Newspaper Page Text
DELINQUENT LIST. List of Lands and Town Lots, within the County of Harrison, returned De linquent by the Treasurer of said county, for the year 1813, with the Tax, Interest and Penalty due thereon for said year, together with the Tax for the present year, loll; LANDS. No. 3, German Township. Owner's Name. Borer. Daniel Bishop John Colvin Wm. Fowler . John jr. M'Camish Jno. Shaffer rhillip B T. Jl if 11 4 10 411 4,11 4jll 4,1 1 What part, north west corner part w half s w pt e nnniber 40 pt 3 e no 57.58 pt n e hf pt e no 47 Acres. 20 9 i i 55 Val. 44 22 7, 13 154 7 Tax, Int. t Pen n., c.i M. TOWN 1LOT-Conthuied. SMYRNA. Ow.NtiTs Nam. Tin Out WIiat part. llou Va- Tax, Int. & Pen. ! lot lot -se. hie. d c m No. 4, Athens Township. Armstrong John Grimes George D Jlinteer John 1 08)35 y e io 5 101 1! n w pt n s w pt n o I 4 50 1 2G or 154 5 ')( 4 i: 1,059 82'9 20 31 4y:0i 58 0 20,31 Minney John same same Thompson Lewis McGaw Thomas Carpenter Leonard Dodds Robert same same Poulsou John Rogers Elijah Crumley James same Hogg Thomas Marshall John McClcnagnn Josiah Thompson John llanns A F McCullotigh John Ho. 5, Cadiz Township. 13' n s e n n w 2J 27 5f, 13811 it Ml Jlolland James F No. G, Archer Township. 151111 71 n n e J U 7 No. 7, Humley Township. Ilarman Michael 5112 I) s s o 85 220 20 0.5714 No. 8, Mooreficld Township. Chandler Eli Kennedy Matthew Kiiucy Charles Mills EliasJ (heirs of) same same Pumphrey Beall sains same same same Suddith Clias Thompson Andrew ,0:1034 ehf 217 473 17.8E 2i ClO JS ptsw 10 20 OS 0 ,040 18 ptsw 01 20 98i) 010 23 ptne 27 50 2 98; 14 0 10 23 pt a e 6i 13 ,33 04 010 17 ptnw 5 11 !49'41 010 34 nw 124 275 10 11 14 eio'35 esw 71 117 4 4101 0 10 28 w s e 174 37 1 38 I'i G10'20 ssw 85 20lJ 7 8844 010 35 so 140 330 1241 1 01017 n w n 40 70 203 9 5 Pi" w n w 1 8 18 01 9 21 33 2 25 33j 12.491 65.00 " i 11.40 27.35 20 27 S TIPPECANOE. DEERSVILLE. house Palmer' Addition. FRANKLIN. MarthalV Addition. 11 18 15 15 51 131 ft 18 20 4 4 11 4 3 51.1 83,4 70 8 1 02 3 10 0i 157 15 7 43 14 157 NEW STORE NEW GOODS. Sleieart, llilligan Bennett. THE undersigned announce to the public that the y hnvm mimtmspil the nroDCrtT formerlr occunicd by Wm. Bennett and intend merchandizing penuauent 1 in Cadiz. The customers of the olil house may rest assured that no effort on our part shall be .pared to ren der entire satiBlhction to all who may be disposed to patronise us. - t We are now receiving New Good., and are determi ned to sell on the most accommodating terms. Old customers are earnestly solicited to call; and any Quan tity of new ones are anxiously sougnt lor. JAMES STEWART, WILLIAM MILLICAN, April 4. R- J- BENNETT. P. S. more details hereatter. S. M. & B. A' AND MEICINES the oast a FRESH DRUGS milE Subscriber has iust received from fresh supply of Medicines, dyes, paints, oil, &c, which he proposes selling on as accommodating terms as any establishment ol the kind in this section of the country. Persons wishing to purchase articles in his line of business would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewheic, TIlAlSisON cm7?r?f! ' I do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true List of Lands and Town Lois, returned Delinquent by the Treasurer of Harrison county, Ohio, for l!:o year A. D. 1843, with the Tax, Interest Mid Peuaty charged thereon foi said ffy, vear. together with the Taxes for the curient year, 1844. Given under my hand and seal, this 27th day of November, A. D. 1844. 1 1 1 JOHN SHARP. Cadis, November 2TM, 1844. Auditor of Harrison County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the whole of the several tracts of Land and Town Lots, in the aforesaid Lst contained, or so much thereof as will he necessary to pay the Tax, ln leicst nnd Penally thereon, will be sold ut the Court House, in the Town of Cadiz, in the Cotiniy of Harrison, on the second Monday of January next, by the Treasurer of said County; unless .... . in i t 1 . .1 'I) ...... l,., flivtA suclilax. interest and iciuiiv ue m;u to u:u nuuauici uuwic mm m..v-. Cadiz, Nov. ICth, 1843. JOHN BEALL. itok's Office, Novejibkk 27tii, 1844. JOHN SHARP, Auditor of Harrison County. CUMMliNS & HARPER. ATTORNEYS, AXD COUNSELLORS AT LAW And Solicitous in Chancery. 4 LL professional business entrusted to their care in J counties of Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont, Monroe, Guernsey, Tuscarawas, Coshocton, Holmes, Carroll, Main ana Wayne, will lie laiiinuiiy auenueu io. Office on Skubnuile Hlrerl,appotite Vie public buildings. J. D. CUMMINS, AW Philadelphia, LECKV HARPER, Cadiz. No. 9, Nottingham Township. Titus Rachel 10I1112SI e hf s e I 79 I 8S No. 11, North Township. Clark Joseph ,613 1 w quarter sw 40 0G Davis Ruth IsTll 30 w n w 82 110 Fox Thomas ;5 12 33 s hf n w 11 4 He rl us Isaac 0 12 18 pt e n e 14 2 Moody Thomas '5 12 31 ptsw 9 18 McDevitt Samuel 6 13 1 n s w 154 20 McVay James (late) C 12 17 s e hf n 8 40 55j 314210 4 No. 12, Freeport Township. Kelly James McNamee Isaac RatclifTJohn Swaney Timothy, jr. Thompson Lewis 71131 ptnw 5 7 1 1 10 w hf n w 40 7 114 pt s w 1 7 12 7 w pt n w 1 7 11 4 b w 1G1 nil 65 411 211 35411 IS 2 14 7 15 1 07,5 7,9 J7 0 2107 '-.U 111 44 i;r.f M. II. uiiauiiARr, Atlorneii find Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. IT1CE, next door west of Thomas Hogg's store, corner room, up stairs. Cadiz, May 18th, 18-13. NEW STORE & NEW GOODS. 1 Come farmers far, come neighbors nigh. Pray "call aai ice ivliat you can buy. j. r. iroon S now receivine and onemmr, un the room formerly occupied by J. Stewart,) direct from the Eastern id well selected assortment oi .pinit FEMALES liEWAUE. It is an indisputable fact, demandin;.' serious and sol emn consideration, that thousands ot the I mcst and lovliest of the temale sex, lull yearly into uu ufmmeiy ginve; the unconscious victim of their own suicidal From the Eeister of Mortality we rrml the Ueatns of Females to fur exceed those of males and that the greater portion die in the bloom ol youth, belote they attain the aire o f twenty-one, ntiy twenty ! Consump tion is a disease, that spieads its insidious ruva-es throughout the universe, and nips both great and small. Listen tuen to a wainim: voice which echoes constant ly in young ears, nnd guard yotiiselves fiom the first nnpiiiiiL' seed of this disease, which is ceitain to knit its fatal threads and hurry you to the solitary tomb! As the Kattlesnalie it warns you oi us poisunous lans and you heed it not, until the sting of death is fast riv eted in your system. It is only ut this time for the first, you will Degiu to ue conceineu uooui join ueuu. nit it m:iv lie too late, juay inese men an iuu from your slumbers, and cause you to listen to the voice of reason, aim use tne meiuume mm pioioncu and preset ved the lives of thousands when used in time, Drl. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT BEMEOV'. A medicine prepared especially for diseases of the Respiratory organs, viz; Colds, Coughs,, Influenza, Hroiichitis, soio ihroat, inllamation of the mucus mem brane, spitting of blood, asthma. For sale by nug.iil. vV. B. BEEiiE, Cadiz. MRS. W1A1ER; OR Anotlier Remarkable Curt by uting ; Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry Tre THE GREAT KtMtUY UK ' CONSUlllPTIOKl;" MONO all the famous Medicine, for Conromp- tin 'none seem to be nieenni wtn greater iuc cess, or Earning a nijnor repuiauuu derful article, Wistar't Balsam of Wild Cherry! That it standi at the head of all other remedies la now universally conceded. It ho. cured thousands unoii tlinnsniida nf all classes in case of the most dangerous consumptive character. And phyiiciaus of tne greatest eminence throughout our wuoie uoumij, unhesitatingly recommend it aa the MOST POWERFUL CURATIVE of PulmonRty diseases in the whole range of Pharmacy. The Sales in the Western States have thus far been un paralleled; and the most gratifying proofs of itseffica. cy have been received from every place where it has been used. Thousands of CONSUMPTIVE PAT ENTS have already tested its exalted virtues, and con- fessed its surpassing excellence nnd amazing power. The remarkable success of this Balsam is no douot ow ing in a great measure to the peculiarly agreeable and powerful nature of its ingredients. It is a " FINE HERBAL MEDICINE! Composed chiefly of WILD CHERRY BARK and the genuine 1C1.AIL iuu.-s (.tne latter imported ex. pressly lor this purpose,; tne rare ineoicni viriue. oi which, are ulso combined by a new chemical proces.. with the Extract of lar, thus rendering the whole com pound the most ceitain and elicaciou. remedy ever iscovereu lor Cities, a larce am! and Summer Goods, including n vaiiety of fancy arti cles. all of which will be sold at reduced ntices. His stoclt consists in part oi the lollowtng articles, 205 15 7 1331 No. 10, Washington Township. Gilmovo Nathaniel 7 1224! pt s e 87 231i Johnson James 7 12 23 w qr r. w 40 M McAfee Georg 7 12 10 n w 100 220! Martin James 7 12 3i 6 s o 80 143j Norris Otxjrge 7 12 22 e s e 80 17(ii Wilson Joha 7 121 0) s o qr n e ' 14 20' 3j4 851 T. h. JEWETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOUS I1V CIIAKCEKSr, CADIZ OHIO. Office in Pvllic Buildings, next door east of the Treas urers Office.. Dec. 21st, 1843. S. W. B03TW1CK, ATTOItKEY AJtD Ol ASEI-EOU AT LAW, ILL continue to practice in Hunison and th adjoining Counties. 0pOlEce opposite the public offices. tist, i'Stn, rer.'. Broad Cloths assorted co lors and prices, Cassimeres, Sattinetls, Tweed cloth, Jeans, Summer cloths, Linen drills, cotton dulls, Jledticliing, Alpaccas, Balzarincs. nioushiKlelaines, Bleached & bro. muslins, Holland, Black muslin, Irish Linen, luiien handkerchiefs, Lawns, Calicoes, Furniture prints, Silk3 and Satins, Bonnet silk; superior nr ticle ol every description, Silk Pocket U'dlt'fs, Black silk cravats, Black satin stocks, Laces, Edgings etc. found J LAW NOTICE. OI1N M'NEILL, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, will attend promptly to any business entrusted to him in Harrison and .the adjoining counties Office in tiie house formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. J. Fry, a few doors below McNutts Hotel. Cadiz, aug. Ul, UiU LAW rSACTZCH- AW. MOSilt E!0', Attorney and Counsellor a at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Oilico, a little west of the Oilice of the Cnisis, in the house former ly occupiid by G. W. Chapman, Esq. Carrollton, apr 18 silarg No. 14, Franklin Township. Ciorn John Pittis Rsbertjr. fStokely Samuel Folan Elias 7,13, 9 6112 25 6jl2!33 s pt n e s e ii w c s w 41 2i 00 GOj 3 99! 11431 2,50 8 No. 15, Monroe Township. mm mi (eoe 1 31 1 4611 11 74 117011 SPECTACLES. Merinoes, Leghorn, braid &: straw bonnets, Braize ue. Lames, Ginghams, Gloves, Mits i: Hosiery Flannels, white and red, Blue drillings, Apron Check, Cambric Muslins, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. And in fact almost every article that can be in any Dry Good store west of the mountains. Persons wishing to purchase a great many goods for a small amount of cash, are requested to call at the store of J. P. Wood, where ho will ever he found ready and willing to accommodate all who may see proper to favor him with a call. (fr-All kinds of country produce taken at the high est market price in exchange for Goods and groceries, may 23. rTTIIE subscribers rcsnc.ct fully inform the public that they have entered into a partnership under the firm of . SNYDER & MALLERNEE, for the purpose of carrying on the above business in all its various branches, at the old stand of Snyder k Moore, where they nie prepared to execute work with neatness and dispatch, lor all who may favor them with a call. From long experience in the business, and having none but the best of workmen employed, they have no hesitation in saying, that they will give general satis faction. They nave and will continue to keep on hand the most approved fashions. SAMUEL SNYDER, nprl8. EMANUEL MALLERNEE. f)ifMA si m m IVTARTEN TOWN LOTS. HARRISVILLE Hutchison $ WelFa Addition. Owkbb's Namb. In Out! What part. llou Va- Tax, Int. cc Pen. ' lot lot 1 j -so. hie r c i Thompson Andrew f 42 1 one-half 0 ,3 j ATHENS. McMillan Wm. (heirs of) 35 40 1 27 0 same 37 40 1 31J3 Porter James (heirs of ) 00 33 1 200i SnodgrassJM 49i 22 8l2 CADIZ. I Avery Richard 3 half 10 Olh Bigger Andrew 8 west half 20 70 l Shaw Thomas 13 south east half 22 same house C5J 4 r' N.RUMLEY IV. Liberties. Stewart 72 2 07 7 same H 2 07.7 tame 2 7 7 same 03 2 077 eatae 20 2 07 !7 ame . 71 Uireorfourths 1 038i same 64 0 2 07(7 Cmen Robert I6 t i 7 -27 Qi KimmelJohn 20 2 07,7 Unknown' 21 one-half 1 038J same 3l) oue-fourih 2 07l7 same I3 4 154 MPOREF1ELD. I Duncan Archibald ?1 22 82 9 Kiniey Charles ' 40 . 20 1 ame ' house 105 1 eame 0 15 50 51 Patterson James' 0 2 07 5 gtokeler Samuel 10 24 90 5 ' , HANOVER. Tieher Elizabelli. 34 - . 13 m oa FREEPORT. Boyer William 01 22 82!) Peoples Jonathan 0 7 20 31 ame 42 11 41 j Sharpies William ' 64 . , 18 ,, U7 9 ' TTilsen William 65 v . ' "' 18 . ,. G7 9 Wickersham Isaiah Bl 18 411 o TT'lson William P 00 13 I'jnj seme 1 11 41 4, one 1? SW ni Z 33. XvIeFADSSri Si CO. 6."), MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, TrEEP constantly on hand a large assortment of t.. Gold, Silver, Tortoise-shell, German Silver and Steel SPECTACLES, Eye Glasses, Linuen provers &C Also, Pebbles, Cataract Glass, convex, concave, per isco)ic, ))erifocal and colored glasses, to suit all ages. Special attention paid to fitting new glasses to old frames, MILITARY GOODS. .V. 85, MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. f M1E subscribers are now receiving In addition to their former stock, a large and general assortment of MILITARY GOODS, consisting in part of Swords, imctts, Uiittons, J ,aces. l orus. juraitls. Oa ns. mpoms, &.c. Volunteer companies supplied with equipments, banners, lings, &c. June Ui tl JUUN ii. McFAUUEN & Co. t'HUZZELWTT complete with nume rous illustrations: Comic BlucUstonft: Prose Fic tions, illustratine true trrincinles in their I earing upon cvey day life, by T. S. Arthur; The Grandfather, by Miw Pickering; llistory of thu Crusades; Whist Play er; Ritchie's address; Living Age, ios. tu iV, 11 ; il lustrated ShakspeareNo. 17; Lift; of James Knox Polk just received ana lorsuie ai icw lorii. prices, aug. 21. A. L.FKARER. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! Slots c Cutting. THANKFUL for past favors, the subscriber takes tlusiiicthnd ol mloinung tho public that tie still continues to carry on the above business in tno shop !e!y occupied by Bod well & Uuebcner, Cadiz Ohio, he:e all orders for E!U.l I A ft U F O O T S T O X E 31 ii X - Hii.VI'S, A" -., v ill be promptly attended to, on the most, reasonable tcrniK. l,oiAlin i.iiii.iir,LLi, Cadiz, May 11th, 1813. EOOT AND mOE STORE. a. r Tjniir'mu r,..,n n r.n,,,.v.,1 ( assortment of gentlemen's BootsyffwL Monroes, Shoes and Slippers, and Ladies, ltf&jBB Lace Hoots, Shoes, Calf and Kid Slippers. As we man ufacttired them ourselves we warrant them to be good Also, a great variety of children's shoes. We still con tinue business a t the old stand of Thomas Phillips, Esq, opposite the public buildings. up 25 HSB3 0VAS Consumption or the Lungs. 3 q r J? rj r The following we have just received from Messrs. Joi. lin & Howe, Druggists, in Newark, in this State, to whom it was communicated by John Winter, Eq., e citizen of Burlington, Licking county, Ohio. BuRMNnroN, Licking Co., O., Deo. 1, 1843. Messrs. Joslin & Howe: At your request I herewith transmit to you a statement of the case ot Mrs. Wimer and .child, as near as I am able to communicate, which you are at liberty to publish if you see fit, as I feel a dceiie to inform the world of the effects of the invalu able medicine called Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, to which, by the divine blessing, I am indebted for thu restoration to health of my wife and child. About five years ago Mrs. Wimer was attackod with a violent coueh, pain in the chest and side, and symptoms of approaching consumption. During the inteivuls lrom that time to sometime in reo. last, an had been treated by eminent Physician! from Utica, iylvanin, Homer, Chatham, ana JNewarK, ana witn only partial relief of the most urgent symptoms. A- bout one year ago sue caught a violent com, wnicn seated upon the Lungs, producing nn alarming aggra vation of all her previous symptoms. Her Physician was sunt for, and despite "his best efforts, she begnn rapidly to sink under her disease. Cough, Expectora tion, Hectic, together with night sweats, soonjedtiecd her to a complete skeleton. In Feb. last, her attend ing Physician, deemed her case altogether hopeless, a council was called and after deliberating upon hor case, unanimously pronounced bpr to bo beyond the reach of means, and expressed their opinion that she could survivo but a short time, one or two weeks at far thest. She was at this time entirely conlincd to her bed, and scarcely able to articulate, except in a whis per. Her daily paroxysmB of coughing would last her ....11.. .1.,. ... 1, .....i llltei I UpiUUi V liOUl UIILU IU UVU IIJUIO, flliw Dl icioio were they, "that wo did expect that every paroxysm would be the last. The Physicians in council, pro nounced her Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Spine, end Mu cus, Membrane of the Stomach to bo incurably dis eased. It was at this Inst extremity that we happened to obtain a pamphlet describing Dr. Wistar's BuIbuiii of Wild Cherry, us applicable to Lung ulfections. We immediately sent to you and procured a bottle, and commenced it3 use tit evening by giving her one tea spoonful, and such was the surprising effect, that sh was able to pass a comfortable night's rest, without ex periencing any paroxysm of coughing, and such wai its ultimate ell'ect, that after taking 5 bottles she was, contrary to the expectations oilier physicians, turn eve ry one ho saw her, entirely restored to health; and since lust summer has done the entire work of her fam ily. Alter the last attack of Airs. Wimer, our young est child, then nn infant at the breast, was taken down nnd rapidly sinking, with the sume symptoms as its mother, and seeing the happy ellcct ol the Balsam 111 the care of the mother, we were disposed to make trial of it fur the child, and it was attended with the same perfect success. j tie anove statement can no attested ny our pnysi- cian as well ns our neigiioors unit acquaintances, who uw Mrs. Wimer during the course of her sickness. Very truly, yonr. ic JOHN WIMER. Burlington, Licking Co., O. The case of Thomas Cozens is related by himself is IblloHs, and acknowledged by all who know him us one of the must astonishim; cures ever performed. HAunnNwtxn, N. J., April 20, 1843. On or about the 13th day of Dec. I84I, I wm taken with a violent pain in the side near the Liver which con tinued for about live dujs, niid was followed by the ii .caking of an ulcer, or something inwardly, which relieved the pain u little, but caused me to throw up a great ipiantiiy of oliensive matter and also much blood. Being greatly alarmed at this, 1 applied to a physician, but he said he thought he could do but little for me ex cept give mo some Morcury Pills, which I refused to take, feeling satisfied they could do me no good; many other remedies were then procured by my wife and friends, and none did me any good, and the discharge of blood and corruption still continued overy few days and at last became so oliensive I could scarcely breath. 1 was also seized with a violent couirli, which ut times THRESHING MACHINES OF every description made and repaired in the short est possible notice, and in a neat and workman like manner, and warranted to perform to the entire sat isfaction of the owners, on as reasonable terms as any other establishment in this country. All kinds of cast ings furnished on short notice. Also clover hullers made on the most improved plan. Please call at the shop on Warner street, Cadiz Ohio. CHAS. PATTERSON, j uly 3. 3m . 91MON BRICKER. CRABB & ROBERTS, TAILORS, r ESPECTFUI. LY inform the citizens of Cadiz, ami JlV vicinity, that they have removed to the frame building recently erected by L. P. Milligan, Esq., on !Uf,,-!.-,l tlrwi.f Am, I ,mnn;tn l,,w,N. Kfl, .' & Co's Dry Goods Store,) where they arc prepared to do I caused me to raise much more blood than I hod done work in a stj Io, which shall not bo surpassed in tiny other shop in the county Thankful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a continuance of public patronage. N. B. They earnestly request nil persons who are in debted to them for work done, more- than six months ago, to come forward and settle their respective accounts without lurlher delay. apr 4 B. Co. 1. A..TfIO.V WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Axr inAM:R3 in PITTSBURGH IMAKUrACIURED RTICLES Xo. Itt Liberty Street, Opposite the head of Smithfield street, june 5, FiTTSBunoH Pa. J. VIEW SSTA2IXSIXX3EI3T. MJ:clieol & T. I), (jiriiiifs have commen ced the Mercantile business in the stand lute v occupied by Hooo &, Wood, where they invite their menus ana me puonc generally, to cull una examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere, ns they are de termined to sen as low ns any establishment in the place. MAUUUJJ GRIMES, lenruary 0, ion. A. RICHARDSON, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, AND DEALER in Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, KeJTAfJLUS, A XI) SPECTACLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Clocks and Wntchcs repaired and warranted, No. 71 Market street, 1 piTTsnunoii. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY.Dcpotnt Steu benville. The valuable publications of this soci ety aie remarkably cheap. Among some of them now in store are D'Aubigne's Reformation, 3 vols. ; Hills Scripture History; Abbotts young Christian; do. Moth erathome; do. child do.; Memoir. of Dr Payson; do. Jus. Taylor; do. Harriet Winslow; Mammon by Har ris; 1'iaveis I'ouuiuinouiie; iaxici'H sunns rem; , eurrs Duty of man ; Persuasives to eurly piety ; Wilberforce's pructicul view; Melville's Bible Thoughts; Edwards' History of Redemption, Slc, SlC, ut the Bookstore of nov. U. A. u. i' it A, e, it. "J.'c sure yotPrc right, then go ahcadP SADDLE, HARNESS & TRUNK MAKUrACTORr. MEDICAL SCHVlCliS. rMIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully solicits those in J debted to him fur professional unices, of longer standing than six months, to call immediately nnd set tle oil'; noro particularly those who know themselves indebted a number of years. If they cannot discbr.sge all the debt, to pay a part at least, make'julticmtnt. It is extremely unpleasant to he under the neensxity of dunning, but much more so, of enforcing polloction. But the law is for the disobedient, sept. 4th. 3mo. M.WILSON. WESTERN EXCHANGE, Cadiz. Ohio. A. I CHOSKEY Psorsif tor. March , 184-t JAYNEVS EXPECTORANT. 1 J HAT can be more trying to the lielmgs ol a V mother, than to behold hor infant writhing in the agonies of cholio or wasting away under that ter rible scourge of infancy, cholera, infantum, or summer complaint f and yet a radical cure can be ctlected with speed and certainty, by administering to the little suf fercr that inestimable preparation JAYNU S CAR MINATIVE BALSAM, which is adapted to all com plaints of the stomach and bowels, liver or nervous system. In the South and W est, it occupies a promi nent place in nearly every domestic medicine chest. ASTHMA OR PHTHISIC is caused by a lodgment of phlem or mucus on the air cells, which obstructs the passage of the air through the wind tubes, Jayne's Expectorant removes the ob structions with the greatest facility, and cures the dis ease, l'repnreo only by Jjr. Jnyne, JNo. at), South Third St., Philadelphia llie above medicine for sale by nov. 27 McBEAN 4. KNOX. Cudii, SOLAR LA MI'S. TIIE Subscribers arjnow receiving an extensive as sortment of Patent Solar Lamps, and Girando les, of new and beautiful patterns, suitable for church es. hulk, parlors, stores. Steamboats, &.c. These' Lamps are constructed solely for the con sumption ol lard; nnd are warranted to produco a light equal to the best Sperm Oil, and at one-half the cost. (tT-Order from abroad promptly attended to, JOHN B. M'FADDEN &. CO., B5 Mapket Stskk.t, October 3d, 1844tf. PITTSBURGH, i SAMUEL TIM 3IO NS WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his shop to the corner brick, opposite Thomas Hogg's old stand, now owned by Mahooti &. Grimes. He intends to sell cheaper than the cheapest, and without a disposition to talk loud, ho will sell for ready pay the cheapest of any other establishment in the western country. Beef cut tle and Hides will be taken in exchange lor worn. Come ahead nil you who want bargains. apr 4 CHEAPEST AND BEST BOOST 4- SHOES. rpHE SUBSCRIBER thankful for I past favors, offers to his old custo- sa mors and the public generally the lur- J est and best assortment of Boots and Shoes, (lumps and gnitors, and half gai- tors. cluldrens, otc, toeetner witn cv cry article in his lino of Business ever ofTfercd in 1 , fc put 'IV Dr, JAMES f'RUMLY RESPECTFULLY informs his old friends that hp has resumed the practice of Physic and Burgory, at the town of IRAN KLIN, HARRISON CO. O. ." and he hones bv strict attention to business, and by moderate charge., to merit unci receive a fall shnre of mblte pntrofuufM. ilia nivdniucs ere tresn ana genu (june l'J. this market. He still continues to manufacture boots, shoes and every nrticlo in his line, in thp neatest, cheapest and most lusiuonanie stylo, lie also Keeps constantly ou hands, till kinds of leather, kill skins, men and woman's uiorocuo skins, lining and binding skins, sparrowbills, pegs, nnd all kinds of Shoemakers tools, nun huttings ol every kind, nnd also a goou as sortment of trunks of different kinds; and a first rato as sortment of bruss clocks, shoo blacking &c.,--ullof the above he pledges himself to sell as cheap as tho cheapest. And if he cannot convince the purchaser he can do so, he will not ask them to buy, but would earnestly solicit .1 ... ! 1 1.! 111 r..- l-... triose wisiuug io uuy, io jjfivc 111111 m uh;i owiuiw puiwin sine elsewhere, as he is determined to sell very low, par ticularly for cash us hcis in wnntof the article. He is still at hisold stand on Market street. . june 5. . . SAMUEL SLEMMONS. 1,. ... .iv "nil .wiui'mv. j C, "f ItVWIJl uu'UUiTnn, mm Having iuti- - V-A''Sl ' and stock, for that business, he mmMtuiJtitt before, nnd my disease continued in this way, still grow ing worso until Feb. when all hope of my recovery was given up, and my Inemls ail tnouglit 1 would die witn a galloping consumption, At this moment, when my hie was apparently drawing near at a close, 1 Heard ot Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, nnd got a bottle, which relieved me immediately, and by the useof only th:ee bottles of this metlicinn, all my pains were remo ved, my cough and spitting of blood and corruption en tirely stopped, and in n few weeks my health was os far restored us to enable me to woik nt my trade, (which iaa Carpentei) and up to this time I haveenjoy ed good health. Witnkss. I nm acquainted with Mr. Thomas Co zens, arid having seen him during his illness, I think the above statement entitled to full credit. SAMUEL II. BURROGHS. Gloucester County, SS. Personally came before me, the subscriber, one of the Justices of thu Peace in and for the said county, Thom as Cozens, and being fully nllirmcd according to law, snith the above statement is in nil things true. THOMAS COZENS. Affirmed before me on the 20th day of April, 1843.) J. CI.LMENT. ) (ttr We publish nn fictitious statements. Price $1,00 per bottle. frt- For sale in Cincinnati only by SANFORD St, PA1K. At their Western Depot of Valuable Medicines corner of fourth & walnut sts. Sold in Cadis by W. B. Beebe, in Stcnbenville by A. L. Prefer, and iu Mt. Pleasant by John Hogg. ' . Q- Sand ford &. Park tiro General Agents for the west. june 19. J .ECLECTIC series. Kirkhum's & Smith's Grammars, 2j lec. all cheap. J.P.WOOD. maj SB. BOOK, JOB AND CARD PRINTING. THE SLWriJLX OFFICE now supplied villi decidedly the greatest variety of BQOK AMD JOB -TYPE, IN EASTERN OHIO; ' Conscqnenlly we are prepared to execute EVERY VA K1ETV OF PRINTING, in the neatest style, on the lowest t enns and on the shortest notice. Certain hall learned printers, or rats, in these quarters, pretend to uu pruning, nut 1 1 icy succeed nuout as well as a tinn.r would in mending u watch ! Give ui a call. flatters himsidf he can accommodate thopuhlio to their satisluction, ns his terms shun be very reasonable. H. H. Oft e n"''8 0,8om't' izcs, iust received nnd or MiJ sale lowty , r, wuuu. coo iw I'HINTliD AND rUULISIIIil) EVERY WEDNESDAY Bl' L. HARPER. , ,, 'Qr Thumb. One dollar nnd fifty cents per annum, II paid in advance, or withln'three months; two dollars at the end of six months ( or two dollars nnd fifty cents at the end of tho year, fjj-These conditions will be strictly adhered to. , 03 Aovrrtisino. Ono square, (twelve lines,) fiftT cents for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents each wibscqncnt publication) A liberal discount made) hose who advertise by the year. ;' .,,, , 03- Letters to the editor must be poet paid. , r 1!