OCR Interpretation

The Cadiz sentinel. [volume] (Cadiz, Ohio) 184?-1851, May 15, 1844, Image 3

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We will furuish tho Cadiz Sentinel from any
lime in May until after the residential Election,
fi.Ih-kiva I
For $2,00 . - - - 3 copies.
. 3,00
5,00 .
tt 10,00 -
This is cheap enough in all conscience. The
money in all cases must be paid in advance, as
tho extremely low price will not allow of credits.
Go to work, Democrats, and let us see how ma?
ny Clubs you can form. Now is the time to cir
culate the documents.
coon r-o-E-T-u-i:
It was a mistake in the person who thought
that the coons could not make poetry out of Fre
linghuysen's name ! The lust Steubenvillo Her
ald contains an effusion of four stanzas which for
beauty and sublimity far excels any thing since
the heroic age of Grecian rhyme! It's a perfect
gem in its way! Virgil and Homer, Ariosto and
Tasso, Byrou and Shakspearc, are destined to
slumber in forgetfulness and neglect, and this
bard of the Steubenvillo Herald bids fair to mon
opolize all tho fame of tho age! Who can the
author bo? Why not dofThis modesty, and come
out to tho world over his own proper signature?
Mmy a fair hand would entwine a wreathe to
bedeck his hardship's brow! But we are keep
ing our reade a in suspense. Tho song opens
with the following patriotic appeal:
Come all ye hardy honest whigs,
And 'lectioneer like pisen,
For banks and tariff, (noi free trade)
But Clay and Frelinghuysen.
Aint that tho very argumenturji ad homine.m of
coon reasoning? " 'Lcct;oneer like pisen"
how charming the rhyme, how clear the sense,
how soul-stirring tho logx! But to verse sec
ond: That same old coon will do the work,
The price of coons are iisin'
Then all unite on Henry Clay,
And good old Frelinghuysen.
"That samo old coon will tlo the work," to be
sure he will. He's the noblest whig of them all!
"The price of coons are risen" am it, indeed?
That's owing to the tariff, which keeps foreign
coons out of market ! Here is verse third:
The lokies thoy may shout for Van,
The factories all despisin'
There's no such friends of workingmen,
As Clay and Frelinghuysen.
"All tho world's a stage," said tho bard of Avon
- -but this Steubenvillo bard seems to think with
liis party that all the world's a factory! Clay is
certainly the particular friend of the workingmen,
and always has been!! "If he cannot get black
slaves (to work in tho factory) ho must have
white ones." We regret that we cannot find
room for tho last verso. If any thing it excels
the others in melody and argument, and wo may
perhaps make it tho subject of a separate article
hereafter. The poets arc surely not all dead
Who wrote tho challenge, which Graves sent
to Cilley? Henry Clay !
Who opposed all attempts to reconciliation and
compelled tho parties to fi-rht? Ilcnru Clan!
Who then aided and abetted in the murder of.
Cilley? Henry Clay!
Is the crime of the principal and accessory e
qual? Equal!
Who then were tho Murderers of Cilley?
Graves and Clan!
Who is the whig Candidate for President?
Henry L lay!
05" What the whigs mean by "Availability"
is this- -a certain composition in the character of
a man, which enables him, without the slightest
injury to his conscience, to mould his opinions
so as to suit every man who may choose to ad
dress him a man who can bo anv thing, and ev-
ery thing, and nothing at all! Such a person is
J A 1 11 ls
Henry Clay
The Provid ence Herald states that every
man who was subprxuaed as a juryman to try
Gov. Dorr, at Newport, R. I., teas an Algcrine
and no one has been summoned, who is known to
be a Democrat, or acts with the Democratic par
ty. One of the reasons assigned in Newport for
. excluding Democrats from the summons, is wor
thy of its origin: 0?-" When a pirate is to bo
tried, you would not think of placing on the jury
tho pirate crew. "
CO" The Statesman of May 0th, contains an
Address of the Young Men's State Central Com
mittee of Ohio, which occupies nine closely
printed columns of that papor. Tho subject of
tho Address is the coalition between Henry
Clay and John Q. Adams in 1S25, and is treated
in a masterly manner. We shall publish the
Address cither in full or in part, at the earliest
period our columns will allow us.
(rCol. Richard M. Johnson has been invited
to visit Pennsylvania in tho course of tho sum
mer, and has acccpfed tho invitation. lie will
be accompanied by his nephew Col. Sevier of
tho U. S. Senate,
"Sweet Sensibility-, O, La!" The Pitts
bugh Sun states that several of tho young men
who were delogatcs from that city to tho whig
convention at Baltimore, fell desperately in love
with some of the beauties of tho Monumental
city. O, sassafras! O, cologne!
A Silly- Judok. Judge Murray, of Alabama,
blew out his brains lately with a pistol, because
the father of a young lady to whom ho was be
trothed, refused his consont to tho union.
' 0- The coons say that Henry Clay is a "peace
able man." To bo sure ho is for has ho not
bound himself in a Bond of $5,000 to keep the
peace? ' '. "
03" Nearly every Democratic paper wo open
contains " renunciations from tho whig ranks.
Clay will not have a corporal's guard out of the
cities and towns before the election!
, 03"A bill has passed tho Pennsylvania I Joust
of Representatives, imposing a fhreo mill tax, and
and submitting to the pcoplo tho quostion of sel
ling tho public works. ,
Alarming Riot in Philadelphia!
That contemptible faction calling themselves
"Native Americans," held a meeting at Phila
delphia, on the Gih instant, in the State House
square; and after the passage of resolutions, and
the delivery of speeches, the meeting adjourned
to meet at Kensington. There were about
five thousand persons present, niarshalls were
appointed, and they formed into procession, car
rying banners with various inscription on them,
which were intended to insult and outrage the
feelings of the Irish Catholic population. The
bearer of one of the fi igs was attacked by seme
of the Irish, and, of course, a row commenced.
Fire arms were discharged, and several persons
were shot dead on the spot. This was followed
by continued firing, and it is stated that twelve
were killed and fificcn wounded. A correspon
dent of tho Pittsburgh Chronicle says, "the
most horrible s:ght I ever beheld was aa Irish
man who, after he had shot two persons from his
own door, was brought out, and had his head
smashed in by the butt end of a musket, a rope
lied tound his neck, and dragged through the
streets, followed by thousands of infuriated peo
ple, some of whom were for hanging, and others
for jointing him, and their continued shouts rent
the air.
During the latter part of the afternoon, the
houses on Cadwaladcr street, north of Master,
were fired, and continued binning for several
hours. No fiie apparatus was put in requisition.
It is said lh.it several companies mule attempts
to reach the spot, but were prevented. The ex
tent of damages by the liic, could not bo ascer
tained, but it is said lhat thirteen houses were
destroyed! The whole military force of tho
first brigade, under Gen. Cudwuladcr, were cal
led out, proceeded to the spot, and took n posi
tion near the scene of conflagration. The ap
pearance of tho military had tho effect lo produce
quiet, and from the time they arrived the firing
almost entirely ceased.
From tho Peniisylvaniun wo learn that there
was a vast dest ruction of property and life. Tho
mob attacked 1 lie churches and private houses of
the Catholics. St. Augustine's Church, which
cost thirty thousand dollars, was burnt ; and St.
Michael's Church, a new and splendid edifice,
was burnt to the ground it cost about forty
thousand dollars. Fifiy private dwelling houses
in Kensington, are in smouldering ruins! The
amount of property destroyed cannot be less
than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
No less than two hundred families have been
compelled lo remove from their homes.
wo nave no room tor tanner details, tins is
what the intolerant spirit of Native Americanism
leads lo. May the God of Heaven leach these
misguided men wisdom, and preserve our belov
ed country from further bloodshed and disgrace.
Fifteen days LsiJer
The New York Herald has received by express
from Boston, letters and despatches from the
steamship Iliboinia, which arrived at Boston on
Sunday, after a passage of sixteen days from Liv
The intelligence is fifteen days later, and is
highly interesting in a political, commercial and
c i rV, e ,, ...
financial point ot view. The full in cotton is
from 1-8 to 4th per pound.
O'Connell has not been sentenced.
ANNEXATION. The Texas question of
Annexation had reached England, and produced
a very great sensation in political circles.
Tho Liverpool Mercury has tho following on
the subject : ''ihe intelligence brougut by the
last arrivals from tho United States is of great in
terest and importance. It appears that a special
envoy has arrived at Washington, from tho Tex
an Government, comnvssioned to make an offi
cial offer of annexation on lire part of tho young
republic. An olhir of a similar description was
made in the year 1S37, and was then rejected,
but under very dillerent circumstances. At that
period tho acceptance of the offer of the Texians
would havo involved the United Slates in an ex
tensive, embarrassing and somewhat uncertain
war with Mexico, and also in the very probable
conlingoucy ot a rupture with England. More'
over, the public mind in tho United States was
very much divided on tho subject of slavery, and
a great jealously existed on the part of tho New
England Stales m regard to any accession of m
fluenco in (he Union to the Southern interests.
In tho present instance also, it appears very
uncertain whether, on the whole, ihe annexation
of Texas may not be an event rather favorable
than otherwise for British interest. If it deprives
us of a means of annoying tho United States,
and so far removes tho temptation to a war, it is
by uo moans cortam that this ought not to bo
looked on as an advantage. A war with tho U.
Stales, even if successful beyond nur most san
guine expectations, would be a calamity of Ihe
most fatal description. Moreover, the annexa
tion of Texas would givo great additional pre
ponderance in tho Union to tho iutorest upon
winch we must necessarily rely the most for a
maintenance of friendly political and commercial
relations with England that namely, of tho
Southern cotton growing States. Nor is it evor
good policv in a nation to commit itself to on op.
position against llio natural courso of events,
which evidently points to the ultimate incorpora
tion of the1 unoccupied prairies of Texas with the
neighboring and parent State. We trust, there
fore, that whatever may bo tho result of tho pres
ent negotiations at Washington, the amicable re
lations between llio two countries will not he dis
turbed by any unseasonable interference on our
part with tho domestic affaiis of another conti
nent "
IRELAND. Ireland was in a very exciting
state, and our next accolmts from Great Britain
must bo of tho most interesting nature.
Parliament met aftar Easter holidays on Mon
day, and tho popular branch of ihe 'legislature hn
a'uca hen engedt In th eon&kieratioa oft
number of multifarious, but not very absorbing
CORK. The grand banquet to Mr. OTonnell,
given Ly iho inhabitant! of Cork, took place on
Monday, the 7th inst. Upwards of 800 persons
were present, and Mr. Smith O'Brien, M. P.,
frpm. Limerick, presided. The speech of Mr.
O'Connell was the principal event of tho even
ing, from its containing a variety of allusions to
tho sentence expected to bo passed upon him.
He said:
"No man who ever stood upon the threshold
of a prison received such a compliment. Hear,
hear, and cheers. No man who ever stood upon
the steps of a throne was honored as I have been
honored, though on the threshold of a prison; but
I would not change that prison, with the compli
ment, tor tho tin one of any monarch in the uni
versal world.
H WIt r!mn 1,.11'A T .mnrtltwl 7
Vlllltv IIU1U & 1 IIV-W 1
(Loud cries of "None." lrleclaro to Heaven I
do not know. I believe Chief Justice Peune
fathcr docs not know, nor am I aware that the
sagacious jury knew what crime they convicted
me on. 1 repeat, I am not aware of the crime
but I am sure of this, that if it was to be commit
ted over again, I am ihe boy for it. (Great cheer
ing.) 1 have done nothing of which I am asham
ed before man, or tremble for before my God!
Another reference to his sentence elicited tre
mendous applause
I am advanced in life Ihe prison may termi
nate my existence--(Sensation, and cries of
"God forbid.") I am not shrinking from the
dungeon. (Xliecrs.) 1 d;d not snouk in a whur
ing or pitiful manner; but I do trust that my last
moments will be enlivened by the reflection lhat
should have lived longer had I not loved Ire
land so intensely- (Loud cheers.)
Association held ameeting in Dublin on the 12ih
inst., when a letter was read from Dr. Hale,
Archb'shop of Tnain, addressed to Mr. O'Con
nell, express' vo of the admiration which the wri
ter enieita'nnd for ihe learned gentleman, and
sympilhy for h:s present position. Accompany
'ng the Idler was 115, contributed by ihe wri
ter and h's clergy.
The rent for llio week amounicd lo GKCl, a
mong which was 100 from Virginia, and the
samo sum from New York.
Prosecution of tho press were still going on in
France. The oditois of the Gazette de France
aild of the Nation newspapers were on Saturday
condemned to one years impr'somncnt and a
fine of 12,000 fiances each, for a libel on the
Despatches from Algera have reached Paris,
announcing several triumphs over tho followers
of Ahdel Kabcr, by the Dukes d'Aumale and
Hitherto, t he appearance of Christina in Mad
rid has had the elli:ct of oil on the troubled wat
ers. She is distributing titles and favors, and, it
is said, is desirous of receiving Espartero into fa
vor. AMERICAN STOCKS. Penna. 5's, 58; N.
Y. 5'a, (524 a 5M; Ohio (i's, 1)1 ; Indiana 5's, 35;
Illinois G's, 40; Kentucky C's, 1!3;U. S. Bank,
COTTON MARKET Extract of a letter,
dated Liverpool, April 10, 1844.
Fair U
" Mobile,
New Oilcans,
which is a decline of 1-Sd from the the prices at
the sailing of lhc last steamer.
The market has been up id lrglier but fallen
oil to the above quotation at which ii closes firm.
Sales hst week 17,000.
Our Envoys.
List of Foreign Minuter, Plenipotentiary, times
of their appointments, salaries, See.
Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, appointed
1811, to Groat Britain, residence London, salary
$-9,000, outfit 9,000.
Wiliiam It. King, of Alabama, appointed 1844,
to France, residence Paris, salary fti),000, outfit
Charles S. Tod, of Kentucky, appointed in
1841, to Russia, residence St. Petersburg!), sal
ary $9,000, outfit 9,000.
Henry Wheaton, of Rhode Island, appointed
1838, to Prussia, lesideuce Berlin, salary $9,000,
outfit 9,000.
Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, appointed 1814,
to Brazil, residence Rio Janeiro, salary $9,000,
outfit 9,000.
Washington Irving, of Now York, appointed
1842, to Spain, residence Madrid, salary $9,000,
outfit 9,000.
Daniel Jenifer, cf Maryland, appointed 1841,
to Austria, residence Vienna, salary $9,000, out
fit 9,000.
Wilson Shannon, of Ohio, appointed 1841, to
Mexico, residence Mexico, salary $9,0C0, outfit
Caleb Gushing, of Massachusetts, appointed
lSliJ, to China, residence Pekin, saluiy $9,000,
outfit HjOOO
Col. Xloatoa on Annexation.
Senator Bexton has addressed a long letter
to the members of the Texan Congress, in an
swer to their communication to him, expressing
a wish to bo admitted into the Union. From it
we quote iho following extract, as the crowded
state of our columns will not permit us to pub
lish the letter in full:
" A short time, and either the acknowledgment of I
Mexico, or the consent ol all nauons, will give Texas
all the right ofn sovereign power: the question of admis
sion will then be oue ol exclusive arrangement between
the two countiicsi for no earthly power, except Mexico,
hnsa right to interfere in this question j nnd, in fact,
I know of no one that wishes to interfere in it. If kept
free from sectional views, partisan politics, and selfish.
personal, nnd sordid schemes, the reunion may then be
easily ell'ected, and in a wny that ought to be satisfac
tory to the whole Union, though not without a heavy
expense to the federal treasury. "
Vehy impoktaxt. ritoji Washington. We
learn from Washington, says tho New York True
Sun, and from n source entitled to the fullest cred
it, lhat General Almonte, tho Mexican minister,
aided by Mr. Archer of tho bonalo, has prevailed
upon Mr. Calhoun lo despatch a special messen
ger lo Mexico, with n proposition for the consent
of Mexico to the ratification of llio trealy for the
annexation of Texas. The effect will bo to de
lay any action upon tho treaty in tho Senate, un
til the return of the messenger; of course to de
feat tho ratification during the present session of,
Congress, and in all probability lo defeat it alto-
gethcr-, because tho British minister, who is be
lieved to bo fully authorized to act for his govern
ment, is, it i3 understood, exerting himself to
make a treaty with I cxns, giving tlj government
of that country , much boiler terms than they can
obtain from the United Slates. It is thought
that Mr. Calhoun, in his desire to concilinto all
parties, has in this mado n concession to tho op
position which will bo fatal to tho treaty.
03-Tho Democratic National Convention
will moot nt Baltimore, on flu 27th jiijtrtnt.
Rwmxatio or Mr, Frcvra. The Global
of the 30th ult. says that Hon. J. C. Spencer re -
' 1
signed the office of Secretary of the Treasury
that dav, and it is said lhat Judge Green, of Now
Jersey, is to be nominated to fill the vacancy
caused ly tho relation. We supposa there
' "e "11
is no douU that Judge Green will be Mr. Spcu -
cei's successor, as it was understood at Washing
ton last winter, while Mr. Spcncei's name w as
t.nr,rtl,u .. cn.i .1 i i
before the Senate to fill the vacancy on (he bench
of the Supreme Court, caused by the death oft
Judge Thompson, that, in case of his confirma
tion, Jndgo Green was to be appointed Secretary
of the Treasury.
Alarmixo sews. A Massacre. The Char
leston Mercury publishes a letter dated St. Thom
as, April 11th, which contains the following
painful intelligence:
St. D.nningo is in a disorganized sfate. The
Spanish part has revolted against the Port au
1'rincc Government. By steamer yesterday from
Leeward, wo hear lhat lhc negroes have broken
into Aux Caves and murdered the whites and
colored that the President, Ilerad, is killed,
400 persons have taken refuao in Jamaica In
Port au Prince a similar attempt as at Aux Cay-
es was hourly apprehended.
Ixsckrectios. A serious alarm took place a
few days since at St. Francisville, Lou. in con
sequence of ihe discovery that there was to bo a
rising among tho negroes. Several runaway
negroes had assembled in a thicket, near town,
and bid defiance to their pursuers; but they soon
dispersed, and some of them were captured.
During ihe pursuit, a large mulatto, armed willi
three pistols and a tomahawk, Wis shot by A.
The Editor of the Luminary, the whig organ
at Mercer, Pa. has refused to support Mr. Clay
for the Presidency. He declares lhat h:s consci
ence will not allow him to lend hi3 aid ill eleva
ting lo the Presidency a slaveholder, a duellist,
a mason, a gambler, and an anti-protectionist!
Why dont the whigs buy him up as they did
White of iho Pittsburgh Gazelle?
FEELi.NGUUV3ii! " l'hu.-bus, what a name!
li's a perfect jaw-brcakei ! Half of iho whigs
can neither spell it, pronounce, or remember it!
We saw a nice little coon writing it the other day
0:1 a shop wall with ch ilk, eo as to learn it as
a child would its A B CV.
" Huzza, huzza, for the nation's pisen,
Henry Clay and Frelinghuyson."
Fire in Dover. There was a terrible confia
"ration in Canal Dover, a few days since, by
which an immense amount of valuable properly,
including several warehouses, was destroyed.
Wo have "lost the New Philadelphia Advocate,
containing an account of the fire, and arc una-
blo to give parliculns from recollection.
Gen. Waddy Thompson, late Minister to Mex
ico, arrived at New Oilcans on tho 13 inst., on
his way home. Before leaving Mexico, he had
an interview with Santa Anna, and succeeded in
procuring ihe liberation cf the remaining Texas
prisoners, taken al Perote, numbering thirty-four,
all of whom accompanied Gen. Thompson to
New Oilcans, excepting four.
The Pennsylvania Legislature adjourned at
midnight on the 29ih ult. Bills to the number of
703 were before tho two houses during the ses
sion, 700 of which wero passed, and the rest
failed. They were principally of a local char
acter. Another Memiu-ik of CoxuiiEss Dead. The
Hon. Henry It. Biiukerhoof, a member from the
Huron district, iu this Slate, died on the 30ih
ult., at his residence in New Haven, Huron
county. Mr. B. was an excellent democrat, and
a most worthy man. Out of respect to his mem
ory both Houses of Congress adjourned on. the
Olh inst.
OrTIie amount of revenue received at the
port of Boston, during the mouth of April, this
year, was 5-10,000 during the corresponding
month, lust year, 230,000.
Increase, 225,-
Steamiioat AccinEXT. Wo lcaro from ihe
Cincinnati Commercial 1 hat theSwifisure, on Sa
turday afternoon, 28 miles above that city, broke
her wrist and Llowed the cylinder head offin frag
ments. She was towed down Sunday morning
by the Little Hoc!:. .
(fJ-There is to he a great Temperence Con
ventional Steiibcnvilb on next Tuesday, the 21st
instant, at which delegates arc expected from all
the neighboring counties.
Hon. Tiros. II. B.i;nto.v, who l;ns been on
a visit to his family iu the west, appeared in his
sent on Tuesday, his health having apparently
impioved by the travel.
Distilleries.-- There are 10,30(3 iu tho U. S.
of which N. York has 212, and Pennsylvania
1010. Delaware has none. North Carolina 2,
602; Louisiana 5, &c. &.c. New York produces
11,073,815 gills.j.North Carolina 1,051,1:70 gal Is.
Massachusetts has 37 and makes 5,178,911) galls.
The Blackleg and the Pcritax. Henry
Clay and Theodore Frelinghiiyscn!
MARRIED. On the 9th instant, by the Rev. Vorden
Waller, Mr; Samuel II. Van-kirk, of L'hrichsville, Tus
carawas County, to Misa Maruarlt P. Edik, of Archer
township, Harrison county.
On thuredny, tho 2d inst., by the Rev. T. Irwin,
.Mr. liin.oi Dislrt, of Uelmout county, to Miss Rebecca
Duxlap, of Harrison county.
On Thursday, the flth hint., by the Rev. James
Kerr, Mr. Soixuio Srerrr to Alius 1'ii.iz.v i.Mi.vro., nil
of this county.
ALL persona Indebted to the estate of Thomas Mil
ler ilec'd nro requested to pay the same to Z.
Baylcss, who is authorized by me to settle said estate:
a complyiuice with tho nhovo notice on or before the
first day of July?lK;xt will save cosK
limy IS. JAMES MILLER, Jlditfr.
4 DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby
givon to all those who know themselves indebted
to Hie estate of'VV in. Utteihack, dee'd Into of Harrison
Co., that thov are required to como forward find muUe
the estate nre requested to present the same Wully nu -
immcuiuto settlement aim tlioie liuvintr ciiumn nainst;
thenticnlcd I
;d lor settlement within oneymu trom tniHuate.
may 8.
BEETHOVEN Collection of Music a most excel
lent new collection of music, received nt
mny 8
FRAZKR'H, Stenbenvill.
r rnF' office.'" ! "'f "vf unte
companies in the ait Unjraae mid
J Utb Division of O. M (ire requested to
! ""f thc Exchange in Cadi, on fet.
unlay the d.uh iust.. lur the pnrpoae of a
new onrnuization under the late law. The
2 J section of said law requires two eon
Ipaoy muste-sofal) volunteer ccmpame,
ionc on the 1st Friday in June and one on
Ht Friday in Aumst annually, and the
34th section require one BriinriV En
campment to commence on the S J F.May
(oi Aueusr, ana continue not let tnan
threemjr ,nore than five ,,
equippage, colors, and other necessaries will be provi-
ueu lor, out oi uie military mnus.
N. B. the 2d Company of Lifrht In'nntry will meet in
Rumlcy, on Friday, the itth inst., and elect one captain
in the place of John S. Amos, removed out of the bounds
ofsaid company.
I would also recommend ihe raisin? of another Litrht
Infantry company as was intended lapt fall and I will
organize a batahun. . C. V. B. G.
fTlIIE Puhsctiber would respectfully inform theciti.
I zens of Cadiz and the friends and patrons of edu
cation cenerally, that ho will open a fc'chool for the in
etruction of youths in the roara formerly ocnip'edusa
School-room, by Mrs. Murphey in Judire B'n;rhnm'B
builtlinp, where the following branches, with others will
be tausht; Keadinir. Writintr, Oithoeraphv, Arithmetic,
English Grammer, Geography, Double and single En
try, uoou-iteepwg, oeometry, iMirvcying, Mensuration,
Alecbrn, Natural, Moral arid Intellectual Philosophy,
Lat"n, Khetoriclc, Chemistry, Political Economy, Ro
man and Grecian Antiquities, and Astronomy, &.o. &.o.
Parents, who wish thofe under their care to enjoy the
advantage of a thorough, prncticnl English education,
are respectfully invited to embrace the opportunity offer
ed; asitis the determination of the subscriber to devote
lus whole attention to ms school ana spare no pains to
mtiKe tne scholars under ins charge tnorouglily acquan-;
ted with whatever branches they may ptvsue. j
Terms of tuition from three to livo dollars per quarter, j
School will commence on .Monday the Vitliinat
may 15. J. P. M. BUCHANAN,
fTMIE fiihscriher takes pleasure in nnnnuncinz to the
X citizens of Cadiz nnd every hee else, that he
now reccivim? nnd opening at jiidce Dinghnm's come",
lately occupied by J. Stewart, nn "
T,VTI,, vr.,r CTnr.v nr, mrvmn'
Sp t' ing a ft d 8 U til Vi er CO odS.
embracing a very genera! ftpfoMmrnt, purrhaced on the ,
very brt terms for ca?h, which will be fold very low in-!
deed ami at uniform prices. J. P. WOOD.
may 9. corner of main and market 8ta. north side I
T .;nl TW. c r..l-
Latest Arrival lCW bt) C Ol OOCdS.
s. a si. ?it ru34'
4 RE just receiving a splendid Slock of SPRLXG
JA. .4A'Z SUMM'EIi GOODS, purchased within
ll.n In .t ,1.. .V ,l, ! : :., , f, 1(1 ,
i. IIIVU1J ill t,lllj lUOlt..llJ VJLliO, tlL llUlll XV IV
1 .- ... l.T .u !. i. .. l
yVl VUIil. JUHL'l 11HU1 lllUt'U WHO MJilllL ll.tUl Ml 1 1J .IBCM
early, consequently they are ennableil to oiler Jo the!
puouo mier tiyies anu cneapcr goocia. i r.e puouc aim
thrir fiiends arc solicited to call and examine their alocU
ur.., i i o
uutuiu jjui,ua;riij eiiUMie:. iii;iy c.
TULLET1N of Cheap Hooks. Life, trial, and eon-
versationa of Roheit Emmet: Ked Mai v. or the
Pacific ; Complete Florist, a manual for rrardemn, con
taining practical instruction for the management ofgieen
nousc piants, nnu lor tne cultivation oUhruoerv, flowers, !
51V.&c-,Vhe NaAiona.1 A,7! I,ndary ItalWls.&j'
ol 1 hos. Moore; Uiamnir Room Library, No. 3 j Cann-1
bell's Foreign emi-monthlv- Mnstrtsrine lor April ; Rich- j
clieu, n play in 5 acta, bv E. YV Buhver; Shakespeare,!
No. 2 of Hewet's fine illustrated edition : Whimsand Od-I
dities, bvThos. Hood; Hnnchbaclc of Notre Dnme, by
Victor llugo; Student at Tariej Arthur, by Sue. fur eiiv
FRAZEU'S Cheap Book Store,
rrmv 8
VTTOUNEY and Counsellor at Law, Milie'sburjr.
I.'olmce county, Ohio, will attend laiihfully to all
oumness emrusieu to 111s care, in tne conn lies ol liolu.es,
Collections in any part of the state promptly attend j if,l YARDS calico of every quality and Fat
ed to. liefer to " j Ovf Ji f tern from 4 to 3U cts p'r. yard, justro
J. B. Bmtton, Esq., Harrifburp, Pa. j ceived uml tor ealc low at ti.o cheap store of
James M. Brewster, Esq., Uahivny, V. J. j apr W. J. VV. BEEBE & Co.
James Coddimrton, I 'nrial street. N. Y, ' , T, ; r. ": 7 ' ,
E. A. Bradlevt Eale st. Buffalo. ' 1 9 1 U.J t"'ua1. eYU co!o1.8 uuJ
Fhilo Scovilie, (-lcveland,0. i f f lUW J.""1 rTecJ , 5,r,8? 0 ver' lo at
N. M. Standard. do. tho cheap store ol J. VV BEEBL & Co. opr 18.
VfKtnr n? S'flnflnftl fnd'y D O... "" '
.1 . iv . is it1 a t' .c- n . !
4,-r, . . . , , , r, .. ,
AV L just received from the Eastern c:tes a larje
and splendid assortment of "
;.x .,.. ;it .,n v..i- -i i
which they will sell as cheap if not a Utile cheaper than;
IlllV fither PKhlhlinllniont in tlid r.lurn Tlif.i'r ct. .r-l. ti it-1
sists of every variety and description of dry good, Ilard -
ware, Groceries, Queenewaro,GlaFPwa re &c. also a gen
eral assortment oi I'lttsotutli :lnnutacturou articles,
Vnll thllt u-nilt tn VI1V rllnTuriirula inul pull itt llin .'I...-!.,!
store opposite the tieawuei'it office. apr 11.
Cadiz, Ohio.
HAVING tuken the above well known ntfind in the
town of Cndiz, formerly occupied by Mr. Thcg. D.
Grimes, would respectfully inform his fncndn, the old
patrons of the rstabuehuiout, nnd the tiavelhug public
tjeiierally, that he is pibpaicd to nccommtxiato them, as
he believe to their cnti.e satisfaction. Theliouso haa
been thoroughly ropahed, new rooms added, nnd a
large rending room attached, where the principal jour
nals of the day will be resrularly received and filed.
Every endeavour will bo made by the proprietor to
ndd to the comfort of his guests; und he respectfully so
licits and hopes to merit a share of the public paf.oiuv'o.
march 23.
A Great RxcitCBnctat!
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and custom
ers that ho has removed his Tailoring Establish
ment to the room former v cccunicd bv iUh-s Bowie, us
a Alilliner'H shop, and directly nppo&ita Horjg & Tip-
ton's storo, wneie ne is prepareu lo uo worK on tne siior
tat notice, in the best ctyle, and on the most reaaoim
ele terms. apr 18.
New Boot and Shoe Establishment.
John Ri-.a.
Davib Eaton.
RESPECTFULLY inform the public penorally, that j
they have purchased the Boot and Shoe c.?tahli!.i-
ment of .Mr. John Phillips, opposite the Jail Buildings,!
and immediately under the Sentinel olfice, w here they j
intend carrying on the above business in nil its various
branches. They are determined that, for neatness and !
durability, their work shall not be surpassed by thai ofj
liny other establishment in the place. They solicit u
gnuiu ui punno piuroime.
Apr 18
i. VV. HAMILTON hnvo n general
assortment of p-pm)f.min'R Itontn
1. L assortment of gentlemen's Boots JtwA
Monroes, blmes and clippers, and Lndic, HMS?
Lace Boots, Shoes, Call nnd Kid Slippers. As w e mail
ufuotured them ourselves wo warrant ihem to bo hmHwII nt very reduced piiees, plodding ourselves to meet
Also, a great variety of children's shoe. We still con- any fair Eastern eompelition. Merchants in the huhit
liutio busines at the old stund of Thomfts Phillips, Fj. j of 'visiting the Atlutttio cirs, itre )rtienloHT itjvitd
opporite the public i building. ' - , op -."A i to call, " r Pitlslmrifn, Prb. 8ll ftp 4
r JlE subscribers respectfully inform the pub'x thl
I they have entered iuto a partnership under the
liriu of
for the mi itkipc oleum inr on the a bore business in nil
,ite vaiiuus brancltes, at ihe old stand of Stydrr k Moon,
where they nre preparec toeiecute worlt mm nentnes
nnd dispatch, for nil who may favor them with acali
From long experience in the business, apd having
iwn luTt thn hMt im.L'nin mn!ncfil- lhv hnif nn
I hesitation in snyinr, that ihey will give (reneral satis-
(action, j ney iiwe anu wul continue to Keep on nana
the most approved fashions.
AS. CAXFIELD, begs leave to announce to the
public that he has opened a new Variety Store,
in the room formerly ocenpied by George Craip, one
door west of 1'hos. Hogg's old stand, ivhets he intends
keepin; constantly on bund a general assortment of
conslst'ug of Dtj Goods, Queensware, Glassware. Hard
ware. Groceries, Iron, Nails, Glaes and Domestic Goods
ot every description ; which will be sold on the most ao
commud-iting terms, fur Cash or approved country pre
duce. No pains will bo tparcd to render entire satis
faction to all those who inriy think proper to call. Plena
call and examine before yoururchase elsevrheic.
Cadiz, April 13, 131-1 ' . -
"Be sure you're right, t!un go aJtcad.""
j "
7"OUI.D respectfully inform his friends and dus
1 V publ.e generally, that he lias removed h8 shop
it0 Ule corn,cl' brick, opposite Thomns Ios:g"s old stand,
. now mv"cJ by Muhood & Grimes.. He intends to sod
! cl,unP5- die cheapest, ami wnhont a d.spptition to
j talk loud, he wdl soil lor ready piy the cheapest of an?
0ticr establishment in the wesiem country. EeefcnL
: tie and Hide will be taken in exchange for work.
..oiiic ancao au you w.io want bargains. apr 4,
"'VTef&'C is hereby (rjven that a petition will be pro
J. N seated to the Commiceioncrs of Hurrieon county.
at their June session, prtivuu for tl.o location of a new
road comtuencintf at Ftilion's School house on the road
heading from Bcci to Tipr-ecanoc in Washington
p, thcucc to Wm. BimeVs bouc, thence to tho
i house formed? ocenpied by said llirrey, thence to the
; line between Phillip Dunatthcy dee'd aud John Dona
j t'hey, thence on or near said line in Washington town
ph'p to inte-eect the graded road lending from Dcersvillo
to biainard's mill at the end ot James Myers lano in
! l'ranklin township.
I may i.
,4 splendid apaonuicnt of Pariscls, ami ehailc.i, dimi
JIjl ty cell os, ron;u. Artificial I'loweiB, simps nnd
all kinds of iiuicy pooiis iust icee'vcd and for sale low
a t the chean ctoie of jT. 'VV. DKKHH & Co. apr 18.
"lJO- 1 and i, of Harper's Illuminated and new Pic-
X l loiiiii b.oie. Just received ana lorpnie it
J-'tc-ubeiiviUe apr 11.
i V
LBS. yule Leather of a superior quality juM
receive ! and for snlo low at the cheap otore
J. VV. BKEBE & Co. npr. 23.
I 1'
I oi
do.. Mena and Bovs. Leghorn, Tahn leaf and
fj Willow hafi just tece.t
vrd and for sale unusually
T iu nr? Drr t. r,.
iow the chean ntore of
1 J
DOZ. L-.-ghom, B.-nid, Straw and Cyprus Bon
netts. iust received and for sale at prices to 8ixit
the timea at the cheap etorc of J. V. BEEBE & Co.
ril'.CES muslin do lanes, balaiines Lace or
cariditic and Lawn of new atvlc, iust received
"mir 13 J. VV. BEEBE &Co
: , ;
' t-lUiWD ilUXuli,
Ana HtSie OlfaCC bf
Cario!ito!i,0 air IS.
S JBANDE'Enoyclopc-d-ia cfScUmce, Literature aud
J' Art; I'rw' IXetionary of Arte, Manufactures and
Mines, lor sate at
may 8
riECES t-ummer stuns ofcvoiy style and quality
ju't rec.'.'iveil and tor sale as low as the lowest
: at ihe cheap store ol
J. V. BEEBE & Co. opr 18.
,y, jaet rr.cinvcd and for Bale low at the cheap
J. VV. BEEBE & Co. npr 18.
of aio;s
NATOMICAL Atlas, illustrative Of the struottno
ot'ihehuniun bodv, by Llis. b'nuth nnd Homer,
ins. 1 riiitl 2, received c
! '
t 'S Q '
O KEGS best Juti;uta naiiaand brads, iustreceivwi
' nnrig" " " " ' J. W. BEEBE & Co
1 " '
j ff( YDS. Brown ami Bleached muslins jutt.
vJ 7 J rcccivtd and lor stile low at llio cheap
j kuhp of
J. VV . LLhllly &, Co. apr 2.L
a KCh.t.tUi:.. a foticrni assortment just roceivid
nr. 25.
J. VV. BEEBE & Cu.
rTpHIia becoming one of the most popular mtdi-
JL oiuts now belore the public. For removiug all
1 a:atcd pains', such cb Ul eauiaiiriu, pain in the back,
' 'ride ot breast, it has no equal iu tlio world. It ia al
cllieacioiw m rcniov.ns; vcn, tumors, cornn, i
, dj not defin to pyff ihis medicine, with old
&e. Wo
coitilicutcs, but will auiuply mention a
where it has cfTeotcd cure.". Mr. Sloan of Zanevi!!,
after bavins; fullered with Kbi uma&m for oryenie
was cuicd by using the HEBREW PLASTER. ,Mr.
Anderson of Putnum. was troubled for a long timo with
a lame hack, occasioned by oveilil'rinsr. cuied bv usin:;"
(his planter. A man, (name not recollected,) In Gra
(lot, Licking Co., entirely cured cf Rheumatism. Tho
following certiiknte tVon Mr. Worsted, editor of tho
Mas'ilon Gz. and George Miller Esq., of the firm of
Keiili ifc Miller, atrys., was fumibhed' me a few days
Maasilon, Oct. 28ih, 18131
llavinr; received much benefit fiom using tho
we cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted, beliovinj it
to he a valuable medicine for the purposes for which it
is recommended.
Many other respectable nevsons havo offered to Eir
I their coiiiiicatcH, hut we dueni it unnecessary, lo "add
any more at this time. Tho?e who ufc it will find it n
j good mrdirine. liaeh box contuiiw sufficient to spread
i ti or fci larr,e plastora. Fiii.'e 50 rents per bmc' Fur sale
linCudizby JOHN BiiALL, and
) ' ' MeBKAN & WOOD.
Also Tor pale by agents iu moot of the country towns.
i . JOIlS. I'll MM:. Awnt lor Vlt. PWniii.
JOHN HOUC, A?nt for Mt. Pleasant.
Nov .Hiih, 18 IX : . ; .
liJito Arrivals from England. " "
Logan &' Kennedy.
"I MPORTERS niid wholesale dealers in Jnrdwtr',,
.1 Cutlery, Saddlery, ie.J Nij. E2? Wood street, Pitti
hiircli, resiioctfiillv unnouncc to their customers end ti
Western merchant ge:ierrilly, thai they uic now reei U--
ing n larcro niid "plemlid lissoitinent of' .
j all of which hc.4 been purchased for es.-h by Mr. Ken
nedy, on his recent viit to the iimiiiiftKUui'ir townsot
Birmingham nnd hcitiold. Enplund. and which ws will

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