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f f i li If I' i li The law of trade, which Tcpilaia and eff4 wo-' 4t oAc create and builil up (reflux in the paper money system, eom- year longer. I therefor recommend to coeirol p . kxs nJ currency throughout within ihe bosomofourown S'ato a coin- mencingia 1836, and ending in 1844 ,iyour favorable consideration tbeproprie theclreleuf trading n itionsarc as search-ju'neJ and extended moneyed power, hav-' and showing, what similar oceui rentes in ty of taking measures, in due time, for i:'ff, as aH-perviiJing aud as irwsijtib'oas l'uS Jivoct and inherent interest in per- other countries and at other times, have the erection of a suitable edifice for the thclawao nature. jpetuating aud enlarging the debt of the never failed to exemplify, thai goein- transaction of the business of the govern- Vain, indeed would b? thi attempt tojStatc. The stock of the Statu would not mont debt has been the unfailing concoin-'mmit and the sale-keeping of the impor hedge in the circulating milium of a eoun- jonly be found to bo a profitable invest-Utant of the growth and expansion of the tunt public records und papers of the try, and pump it up to fullness by the min- i ntent for the capital of the bunks, but an ' paper money system. (State. , iitrr of bunking limitations. Tariff 'laws , investment in political power. The gov-l The honor and public faith of the State The Constitution of Ohio, for wise pur 0t.!. !s.?l'u1': 5" - -r 1 ,.L',.,n'1?' lerntiH-'ut would become a cloak for the 'ha hitherto, been strictly preserved, and noses, has reposed the chief and most and the exchange of commmtities with niWr i raud &'d follies of the banks. The will, doubtless, ever continue to be pre-1 important functions of the civil power of cojnniercial nations is at all permitted. The e would grow with the growth served, by a punctual compliance with all ! the istatc iu the legislative branch ot the commercial fluctuations and variations in'und streng'h of the banking interest. :our public engagements. I he public vir-'government. The high and solemn re: the quantity of gold and silver in a country, I ,u ,ni! 'aPsu of time, the insidious en-'tue of our people, and their patriotic re-' sensibilities which devolve upon you in whenundisturbedbytbeexp-.-dientsofpaper 'croochments ofthi power, huU!in the! sard for ih;ir liberties and the character 'the exercise of those powers, in Icgisla- money.arebut th,; wholesome circulation of entire property of the State subject to lax-' of republican institutions, is a su.licicnt ting for tho whole people, and the great the commercial system. They invigorate jation, under a pledge from the S.a'e to guaranty that the integrity of "the S ate jiuierests of the State, will doubtless Le I'ul- i-iimimilarMw.-.i i . Uut th'", artmei-1 J ischarge the in ;e re-it on t lie pu blic deb,' will Us kept iuviolaie. The public debt, ly appreciated. In conclusion, however, ,..., . l,'a D? would ultimately transform th mivorn- however, ii mioses onerous burdens on tho it may not be inainironriaie lor me to re i , i uence on lorci&i cumt.iiists and that it is More than a Million of doliars is ' more difficult to restrain the propensity liieousid- sometiuieg ppreheiiions acts ol mi G 0 1)1111011 01 t'lO bt't V ri ' r-l olu,lu' 1 ,IVJ (' i''u-,uii ? cm Ul IJilitlv- 'U i 11 y , ailu lci. li it ji l tie ij-iuiiii,.; ui um xmuv ovbjiuu huuhi .i v. iiiui w 4v.t i- the subject, tint the mo.-t perfect hank cir-i mS" ''"s humiliating chain of dependence j against us. And every foil neon or iilreen mental than beneficial to the interests ol tulation would be one which would be pre would be augmented, an the value anil 'years, the entire amount of the d"bt will j the people. Frequent departure in leg ciscly tonal in amount to what tin- cin-nln- 'basis of our nankin!? eanital would lm do-'be naid in interest, while tie; burdensome iislution from the true end und ureat imr- -i. . ..." i . o -i - i i ' . . . c . . iper money, first intoxicate enterprise and then enfeeble it, an.1 spr.-ad disease and un- totmoiiess into thewhole system of trade so THE CADIZ SENTIXEL. EDITED BT L. HARPER. 'US MA F HEM Alt WHOM TH TRUTH MAKAS rII." CADIZ, OHIO: JfED.Vi.SDAY MOJLXLVG, DEC. 18, I8. would ultimately transform the govern-. however, impost's onerous burdens on tho it may incnt. as it has done in Enjjian l, into a 'people, and creates a humi'.uatm depeii-;maik, that the Uim lits of legislation are degrading to not to be measured by the great number tin: iudceu:li'iice and character ol tree- ul nets passed ut a session, mere .engine iu i soim h.tml for the col lar as their inrfu -nee extends. The pnliuh- lection of the prolits of labor hv tho pro teced statesman born of England and of this cess of taxation. Furthermore, the paper ' uimi v J autocateii t:ie system ot .curreuc. in tnis Slate has been lound al- drawn from the substance ol tho people ot to U.) too much, than too little. " ."d,L "uu r piaecn tti.'in on ( ready in a great measure dependent on j the State annually and sent oil to dis- oruieand hasty legisluiioii has of sun '; , V r"iriSe lhc ,,K)1,e' market nnd state of the credit 'charge the interest on the public debt, given rise to well grounded a medium. Un tile canlrart- th -v i if ,'syslPm 1,1 l'ie Atlantic cities, and iu Fu-, m Us tendency, retards our pros-: ilml liie grand results ol the .1 .1 . . . . . irf.i i til 1 I 11 1. ...... ...I .n I... .. ...... r.( , .... I i oi.'0.... .... ... .1 ..I'.'.tia inui -u is in To Con BtshON dents. Keep your liaison for a week, or two our columns aro too crowded ul present to find room for your favors. (j- We issue the piescul number of our pa per iu advance of our usual publication d iy, si is to g vo our readers tho Goveiiioi's Messigr md luuugur.-.l Addtegs. 'I It's will g;ve our hiiuls linle rest, and they need it, for they labored faithfully, d iy ynd trght. tion in the same country would be iu the pendent upon tho fluctuations in tho stock ' principal remains, u Frf i"..11' WCW noolUvl' -'"latioujmu, kcis iii NowVoi k and in L nifloii. I iwiual drafts on tl 07" Read the excellent JJess ge of Thomas W. Hartley, in tli-s day's p iper. fjj" Tho Inaugural Addiess of ilordecai Bar ley, governor elect, will bo found in our columns to-day. Tiiero aro things in th s document, co ming font a whig governor, that ple:tse us very :nuch. His rcmaiks on Banking are so neatly dciuocratic, that he federal paityaie tilready ahJ contiiiues its per-1 poes ot civil government, hu given rise iwuial drafts on tho products ol labor, to the maxim, that ''the world is govern- 'IM - I I. 1. .1 I 1 . . . I . - . . 1 . ' -.1 . 1 . 1.1, l!n i Ira . i i . u . . , . i no cnrieiii v which lorms tne staimuru .i ue system oi n.)vo nmeui tieot, wnen eu ioo iiiucu. tttal capital" is produced ouiv bv ihe'p'roiluc-v,i!uo iu 0hi, w'uM 1,,;ui,J subject ! continued in conjiitx-tion with a paper Deeply impressed with the importance fealf ,10jr governor is but a second t4 livololor oi the couutrv. Ai incri-ase oi l" "lu M"!ul'.l"B "vvocs anu icgerae-: money system, uecomes an engine o. o. couiiniug tne muciou. o. govei ... ,e,u . ( Jq ,, , W(J he(,j ieMy.u wi,: hank paper and bitjlt loans, is cvi.K-nce of lliain practiced in slock-johljing m Wall jtnensc political power, and the more dan- to their only true and leguiniute sphere i aninerasa of debt in the A "tS-.ncli 'street. New Y'ork, and Treadneedlo street, lirerons because, from tho subtle deeet: and 'of action, the framers of our Constitution,! ,mv" ,lie ,liur s'i' 1,0 nal1 n'jt a l,!irl't'lf- banks produce debt, und no, capital, yet hy I London. coinplcity d" its operations, it builds up in the bill of rights, enjoined upon the'offiith ue mMuious opera ttons ol the paper money i I he investment of tho capital of the i a fabric of i cticions wealth, which cum-! people stem, tiiey levy a tribute upon the produc-! l.anks in government secui ities would be 'pels the productive labor of the country ! cur renco to the fundamental principles of tive industry Ol the COtmtrv. an.l taltH Irnm 1 ,i.: ...I e i..i.. i . .i mi, i'. ... . ...... ,i i ... i:... ...i.:.. : I .:i : . ' - : : no si e.t uL.t u.sL 1 1 ai (iu t?nr n.'in . nir . nn tti oeeo n its riijino e ana onea col sun t; t. 1 civi Lrne. uiiieiii is ttosoiuieiv iiecessa! t o o - . J 'i d y inner not reudiiy seen or under-1 to preserve the blessings ot liberty, this r is an exoino 1 heaiion ol t he hie!. ' irreat tiuih. to which we have all sworn . . , 1 : ir ... .. , l.,a ,.f tU. n.tlu S'.Minll . Ir.L-lnn 111 can be subuueu ana ensiaveu an auherence, siiould be the polar star in '"'-."," """ug . the products of I lboi. Tho amount paid to 'ls their banks, a..d then lend out to thetn-' more elloetuully by the subtle operations guiding tho doiiUjratioiis of legislation,! h ee day s protieed ngs of the Coon-easy -I irncs- h.'intc n.xl .1. . 1.. ........ r . . 1. .1 i .. .! I... r i . 1. ...l .1. . . . . .1 . 1 . . . 1. . .. 1. . I.. ! . . 1 . 1. .. . 1 l l ..l. ........ 1 bill of rights, enjoined upon the of faith in Moideeai Birtley that he would i ciicious wealth, w hich com-ipeoiUe 01 this state, "that a irequent re- oll v be a loo in the hands of h s son Tom ! CONGRESSIONAL. ' REPEAL OF THE '"GAG LAW.n In (he House, on Tuesday, December 3d, Mr. ADAMS, pursuant to notice given, sub milted the following resolution : Resolved, That the 25th standing rule Tor conducting the business of this House, in the wotds following: "No petition, memoiial, resolution, or other paper pj a ing the abolition of slavery in ihe D.s- triet ot Oolumbii, or any male or .territory, or the slave trade between the S or Territo ries of the United States in wh:ch it now exists, si.ttll be received by this House, or entett nncd in any Way whatever;" be and tne same is hereby rescinded. Mr. ADAMS asked for the yeas und nays,and they were oiilered. Mr. TlIOMl'SON moved that the resolution be laid upon the table. Messrs. tilDDiNGS und ADAMS simultane ously called for the yeas and nays, and the) were ordered. Mr. ADAMS said ho hoped the calling of the yeas and mys would bo proceeded with. The roll was then called, and the motion to lay on the table was neg lived yeas (si, nays 104. The question recurred on the adoption of ihc resolution on which the ye;,s and nays had been ordered, and they resulted yeas 10S, nays 80 as follows: .... t.jmnijj ai.u tant: 11 U a large . portion of its prolits. This .hownby the fact that although the addi? fto,,kll; b? arrangemmts with the J in a ma, tional capital to the wealth ol'ilin enquiry, brokers in Aew torn, could purchase .stood, yet tUeyaccumtdate lar.'eamountsol'it t'romisloc'48 ui1011 crt'dit, upon which to e -tab-: that 111:11 OH O LEGISLATURE. Monday Evening's mail brought us lh:ce mini- ineir uiumritere-.-u!u( tail upon the products js.ocks upon which the banks wore found-. the feudal system in Liu rope controlled t'cfhie all tJ . ,,ss aiii .npt to 'ed. 1 litis, by indirection, the banks can ; the dtstributio.t ol property, and enable i pediiut by'V'T''''"'! 1.11'Kl;"tw.U8 l's" ! utauufacltire the means of creating their j the few to live in idleness, luxury and a -debts ', PTK.r ,'l,.'l' 'tW ;r" '- jowu capital without drawing one dollar 'fluence, ;m 1 to keep the mass of people in trr. and iinrn H10 I..,;.;..,-. .ri.i.'i of actual cnnitul from the pockets ol the novert", itrnoranec and servility. Since I' '" A1- KlUuli.lj II 'II .1 III H I T . f ' - iu the distribiiliou of he wealth of the stoekholders themse'ives. i coujiiiy. TliL'dii'cctie.uleucv cl' t!ie M'stein ' The mvettnent of the capital in gov- merits of all measures iu the policy 1 111 iking-Lcg sl.iturc, our micros eopio eye h-8 is; oiiimeiit securities is urged under the pluii- the ! sibie garb of security to tho bill holder. ernment stocks, papo.- mone special as turetoloro o'i. iim,-,1 In to tend to the cpaiouce tf the few, and Stmie I l' .";at'-v' r . This, however, is delusive. The public 'privileges, by which a few are enabled to ad desola'ip il t 11 '. ,t-sf'"'-i domain and tho credit ol the government, tve on the prohits ol the labor ol tne 1 ' "i""1-; : was p edited tor the rcdcinntion of t ir ' mass o tho neon c. , . 1 . " . ii- thechainsof feudal bondago have worn oiriull, and insure the greatest happiness to the integrity of man bus devised the more the greatest number, and a firm reliance refined and insidious machinery of gov-! on the benign protection of an Overruling been unsuccessful iu find ng u single subject 01 idea worthy of special police. Bill hold wo wcie a little to fast tuid beg manner calculated to protect the rights of! pardon ! The House is now opened by prayer, the government. With an inflexible ad horeiice on ) our part to tho only legiti mate objects of civil government, 111 '.soiaiin system, from Ulects of tho f-o ue Hill 1 111 If Tr subject of the ja,.s MS .,-i,;k , 1 ... tempts to establish "a new sv-sttrn'ol bankin-" i'ld" no:, at all times, he redeemed on do- estsof thu country, teach us the neeessi 11 appears twin a special report made oie 'teseuc uail : r unci bi-'it - 1 1 ''elK:'1 "ssignas and mandats, and yet! The fatal ponsequcaces of such a system st sVditofuidat- these l';,lxa' currencies, because they 'of policy, to the liberties und financial inte . could 110:, at all times, be redeemed on da-;1CBln"l"'u """"""J'' . V u" if.'.mand in sneeie. .lem-rciaterl n,l of taking measures, indue time to arrest ' 'I .....LNHvi Hi I Mi: ct'.lii It. 1 vpt u 1 r 11 11 tiiiutiissiniirrn 1 iki..!,. 1 iio'o i. t i..i n. . rr ,.r . 1... 1 o r . j- io theL-'is'-if'.r. .. V 7 "V 1 ' V , , V'" "ut"s u,u the power ol the people ol Ohio to pay oil nine" tl,? y;ar -Vi . '"st k&'-T'1'' ttli,!",ko bl,gluild !kivc !lIwa'3 hem seen-Uuci public debt The p.escnttime ispe State have" been closed no a'Vl fo md'inS' rd by Vf' TT'd "'f1'1''. !culiall-v Mom for adopting a course of vent, and the of tl-comimrritv hv 1I1 means of tllu caP,t!" ' tlle ballk 1)ell,g measures tending to the accomplishment of lowi.ric.nt !.:.!. ,i,..s. X i'.A.i . la iiart of the uublic debt: vet this bank I this desirable object. I recomuieiid there- ... 'h:. ,l1rL' sttsiended specie payments, and continu fore- to your -special atumtion the para llel ei-ditv-! cd in a slate of suspension for twenty -1 moullt ,,l5"t?nce 01 ,levls'u8 8MOUS,dec- V- . I . . : J ciiroiiit t.ltii'if.n t lm.iiiin tin- 111.. 11 Hi 1. in I .! !.i,. ... : 1 -. ,. ,. isive ami emciein ineuna 101 tne iiuii.iuu.- loss bv the )pnr,. ri-,. i,ii. m' ' .' i . . ', , . . , ,. 1 1 . and entire extinguishment ot the debt ol the toss u) i.i(, lu iuceuuiou ot tne stock at six i be ow twentv-five nor cent, discount. Anlc... is estimated at oae iiaiuo.'i fo n:l fii-.. .1 : .1. . u.i. uiuuMua uiii-j liunarea am uve ao.lars and uiilefv-oni! rem hundred and" li-.ritr,.l . .. i . r 1 " uecu.uuiauoii oi government securities, or Uiindreit and sixty-four do iars and sv. ' i i c 1 . . r i i . entv-Mv rr-ir- 1 1 ,1 . i ! pledges of real estate for tho ultimate re uuj-mx ceuta. Jt is also estimated in rtie : i .- r i i same recort.t r;' th ,,,.,, v... ..... i ueiiipuou oi ua;uv paper, can never secure i,.r,,,t ,11.;. 1' .. .1. . "J v' uaiu tor mo puce ot exchange tie- uuMiiefs oi tire couulry above tl,! proner ?at.i .... f.i . . . t, . un ulluumi ui iiij uepreeia ion ot 1he it from de Nothing but cor- 1'uper cuirency is ten million,, live hundred and thuty-su thou,aa.l six hundred and eiRh-tv-thrree dollar uml .... . total ioS3,!iiu the las' i :w r f t "1 J UWUI,M:5 to the people of Ohio, of over twelve mil lions ana a half ir! ni-f?i;iruin. in l I tatnty in us punctual conversation in spe cie:, ou demand, by keeping the capital al ways at per ect command, and using it on ly on short loans, on strictly commercial can keep paper money within and prevent its depreciation Tins calculation does not 'The Slato debt is a subject of dosp so- tncludo the losses sustained hv- th:. m,,filicilti'Jii and vital interest to tho ycople of broken ban!,:, in the surrounding States; norn'i auc' to which your attention cannot . uiiiuuiu pn.t io tua Danlis bv the wav of, 00 toocarciunv uireeted. i ho IoIIowiiil', interest or tiiscount, nor any of the bank ustained"by the' people in !.: so near as it can bo readily ascertained, is the condition of tho Slate debt, as it will stand 011 the first of January next: Foreign Debt. Percent. Year, Annual Int. losses rjvul- ... w. . 1 J . . 1 . . -w.. ......n i-j.icuu eesoiiiuon ami ruin itiroiighout the State between the vears '14 and iii. A It appears from a report imide to the ocnatfi of the United States, by theSec- retaij 01 toe it-easitry, tliat the number of 5 st'k red. '50, $400.000 00 .20,000 00 SSSr tS ?rCOmC in?2i?nt I", ohi,S 1 5 st'k L 1 50,000 00 7, 500 00 ZmMZilu. 18('6 stored. '50,4,04.3,653 76 242.01!) 53 Z Z 6 st'kYed. '56, 3 412.779 24 204,700 75 lie people, is computed at! 6 st.k rcd- o0 d. sixty-live millions four 6 st'k red. '70, 067,00: Providence, tho liberties of the people will iloubtlcss be sale 111 vour hands. THOMAS W. HARTLEY Columbus, Doc. 3, 1844. h. S.ates and th three hundred an Imiidred and fitty-oae thousand four h 11 n rl thI and ninety-seven dollars, It alsq appears from the same authoritv, that thr; total a mount paid by the conuuuiiy to the banks for the usf!ot them, the ten years preceding '41, in the li. States, has been the enormous sum of two htmdreil and eighty-two millions, which would average annually twentr-eight millions, two htmdred thousand. Accurate stalisiical and liuanciul journals of the tim-js, luvniohes us witli the fol'lowim? computation of the looses resulting from tho recent bank revulson in this couutrv. to wit: un umiH cucttla. ' st'k red. 181 00 411,310 86 067,003 50 40,023 81 50, 1,500 000 00 105,000 00 Total, 17,028,682 50 1,031,220 95 Sink'g f'd st'k deducted, 83,000 00 4,980 QQ Foreign deb!, 16, 915,983 50 1,026240 95 UCIIIIMW K,ll IIU1I IIUln- . . i- 1 n.i'k-rnr.H,,! ..S1...1X. .1..' ri.r.r.X'XAXiuuisiaiiuing uo- bou.pauy Atocii Domestic Debt. Amount due tho several school funds, .$1,424,812 G4 .$86,830 14 State Stock depredated Ileal cttute 80,000,000 100,000,000 300.000,01 0 Total Jois 6752,01)0,000 Mauling as these facts may appi ar, when grouped together, they do not include any thinglike all the injury and siuTeiin? produ ced by the immense fluctuations in the stan dard of value. And,it is correctly said, thai "the greatest injury to society resnltin" Irom tins state of things, is in the upheaving of the elements of social order, and tho ut ter demoralization of men by the temptations to speculations, which cud in swindling to retain their ill-gottun riches." In attempt ing to framo a new system of ; bankina. it becomes us ta proiit bv ihi-w hii,.r r,,,;, niestic bonds, 734,869 30 Surplus revenue paid in by coun ties, 59,523 CO t-atno, loaned by State o;- counties, 82,40 1 6 1 Domestic sct ip of various kitidb, 29,432 01 44,092 10 3,571 42 4,914 10 1,705 92 Civil government lias no higher or more sacred function to perform than to protect every person in the full enjoyment of his own property, and the just reward of his own labor. Tho bill of rights, in the fundamental law of this State, declares that '-private property ought, and shall ever be held inviolate," and that Ihe right of "acquiring, possessing and protecting property," is a "natural, inherent and un alienable ri"ht." An -artful system of policy which, by its subtle and impercept ible operations, creates inequalities iu tho moans for tho acquision of property, takes from labor a portion of its rewards, and usurps its legitimate rig'ht3 in the distribution of wealth, by tho machinery of government stocks, and paper money, tho latter of which has been truly said to be "the most effectual means of fertilizing the rich man's field with the sweat of the poor man's brow," is a flagrant violation of the spirit of tho constitution, and pros trates 111 tho dust that sacred right of property which lies at tho very foundation of all civil government. 1 lie affairs ol the Ohio Penitentiary have been conducted with usual economy, fidelity and success. The number ol con victs is 403, being one more than the mini-! her a year ago. 1 ho product of convict labor for the year past amounts to $41,-' 191 3b, and the expenses amount to $23,091 19; leaving the clear profits of the institution at $18,101 17. i'he Uhio Lunatic Asylum, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum and the Institution for the Education of tho Blind, are each in a flourishing condition, and during the year past have been managed with consumate skill and ability. Theso institutions are highly credible to the people of Ohio, and are inaniiestations ol that enlightened spirit of philanthropy which is a distin guishing characteristic ol the present age. 1 ho number ol patients who have been (Xj-Puor "SjliUub" Ewixc! From the iiott.tin of our heart, we pity your Solita ry situation! Tom CorWiS, tho wcgon boy, crocks Irs whip (,-ind jokes too, for hois great at jokes!) in the U. is. Semite, while you sit on an old wheelbarrow on the tow uf the Ohio ( a.iil. cr on the bleak, wintry shores of Luke Eric, rnd soliloquise thus; "Our canals are a soli tude and our lakes a desert waste of wa ters." Poor "Solitude" Ewing! South Carolina. The result of the leconl election in this State for congress men and members of the State legislature,! (who choose the presidential electors, is lis iUiows :) Democrats. 42 1S4 Ssnnte, il.jtise, 00 CO Grand agg'te State debt 19,276.751 78 int.l, 167.444 09 1 he amount of tho interest on the pub lie debt, tho present year, is about equal to one hall ot tho entire burden imposed upon tho people of the State by way of di rect taxation. 1 his public debt has been of experience, and provide against those : evils ',contractilJ 'or tl,c soa purple the con- ona uimses which have heretofore been in flicted upon a BufTcrina nconle. A proposition has been recently malc in this State tipon the consideration of the Le gislature at the last session, somewhat new 111 its character to tho people of Ohio. It proposes the establishment of a bankingsys tem based epon Government stocks, with the special powers and exemptions of the old system under the provisions of a general law. " The cupital of the banks is supposed to be in terned in State stocks as an alleged security to the bill-holder, or, in other words, the banluara to bi founded on the basis of Gov arntnentdebt, and bank debts aro tobi made dependent 011 the debts of ihe Government lor Iheir security. Of all the schemes for banking which have been devised, this is the most objectionable, and the most dangerous lints tendencies to ths independence and purity ot the ttovernineht, and th liberties . of tli3 people. It rests fundamentally upon the Aatii-j principle upon which was estab lished the bank of England, the capital of v.hicli was originally, and has ever con linucdinvested.m tho stock or debt of the Govt rnmcnt. It nronosesa union n' hnfc stifl Statc tho formation of an incestuous Btiiiitmiuif coalition netween an organized and combined moneyed inter st, and the civ il power upon which tin people depend for the safety of their .liberties. The debtor is correctly said to be the slave of ihe creditor, so the State "under this system would become the dependent s i e ..i.i: 1.- u:. .1. c... siruciiuu ut puuno wo. us n iuiiii ine oiaie. 1 he total actual expenditure of the State nd subservient instrument of the banking ju.eirir, i lie estoiiiistimefit ol this sys- in the public improvements, including the Miami Extension Canal, amounts to S18 755,76 00, which is loss than the amount of tho public debt. The amountof theac tual cost of the investments in public works, wtjs, in part, paid by a direct tax levied for same yours for that purpose; in part tho grunts of land by Congress, the proceeds of which amount to $1,357. 733 43. About 200,000 of tho bonds of tho State have been redeemed by the proceeds ol land sales. And, besides all this, the premiums received on some of the loans, and the donations of lots and I subscriptions, may be safely estimated at 5,ouu,uuu. U appear-, therefore, that the amount of tho public debt contracted on account of the public works, amounts to between two and three millions more than the amount of the actual investment of the money borrowed m the public works. This amount, of between two and three millions, lias beon, 111 some manner not as yet fully explained, dissipated and sunk in the operation of financiering 'in the creation and management of the State debt. At the close of the year 1 835, the Ohio and Miami canals were completed, and the debt of the Stale was then ,4,600, 000. The chief part of.the State debt has been contracted during tho late swell and Dem. mnj.on joint b A. lfj J Of the congressional delegation, the democrats have eitctcd the whole. The popular vote stands demucra's. about 50,000; whigs 3154; democratic majori ty about 47,(100. Tun Next IIoi si: ok Rkpiiesentativks. -The elections so fir indicate a Whig gain of three membeis and a Democratic loss of nine. E'g'ity-cight members are yet lo be elected. We find in the Jour- 11 tl ot oommeice 1110 following tame, showing ihe position of parties in the por tion of tho House ahcady elected, viz: '29 h Congress. Old Congress. Dein. Fed. Nat. D,.m. Fed. 81 48 0 1)0 45 The States and districts yet lo elect, are rcpicscnicd in the picsent Congiess by 30 Whigs and 5S Democeats. The Slute which next elects, unless to filj vacancies, is New Hampshire, in March, 1S45. The following panigrnph, which stands by itself iu the Providence Herald, is full of touching significance: uiid what is betler, the clergy have agreed 110I lo charge for iheir orisons. Yes, and there is a little more news: Here it is: ELHCTIO.X OF U. S. SE.V1TOR. In the House 011 Thuisday, the 5th inst., the Senate came down from their chamber and the two Houses then proceeded lo ballot for a Un - ted Slates Senator, Mr. Andeison acting as a tel ler on the part of the Senate, and Mr. Ewing on the pait cf ihe House. When -upon counting (he ballots it appeared that Thomas Corwin received f0 votes David T. Disney " 40 " Ebeiiezcr Lane " 1 ' Thomas Cokwin having received a majority of all the voles given, was declared duly elected a Senator of lite Uuiied Slalcs for the termol six years, fiom and nfier the 4th of March next. JS !SK OF TBIK M PKCTK COl'KT. The two Houses next proceeded to ballot for one Judge of tho Supreme Court; Mr. Disney acting as teller on the part cf the .Senate, and Mr. Ford on the part of the House. When upon counting the ballo'.s, it appeared that Ebenczcr Lane received 02 votes. William Kcnnou, Seii. 45 " Scattering 1 " Ehi:m:.1!R Ease having received a majority of the votes given, was declared by Speaker of the House, duly elected. Yeas Messrs. Abbot, Adams, Anderson, Baker, Bimard, lienton, James lilack. BiinUeihoU', Urodliead, Jeremiah Broun, JivllhigUm, ( 'arpentvr, Jeremiah E. t'ary.Catlin, (.'linniun, Clinton, tallumte, Cumtton, Dana, Uarrugh, Ui an, Uirktn, Dillingham, jr. Uuiiean, Diinlitp, l.llis. Muter, F-irlt-e, Fish, Hurena; Foot, Ful ler, Oiddines, Byrain Uieen, Urindt, Hale, Hannibal Hamlin, Editard H. Hamlin, Hai Jin, Harper, Herilcy, Henick, tiubbelhiwfaon, liutKer'bril. J. B. Hunt, J. H. Ingersoll, Irt in, Jenh, Parley B. Johnson, Anthew Keniiidy,,o'tn P.Kennedy, Daniel King', Kirknutiitk, I. eotmid, Lyon, Met niislen, IMcC'lelland, McDowell, Mi lli aine Marsh, Edward J. Morris, Joseph Morris, Freeman H. Morse, Moslry, Acs, Ow 11, Parmenter, Pa terson. Pet tit. Phoenix, Polloek, Elisha R. Potter, Pratt, Preston, Purely, liumsey, Knthbu.n, Ititter, Kobinson, Rockwell, Rodney, Rogers, .St. John, Sample, Schcnck, Severance, 'I fioitmell. Seymour, David li. Seymour, Air bert Smith, J. T. Smith , T. Smith, C. B. Smith, Stetson, Andrew Stewart, John Stewart, Tyler, l ance, Vinton, Wentwoith, H etherel, Wheaton, John White, Benjamin Whito. Wiliinnis, HinUtnp, William Writit, Joseph A. Wright, Yost Ki8. - NAVS-Mesns. An tnton, ?.ifir, Atkinson, Baily, Jar-. ringer. Bid hick, Edward J. Black, James A. Black, Bucluvull, Howiiu, Uuyd, Milton brown, Willirtm J. Brown, Burke, Bint, Cuidivoll, Cousin, Henbeii Chap man, ITOIS OF xrivi. Ark.5s.&4. 1 "he Legislature of Ailunsas commenced its bien niul session at Little Hock on the 4th inst. John Willianifon was chosen Piesidcut of the Senate, and John S. Uoane Speaker of tho House. Acting Governor Walkei's Message is published 111 the Little Rock papers. 1 In the Senate, tbeie sre four Wh gs and twenty-one Demo ciais; in the House, eleven whigs ;md sixty-four Democrats. On the 8th iustant, the Leg slaiuie unanimously elected Chesier Ashley, Esq., as Uni ted States Senator 4mm that diate, for the uncxpiied term of Gov. fultou, deceased. Mr. Ashley is a man of tuent, and 1 thoiough-goiiij; Democrat. The Siaie has a suiplus in the Treasury of more than $100,1)00; but it iss id she is not in a con dition to pay the interest on her public debt. She now owes for uiieiest, 50-1,507. The Texinn papers state that Capt. D-ivid Boon, of the United Slates Army, attended ihe re eeut Indian treaiy as a Commis sioner from the United States, and also that L'eut. Stephens, of the U. S. Army, arrived at Waeh nglon, Tex us, on the 12th ult. with despatches from th s Gov emmt'n1, represented to be fa vorable to Texas. The Illinois Stale Register gives ihc returns from neatly all Hie counties in that Stale, which indicate an increased majority for Polk over the Stale election, John Van Ruien, Esq., sou of the cx-Presideni, it is said, will p obably be tho next Attorney General of tho Stale of New Yoik. Great Britain, The united annual incomes of the people of Great Britain have lately been estimated at from 21)0,000,000 to 310,000,000, about two yeais' of which would pay off the entire national debt. In six yeais, 1700 miles of railroad A. A. Chapman, Chill m, Cobb, Daniel, (:arrell j have been completed, at a cost " We tindeisland that when Dr. Crocker inmates of the Lunatic Asylum, during began to read the Governoi's Proclamation .i t . ...... -. . 11 1 1 'Hi 1 ....a 1... i... .t. r. tne last year is 2,0, viz: 110 males auu or luaimsivu.jj, 011 ounuay iasi, mu 1.1 her cf ihe persecuted Dorr cot up and left Ihe Chin elf.1' 100 females; and the whole number dis charged is 70. Of these 40 were recov ered, 5 improved, 13 remained in a sta tionary condition, and C died. Tho dis bursements of the State during the last year, in tho support of the Lunatic Asy lum -i,,.,,,,t t cii.tnt 00 .....1 ii., c U..., .W tH"l MW, UIIU t..W . ,. . , penditureoii the new .addition to the build- " ,J "One Effect! Il is seriously rumor ed that when the news of tho defeat of Clay whs made known in Philadelphia, that one of tho marble lions couchatit at Darts, 3. W Davis, Dawson, D berru. Delict, Drom- goole, l-'ickh'ii French, (J.ign'in, Q rider, fliirnlson, Holmns, Hofiei Hnjikins, Houston, Hubbard, Hucdies, Charles J.Ingersoil, Janieson, Cavo Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Jones, I'r stoa Kiu;, Labmnch, Lucas, .iirnp kin, McClernut.d, AluCuiincll, McKay, M'ltliiuvs, Isaac K.Morne, Murphy, AVictai, Morris, Payne, Peyton, Held, Keline. (eite, Uhett, Rodney, Snumlers, Senter, Simp son, Slidi'll, Itobe t Smith, Sieenrod, Stephens, Stihs, James W Stone, A P Stone, Taylor. Thomasson, Thomp son, Tlbntts, Wellcr, Woivlward, Yaneey 8). Vhij;s denoted by Italics. So the resolution was adopted. We are right glad that th's everlnstinfjf 25th of 51,1.00,000. The length of the navigable canals in En gland exceeds 2300 miles. Th number of inhabitable houses is 503.011 nearly double that of 1S31. A I'V.male Voter. A letter from a resident in Leceister, Li vingslon couniy, to his friend in Schenectady county, N. York, utiles that a female, dressed in nvVs clothes, swore in a whig vote, tit t lies recent election in that town. She subsequently s.ole it horse, was pursued, arres ted, and is now in jail. ings to $1 1,190 14. The receipts of the institution during the year amount to .$3,581 01. There are 95 pupils in the Ueaf and Dumb Asylum. Tho disburse ments of tho State in behalf of this insti tution during tho year past, amount to the sum of $15,234 58, ral persons, to his paw and wipe a tear from his royal ticse!" Maiblc-hcarted creature! Thou didst weep for the first time! An I.MrnnssiVK Lesson. History does There are C;5 tunila not rarnish a more impressive lesson than in thp Institution for the Education of the' is to be found in the late election of Jamos Blind. The disbursements of tho State jK- Silas Wright, find Thomas II. in the support of this institution amount Kenton, Pure and unsullied integrity, to 0,021 8G. Mechanical pursuits hove plain, unassuming, downright honesty, and been successfully introduced amonz tho manly" independence, found in them their pupils of the two last mentioned institu Hons. The public buildings fur the accommo dation uf the Legislature ond the several public ollieers of the State, are in a dilapi dated condition; in some respects incon venient and uucomlorlublc, and furnish unsuitable and very insecure departments for thearchives of the Stale. For several years the State has been paying rent for rooms, in fitting, nnd have proved, In an unparalleled contest, an overmatch for oil odverssrics. In tho President of the United States the Governor of New York, ond the Senator of Missouri, exam ples ore furnished to the young and rising politicians of tho land. In their doctrines may be seen manifes ted the true principles of democracy, ond in theirsucccss, may be witnessed the hon Mis-ouri Senators.- -The Legislature of Mis souri, hits re-elecled the Hon. T. II. Bexton and Jtuliie A'rcitEso.v to the United Stales Senate, the former for six, and lite latter for four yeais Tho vote, as reported, stood for Benton 74; Tims. B. English 32; Scattering 25. For Atche- son 101; Scattering 38. Tho whigs, although they hypocritically prolcssod much friendship of late for Col. Benton, took good care not to vole for him. Judge Atchcsou received some whip; votes, but ho risked of them no favors, nor did ho promise (hem any. New York Senators. Wo learn from the Albany Argus, that on Saturday afternoon, Gov. Bouck appointed the Hon. Homy A. Foster, U. S. Senator, to supply the vacancy occasioned by tho resignation of ihe Hon. Silas Wright; and the Hon, Daniel S. Dickinson to supply tho va cancy occasioned by the resignation of tho Hon. N. P. Talhnndge. These vacancies having oc curred during ll)o recess of the Legislature, the Executive appoints, under t)io constitution of the United States, until tho action of the Legis lature. (C7- The Republican, an ami-Native piper, in excusing itself for supporting Gen. Scott, the Native Candidate for tho Presidency, says it has yet to learn lhatGen. S. is a Native Ameri can. Well, neighbor, Gen. Scott is either a Native or he is not. Won't you admit that? Then, if he is not a Native, and is opposed to the move ments of Ihe prescriptive church-burners, do you suppose the Native organs at the east, where ho is known, would support kim? Eh? The inevitable conclusion is, that Gen. Scott is a church-burner, and being such, neighbor Allison, how can you consistently support him, if you are opposed to Nativo Americanism? Come answer that ! rule has been repealed. As lo the Constitution al question whether Congress h,;s the right to legislate on petitions of a certain character, or not, wc shall now say nothing. Congress have wasted one-third of iheir time each session quar reling about the reception of petitions which h id for their object the extinction of the institution jority at thelato elect ion, as did nf aWrv. nnd ve.-v nftonin.leed tor. often e;,c" " 11,0 towns 01 J'ex the prayers of the people have been treated by insult, neglect, and contempt by their servants. Pc'ilions, come from whatsoever source they may, should be presented by the people's servants, duly considered, and referred to the appropriate committees. Amen and .Sedition revived. Mr. J. R. Ingcrsoll give noiice that he would hereafter move to bring in a bill to -alter nnd amend the naturalization laws of the United States. Distribution. Mr. G. Davis offered the following joint resolution: Resohed by the Senate and of Repre sentatives of the United Slates of America in 1.T-.J 'PL.- C. !. Quincy, the home of John Q. A J mis, g ive a Democratic ma- ngion, Charleslowu and Con cord, lamea lor liie eaiiy nan hey bore in the Revolutionary The Proi' ob Daniel in these latter dai's. " To raise Mr. Clay, is impossible; to sink with him, if the niicmpt in made, is inevita ble, lie may complete (he ru in of the wlfg party, and flatter himself with deceitful hopes of tho futtne, but that promised hope will never come no, nev er." Daniel Webster. ditWonr n.nri. nf the. nitv riors hcslowed on those who nre true ond Columbus, for the safe keeping of a part s,te,:'df',8i i. ihwo pJ-incipIrs; while the of the public documonts ana records, and uu,u" vy' y'" """ winy, mm uif-ltucc vi i.ieir vuiucuurmo factions, furnish a warning to the false ond jrcochcrous. Statesman. the transaction of a part of the public bu siness. And an investment of some sixty or seventy thousand dollars in the founda tioD.nud matorials for the contemplated " Henry Clav is the only quarter nnjr in new ciate tiouse is lying wholly useless a political race,' said Tom and unproductive. It is evident that the " How so?" said Ned. buildings now in use cannot answer the "Because," said 7'om, "ho lias onlyi President Elect. James K. Polk visited Nashville recently, and met with a splendid re ception by his democratic fellow citizens. Ho proceeded from thence to visit his vcncrablt friend of the Hermitage, Gen. Jackson. , Clay's best nnd warmest friends are to be found among tho Algcrincs of Rhode Island This is the only State in which tho federalists have held their own since 1P40, ond here they liave actually gained over 570 votes. Congress assembled, Thnt the Secretary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, authorized arid di rected to pay ovct-to the treasurer, or other pro per authority of the several States of tho United States, the sumot $D,Jo7,il 4 UU, tho fourth in stalment of the money in the treasury directed to be deposited with tho several Slates by the net entitled "An net toregulatc thedoposites cf the public money," approved June 23, 183(5; the distribution hereby directed to be made quarter ly in equal instalments, according to the provi sions of the net aforesaid. Which was laid on Ihe tabic yeas 105, nays (53. In tho Senate, Dec. 4, the Rev. Mr. Tustin was elected chaplairj. In the House, Mr. Dancnti introduced his bill to establish a uniform time for holding the elec tion of electors of President and Vice President of all the states of the Union, which (after con siderable discussion ns to referring it to a com mittee before the standing committees were ap pointed), wns referred to the Committee of the whole on tho state of Union. We hope this bill will bo speedily passed into a law. The whole nation demands it. A resolution was adopted, appointing a com mittee to inquire if the District Banks have ex ercised Banking privileges, &-c. since tho expira tion of their charters. On the third ballot tho Rev. Mr. Daily was elected chaplain. In the Senate, Dec. 5, no business of impor tance was transacted. After the introduction of several bills of 0 privato character, which were forwarded to a second reading, the Senate adjourned over till Monday next, as is usual on tho first week of the session, to enable the Presi dent pro tern, to make his appointments of com mittees, In tho House, a number of notices were given of bills to be introduced at a future day. Mr. Stoenrod offered a resolution, providing for the printing of 10,000 extra copies of the report of the Select Committee at the last session, on the memorial of certain members of tho Rhode Is land legislature. Mr. Cousin objecting to tho consideration of ihe resolution, Mr. Stecnrod The New York Tribune publishes a letter which it says is "from on eminent friend in Kentucky" stating that " Jlfr. Clay will never purpose required by the State many run for tqutirterfifa century!" again ftturn to puttie li" A'PRimicTioN Fulfilled. The Louisville Journal, one of tho most virulent and rabid pa pers in Coormom, in September last utlered the following predic tion: The Nashville Union is cal ling for justice to Jas. K. Polk." "If Ihe Locos will be good enough to wait pa iieinly, Ihe people will do 'justice to James K. Polk' iu about six weeks." raovod the suspension of the rules, which motion was lost, yeas 02, nays T5, there not being a vote of two-thirds in the affirmative. The reso- lut'on, therefore, lies over one day, .The House which comes up to the surface adjourned over to Mandny, - In quarried Ike stonei WrRK;iiT and Fillmore. Wright runs ahead of his ticket in every county in the Slate. In Erio couniy, where Fillmore re rides, he gains larger than iu any wcsieru couniy. lie even cur ries the cily of Bufl'alo.and beats Fillmore on the regular ticket . in his own Ward. ' Nonn Carolina Legislature. -Tho Legislature of North Ca rolina convened at Raleigh, on Monday last. In the- Senate, ineffectual attempts were made to elect a Speaker. Hon. Ed ward Stanly was elected Speaker of the Hoiiso of Commons, The Pork Season. Tho Cin cinnati Chronicle says: "The great winter business of cutting pork tins commenced. Un Fri day the wealhcr became cool e- noiigh, and since then some six or eight thousand have been slaughtered. Tho quantity of pork packed here will of course bo large, much larger than at any other point in the U. Slatos. Judging from present indica tions, the quantity will be about the same as last season " Geology op the U. States. In tho lecture on the Geology of the United States, recently de livered by the celebrated Mr. Lyell, he stated that the Ohio coal field extends for a length of 700 miles, and that of Illinois is larger than the whole of En- , gUnd. The eoal is formed of r workable beds of considerable ' thickness, and in one instance, there is a bed of eoal 4(3 ft. thick I I! I I v 1 1 I j