LOCAL NEWS. W-vrrwoixrGicai. Tablv-wpped and corrected by W, J. Savage, Jeweler, 83 South Hijfh street : - . - . . - 3 1 t : - . .'.. 'YtDNIStJaY.DSB. . S".: nvwk. Baiwetar. Thermometer .7 A. M M ! V, -, 1 IS - - . T U. M. B. M. Ha Rises. 7TtTnn Sets- , ' t2To business belore the Mayor yes terday. '..) r-Oliva Lostan will lecture irithls cltyMn January. " ." ' " '' -' "'Mr-for January has beeure- " eled by An&iews A Hull. iI .ti J3 ; ' C i.Ilj r tw Hon. James J. Fared, of the Cincin nati Enquirer, was In the city yesterday l!v . "Andrews & Hull have Frank Leslie's - Illustrated Almanac for sale. It U a otauty ; GSr'ii fa not ;neceary fo give a child a sharp razor to assist it in tutting its teetD. 3F Tbe (Treat Parepa will tin at the Opera Hoiisa on Wednesday,, December : 2T The additional beaten In $he Opera House made the house Tei'y comiortable ulaat night ;'fX;e8ter,day , was "sunny but: nipping 'cold. ! It-was ao improvement on its pred .cessors, however. r-. (,.;; . i Hurrah for ; FonT-TIiS river is frozen ever and many boys and men were skating on it glossy surface yesterday, j ust above Broadway bridge. Good-bye to rinks and Darks as Jong aa thU lasts. .Nature's1 park la the skating rtok alter all till the anow u.!lrt Town. Our" old time friend -Msjor Jeff H. Powell, ol Urbana, was in the city eaterday.u Jff 'is one of those. 'large- hearted, liberal gentlemen it does one good to meet." Long may Be wave. J - - - The finest lot 'of plated : ware ever brought to this city at J. ft W. West water's. -..- , Thk Arm REt7Siotf-.A special train on he C. C ft I.C. railroad will leave this city at 8 o'clock on 'Yhemornlng of December 14tbvtQ ronvey'delegates and visitors to the Armv Reunion. The train will arrive in r.hlcairo at 8 o'clock P. M. on the day of leavlngFare for the' round trip, 11.4S.'3 JOvt of ni Bu.-g.-t We beard, it reportr dea the streets yesterday that.Govr Jca nison waa no wmser a candidatefora cb ine't position.; Has'Jhts ' trip" to New Tork convinced him that he 'has more chance of beating John Sherman, and Bob Schrnck, than of being' Postmaster General ? "We'd like an explanation ef this matter. BM ' -- - -I- M - - T3in t3rt,iPeaatttul lot 'of Parian busts an atatuettea at West water's.-;- :!. ; tFK8TiTAi At thk First Bafust CauaCHl The Hdie of this church; hold their an Dual festival this Th lirsday ), eveBing, iii the JectuVe , room of the f hurchi corner-.of Kich and Tfiird streets Quite a number of frood -things in the way of . eatables ;bave beu .'pryed,1 and .also large quantity! of taocr articles 'have been prepared -tor aaW.l5We bespeak' tor thenvthe patronage 6 generoua commnnity. o. Sbxf-closino Diaries. Randall & Aston Intend t handing ;iis' a 8elf-c)osing'; tiary,' which contains a poekt for etamps, calen der for 1869, rates of postage,: table of stamp dutleft, a complete almanac, a , cash book, memoranda, etc etc," etc. If anybody wants a. diary with more in it, or more complete In all its partsi tbey will have to have It made to Older.; A. will sup ply any amount of these-and other diaries. ' :CourtNp. 2:-rThe jury In the case of josiash Anderson,,lndicted ; lop burglary, found a verdict of guilty, as charged. Wil liam'' H.rRuchman, charged ; with horse stealing,' was also found'guilty.-1'Wllliam Brelsford, Casper LImpert'Charies Camp beH and Aaa ? Wilcox, indicted" lor selling liquor, came Into Courtand plead guilty. Tney; were fined f p and the cost of prose cution' each. i John S. Kiner and others, charged with "throwing, dowp a fence en cli)PiPggraln, were on trial when, we left the Court House. The case of Maria Fo . Icy, charged with keeping a house of ill fame, will probably, be tried to-day. XtST-A -tori&UQB ot Cntnsr. dlnnerard tea sets arid' vases at Westwater's." i-r,- - - - " T-r ' Bulxt forx Sajsta CLAUS.Tbat jolly old buffer! who has madeorechijdren happy' than anV 'saint xt them nil; called by our Pennsylvania German ancestors Kris KinklfY and by the resf otihe world Santa, Claus, baa estaWisIiod himself at ' UpdemanB 4 Co.'s.:t.Ihe:TT Plghtpf .to inany.toys and trinketa jufkes ven'tbe oldett man ,1b. the., biwioess" : feel young. &U8. S&venson can, beaten flying found, like a yerling,, inspired b.thei Jtojew ' On every side tuere may ne seen A tMu oiM, a orltv '3"C'J . A ebina act or nilrua4 cr. t ; j A milk maid, warrior, or a tar. , ''' An ark or s tarern, minus tha bar, ' ' A doll that's crowned with a olaeo star. -Aeroquot boxorapsrfumejar.- ;' ' It Is a perfect, JMiradiae lor youngsters. Hurrah for (th.e. holiday 1 and hurrah for tha,tos,;Jcaolie,-happiness, piua pufl Alagi' tiifQ. - afteFrparagorlcs thejr V.hring Hurrah f lor Lindeniann ft -Co, who- are Sa'ut4 glaus'.speclal agents.;' ., 'i; L-.i; PNiTNTiABi AitaviAts.-Fifteen prls oners arrived at the penitentiary yesterday ten from : Hamillton .county, four from' Ifutler" comity I and one from -Warreu county. .7.:m.i nth ''. From HajnUton county David Boss, ootouiitting abortion, seven yeart' Conrad Setter and. William Stark, grand, larceny, seven -years each; John , Kerr - and Win Benson (21 convlctlori), crand larceny, six years each; Matthew Thompson (col oi edh-bnrjlary, sbc .yers ; Auxuat Srbid inz, alterinz and publishing Jorjjed check, four year; Nelson ; Washbwrn, forgery. four years; Paul Frank, malicious cuttlhjr four years ; Clinton Lindsay, ' borse steal injf, three years. 1 -' "' ... . From. Butlst, countyEdward WWi, Varglary, one year; Luks Farrell, 'aa-aul with Intent to 'wettrrd, One ytar" Joseph Martin, 'stealing a 'eldlnjr, tbreeyears; Benry Nonoaai-btiryLlary, one vyear. From Warren county Samuel Hewey, sfeaiinif i gefding, three years.1" h "" "4 -,. ". - V:.:x ' 'rOiB Boll's CoweaKr Let those boast who may, it cannot be denied tliat Colum bos" people JdTtf music. 'andT,' brave storm aud cold to hear those who' bare undoubted musical talent, as the large audience at the Opera House laSt bight abundantly testified pie Bull,' mora than any other iuaa alive. riindersunds pdtrular";:iAste.:-' Jrorntsping musio of the hUbeso order, he i Is careful tbat it shall Aot'paUthro'ugh.' excess,, but arranges his programme So that by the tn-nl troduction of a simple ballad, the variation on a familiar air1, or' some other agreeable chance, his ' audiences leave the. concert room filled with pleasure and delight. Man were" present last night who have beard him In his youn jer . Says,1 and they" assert that his geBluS' has not slumbered nnr hia touch 'Erown lees skillfull. Re was blr assisted by Miss Barton and. Jfessrs.l Lansing and Halt,- We regret his stay here noil a DDi 1W uimu' K,ia-vi Ohio State Horticultural Society. The Ohio- State Horticultural Society met yesterday mornlug at Ambos Hall, and at 11 o'clock was called to order by the President, Dr. J. A. Warder. ' The attendance waa fair and great inter est was manifested In the workings of the society and success of the meeting. ; f"s- The folio wing committees were appoin ted: ' " . i - - , On Bminei aud EttoXutiont Messrs. A B. Buttles, h Pentland, U. Boul', N. L. Wood. On Delegates and Membert--J. D. Clarke, N.Ohmer, D.C. Richmond. - On Fruits F. B. EiliotvN. I . Wood; L.: Welta. J. Storra, T. W. Campbell." " - On Vegetables V. C. Bicnniond, A. B. Buttles, H. Uullck. ... - A committee on the (artherance of the obji e". oi the - society, consisting of F.'R. Elliott, J. D.' Oarke, John Spalding, N. Obmer, F. Pentland, and Jacob Kemp was also appointed.. ; - " ' : The society then ' adjourned ' until o'clock P.M. 1 1/2 O'CLOCK P.M. Tbe Society was called to order by the President. -The committee ou Business reported the following order of business for the day : j, 1. Beportof committee on 'Credentials. Address of President. 3. Report of com- mitteeon Deterioration of Fruits. The re port was adopted, ei-i-'o The committee on Credentials reported the presence of 'delegates froin -twelve county Societies. The President, Dr., Warder, then read his annual address He 'J-elerred ' to the change of the Society from the Ohio Pom ologies! Society to that of the Ohio State Horticultural Society. He urges an ex tended and thorough investigation of the orchard, tbe garden, the vineyard, the truck patch" and the. lawn, believing that as these investigations are extended, new la borers will be found to aid in the new la bor?. He showed that gardening will pay be yond any other investment that may be made. The season has been an excellent one for most ot our horticultural produc tions in this State, except the grape, which did not ripen as well as last year. In some sections the apple crop has. been a total failure.' In others, tbe peach and- plum crops failed. -. Mr- Batebam, Dr. J. A. Warder, and N. Obmer, of the Ad Interim eotnmittee, re ported on the various fruits cultivater'. They were very Interesting. M V- From these reports a very animated dis cussion grew upon the growth andcultoie of the grape. Mr. Bateham stated that he was satisfied that east of Collamer Ridte the Catawbaa were not worth planting. Mr. Elliott said that the Catawba would not "grow on light, sandy lands,. but on strong dav lands tbe Catawba has no rqual. Mr. Elliott would isk his reputation that pn : higb,' gravelly," exposed ,'rldg.s they were uneqiialed..,-;- ., rrt ... ,rri I'Mr, Campball knew a grape grower at Put-ln'-Bay who would dig up.nis Catawb$ Vineyard, and plant it in Delawares. .' : Mr. Buttles spoke strongly In' favor'of Jhe Cbncord grape as a producer.' .Be said t'lat he could make more money in selling it at live cents per pound than DelawaVesfet twenty.n vecantgy:;.- II waa cortaln tliat the Catawba .would not do well, in , Centril Ohio. ?(t'-v,v -'-; i.;.s The discussion was very Interesting, bat the crowded .f tate fof "our, cQluirios fbs mprhbigfbrblda a lengthened neportJ i EVENING SESSION. Two letters-en Trait -culture fronwM. W. PhUllps; bFMUsis'lppVwerteadXv V j Interesting Tapers on the. subject of oithard, crops were read by J. D. .Clarkff, ot; Lancaster, and J. Storrs, of Palnesvill j. wnicn wieu Tip ji.iacussioa wucn was participated' By Messri; "MeMasters . Uitenam, t-iarae, sporrs, liicnmond,oMan--1 ning, aieans, uurrows, waraer, Jt,lnot..aud Wftoi '- - v :": - J-; -' .. At 10 o'clock, the session adjourned. - Two long' tables are spread in the. room, and fairly groan undor the weight; of ap ples, pears, ana otner iruits. several sam ples of wines are displayed, and the ' pota toes exhibited are superior to anything we. ever saw before. , - A mong tbe beauties are a pair of boquets from Hanford's Nursery.'1 Their.- richness and beauty fairly make one's month' wa ter, , Our citizens will do well to attend tbe meeting to-day. : 7- '- ' tW The largest and, .finest etoct of eas ' fixtures at lowest prieea at Westwater's. Tbakbferrbd Yet8ebdat. The follow ing tran-fersof real estate were left at the Recorder's office yesterday : '. , - John Trautmann and wife to William RalieJ, December- 11th," part of lot No. 878 in the city of Columbus, for 800. Calvin A. Piatt, to Sarah Aon Campbell, December 8th, part of Jot No. 9 and all of lot No. 10, of C. A. Plaa's third addition to the city ot Columbus, for $300. i'-"1 Thomas" J.'Kerr. an wife to .Ricbardsoo,. Fairlamb, April 27tb, 1S67, part of lot-No 7 ot Born & James addition to the city of Coluqabusvtejt.$300.l;N Cv'N..f I- tu r airiamo xo tow. u .'jnurraan, De cember 28th, 18C7, lo No. '7. In. Bom JimeBr addition to tbe bity of- Cotbmbua, Tom. C Thdrman to ' Louie : Fairlamb!, December 2Sth, 1867, part of lot No. 7, la Burn fc James' addition to thecity of Co lumbus, for f 300. ,t,j ,. ,,; (H i i'r , - .,(..; - . .. - -. - i i 3" A treat variety el fancy Christmas goods.at Westwater's. .''' ' .'. - Opkmko of thb Skatinq Eink. Proba bly nothing In the way of amusement .will be presented to the citizens of Columbus, that will give' greater satisfaction than the SKatin Bink young and old will enjoy Ifr those that skate and those who do not. A robin Is provided to witness the skating and be comfortable,' even while you are partaking of a bot stew: of Oysters. The Rink will be ; opened 1 to the public this evening at seven o'clock. W. H. Roberts, the champion skater of Ohio will be pres ent. Everybody else is expected. The states must be "smooth bottomed" as the use of grooved or gnttered skates is strict-1 l! prohibited on the Ice. ' ' ,.We bespeak much pleasure for all whoi may attend. ' i GrRBAT: SALB OF DRT GOODS AT AtTCTlOlti -One of tbe most Important sales of linens blankets and other dry goods ever held lit this acity is advertised in another column. Everything ottered is of tbe finest quality. and. such goods as are rarely sold at auc tion.! The 'sale will commence on Friday (fa-morrow) morning, at 10 o'clock, tn the American hotel building. W. R. Kent Is the auctioneer, and this is sufficient guar-, antee that all goods .will be just what be. represents them.- Read the advertisement' ajid then go and examine the stock. . ' . LOCAL, -C 3k JO .-; u.v.. '.)! NOTICES. W. K. Kekt.wIII sell this afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Lewis' store, No. 7 Gwynne Block. ' ''.'; i, ,VdeclO-lt ft tr-i'n - i.i -,- , a " Don't forget to attend the sale, at auc-: tion, of that fine family residence, 170 east Mound street, at 3 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon. MO V,B.jBLAZIKR, " '.''.'Auctioneer.- declGlt !.-".- - : 1 11 1 ,' ' Thb Beoadwat, Cincujati. Ciuzen when you ylsit Cincinnati, drop in at the Broadway Hotel, the best house la the city first rate are,' good clean beds,' attentive waiters, and cheap bills. On Who Knows. woviv- Tax ladles of thej First iPresbyterian church will hold their annual festival on Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. In the lec ture room of the church. Lunch from 12 to 3 o'clock on Friday. dec8 3t . . : . .. i. . ' ' " Jewelry made and repaired by C, E Smith, 27 S. High street, over Bala's store nov6d3m For Sale House and lot, corner ot Franklin and Washington Avenue. Most desirable property; will be sold at a bargain Enquire ot J. W. Moore, No. 43 West North street. ,,, oct 13-dtf "ilkI fiLES ! Tbousanus of persons suffer from Piles, either bleeding or blind, with -itching, dUcharge, or tumors about the tectum, and broken-back like feeling dull, confused head and depression Many have suffered, and taken so many things in vain, that they despair of a cure. Hcmphrky's Homcepathic Pile Specific does curb, even the worst cases. Try it and be cured. Price 50 cents per box. Sold by dealers, pr sent by mail free. Address, Humphreys' Specific Homoeopathic Mkd icins Co., 562 Broadway, N. Y. - ; -Jyl3-d4wly-cw . i - Hoixowat's Pills. The blood, Impov erished by the summer heat, often at this season develops ..boils, ulcers, and pus tulous er opt ions. The eoollng.v healing, disinfectant properties of Hollow atV Ointment render it the best possible dress ing for, these, external nuisances, And In order to bring the whole mass of the blood into a healthful condition. It will be pru dent to tone the internal organs and regu late the secretions, with a few moderate doses of Bollowat's Pills. Sold by-all Druggists t ' ' ' ,. - Jj9-dly-cw ; -' ' ' AMUSEMENTS. SKATING TBIS EVENING . . . .- ; . 1 , -.1 ,;-. ; at th . '''- ' CAPITAL , CI Y . SK1TIXG ; RIXK, : ' COaMKNClNG.AT T O'CLOCK. " OPENING NIGHT- OF THE SEASON. MUSIC ! FINE tCEl MUCH PLEA SURE 1 tar Tickats to ba bad at Randall & Anton's Book Stnra. Huston A Uatdner l)ra tura. aod at tbe offioa of tb Uink. ,. . . ,. ,UlS,tt - foaitlvely Two iebts Oalyl .'. OPERA&dUSE. MONDAY AKD ICESDAY EVENINGS, PETJ. a i I' ' i . Mra d ,5TH- Wk kis'i ' ffltt. ALf. BtHXETT Takf s plaasara ui aanooncinf that ba bas enfsged 1K.JJ1K IAILOH, Tbe mat Lonaaa Comlqoe. -who is protioonen t tba press as the greatest obaracti r singer England bas ever prodaced. Bnrnettsnd Taylor, pronoorm od hr tba p a-a as tba two Fuaniast Man i tba world I Tailor as Yorkshire fam: Tajlor as Dis mal Doleful; Taylor aa Sarab Walker; Taylor a nimple Simon. Kurnetl as Mr. Caudle, as per formed b him in New York loOcon'ecutire njaata; Miss Nssh a Mrs. Candle; Hrof. ahsrpley, da eerti"ist; Thos. Kiluer. Musical f ireetor. ' Tiek eu' 50o: L decte-dt ' " UttMnen Agent. ; ,3Ri; KrocrAli ; ALt;: io'i .yv- -..'A :tlir " :. riru- fi-f i-P , Schreiner's Hall,;1 MOUDAY. thft'l4tli of D0.jl868. . - ADMISSIOM.V.y......'....".fiOc. ' ' dec dtd ' pa. BAUSCH. ' ' Sncday News copy. flew Advertisements ".Xlso Ohio Slatrsmaa. bas n Larffer Clrcnlaf ion than any pa' per published Its thin City or C'en (ral Ohio.' Advertisers -will bear this In mind. : ' .''." r'.' 1 IMPORTANT SALE . , ..,-if -'i. or - Linens, Blankets, &c- li 8 OA AAA "W O It T II OF USED ljMJJ GOODd and BLA.SK.hTS. fresh and newly imported, of tba rary best makes, and containing Goods ot tbe finest qualities, suob as are navt-r.sean at auction and rarely to ba found in tbe retail tra la. lis UoixU are trie properly oi Mr. r" MoUinley, one nf the la ge-t foreign Im porters for orer bait a oantory. Tba sale will be bald at ' -: - ; -, ; -- NO. 85 HIGH STREET, I - (American BuildiDg), , . , Cammenelat t'ridayi Dec. llthsllSSSt in a'mIaV-A i M t-1 anrl t n'elrlr P. li.. and to continue for FtVK ItAKa ONLY, at t.( aaota ' 'rbfl ativ,W nniita t nart of All-Wool Franebi English and Amerieaa Blankets; Table Damasks of every description; Lioen 'table Covers; trench lea ana OJiea vioius; iiiun u.MMmi .wi. vi the fiuest ever brouxht to the country; Doylies, LmAimmnA l4nt.M l.inttB H aiutkerehiefe. Hucka- .mi ll Tnweli. Turkish and Russian Bath Towels, Barnsley Irish Bneetinc. Pillow Oata Linen, r'rensh and English Marseilles Quilts, ao.; The Unods will ba oa- exhibition on the meminaj of te sale, and all win oa sola wunou reserva in loU toau.tP.rena.era. . w KBS "!!,''' declb-dSt ' - - Auctioneer, Xazell'ss Saloon NOW OPEff IU HI NEW Bril.B in on the corner of Hiich street and Elm al tar, a nrst class ueniieen s raioon. dec4-dlW UAI AI 61 l i :Dr. Bnrton's Tobacco Antidotes V AKASTXB M mOR AXX DZIIU Ml TOBACCO. ely vegetable and Aormfew, and is tvlo an excellent peuiv liyurijnraa emnena too onoa, nTiRoiucv jiteuk posseuce rtu nourunittff sbo Krasffiaenirji sr. MiAlei the Btonuch to divest tbe beartiescJoadJ leaf) refVsbini and este bluhee robdet bealth. JSmoktr and cW for svxiy year cured, rrice Finents per box. ' PsetTfe-ee. Jut Interesting treatise an m tojarioue aectt of tooacco, wita usv oi lasurooDiaii ax asm wd aW 4 srnnt WAnti4. AdilwaJ TI M ON lAliS, PofrrvASTxa's Tariiioirr. I receiyfq a box of Borkm Jntidota trom Bt. H. Poolton, mnfi find it av cgcctual cure. . 8. OatshaV CoooottooyQarrison Co., Qblo. Fxo tb tJ. & TxAtstTBT,- Atry Oee--PleaM atad a supply of tba Jun Apotk. jfTAe one reeeireri hat dam 4i Ma iDMLf. . . -X atENlB. FftOH New Hampihibb BqM Pbisok. Gentlemen of tnflaeoce here bavana; been yd tbe stppeute tor toeea oo by osinc Dr. BurtoD'a VliMpta, wt deair a supply tor tba prisoners of tbU institytion. . . . , Josxrs XATOVardernf 1C. H. State Prfson. ; ' A Burcxx! TxaTTKfAr. DrXBuTton1 Antidota for Tobacco ha aeeomptimea an ecataieVor u. h xooacco w M jpy M KmL BmAN(IW Albaay, tod. A CiJcximrAjr'r' TnTrwonr. OwsBox of Ajtixdotb enrad my brotberXrrd nyeelt It vxrxXTAiLa. Sfv.yW. Sbouirb, JeStsxkm, Pb waind. WM.I yn,a frn j tMkM MMit in neonimaadhV a ta FOR SALE BY ALL- ORUGOIST8. ' Trademarh X Copyright!. aa-Caution I Bewara of iujurious Coantar feits adrartised by tlamDags. . . j noT30-dA3moa-rHT .. .. ' THE ,. ; NATIONAL TRUST CO. OF THE CITT 0V HIW YORK. No. 33G Broadway. Capital, ." , One MiL'ion ToIIars. CHABTKBEl) ,BT THE 8TATE. D abics B M ano tn, Fres't. J as. M kbbiu.. Sao'y. lteo iresDeposI sand allows FODB PER ENT. IN I KKKsTon all liaily Balaoeea. subject tosbeck at siRhU rpeal Depus ts for tix months or more, mar be made at fire per cent. The Capital of Uce Mi lion Dollars is divided among over 5(0 Shsre holders. comprising man gentlemen of larse wealth and financial experience, who are also personallj liable to depositors for all cbluations of the Cornpan' to double tbe amount oi their cspiUI stofck. As the National Trust Company receives deposiU in large or small amounts, a"d permits them to be irwn as a wbole or in pa t by check at sight and without notice, allowing interest on all daily bal ances, parties throughout the oountrr can keep ac counts in tfai-t Institution with sprcial advantages of security, convenience and profit. --. r- : r re KT-decl-dAwSSm . . BitCHfcLOKS UA1K DK. This splendid Hair De is tba beat in the world tbe only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable instantaneous; no disappointment : no ridiculous tints: remedies the ill eflects of bad dyes; invig orates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful, black or brovm. Sol t by all Druciists and Perfumers and properlf applied at tJilobelor's Wig Factory Koi 10 Bond street, a. York, thy aprSS d&wly LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. CONGRESSIONAL. WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. SENATE. The PRESIDENT presented the annual reports of Treasurer Spinner and Comp-. troller of the Currency. Mr. WILLIAMS introduced a bill to aid In the construction ot the Oregon branch' of the Pacific railroad, which was ordered, to be printed. . i Mr. SUMKER introduced a bill to carry: ont the reconstruction acts in the State of Georgia, which was ordered to be printed The Senate took up the bill for the relief of the political disabilities of F. J. Moses, Chief Justice of South Carolina. The bill parsed yeas 48. nays 6. A message was received from the House , stating t at they had passed the bill regu-, latlng the duties on imported copper ores, and transmitting the act restoring rhe Bu- j reau of Indian Affairs to the War Depart- ' ment. Laid on tbe table. - ... On motion, tbe Senate took a recess, and ' on reassembling tbe President's message was received at the hands of his .Private : Secretary, and read by the Secretary of the ' Senate. , When .about half had been read Mr.. COXXE3S moved the further reading be . dispensed with, on the ground that it was ; offensive and Untrue. Mr. DAVIS opposed the motion. ' ' ' : Mr. HOWE followed In Its support. Mr. WHUE claimed that all considera tion of proprlery demanded the reading. . . Mr. WILSON, while denouncing John son, thought the message should be read. " Mr. HENDRICKS Insisted it was not only the President's right, but duty to state his objections to the Congressional policy. , Air. uujn i withdrew nis motion. - Mr. CAMEKON renewed it. Mr. MORTON was surprised at the mo tion, and declared its adoption would be- : little tbe Senate and indicate more spite- ' fulness. - v - ' ; x . ' ' Mr. DRAKE suggested that as Congress bad received so many ot a like character it may as well take one more. - - j jh Mr. HOWE argued that; the President's duty-was to communicate facts, and' not opinions, and tbe Seuate was not bound to hear bis argumentative and insulting mes sage. , Mr. EDMUNDS said the transaction of business would be facilitated by deferring this question till to-morrow, and moved to adjourn, which was carried 26 to 22. . ' ' Aujourned. ,; . ; ; . , , ,.. i HOUSE. PAINE, on ¬ construction, reported, a bill to release from a.l legal and political disabilities arlsiag from his connection with the re btrllion, Ft J. Moses. -of Sontb Carolina', late elected Chief Justice ot that State. The bill, passed by the requisite two-thirds VOtfi-' I - -v.- - .'.. ! .-'ia'"'i Mr. BINQUAM.from the committee on Reconstruction; reported a bUJ providing lor an election in Virginia, tone until a Wednesday ,-the 20th of January next, the question being "tor the Constitution," adopted by the convention wnicn met in Richmond,; Dec..3d,." 1867" He explained the. bill and said it was the same aS theons Eassed last July, except as to tbe time of oldinftlre election.-' lie hoped the'ttnte was near when there would be . no turtner complaint in that State as to . want local Government resting on the consent of the governed. " ''-' '"" : sir. JiijUiiiuui!. lnquireu.woetner, tne bill made any provisions in- reference to persons voting excluded 'under the Con stitution and laws of Virginia, or undet me reconstruction scu. t - j-.vi Mr. BINGUAM replied that the bill .in no way clrrtnged tbe recohstruetidu-actS ks to the disqualifications of citizens to vote in the preliminary elections. - t Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois, called attention, to the. tiiue. fixed for holding the electfon,' and expressed the opinion, that Congress should tlx a much later day. He thought the 20th of January too early'' for holding the election, and desired to offer aa amendment substituting ', tbe second Tuesday.ef April, trusting at that time the loyal people of Yirgiuia could be pro tected Mr. M AYKABD remarked that in addi tion to theTeason assigned by Mr. Wash hurne. that the middle ot January was or dinarily a very inclement session, and it would-be very oimouiu uut nupinciiua-: ble, to Secure anything like a full vote then' He was, therefore, m favor ot postpone ment. - ; J Mr. BINGHAM said tbe time namecr in the bill was not fixed by the committee on Reconsiruction, but had been designated by a Convention of friends of the recon-n structiou measures in Virginia, lnose neisnns were entirely sattsned tuat tne re sult would be satisfactory to the friends of the Ui ion everywhere in the country, ana in addition to ti.O?e suggestions lie uesireu also to state that certain revolutionary acts were takinsr place in this country which It. was in the power of the peop'eol Virginia, in 18C9, to do something towards arresting, as they bad done air a memorable occasion. in 1787, when there was sedition in tne land. Then Virginia, under tbe lead of ; wise, intelligentand patriotic men, was the, nrst ot the States of the Union to take ae- lion for the exercise of such power on the; part of tbe whole people or the country as. . . . . . i. ; I : v. .. a t, wonia perpeiuaus mcir uucniea, iuu iu theit. own language . consolidate : the Union . of - States. . In lastfaeptember sinceJ the adjournment of - Congress,- the Legislature of Oregon; following the bad examples of Ohio and New Jerseys had' defeated the .ratification 'heretofore; given by the people of Oregon to the fif-t teenth artiqle of the amendments - He un dertook to say there were men who would come tQ understand,: by absolute experi ence, the positive necessity.! that amend ment to the Constitution.. oi me umtea States. ' If. : the:- Government was, to . be maintained by : laws, rather . than, br -arms. it was in -,f the; power ot tbe people of Virginia, and he desired they should have the opportunity oi exer citing Jt, to put an end to tbe contest and restore to- this .Congress power, before it adjourned on the 4th of March, to" silence all questions as to the -validity of the rati fication of that 'amendment, and to the great question whether it is to be a part of the Constitution of the land, to all; iutenta and purposes.: -.. i : Alter further discussion, particularly as td,.tbe time Axed, Messrs. Washburhe,; Butler and Boutwell insist ou a day as late as May next, and before disposing of It, the President's message was received and read. "'- : " rr Affrr the reading of the President's mes sage, that part ot it relating to the publie debt waa denounced by Mr. Wash burn e, of Illinois, as disgraceful. to the country and to the President. - ' -: - Mr. BROOM ALL, of Pa and Mr. SCUENCK, of C.,iexpressed similar views, and "the "message was laid on the table without the usual order to.-print extra, copies. The Virginia Election bill was-tfmended land passed, and the House, at 3:45, adjourn- eu. - DOMESTIC NEWS. Chicago Items. Chicago Items. CHICAGO, Dec. 9. The following is tbe amount of grain in store in this city at the close of the dav on the 7th : Corn, 265.B84 bushels; wheat 865, 28S; oats, 205,822; rye,: 155,838 ; barley, 3, 51)4461. A lew weeks since a lot of speculators, not engaged In tbe packing business, went i jto the provision market and sold pork and lard short in large quantities, deliver able in January and February, In antici pation ot a glut and fall in prices. Instead, of a glut there Is now a prospective scarc ity ot these products, and these shorts are now buying la at-a loss of three dollars per barrel, and with a prospect of a stilt greater loss before they get through with their speculation. Distressing Tragedy. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 9. Hugh Craig was to-day on a charge of cutting- his mother's throat early this morning while iu bed. He is a compositor, twenty years old,- and has re cently given indications of Insanity. -' He was lound in bed with hia hands and clothes bloody Mrs. Craig was removed to the hospital in a critical condition. s There are some hopes of saving her life. Nova Scotia. HALIFAX. Dec. 9. . ' If Is reported that Mr. Howe has received a proposition from SU Jno. A. McDonald, with a statement showing tbe financial modification to be- reoommended to the Dominion Parliament -in: favor of -Nova- Andrews Murder Trial. BOSTON, Dec. 9. ; , The lury retired at nine o'clock to-night, and alter remaining out four hours return--ed a verdict of guilty of manslaughter. Andrews was then sentenced to tbe State prison for twenty years. -1 San Francisco News. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8. The schooner Thomas Woodward, hence November 15th for Sitka, was wrecked off Capd NuragaT near victoria The vessel and cargo are a total loss. The treasure and all bands were saved. ' The Commissioner of Emigration has sued the Pacific Mail Company for viola tion ot the passenger act. placing the pen alties at five millions dollars. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9. The schooner G. Pi Hautis capsized off Fort Ross, December 5th. Tne crew and passengers were saved. The vessel and eargo are a total loss. - I During the voyage of the ship Hertford shire, from Liverpool, an American seaman named John Cromb wounded the first, aud killed the second officer of the ship. ,u i Honolulu advices to November 18th, are received. Business was quite brisk. Senor Cordina and Lamont were the sole survivors of the party Admiral Cayalton seised by tbe Chinese coolies while on a voyage from Calleo to Arequipa, the par ticulars of which were before reported. Burglar Arrested. ZANESVILLE, Dec. 9. - A"--man' giving his namd as Edward Clark, of Cleveland, was arrested last night wnue in tne act ot taking the silks stolen from Black & Co.'s store on Monday night, from their hiding place. The goods were found during the day recreted in the hay mow of a stable, and at night Clark came lor them and was arrested, i, '.I - NEW YORK MELANGE. Grant and McClellan. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. It instated that General Grant Was . clos- eted with General McClellan over an hour yesterday. New York Associated Press. a the Western Union Telegraph-Company to the New York Associated Press that the. former will terminate their contract with the latter after the 221 of December. Steamship Union. Fears are" felt for tbe Safety (ST the steam-i ship Union, from Wales, for this port,! which sailed October 5;h. The Disaster on the Ohio. The Tribune calls for a thorough Inves tl-' cation into the recent disaster on the Ohio river, and hopes measures will" be taken to prevent further Infringement of the laws boats coal oil.! Erie. Boardman dissolved the Injunction granted by Justice Cadoza. restraining receiver Davis from taking possession ot the Erie railroad. -:-.2t q , ' FOREIGN NEWS. BY ATLANTIC CABLE. Francis Francis Joseph. VIENNA, Dec. 9. The Emperor Francis Joseph has issued a manifesto to the armv, tn which he says: The country gWauts peace &nd- we must malntarn lt. 1 am satisoea with the laws recently adopted for the reorganization of the army throughout tbe Empire or Aus; tcTaranif Hungarflare aw equally- In trtistwri fnthe-grandenr-arjtl swnrrty ot tbe Empire. It is my wish that the army, navy a'nd land may ever remain truly Saved from the Hibernia. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 9. The following persons, who were on board the steamer Hibernla, were saved in the, CaptsihM and "boatswain's' bests : A. Masorr, M iss RogersoB. Catlane1 " Boyle, Ueorge C. Forbes, Mrs. E. Thornell, Ann Webb, John A. Bethel, Mrs. Bethel, Pa trick Brewster, Mrs.-'D.1 Metlm,- John Kohiilsooy. Bernard - McFeely,jf Bev.' M. O'Couner. Joslatt Cooks and wife, all cabin passengers: Campbell Deveny, Rogers Rickemp, Duhm Mason, Austin McGown, Wife; child and ralant, Mcintosh ryinej ait steerage passengers. Cabinet Appointments. LONDON, Dec. 9. The following Cabinet appointments are officially announced: Right Hon. Geo. J. Goschen, President of the Poor Law Board; Kigiiotion. Mrquis mnuigton, rostmas ter f General uMr Austin j Henry Laird, President of the Board of Trade. Right Hon. Henry A. Bence has accepted the ap pointment- of Secretary of State for the uome Jjepartment, - Fined. PARIS, Dec. 9. Tbe editor and publisher of the Revue Politique-have ' beeu fined one thousand trancs eocn ror puoiisntngana encouraging snbscristions to the Baudin monument. Each printer employed in the office of the above named paper Was fined five hundred Spain. MADRID, Dec. 9. says sup pression, of the armed Republican demon stration ft Qadiz, a lew; days ago, yyas pre-, mature. At last accounts the insurgents were still in arms and attempting to make terms with the Government troops under a nag oi truce. SPECIAL' NOTICES. STUBLIXe SIIYVEIt WARE ANttbOC-lI.'f ft FINE ELECT O.FtATFD WARE. THE GORHAH ll ANUFAC lURG CO , OF PRO V, . tKC. . I., k -vim tha largest manu- factry So " Sirvsr in tha world, with the paijst -mgAived reach y. and employing tha most skillet labor, are enabled to ofier an un equalled variety of ne and beautiful designs Dinr er Services, 'Pea rices, and "every artiola specially ad.ptefl fori ' -liday and Bridal Gifts. " Thej offer also their sell-known andunrivalled. iMesat-BiiTcr ciaoro-naiea nare, n wntoa ine have introduced new patterns of rare elegance. Ihe Solid Silver is1 guarantetd toba-of Starlina purity by V. a. Hint assay. 1 be Electro-Plate guaranteed t be superior to tbe finest Sf effiel ware. Orders received from tne 1 rsde only, bu these goods may ba obtained from responsible dealers everywhere. Trade Mark I -. .-J i .- - ' ; iaMi for Silver. . -i Plate. GORHAM M ANUFACTDRIXG CO.. Salesroom. ft 0.3 Maiden Lane, N. Y. noTS-d&w4im-Fe NT - "Ihildren's Liyco Sared for Fifty oam ;ceits.?r. ipute ThonsanJs of ebddren dia annually of Croup. Kowk Hatbera, if you would spend 60 tats, and always have a bottle Dr. Tobias' Venetian Lin iment in the'Aouse, you never- need fear losing your little one when attacked with this eomplaiat It is nowSl years since I have put up my Liri ent' and never heard of a child dying of Croup when my Liniment was used; but hundreds ofou'res have been reported to ne, and many state if it was SIS per bottle they would not be without H. "t"Be BlIcshTcb,1t is a certain oure for CotiT, Burns, Headache, Toothache. Sore Throat.. wlUaga,- Mumps, Colic, Diarrhea. Dysentery. Spasms. Old Sores and Pains in the Limbs. Back, and Chest. : No one onceiUias it who is. ever adtbout it. It warranted perfectly safe to .take internally, full tiireotums with every bottle. Sold by tbe Drug gists and Storekeepers in tbe United States. Da pot 10 Park Place. N.T. ' --'-' - jnnel6-riAwlycm-peNT J Da m n.l nn' to - P ,ln.rn-t aiun a vriuuc to m iuuumui Pare blood makes us well, bad blood makes sick. Vapors from poorly digested food in blood are condensed upon tbe varices organs, and serve to make them grew or repair their -waste.-'. Organs made with a greater or lesser proportion such materials cannot be sounds If the bad eon, dition ef blood continues but for a few daya weeks the tody will be out of sorts; and if it eon tinues, the wbole of tbe body will in time be re newed with imperfeot blood, and the health bad; it is in a decline popularly called a consumption. : Now Brandreth's Pills penetrate tba wbole mass of blood, causingtbe expulsion pf -impurities; tbe body feels' relieved from a sing e Hose what then may -By expected from twentyT By continuing their use tbe whole of tbe blood in time becomes purified, and the body reconstructed from good ma. terial.the decline stopped, and a new lease of life secured. - Principalomoe. ' Brahdreth Hocsk1 New York. Sold by all druggists, I iunel6-dAwlycm-reNT " lf A " AKothttr; JTnt Metcal ' iVl PamphUt from, tht pon ot Ua Curtis. The "Medical limes" says ot this work : "This Valuable treatise on the cause and euro of prema ture decline, shows how health is impaired through secret abases of youth and manhood, and how easily regained It eives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, thaeause and effects nervous debilitv, and the remedies therefor." pocket edition of the above will be forwarded receiDt of S5 eents, by addressing Doctor (Juktis .Ko. 68 North Charles street, Haltiiaore, ld. j. t . era mayas-dly-r j A rata and delicate skin, free from every blem lab., it the reward oT ha occasional use of Palmer' Vegetable Cosmetio Lotion. iep21-d&w ly e ; ', ' ! j in i j is us of or of A on DRY 'GOODS. . DRY GOODS. rj ? iln..,...- t-'fji v ill I tt.'. Mi I - C.I! If- lit IT .V (.. ; .-r fftof-v : --d Il.d 'rTV. ;.t,j it m-P: -.r i u-ii vj il.v 111: - irt-u-..' A -M- JL sa sr t-1 ll Ki fTjf- a, A :U I, titi " n-" ' ,n--r "I '.'.III - . li 't-u:' 3.: M -Tin m1 ui ?! i " : t , tf!r!il'' A. C. HEADLEY' & CO. V r. f f fK .1 r.32-. ..iii:ilil0rti .' 1 250 "'AND "252 Ml--" ' .i'?;- -e .1,- SOUTH HIGH STREET, WINTER STOCK OF STAPLE ,;:..i'ri-.n---'1 .no-'-; V :itl .1 ' AJJDJ PAXCY 'DRY GOODS! i v. .- riO 1 ! i m: -t 1ft r-i vii 1 ; . A - - . i . i.i :- 1 yALVVi - - ,j . .-fr.J -ny'. .!I- f.::5 1 i i " - - --1" ' r. . t . .: l.Oi:.-' I 0 -.-! r.'. ... '- ?3 ra .V . 1 .V . -) . :CM1 : t nr. ,ia GOODS. febT-aedly COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Cincinnati Money Market—Dec. 9. buying. . - - EXOHANUE Quiet at. 1.10 , discount buying. . New York Money Market—Dec. 9. cent on loans, with the balk of business at 7 a cent. The Treasnrv is calllnir In derjoslta from deimsitories. - , '. SIERLIXG EXCHAVOTil Firm, -atlth liicreaned demand at 109Ji109g- 1 j . GOLD Hiifher and mom activtx oriened St 135 and closed at 13313. New York Stock Market—Dec. 9. STOCKS Ooeneol weak, but subseouentlv imnroved abotit 4 per rent, but closed weak. Coupons of '81 114(otl6? dO '6S TlK&miU; do 64 107IU7;- do '65 108lo-"do 110MH0H; do '87 110llo6 do '68 110UO; W-403 105J61055f ; Stocks opened strong. New York Cen tral leading the Ust and. selling up to 126. on reports from Albany of extra cash div- iciends.. , J.ater this .was. contradicted, MfX Central fell to lmiCAUilL: exercising: a depressing influence on the whole market, which declined considerably ; 'before' (ho close; however, the market became steady. o-hj prices tveu v. express 4C$a8; American r44f44W: Adams 48Wa4W: United States 454o MerabaMs? Union 1516; Pacitie MaU. UaMll5ii; West ern Union, i Telegraph m(SH3tH4: New York CehtraV T25(125Ji; Kne 7Xm Reading- .98f393J; Terre .'Haute ' 39i9; Wabash JSTizetiDntz St. ' Paul e5(3r.??- Fort .Wavno llOjllOM) Obio,,i A4msj. lssippi aicgau; Atusnigao Uentral 11( North Western 7676X. -' New York Market—Dec. 9. COTTON About c betten with a-fala bu8inesa;345i25o!for middling uplands, chiefly at 25c. FLOUrt-Closed'OTwterBtrvilTfvactivo and 6(5). 10c better on. low srrades. with soma export oemandfATiHu.' WHEAT-QaietLand. n't. ijxi'o.rj steady; 1 S6l 53 lor Ao a pprinjcw . . ' x KY&r-Dull; A-491'69 for werters,.' -a OATS Quint; 774i78o-for 'western la store, and '7990c ' floats -..U ,,COEN Dtail; 1 141 15 for .old jmixed western In 'ore. and 1 17 aftoa -". 1-11 tot new wrtert:e wo at railroad. ' ' PORK Fit -26 00 cash for mess: satet mes January ak; February at . -650 ...... - BEEF Steady, - with.. a ;m' Jerate der CUT rMEATS Steady,, wl'.a a fair re- quesCi'Tt ivu -sj. .ji i . BACOJfTVery firm;'1 with a -good la LARD Firm, at 15Sl63 tor fair to prime ftteam.1 -: ...-...n. isutiS-Steady at 37lc.;s p-."V IS Cincinnati Market—Dec. 9. WHEAT In firm demand at Ml 7S Bo. li 67i tor No. 2.... : .-v -" uukj JNew ear arm at 01(55? on ar rival. 1 . . u. I'rr. V.1. s RYE Firm at 1 30 for No . . v IATR Higher;' market firm at 69o for No, 2; 6465a tor .No J- - V i,' -' " " - eAKi.t.a-UachaDged and dull.-.. - BUTTER Unchansted; receipts Mzht. CHEESE AMivf at farmer rates. EGGS Firm at Z3x . - HAY Llirhti recelDts mnd'flrni at IS Owa uur r Jiit-tn lair joOMng demand prices arid unchanged; -1 .'".-.,'' ' SUGAR Easier, but notldwerl " ' " LINSERD OIL i winery -witb iit de mand at 97c. -''ft i. -3i . CLOVE R3EED Viri' .s speculaHva u' de mand at 13 00; hfJders osklnjE lSfiCt, WHISKY O iiet: sales of 1U oarres at 97c. ... COTTON- Finn at. 23 a ior nilJdlln e'ij n- lands. 1 .,;t ,,. ,-ijrr .j'l'i iiti JM Vfia4 taA PORK--.Me8s ld hlzher- end firm ' 4t 24 5G(;K-00." 1 tJ LARD Excited and held hizheh new steam 14Jc ind kettle 15JCcr - BULK MEATSQaieta"i8c for should ers.; l?K(ai4o fot clear .rib and 13$130 " HOGS-Mar.' lowbr; live $8 8 40 Vrdss lor 1 I-na : f. chdscei.i sf -'T -XiBEENnM. ro:' ., .: -fZ.MttlMmQb 8i,c for shoul . -r : Mli? for..siie.r HAMS-12llc. ": i-,iJ t-.i-i 1 i-'-'". 'ii-j u Chicago Market. —Dec. 2. ' FLOUR--Upperj'jrrides- dull and; nn changed, low grades in fair demand; spring, extras 5 376 78.-,.'. . ' ' .. . WHEATr-luactlve; specnlatiyeaqd mlllk Ifisr demand steady; sales No 1 at a 33f 1 27; No 2 at X 15C?1 17;:cloglni!: firmer? at 1 17 lor No. 2; sales- No 2 sin.ee 'chanzo, CORN Old steady andH runlet' at SOS'-MJ No1 and 75C for No! 2; bow active, and I 2ic higher;' sales iat ; 6355c; -closing steady at 55 j' kiln dried morb active at. 6066c for Jlol'2; nothing doing this afterJ ' OATS-Qnlet and steady at4849$0 fori No 2. and 11610 for rejected. s-iv - ! ..:f -RYE Firm and quiet; sales at i wion No L and ti44.for.Nd 2 in store. . ' . BARLEY Quiet and ' a shade ' firmer? sales No.'-at-l 62! C3i; wjeeted at 1 -421 13, dosing steady at 1 62 lor. No; 2. Toledo Market—Dec. 9. JFIX3U-Flrmerbutriuleli.' "l .'n ! WHEAT lac bptter; white Miculfrartf 1 83, amber 1.62 t S3, and No..Smpringi 1 30.;-'rnr" 'n't MHtl-f . .!'-i"!.t 'b:tf. (,CORN-01d steady, and newjlo better: sales old No. 1 at"86o; 'new 726'; new ti? jeered 666,' and nefc condemned at B8$60ov 1 OATS le better? sales No. L at 60c, and: Mh-hiiian;at..69o.. --.ripmj ;'VC7 oJ RYE Steady ; sales No. 2 afc l ?5., , CLOVER SEED Bouy amy saies atTptf 7:7ff."-' ' '4 ia :u uiii tiT-cr v DKESSED BOGS better; sales jak fta83a9; 'i ym'j-'-'ii-i.n i :n Jiudw bill N. Y. Dry Goods Market—Dec. 9. ' There MS but -little branch of bosinesr, yet the' prices are well sustained exqept tor imported spool cot ton, .which is reduced from 1 10 to t 00 per? doken, lot the best soft BniBh thread: Rich-' mbhd-Sprints nave been" Introduced IntoJ the house of. H. K. Clafltn at 1 Coi. ' ior-tbe. first time in many years.,, 'Prices tof caliT coi's-jsteady at.l2l"21c fiir popular 'brands, guch'ast)rientai, Lancaster and Spraguesi Heavy sheetings steady at 15i5o- foJ best Eastern make. , ,; m r. t.O SPECIAL NOTICES; ' ' i'i ill ill ll.iil'l . mrt ,1 . 1 lt . j ? ... I vr r fta r i f s i r.i li as ' t JL -i-4ra-l -a. w HAf rAH'lVl'W 'It Duvrir-(Sr t,n i covrS' J-.':ii r - - iniib-snd niiu uunuiiun ftisitfy'totts merits ip reettftina; GKAY BlIB a3r His britittal ' eolor amf pronrotins. Ua rrowtb. ' Ca nrakea tha hair soft and fkAy. i The Ua la sppeaa. aoce aswiaade'yaanc airain. li iatbe bast- :i!j-,ti vr seed. It removes Dandruff and all '8oarsr Eruptions. It does not stain the skin, r - OtTR TREATISB ON TH&mri! " -'U .i.-.-bijaa. bw rass ttMi-ttn--yZ-'C Beware of tbe saaieraaa preparation wis'ch are sold upon our reputation1-- t-' ' V - lJ R. P. H ALL a CO.. Nashua. N. H-. Proprietors.' " for sal b all ih-neltisti. .ariita .8 .T iuly2a dltawAatJ-oia T - 3 VJXd CRISTADORO'S HAIft DYE. To art weewaa thousaadcraoe;a , lapiorinc Hatura no- dweraee ia. i-eq " x . i ill " 80; as fray bah dVn't pleaK theeye. ? - v.ui , ; jQse CEISTADOBO'S,! ATt)HitK68 DYIr. Cristaddfo's: Hair ;Prt servative Striking, , cundia,.re tbe Effeota produeaab baCristadoro'a Hair Preservative" and Bean ti tier, B the hair ever fp wiry. Coarse and unmanaseabl i by brush and oojnb, in one week this artiol will render it flexible, lustrous and inclined to ourl- ;Sald by Drngslsta,aad applied by all Hair Vmt; era. Manufaetory Mo. SB Maiden Lana. PrinoipacL Depot No Astor House. , t ...fa.. 1 .junelS-dAwIjera-reHY " :ii-;il;wi1ti.-;! PROFESSIONAL. rU A. b. WILLIAMS. W.t iZ.T" : "DR. lilth street, Uolumbus, Ohio, ;hae devoted himself r a series of years to the treatment ofoertain piU. rste diseases. He may biconsultedat bis offioi Broad wai , near the h. zobance Bmak may3r-tf sT - r - g, VfAnHOOD AND -SHE . VSGOH.OP xa ivu i'H restored fn mar weens." taCess ruanurteed. i)R. BICOBU'S 68riJrt;ii OF L1FK restores mahly pewers. from whatever causa ari siaa; to effeou.of aarla parnicioas babiis lelf-t abuse, impoteney and climate, live away at ones to tbia wonderful medioina, if taken riifuUrly aoneroW-, in to the directions (which are very simple and re-i quire no restraint from business or pleasure J Fail- -are is impossible. Sold in bottles at S3 or four qoantitirs in one forts. To be had only of the sola 3 .miI.I Hnt In 1 m.rl.a TJ sn. h I Third Ave., corner 13th St.. flew Yotk. " '-' VKT-jy2T-dl7r a.. si.Vai.'.Masa I is -' -