Newspaper Page Text
tyt (Ohio Mditman ly ndav Morning' FEB. Rail Road Time Table. Lowing ths arrival and departure of trains al Oolum til. Oo Mid alter November 17, IHUtl, trains will run as ulkiwn . . btm Hum t OttviKii Xuu ! I, , T t 1 Leave. . A "arrive OineiiiaU m ode Uon. fcSO A. M. f s:Ba p. M, OuwInnaU Baprase 1:30 PM. I: I J P.M. Mall and Accommodation... 4 F. M. UiSOA.M. Night Bsprees, via Dayton, UOO A. M. 3:31 A. M. . Jl. F. DOBtATT, Aglnl Ooumsos dtaveaAM -B. Bight Bon. 1:00 A.M. Mi ll lorkBtprt lllS P.M. llOOP.M i.i.' Tr C'-f fTTiMo, Agent- OesmUk Oaie A. a. Mo. I Bxpress 400 A.' M. . 18:40 A. M. a. Bxpress. ........ AM P. M. 1:05 P, M. Mo 4 -Bxprss to Hewert. 1:93 P. U. W. J. Feu, Agent, Fmsaotaa, Oauwios tt OiaounuTt ft. B. Mall Into... .00A.M. liOSP.M fixpresi Train..... 1:25 P. M U:30A.M. Jo, atainejoa, Agent. Oeicaarji fc Irauaorout, B. B. (OowMitu piD4 fc Uoluu B. B.) Ho. 1 Bxpttj 7:40 A. M. - 11J A. M. MO. 8 ,. J;00 P. M 0:00 P. M. , 0. A. Hiu, Agent... State and Local News. STRANGERS! IN, THE CITY, AMD ALL OTBiaS wlablog to while away an hour In pleasant and agreeable amusement, should not fall to visit tbe magnificent - - WINANT BILLIARD ROOMI! i. i Two door North of the Nell House. IT CONTAINS TEN SPLENDID TABLES! Also, tne $1,500 Premium Carrom Table. Kept Ip. the neatest style, with any quantity of tne Dent or woes, usiis, eto:, eto. , Wantid One woodworkman on carriage work, that can ttjboxee and bows; one good draftsman, geerlng, and body maker. 1 J. A. SHANNON. Columbus, Feb. I lw. WANTED Three good boys to sell tbe Cincinnati Gaielte. Apply at J. H. Stnder's News Depot, 17 East State street, between 8 and 10 o'clock Monday morning. Col John Kimnbtt baa resigned the com mand of tbe a.b OdIj cavalry. Uom. Otto UaisiL, Kepresentatlve In onr State Legislature from this county, bas our thanks lor a copy of the Slate Auditor's annu. I report. Mr. Dai'ii Is ever vigilant and at tentive to the Interests of his constituents, and of bis State and county Hum's Wiixlt for Febrnary 7, and otber late Illustrated war papers, can be had of Tbompion, at tbe postoffice. SridTACtts. We oommend to onr readers who may be In want of these useful and often indispensable aids to' tbe fight, to call on Pro feasor Polacbek, at Binder's, on State street. They will find the Professor accommodating and obllgiog, and. being a solentifio as well as a praotlcil man, able to furnish them with the very best glasses needed for assistance to, and preservation of tha sight. Tub Ninth Ohio Cavalbt. Five lull com pjnles for this regiment bave been mustered in, and two more (nearly . (oil) process of organ ittlon at Camp Z tneevills. Oa Tnesdsy, General Hill appointed Captain W D. Hamil ton, forseerlv of the. Tbirty-seosud O. V. I , the command ol the battalion organised, with the rank of Major. Captain Hamilton has al ready served about eighteen months in the army, was in Europe at the time of the Crim ean war, and had flae opportunities to infotm biniaelf In British Uotlce. Tib NiMBTT-Firni Ohio. The steamer oat- reying the 95:h Ohio did not arrive at Mem phis until Siturdey, Jan. 34. From Cairo ttoy ran only by daylight, for fear of being fired Into by guerrillas In the night. At the time our Informant wrote, Jan. 84, tbey were lying in the river opposite Memphis It waa uncer tain whether they would land there or ptoceed immediately further down tbe river. Riv. Hickii's Lictcus. Tbe U-ctuia last evening at Nanghton Hall was on c( tbe most inlMertogof the series- Tbe general thought tunning through It was . that a religion, which did not meet and provide for the desires and insflnoteof the human hearVciuld not be dl vine oould not be from God. ' One of tbe strongest and most cniveisal tie sires and Inatlncbi of the human soul was, for fellowship for oommunion' with the inhabit ants of the otber world, especially with those who were loved on earth. Tbe ' Catholic Church responded to, and' folly and adequately provided for tbe satisfaction of this deaire toetlnot, In ber teaching in regwd to fellow ship or communion with angels, saints, and spitits of those aho have gone before us The leotorer followed tbe same general train of thought, In speaking oi saored relics and rel kious memorial. These, too, satlttted universal Instinct, and were adduced as evt deuce that the Catholio waa the true religion. Tie lecturer was eopioua In bia illustrations and clear In his arguments. Rev. flecker will preach in the North Cath eUo (St. Patrick's) Church this (Sunday) morning at tea o'clock.- Subject 'The Idea of the Christian Frleethood." - This evening be will oonolnda his series lectoree at Naugbton Hall. Tbe lecture evening . will commence at half-past seven o'clock. Subject "The Way of Salvation . Consistent with Reason and the Bible.' To this lecture Protestant! pr non-CatboIlci are particularly Invited. Arrangements be made to have all who may attend oomforta bly seated. The leotnre will be free Thi Sivih Sistiis. This wonderful drama whloh has recently had such a great rod In Cln otnnatl, will be presented to-morrow (Monday) evening it M- Eilsler's Atbeneum in thls Tne eatt ot toe piay wm oo aeen oy reierenoe ..tH..ri..,ufflrntlri Anbthew Bol mmmmMwtm K.tva haafi In tr-llnlne for iaitia VUWU.U; D for the produotlon. Of this piece, and known abllltv'ls truaraniee tor a ortiiisnt oerformanoe on Monday night. ' v " . w Nothing ean equal Ibis spectacular drama with itabeautlfnf scenery and magic transform- ations- The mlrrore with tbeir splendid rtflee tlous, the nymphs and farlea tbat flutter elitter oa their light "gossamer, and' the whole , Boeaery and action f this itraDga and.lot1y drama, take; tbe spectator' oaptive hnd trans port hint to a (airy land ol . romance beauty.-, V " v. . .: "; '-; :v:.j, Secure seats early, for there will b rash ft tho ''Seres StttwTt.'' " UtrW u Donstantiy beiDc filled up with now TKrirBST.! 17 """n 01 corner or Broad end High ettraotiona.;' Tbe eotranoe from tbe itroei bas been receully improved, and li very flat and convenient a broad and easy stairway taking tn visitor np to the Museum. un entering Here, a moat fascinating ectoe presents Itself. The numerous wax figures and the beautiful stereoioonlo views seen thronvh doable leneee, make It a hall of enchant-1 merit. ,.. Amone the curiosities recently added Is tha young oInn.mon;oolored bear from the Rook, mountains, me upper room is Deion ntted up and will shortly be filled with tbe ohoioeet speolmeoa from the workshops of nature and art. As It Is now, the Museum will well repay ths visitor for a otll, besides, enconraging the en terprising proprietor. Thx bettor nation become acquainted with each other, the fewer will be their prejudices, and the more likely will they be to love and re speet eaoh other. Just so with Herrlok AI 1 t- aBTal 4-1 . .a iiea a uom meaai Daieratus tne more von know of it, tbe more von want to. and tha more enxlous you are 10 have your friends be- come lti patrons. It not only makee the best w,( K. . . , . . blscoit, bread, eto., but it cures dyspepsia and strengthens weak stomaobs. It has no equal, Most of tha srocara hava It. Candidate for Mayor. The undesigned is .candidate for Mayor of this olty. Circumstances, combined with solici tations from numerous oltiaeos, induce me-to offer myself as a candidate for that office, at the entnlng Spring election, snbjeot to the Dem ocratio Convention. I therefore invoke the warm and generous support of my old friends, who have so often cheered me on in my busi ness for over thirty years. Tbey know how suitable would be tbe capaoity; how deserved the honors of the station, and with what care and fidelity I would discharge tbe trust reposed in me. Respectfully, C. W. KENT, Sr. BOARDING. AOBNTLEUAN AND LAST can be accomodated with Boarding In a desirable locality, within fire I minutes' walk of the Oapltol Inquire at this office. lanu-tr Tbc beat advice that can be taken la to earn jour natural teeth and keep yonr fronts sound by using Hdoson'b unbivallid Tooth Pastc. Uail for it at Binder's, Marple's, Bamuers, Uobert's, Wilson's, ocnuelier's, sbanp's, JJen- Ig's, Rldgway's, J. f owler's, D. V. 8., or at Druggists, Dentists or Perfumers anjwhcre t ry it one and all. House for Sale. 'PHE LARGE TWO STORY BRIVK X House on Oh stmt between fourth and Filth ats., belomina to the of Notre Dame, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. The house contain. tweWe rooms a double parlor, or eltUna room, dining room and kitchen, with wood and otber outhouses attach ed, all of which are built of brick. It will make a very desirable ramlly residence, fereoss desiring to purchase, can apply to the Sisters on ine premises. - Jan. lo-u. - I or a ol this will oity. ttma tbeir and and b SPECIAL NOTICES. To Armil To Armel-lbe Cltlse Soldier will Hud a more deadly foe In the brackish. muddy water and damp night air than In the most de- termined enemy. HOLLOWAT'B FILLS ao purify the blood and atrengtben Ihe etomach and bowele that the eoidlef oan endure theee ha-dships and stilt be atroug and healthy. Only Si cental per box, jeuS8-dwlw fiatcholor'0 Hair Dye! TaSJ BEST IN THE WO II A, ft. WILLIAM A. BATOHBLOB'B celebrated Hair Dee roduois a oslor aot to be dlsttngulahed froai tsture warranted not to injure the Hair In the least; remedies the HI effects, of bad dyes, and Invlgoiktes the Hair for life. UHMt; BID, or &08TV HAIB instantly turns a splcn in black or Brown, leaving tne Halt ion ana oeautlfal. Bold by all Druggists, eto. 1T7 The genuine Is signed WILLIA at A. BaT'JUI- LOR, on tUour tidtt 0 MoAfoa, tactorf No. 81 Barclay Street, lLte 333 Broadway and 19 Bond Street,; oaytfMawly NEW VOUfaV. - 'fHB wwj.1 j liuwiwu m w vw " l - -V-- - jl t fubllih.U for the BritiriT and is a warning and a PATiTTnv to YOfiWo uiN who suffer from Bpermatorrhosa, tforvous DeUUty. Pie- I mature Decay, eto. supplying at see eame time a n means of Mali. Cure. By om who has cured ifMHJE. "I.?!?" aa lB)a" Br lneloaini a post-paid addressed envolope, tingle eopies miy be bad ot tne autoor . Kin. Broroas, Kixca Oo , li. T., DO.S9-dA3m TO MARRIED MEN, or Tbose Contoinpiatlng oiai-riage. 1 11 A iadsrslgned wiUgiTvlafenvattoo b T UreMng ui kuportant subjwn whlob will be rain- sd mora than a thousand times Its out by every married e aple of any ags or condition In Ufa. The Inforaattoi will be seat by mall to any addrsM oa lbs receipt af 1 e rati (sfleer) and one red stamp . All IsIUhs should be addressed to B. B MOBBIB, tf. D ootSL-lyStawdAvw Boston, Mass. He moved front bis olel Office. Dr. A. . WlliliiamB, n . oroaaway, ow nigu li.. Oolombus,0.,hai devoted himself fort series of years to the treatment of certain private diseasee. He may be oonsulted at his offloe en Brwdway, near the Biehange Bank. JinlWU TAYLOR & WALL UNDERTAKERS, Third Street, Opposite the First Presbyterian Church, KKBP CONSTANTLY ON BAND BEADY MADE COFFINS, OF ALI KINDS. Thev have Ihe sole light Jot Franklin county for the manufacture and sale of gchueller's AlT-Tlght Blinal 0a8eSi I i metallic eases, ana in I ThMA Anrikl HaMaara metallic eases, and th epst UMnly ene-haif a tnuca. I r- -- - .K. UIIm A also in oes ana mon raiiaDiei pinons,aa they ar perfeotlyalrUght,and will preterve I j' " , .n-l-K-M.n DR. ROBT; THOMPSON Siiroeon So Flivsiciaii. Office Dish Street, North of Broad (No. IS). Beaidenoe.N. Fourth (Market) Street, aear aora af Bprina. fJ3Dr. t By. . Oolaaibea, ., ao heretofore, treats all dbsaset of Vt, 18Sl.-dkWtf. GHW TT RIBFTD OABMBNTB. irXERIIIO tJIIPEBa AUT a wv. TELEGRAPHIC. Evening and Midnight Reports. FROM WASHINGTON. " Washikoto, Jan. 31. Maior-Gea. Hooker was-in tne ouy to-aa. , ftn.ia1a Rutin. anJ UavnlltAn U UIIU.M Governor ol Teiae, were in consultation to-day wlth be Exeoutlve antboritiea. There Is nothing new oonoerniug tbe Army Ta. ,ti. .. I au 9mm mm j w vavuvi nviv lauoiini iv dav from Gen. Dlx. at Fortress Monroe, statins yesterasy wen. reex's lorce, or a portion MiS ins in tha rnnt anil rtpat nf ih .hi. ho had been driven six miles. When tbe Intelli gence left our vlo tor ions troops were pursuing tua reDflis 1 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Third Session. WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. I A I I I I SN4T(-A rssolotlon of thanks to Com mander Warden was passed. ' Mr. McDongal called np tbe resolution re questing President Linooln to transmit to the Senate tbe orders, papers, etc., relative to the ..nwlailAi. nf m mm a A4A trt C . 1. . use of the French Tbe resolut'lon was M!P i-' a .. , . ' . , Mr. Feesenden called up the d plometlo and oonimiar annroDrlatlnn bin: which Li. Tbe Legislative, Executive and Jndlolal bill was taken np. An amendment striking out tbe I I -I 1 I II.. A . proTimuu iouuuiujj uiusage hi tea oeui.;, wai adoptea. i ne oommiitee on r inance onerea an amend ment of agriculture from f 160,000 to 105,000. After dlsoussion of considerable length, the Senate adjourned till Monday. lioosc. uonsiaeraiion of tne noaro soldier bin was reeumea. Mr. Stevens explained that within a few months the time of enlistment of several hundred tbousand volunteers would expire Henoe the necessity of the provision of this bill. Mr. Thomas replied that the bill as reported and prepared at the War Department ooatalned no snon provision, n negro soldiers were to be employed for five years, to pnt down the rebel lion, tbe term was too long. If to extermi nate or subjogste the South, the term was loo short. He thought irom tbe commencement ot the war tbe House had legislated too muoh on tbe subject, and he still believed that if tbe President bad laid down a pollov at tbe beginning of the contest and compelled adherence to 1(1 at, would bave been far better. It was unfortunate that tbe President should bave imposed tbe task upon Cougress. v 1 be employment of black men did not rest on their capacity and efficien cy as soldiers, but aa laborers. Slaves, he maintained, constituted elements of streneth and power to tbe rebels. If suob persons bad from tbe beginning been employed in digging entrenchments and oiher labor, the lives of manv men would bave been saved. If he had been in command nf tbe troops be wonld bave sent out and gathered in all the negroes he could And, for toe performance of such la bor. He said in the Northern Statee there wonld be comparatively few enliatments In reply to Mr. Wright, who spoke Yes terday, be said members here, oould ao more compromise as was suggested than they ceald compromise with tbe rebels in arms. Tbe rebels wonld scout and scorn It. Mr. Wright wished to know what reason H " Buppression of the rebellion. I there was why there could not be an honorable compromise among the members here. What obstacle was there if all were bonestlv In favor ot sustaining ana perpetuating tne Union J Mr. Timbie replied that, fortnnatelv or un fortunately. Ood bad bo constituted men that tbey wonld differ in opinion, and he had no idea that the gentlemen on tbe other side wonld yield ... .hConstItnlion as it was. and nnZ il..l.nnnAia aatAtha MnnHAk tT- J i the tope thtl the MUtuton 0f slavery would never be permitted to extend beyond its pree. enc iimtie. in repiy hi uox, woo yesterday said negroee were to be employed, like nsnds ot noil, to consummate what was inaugurated by the North in a spirit of hate, be rebntted this very unjust imputation on the norm, wnose ooject waa tne prosecution of the war for the preservation of the Government. If he could be would unohaln his eolloagne's Bends of hell, and not recall them till tbe lost rebellious fratricide was swept away. But believed that the people of the North were abundantly able to protect the heritage lefsbv tneir tamers, ana to continue tns contest nntil the national flag floated again over all Dart oi me country. Mr. Kiddie, in reply to a portion of tha re marks of Mr.. Trimble, caused to be read the following extract from a letter of General Mo- Clellan to Senator Harris, dated Joly 12, 1863: '-i perceive ny tne newspaper reports of Con- i orcaeiouai prooaaine;s tnai mere nas Dean con. sideranie atsouseion on tbe snbjeot of requiring muiiary uouuiBuuera u reooire negroee seek- ing protection in meir raoxs, to employ tbem Un suitaDie taoor oonnected vrltn the mllltarv services. U may do well enOUgn for tne fact to oo m&ue auuwu, tuat an negroes, male and female, who have come Into tbe ranks of tha Arm? of tho Potomao on the Peninsula. have been protected and get at WOtk In performlcE offices which otherwise wonld have devolved upon onr soldiers, ine supply of theee eper attvea oai tuus mi oeen insumoient tor wants." Mr. Pendleton spoke ssaiust the bill. eaid tbe reverses to tee army and the denrecia tion ot tne currency were owing to the Wot that tha lmnreeslon prevailed tbet the Adminlit Uon and the Republican party were tired of main taming tne union as it was and tbe Constitutlcs as it is. It ie tbe Influence here which produced these disastrous results. Mr. Dawes ot Massachusetts wished to know bow it was that an army of two hundred thirty-elgbt tbousand were banging on the Vir- elnla shore, under the gentleman's favorite General, and failed to make an attack against uuaxar uub, .uu bkiiu ma not mora nntii commanded dt tne rrnident. Mr. Pendleton in tbe course of his renlvaald it was better to stop than it waa to erosa RappanannocK nnoer another commander. I feeling was gaining ground in the Northwest that the people had been trloked into tha aer. vlosoy appoais to tneir patriotism! under pre tense tuas ion uojesi waa to protect Constitution and the Union, when it waa the abolition of elavery. Unlesss this sup pression was arrested, it would become unl- a M . Ia a l a m . ... vers ai. ana wueu it tooc noia oi tne Dublin mind It would be impossible to get another man or dollar to carry on the war. lie opposed to the bill In any form, because wnnlA nMdnfie a rAVolnttnn In ..... .I,.,.u. rder State, disband the white armies, render reunion tmpoaeiDie. Mr. Olin brieny reviewed the pendiof amendmentr, remarking tbat the very faot of euoh persons into the aervioe aa already provided, carried with it the necessary proiec. Unn. It waa idle, therefore, to sav that bill changed the Slitting laws. He did I think the employment of Afrloans should seised upon for tne assertion tnat It would ore- ate dlsafreotion in the North, or that it would a uhiiieu aawao vs vhw evkrvva naaeaet a eruusu imb oa an auiuiooi ius.uiki an miue- . h to avail themselves of all mean - " ., . to accumpusu uv nKeae uurpunw, Mr. Maynard spoke at length. After glanc ing at tne not connectea wiin tne oommenoe ment of.the rebellion, be said Southern tyrants swayed their power by the bayonets ot soldiers, who wonld turn them against, masters if they oould. Tbe rebel leaders knew if tbe Constitution was maintained thev would be driven into obscurity and disgrace, ud henoe tbey scorned tbe idea or living under our Gsv ernment. Ho showed the BeosBsitv of oert of aotion on ourpert, the sooner to restore obsdienoe to the Constitution by the' preaalon of the rebellion. He presented array of facts for ths encouragement of causeoi tn union. ..- - . . Without taking aay qnestion, the House ' . be onr He a. and the A tne for was It and re ceiving tha not be their sup an tbe ad journed. ion SALE. CEVKN VERY' DESIRABLE LOfl la Wm. A. Olll'i But Addition to the eitf ot Oo- lambat. Ooe tf than oo the ooroer of Broadway and But Pobllo Lane, and fix In two Bloski ot thro lott nth, fraitluf Horth ond Boalh on Oak strait, dw th Bait and, on too mopt elevaUd ground in the oily. Also, from 20 fo 60 Lots , In Wm. A. QIU's faeonil North Addition to tho oily af Columbui, on tha Bait aide of Blgh itreot, a few rode North ot the Sopot. Shaae Iota hari a rich, b:aok, al luvial aoll ol 8S or 3 loot, undtrlald by 90 or mora foot of granl. Looattd near tho B. B. ihopa and other Urge nunafaeturtni eatabllahmaola, U. B. Anonil ground., and In th north part of tho olty, rondera ths traaant a good opportunity for Mechanics, laboring on and o tha re to Men re. at a email oo.t. a homaaleid near their bnalnaaa. At no tune alnos tha formation of the OoTarnmont. haa mone y been ao abundant, or labor ao won romonaratoa as ine present. NOW IS EiHE TIJDTE TO BUY. Beal Batata bu not yet adranoed In proportion to gum pruporijr. Also, a Small Farm of 40 Acres, Adlolntne- the town of HlUlard's Blatloo. en the 0. P. Si 1. B. A., tan mileo (or twenty minutee by B. B.) rrom tne uoiumnoe uopoi. xnia is fooa, arable lana 3 laroa under tenee and eulttvatlon. Ths railroad run nlsg aoross the corner, ente of 1 or 7 sores of wood land. A food two story log cabin and abide on the promisee. Prioo 11)00, one third oaah In hand, the bal anos In two sqoal annnul pajnaenU.or a liberal discount ioreaan. - For particulars, Inquire of . win. a. out,. No. 30 North High St., Columbus, 0. an97-d3ja WILKINSON'S, No. 110 WestFourth Street, BETWEEN" VINE te RACE. MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN ABB BBBPBOTFULLY ADVISED THAT BIT Hones Is now fully ayitematUed, and reidy for the entertainment of the biiinessoomouDity. THE EATING COUNTER, Ona the Bratfloor, will be under my pareonal supervis ion, and will ba ktot well annulled. Gentlemen harlot but a few mlnutts to spare from bualnese, will Hud reaayeooxeu, .... Oysters In every Style, Game, Meats, etc. From 10 o'oloek A. M. until 11 P. af. I solicit a share of business patronage. WM. WILKINSON. Deo. 31, Mii-tf. Columbus Wholesale Liquor Store. LACELLE ROSS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS IMP0BTKB8 AND DBALBBB IN Foreign and Somettio Winei, Brandies, so. Ao. . ALSO, OLD RYE, MONONGAUELA & BOURBON WHISKY. WAEIHOOBB AND OFFIGB,824. SOUTH H1QH BT Oolunatoxxia, O. Nov. 19, 1808 llyls . BROOKS, STEARNS & CO., 1 WnOLBSALB sc BETAIL DBALBR3 IK Fine & Staple Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CHOICE FAMILY FLOOR, Pure Wines and Liquors FOR UEDIOntali PURPOPBl. Country Frodacs tkken In exchange for Ooodi. NO 973 SOUTH HIQU STREET, Ooluxxxbua, Ol3.1o. All goods deltrsrtd fres of charge to any part ot the uity. Bavin w. saooas,l MM tTUMI, p. Miafon. ) deo7-tf . ' Master Commissioner's Sale. Iitultl Oultoer Superior Court of Franklin vs. Levi Langham et al.) county, Ohio. IN PVRSUANCC OF AN OHVEtc OF the said Court, to roe directed, I will offer for aale at puble auction, at the door et the Oourt House in ine cny or, uoiumoua, on Saturday, the 38th day of February. A. D atone o'oloek P. At., the following desarlbed real estate, situate in tne county or yranxiiu, ana irate oi unio wlti Batlnnlng at the northeast corner of the land deaJtd by w. W. Savla to James Langham, and In tha middle of the Plank Boad leading from Westerrllle to Oolum bu.i thenoe south 18X deg. east along the middle of said road oo reet; tneBcesoutn huh aeg. west 15 rest; thenoe north Serf dee;, welt 318 feat to thi out line of the tot deeded by James Lanibam to B. B. Bowman tbraoe north S)t deg. eaat along the east line of said lot eareet to tneinorw line ot James langnim's land; thenoe south 85 K deg. east along the north line of said land 410 feet to ihe plane of beilinlac, oontalnlm 1S3-1C0 oree, be the same mora or less, except a gateway along ue norm une oi aaia lot n me graveyara. Appraised at 77S 00. a. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, and Mseter Commissioner. Printer's fees $7 00. Janxl-dltsswtd Master Commissioner's Sale. William MoWllUamt l Court ot Common Flea T. ' of Franklin eonntv. Th Blendon Mill Oompany.) Ohio. . PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Os? 1 ti thi said Oourt to me directed. I will offer for aala atpubllo auction at the door of the Oourt House In tbe olty of Columbus, on Saturday, ths Slat day of Febrnary, A. D. , iOfc-3, at I o'clock P. Mt. the followin described real eetati. situate In the county of Franklin and Bute of Ohio, to wiu Beginning at a stake In the weet line of West ttreet, lathe town of Weetervllle, towuselp Bt range 17. Unit ed Statee military lands, In tbe osntir of a newly aur Tiyad county road, which is thi extinston of Main street, N. IS dec. west 10 32 hundredth polss to a stake: uteno (oath 7B deg, west 11 pole to a stake; thenoe nortn jk aeg, west ix eu-iou poiee to a stake; thenoe south 74 del. 30 mln. est 27 S0-100 nolee to a stake ra thi Alum creek; thence with the eaet branch of said creek south S3 deg. eaat 18 Dolce to a stake; thence 8. 10 dee. west 6 64-100 poles lo thi center of said newlv surveyed eonnry road; thence with the said road north 78 deg. east ii au iuo poles to the beginning, containing uroo acre am Dinnvj-un. aqaari pom. appraiseu ai i,w w per acra ' OB0B0B W. HUFFMAN, i - ... Sheriff aad Master Commissioner 8U.MW1Y k Bosh, Atl'ys. . Printer's feee 87 00. ( , Janle-dltfcwtd . WM. GLENN & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, ....... . . 70 and 72 Vino Street, - ' -1- v. t . - - ! .1 'i ,-. ;i , ' Between Second and Piarl Streets, . i ...... 'U jO ' ' 1 O XJST 0 1 1ST KT A. T X. . . . - ' 'A ..... .V We iDVtt ' the attention of dealers to ear larrt ud well assorted stock of Groceries. Oordan. woedm IWare, te.i which, w effer at eloea rates t eh bayers. ejaaMrtFT LOTS COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market—Jan. 31. Finn and somewhat Irrsgnlar will sales of ltuu naies as see. ' fLOUH Unsettled, and 10930. better. Bale at 7 J H7 7 for extra Btate; V. 8tim for extra round hoop Obloi slo.lng tjuust. - . .: . . WIII8KI Market Brmer sod unsettled, with salss at S8eio. WBBAT B to3o batter, with Seles Chicago shipping brands at 1 4&S1 56; 82,000 baih Hllweukee oluti and winter red western at 1 031 70. BYB Soaroe and firmer at (1 0231 IS. BSRLBX Scaroa and wanttid at batter nrloai. OOBN lo bettor, with a moderate demand at lc for sound mixed western, S2iaVDlo lor unsound, aid OATS-iloie actlro and firmer at 67730 for west-BIOB-Plnn. OOrVBB-Vlrm. Rio quoted at 31e. Java at 3io, Bl, Domlofo at 88o, -: BOOAB Teode upwards at II 110 for trown Nsw Orleana. U0LAB8B3 Aotlvi and Bra. New Orleans UU: for Old, and 4750e for new orop. POBK Hhade firmer, with eales at BlSdblS 15 for old mass; 11 501350 old and now prima and SUA 15 07 for new prims Including iMt brls new mess for June dellrery at IS 50, ud 1500 brls new prims to arriTQ w 9U -a. BilP-BUsady. - ' OUT UBATB-A ehada flrmar. BOOB-lress(d; firmer, with eales at tXQCXe for weawrn. , . , BAOOK BTDBS Firm and In lood Irani . LARD Aotlre and firmer at 10X(s)llMe locludlog mi jv uns 10 irnre ai uf S)li.e. Cincinnati Market—Jan. 30. FLOUB The market contlnuee unsettled and not a little excited. Buperflne was hold at Bu. but $i Si was aooui we rate Buyers wsre wining to pay. ii waa aim cult to ilvw quotation, at tha olose. The salee com prised 3400 bbls. at S OtKSS 10 for extra, and BO Si for ramiiy. wuisttT Tbe market waa xreatly excited, and Dilcei aaranc.a uo per mion. w th sale, ot sou brls at ou ouxo, tho latter rate for waeon. rnuv lBiunu a lair aemand ana tni market Brm at full ratee. . atkSa POBK-Balas of 800 brls at B10TS1I SO for old oountrv and olty, and B1J lor mesaoountrf. HULK atBATB in fair demand. Batee ol IUU.000 lbs olear aides at 7o, and I UO.tloU lbs rib do at So, and 50,OOU Ibsdoitoxe. uaons eaiee or uu nnas at axe, ana eiu gresn items sold at Sxo. - LattD In eood demand and prices Brm. All Ihe city rendered to be hail at tf Ko was taken, and country at o, delivered when made. HolJer.atked9j(aUXcfor city at ine oiose. OIL Llnsesd has advandoed to 81 40. GR00BB1K8-A Sim markal for all articles. The demand, however, Is quite light. buuab nxic. OOFFBB 3033o. MOLA88E8-5(a55o. ' WHBAT There li a continued autlre demand, partly specuiauve.anu a rurtner advance oi aoper ouan was ei taousnedi ana ou tne receipt ol tne advices rrom N.w York, there was very little dirposltion on tbe part of noiaere to sen. aa etui miner prioes an anticiDH.a we now emote prime rea at l to: crime to entice in dianaor Ohio white at $1 S8l 30, and Bl 3331 35 for prime to enoice nenwoay wnite. The saiee reportea were: SSOO bush prime red at Bl SO: 500 do good India na white at Bl SO: 1200 do prime red at Bl 85: 5000 do do do at Bl 25. and 750 do choice Kentucky white Bl x. UUKN Tbe auppiy la Hunt, with a pressing demand and prices advened 435c per busb, the market doling very Brm at 5960e for ear or .hailed In balk, with sales of about 3000 buih at theee figures. Shelled In sacks Is held at 68e. OATS The demand continues good, with but light re celpt., and price, advanced lo per bu.hol, closing firm at 60361c for new and old In balk, and 69?0o including sacks. - BYB We have no ehange to report In the market Tbe receipt, are lliht. and not equal to ths demand, .od prices tending upward, but not quotebly higher. 300 bush sold from store at Wo. BABLBY The demand is fair for the best grades at Si Suai 85 for nrlme to choice Stat. Borlna?. and Bl B3S1 38 for Fall. The lower grades are neglected ana ami. HAY The market rales ataady. with a fair demand at B140IS 50 per ton for prune Timothy in biles on ar. rim; OHBBBB There Is a oontluned good demand, and the market la Brm atlOXaUlc foraelected Weitern Bestrvo ana lixwucior Eniiiih Satrv. - v BU1TBB Prime and choice qualities ave ecaroe, with a good demand from the local dealers and shippers, and full prices are obtained foe all .old. Qualities below prima are not wantid. We quote prime to choice roll at SO VSSo. and enmmon to eood at 8A150. BHD Oloyer Is scarce and In good request at IS 30 iao u. ximomy is in ngni supply, ana nieu wiin ready sate at BS4V9III5U. viax u wanted at x uu. mneae Cleveland Market—Jan. 30. FLODB Bales 100 brls extra at B6 13K: 100 brie red double extra at So; ltKi brli country ground wnue double extra at 87; iTon bucicwbeit at J psrcwi.,ana smaller lot at St. WHBAT--alarkst higher. Beiee or two cere rea on track al 1 1 3.H; 4 oars do at 81 34, and one car white 145. . . -i- eaaus eaiee iuu bum ni iu csgt ctover ai a and small lots timothy at $9 50 ' ' biRU-naiee a tons and Mgt at vxc. TALLOW-SalMitttXo. FIATHBBB Balee 700 lbs prime at 44c. BOOS Bales at 14 and 17c, the latter price for freth HiauWINBs HiRtwsr. Balee 75 brls at 48c. BDTTBB Hales prime roll et 18q. GBBBSi APPLBB-BaleeattlSSperbrl. -, i . i. Uodtr. Money Market—Jan. 31. Money active and firmer at WXi per cent. Bt.rllnx Bxohaaee firm, ttaotaloue ate) I 7317t tor Uerchante' and tl 741 75 for Bankirs' bill.. ttold irregular and unMttiKi onenuji at ow, aavane- Ing to SOo, declining to 08o and eloilag at 58 per oent premium Oovemment stock e dull: D. B.e's'81 oouponsMX 85; do registered 83; 7 3-10 Treasury notes 10! '-. 109. Steamsi to-day for Livvspeol took W6,400. New York Stock Market—Jan. 31. Btocks Irregular. Sd bond U.S. fl'S "81 Begistered WW -.0 . B. o's 7 Bet Istered 95X ill year cerUfleatea Vt'i uemaoa notes U4K : Tennessee os w;miaaouri o . osv. North Carolina 0'. 55; Illinois coupon bonds 62K; 78 100; California do 75 133; Michigan Biuthern mortgage 103 X; fctioblgiB Boutbern aafsty funding; Illinois Central bonds IS'! Illinois Central eorlp Cleveland Sc PltUburg 70" ; Galea! St Chicago Olevaland tt TeleeoVUK; omcaio a Hock Kiand uik Alton St Tine Haute preferred Od; Mllwaakee a Frairle auuneuwvx. Ladies' Fancy Furs "SableSets, Ermine Sets, Mink Sets, . Fitoh Sets, ; Squirrel Sets. Gents' Fur Capes, Gloves, Mtafflers, etc. Ladies' For and Fur Trimmed floods. SLEIGH ROBES la til styles i ... ... . -r Shipping Fart, for which thr highest prloe In Cash opaii,a ...i ( .; i i , J. SMITH'S HAT STORE, Hew Beil Home Boildin;, ' ' COLTJMBns, ohjo. uect- 353 RUBIA MILLS. 355 363 atw-ti ass Waattlnsrtan Htreei,Nev I mwwm. vi.ey. GOVERN MEN T.COFFEE Fat Bp la tin foil Found papers, 48 In a box, and bulk. OurprlceirangefrosaS toSOoente. We put, tne fonowtng kjcdsi ' n. . Jftv, Maracaibo, flap, Slo, Bio : - - Bupenor Cofie. We believe oar Coffee ta t otfr than any ground Coffee now la as. -All order adlrteeea to as, er ., Agents, Hasan. Puci tt Tocxa, 183 Cham street, cor. Washington street, Hew Tort Olty, receive prompt attention. The retail trade supplied by first elan Jobbing house la the various cllle.i VJ,. n t. t TABF.R TIACE. dec50-d3il a STATEMENT - 5 . or ras cosatTtoa a vie -. Thames Firti 'Insurance Cowl On the 3Ut day at Baoamber, IBM, atade to aba AAdttor of Oblo, pursuant to tha atatataof that Slate, eat!-, tied "Aa aot to regulata Inaaraaoe Oompaataa, not taoorporaUd by the Blale af Ohio," passed ApfUa; I8W: " -..IV ,. NAMB AMD LOjAtioa.-' . i' I The name of the Company Is themes Fire teeo r , anoeOompany,aod U iooatid at Norwlohaiiw; . London eoaaty, Oona. ' . v First. -'' .... t; OAtlfil.'' Beoond. The amount of Its Capital Btoekto 111B0BB9V Third. The amount af Its Capital Biook . . '-M paid up, It.. ,. 111,480 00 - . . tl. ' ABBBTB. " Fourth. 1. Cub nf ths Company " :;; .w.i'. oa hand ........... t,4M M '! nun:' 3. oaah in tne nanas or . i . -a and due from agent, t In oouim of trane- ' " million. ........... 1,110 41 - 3 Real oolite unincumbered, aoew, 4. The Hondo and Bloeke owned by ' .1: ii'. u i n m'vi'U : S(S44 ' . I. i ... ' the Oompany, as per vouehen aooompanylng how aeoursd, ' aid tho tate of IntarMt iha. on, to wit: i.oU I .u Far ' Talus'. 100 1 haree tlir ebanUBank.M. value 1st. .it JitW ..I.: l i : . 'i Y f S.OSO I,9i0 SO t.SiO 0 Sd. khj .nam rna- iH jt I.' nil Bank. N.Y. S 000 3J. 50 sharei Oontl- nintal Bank H . T 3 000 4tk. 50 .hares Hano- '" Ter Bank M. I. 5,000 Jth. D-8.7.30Treie- urvNoWl...... S.050 iso oa 1175. 4.01B 13 . . . . -i Total aonas ana Blocks, market value 3. Debts due the Company, as. cured by morlcage. on uola- . cumbered -teat estate, orth double tbe amount forwbioh the samele mortgaged, aa per teheduleeflled S. Debt otherwise secured, a , ier vouchers Bled, being 1 oane on .locks, eto. eto. ' , amounting to ' : ; Par atarkat Amount . B8S.S19 13 75,000 OQ; value, valui. leaned 12,800 U,70B ' 10,060 Total amount loaned on above, ' 7. Loana on personal security 19,753 80, office furniture 400m 8. All other eeeurltiei interest ao- crued, due Jan. 1, 1803 Total asiele of the Company.. I. .J. 1,1 M : lo.osooo . .' ! 3,153 08 -;.: Bisuejtss -, III. LIABIUTIBS. ' ... i i ' FUtb. Thl amount of llabllltlee, . - due or not due, to banke and other creditor. uons. Sixth. Losses adjusted aod due....' none. Seventh. Losses adjusted and act one . -1 - ti.m ou - 600 00 i Blghth. Lomco onadjuated no ao-1 : uon uereon iuii reporiea, Rlntb. Losses la suspense, waiting for further proof none. Tenth. All other elaimi against the Oompany . , Total Liabilities......... . so eo . IT. MIBOBLLAHBOnB, Eleventh. The greatest amount Insured In anyonerlak.. . 5.000 00 Twelfth. The greateat amount allowed by , . .. , , thi rule to In aoy on . , city, town or vlliaee Ho rule. Thirteenth. The greatest amount allowed to be inaured In anyone block not to exceed BJ000 lnany on risk. Fourteenth. Ihe amount of He eaplral Ot . : . : ; r ; ' . earnings deposited la any other sate, a security tor losses unre in, naming thsm, with the amount ..''! f-d in eaon, ana wneuier eucn uom. pany traneaetaany business ot In- .. suranceln said Btate or Btatee--,'. Fifteenth . Tho Charter or aot of looorpor-' atlon ot laid Company accompa; .', Hon.' i'." i ;. if.'.;" - : lo -) !'-F-r-;a-I I , , SLt BiiTS or CoimcTtcsT,! -,' Oooirrr or Haw Loxaoa,) '(.... i r . - at Amoe W. Prentice, President, and Ohaxlee B.'Dyer, Auiatant Secretary of tha Thaoes fin lasnnace .. Oompany, being eeverally sworn, depose and say, that the foraa-olng la a full, true and eorreet statement et tha , affair, of theatld Oompany; that the said Insurance Oom- ( pany'le the bona fide eweer at at teast Oaa Hundred Thousand dollars of actual cash capital hiveaUd la : Stocks and Bonds, or Is Mortgages on Bsal Batata, worth doutlt thi amoaat for whlob th eame at aoo ra nged; that th abova amilbid Inveitaiati. nor asj part thereof, are mad for th benefit of any lodlrldaal exerciatng euuaeity ta ue managaiator m Ousapa u, ilther aa Preeident, Baontarr. Vnmi'ii, Dlreetor.' or otherwlie; thai thi mortgages above dsicrUm) av ' sot bnasstBae4.aor In aav manner nias4 at Jta- paired by Hid Company; and that tbey are th afeem -desoribed omcers of said Insurance Oompany. i Attus w. PHBHTioa, madent. CHABLBB B. DYER. Aealet'l Bo'r. - Bubsctlbed and sworn before see, thli tenth day oi Jas- Isaul turyjiBuj. .. LBWI8 B BTAHION.. .. -Justice of the Feaee, New Loudoaeoanty . - Ornea or Ta Aoarcoa or IraTa, ' ' . Ooldiuos, 0., Jaa. S3, 1803. , t ' It is hsrebi oertlfiad Out th foratolng is a cornet oopy of the Statement of th condition af th Thame Fire Insurance Oompany of Norwich, Oonaeetieut, sum to uu omce ror year uu, ana uow oa an 1 herein. ...... I Witness my hand and teal officially, B. W. TAf LBB, Auditor f Bute, CERTIFICATE OF A.UTHOBITT. iTo expire oa the 31st day of January, 1841.) , , Acsitoa or Stats' Ornta, Ixacaiifo DDAaTaarr, V do Coitnuca, Obio, Jaa. W, UOa.1 Sd 84; 9S; WhsreiJ. Uie Thamu fir XniursBnc Oonpa& located at Norwich, in the Stat of Conn haa tiled In this offloe a .worn .tatncl of It on- dltloa, ae required by th first section o thl aot "To regulate Inauraoce Companies not Ineorporated by tt BUM of Ohio," passed April 8, IBM; and,, when, said Company has famished the nndenlgned eatliferto- ry tvldenoe that It I poieeased of at leaal on hundred . thousand dollar of actual capital, Invested ta Stooks, . or In Bonds, or In Mortgagee of Beal Aetata Worth doa bis thi amount for which ths sua Is mortgaged; aad, -whereas, said Oompsny hie filed in this offloe a errlttaa instrument under Its corporate aeal, Hgned by th Pna id ant and Baoritary thireof. auttoriaiaa any agent or (gent of eald Oompany la this Btate, to acknowledge servio ot prooeas, for and la behalf of (aid Ooaapaay. . onsentlug that each sortie of process ahull be taken aod held to be aa valid a If served upon the Oompany, . according to th law of thl or any other State, aad waiving all elaim or light et error, by reason af soon acknowlsdgmintof Service. Mew, therefore, In pursuance af Ihe first eectioa of the s'oisatdact, t, Bobsrt W. Tayler, Auditor at Btate. for th Stat ot Ohio, do hereby certify that eaat Thamee Fir Insurance Oompany of Norwich, Oonnee tlout. hi authorised to tranaaot thi bsulnean of Ftrrr r Inauranoe ta thl But until th 31st day of Jaa nary, la ' tha year cn thousand lght hundred aad dxty-foor. In witness whereof. I have hereaalo oabseribed. my L. S. n am and caused the seal ol my offloe to em xed the day and year above written. B. W. TAIAiXa, Auditor 0. auua, will I tnd w ben wiU , h. Be iEEsoN ; .: ; GolxxxixloxMjat O. - Jaa3M7t -. -- ' .- HEADLEY, MM & RICHARDS. t.i,; AT lSTo.?0O 6c 253. BotttfA XIlfa BtH IN OBDBB.TO HIBT THI WANTb'cf THj'lBnV w numerous castomers In thl trav of Holldae flooA. i- hT just returned from th eastern cltlst with aohote. ,i and well selected stook of LADIES' MISSES' ANp CHILDREN' TT i3 Ladies' Cloth and Plush NEW, RICHLAND. JBESIABLT Balmoral, SkirS",1 ' LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREIWl ft SHA.VVLQ, H5ADLEY, EBERLY R1CUARP3., FSOASS I0TJTH HIQU STBIBti deelT ;1 e : v .'M 1 " tltt ein Cj. J J) vit