasum, Aasxrs, No, 277 B. High St., bet. Friend and Monnd, Columbus, 0. ID Aesats Wanted EverywUere. ( mhS3-lyl.orIstp.dltw Master Commissioner's Sale. Henry C NOblS , vs. John I. Tipton i Co etal.) Court of Common Pleas. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE to me directed, from tha Court of Common Plea, of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House, is tha city of Columbia, Ohio, on .; Thursday, January 30, A. D. 1862, - at one o'clock P. M., the following deserfbed'real estate, situate in the county ot Franklin, and 8 tate of Ohio, to Wit: ' ' " . , - LoUTNo. S3 and 58 la Phelan'. Addition tothedty of Columbus, Ohio.. ..i .-! .-,..,.. Appraised Jt-Lot No. 55. at 300, t i-'4';.'i",, -s.rt,ioo. " tv I . W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, , i"' 4 Mftjtsx CommissioBsr. Printer', fen S3, 75, dS-d.ltfcwW 30 COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] New York, Jan. 2. COTTON Quiet and very firm; small sales at 3S937S (or mlddllnc ttolandl. - FLOUR The mark.t rule, aulte firm, with a mod' erate demand for export and horn consumption; ealea of 10,400 barrel! at 5 KtkSM SO for rrjeoted; 5 5 55 for superfine .tate; 5 73fa bu ror extra state, .ioiidi at 15 75S 80: S5 4WS U foriuperfln westeral 5 75 S 00 for common to medium extra western; SO 00 (9 OS for shipping brand! extra round hoop Ohio Sii 15ae IS tot trade brand! do market eioslns firm Canadian flour a trifle better, with moderate bu.lnea. doing; aalei 800 bbli at IS 303 N lor lupemnei iseu dfiO IS for common to choloe extra. KYI FLOUB steady and aulet; small sales at 14 at) CORN HEAL In better reonest. with sales or lfcW bbla Braadwlne at S3 Xm 30, lb! Utter prloe lor de lirerea. WHISKY Ii a shade firmer; sales of 600 bbli at 3X 20VC. WHEAT Quiet and very firm; holders are not dla- posed to sell unless very full prices are realized ; .ale. of Kiuu buauels northweatern club at f l w, WW do Cana dian olub at SI t'il 12,000 do Bacine spring at 1 30; oauv so red Maryland at VI M eauu do winter red west era $1 42, and 1500 do white western at 91 48. - RYE Quiet and firm at 63P5o. -. , - . B ARLElf la .teedr at THHim. CORN Market opened steady and olosed rather quid ; lale. of 41,0110 buhel. at 85Mc for mixed western, in tore and afioat; oJo for New Jersey yellow. OATB In limited request at 4U43o for Jersey, Can' ada, western and state. ., PORK Quiet and without material chance In price; sales of 300 barrels at 113 00311B SO for men, SB ev ior prime we latter an extreme price. Total etook, new and old, on January 1, 1863, 33 ISO bbli; same date last month, 33,470 bbla; same date last year, 14,404 barrels. BEEF Rules very Arm; sale, of 1500 barrel. at (4 (94 SO for country prime, 55 SO for eountry meui SU S012 for repacked mew, 13 75 14 00 for extra mese. xotal stock, new and old, on January 1, ltkK, 30,008 package.;. same date last month, 23,172 packages; lame dato last year, 65,781 packages. , PRIME MKH8 BEEF In fair demand; sales of 300 tleroei at $ lWsV.it. India men beef firm; aalei of 650 tierces on private terms. - . , BEEF HAM8-Inactive. ' COT MEATB Quiet; aalei at 3X5o for shoulders, WmXs for hams. . We alio nOUce sales of 1000 green ham. at full price.. BACON Bide. In food demand! ailea SSO hnxea itllv 6ftc for Cumberland out middles; 77Ko for short iiddm ao ; ine ior long clear do, and 77Vc for bel lies. LARD In fair demand: .ale. of 1200 hbl. at ?UTf2 iiuuH Dressed, slightly raror buyer., with aalei at 4X'f;o for western; 4'4,'o for city. . BUT1ER Bellini at USSlSc for Ohio: lSAaVi fnr state. CHEESE Rule, dull at SKlSOc for Ohio: 113.7 u foJi.tate. . . " BtJOAR Raw. Srm: .ale. S00 hhdaOnba at IkislHu uu uuxcb uavanaai ocbO. juui.aoBKB-uuiet. with no sale, reported. BT00K8 Are dnll and auita Inemil.r: - rihlpun and Rock Island 51V: bhlcavo. Bnrlln.tnn At o,,inn. .1', viveiaau ana 'xoieao m Cleveland and fltu Durg jo, raoama ill; micnigan Southern 18K ; Har lem IS.; Erie 32; New York Central 70jf; U. 8. Five., 1874, coupon. 78j TJ, B. sixes of "71, coupon.. -8; U. S. sixes, of '81. mistered. 87: Tennniu mm is; racinc juail Kii rio preferred 031 nudion Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Dec. 31. FLOUR 6S bbli white wheat .old at S3 40. and SO do ii (.- ju; ana -u ddh wnite at o. yy iiKAi l car wnite sola at we, two red at uoe: one atB8c; three oards red at Sic; and 3 ears white at 93 uo; also 3 car. red at uuo. CORN 2 car. .old at 35X. RYE 1 car sold at i'.'Kc ' BARLK Y -l uar seld at 45o. UUU8 Dressed, market varies aa car aualltv and weight .ale of 69 at S3 25. OATS Rather unlet; sale, of 3 car. at 26c and 2 ein at 36c. SEED 150 bushels clover sold at S3 73. BEANS No aales. POULTRY Chicken, .old at Sc. and a .mall lol at turkle. at 6o. JiBOB Are Steady at 13XS14o: aale of 2 bbli at last figures. UHIEESE In demand at SV&Oo for eood smill sal... APPLES No sale, reported. HIOHWINBS-50bbH.oldat I5. Ltaier. Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati, Dec. 31. FLOUR The demand Is eood. produced hv the New York new. quoting round hoop Ohio at SliSfl 10, and prioei are biKher, with sale, of 1.600 -bbls. moitlv on peculation, at t4 10 forauperflne to extra; (4 10(3 4 25 for extra to family; and S4 35(34 50 for family to fancy. The demand 1. principally confined to superfine and low extra, paying as high for the one as for the otuer.. xne auvance at new Jora u produced by the European newi quoting an advance In breadstuff, and the demand aotive. The activity In the English market! wu produced by an anticipated war with America. Aa soon a. the release of Mason and Blldell is received on the other aide of the Atlantic, s decline will be the re sult. WHEAT The demand I. eood at 83(587c for red. and 653900 for white, with aale. of 8,700 bushels at those ngures. niu ioiu atso. OATS Are dull at 88c. Bayers offer but 27o, at which large aale. could be made. ' BARLEY Remain, steady at 46 50o for fall, and 40 43c for spring. OORN-I. dull at 28o for new ear in bulk. Tha de mand for new and old shelled Is good, at 303320, In bulk.- There Is none offering. ZnatHrtr. Hog Markets. CINCINNATI. The receipts of hogs the last 24 hour, are only 1,800 bead. The demand I. in excess of the offerings, and prices are - Arm at S3 15(93 30. The market cloa.d aeciaeaiy in lavor oi sellers. The wUa wen? 1,100 bead, S70 lbs, at. 3 S2X 1 3 35 3 25 3 95 1 15 3 15 Enquirer, Jan, 1. 170 do SIS do MO do 350 do 225 do - 825 do 220 do S15 do 225 do ISO do 200 do 185(3190 do INDIANAPOLIS. .IAre.WB.r,le! yesterday of 400 head, av.ra.itnr 235. at f.i; Joa bead, avii imi at S2 73. tui. ia. i Ii to be .hipped, dressed, to Madison. A good many are yet offering, and the beat hog., we are informed, are yet wu ior Bie. auunoi, joo. ji. MADISON, IND. Hogs we quote at 3 00 to 3 15, being the extreme range. Uoga received per Madison and Indianapolis Railroad np to Saturday night, December 28. 1861. resorted w jur. a. a xjiviu . oicasre. roweil AlCAWin ec J0. 20,834; 0. Soott It Co. 9,609. Total 33,733. Courier, Deoem- oer jo. . . Uoo OnoLiaa. The Republican PreufDanv Ilia, rn of the 25th inst. says; Th. hog cholera baa made IU annearanoe insn, ih hog. In this seotion of oountry, and ia daily .weenlnc j wa. v.mw a, u . ui, ii ,v , waoi hi. 3,000 attached to his distillery, during the past week has lost, on an average, sixty hog. per day, the oauae of which is attributed to hog cholera by some, and by oth er, to the lung fever. Master Commissioner's Sale. Oeonre M. Panons, Executor' Samuel P.njons, deoe-rf, Uale hy order of Court. William I. Brack at al. J BIT VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OP SALE to me dlreoted, from the Superior Oonrt of frank. lin County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-House, la the city of Oolnmbui, on Monday, tho 20th day of January, A. D. 1862, between tha hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, M. the following deaeribed real estate, eltuata in th. eounty of Franklin and State ot Ohio, to wit: Part, of lota noa. B ana v oi tne auoaiviaien or survey 1388, being the share of said William F. Brack in said lot! No!. Band 9, as assigned and set offjtohlm by the Superior Court of Frank lin county, Ohio, at Its Mav term. 1858. made of aald lota between bim andbii wlfa Elisabeth 0. orecK, numo. two t;ot ma partition, com mencing at the N. W. oorner or lot No. 1 of said parti tion; Uienoe 8. 57 deg, SO min. 1. 168 86-100 poles to the eentre ot tha Oolumbni and Harrlaburg Turnpike Road, thence along the eentre of aald road N. 32 deg. 30 mln. B. 35 pole, to the B. 1. oernorof lot No. S of said partition; thenoe N. 57 deg. 30 mln. W. 190 poles to the B. W. oorner of aald lot No S; thence S. 1 deg. 30 mln. W. 41 pole, to the beginning, containing 39 acres Irood. - - . Also, lot No. three (3) of said partition, commencing at the N. W. corner of lot No. 2; thenoe 8. 57 deg. 30 mln B. 190 poles to the oentr of tha Oolumbni and Harrisbnrg Turnpike Road) thenoe along th eentre of aald road N. 3? dec. 30 mln. E. 54 polea to tha B. B. corner of lot No. 4 of laid partition; thence) N. 57 deg. mln. W. 822 66-100 pole.; thenoe B. 1 deg, 30 min. west 62 50-100 pole. to the places beginning, oontain- tug W 1UI.B, IWWWP, v w,cv. " Appmaeaaaioiiowa: ; i .' . -, j Lot No. 8. containing 39 acres, tneetttar with tha wm sawmill, S4.000. Lot Mo. S, containing 69aeres. at ttt per acre. ' ' . 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, -Printer's fees, 6 75. . and Master Oonuntsetoner. deo!7-wtd . , - .. ,, ,. . , iBAIN c SON fiFFEH tne most ExtenslTe Assort s mens oi - - - - ; Brown and Bleached Cotton Flannels; " - " Mnallna; ' '' Barnsley Cotton Sheetlnn: ; Beleot Style, of Oallcoa and Delaines; Tiokings, Shirtings, Gingham.. r .! A And Cotton Battings, u . ,. '.. .... ::-:v ;r ? Alio, Blankets, Flannels, ' V " . : ' Oaaannuraa, Cloak Olothi, etc, eto. Maoh below regalar prioss. . BAIN SOI, 0tl S9SftElEU Street. A It as and . " at : HE OHIO STATES ItAN STEAM i BOOK AND JDB .'' ' l '... -.' - s ' PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Ttavlng Increased Its already EXTENSIVE FACILITIES Is fully prepared to execute In the M 03 T, ELABORATE MANNER, Am in THE LATESf STYLES,! CATALOGUES, IROULARS, PAMPHLETS, ' LITTER BEADS, LEGAL BLANKS, DRAY RECEIPTS, LABELS, CARDS, ENVELOPES, If' ' .' ' siujoan, . BILLS LADINd, BILL HEADS, NOTES, DRAFTS, , I CHECKS, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, (And every description ofj LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Equal to .any Establishment In the State, and upon terms which will oompare favorably with the ' t leading Eastern Printing Houses.? Having every Facility to aid TJ IN THE PRODUCTION OV ELEGANT POSTERS AMD HIGHLY ILLUMINATED snow CARDS, Ws offer oar services to all who may desire that elan of work. We have connected with our EsUbllshmint s BLANK BOOK BINDERY, From whl ws produce the Finest TSteczxlx. Worlx AND THE MOST S re BAH, EOAD BLANK BOO OUR TABLISHMENT Is to beadmltted THE LARGEST THE MOST COMPLETE IN FACILITIES, am tvi most PERFECT IN ORGANIZATION In this City, and ws may add, WE. WILL FAVORABLY COMPARE WITH ANT Printing: Bona In the West. RICHARD KEVINS, PBOPBXETOB. HUNNFAVELL'S . f l NJVERSAL COUGH REMEDY. For all Throat and Lung Oomnlalnta, Includna-. with moat perfect remits, Wuoorura Coosa. Ormomo ajrs uomhom uooeum, aaoncHii aits T Ha oat ooairbaiirn, alwnyi forerunner, of Oonaumption. As a Soothum Biaor It has no superior. Freed from all Opiate) or Imetfc properties, may be need by moat delicate eonatt; rationa, ana witn penecc oonnasnos. , HUNNE WELL'S CELEBRATED ' TOLU ANODYNE. Tbs QsjtaTawr NaTtnuij OruTa over offered to ths world, eontalnlns not a oaKicla of Onlum. nor anv rab stanos bat its itriotly vegesabl and medical properties. sure Bemody for Naoaaiaii,, Khbumatdtii, Goct, Toon a Jt A our, Oatabjui, Jtoa ob Eat Vsvsa, id all minor Nervosa Complaints. Foa Loss or Bunos and Headacha In ah ia varieties. has bo equal, and to which most undoubted teetmonl all an offered. Foa DxLnuoal Tbxhxm it Is a most perfect remedy. Foa Bowk. CoMrLaurn, after ramewuig tbs pain it sets a physio, a most important oontrase with, ins eomtipa lory effeot! ol Opium. To Phyticiana, Formula! and Trial Bottles will be sent, to Sealer or Invalid a deeoriptlva pamphlet without "postage-stamp." a-reparea anusr ws speomi sapsrvwoB oi JOIlNL.UtNNEWELL, . ' smmnsTAjro tWAaUO(rntT, i Wo 9 Comfflsrelal Wltarf, Boston, Mass To whom please direct all communications. Tgioes Largs Cough Bemedy, 30 osnts per beuis. - Small . . . 25 -., ... Tola Anodyne, 50 " . " For sals by the aaual erholeeal and retail dealers, everywhere. B08BBTB St 8AHUBL, . ' N. B. MABFI, JOHN B. OOOBL i ' J. M. DBNIO, . DBNIO At BONB, A. J. SOHTJBLLBB A SON, mayl7-wl Agants for Oolumbu, Ohio. - Sheriffs Sale I . D.W. Deahler vs. Common Pleas. , Jonithan Nwramar. BY VIRTCE OF Alt ORDER OF SALE to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, 0., I will oiler for sale, at the door of the Court House, in the city of Columbus, on Saturday, tho 25th day of January, A. D. 1862, ons e'olock, p; ., the following described Mai ss tato, sltnata in tbs sounty of Franklin, sad Stats of Ohio, to wit: . . ,. The south half of In -lot No, 534 of ths city of Co tumbus,0. Appralaed at fS.OOO. ' : ? .a .;.flI0BaiWfHtrFFllA, Sheriff, .i ' By Bo. tavrs, Deputy. H. 0. NoLi,Att'y. Printer's fsss 3 75. dttfO-aitftwta Sheriff's Sale. Francis H. Story, by hU next friend, ' -ry. p.ut.on.r, . I Superlo, Cosh Joseph Story it others, reepondents. J '" "" eoanty, Ohio, I will offiV for l. .TVk- "'"""""a Court Hon,'ta the MoSmS. -Saturday, the 4th day of Jannar. a n iqc Ohio, to win xranmin county; Part of aurvey No. 3809, of the Tlralnla If ' a. prairie; theoo. north tlsvolm to Tiike ? -rSer" tha'l WS,?i itrle: Ir. .wh -T".T' P'"a!take in a eweet rT"""" P" to the beinnln.,.taTBT:: ;"" ""a a nair acres, more or leas- nhi, i dower estate heretofore it o? and aSieneS ta Story, widow of said afannaduk. 8;?SJl iwm: KMhniii..,..:.L. . . " jorner, theno. N. 88 deg. wiuss Turn or Bali. One third i (...j . year, ,d .n. third In two wito n Jrt ft tSJ day of ail., secured by mortgage. "" " Appraised at $15 00 per acre. 4 ' ' ' a. w. HUFFMAN. Rh.rifr By Ed. Davi., Deputy. Printer's face ft 00. aov4-dlt4twM : ' Sheriff's Sale. Peter A. Frailer h . i vs. f pdo. J, p. 859, Thoma.Dani,!. Superior Oourt, BY VIRTUE OP AW ORDER OF sALP to me directed, from th. gMrf J" Jf'.: Oountr. Ohio, IwUl offer for ito iZ' ot "t on!., in the city of OolumbJi "owi. ' ' Court House, the a-ii ... . . . , vu o.iuraaj, ice tn day of January. A. D. iflfio between tho houri of 10 o'cIocE'a. M. and 4 0-i . U'a.ta..' ".SI! od too.nt., Htuate to tne oounty of Franklin. Rt.u.ni.i. . . 7. . of Worthlngton, and ImWuZX ty, Ohio, being the same prenUea aouva! DdlS'i", uTwuTJ. 'aSd iloma. Dinlil, by deed dated August 25th. A. D. 18SS Printer', fee. 00. ' W HU"Mi. "".rilf. ' D"va5-aitwtd ,'7 if Master Cornmissioner's Sal Joshaa Baldwin'! adm'rt ... Blohard Snowdeo at al. Court of Common Pleu. , BT VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF HALE te sts direotad from the Court of Common Plea, of Franklin oounty, Ohio, I will offer for ealeat the TSalt of the Court House, In the city of Oolumbu." Ohio m Saturday, ths 4th day of January, A. D. 18C2 between the hour, of 10 A. K. and 4 P. M . the fol.' owing promises, situate In the olty of Columbus Frank lin oonntv, Ohio, to wit) ' .JS:'0' tt0' 95i slao. lota Noi. 14, IS. 16. 17. J8. 19 ,v:den'' f & " Appraised at Lot No. 39S S3 300 00 Lots Hos. Hand 19,at....f4?5 00 each. " " 16 and 17, at.... 600 00 " 18, 19, 20 St 21, at 475 00 " " 22,at 350 00 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, Printer', fen, 85. M",r C"nn""'- deoS-dltAwtd PROF. WOOD'S wm AND BLOOD RENOVATOa Is precisely what its name indloatoe, for, while nSng, rn, w ui, uuw. ii, m revivuvi ncr. exnuarat. invigorating and strenatheninr u the vital bowera. and at tha earns tima mDu . .... k litatea, and renew, the Blood in all Its purity, and W&hu. at once restores and rtndtrt th tuiitn ia knUfuraMtto attack of aiteatt. It is the enlyj .wn'iw.iiwfl w uuorou ,u toe wor.w, .0 cnemi ttaliy and skillfully combined aa to be the most aur ea w, aa to act m peneot accordance with thel lara of nature, and henoe will soofAi th wtaJut fromocA, and tone up tha diaeatlva arnna. and uiua aiiajau oervoua aua otner irritation, it 1st penectly exnuaratlng, and at the aame time it UI 'competed entirely of vegetable., yet to oombined laa to prodaoe the moat thorough tonic effect, with but producing any injurious oonaequencee. Such k remedy baa long been felt to be a deaideratnm in fine medical world, for It needs no medical skill toj see tnat debility follows all attack, of disease, and proceed! and Indeed lays the system open to the insidious attacks of many of the most fatal, such, (Jonsumptloo, In' .ppetite, Faintness, Palpitation ot the la. lian.aor. UiArii- nen, Retention of, a. well u Painful obstructed, too profuse, or too acant Menstruation, and Fall' lint of ths Womb. Tnese all depend uuon aeneral aeotiity. 'inia pare, neaiiby, tonkj Cordial and Biooa uenovator u as .ore to cure ai the sub ao pwipseanaKt, xnero uso mistake about it. But MfUila 1. not all. If tha system h weakened, ws are nippen to biliou. attack!, the liver become! torpid, for won dieeaaed, tha kidney, refute to perform H their function!, and we are troubled with raiding lb iTknd lnoontinenos of Urine, or tnvoluntarv dla- nfcharge of the aame, pain in ths back, aide and be-1 A tween ths shoulders, exoacdinilv liable to sllcb: (colds, ooughs, and if nnchecked. soon emaclatioi follow!, and the patient goes down to a premature a brave. But space will not allow u. to enumerate U the many ill. to which we ars liable in a weakened I oondlilon of the syttsm. But ws will aay, in this 0 a, uoruiai asu uioou senovator yon nave a perfect, rsafe, pleasant and effectual remedvfor loea ni A AppeUto, Biliousness Flatulence, weak and lick H Stomach, Languor, Liver Complaint, Chilli and Fever, or any Bilioui attack, Ooetivenesa, Acidity ioi we Dtomacu, nervousness, neuralgia, Palpita A I tion of the Heart. Depression of SuiriU. Sorea. U Plmplei on the Face, or any dii.aae arising from .mpure blood, inch aa Scrofula. KrvsiDelaa. Bron I'hUia, Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and all that n aaisai oi (means called lemaie weakneas, and tl enumerated above. We will also aay the traveler er, will nod It a pleasant, sale and . ore remedy,' lj Kind none should over travel without. Beader, V r try It, for we assure you you will find In It a fnend H U Indeed, aa well aa a friend In need. All person. of! r Mdentary habit, will find It a perfect preventive off A aa well aa cure for those ailment! to which they are 11 DartlOttlarlv evnnaed. HarmwitnlatAra-iiiiitanta-at-l torners, literary gentlemen ,and ladle, who are not i aoouatomea to maoh outdoor exercise, will Bod it to their advantage to keep a bottle oonttantly on p band; and, above all, mothers, or these becoming Hsuc&i will go through that most dangerous period It not only wth all their accustomed strength, butlfA (safe and free fmtn tha thnnaand ailmanta an nmmjr 0 falent among the female portion of the world. Id jahort, it ia indeed a mother', cordial. Try it, oloj U leaauw uuilj ( (iv IUU)(I IUU UIO g lOAV VI UBUaJt IsWllU tat iMliMM anrl ItMWJl Itulf Aaankatlna Mm a D.rMai I ayHi wawu afawww laroil viupawMVSSiSSjr Anrstvi m I A ittv Cordial and Stood Mtnovator. If) O.J. WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, News! W fork, and 114 Markat Htwwl. flt. T.nnla. U. sold by ROBBHTS At SAatUBL', Columbus, Ohio, W land all good Druggists! Price One DollailsV Jpsr Bottle. .march28-dAweowly I, aeacrlbed aa foil. black walnut 13 inch.. " Z," 'on wbJcha , mm lin i OOXjTJIVXZIXTS Machine Maniiiacturing Companj MAKtryAOTtraias o ' STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Casttafs, mU-Csajiiif, Kashlasry. . . i ALSO, of svisv Bxsciirnow. - . coLcnncs, ouio. OHAS. AMBOS. Bnp'i. f. Alt BOB, Trsai- deoll. lWH-tf Sheriff's Sale. ' Charles Beath i atal. J Dao. , page ICS. OommoB Pleas. Wm. F. Jennings BY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OP 8 ALU to me dlreoted from ths Court of Common Flees of Franklin oounty, Onto. I will offer for sale at tne door of the Court Bouee, in ths olty of Columbus, Ohio, on 8aturday, tho Uth day of January, A. D. 18b2, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described reellsstats, situate In the county of Franklin, and Stats of Ohio, to wtt. Lot No. Ten, In Phelan'i Mount Pleasant Addition to ths city of Columbus. - Appraised al S400 00. 1. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, ' By Bd. Davis, Deputy. Prli.ter's fees S3 SO. . Ssoflwld. v , ... TTERY STYLISH STRIPED CLOTH V BUAWLB, la new oeilrni at f 3 SO value 03 00. 1.S00 yards Soper Plata DlaoJ Blaok Bilk at 1 0-Valu - Ol snayara Freock UerlBos,ffiX oeots Talue 87K sts a yard. vu 74seats valosl OOayard. BAIN At SON, ootlS No. 19 South High Btreet,