it-. , ,. J -- J rills -,"ih- 1 ion it srtstolv: tri ;;VOL. XXXVI. W:v, .; S COLUMBUS, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER! 6, 1868. ' NUMBER' 57. 1 1 f; THE cmo STiTMpjBUStinESS, I''rvMLTaxsD OJT tbx roitowzs0 c Oiitr 8TiT8iJm, pr '-. W w . . " . - lis mouth. , 4 S ttl'mnd hj Carrier, pmt wk. ......., ,.iOtn f ii-WuuTMiiiuuii.txi Jr..... ...... (4 60 . , . ii month.. S3 WliEUY STAXESraAM. . ;,r-.B r jwylgwemkiii ,';..-t.-tl St on. jeftr. i....rM..-.t......... 3 00 iMiMitioM nv..i Jl.- . l - nn Tm oopiat on. ?er .'.".."............. ...1? 60 w.ntj eopisi cni7r ... oupte.oeT ...... M flL ...0. w . .uVERTISiNG LATEST FCR" DAILY STATESMAN, ( light Hmm Aowjianwi awut. SjuanJ i r-j' 'I I "75 M aoj 3 ool At SO W 00 !8.') sa fl 60( 4 60 ' 6 75 00 001 16 OM 35 00 00 00 100 160 ISO as 315 176 435 0l 94 60 B0 M OOt a wu 001 is m 17 Ool SO 00 40 00 86 0I lie ool 4 an -IW 00 IS Oo 18 0 13 00 tS 90 140 00) r?5 31 00 s so 11 00 35- 00 3 00 ti 00) no oo 190 OOl 3S 00 4u 90 4 00 at aoiiss oo! IKS 00 10 KS M OH 4 00i 05 oo 70 00 T5 00 135 00 450 IK 1 OtK 160 00 fm ool 601) 650 680 600 u) u oo 17 001 ss on so ool 65 OOl 165 0C '325 eoj 16 00 M 101 80 0MI7S 00 S40 001 18 001 ja oo 4S ool 40 Otll 0 00 1(0 00 350 001 Local Kotioib. U Mnts ver Une aaeh insertion. ADTKaTiaiX) K-lTKiroa Tki-WiksjuT Statkh- JMAli 76 cents peraqiura aaoh insertion: for three aaoutha ar leaaar, a aiseoajt of S-k-haU from Daily AD-rmTTtmis tor WisixV STATrsariw-'il.oO aaraawara tar first insertion. 76 aeots lor aaem ad- 4tiona) insertion , , t B rn(KK88 NoricBs, 50 cents eaoh insertion. Jwtktkii of Obatbs, 50 eents. e War row. M nsnMAaaa. 76 aantv ..j.iv.,-ai . - i-EuAirvr. Knnrifcfi. hf iwinA. . JU tronsieai advtrUtemmU mui Is paid for at IktHm taayore extend. " ' - - . JJUSIIJESS DIRECTORY fc ARCHITECT. ; iiT' V. BKAOKE3, vi-t - ... . ; XV. , Architect, Civil bncinr, Ae. ' OfficeVejrtheKatioDaMb tit. .ATTORNEYS. .1 tT -AaU? aVJsLtJaQ-a 4X IM An .- . XJ ATTORNEY 8 AT LAW Offiee, Ho. 69 Sooth Sigh street, Ambo Bufld- - JLiTJ-9 W. IIULIM ' ' -J-.-. "ATTOSNK I-AT-LAW A MAYOR.: '-.w t See. "ITIj&WAmIO T. Det-ANV, ' ' J '"'' -JDi ATTUKiN 1-AT-L A W A Notary PnbHoi. .;: i .; i.bjj -- r, v., ' Parson's fiaildincr sxrii-oN woodruff; 1 : W. ATTOR-iE IfS-AT LAW." ' 6-1 -- Offioe 00 stthilih4rejet. Ambos BaHding. 'AUCTION AND COMMISSION.; -X U.HEAIl., J Auctioneer and Dealer ra BeVs! Estate Bonsa- Uoada,CMthi-g and Notinua,- - ...... -: , No. I West Broad atreet. BATH ROOMS. tVtUKii HA Eat. :.-'t- Jl,., barber and Hair Dresser. - Rot nl Cl-l.i Hatns. Haaement f ostotbee U aldm. . ; . ,y BOOK BINDERS " -luEtl'A tc t-ll-l-l-Y. O Book Binders Blank Book ManuCaotnrers, . primer, ana. s-nnusnera.. Opera BniHing. BOOTS. &. SHOES. X. WlLLIAAIs At CO . - 144 boutn- High street. J ust received, an '. La-1 e elegant , dies, pit stew styles, tow prices. ' rtLMI'OUUA . '-- o.' ' JLJ Is the noted house for aooa Boats and Shoas ax low pnees., aw otocK jubtreeeired ,. 276 South High street. Iki : :,.:: COAL DEALER . ,noBlSOK:CO, ',. ... ' li. 1 1. t- tiff.Kni, ni.rnr?A.i Also, Aeke; Draus I lie amd dteoe aewer ripe. No.2Sl .North His in street. L -COMJVUSS10N MERC a AN TS. IITCH Sc SON. - p ' . .Commission. Jf'orwardinr and Produce U er- hanta, daalara m Grain, Floor. Ac, 1 W. Broad Street. ... . ,.. , . corsets;. (Xt t. MACNAKrASEas CO., J Manulacturer and Dealers in French, Ger- ' man ana American corsets. Also, Hoop skirts. . 181 Opera House.- .T1 CROCKERY, &c. ' 'mm. tKLTON. -: . ' - i 1 f V Wkoleeale and RetaU Dealer in China, . Qneeneware, GUjs, Plated Goods, Lain ps and Lamp fixtures. 4 moron Bign street. 'rfl 'A. ITS-AAA'. -. . Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer -in Croekery, Cbina, Glaus, Cutlery, Plated Goods, JoeJ Oil Lamps. Ao. . .369 South High street, i DENTISTRY. 11 1 A AA Si AAA Sk KAM1KUKK. mini .77- -t i .1 . We aim to be the ftes.. f ri-W, DUNN DENTIST. The best styles v . at Dentistry, including : llnnn s lmproTM Aiioersi riaie. umee, iu aud 11 opera block. DRY GOODS. A". JbiKss.AV 4k CO., vy. lleal Dealers in Drv Goods. Notions Csrnets. OH "Cloths, Mattings, bnades. Bats, U. Li. Caps and Dura, r Hign and Friend IT" St- riNIMKK Sr i O. "" la - 148 rlouth High afreet. 3 - Carpet Mattings.OilClotha.Curtains.ijta la-and ! ancy nry boods. , . , , , , . ' lf , 'A.4t U.AAI, XX. Wl tV holesale and Retail Dealers in Staple and fancy uu uiAjua, muvL Miuiwiuins vi xwum lioass. m p. man s'Teec. tOUAA'l'H -AlAAV tiUOUH H HftLki. , ATw F. Kram A Co., cash dealers in Dry Goods and ui rourcusirees.!. i. i 1 1 'I -h: 1 ! J Wholesale and Retail Dtaler In t)rr Goods. Naaghton Buildinc. Noe. 118 and 1 Hooth Hige atreec . i - " J ASHON A UluGIIV. I dii ' '; IV Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Uents furnismng Uoods. no. CJNeil House. 4 1 11XMU191' 4jAbA AY CO., VI Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. No- 89 aonth tiiph street a C. AScASl.A,lr dc UU.. A Foreign and Domestic Dry Goodn Cloths, A-ore, etc. umiaxu Bontn Higa street, - - DRUGGISTS. U . JOHN S ROBfcRTS.- Droggist and ApoUiecaryr 164 North High street. 'M WH0LASALE A BBi'AlL DRUGG1ST3. k a. Aa A. St,- Ak. u I'I'aAl A4 . . ' : . 100 south rtiati at.. yoiuuioua.v. DttAtlD, AASAl SiSA -Jr. CO..' " ' ' " XX W holesale and Reiail DruxEista. and DcAtten Iu Proprietary Medicines. 94 North High street. ' KN GRAVERS. 731CME8) 4k MOOME, At. - - Designers, finxrayers and Pnblialieni: " ICntm. rial anu uuier icai, auKnven w, oraer. r- Nos. 107 and 100 South High street. :v-y.:-.v FURNITURE,- &c; nn RTTsi CAftlrsET CO.. . . V. Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Deal ers in A urniture. tnairs, naiirasses, era. .... , . No. 301 South High DA.-(.Opera House). 4"vsjisn aSAr as in BX ff) K Ad CO..' t I u.......,n,.nffiprtAluu b'arnitnra. Whole sale' and Retail W ardroom, 6. 1 and 8 Gwynue Block. . '-HOUSE FURNISfflNGT E. B. ABAS1HUM1, At: 4JO-. ' Dealer in MmitiM StwM and FTonse Far Dishing Goods. ,Alo. Tin. Copper and Sheet! W are. . 17 East Town .tree 1 eel ttreet. J. House FnTnishing Goods, Mantles, Grates, voppar. Ain auu oiibbs iron, a Loves and Aianues. 1 j. rt "r ; o Boath High street. -a STOiH. XA ILOH At Hurv. i. Dealers in Hardware) House Furnishing Goods, Marble and biata AianUea, Grata, Sh vaa. Hot H uxnaces. io. ' - norm High street. HOOP: SKIRTS., XLm , AtanuiMturar and Whohwaht Dsalar in Skirts and Corsets. Also, dealer in Beelia Zaphar and fancy uuuuei owum uii.ium. DiRECT(EY I I I I I I I I MACHINE. a, ; SP. AXTEliM -. DmIw is MosicjJ Uarcbandue. Booi. St tionerj and Panoy Goods toneral It. Hpecial Aent fur th eelebrated 1 Alias nuno uviu . , v . m m.aaiti.. - - i6 rJoath HimT HATS. CAPS. .. "I. W. IACF" ' ! iVl (Bocc-Mor to E. iaaO Dealr in Fs5i Cap. Fun and Straw Uood zv Bout a uicn street. l-liao viim.a oaw HOTELS. I J- ' " OoDfl-itO DTKt. J. U. iA v tutOH. fropnotor. UNI'I'EO MI'AXES HOVE!., VornOr High and Town .treats. ' JV Pt-UU I, rropneton ZI-XI I-EK HOUSE, i ' v Corner Konrth A Friend sts. Commodious hoate and axlensiva stablee . j - 1m A. boweks. rropnetor. MEKCHAirrS HOTEl,' 340 South High otreatt Good ilabling aUtoh-; d (a premises. W Pi THATCHER, Proprietor. insurance: Conn kc rrccr -ncTfjAit life snranoa Companr.' Assets, 18,coa.000. . WM. JAHiSUiN, Agent, UoiUinDus.U. NEWKIRK nitTEKBEBOER, . " UENtRAL AQEKXS Seonritj Life Insnranea CompaBr:. .-. t iMo. 6 Opera Houae. HOME INSGBANCIi COIIIPA1 V OF ColnmbBS, O. apitai and Assets, 4ael4.S7. W. C. Ja. BAKEK, See'y. . . i -lii'i j-'i . umee. jmos.1uperauonsa MILLINERY GOODS. , c. -Vi NlllintOrlSfi v. -. i ..i Wholesale and Retail M illinery Goods. ' ' - Ml 8.Hieh street. Opera House Block. - A. . sTIlAI t IV KIM sCL AV.A A-'V-klOl 1 11 H1IIIUOI, Ull UUWW aauii- Aitiu mine tf JNurth High ttroet I ifi h. wit-Kir, v- 'I J. Dealer in Millinery, Dress and Cloak Trim. mine nd raney Goods.. 130 South Uigb street. MERCHANT .TAILORS. SCHA. HArsEN Sc OBLLEBei, ' Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Gents' Fur- Dishing Uoods, Wo. 68 North High street, 1 . ' 1 ' j . i Aierchant Tailor and Dealer in Gents Fur nishing Goods. lAlsoaxent forth. Diamond Shirts. ii eoucn nun street.. rpHKOHIO jHERCHNT Till-OKINS II A CLOTHING CO.. 185 8. High s. Gents' suits made to erder. Rrady-made Clothing al ways on band. (, . .. , "JOHN XI. BICKENBACHLBK, . ;. TJ ' Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Clothing and Gents r urnishing Goods. . ' . 1 ' no. oi jiortn man street. JOHN HUIVTEK, MKRCHANT TAILOR. ' South High It. Choice stock of Clothing eonstantly on hand. '-rNEWS DEALERS. J I ANDKAWil At HVI.L, - " ' : News Dealers. Booksellers and Stationers. No. 66 riouh High street aex' door to Postoffice. -, I?iAAEs. UaisjfllANN, X? News Dealer, Bookseller, Stationer, and Bind- rublioations m both German and hngnsh.' : 331 rioath High stre-t. PAPER-WAREHOUSES. A HOHCWKt PKHK1 it CO., . ' t.: Jianufacturars and Dealer in Writrmr, Print ing and Wrapping Papers, 3 k 06 North High tt. " vr vn at mveue. . -. -.. - L Dealer in Printing, Book, Writing and Fine Papers 36, 38 A 40 Nonh High street. ' - PHOTOGRAPHERS. BALIWlAMrVl)NS, -r f -r PHOTOGllAPHJiRS. -.v . j - W ponin High street. J,. -Tt. KLLIOTT, . . t . - C 't - PHOTOGRAPHER, 107 South High street. Pictures made in every style and sis. - J. ARCHEK, - - Photographs, Ambrotypas, Gem; eto ate . No. 830 South High street. PHYSICIAN. E. M. DOWN!. JTI. D. No. 3 Opera Housev Treats Diseases of the Kje, Ear, Heart, Tfaroat and Langs. Also, Diseases of Women and Children. - n, -.v,..vpianos:; . . . JP.M4HKI!t&CO., Wholesale and Retail dealers for Lighte k Co.'t and Haines A Bro.'s Piauos. Also, Organs, Melodeons and other musical instruments. ; - 36 North Higa ttreet. ' C. WOODS, Asent for Chickerine's and Emmerson's Pi J. anos. Also, Organs, Melodeons and Sheet slneic. . ... 3i ooutn Align street. , RESTAURANT. , BARK EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Corner State and Hich rtreets. " - CHARLb x AlYitU, Proprietor. ;, SEWING LACHINES. A ETNA SBWINfi 1T1ACH1NES. ' -rV, .The best in the world. Nos. 1 and 3 Opera House. W. PIMMEL, General Agent. WATCHES -AND JEWELRY. RD. DCilB.AU. Sc CO.. . -. Dealers in Fine Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Platedware, Spectacles, Ao., No. 11 Town street. ' " ' ' ' C-1ATK8 A HAKRWUIO,: -1 31 (CiUMiessors to Wmi Blynn) dealers in Dia monds. Watch s. Jewelry, bilver Ware aud Speo taoles. No. 3 Neil HouFe. - - - F: a; i I..' LErttiERki'X, ' ' Wholesale and Retail dealers in Watches. Clock and Jewelry. No. 71 South High street. STRICTLY , WHOLESALE. nANCuorr aakos. tc CO. XJ Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions. 3 and 4 Gwynn. Block. Town street. OAiAiD, Ak CO. Xi Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes. No. Gwynne Block. 1 own St. r HOWBv SEWING NOTICES. Bank Notice. : KiKro . T i fi 1 OTICE18 BtHCBTGIVEN TO all whom it ma, concern, that the CitrDank of Cleveland, an Independent Banking Company, organised and carry ins on-business as an Indepen dent Banking .oinpany at the city ol Cleveland,' Ohio, under an act of the General Assembly of the said State of Ohio, entitled "An Act to incorporate the State Bank of Ohio and other Hanking Com panies," passed February SAtb, 1845, being desirous of relinquishing and dosing its Banking business, to ttat end has. in pursuance of the statntes of the said rttate of Ohio in such oase made, paid and re deemed more than ni nety per cent, of the inaxi mum amount of its circulating notes, and delivered the same to the Treasurer ol State of the said State of Ohio to he destroyed, and have provided means and secretary and Audit r 01 owe 01 sais oiaie 01 tUlO to to. reueuipwiuii vi iw ituunauuin, nmui emulation at the offioe of the National City Bank af Cleveland, at the said city of Cleveland, said City Bank is located. . - . Done ay order 01 me coara m I'lraown 01 iu. litv Bank of Cleveland, July 9th, I "68, r ... LBAJ U LL W ICK. President. jyll-dlUwOm Bank Notice. NOTICE. : BANK OF COMMERCE, f CLVSLANB, May 23, 1868.1 ' MOTIfR 1 llt'KKHT GIVEN TOTIIE . 1. v hnlilAn, nf th mit.tnHin notes of the late Bank of Commerce, and all other parties interested. mat alter tne expiration of six montns irom mis date, application will oe trade to the Auditor, Sec retary and Treasurer of State to surrender t said I Bank the si- ok deposited to secure th outstanding circuin.iuu u& saiu Dim in pursuance ot tne ioru ni'.i .cabiuu ui me net to authorisa rree Hang tug, passed March 31st. 1861. ...... . tt tv ry vEt PBRhUNS. Prwident H. R. Hurlbct. Cashier. mav36 d6m iron Ail Hoop The Sisters of St. Marj's, 1 I SomerscL Pmtt conDtT. will open thir i.r.. and ipmoious building for the reorption of popils on t ksa fli-ATfc Unndar in seDteiiaber. 1808. For rktrd mnA l aition. $76, Seo. 986 and fiHJ, aoowrdinjc to th d- nartmentoi loepapiu ox. rvuoiJ, oup i. AfllirTjBO AU BSitAajas-iAfcA FOR HALE, r I m T7 v vitiKh. nil ruivjjr.iMji uwnbu uy L Rudolph Rickly, on the National road, east Blind Asylum, eonsisiing ui a uuuuie ones, nouse, stable, slaughter bouse and outbuildings, and one aora and a nail oi giuiuiu.. wuryi. w . -., , -. , , . ' 41WO ISSi oott-eodlm , ' . 168 Jtast Friend street. MEDICAL. WOMAN. " FEMALES,' OWING TO THE peculiar and important relations which they sustain, their peculiar organization and the offices they perform, are subject to many sufferings. Freedom from these contribute in no small degree to their happiness and welfare, for none can be happy who are ill. Not only so, but no one of these various female complaints can long be suffered to run on without involving the general health of the in dividual, and ere long producing perma nent sickness and premature decline. Nor is it pleasant to consult a physician for the relief of these various delicate affections, and only upon the most urgent necessity will a true woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm as to do this. The sex will then thank us for placing in their hands simple specifics which will be found efficacious in relieving and curing almost every one of those troublesome complaints peculiar to the sex." -' nitLMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF BLTI1U. , of Hundreds suffer on in silence, and hundreds of others Apply vainly to drug gists end doctors, who either merely tan tatalize them with the hope of. a cure, or "apply remedies which make them worse. I would not wish to assert anything that would do injustice to the afflicted, but I am obliged to say that although it may b produced from excessive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborious em ployment," unwholesome air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it is far oftener caused . by direct irritation, ap- .... ..' - rr , m . , plied to tne mucous memorane ot tne vagina itself..' '. ... When reviewing the causes of these distressing complaints, it is most painful to contemplate the attendant evils con sequent upon them.'-. It is but simple justice to the subject to enumerate a few of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health and happi ness of woman in all classes ot society, and which, consequently, affect more or less directly,' the 'welfare of the entire human family."1 The mania that exists for precocious education and marriage, causes the years .that nature designed for corporeal development to be wasted and perverted in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and es pecially in the unhealthy excitement of the ball-room. lhus, with tne body half-clothed, and 'the mind unduly ex cited by pleasure, perverting in mid- ight revel the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruc tion is half accomplished. - In consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessary effort is required by the delicate votary to re tain her situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil.' "When one excitement is over, another in pros pective keeps the mind morbidly sensi tive to impression, while the now con stant restraint of fashionable dress, ab solutely forbidding the exercise iudis pensable to the attainment and retention ot organic health and strengtn ; tne ex posure to night air ; the sudden change of temperature f the complete prostra tion produced by excessive dancing, must, of necessity, produce their legitr mate effect. At last, an early marriage caps the climax of misery, and the un fortunate one. hitherto bo utterly reeard less of the plain dictates and remon strances of her delicate nature, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat ment. This is but a truthful picture of the experience of thousands of our young women. .Long before the ability to exercise the functions of the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system,, composed ot what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the female breast and lips, evident ly under the control of mental emotions and associations at an - early period ot life ; and, as we shall subsequently see these erootionsj when excessive, lead long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims ere nature has self completed tbeir development. For Female Weakness and Debility Whites -or lieucorrboea, Too irrofus: Menstruation, Exhaustion, Too Long Continued Jferiodu. for Jfrolapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer the most perfect specific known Helmbold s Compound : Extract of Bucuu. Directions for nse, diet, and advice, accompany. ' Females in every period of life, from infancy .to extreme old age. will find it remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its functions, "blrengtli is the glory of manhood and womanhood. Helmbold Extract Bdchtj is more strengthening than any of the preparations oi Jiark t . - f. . i . r " .1 T . or iron, lnnnitety saier, anu muro pleas ant. ' Helmbold's Extract Buchu, having received the indorsement of th most prominent physicians in the United States, is now ottered to amictea nu manity as a certain cure for the follow' ing diseases and symptoms, from what ever cause originating : General Debil ity, Mental and Jf bysical Depression Imbecility, ueterminanon or .Blood to the Head, Contused ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeplessness at mgbt, Absence of Mus cular Efficiency, Loss ot Appetite, Dys pepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disor ganizatiou or Paralysis of the Organs jeneration, .raipuauon oi tne neari aud. in fact, all the concomitants of Nervous and Debilitated state of the system. To insure the genuine, cut this a 1 A T T t' . m 1 out. A8K ior HEL.MBULD s. a a Re no other. Sold by Druggists and Dealers every where. -,. '".v ' ' ' Pricr. $15 per bottle, or 6 bottleB for $60. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communica tions. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N. Y. , . ; , None are genuine unless done up ' steel-engraved wrapper, with fac simile of my. Chemical Warehouse, and agned ' iySJ-dwis-weowly H. T. HELMMH.D. talesman. FALL FASHIONS. : of i in During the recent pleasant weather ealers have been unusually busy in bringing, out new styles of dinner and evening dresses, and costumes for street wear. - Generally the nflw Styles are chaste and elegant;' the Vichness of ma terial and the tasteful arrangement of trimming making the new evening resses very attractive. Ihe wide, round collar, so much worn here, is not n vogue in Paris. The dress is finished with a narrow'band, and a small linen collar is fashionable there for street wear. . - The dresses are full on the back, with puffs and bows a la Watteau, and the panier style for the street is much worn. There is a novelty in black lace veils; a wreath ui different colors, or in gold, is wrought around the edge. These veils are showy, but it is doubtful if they be come general favorites ; the prettiest one on exhibition bas a wreath ot green leaves exquisitely wrought., x - t There is a slight advance in tne price of imported trimmings, laces, silks, etc. The manufacturers of Paris and Lyons say that as the prices of the necessaries of life have increased, tbey must pay their workmen higher rates, consequent ly there is little prospect of a decrease in the price ot imported materials. Water-proot cloth, tor suits to be worn in unpleasant weather, is in great de mand. A fine and handsome material for ordinary wear has recently been im ported under the name of the English water-proof. It is superior to all other kinds, and is in various colors, black or brown making the handsomest suits. Nothing new in Bilks has" yet appeared, though it is reported there will be novel ties next month. Meantime toilettes for grand occasions are of satin and change able and embroidered silks. A new and fashionable suit is of Sul tana red under-skirt with three i narrow ruffles around the bottom, and over-skirt of black silk, trimmed with netting and tassel fringe. The over-skirt is looped up at the sides with bows or wide rib bon, and has full paniers at the back. A new style is of golden brown pop lin, with a flounce ten inches wide around the bottom. The overdress is close fitting in the back and loose in front, with narrow rcrffles"B6t on with a fold of the same,' nd is festooned at the sides with rosettes of the same. Fancy jacket frills trimmed with ruffles are at tached to the belt at the back, a la pan ier. The sleeves have two puffs at the top. ' ' ' ' A ''" Something entirely new and elegant is . ... . . of heavy black silk, with a satin nuttng ten inches wide around the bottom ot the skirt, and headed by a narrow box plaiting of satin. Theoverskirt is open front; and the back.wbicbisin full panier, is fulled at the bottom and trimmed with tassel fringe. This o'verskirt is caught up at the sides by satin bow and ends There are fancy jacket trills at the belt, and satin fluting to match the skirt Bet ori the sleeves in form of puffs, and 'wide fringe across the shoulders Velvet suits are tasuionable and ele gant, whether in entire suits or with an underskirt ot some contrasting color.- A suit worn on the street recently, was noticeable for its elegance. X he under skirt was of scarlet poplin, with three narrow ruffles around the bottom ; the upperskirt was of black velvet, finished on the bottom with a. small silk cord. basquine of velvet, with short skirt, com pleted the suit. These suits are in great demand, and do not necessarily require costly trimming, as the richness of the . 1 . T il. - -li l! .' 1 material rentier mem attractive,) ueu made plainly Several novelties in velvet cloaks are on exhibition at A. 0. Headley & Co.'s A new style is a half-fitting sack with sleeves, the skirt long, reaching to within one-fourth of a yard of the bottom the dress skirt, and trimmed with wid lace. A large round cape falls as low the length of the sleeve, and wide lace on the edge. A small lace cape falls over the shoulders; there is wide lace the hand, turning back upon the sleeve and attached to the back of the belt are wide ribbon bows, with long ends reach ing to the length of the sack - Another novelty in" velvet is close- fitting, long and open at the back for half yard trom the bottom, each side trimmed with wide lace, the same finishes the lower edge of the sack. wide strip of black silk made in puffs, by bands ot velvet, is set on the back sloping from the belt down ' the ' seams, ioining the back and side breadths, and in bait circular torm aDove tne opening at the back. There is a small round cape, trimmed with wide lace and a fall of lace at the back. The , panier cloak is new and fash ionable. It is of velvet with close -fitting bodice; the skirt is open in front and does not meet. Over this space of four inches silk tringe and tassels tall. Ihe skirt in front slopes slightly outward from the waist. The back is full, and gathered at the side seams. Bands silk joined to the belt and the bottom make the back in tour putts, a la panier. A bertha of lace is worn with it. Another new style in velvet is a tight fitting basque, short at the sides and front, and trimmed with wide lace. The back is much longer than the Bides straight across the bottom, makin square corners, and the lace extend from the corners to the sides. There two rows of lace on the back, the secon resting on the velvet. Silk ornaments are set on the back above the lace an at the waist. A lace bertha is attached above which are two rows of ornaments to match those on: the: skirt,' with three tassels at " the back' falling below bertha. Cloaks for ordinary wear for carriage wraps are made in scotch plaids, an for walking in unpleasant weather wa ter-proof cloth is used. . A new desigi for either is a circular with sleeves. round cape, quite deep at the back and attached to the sleeve . io tront, torms flowing sleeve. : Another is made in long and very loose sack, with sleeves and a cape, round in tront, deep at back.running down in long sash ends that cross. This cape, in plaid, is trimmed with a strip of plush of some harmoniz ing color. At the great millinery house of Sim mons, Opera House, we find the follow ing new styles: Less satin is' used" hats: it principally serves for facing piping. The mantilla veil is still of the bonnet and worn longer than ever. The scarf veil, braids of quilted lace, and broad lace strings, are Been on elegant hats. Thread veils square, and long enough to I fall below the chin. ,-:.: Evening bonnets are .of white uncut velvet or lace, with velvet folds, and are seldom seen without the large mantilla of white ' Spanish lace wrought with floss in large figures, stars, wheat ears, sprays of flowers and ferns, with border of rich, sparkling, white blonde. 1 he veil often falls from . the diadem back ward over the bonnet and sweeps the shoulders. ' - i . The bonnet frames are narrow across the top, but come well over the ears in length,, and with their diadem fitting closely over the hair, and vail falling in full folds below, are really more protec tion to the -head than their size would show, and are all that is necessary in the present - Btyle of wearing the hair. X he new shades are a pure taint gray called Star of the Morning, like the mist broken upon by early light, a natural shadow tint that combines with any col or, but especially well with blue or rose crimson. Scarlet is too hard a contrast. Absinthe takes its name from the green ish, olive of the beverage, and is a doll iap green, needing gold and emerald trimmings to enliven it. Begina purple is like blue flame, the most intense, pur ple, with no perceptible tinge of red as in the royal purple, but belonging to that class,' a deep, intense, splendid col or: ' - ; : ' : , : The Bergen is a pretty shape for all a low, round bat, with no denned brim, covered - with circles of quilled 'black lace, the' edge bound with crimson vel vet, and a velvet spray of. field-yine.'and berries, the same color lying carelessly on the almost level top. - A jet pin at the backand brides of quilled lace and velvet,- finish this graceful affair, which would be pretty with any color, .Louis 2.111. hat,' " resembling a sugar scoop of drab felt," sunk in a brim ; nar row velvet binding, half, .wreath of gray velvet oak loaves and tiny acorns, a large warm hued rose to the left; triple loops in one bow, and single streamer of broad. heavy,' gray ribbon at the back, a The Norma hat is distinguishable by its large san are vail, attached br a cor ner to. the' front brim, covering the ,vel; vet, and flying down .the back, the Bide corners folded back en revert to display the rich edge. The hat is something the Marie Antoinette shape, and the out side Is trimmed with a large rose and dull foliage. , , . GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONS. A ol as at a as The neckties in vogue for gentlemen are the plain and striped Windsor di afonal strmed : scarfct. sauare. crossed O A , -- ' l ' and pinned ; the' Dane, a large ' folded scarf,-folded in -knot and - pinned, with string to pass round the neck ; . narrow ties" in stripes and' spots, Scotch and Tarkish stripes and plaids, and the large white-spotted blue ties. ' r Sleeve-buttons are of square stones, or dogs or horses heads of large size in .oxidized saver; large English initials in the latter metal are. also worn. - Charms foi . the watch guard ara small.,, lockets with - -crystal face; on pressing a spring a roulette ball, dice or rouge tt noir flies in sight, spins round and stops ; complete games can be carried thus at the guard-chain Canes' are slender switches,' imitating natural wood, knotted and ribbed.-t ." The neck-tie most worn is folded, resemble a sailor's scarf. It is of plain reps, of 'quiet colors, or in diagonal stripes. It is known both as the Wal lace and the Opera- scarf. The Lord Stanley scarf, iu broad folds, concealing the shirt tront, is popular lor street wear. Tartan plaids, cbamelous, and the . gay : Roman scarfs' of rainbow stripes worn by fastidious gentlemen who have j hitherto avoided high colors. Young gentlemen of nautical tastes wear yacht handkerchief a square of blue silk, bordered, with white, tolded around the neck, forming a loose sailor's knot at the throat. A good idea is a combi t nation neck-tie and watch-guard called ! the Norwood.! -' T V - - 1 E"J ; ; Evening ties are of .white lawn, lav ender satin, or black gros grain. ' White satin is reserved for bridegrooms. ," The - most fashionable style of now, as we learn from Clark 6c Farmer, Neil House Block, our fashionable hat ters, is the Alpine,' a sort of sugar-loaf shape, very becoming to most gentlemen. -The fashionable silk hat Las an oval and English brim. It is lower even than the summer style, and is one of most dressy shapes issued for years. Clark & Farmer's, too, we learn that newest fashions in furs , are the black astrachan . boa and skating muff, ermine boa Imperial, long ; the Imperi al ermine boa, short; the ermine neglige boa. ,, The skating pattern is the pre vailing style for muffs. . , T of in are the A the or part also are WATCHES AND JEWELRY. F. A. - & L. ; LESQUEREUX IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1$2 WATCHES, jewixht,-.;.'--. clocks, , SII.VF.R and PJL.A.XED WARE, CAKES, . . SPECTACLES, .: . cirrEER-wv'1 ' ;: GOLD PE3IS, . POCKET-BOOKS and . OPERA CLASSES, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. ; Keep constantly on hand a large assortment Setb Thomaa' sttidl WalerbutyClock, For the Jobbing and Retail Trade. Also. Agents lor tne C ITHACA CALENDER CLOCK COMPANY, Watch Bakers' Tools and Materials, Watch Glass es (A renon and ueneva) in tun supply at low rates. : AW AH orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. . . F. A. A L. LESQUEREUX. 1 febla-eodly" fo. 71 South High St., Uolumbns. JOHN SCHNEIDER, .'"' DEALER IU - WATCHES, CLOCKS, J E WELR1, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ac. ' 173 Booth High street, Columbus, 0. Repairing eareiully done and warranted. '. m-uuoui HOTEL. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Fourth Slreet,near Main, , CINCINNATI, OHIO. HENRY P. ELIAS, - - - --...Proprietor. ra-HIS PnPTTI.AH TTniTSR. CENTRALLY ' X. catedand convenient to business, and to points of travel, is the most desiriaoie stopping place for persons visiiing th. eit o pain be spared to make the stay ot guests pleasant every particular. "j myw-oom Attachment. Elias Fisher ) Befor Jas. M. Paxton, J, of Nnrwioh township. 3... . . I James Lishley.) Franklin coun'y, Ohio. rvs THK KIOHTH DAY Olr OCTEBER ! ) said justice issued an order of attachment the above action, tor tne sum oi inirty uoilars.- Hilliard.Oot. Uth.leo8. octn3w-r ELIAS FISHER. of to hat tip the At the the of LO. all will in P' ... in I I . , MEDICAL,... ; WHY ENDURE A IIVING DEATH! The eon firmed dTffneptie dirt almost Mr with Sf. I Peter-! die d&ilv." The obtect of thia artiAltt I not to remind hint of tl bispuiKs.batbosbow him how tobaoisb them I I forever The meant of immediate and permanent relief are proffered U1LU AAA - i i '..': , ' ; m ' .f HO OFL AMD'S GERMAN BITTERS! And it is for him to in,v whether be will Anntlnne J to enaare a living ae&tn.orto pat nimaeu in oiiAuu iru rcuuor uio oujujauie 'j. i 1 . 7 LIVING ADVERTISEMENTS Of the efficacy of this matablefu e&ble iitnrn. ach are to be found in everj city and town in the 1 united estates neannv men and women, rescued 1 from torture by its use. and e&ter to bear 1 UlnmoBT to lta Tir- ium. it ii Har fmm 1 any o trier iii tiers in existence, in this peeial par- lnuibvt il is uui mi nu 11111 in. r or suoh constitutions and system a require for 1 lucix luviaucAiiiuua uiau&.ve simu:aat. r7' hoofLand's :;; ; . t - .' . . - ... 1 GERMAN TOF.1C II Has been Provided a preparation in which the tot-1 id extracts of the finest restoratives of the vegeta- ble kingdom are held in solution by a spirituous j gent, purged oi an deleterious constituents. The patient, in choosing between these two areat anti dotes, should be guide I by his own condition. If in a very low state from debility, the Tonic should be I ois selection; out in cases where the emergency is I not so pressing, the .Bitters is the sneoine reani.el. I Thousands find infin- A - it benefit from tak-1 ing eaoh in turn. V4sf Then is no phase of indigestion. Biliousness, nervous disease or pnyst eal prostration to which they are not adapted, and in wnion, singly or combined, they will no t effeot cure. Exchange Fain for Ease And Weakness for Strength. Get rid of the ail-1 ments wuioB mterfere with entnrment: oast doom and despondency to the winds; take a stronger hold 01 uie auu. iu suurt, oeoome a NEWMAN Through the instrumentality of the most powerful and popular ot all vegetable invigorants and ooi- reotives. BOOFLASD'S Biliousness. Indigestion. General Debility, and all the complaints which proceed fietn a want of proper action in tne liver, the stomacb. and the bowels, are eradicated by a aourse of this great , CONSTITUTIONAL ' SPECIFIC, Which not only combats and oonquers diseases that bava entrenched themselves in the system, but is the beat known safeguard against all unhealthy influences. - Persona whose occupations and - pur suits suojeot them to the depressing etfeots of a close; unwholesome atmosphere, should take it reg ularly as a protection against the low fevers and other disorders which malaria engenders. Inva lids wno are m ,-;.- 1 WASTING AWAY, Witnont any special aonrplaint, exoent a gradual 1 1:1- . .u i will find in the BIT- ' C" TtORS a fountain oil vitality-and vigor, as r refresaing aud exiL erating as a pool in the desert to the cand-soorohed and lainting travelers. ... - ,.,. : GERMAN BITTERS I composed of the pare iniaes (or. as they are me dicinally termed. Bxtraotsi, ot Koots, Herbs and Barks, making a preparation highly concentrated and entirely free from Alcoholic admixture of any Kind. . . ' I : . r .j . .- , - ... , ! !!.'. !i German qmq Is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bit-1 ten, witn tne purest quality or Santa tJrui Kum, Orange, etc., making one ot the must pleasant and agreeable remedies ever osered to tne puDlio These remedies will effectually cure Liver Cpm nlaint. Jaundice. Drs- ' " nepjia.' Chronic'1 or Nervous Debility, mm tihromo Diseases-of th. Kidneys, and all diseases arising irom alisor- aerwi iuvw gr iwiuigu, j. , . snca . . . :ir.---i-. . ' as Consti "' ' ' Bpation, lBWard .::! .! - : : , ..... ; ,, Piles, rul Ineu of i . , Blood to the Bead,' ' "; Aoidity of the Stomach.' '' f- - liausea. Heartburn. Disgust ' for Food. Fullness or Weight in tbel , -Stomacb, tiour elructations. Sinking ' or Klutterinsr at the nit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head. Hurried and -difficult 1 Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or suuooating sensations wben in a Lying foatur.. Dimness ot Vision. Pots or Webs belore the - sight. Fever and Dull rain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin aud Eyes, Pain in the . Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, -' : .- .Constant Imagin- : ings of Evil, and , . Ureat Depres s - sins of Spirits. ' . . They are tho Ureatest and Best! BLOOD -PTJRIITIEKS Ctra VnAtni vil wr,ll , sail iIiibAsaI Pasnl t It irom had Blood. Keep your Blood pure. Keep jour Liver in older. At. Keep your digestive organs in a sound, A healthy condition, by the use of these remedies, and no disease will ever assail you. Weak and Delicate" Children Are made stronc- bv the use of either of these rem edies. They will cure every ease of MAR ASilUis withontfail- Thousands of- certificates have accumulated in the hands of the proprietors, but space will allow of the publication of but a few. Those, it will be observed, are men of note and of such standing that they must DC Believed. THE WHOLE SUPREME COURT OP PEWNS1TLTAIIA ; SPEAKS FOR THESE REMEDIES. Who would ask lor more dignified or stronger tes timony I HON. C. W. WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, writas : " . . i r-Hii.iDBi,rHia. si are n id. low. I find "Hoofland's German Bitters" is a good ton ic, uselul in diseases . sas oi tne digestive or gans, and of great ben- ' tw efit in esses of debil ity and want of nervous action in the system. ' lours truly. u&u, v; nuuuniu;. HON. JAMES THOMPSON, J udge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. .. . ,. PaiI.iDBl.rai A. April 38.1866. 1 annsidcr "Hoofland's German Bitters" a valua ble medicine in o ses of attacks of Indigestion Dyspepsia. I ean entity this Irom my experience of it. , l ours, wun respect. ' HON. JAS. ROSS SNOWDEN IVothonoUry of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvs- nia, writes: , - . . ; Philadelphia, fae 1. 11,1887. Hoofland's Germai Bitters' is a very usefnl sr tlntj. a tnnin and as an appetiser.- It i not an in- toxi aticg drink, and may be used beneficially by Dersons of all ae. Ke pecttuiiy yours, . persons oi au a. kqs&'sAO WDEN. CA.TJTXONra it - HnnflKnil'fl German Remedies are eonnterfeited. See tht the signature ff oi C. M. JACKSON is on the wrapper ol s veaoh bottle. AUoth anir, nnnnterfoit. - a " 1 - Principal Office and Manufactory at the German Medicine Store, Mo. 631 ARCH STREET. Phila- neipma,ra. - , . ... , : . ..... -t ,-. I t if. A .-r-il-f. CHARLES Ms EVANS,' Proprietor. ! ;i ' Formerly Ci M. JACKSON A CO. . - T Hoofland's German B tter. per bottle. tl Hoofland's Herman Bitters, half dosen........ 6 Hoofland's German Tonic, put up in qt. bottle 1 Donot forget to examine well tha article y0 by n order to g vu. FOB SALE BY ALL' DRUGGISTS ! '"" And Doalers in Medicines everywhere. ' jj22-diiA geowly ' : I I I I I I I or SO 00 60 , PAPER WAREHOUSE. mi PAPER WAREHOUSE, t --I The attcn'4on of the Trade is called the superi or stooa 01 i i" PAPERS 6 F ! A t U - S. 1 N D S , KKlrtX ': i'T Jest received! ' nd f n-!!Vf KEVINS JU MYERS; ml s .-!.! oJ s n-rii vtii nii Lsn, S8 t 4.0 NORTH i0 st.; . .j . 3., yu- -71 invl lyrf.'o Pit ni i,i-,:f LI;i. ;ti 'i '' '' I -Har. .-.'& t Iftl-jcho I.. i :..l . i .. cut;JltJ. ca i. 1.1 .! 1: Owe. stock eemprisei a full 11m at l,.11 a ' ;. i VI i.-ja coo ' onut.x tf i : , ii t'.Ati-tuq iioiiJ m t .. . Book, '.'ictj a '-r.i'r-. if-vfr cf ,.v.!i ;! ,ll 1) T :! ftfll .! yirii ilt-CiG-l Writing. notjii pii I-!; 1o!ii !9 t jtiiil Colored anil nl ,1. H i a ! :t::o-j.( .'IT " 'l-i, 'i . t'ij'.-w ( to i v-u- iui oi;- prnt Papers. i " ' .' i -it-l i '. - 'it -li 5, . T'-1 II-J i .' .-l!:;-.-!". tit 'ill 'i Whavafunstockof " i ' 'ii'-i-- ' ' a 1-,-.-''.-;v:'j-i id 1 tl ;j f a . ! -, lit. n'--r-".iiil' it'n tf ENYELQEES,5 .samiitaost . u Of all siies sad varieties, wliioh will b Mid at th. . , . lowest market rates. . , ,-J !: SX'.UO: .- .. t ..i.j. ..4 ' fS'lx.-'t,-1 30 !y ' I- i:.f '.')- v.ti;:I 9tl.i a-; -..J 7!.';:H Off ol.iO ui .?oI: t ::ta KIAJU .1 Vr;' l'i 9lioJ A?! c -Tvn r- n m i Ml i,.i ... : "X. . -.1 Vw-.-3t!lrt oi -.-j ! !.'s!j -t ..!.;--. .-..: -i'i i f :i 1 h- 'i ; ' li BSarpissedtn the city, tncludint; ' " Ot ');:-' V lt -C- --. t-- . " I.- I1 I utt BR smi RnARni ; . i - v R:yt?:!nHFnr::T "y:.nS nt -. ' -h't't : '". -tl ; i i j,Kt- ATi-4- t!.:;;; UUbVllUU UI Ail tVIJIUd iAT ".'-.- ijii t.'l "'ju a "'J 1" mi ; -And BLANK; ' V'. ::. -t-U i' ; 1 1 1 It! li.bil'lr GIVE' tTS "A. ' O A. L lit v.Nvi:ir :-. NETIIS fc MTER8. ' ' ..nova ,.k oINSURANCBi 't;L, ,. -nil v;:n i t - 1 Auditor of State's Certificate , AS TO THS BU8IBTBSS AND APrAIKS OF" TBB ' 1' C0X1IXESTAL -1 SLRAXCEV CO-, il.' t,iJ Ju-ju :! --. b fi- ij-iu.:; OF NEW. KOBR, inri f.-,i 0& TUB TEAR XND2&0 DXCEllSZB 31851, Capital fully paid p... .Li Amount of available assets.. v i-..300.0OOOO ,...l,BlAtK 31 CERTIFICATE FOU PUBL CATION. AUDITOR OF STATE'S OFFICE, UEriBTMkMT OP 1M8UX1KCE. Columbus. O-, February 14, 1868.1 ' It is hereby certified. That the Continental (Fire) Insurance Comoany, located at New York, in tha State of New York, bas complied, in all respects, with the laws of this State relating to such Insur ance Companies,- for the current year, and bat filed in this Office a sworn Statement, by the proper Officers, showing its condition and business, at the dateof sueh statemsnt, as follows: . , . - . -v Amount of actual paid-up Capital...... (500,000 OS Aggregate amount of available assets.... l.tHA.&BO 31 Aggregate amount ol Liabilities, (ino. - Re-insurance.. S81.P&5 99 Amount of income for the pre eding year 80I.C8S la Amount of expenditures for the preoed- . ing year."...,. .-..- ?1, 47 In witnats whereof. I have hereunto subscribed tnv name,' and caused tne Seal of my 18IAX4 - Offioe to be affixed, the day and year abova written, , , , - : jAs. e. GODMAN. Auditor of State. By Jas. Wiluims, Chief Clork.- 1 .vrtj - Geo. F. O'Harra & Co., Agents, " (Nauojton Block. L-A W'.-'M'? . Columbaa, O. ... ... j . ,i,i : .;: ." '.". .- ; i AS TO TBS BUSINESS AHB AFFAIB8 OF THE ;) PACIFIC INSURANCE COIVIP'Y,1 OF SAM FUANCISCO, CAl.. : - CERTIFICATE FOR PCBLICATIOII. AUDITOR OF STATE'S OFFICE,) llRP.KTlfKVS. OP iMfltTRAMCB. t (JOLCBBUS. Sept. lath, leoa.j ' It is hereby certified. That the Pacifi Insnranea Company, located at San Francisco, in the Stateof California bas complied, in all respects, -with tbe laws of this State relating to such Insurance Com panies, for the oorrent year, and ha filed in tbis office a sworn statement, by the proper offioers, showing its condition and business, at tha date of suoh statement, as follows, gold, euirency: , -.-.'t Amount of actual paid up Capital,... f 1,000,000 OB Aggregate amount of available assets'.. 1,888.818 OS Aggregate amount of Liabilitiaa....... . 88 Amount of income for the preceding year.... ..v....... ..-'....,, : -7OB,00S Iw Amount of expenditures, for the pre-.. . ceding-year:-......:...'...;.'. ' 638.S85 15 i In witness whereof; I have- hereunto snTssorihedl . my name, and caused the Seal of mi Office I8EAL.I to be aflixed, th. day and year above ..att.,.!,. : :j j"3 e Chief Clerk lor Auditor of State, Ceo. F. O'Uarra & Co.," Agent ! ' (NAPohton Block), , , . . ,w.i --.iii ,is ... - Colambaa, O.0 .-r.i i !. ,.t -j -I-- j-s-wi ,-" -;t .; .!:'! .oni sl.-t tt-sJ a,i'V - ...v . ' T.'-. JiU fi . i ,, .. -i (j ..i:-.i'.:. -'-1 ii ,t--ICt - AS TO TBI BUBIKB83 AKB APFATKS OP TBTB - .-. . : . NORTH BRUM &. MERC :. INSURANCE COMPANY, i.ou. Of London andEdlnburgh.' AUDITOR OF STATE'S OFFICE.! ' - ' lBRtntAHCB DETIKTIIBNT. T ' . " i 1 r'l! i CoUlltBDS. 0., Sept. IS. 1888.1 It is hereby certified. That the .North British and Mercantile Insurance Campany. of London end Edinburgh, has comi lied in H--resptcU with) U laws of tbis State relating to ire Insurance Ceta paniee of foreigbn Gevernments, for tue enrrt year, including toe depciitof Ope Ilnndred Ihou isand Dollars for the security of Policy bolder v- siding in the State ot Ooio. and that the sworn; 'statement of its proper officers, filed in this depart ment shows its oondition and business at the data of suoh statement (Dee. 31,. 18S7) as follows :-.. a , tmonnt of actual paid up oopiral-.-. .-. .- 1 ,oll , tggregate amount of available asset I3.B0S.80S 85 Aggregate amount of liabilities. 1.71S.210. : imount of income for the preceding year 3,600,91a 7 14 - i Vmount of expenditures for the preoed- ing year..'..... 1.TST.9W 34 ; 'Inwitrress 'Whereof. I have hereunto jubscribed . ,., mv name sndoaused the Seal af my Ofiiee; i '"EAI..1 to be affixed the day and year above t -vyrittaw. -i' J"" - -t-'il i , ' , jig. H. GODMAN. Auditor of EUW.-,,; ! By Jas. Williams, Chief Cletk , o Geo. F.O'Barra &;Co., Agents, (AnoHioii Block). . ; - i to --vi ! ' ' Colunibiu,0. . ' octldatsw3w-tbAs-r