Newspaper Page Text
t2i)t (91)io 8tatoiw mi M DAY MQRNINGLFER 1. B63. Ji. ' . No. PKTTEieill 37 t..k Raw. Near Yor., ana w B eu " " w Street, Boston, JiM fee kern t.ta,.n4 ?n., wJSZS. ! snbeerlptlont tor a at cur ietoeti Thanks. ii-rraa"r7V;i"onr thanks for Congree- -u-" .l1-4'"-' ilonal faVor ' . . ,i,.nn i t..Piaiat for id tonon. a. Hi " rk'of the Aodltor of State; and rArAlT.L,.'mmt. We are Indebted enni'ot tha KefiO t Hon. Otto Danit for a raloable document. Tbej will aooept onr thanked ' 7 Responsibility for Failure in the War. Tfta Aboiiilonlata are playing their hwt card An th n.ffrn.. Ik la a desnerata tltoa, ano uey are beginning to have awral premoniMoni oi iki-r-iin Ta lave themselves from the ........ I pnbUcodinmand indignation w hand U. about to M nieo .-. manasethenr ol tne war, iney w u.i the resDonsibllity and shove it off npon Demo- orate,, They eay Jhat If the war bai been In airy lease m failure, It ii owing to the Deno cratlo Oeoerall'by whom the army has been in tbe mala oommaaded, "I ', .', ' t -. Thla- will not anawer their purpose. U ihe Administration baa put m the field Incompetent officers. It h no excuse to say they were Demo crat. Nordoea It place the responsibility of their failure noon Democrats, since the Admin istration, not they, bad the selection of the commanders. If a bad choice waa made, the blame clearly falli upon the appointing power which was In the hands of th Abolitionism, and hot In thoee of Democrat or Conserve tlttA " . .. Many General offloen io the army, who have bean elled Democrats, are not aod never were .nttiiMl latitat honorable distinction. 1 0thers, who had once abtcd with Democrats, the mo ment they obtained tSUe and place under an Abolition Administration, became the blttereit of renegade againtt .their old parly menus, and old themselves to do the bidding of the fankeet disunion radicals. Those wno re malned true ti tbe prlnolplee of tbe Conttitu tion, and the Union a held eecred by Demo ctau, have eea bunted and pet secuted, their plana thwarted, their loyalty Impeached, and many of them dismissed from aotnai service Abolition ' bate i vand' lealowy . follow the few that remain, in the army, with a eeemlog de termination to be rid ot every prominent offioer In the army1 who doe not iwear fealty to the disunion creed of Abolitionism. - . The Admlolsiration and the party that placed tt In power and ha sustained it, are alone re sponsible for any failure there' haibn,or may b In the eondoot of the war. They bad the rale lot and officering of the army. They could and did appoint and remove office t pleasure. the Generals have proved was be cause the appointing power laoked the sense and ludtment to make too selection. The Administration and 1U party have had evrvthini" their own way. They have had all Ihe executive officer all the power and pat ionga ot th national Government in their own hands. A large majority in both branches of Coogren baa been obsequious to ao me ma dine and resistor In "the form of law the de reuof It party. -Beside, they have had the control of the executive and legislative depart meet of all th Northern States, who have not been' behind Congree and th Exoutlv In ready ibjedlenoe to party dictation. - Men and money, the ilnew of war, hav been furnished with a liberal a prodigal hand. It the Administration and it party had the capacity to bring the wax to inoceasful ter mination, It would seem rational to suppose that euch a result hould" have been at leaet nearly or quite reached with a million of tbe eat aoldiera ever ealled into the field, and with th expenditure of over a thousand mll Hoo dollar, and the almott Inexhaustible re souroes of a great country at command. Democrat have not bad it in their powar, Van bad 4hey been eo disposed,' te binder or materially obstruct tbe Administration and ita party In carrying oa th war la their own way. Taey have had full awing have managed It u they are now managing it. to weir own um Jug, and they alone are responsible lor any fail ure In the past, or any defeat in tbe fntnrein regard to tbe object for which they oetenilbly engaged th country In th war. The people will hold tbem fast to thia responsibility, and not allow them by any sham plea, trick or de vice, to evade ir. Responsibility for Failure in the War. A Month Under the Abolition Proclamation. v ' . nation. ,. Ii Is now last one month line th Presi dent' second and great Proclamation of Free dom, as the A.bolitlonists call it, waa Isaned, By tbii time, according to radical propheole ottered before the Issuing of the proclamation, the backbone nd ainew of the rebellion, which the radicals assure us are tbe slaves, hould have been ao broken and weakened that the Coafed wonld be abont giving up the eontett la ettr deepalr. . ; '. ' , .. '. . Barm aa the nroelamation should be Issued the high priest of Abolitionism promised that a now enthusiasm, fervor, aeal, and courage would be kindled all Over, the North, wbiob would cauae' "brave men' If not "fair wo men," to rush by hundred of thousands to th field of battle.! And yet, Uaoge to tell, these Tory Abolitionist! and their foUowen hang back from th ervlce 'aa much u beforehand ...tni-i to fore th negroes to do all the fighting for them, 1 ' - Bnt what has become of that great elave in surreotlon which was to follow upon th heels of an (mancipation proclamation, and give the ftnlahlne: blow to the lavebolders' rebellion, aa Masse Giuut call itt W all remtmbeMb giving forth of omebody who wrote a book or pamphlet, entitled "Among Jha Pine," frem which eoptoue nd tertling extriot found their way into leadi a magsalne and newspapers. The author was. represe&ted a having traveled axUndvely all over tbe extreme South, hav ing th enta"c4anleB09 of tbe itrongeit mind el among the alave and their Abolition, friend 1 1 that region, aod aa understanding a well thals future lien ee tbtlr secret motive and soring of action. - f: V' ; ' "-' ' The author of th work In question told tbe world that a great negro conspiracy existed, having It loader and it ramification all over th far Benin, and that a won a th President t should would appa 6oath aa to ntlerl promt them from longer I I a . tsiao hit fret onrro prooUmatioQ and ill aaonld be asinred of ecpport from at$i arm, a formldabl atav Insurrection . et oqo break forth, more exttnsiv. and flog than bad ever been Imagined or drfakned f 0, IninrrcoUoa, that would to wauken aod demoralise the white rebele In the mtwnuiiug in igkioii ui national uorern- .,.. . . 1 T . men. .. , . .. - ;-r ..v:-" "r Well, tbe President Iseaed a proclamation a month ago, declaring all the lava la- the ex treme South forever free, and pledging to them the Army and Nary of the .United Statee to maintain them In their freedom. And yet we bear of no elaTO Iniarreetlon on a large or a imaUioale. The negro, for aught that ap- peaw, remain as qaleUv In the service of their v ; Tv, , maateriai before, except a few rnnawaya that , t.. ii ' x come within enr llnei, a waa the case and to .hontth..m. txte.l. bafor. th. abont tbe nme extent, before the proclama tion wtt Issued. or A a knave. He waa either grossly deceived aimaeu, or iuisducu to pain iu ""f""""1' nomoug upon iuo crcaumy oi m philantbroplsta and flreateri. . ... . . , i , .t'"" i., h:.StU ,...-.. u.. .- - - kibuub ,eu uvgiu . uvu v . j vitality in It. It baa called neither white nor black loldlers Into tbe field; it baa not promot ed alave Iniwrectiona, or excited a single black bondman to "strike for freedom," and baa not weakened bnt rather strengthened the rebel oauee. , , , .-., -f . Such has beca a month's experience of he effeots of the proclamation. The future prom lata no better for It than the past. What will tbe Abolitionists do next? "O arm tbe ne groee!" Well, arm the negroes, as many as von can set. and do It quickly, and tec what will come of It. THE OHIO LEGISLATURE. i In tbo Sinati, on Saturday, after prayer by tbe Rev. Mr. Roberts, petltioni were presented by Messrs Perrlll, Miles and Sherrird, which were referred. Mr. Godfrey gave ootioe ot new bill. - Mr. McLnng, ifrom the oommltM on Agrtcnltnre, reported a bill, which waa rtr.d the first time, To ameod sections 1 and 5 of an act for the crotection cf certain birda and game. It provides for tbe protection of qnaila ftamt hill via oaaaed. To create a Dcrmanent tA f, th. Ohio Sui. Bjard of Apiculture: . . .... x also Senate MU, ie amena an aci enimoa an aot defining tbe jurisdiction ana regulating we nr Prnht Cunrti. naaaed March 14. ' . ioko Mni last . ,, , 1 -- - Mr. Miles, conceiving tne DMtiiani wea nai aewspapere have not yet been sufficiently re trenched by this Abolition General Assembly, offered a resolution, which waa adopted, pro- posing an imjuiry with a view of catting down nrinter'e feee alill mere.- . ' - . . m.. -I - . U T . M..n ... r,l Ik. wl - " ""v pretext iot (be election of another Clerk, few Jollnr dm. J M. Arthur, of Highland ' . county, was rewarded for bis political services, by being elected to draw tbe aforesaid per dim from tbe State Treasury. Tbis is th second Clerk (hat the Senate has elected this session, when the public .ervlce did not require any ad- dltlonal clerical force , Tbe Senate, In executive session, confirmed tbe appointment of Henry E Parson se a Di rector of the Ohio Penitentiary for three years from the 26tb'of. Meroh next; also the appoint ment of Norton S. Townshend as a Trustee tbe Ohio State Asylnm for Idiots. Tbe following bills were Introduced and read the first time: By- mr. jonnaton to amena section 3 of the Tax law; By Mr. Spragne To provide for the appointment of a Medical Board for the Examination of Army Burgeone, Tbe Senate ipent the afternoon la committee of the Whole, dlcuskg Senate bill, providing for the election of School Examiners in the several township. Th bill waa then referred to the committee on fechool and School Lind. Mr. Gnnckel offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted: Wmaaaa. It is made to appear, with reason able certainty, that a combination of oapitallata exists In thia country to monopolize the produc tion of paper, with tbe view to control the mar ket for that commodity, whereby the price that necessary article haa been so greatly en hanced as to make the ooet thereof unreason ably burdensome to the pobllo; and WnEBxaa. The present duty levied by act Congree on paper imported from other countries I ao high a to prevent competition in our market by Inviting supplies from abroad; there fore . - ,. JUsMvea, Bi the Ventral Ainmoiy o im sum f Ohio, That our. Senatore in Congress be instructed and our Represent itive requested procure snob a modincauoa ot tne present tariff law aa shall reduce the doty to be levied on imported paper to an amount not exceeding ten per centum. ... Ratlved, Tbat tbe Governor be and la bere b taneated to transmit ooplesof these reso lutions to our Senators and Representatives Congress. Z ,Tbe Senate adjourned until Monday. In the Hooji, after prayer by Mr. Howe, pe titlon were presented by Messrs. Boesel.Gless- ner, Grlbben, High, Ma fiats, Vance aod Wil kin, whloh were referred. Sundry bills were read tbeaecond Mm 'and committed.. Honse bill waa named. To authorii the eonatraotlon ewere In oitlee of tbe second class having over thirteen thousand Inhabitant at the last Federal census. Tbe following bills were Introduced and read tbe first time: By Mr. Scott amend aectlon two of an act entitled an act scribing the ratea of taxation for State, County, Townablp, City and other purposes, passed April 30, 1862; By Mr. Howe To organise and die cipllne th militia of Ohio; By Mr. OJiin, from th Finance committee Makiog partial ap proprlatlon of the General Revenue for vear 1863. Mr. Crane a aeleot committee one to whom was referred hi bill. To pro hibit tbe Immigration of negroee and mnlattoei Into Ohio, reported It .book, wjtb tbo reoom mendarjon that It "be pissed. After a spirited discussion, it waa referred to the Judiolary coin miltee The House then, at. noon, adjourned nntll Monday. Hon. T. H. Cat roan, Judge of tbe Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, died Jan 27, In Washington city, io the leventy seventh year of bla age. He waa appointed Judge tbe Criminal Court by President Pole in 1845, beim at that time Commissioner cf Indian Affalrl. " ' ": 'Thb City Council of New York have, by rata of thirteen to three, passed a series resolution condemning th dismissal of Gen. era! Frrx Joa Poam and Inviting him to visit the city Hon. Martin Crain. ,ul Scioto county ha reason to ba proud of Its faith- KIentatlve la thie General AMembly, Alwaya at his' post, and ever attentive to tot in terests' and wanti of hli constituent, Mr. Cairn la hot urpased In naefolneia and cl&olenoy by anr member of eltbor House. He wae "elected In 2861 by th so-called " Union Party;" bnt moo aftee'.he came- bere. laitlnteri be aw that party repudiate jtt tplaJ(orm,, throw off Its' disgul,! andfriaud Wforw tho coun try at completely and thoroughly Abolition- lied at Giddimoi oonld desire. He thereupon sun dered bla oonneotlon with It', and became a con latent and .reliable Democrat. Ae a member of the good old Demosratlo party be expecta to live and die to It he expects to cling a the Jut beet hope of the bonntry. AblUty. honeity, v "r vu " J ' and industry have cbaraote led h i conne as a , ,T ' ' "-lB.M.h., Regulator, and no member poeieaiei In a higher degree the confidence and esteem of otben than does he. ..' i.T '.',, t leuion Mr. Caain lntrodnced a bill In the Honae to prohibit the farther immigration of negroes and mnlattoei Into this State. ', The majority refased'to allow It to pass, but just before the adjournment they tabled it At the bealnnlOB; of this session, be' iuoaeeded wKiomog oi tun acvuuu, us iuutww ttlng It takon 0P and referred to himself committee of one. Oa ' Saturday, be reported it back and -recommended iti pas sage. Pending Hi conatderatloafbe made an able and convincing ipeech, whloh gave great eatisfaotion to the Demooratio aide of the House, and brought several of the Abolition members to their feet in defense of tbe "Irre' . We inbjoin a synopsis of thla aenfiible and exoellent speech s'- SYNOPSIS OF MR. CRAIN'S SPEECH. i I i . at of of Ever since the commencement of tbe first session of the Leslelatnre, Detit!ooa. have been pouring In upon ns by tbe people or, all parts ot tbe State, . signed by citizens ot all. parties, asking us 'to pad a law to prevent the immi gration of negroes and mnlattoei Into the State or ubio. wnv is it tne people nave so sua denly become anxious npon this subject, and what great power, or force of clrcnmstances is It tbat moves mem to set tbue i Tbe tendency and effect of the war is to run negroee, both slave and free, Into the Northern Btates, and Ohio, owing to ber location, bide fair to receive more tnan ner mat portion Why should we not prevent the negroes from becoming paupers among nit ' Are they any better than white men and women? We have on our statute a law tbat forblda poor whiles immigrating among ns, and becoming paupers, and the law require tbe trustees of townships. whenever any poor whites, who are not rest' 6nw 0, .,n wwnampa, weerve wr n.n no tlceon them to leave fortdwitn. W6y can w, piM tawi to protect onr8erei gainflt black naopera ae well as wnlte paupers T The proposition oan'l be denied, that euch la n unnnmair-T 4tm thm harfni mAdlk Anrl nanfart "vr -- r;-' ,- on f Whit- citizens of Ub o. Tb s s Ter. Mrtons qoestlon whether tbis mighty homogeneous mass that now live In thia beau aiful State and rule It, shall continue to do ao and be the prominent race, or l it to be trod den down and mixed no wun-tnia inferior caste 7 Could a oountry be peopled with I more Discordant element man tne oaxon ana I .v. - - . r rj . imiuuvi WBIU I I naoDle. aver icatleia and cseklnir alter knnwl idgc while the negro is careless, lacy end im I moral, with an ambition tbat never extends be I a . i i. : . . f . i . 1. . . i .i JOUU ID pUBlMOU Dl WII1CC iu uuiei, oc tav proprietor of a barber abop. i Tbe Legislature should pass Ibis bill. There i no doubt npon the point of Constitutional power to do to. Let tbii bill become a law. K onf M,finnMa Md fiQe.gpon philan Let n be laitbroi to our eonstituents. LEtua thropio theories that Interfere with ns in tbis matter, ana obey tne people.'- rne people the power, and their wish ahonld be supreme. There has already been too much of Ibi re stating the request! of tbe people by Legislators end other offioiala In power. If the people bad been obeyed, we would not to-day be engaged In tbis war. If the Southern delegates at Charleston and Baltimore had acted In accord ance with the deelrea of tbe people of the Sonth, there wonld not bare been a split in the Demo oratio party, a Democratic President wonld hare been elected, this war wonld not have on onrred.tbe Union wonld still be oDbtoken, and Instead of misery, death and detpslr overspread ing our whole land, pcaoe,comfurt and happiness would preyall. If the Congressmen-end other in power in tbe Northern States bad obeyed tbe earnest roioe of Ihe people, and adopted tbe Crittenden Compromise, there would be no war to-day, peaoe would reign triumphant, and mothers, wires, and sisters, who are to-day shedding tears of sorrow and bltternese oyer tbe memory of lost loved ones, wonld be happy and contented and tinging eongi of gladness the good old Union would bare been restored, and tbe Star and Stripes would be waving over a re united people, and thousands whose bones erenow bleaching on boutnern soil. wonld to-day be at home with their luntiliea, content and happy. ", ' ,. "The Schoolmaster Abroad." . Tbe following is a copy of a petition present ed in the Ohio Senate from the Reserve, where the big Abolition majorities are given:. '. A PETETION TO THE LEGESLATOR OF OHIO. in we the voderaigned Citeneene of the Town- shipa of N orten and Wadsworth Medina and Bummit uounteys numotey rray your nonor able Body of the Legeslatar ot obio to alter or amend tbe Scool Lawa So thai we May have a Bard of Eiamnera for Bsool teatcners In Eaten Township to Be Elected at the anuel Spilng Election or Errey tow years in Eatch Town ship. - " 'VV."'-' of To Tbi London Jimes thinks the only way to settle the dispute in Amerioa wonld be for the Federal Government to dissolve Itself and de claring the' sovereign independence of each 8tate,leave each perfectly nntrammeled to form Ite own connectioni for tbe future a position of affiir which, it (opposes, might enable, on der mutual compromises, a new-federation te be formed that aho uld again Comprise the wnoie. Congressional Summary. the of " of a ot ' Io th Senate on Thursday, Jan. S9(b, Mr. Sauuiobt cxpretsed bis sinoere regret for what bad occurred in ' the Senate on tho Toesday evening previous." The resolution for bis 'ex pulsion will probably be suffered to rest for tbe present.' . ' ' ' In the House on the same day,' tbe negro sol dier bill wa taken op. .. Mr. Cos, of Ohio, aid the gist of hi objeotious was that the bill placed tbe black soldier on a perfect equality with tbe wblte. Mr. Martiano, oi Tennessee, aid that Congress bad . already provided that th President might employ inch persons of Af rican descent at he might deem needful under thia bill not only black Brigadier, bnt blaok Maior-Generale might be appointed. Mr. Dtmn, Ol Indiana, eaid ha wa favorable to th policy of tbe bill, but wished to provide explicitly that black men ihonld not command white men. Mi. McPHiaaoM, of Pennsylvania, said the au thor of th bill would con floe tbe efficiency to whit men. Several voices demanded who wa th author of the bill. Mr. Wicxum, of Ken tuoky, replied tbat it was tbe Seoretsry of War, Mr. Btawtow. j '; In tbo Senate on Friday, Jan. 30, Hon, W A, Rich ook hi aeat a Senator elect ; v'-,-:, - .:-i.u .-i- " v from Illinois, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tbe death of Hon. STimit A. Docolls. Mr.'1 Rionaapseir taks tb place of Mr. Bbownino. - In tbe House on he same day, a resolution was adopted' that the General-in-Chief Inform the House whether parole have been granted to any rebel.effloers captured since the procla mation of. Jeff Davis. The House ' resumed tbe debate, on tho. ncgrp .oId!er bill, during which Mr. Cox, of Ohio, controverted tbe po ltlons assumed b'j Mr.,McPimuoN', of Penn sylvania, and Other gentlemen, and argued tbat the course of Washington and other .Generam was against the employment f, negroes a soldier.? ( He remarked . that tie object of the bill was to.prodnoe a dissolution of the Union, A large portion of the army was made up of Celtlc,bloQd, an4 inch, men would not fight by the lde of negroes. He said a large portion of the army were Democrats, who., did not go into tbe contest for tbe oanse of Abolition. Stonewall Jackson's Chaplain. A dispatch to -the Cincinnati Commercial, dated Washington, Jan. 30, says : ' ' ' - Stonewall Jaokson'i Chaplain, Rev. J. Land street recently oaptnred by our cavalry,' was at the War Department te day, for tbe purpose of enecting an exchange, lie is a .mecnoaist oreaobor, of much talent. He stated to day to several persons, that the. watenworo ot tne rebel Statee was to conquer or die; that the last chanoe of a reunion was destroyed, and that tbe recent speech of Jeff. Davis was heartily ...... . m .- indorsed. While he did not attempt to conceal the . deficiency in clothing and equipments among tbe rebel forces, be consoled himself with the pious belief tbat Provldenoe, who fed the children of Israel with mans, wonld furnish food and clotbldg. - v- Tbe negroes, he says, never were so sub servient as now, owing to the strict police measures that had been adopted, and to the circulation of aoconnts of returned contra bands, who told fearlul stories of tbe cruel manner in which Yankees bad treated tbem. Memphis News. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Qatdtt, dated Memphis, Jan. 28, sajs s ; '' General Van Dorn, with eight brigades, left Grenada last Saturday, and is moving toward Memphis. - He must oome by railroad to Coffetrrille, then strike north. There were fifty thousand Confederate at Grenada on the day mentioned, consisting oi cavalry, artillery, and Infantry. We are expecting raids in all directions.' We have advices from '.Holly Springs to Sunday forenoon! V -! - ' . '' There were two brigades of infantry, those nnder Tllgbman and Wbito&cid. .Tfaey are not stationed iff flolly Springs, bnt run io and eut at pleasure:-' On Sunday lonr Federal sol diers discovered a guerrilla near Lagrange, and pursued him until he led them among ten Confederates, who killed three and captured tbe other. - - . ' Fifteen thousand rebels are ' reported fifteen miles south Of the Charleston railroad, march ing north. '' ' Votes Which Speak Volumes. There are votes wbiob speak volumes, and those of tne reoent Democratic Legislative can on in New Jersey are among them.; JV, Tribune. Yesterday.' 1 . The Tribune never uttered a more significant trntbi- Only aixteen months ago Bimon Came ron was a powerlnl part of Lincoln's Adminis tration, having resigned tbe office of U. S. Sen ator to acoept that of Secretary of War under President' wb bad carried Pennsylvania by 89,159 majority. On the 12ih of September, 18b 1, tbe period of which we speak, tbe Tren ton (M.J ; Utuettecontainea tne lollostogpara eranh: i-' ' i "Col. Jamea W. Wall at Burlington, N. J., wan arrested this arternoon by tne U. a. mar thai and taken to New York by the afternoon train.x Tne arrest erodaoed moat intense ex oitement among the people, as Ool. Wall had been a leading man for many years." After a lapse of sixteen months Mr. Cameron appears before tbe Legislator of bis State, wnion was inumpnanuy oarnea against tne Administration In October, ae candidate for return to the aeat In the Senate to which he was chosen in 1857. He la defeated and an uncompromising opponent of administration policy ie elected. . Almost at tbe aime moment Colonel Wall, the victim of Cameioo's newer and the ex prisoner of Fort Lifayette, ie sent by the Legislature ef New Jersey; fresh from the: people, to- represent that State in the Senate of tbe United States. Truly, "there are votes which speak volumes," and those of New Jersey and Pennsylvania are among tbem. : t .' :' Mutterings of the Coming Storm. At agroat Democratic meotiug in Springfield, Illinois, Hon. Wm...A. Kiehardeon said: He wonld eppoae tho usurpations of tbe National Administration, and give no aid to a war oirrled I on to subvert tbe Constitution. " R. S. Merrick, of Chicago, said tbat he wonld suffer death beforo he would give one dollar one man to the Abolition war carried on nnder Llukiu's proclamation. - Judce Marshall declared tbat no more citizens should be carried beyond the bounds of the State for imprisonment in Government basttles. "ine Democratic party had made up It mind to pro tect the rigbte Qt citizens here on the soil of II litiois." - . I . It doe not need brain to real xs tbe immin ence of a tornado-. , -The inttincts of the swine warns it of tbe coming storm. , We d. not ask if tbe Administration has intellccs- - H it in BtlnqlT -Ltgan QattU. .' i ,. .i . ' i f i I '1: 1yon's '" Kathairba. This delightful article for preserving aod beautifying the human hair Is again put up the original proprietor, and ie now made with tbe same care, skill and attention, which first created it, immense and unprecedented sales of over, one million bottles annually I It till sold at 26 cent iff large bottle. Two million bottle can easily be eold in a year when It Is again known that the 'Kathairon not only the most delightful hair, dressing tbe world, bnt that it cleanses tbe scalp scurf and dandruff, gives the hair1 a lively, rich, luxuriant growth, and prevents it from turning gray. ; These are considerations worth knowing. The Kathairon has been toated over twelve years, and. is warranted a de scribed. Any lady who values a beautiful head of bair will use -tbe Kathairon. It is, finely perfumed, cheap und valuable; L It is sold all respectable dealers throughout tbe world. -0. S. BARNE3 CO., . :,;.;!.. A, ' ; ' .New.York. ' eovS8-4w8ss' f.V v.-', ' A pOTJOB, OObD, OR AN IRRITATED THROAT, If allowed to program, raiulta In Fnlmonary Bronchial affection!, otttntimea incurable. ". BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES a reach dlrttstly tht affected parts and give almost Imtant relief. ; In BtoKcnmi, AiTKKa, and C' - they beneficial. - Tht good effect! resulting from the tut tht1 Trochet, and thetr extended nie, haa canted then be counterfeited. Bt aura to guard azalnit worthleii imltatlona.. Obtain oulytha gmuin$ Mrovm'l Broil thiol Trochet which bavt proven their efficacy by a tea of many years- Fobuo Eruaiza and Bwaiai ihould eit the Troches.. Military Otficers an4 Boldlert, over-tax tht volet and art txpoied to atddea changes, ihould bavt ,them. Bold ertrywhtre at 25 eentt box. ;.';.!?-.. i ' . 'j,. ti . JaoS9-dw3m . J r. RFAV ADVERTISEMENTS I Tapscott's Emigration and Ex- v . ! .' .VlOTIO-A nfflrA ' i change Office, No. so Honib aireot. New rra. TOIt I.ETXISHe ur II". mi janu JD DRAFTS on aod PAtoAOa to and from BKu IAND. IBILAID aad BUUi'banv. tvv'J" . fikl-l3ia ' No. e South Itrtol, Bow lore. is JOHN NAUGHTON'S ESTATE, XTOtlOB Ii herebr glvan that the unlarilgoed hat nn.llflld kv tha Fro- kate Court t Fraaklln Oonatj, Ohio, Alinlnlitrator of tht EitU of Joha nangtuoa, mu oi m w Inmbm, dcotaud. ' . " ' ' '' J' tnd thii ant d r Jinnarr. v. JOES J. BICBt-Y. lcbl-3. . INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 188 High Street, between Town and Rlcb, : - (Ub BUIra.) - , . rVklM WISIIINO EMPlOl IflBNT Vt la nod famlllts. alio thOM'.wlihlnf to obtain good llrla, onto will do wall to giro B.a call. Charges mod- jai39-dlw ' - Mrs. B. IAIKBANK STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Western Massachusetts Insur- , , ance Company, -? On iht attoanth 'dty of January, 186, mad to Iho Auditor of Ohio, puriotnt to tho itatnto of that Itato, . entitled "An aet to regulate Inturaoos Oompinlii, not Ineorpoiatad by the Stat of Ohio," pmed April -8, 1850: ' ' , . f NAMB AND LOCATION, Vint Tho nima of theOomranv la tha Weitern Mu ohuietu Iniurano Oomptny, and Ii looted at ; Fituaeld, Mm. . i. capital! Second The amount of IU eapttal stock to. .ft 150,000 00 Thiid Tho moaut of Ita capital atook paid up ,u I3U.UW u fourth II. AE8KT3. 1. Oaih of the Company on hand r Oaih In the handa of and due from Axanls-.. Real Estate unincumbered.. 85,873 76 , 11,888 U $17,701 871 none. lha Bond! and Stocks owned by tht Com pany,aa per voucnera aooompinjing how lecuted, and the rate ot Inttreat " thereon, to nil: Amount. 813,024 1,575 31190 3,060 lit. 132aharea PlttiSald Bank, Sd. lStharaa Airrtcult'lBank... 3d. 30 abarea Webiter Bank.... tth. 31) itaarn MerchinU' Bank, Sth. 10 aharea Hide Leather Bank .. 1,040 eth. 80 ihiree Adama Bink 8,0110 7thi lOaharta Berkihlrt Bank.; 1,070 8th. UahareaPlttiueldOoalGai Oomoanv 1.573 1 Total Bonda and gtooka A 33,034 00 Debta due Ibt Company, aeenred by . mortgage, on unincumbered Beal Bi- ,Btle, aa per voucheri accompanying: EOHKD0LR OP MORTOAOIS. a . . Ain't of toaa. 1. The mortgage of aundry , paraona, aa per certificatt , ,. of H. Whlmey, Ken'r .' $45,400 9. Ihe mortgage of aundry penona, aa per certificate ; I or ueo.j. mcaer, nea r.. . unv i Total mortgag 90.606 00 i. Sebta otherwise aecUred, aa per vonohsri accompanying, Tin 1 ' Far Market' Amount I value, value, loaned. I Jat. S3 aharea Bo- ! cheater City Bank I stock 12,300 $2,530 $3,104 83 03 aharea Lea Bankateck.. 6,300 4,725 4,330 00 ! 2d. 153ibareaPilta field Bink atook, 15,300 15,913 13,300 00 1 10 aharta Berk- ahlrcBkatock, 1.000 1'070 1,000 00 3d. S aharta Pitta- . . field Coal Gal atock 500 5 420 CO ! 119 aharta B. k. . 8. D. Ball- ' road atock... 14,900 13,410 13,370 DO i 4th. 10 aharta Agrl- . cultural Bank - atock 1 COO 1,050 1,000 00 i 5 aharea Hadley i lalle Bk atook, 500 525 500 00 0u . w anarea aaini Bank atock.... 6 000 6,(00 6,00 00 1 Central rail road bond. ..1,000 1,100 378 00 Total amount loaned on abort 7. Dtbta for Premluma... none. 8 Allothereecnrltlea., 44,492 83 48,180 80 I . Total nxletj of tha Coaananr. . $234,171 S0 i , III. LIABILITIES. Fifth Tht amount Of UaUUttea, due or not due, to Banka ana other creditor! $16,000 00 3 309 00 fitxth Lvaiea adjnaied and due none. . Seventh Loaaea adjuated and notdut..... Eighth Loaatt uuadj nated. - Ninth LoMei In luipenia, walling for tut- ' the proof. Tenth All other claim! afainit lha Com- 450 00 6,7(10 09, I piny, nont, eacept tor amall contingent t,xpeneei. Total Llaklllllca 0.450 oo IT. IU33ELLANK0U8. or Eleventh Tht greattit amount luiured In any ont nan so at not to tndanger mora tnan 5,uuu by one nra in tna luagmtnt or tne Meat. Iwellth Iht greatcat amount allowed by the rale! to I be iniured in any ont city, town or Tillage rame at abort. Thirteenth Iht greateat amount allowed tobelnaurcd in any ont block fame at above. Fourteenth Tho amount of Ita capital or earLlnca de- poalted In any other e late, aa leeurlty for loaaet tberein, naming mem, wltn tut amount In tacb, . ana wneiner aucn uompany iranaacti any boat neai ot lniurance In laid Bute or Btatet Nona Vifteanth Tho Chailer, or act of Incorpoiation of aald I uompany a copy now on nit. Btaii or If AaaacnuaiTTt, ) uocti or iitaaiBiai j '. B. B. Kellogg, Frealdant,andJ. W. Dunham, Secre tary of tha Weatern Maaeachuiette Imnranot Oonnanr. belug aereral ly aworn, depoaa and aay, that tht foregoing la a full, true and corrtot atatemenl of the aOalrt of the aald Oompany; that tht raid lninranaa Oompiny la tht oona nae owner oi at leaai ont uunarta tnouaand aol lari of actual oaih capital Icyeated In ktockaand Binda. or in Mortgage! on Beal Bitate, worth doublt the amount for which tht lama ii mortgaged; that tha abort deaorlbed luTtelmente, nor any part thereof, art madt lor tne oantni of aoy inoiviauai eztrcinag aunonty in tht management ol aald Oompany. tlthor at Piealdant. SacreUry, l'rtaaurtr, Director, or otherwlat; thai Uit moitgagea above deacribad baye not bean aaalgned, nor la any manner rtiaaeea tr impatrea by lata Utmpanj; ana mat tnay ait ue aoort aaiorinta omotrt oi taia in- auranct Oomuanv. ,, . : m. a. naLtunu, rrtiidtm. . m. fufluaa, Htcrttary. Subacrlbed and aworn before me, thla twentj-icond day ot Januaiy, 100.1. c baducij m, nutva. by Juitlce of the Peace. Ornci or ni Acditok or Stati,( v ' OoLoataui, O., Jan. 88, laes.) is It ii hereby certified that the forea-otnr It a correct copy ot th, statement of tht condition ol tht We, tarn Maaiachuaett, lniurance Oompany, madt to thii oSot lor the year 1803, and now on BI, nerttn. inn. witoMimy nanaaoaaaaiomeiaiiy. B. W. TAILBS, ' . , . , - Auditor of Statt. is io CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOBITV. of ; (To tiplrt on tht 31it day of January, 1604.) i AuQtToa cr gTATi'a Omci.t " i - Coiemoe, Ohio, Jan. 88, 103.) for by and art of to t Wbereu, tht Weitern Manachuietli Inauranot Com- nany. looaledat rtttaBald, la the Btat, of Uaaaaobu- aatta,hat filed In tbii office a aworn itatemant of Itt condition, ai required by tbe nrat action or tht act "To regulate Iniurunet Oomptnlei n ot Incorporated by th, 8tatt of Ohio," peaeed April 8, 1 36; and, whereaa, aald Oompany nae lurnlanea tne anaenigntd aatuiaotory ,v. ldenoa that it it poaieiltd of at uaet ont hundred Ihou- land dollar! ot actual capital Inreated In atocka, or in bond!, or In mortgage! or real eatatt, worth doublt tht amount torwmcn tbe tamo it mortgaiea; ana, wnereta, eaid Comnany haa filed in thla otboe a written initru- mint under lu corporate aeal, ilgned by tht Frealdent and BecreUrv thereof, authorialng any agent or tatnta ot aald Company In thla Stale, to acknowledge aerrict proceu, for and in tebalt or aaia uompany, contenting that auch lerrloe of proteat I lull be taken and htld to be at valid at It aerved upon the Ocmpnoy, according to to tne lawa OI tun or aoy oiner state, ana waiving an claim or right or error, ny reaion -si aucn aunnowi edtnaentii! aervlct. - . . - Mow, therefore, In puiauanct of tht flrat Motion tha aforeaatd act, I. Kobert W. Taylrr. Auditor of State for tht Btttt of Ohio, do hereby certify that aald Weitern Maaaachutttta lniurance uomuauy or flilaneld, Maaa. la authoriatd to traniact tht builoeaa of fire and Ma rina Inaaranea in thii State until th, thirty firat day January, In tht year oht ibouaand tight nundrtd and ilzty foul. , , , In wltntil whereoi. I bavt hereunto tubaodbtd nw .. aiAL. namt and cauaed the aeal of my otfict tt be .. affiled tbt day and year abort written. J. : , It. W. TATLBB. . J . vi.. m- - ... Auditor of Watt. x per H. R. BEESON, AgenV c o j. tj n b u s. ; , . Jn3i-d7t i 1 '. I I !. ' AMU PDUDNT a. A T H E TJ EJJ W. Ioun A. KLtiaiiKB... naaafari Soon oueo M htfore 7; Certain ibw at 1i e'olsek pnclMly. : i i . ... BiIom ot admWlon: DwM Olroloand rarqualU, 3-o; famlif OlroUKioj Colored Qilliry, S , Boxy met opon nromiu a. ,rfl, . IMMENSE ATTRACTION", - . . , , . m . . I t ' I 0fiaar walTi a A 3i Will ka prodncal for tha Bnt tlmo in thii oily, aba oat saocoaatal, Aluilcal and Taiolcal BainrraaSM ealltdtba - . SEVEN SISTBla The ..Birth of the Butterfly in th. Bower of ierna. SlaroUa, Mrs. Bffl HllaUrt Tartorlaa, afra. JasDlak ton riutalla, Mlu B loaoba .Bradihaw; lulpharlaa. alias Marian voaiai artnur Btomwor, nr. i. si, aicuouaaa; Pluto, air. John Sllalart 8wti, Mr. Colin Itaan; OoBa, Mr. Junta IVowla; ito., ate., a to. plendld eoaiamoii saw aaa njawioua auaoai MTU llant lllaBlnattcnal Plotareil Row Bcanaal Maalal Dasesl Innl the but acea i - THE BIRTH OF THE BUTTERFLY la tht moat raanlflciat pleaa of aiisfaanlcal to avrUtlle keauty " i-' EVER SEEN UPON THE BTAQE. i 71 ; i aarara onr aaa,ia aarlr. u tha cleca can calf ke ! playe for a rary Halted number of nlhts... . Great Moral Entertainment 'Boston Ilusoum, OPEN DAY ;AND NIGHT. Entrance en Rlcb flt. Bwckeve Block, oppoaiia aaaw uxcDaiaiarv afanai. 0P1N8 AT 8 A M OL038 AZ F. M. O. BICE Prep're dtc28-tf I of of of J. D. OBBORN & CO., CALL, THE ATI EUTIOIt ' OF THB publlo to their large atock ef CLOTHS, CA88IMERE3 , . . " ' ' ' ' CLOAKINOS, JEANS, ; I.. PRINTS, MUSLINS, :, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINQii, IRISH AND TABLE LINENS, ' NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. Vand general auortment ot ' '." - Staple an 1 Fancy Dry Goods. Alio, to their large stock of., - i ' j HOUSE FUENISHDJa GOODS: Yelvet and Brussels Carpeting, Three Ily and Ingrain do. Venetian Rng and Stair do. , , i OH Cloth, Bogs, -, V T ' '! ; ' Gilt Shades, Cornices. ' !.,.', Buff, Green and White Ilellands. ' Vi Lace and Swiss Cnrtaii. -Damask do, etc. etc. Out Drawn t atock waa purchased prtvloui to tht ntat Iadranot that hat recently taken plice in tht laattra cltiet, In all klodt of goods, an wa art prepartd an telling largely at pneta ten man aouracturtra'. wt can auora to gtvt good kargalntr Oall and itt. J. D. OSBORN & CO., uppaalte Gwwttale O. . Hetele. Janl4-d3a COAL OIL! COAL OIL! " FOH 8AI.E AT HEFINEHk' PB1CES, by tht barrel. . ; jutS-tf 106 South DlghttrttU .. - PAYING OFF. , AatiBTinr QoaariatiakTxa' Orrrci,) . ' CiMCinaaTi, January 31sl, 1863 C TXAUSTXB8 DISCHARGED FROM hT BMPLOT can obtain thelrpay for tSOBMBB, by ealllof at tht office, No. 7 Trnit Oompiny Bulldti.g, eorner Shir and Main itretti. W. HTTKTT, jan!4-tf , CapUln and A. Q. X. HOCKING COAL. a T AM. flOW PRBPaREO TO PRBPAREO TO .FTJR X M1SH 1 Best Quality Seleotsd Hocking Goal and deliver to any part of tht elty. JanB-lm P. HAYDB3. 1 WANTED. I nUEDIATELIi AT Armatrona'tLlrtrv 8ublt. in tht eltrof OoIbh- kat, Art hundred boraei and Darts, not lata than flfttta nanat Bigb, tret rrom til blcmlabta. tood colon; for wnicn a rair pnot la otan will ot I paid on dtllrtry. Jan. 18-tf 811 BHI t DOXtl. T. T. OVERLY, DetUep in ( FAMILY GROCERIES, Foreign and, Domestic Fraits, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. CHOICE FAMILF FL0UB,:: So. '69 north Egih Street, A , -i. , . A OolTT.m.l3XX83, oialo Country produce taken In tzchaiige for good. Goods delivered free of charge to any ' pan or tne city, p atelSHlOm. V," johx Km.ra. aonotr e. wirraua. Kamw t. roaca. kebleb, vmnwkji A FORCE, Attorneys & Coonselors at Law, Office, No. 11 Masonic Baildinj, . Oinoihbati; Olaiois t KA si. KT Practice la tht Bute Oourtt; an alio la tht Unit- ta BUttt vutrlct, CirouU and Bupremt Oourtt. - Deo. Sl.MS-dly. - . . s. a: mill E n, Attornoy ot LaWi : ;. '..-OHIO-, : ', : Bank Building, West; Entrance U'i ' Northweat corner Third and Main, Itrttta, , CINCINNATI, 0. Ve. SlHN-tf L. 0. iILIT ' ' 1. . THOMSON. 11 B t. WITH. i . , ' it . BAILEY, THOMPSON & CO., " Cf , ' . .. ., ,rl ,..'-'.. Dealer laa cein, Dt mettle roiffta .' ExctaBfe,TJBonrretit ineaieri '- - Office 274 South High Street, i-i. ri