AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Opera House. The Ppet Huss Was syell Ailed last sight, Hud the general vqlceof those present to enthui'ta't'e in favoo Johnny Booker and hii Mlnatreis. -They re pronounced; 4rt rate musicians, lingers, some. tUsaaaad- Biarmfactiieers of original jokes and fun generally J'fobehy So minstrel troupe in our eity of lata has given suoh ' general and unqualified pleasure to an sudience as did that of Johnny Boole-1 r's last night. Wj '- iA aercfid and but entertainment will be given by tkt tspuf. company at tha Opera House tti-nlght. We expeotfrom the favor thpy met with night, that the bouae wilt be full thia evening. , Ellsler's Atheneum. Mr. and Mian Couldook appeared for the fint time In our oil j this aeaaon, at the Atheneuin last eve fiimrt theplay" tho-. Willow Cop, Of Bourse, the characters of Lufto and Rose Fielding were ably fuslained and graphically portrayed by these eniT nent artiata. At the close of the ptar they were called before tlteourtatn, and Mr. Couldook, in a few words, thanked the audience for the kind reception they had fnet with," The house remanded with cheers. I Ta-nisht, Mr, Couldock will appear in the great play of Richelieu. In cbaraotera like that of Riohe lieii'Jie is famous for bis fine prr.wnatims, and, therefore', a choice dramatic entertainment will 4w ait the audience at tho Atheneuin to-night. Old Phil's Birthday. -Tula sew play, in which 11 r. Couldock sustains the principal character, will be produced during bU present engagement at the AtKcnaotd, Of the play, and Mr. I'ouldock's part In it, the XatMUt Union speaks in the following enthusiaatio terms : " Lait Bift,Pbll's Birthday wa. produced t the Theater, Mt. Couldook luetaininR the principal rol of Philip. Words eannot do justice to the beauties of bis act ing it was so life-like, so real, his 'pathos is touc''. Ing tosdtgrea.reaching-tho heart through the aensea -never for one moment lot ing aight of the character (wbiob after all ia ttie'very acme' of acting) but grasping with a. master hand the au thor, he transmitted bis conception to the audterMto "' With the i fidelity of a Raphael or Reubens. The profession and theaters in the country must he benefitted by hi V!s(U. Bis acting is of that school that commands the attention and admiration of the literary and the educated t so simple, so true to nature, that he at once wins the sympathy and feeling of even those who are not accustomed to he moved by the scenes of domostio life as portrayed by thisconsummato artist.' God blew you, Mr, 1 Couldock, and may the ejc itUJing Providence have you and your estimable daughterln his special keep ing, so that we may be permitted again to welcome your advent among us." BUSINESS NOTICES. Selling at Reduced Prices. Lacelle, Ross fc Co., Ao. 221 South nigh street, are closing out their entire stock of Old Bourbon and Mononpnlieht Whisky, as well as Whiskies of all Minis; Wines of ivery'name and description; Old Cognac Brandy ; and Domestic Wines and other Liquors at greatly- reduced prices. They Invite the trade to this annoucerfifiT." ,cb!9-3td Farmers ! Don't pay the big prices asked (or making your 'dothlug. Get a Weed Sewing Mai chiue and make your own clothes. Yon will cave the price of it in three months. Come and see the Weed Sewing iliulilneat No. 238 South High street, upstairs, i . The Weed Sewing Machine tho b(t--i o breaking of uet'dlt s or get ting out of ordei' ' The Weed Sewing Machine Will make the finest shirt or the heaviest ovcicoaU THE XI r' v tl U T UAL Life Insurance Company Or NEW YORK. .'i't :?. .0 1 ' ('...' F. 8. WINSTON, - President. Caah AseetS! - - ttliOOOiOOO Income for Current War( all Caah ',; 3riOOt0O0 Paid Claims ajr Deaths .. , . OiOOOrOOO Receipts , from- Interest , alnof . . 5.OOO1OOO Purini.Tweato-tbroe years of honorable and sue I I ooseful business, THE MLTUAL LIFB IXSL RAKCE CO., '1 ..1 6F NEW YORK HAS SURPASSED- ALL OTHER AMERICAN LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANIES. IN AMOUNT OP ASSET ( CASHV, IN THE SUPERIOR CHAKACTEH and SAFE- stTt OF IT8 TNV:STMINT3: . l!L AMOU111!.0 AKSUALi INCOME" (ALL CASH); Iff TUB AMOUNT OP I)IVIt)ENDS DECLAR ED (the last Dividend beinrlsrgcf In amountand in proportion to premiums paid than has been de clare by an other Life Jnauranoo Uompan). .. ..I wrrn its UNEQUALED CASH SYSTEM AND .J, It Is now pre-eminentl Tha Reading Liie Insurance Associ !: "l'.lat:on of this Continent, 'And offersf Indueemente to tfaor e oontomplatinn Life Insurance, which, it is believed, . , " ' ;. . - r ."' Cahnbt be Equaled Elsewhere. Z ni .tii: .".! . , ;!: 1 ,.,'t. ... .i. -P ! . . -ITon. EL1ZUR WRIGHT, Ins. Commissioner of Mass.. in a loltor ooinmendaUirjr of the Mutual Life's method of makinR dividends, July 11th, 11-04, saji: "This method of appl inn iu own experience, ia an elomeat of proaperily and stability whioh van kardiy fail lo make tbe Leading Life. Iuaurauoe Aa eooiaiioa ef this Contiueuij aiavr tbe Aiodeln one of ,1ns world." 1 c: 1 1 j. . .i..i,t i . . , ., ,., .,, r.- THE INS17BANCE MONITOR for July. 184, remarks: 'The earner of :be Mutual Lif bas been one of steady prosperity for nearly a quartern! a eentury, and it may be rightly regarded as tbe most auooesaful Mutual Company ia the wutld." - - - THB NEW YORK INDEPENDENT, of Feb. S5, (1884, saysi ''Thla Corporation stands at the very bead of all Institutions of lUcuua in tbia oountry." Superfntehflent BARN EH, 'th hia report to tbe Ltgitlaturs of New York, for the year 1H63, sarn "Noauoh imperial Dividend as that of the ilutuai Life was ever before declared by any American CopsA"'?.trieiKejort,aeWM-, ' ' 1 .! ,vtr. . i. , 11 " 1 1 is..-' ." ...,. n -V' for Atreneiea is the cJtate of Ohio, apply to u 1 ' . li ' ) 1 ! . ' I fd !'.: II' '? -L'.-i t : . ij . I 'i 'i i Jbhh'VC; Jennings tCJJLYEfcAPfp, , OIIlOs Tor applisationl or Ciibsiara with full information ... . .,-.! it 'appiyto.i .. ; ;-. it miv 1 1" J l'i.l- :nrlt ftiil ;.'.. "1 i. ,-l ' . '.'lit. ;rt(1 FUED J. FAY, - Agent, .vl (17 8oiith High Street, AMUSEMENTS. l' 'Ixmlkb'i atiujuk.jw, . STATU STIIEKT, OPrOtlTI KOVt B PI OK OAflTOL. JOHN El.T.Ht.ER.l. 11. U. GEARY ......Manarnr. Treasurer. Pricm or AriMTSKtOil DreHiIir!eand Paronette BO cents; Reserved Scats 75 cents; Orchestra Chairs 7R cents; Family Oircle fid rents! Private Uuxcs 6; Uallery for Colored ptnonsUS cents. Second hlnht of the enmut'mfnt of the eolebrated artists, Mf. Q. Wi COULDOCK & Miss COULDOCK -Tuesday Evening, February 20th, Y( ill be prenenrwl the great play of " : '- x'V tr WT .'tWTT' - -' ji.av jl M.M. Ji' Jd m. - -J . '1 : .y i Toconclado with . . ' . 'ADD Y.1. 6 BLUNDER'S In prcpsratlon, trto nw p1as'of Mr. CoulilocV's. fnllcd -Milky While'" and "Did I'hii's Birthday.'' Alio, the celebrwerd spentacleof the"Naiad Queen,' in a stylo of magnificence never boforo uquulled in tbisoity. , , - j . . . . .1 .., OI'KRA IIOI'Nt). For One INifjIit Only;;; Tocsday Everiina;, February 20, 1800. Johnny Booker's Minstrels l: J.' SILVER CORNET BAND. CompRixi a i-1. ix:t 1 on of EHJHTEEN UNDOUBTED STARS. consUt ing of the bent Vocaiistii, Musicians and Cnmrdian. who will have the honor ot appearing as above in a Velange df 1'crinorujanco', Spicy,' Musical anct Original, Ail under the immediate supervision of - OLD -JOHNNY BOOKER, '( . The Veteran fioneerof Minstrelsy. ; 'FrceBalcopyHrrenade In front of the Ilall, pre vioumy to tho or eiiiiig of tbediMTS. iloors open al 7 o'clock. Opening Overture quar ter to 8 precisely. AdiuiFSion, 60 cents. For fan her particulars sea Pr grammes. , , . ., , .. M. K. WU.l.l.S, ., felM Acnt. SPECIAL NOTICES. IIAGA1SS ItlAGNOMA nAI.ltl This is the most dolithtful andextrtordinary article everdisoovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hinds to a par!y satin texture of ravishing beauty, Itli parting the marble purity of youth, and the dir tinyv. appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan freckles, pimples and roughness from the skit., leaving the complexion lieuli, transparentaud 1 ootb. it contains no ma terial injurious to tbe skin. Patronised by Actress es and Opera Singers., it is whatcvery lady should have. Hold everywhere. Retail price, 50 ots. Prepared by W. K. 11 AO in, Troy, N. Y. Address all rders to DE.MAS BARNES A CO.. Now York.' oct9-dwly A Household Necessity Exists for the Iteei li:fCiV-ft CATAKICII .I I'I', Which, in the first stages of a cold, acts like magio Headache, loar.eness,l)ipthcr!a, and Rronchitis, Sore Ejes, l)cafress, Diid Taste and Smell, being the result of Catarrh, This Snuff removes and pre vents all the.e, and insures a healthy Head. Its effects are pleasant and safe, even for iufauts who sutler irom SnuUlos. - It has tbe highest professional testimonials.. Sold by all Druggists, or sent by Mail to all parts of U. fc ., or 30 cents lor One liox. or H lor Four Boxes. Address JAS. DtR.NO, P. 0. ox 1235, New orkCity. At Wholesale, by DEM AS BARNES A CO., 91 Park Row,Ne York. junc9-lydAw. A Gil A de 1TIAGNOL1A. A toilet delight The ladies' treasure and gentle men's boon I The "sweetest thing" and largest quantity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face and person, to render tbe skin solt and fresb, to prevent eruptions to perfume clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. .It removesredness, tan, blotches, Ao. Itcures nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. ' It yields asubducd and lasting perfume. . , It cures musqueto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to tho skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It ! what every lady should have. Sold everywbers. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water after ward). DEMAS BARNES A CO., Props. Exclusive Agents, N. Y. ecte-dawly FOR MORE THAN TWENTY , YEARS MA THEWS' VENETIAN HA IK DYE bas stood the test of trial, and u constantly increasing in public favor. It ia the best and cheapest in the world. Price 76 cents.- -- - -'- ' '- - It gives a beautiful, luitrour,fiaura color, ; It b complete in one bottle, i r 1 It dog the work the first me. ; . . . 4 , 1 It does not crock, smut or stain. It does not rob off or fade. . ' -' ' ' It always (rites satisfaction. A child can apply it. "THIS HAIR DYE is manufactured by a peculiar process (know only to Mr. Mathews), which renders it infinitely superior to any dye In market. In wing THE VENETIAN DYE you" avoid that KUSTYtDEAD appearance by which dyed hair is so easily recognised when an inferior article bas been used. ; (. . ... lnreat 75 cents,, and yon will, be oenvinced. Sold by ail Druggiats and Fancy Uoodt Dealers A. 1. MATHEWS Manufacturer. DEMAS BARNfiS A CO., New York, Wholesale Agents. niaylO-doodly The Great New England Eemedyl x it. j . 1H JL AIV I' ' White Fine Compound. Ia now oflbred to the afflicted throughout the coun try, alter baving been proved by the test ot eleven iears, in the New England states, where its merits lave become as well known as tbe tree from which, n pait, it derives its virtues. THE WHITE PINE lOIJIPOUND CURES ' ! Sore Throat, Colds, Coughs. Diptheria, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and Pulmonary Affooiioua generally, it is a remarkable Remedy for Kidney Uomplainte, D abetes, Ditlioulty . of Voiding Urine, Bleeding from the , . Jaiduo a and Bladder, OraveL ' ' ' - and Other oomplainte. , ' , ', ! Give it a trial if yoa would learn the value of a good and tried medicine, it ia pleasant, eala and suie Sold by Druggists and dealers in Medicines gen erally.. CEO, w swETlrViri. ''o.,' jan33-dAw3m Proprietor, Beaton, Mas. A CARD TO INVALIDS. I ' ' 1 'l ' ' ; x t A Clergyman, while residing in South Amerioa as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cars of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tha whole traia of disorders brought on by baneful and violous habits. Great numbers bavs been al ready oured by this nobis remedy. Proa) ted by a desire to bensflttbs aflljotod and unfortunate, I will tend the receipt for preparing and using this medi cine. In a sealed, envelope, to any one who needs ft. Please inoloss a post-paid envelope, addraaaail as yourself.''1 Address, - tv-.. 1 .!..- .r u .;'. Joseph t. inmapv r; ' chM1-diy w York City. ' KmoTed lom hlsj Old Office. ,v DR. A. R. WILLIAMS. West Bread war. t.... Hish atreet. Colombns. Ohio, bas devoted himaal (or a series of years to the tree ment of certain pri w. I- .11 II. n. . - k..n..nlll -t 1.1. f t SPECIAL NOTICES. Telegraphic. VETOED ! VETOED ! THE FREEDMENS' BUREAU BILL ! THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ! To tlie Senate of the United Slotet? I have examinrd with cara the bill whloh originate 1 in the Senate and lias been passed by the two IIdiihci of Coiijircus, to anient an act entitled "an act to establish a Bureau for the relief of frecrtmen ntitl refujfeeg and for other purposes." IFr.vitig with much TverH Botiw the rnnelii'ion that it would not be consistent with the public welfare to give my approval to the measure, 1 return the bill to the Senate with my objections to lis becomino; a law. " I niitflit call to mind, in advance of these objections, thfit there Is no immediate ne cessity for the proposed measure.- The art to establish a Uureau for the relief of freed men and refugees, which was approved in the month of March latt, has not yet ex pired. It was thotijtht stringent and ex tensive enough for the purpose in view be fore (t came into effect. Further experience may assist to jrttide us to a conclusion as to the policy to bo adopted In time of peace. I have, . with Congress, the strongest desire to secure to tho freed men the lull enjoyment of their freedom and their properly, and their entire Indepen dence Bin! equality in making contracts for their labor, lint the bill before me contains provisions which, In my opinion, are not warranted by the Constitution and are not well suited to accomplish the end in view. The bill proposes to establish, by authority of Congress, military (nrisdiction overall parts of the United States containing refu gees and Ireedmen. - It would, by its very nature.apply with most force to those parts of the United Ktates in which the (reed men most abound, and it expressly extends the existing temporary jurisdiction of the Freed men's II urea 11. with greatly enlarged powers, over those States In which the or dinary course of judicial proceedings lias been Interrupted by the rebellion. The source from which tills military juris diction i to emanate is none other than the President of the United States, acting through the War Department mid the Commissioner of the Freedmen's ISureati. Tho agent to carry out the mili tary jurisdiction are to be selected from the army or (mm civil liie. The country Is to be divided into districts and sub-di.-trlcts, and the number of salaried agents to le employed may be equal to the number of counties or parishes In all the United States wltcro froedmcn and refugees are to be lound. The subjectsover which this mili tary jurisdiction is to extend in every part of the United States, include protection to all employes, agents and olliccrs of this Bureau, in tlie exercise of the duties lni posed upon them by tho bill. In eleven States it is further to extend overall cases affecting Ireedmen and relngces discrimina ted against by local law, custom or preju dice." In those eleven States the bill sub jects any white person who may be charged with depriving a freedman of any civil rights or immunities belonging to white persons, to Imprisonment or Hue, or both, w ithout, however, defining the civil rights and immunities which are thus- to be secured to tho ireedmen by milita ry law. Tliis military Jurisdiction also extends to all questions that may arise respecting contracts. The agent who is thus to exercise the oillce ot a military judge may be a stranger, entirely ignorant of the laws or the place and exposed to the errors ol judgment to which all men are liable. A lio exercise oi power, over which there is now legal supervision, by so vast a number of agents as Is contemplated by the bill, must, by tho very nature of man. bo attended by acts oi caprice;. injustice ami passion, l lie trials having tnelr origin under this bill are to take place without the intervention of ajuryand without any fixed rules of law or evidence. The rules on which offenses are to be heard and de termined by the numerous agents are such rules ami regulations as too 'resident through, tlie War Department, shall pre scribe. No previous presentiment is re quired, nor any indictment charging the commission ot a crime against the laws, but the trial must proceed on charges and specifications. The punishment will be not what tlie law declares, but such as a court-martial may think proper; and froir. these arbitrary tribunals there lies no an- fieal, no writ of error to any of the courts ri which tho Constitution ol the United Sta'cs vests exclusively the judicial power or tnecountry. While tlie territories anil the class of actions and ofienses that are made subject to this measure, are so ex tensive tiiat the bill itself should if it be come a law will have no limitation in point ot time, out will lorm a part ot tlie perma nent legislation ot tlie country. I can not reconcile a system of military jurisdiction of tills kind with the words of the constitution, wiiicti declare mat: "JNo person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictinentof a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when In actual Ser vice in time of war or public danger," and that " in all criminal prosecutions the ac cused shall.enjoy tlie right to a speedy anJ pnblic trial by an impartial jury of the State or District wherein the crime shall have been committed." The safeguards which, the w isdom and experience . of ages taught our fathers to establish as securities for protection ot the innocent, the punishment of the guilty and the equal administration of justice, are to be set aside, and for tlie sake of a more vigorous inter pretation In behalf of justice, we are to take the risk of tho many acts ot injustice that would of necessity follow lrom an almost countless number of agents, established in every parish or comity In nearly A third ot the States of the Union, over whose decision there U to be no supervision or control br Federal courts. The power that would be thug placed lu the hands of tbe President is such as in time of peace certainly ought never to be entrusted to any one man. If it bo asked whether the creation of such a tribunal within a State Is warranted as a measure of war, tho question . immediately presents itself, whether we are still engaged in war. Let us not unnecessarily disturb the commerce and credit and industry of the country by declaring to the American people and the world, that the United States are still in a condition of clril war. At present there is no part of our country In which the au thority of, the Uultcd States Is disputed. Offenses that may bo committed by . indi viduals should not work a forfeiture of the rights ot i the same communities. The country has entered, or is returning to, V state of peace and Industry, and the rebel lion is In fact at an end. The measure, theretore. seems to be as Inconsistent with the actual condition of the country as It is at variance with the Constitution of the United States. ,1 .If, passing trom general considerations, we examine the bill in detail, It Is open to welghtv obiections. In time of war it was eminently proper that we should provide tor those who were passing suddenly from a condition of bondage to a state of free dom; but this fjill proposes to make the Freedmen's Bureau, established by the -act otlSoS, as one of the many great and ex traordinary military measures to suppress A formidable rebellion, a permanent bunch of the publlo Administration, with its pow ers greatly enlarged. I have no reason to suppose, and I do rot-understand it to be alleged, that tne act ot March, i860, has proved deficient for the purpose lor which It was passed, although at that tltqe, and lor a considerable time thereafter, the Government of the United States remained naoknowledged in most of. the. States whose inhabitants had been Involved in r 3r belllon. Tbe institution of slavery, for the military destruction of which the Freed men's Bureau was called Into existence, as an auxiliary force, has been already effect ually and finally abrogated throughout the whole, country by an amendment of the Constitution of tlie United States, and practically Its eradication lias receiv ed tlie assent and concurrence of most of those States In which it had at any time existed. I am not, therefore, able to discern in the country anything to justify an appre hension that the powers and agencies of the Freedmen's Bureau, which were effect ive for the protection of freedmen and ref ugees during the actual continuation of hostilities, and of African servitude, will now, in a time of peace and after the abo lition of slavery, prove inadequate to the same proper ends. If I am oorrect in these views, there can be no necessity lor the en largement of the powers of the Bureau, for which provision is made in the bill. The 3d section of the bill authorizes a general and unlimited amount of support to the destitute and su During refugees and freedmen and their wives and children Succeeding sections make provision for the rent or purchase of landed estates for Ireed men, and lor the erection, lor their benefit. of suitable buildings lor asylums and schools, ti e expenses to be tlelrayed Irom the treasury ol the wholo people. ibe Congress ol the United states has never heretofore thought itself competent to establish any laws beyond the limits of the District of Columbia, except tor the benelitof our disabled soldiers and sailors. It has never founded schools for any class of our people, not even for the orphans ot those who have tallen in the defense 01 the Union, but has left the care of their educa tion to the much more competent Bnd clll- cient cont rol of the States, of communities, of private associations and of Individuals. It has never deemed Itself authorized to expend public money for tlie rent or purchase oi homes for the thousands, not to say nillllons of the white race who are hon estly toiling lrom day to day for their sub sistence. A system tor the support ot in digent persons In the United States was never contemplated by the authors ot the Constitution. Nor can any good reason be advanced why, as a permanent establish ment, it should be founded for one class or color of our people more than another. Pending the war many refugees and trecd ineu received support from the Govern ment, but it was never intended that they should henceforth be ted, clothed, educated and sheltered by the United States. . The idea on which the slaves were assist ed to Ireedom was, that on becoming free they would be a self-sustaining population. Any legislation that shall imply that they arc not expected to attain a sell-sustaining condition, must have a tendency injurious alike to their character and their prosper ity. Tho appointment of an agent for every county and parish will create an immense patronage, and the expense of the numer ous olliccrs and their clerks, to bo appoint ed by the President, will be great in the beginning, with a tendency steadily to In crease. The appropriations asked" by the Freedmen's Bureau, as now established, for the year 13(1(1. amount to $11,745,000. It may be safely estimated that the cost to be incurred under the pending bill will require double that amount more than the entire sum expended iuany one year under the administration of the second Adams. II the presence of agents In every parish and county is to he considered as a war measure, opposition or even resistance might be provoked, so that to give effect to their jurisdiction troops would have to be stationed within reach of every one of them, and thus a large standing force rer dered necessary. Some appropriations would then-fore be required to sustain and enforce military jurisdiction in every county and parish from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. Tlie condition of our fiscal affairs isencotir aging, but in order to sustain tlie present measure of public confidence, it is necessary that we practice not only customary econo my, but, as fur as possible, severe retrench ment. In addition to the obiections already stated, the 5th section of the bill proposes to take away laud from its former owners, without any legal proceedings being first had, contrary to that provision of the Con stitution which declares that "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or proper ty without due process ot law." It does not appear that lands to which tills section refers may not be owned by minors or per sons of unsound mind, or by those who have been faithful to all their obligations as citizens of the U. S. It any portion of the land is held by such persons it is not competent for any authority to deprive them of it. If, 011 the other hand, it be found that the property Is liable to confis cation, even then it cannot be appropriated to public purposes until, by due process of law, it shall have been declared foricited to the Government. There are still further objections to the bill, on grounds seriously affecting the class of persons to whom it is designed to bring relief. It will tend to keep the mind of the freedmen in a state of uncertain expecta tion and restlessness, while to those among whom he lives it will be a source of con stant and vague apprehension. Undoubt edly tlie freedmen should be protected, but they; should be protected by the civil authorities, especially by the exercise of all tho constitutional powers of tlie Courts of tlie United States and ol the States. His condition is not so exposed as may be at first imagined. lie is in a por tion of the country where his labor cannot wcli ba spared. Competition for his servi ces lrom planters, from those who are con structing or repairing railroads, or from capitalists in his vicinity, or from other States, will enable him to command almost his own terms. He also possesses a perfect right to change his place of abode; and if, therefore, lie does not find In one commu nity or State a mode of life suited to iiis desires, or proper remuneration lor his labor, he can move to another where labor Is, more esteemed and better rewarded. In the South, however, each State, nduccd by its own wants and interests, will do what is necessary and proper to retain within its borders all thwlabor that is need ed for thedevelopment of its resources. The laws that regulate supply and demand will maintain their force, and the wages of the laborer will be regulated thereby. There is no danger that the great demand tor la bor will not operate in favor of the laborer. Neither Is sulii'dent consideration given to the ability of the freedmen to protect and take care ot themselves. It is no more than justice to believe that as they have received their freedom with moderation and forbearance, so they will distinguish themselves by their Industry; and they feel, and will soon show the world, that In a condition of freedom they are self-sus taining and capable ot selecting their own eraolovment and their own places of abode: of insisting, for themselves, 011 a proper re muneration, ot estaDiisningana maintaining their own asvlums and schools. It is earn estly hoped that instead of wasting away, they will, by their own efforts, establish for themselves a condition of respectability - and prosperity, it is certain that they can attain to that condition only through their own merits and exertions. In this conec- tion the query presents itself, wheth er the ' system proposed by the bill will not, when put into com plete operation, practically transfer the entire care, support and control of four mil lions of emancipated slaves to agents, over seers and taskmasters, who, appointed at Washington, are to be located In every county and parish throughout the United States, containing freedmen and refugees. Such a system would ; Inevitably tend to such a concentration of power in the Exec utive aa would enable him, if so disposed, to control the action of a numerous class and use them for the attainment of his own political ends. ' . ' " I cannot but add another very grave ob jection to this blHV The Constitution Im peratively aeciares, in connection witn tax ation, that each State shall have at least one Representative, ana nxes tne rule tor tne number to which in future times each State shall be entitled. It also provides that the Senate ot tho United States shall ba com- .i. i ' ... . . U'V i::J posed of . two -Senators from each State, and adds, with 'peculiar force, that "no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in tho Sen ate." The original act was necessarily passed In the absence of the States to be affected, because their people were then contumaciously engaged In the rebel lion. Now tho case is changed, and some, at least, of the States are attending Congress by loyal representa tives, soliciting the allowance of the constitutional right ot representation At the time, however, of the considera tion and the passing of the bill, there was no Senator or Representative in Congress from the eleven States which are to be main ly a fleeted by its provisions. The very fact that reports were and are made against the t'ood disposition of the country is an addi tional reason why tiiey need and should have Representatives of their own in Con gress, to explain their condition, and reply to accusations and assist, by their local knowledge, in the perfection of measures immediately affecting themselves. While the liberty of deliberation would then be free and Congress would have full power to decide according to Its judgment, there could be no objection urged that the States most interested hud not been permitted to be heard. The principle Is firmly fixed in the minds of the American people, that there should be no taxation without representation. Great burdens are now to be borne by all the country, and we may best demand that they shall be borne without murmur, when they are voted by a majority ol the Repre sentatives of all the people. 1 would not interfere with the unques tionable right of Congress to judge, each House for itself, of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members; but that authority cannot be construed as In cluding the right to shutout, lu time of peace, any btate irom the representation to which it is entitled by tlie Constitution. As present all the peoplo of tho eleven States are excluded those who were most faithful during the war not less than others. The State of Tennessee, for instance, whose authorities engaged In rebellion, was re stored to all her Constitutional relations to the Union by the patriotism and energy of her injured people before tho war was brought to a termination. They had placed themselves in relations with the General Government, had estab lished a State Government of their own, and as they were not included in the emancipation proclamation, they, by their own act. have amended their Consti tution so as to abolish slavery w ithin the limits of their State. 1 know no reason why the State of Tennessee, for example, should not fnlly pnjoy ill her constitutional relations to the United States. Before receiving tlie conclusion of the Message, we were compelled to go to press. Eds. Statesman. FROM NEW YORK. Official Dispatches from France. Nkw York, Feb. 19. Tlie tenor of the official dispatches from France relative to the withdrawal of the French army from Mexico, is less lavorahle than was suppos ed. The withdrawal will be conditional on the establishment of tlie new Empire and the pledgo of non-intervention by tlie United States. The Mexicans must accept Maximilian or endure a foreign army for an indefinite period. Financial. New York, Feb. 19. The Commercial saj: The Bank statement exhibits no im portant changes beyond a decrease of $3, il i:i.03;! in legal tenders, a thing little antic ipated, under the circumstance that, tiie sub-Treasury has paid out a large amount of currency on account ol the interest on 7-30's. The deposits exhibit an increase of over ?j,07d.827. The specie shows a slight increase, which indicates that the sub Treasury must have sold gold more freely during the week than has been supposed.' Money is iu more active demand from stock firms, and tlie rate on call is quite lirm at 0 per cent. 1 he payment ot Inter est upon 7-HO's has aflorded no perceptible relief to the market, the tone being indeed firmer than before the loth Inst. This is perhaps attributable to the partial How of currency westward. The stock market opened quite strong, at an advance 01 km l'S percent, on Satur day's closing prices. As the call progress ed the bear movement was developed, the opening Improvement was more than lost, and the session closed with a decidedly weak tendency. The shorts In stocks ap pear to have covered their contracts to a considerable extent, but this morning large amounts of sellers' options were put out. Governments are quite firm. Tlie report oto-'JUs having been returned by last steamer appears to have a very slender foundation in fact. Quotations are gener ally the, same as on Saturday. Gold is weak. The price this morning touched 13G,78- The demand for customs is moderate atid the supply fully adequate. Tlie foreign Intelligence has 110 perceptible effect upon the premium. Foreign exchange firmer. The leading drawers of sterling quote GO days bankers at 108j. Commercial sterling is scarce at 107aiU7. Francs are quoted at 64 52U;'i for Jong dates. Memorial to Congress. Nkw York, Feb. 19. A memorial, signed by citizens of New York, Boston, and tlie principal cities in the Union, is about being presented to Congress, praying lor an ap propriation of one hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars, the sum recommended by the Secretary of tho Navy CD be' divided among the officers and crew ot the Ki ar-sarge. Convention of Orangemen. Nkw York, Feb. 19. A convention of the Orangemen of Canada having been per fected, a meeting Is to be held at Ottawa during the present month. Mr. Killinn, of the Fenian Brotherhood, addressed a com munication to one of the Aldermen of that town, urging the impropriety of such a gathering at the present time, and repre senting it as calculated to do much harm in reviving old hatreds between tlie Catholic and Protestant Irishmen, and leading to ad ditional strife. . FROM EL PASO. Change in Public Sentiment Toward President Juarez—French Soldiers Deserting. Nkw York, Feb. 19. The Herald's El Paso correspondent says there Is a great and very favorable change in tlie feelings of the people In that section toward Presi dent Juarez. He entertains little tear of the advance of the Imperialists on the present seat of Government, and is contem plating a military expedition to wrest Chihuahna from them. They have about 800 troops at that town and are fortifying it. The French soldiers of the Imperial army in that region are said to be generally disgusted with their present service, and large numbers ot them have deserted, some ot them crossing to Texas and -enlisting in the American army. . v. j FROM PITTSBURG. The Fenian Congress at Pittsburg. ; New. York, Feb. 19.-fThe Fenian- Con gress at Pittsburg is being largely attended , Dy delegates irom ait sections 01 tne coun try. President Roberts and Gen. Sweeney rain attendance..-- - w .,.-( -.,' ; , 1 h Prrf sBCRa.Feb. 19.-There Is a largo numi- i; ber of delegates at the Fenian Congress,! probably 4,000, ana attendants were com ing. . At noon col. Aiurpny, bpeaxerof the House of Representatives, called the Con gress to order. P. T. Rowsford was elected Secretary pro. tern., and a committee on Credentials was appointed, one from each State. Adjourned until called together by the chairman of the Credential committee. There will be a grand procession to-night. wiia spcecnes Dy uen. pweuuy jaua Qtners 1 ML I' The Fenian Congress at Pittsburg. FROM WASHINGTON. Gen. Lee's Interview with the Reconstruction Committee. New York, Feb. 19. Of Gen." Lee's frf tervlew with the Reconstruction commit tee, tho World's dispatch enys: lie was quite reticent and did not volunteer any remark beyond the proper answer to tha quetions put to him.. lie said that so far as he had opportunities for learning, the people of Virginia had accepted the result of the war in good faith and were anxious for a restored amity in the Union. When pressed by a question, he is said to have In timated the feeling lor the Union was much strongerjust afterthe close of the war than now, lor there appeared to him to be some Impatience among tlie people that men w ho had not been Identified with the war In tlie South should be prevented from represent ing the States In Congress. lie declared that there was a deposition to treat the freedmen kindly, as well for their interests as for the white people. lie expressed a decided hope that the Government might endure for all time, and regarded the course of President Johnson and General Grant toward the South as liberal and humane. The Richmond Examiner—General Grant's Order as to the Suppression of Newspapers. Washinokon, Feb. 19. Jt is known that on Saturday, General Grant refused to revoke the order suppressing the Richmond Examiner, expressing himself, in decided terms, against tlie publication Of a certain class of articles in the Southern papers as calculated to do Irremediable mischief. On Tuesday, however, Mr. Pol- ' lard was officially Informed by an officer ot General Grant's staff, that the order would be revoked. The course of that paper will be In future less liable to objection. Gen. Grant will, however, take care that no newspapers shall be published containing ' sentiments of disloyality and hostility to the Government in any of its branches. The persistent publication of articles calcu lated to Keep up feelings of hostility be- tween tlie different sections of the country will be no longer tolerated. The circular to this effect dated Saturday, Is addressed to department commanders, who are re quired to give such information with a view to the suppression of newspapers of that character. There Is no distinction as to North or South. Treaty Between France and Austria French Troops to be Withdrawn and Austrians to take Their Place. New York, Feb. 17. Thellerald's Wash ington special that private dispatches to government officials in -that city an nounce that a treaty was entered into dur ing last month between France and A us t.ria, tor tlie immediate withdrawal of the French military forces from Mexico and their replacement by troops to the number of one hundred thousand, to be furnished by the Austrian Government. 'These sol diers Austria, it is said, proposes to raise by volunteering In Belgium and Holland, and transportation for them, and the neces sary stores until they arc landed in Mexico, are to be furnished by Napoleon. Gen. Crawford Escaped—All Well on the Rio Grande. ' Nkw York, Feb. 19. The Times' special says that a dispatch received iu Washing ton last night from New Orleans announ ces Unit Gen. 11. Clay Crawford, the Bag dad filibuster, has escaped from tlie fort where he was confined. His confederate has been liDcrated on parole. . - Dispatches received from General Sheri dan state that everything was going on well on the Rio Grande. Reciprocity. The. World's special says: lion. J. L. Hatch, of New York, author of several re ports on Canadian reciprocity, is here at the request of the Ways and Means com mittee to confer with them in regard to that matter.' The British Minister is still in conference with the committee, relative to the a loption of some plan which will be mutually advautageous to both Govern ments. T . The Herald's special says: For the one vacancy in the old pay department of the regular army, there arc about Ave hundred applicants. The Freedmen's Bureau Bill. Washington, Feb. 19. There was a Cabinet meeting at 10 o'clock this morn ing, and no visitors were admitted. Mean time the report prevails that the business for which the President called the Cabinet together has reference to the amendatory Freediricn's bill. It seems from present ap pearances that Congress and the country will not be kept much longer in doubt as to his action upon that measure. Nkw York, Feb. 19. The Herald's spe cial lrom Washington says: Twenty-four hours have worked a wonderful change in public expectation here concern ing the President's opinion of the Freed men's Bureau bill. Nearly every one now concedes that he will return it with his ob jections, and the most favorable hope en tertained by any radical seems to be, that these objections may be so unimportant that Congress may modify the bill until it commands his approval. Secretary Harlan to Resign—The President Awaiting Action of Congress. New York, Feb. 19. The nerald's Wash ington special says: The resignation of Secretary Harlan is the current topis of con versation, lie Is known to have expressed to a Congressman of iiis political persuasion, his intention not to remain much longer. Those who aro in the most eligible places for understanding the President's mind up on the subject, assume that he is only await ing the ostracism of Tennessee as a State, which is evidently the plan of the Rucon construction committee, to invite such of the Cabinet ministers as are in known ac cordance with that decision, to vacate their places. FROM MONTREAL. Effects of the Failure to Renew Reciprocity. Nkw YoK,Feb.l9. The Herald's Mon treal correspondent states that tlie' publi cation of the negotiation proceedings show ing the failure of tlie Canadian Commis sion to n fleet in Washington a revival of the reciprocity treaty,' creates much ex citement. Tlie provincial merchants are very much depressed by their trade pros pects for tlie coming year, but the Govern ment organs pretend to find consolation in the assumption that this reciprocity lailure will hasten the realization ct the pro vincial confederation scheme. The minis try are now determined to make another vigorous effort to carry this latter measure to completion, but there is a strong opposi tion to it among the people, and a bitter contest on the matter is anticipated. FROM MEXICO. -f Nkw York, Feb. 19. Files of the Pad Jaro'Vrrdn, a newspaper published in the City of Mexico, have been recelyetl here with news to the 30th of January. The ad hesion of Papautla to the empire Is an nounced. The place Is held by Gen. Thun, with an Austrian garrison. The Emperor has Issued a decree authorizing the forma tion of a company for exploring and colo nizing the districts of Huanchtnapgo and Mltlatoyuca and Anilxtlan, k , , JW lu lL '" Cincinnati,' Feb. 19. The 'Marietta & Cincinnati railroad have completed their track from Ixjveland to Cincinnati. The first train passed over the road on Satur- 1 he saddlery and harness store of Mc Colm Brothers, on Main street. was destroy ed by fire yesterdays Jjoss, 26,000; insur ed for 9 5,000. LADIES' AMD CHlt,DHEMM ltttM ,. T MR3. SARTKLL'8 ,.; nlril . .- ,1.1 '"- H-.-.n:-l- -. -1 "V FROM MEXICO. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. FROM MEXICO. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Money Market—Feb. 19. at m ti ' ope,l,D1 oloslnf , Ui VjCRNMENTSTOCiS -QuIsUaS arm. f'l New York Stock Market—Feb. 19. n?-Ti(i)LK"".H",T)': Trsssurrnotss.Mo's Hd snris w,'t;U. H.S a 1 jesresrt 1 nostra saw isass 18V. W trn linion Tslrsrmph 57; Hew Kork l'ea?aJ. SUKt Kris, HIV: .Kovling, loo; Michism Uaatrai tOiZe Miohiirsn Hontlm.n. Toft; KorthsMUirn, Sstj, dZ "Tf .!!- New York Market—Feb. 19. ' COTTON Rather morejitesdr but hot setirs; Ut for Ilililillii.K. , . FI.OLH- Oull. hay and common a ifctjftie lower; 7 4X7 80 lor extra stale; IS 2fxSS S6 fur common to good shipping hrandi.aitra round boos Ohio. WHISKY Heavy and declining; wtstern st $3 St WHEAT Dull; eommon grade! nomlnall lo lower. CuKNWithoatdeMed changed 1. n. ' t.V OATri-Dull il3t42c for unauund western' 13 5lo for sound do. ' COFKKK-Dull. ... , . 1 .....,') KLUAK-Quiel: Cuba Musecvadoat 10hllV. JlOI,Ah.SKft (Juiet. ., , -r,r 1 I'KTKOLKU M-Uuiot at 3ao for orode. ande6M7s for rehned in bond. . .. , .,., . . K)KK-V ithoat decided change at 61k A 8 87 fi.r new mrss, cloning MSiMMJi eah; S'ia for 1.1.1 muss; fctf&xsill ooior prima; and tvl ( for prime moss; alsoUUU br,s. sew uieee ur ilareb, April, May and June,, tallor'a and buer'a option, at Sr4 .VilitJ, H I.' !' L' O.M..1. at SI AMBtn .. . ... t ' 5 ''-. ........... -. w iut pew piam moss andawtasuufornewtxirarn-iM. ' ir.r.r iiajis iieav; at 91 K.el BO. r 'i and lOsaiWScfor Hams. BACO.N Quiei; Cumberland ent, for March eV Iiverr, sellers' option, at ISo. - . ... , UKEtiSEI) HOUS-Quielat lSJ.Xe for WssU em; and 1313'o for city. - -; i-w LARD Firmer at ISaslHe. AlsoSOe brl prime) kettle rendered for ail Jdareba lSia. - - - BUTTER firm at U.'iatMo fur Ubio, and 33iSo for slate. ' . ,-, ..nj .t 1Uti.aii Steady at J0922c. :..,i- " - ,. Cincinnati Market. Ff.OUR SuDsrBne is held at S7T T.I- rt' i W HKAT Old red iaheld nrmlr at $2 00J JS.and No. I new et $1 SO. Inferior ffradei of n-w Km nff.r. ed at SI t&jftl t. . , CORN is in better demand, and prices a shads higher: closing ai6(KS3c tor .No. 1 shelled. Ear il nwd hw'.h upper n ets. OA I SJ-N. S are buhl at 35c, with St beera t over 34, and Not waa held at 38c, with buyers., to a limited extent, at 37c. . . KYK Is dull, and pr'pes nominal, No. I Is held at7.73o.aud No. 2. at.6iGo. - ' fROVl.SlUNS-Mws Cork is in demand at r. 50, but inside city brands are bM at JiOo blither. Hulk Meaia are dull, without change in prices. Shoulders are bdd at 1; (Side at 14c; clear rib at 16c, and clear at Itic. all pa-ked. Hacon ia in moderate jobbing demand at V,o for Mhouldera; 16He for .Sides, and Mfce f. eltar bides Sugar cured li.iuii are held at iS&tHa, ts latter rate tar ctnva.i-od. hard is held at ISc for i.riine 01 tj, wits bujers at 17Jfo. Tbe salt's repoited w-re II bbds clear Hacon riidit at IS.'Jc, and 6 do Shoulders at 14jn, a'l packed. . , UKOC'tHlKrt The market rules stea'y and quiet atS730c lor lair tn choice Rio C'oflce; l!t Slfio for Raw .Migar; 17(A18.e for bard retiued, and J stt lor Molanes. WHI.K V A sale of SoO barrels bonded was re port I at 25c. SEKD Clover is dull, and rr'cef bare declined to SU 75 for prime Flax stendr at 1 5flH so. Timoihr i in moderate requeu at 3 7V313 M." COTTON A moderate demand for middling at ale per pound. , ... Cleveland Market. Fl.OCU-Stealy and quiot at SO 0010 00 for XI red; 10 00 ail Oil for XX wniie. country brands; Slu W (S107o for XX red; (llMiiwll 75 lor XX white, city made. U'ilEAT-Salcs IcarKo. Shelby red atl 7S; 2 cars amber Micbiaan ai S2 15. COR.N ia'es 1WM bash, 2U0O bush, and S ears rew .helled from st' re ail a. &00. 0 AT S Sales 3 cars al 38c; 2 cars do at 36c for No. 1, from store l'OKK iW00frm-ss;31 00 for clear. L RD Steady at lrJo or city tendered is tierces, l!le for do in keg. - SJIOKKI) AlEATS-Si:ga,-curai Haras SSc; ShituMers 13o. Dried Heef 2Jc. UKK K Finn at SIS (HI. liUTTKK Choice firm and in good request at 31 (sM-c. Common dull at 2(Ks2Sc 4IHKESK Ohio and New York held at a range of Italia. , ,, , ttiUS Scarce and firm at 3133e. ' - l.AKK FlSH--Wbitofi.y $; Irout and, Pickerel 7 ro: Herring S5 25, for hilf brl. . POTATOES Held at (KKjaf'Se by ear toad. II A V Ijoo.s from trams beid at 1813 00; -Beater premed taooo. S K E I .S Timothy firm at $3 7&S4 00; Clover held at 8 757 00. UEANi White in moderate demand at (1 609 1 00; according tn quality. ; ' 7 1 ALLOW City rendered held at 11912c; coun try rendered 10 1 le. ALb A.N I) PORTER We quote a follows : Pres ent Use XX Ale (10 00; Stock (12 (Xl.l4 00: Ken nett $18 00; Pale Cream (11 00; Porter (IS WXt) 14 00. AGENTS WANTKDFOK HRtDLEVS HISTORY OF THE OKEAT REBELLION. The late Rebellion stands out peculiar and extraor dinary in human events: and the mumriosxr SCALK upon which the war has been conducted, con stitutes it one of the URANDKHT. AND M6ST BRILLIANT CUAf'ER6 OF THE WORLD'S UlSTOKY. Mr. ileadley, of all writer, ia perhaps best ejaals fied to portray thestupendnus features of the mighty eontest. His previous works on less momentous themes have placed him ia the fint pom tion as a OK.I'HIC AND rOWKRri'b DKUNkATOB OF WAR scaNRS and csakacteks, s:d the magnitude and grandeur of the present subject impart to -hi pea H e lire nnd vigor of a yet more exalted inspiration, and turnish ample scope for the niurusr axuisi- TKINOF 1118 PKCTL1AR OKKIl'S FOa MILITARY DS sckiftion. Under his powerful pen the stirring scenes of the wur pat in review with the vividness and distinctn&xs of a present and living malltyi while his great talent por condcnsation enat bles him to embody everything of importance in A 30MPA8S JC8T Sl'ITID TO THS POILIO WANT. From no other source can snci.tJAK AXD cOMYRMCNfilvi AN IMPKBSSIUM OF Till UKAND MARCH OF IVBN'TS he obtained so easily and agreeably as from He. Headley's work. , ' , Tno Second Volume, completing this work (ALSO COMPLRTK IN ONR vOLi'Ml), will be Issuesin arch. 1SS4. Asents wanted toengane in its sale io sverf own in the United States. Its rapid and unparal leled sale holds out to iniipstbioi h and pkkkkvah iNdmen the most satialactory imih'CBMRnts, aud GUARANTEES to tliein l.AKGIH rROFITS than they can obtain from any other book or irom almost anya other employment. . ' . Agents now in tbe Bold are meeting with aston ishing suoees. For particulars apply to or address, -.A if if BRANCH OFFICE OF AMERICAN PUBLISH ING COMPANY. ' ,, Johnson Building, High street, Columbus, 0. ' . J. H. WENT WORTH. feh3-dwlm . Agent. A UF.NTS WANTED ,-4K "THE FlfeXI). DUNOEON. AND KKCAPK." 1 Hv Albert 1). Hichiircl.on, N.Y. Tribune Correspond ent. The unparalleled sale of 1,000 copies per day tx.aounaant evidence 01 tne popularity of this work. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Richardson'a unparalleled experience for four years. Traveling tbroenh Hie South in thescoret service of Ike Tribune at US outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, bis thrilling eapiure.hie son fiuainant lor twenty uuuths iaew diU j-aai prisons, his escape and almost miraculous journeyby night of nearly 400 miles. 1 AH those who waut prof itable employment, ploass send furs Circular. Ad dress, BRANCH OFriCK 0 AMERrrJAlTPljBtKSlr IfiQ COMPANY,- - m J ohnion Building, High street, Columbus, Ohio. . : j. h. wentoeth;;7J feM-dwlm" Agent. SPECIAL NOTICES. H ' BATCH ELOR'S HAIR DYEl' The Original and Beat in tha World I Ths only true and perfect Hair Dys.1 Hans lee. ReliaMs tlthj Instantaneous. Produces imaiedUteiy a syteifoid Blaok or natural Brown, without ini arise the hair or skin. 'Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Bold by all Druggiats. Ths genuine is signed W Uliara A. Balohelor. Also, "."' KM (J I llEGENEItATLNG EXTMCT OFtaOB?! for Restoring and Beautifying ths Hair. CHARLK3 BATCHUMIR. Nw York. sugln-dAwlv REBEL COLORS DESTROYED 'l Whan natnre or time has planted sf thcr kamga head such colors aa rebel against ev err idea of eomw- jiaojs.replaoe them with those glorious' and sxquir sus black ana brows Huge srary whars dessasd Vus ouo.ij g-rANjiABDs or BEACiTr,";, ; Whloh ara produced in Ave minute, without, injur ing the fibres or staining the (calp; by k r2CniSTADOROS HAIU vjr Manufactured by J. CRISTADOBO. No. As ter House, .- ew York. Sold by Druggists. Ap plied by all Hair Dressers. . .. , Janai-d rwlm Colgate's Aromatio Tcgqtabla Soap. A superior Tartlet 8Pt prepared lrom re fin- ' ed Veetle Oils tn combination with Cly cartas), and especially deaigaed for tat) mt of tadicsaad for tns;f raerf A.Jtsffuma is exquisite, and its washing propertiei anrivajjed. f or sals by all DraaisU i.iymii feW Mi