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' TV S T, i i w s" v " $ i ilk v nwtr.'"- --.a - THE CADIZ SE.TiNEI, j cite t!ic:r mtlonal honor; but scfuitcd' hy a rn-' jrex; dts'ie Id pit-serve the gfMtr..l pe-ii-e, nnd i! v pw of the pioseut oad l;on ot" Mex r.o, thi' Ext'cut '. e, lest tig upiiu its inu'gi ty and no' fearing Luc ih? judgment of wwld w II duiy upp: relate it niulives, abstains liom rec ommending to Congress a resort to measures of redress, and contents ilsclf with re-urg;ng upon llial budy prompt and immediate action on the subject of annexation. By adopting that mea sure, the United States will be in the exercise of an undoubted right; and if Mexico, not regard ing thoir forbearance, shall aggravate the injus tice of her conduct by a declaration of war a- gunst tliein, upon her head will rest all the re? pons.uility. "JOHN TYLER. ? 1112 EDITED EY L. ITAISPiR. HE IS A FKLEIUN Will Tin: TlilTII MAKKS FREE." CADIZ, OHIO: 184-1. .. .i:.t.i.: ...!. 1 iu uiu uimcuuies uru uuscuiru, we learn that an insurrection lias bro ken out at Guadaloxara, Guana juata reported upon at all it mnst bo adversely. You w 11 observe by the proceed ngs tliat the iidi fii gihle D mean, ofyuui stale, bus succeed ed in getting a s One Dsy Election Bill passed in the House ulinost by a unanimous vo;c! The Doctor descivcsihe universal thanks of ihe de mocracy. We shall have a Texas war in Congress, aud no mistake. Iu the Senate Mr. Mt Duflie, of S Carolina, has introduced joint resolutions see Congressional headEd. Sont. providing for the Annexation of Texas, according to the principle of the Tyler Treaty, iu fact he quotes its very words. Mr. Beutou, on the other hand, has a gain brought forward a bill to provide for the An nexation of Texas, by Treaty with Texas and Mexico. It is the same Bill he introduced last OHIO LEGISLATURE. ('0BKESrOMI.XCK OK HIK (Ani SKXTINEL, Tl.:. ...:n i.: .i - . . . . dc t i iii -'M u i. i uis iu uinij; me iwo creat senators ban Lms, headed by (seneral . . 0 . , ? n , 1 I tho Smith in rlncn ftiirl ivfiTm rvnIi VT. f J IUK V1VUV Kilt (11 VVIIlllUli 1UU ' U. Stales and elle.vico: IMlV'tT.ANT DIPLOMATS CCRllilSPOXDEXCE! MESSAGE R1-. VOLUTION Oiir e. IX Mi'Xico! m:ii'-: or deuce, Iclw; our Aluii-.itcr IIejox, the eign Aii'tir?. enpies a larg led A re?:! r :n rr; I'll by the last VC i' The Asuctm moastro.tcd w:t-i Santa Ajkw, on the i'areiulc, who calls the President to account lor the immense sums of mo ney he has expended. Santa Anna had raised an army of 10,000 men and marched on Guadaloxara, to put down the insurrection. The New Orleans. Picayune of a late date says that the late news from Mexico, throws a darker shade over the fortunes of S:mta Anna, ond gives a more imposing front to the revolu tion headed by Parcadcs. A letter from Vera Cruz, dated on the 30th of November, states that the revolution in Jallscof presents each day an aspect more formidable. Gen. Parcadcs is raid to bo at the bend of 8 or 10,000 men, and the south is uniting with tho disalfected. Zicatecas, Aguas Calicn- co, ana Senior ;tcs ;U1d a nart of San Luis Potosi x; 31 mister of For-! have seconded or approved of the This correspondence oc-! prommciamimto of Parcadcs, while gnaee. and we can bare-!'1 's asserted that Oajaca has also de- j dared acainst Santa Anna. The lat ter has positively declared against the Congress, while that body is daily pub- C'filisliiny; every document received, both an 3 i; lister h the Gcvernmnt vin? rc :l::d invasicii!for v.vA against the revolution; a cir- ofTexa.5ana:;.?iY has led to tho su pennon, ent, of all iiitercoumc bciv ,-rwas rcu;mcd which eumstanco which would indicate that 4r. pref ! the iiicmbers are determined to act in- depcndcntly, and hav ent, el nil i:),ercour::c .vriween Imn and r-- , . --"'hi . . e . , . ' . ,T iD:c!ator. Inat-a maionty ci tlie v- -'--"i-u are in lavor oi a ciiange oi govern- little fear of the :m contend-:, ni lix ki Willi Tex:vs by iho m ent o!!g!;t not n manner l:?vh':vi i IT it -a::. 2,!. '1'iu! not be. v. lion5? . for the t the 1st. is 1 iich 1 v."a V13 a ci hat a war : meat, and heartily sick of the tyranni-Govern-:cal and oppressive measures of Santt ed in thc'Amn, wo see no reason to doubt, and ed to car-ithcy are also in favor of his being cal- ?tr should :lou to a strict account for his actions gotia-!prcvk'U3 to the convening of the Con- M: Th rightful pu rename e the sr. To: beer 'f T . 1 u- proc.'tu. :,h. Tu: nited S! ite-. Th.: nl Kir - Tcxa? was pendent. C Texas c.i 'I'cxa r.a. 4th. ri. i.i. Ti . . .i -act a tie same letter imcwiae states uiat i i A . 1 I 1 y tao a"ia jxmvx nas, or win nave, on That by ' reaching, a body o? 10,000 of 1821, 'men, and also that he has obtained aid hide-! '300,000 from the brokers of the city, tho ac jukUlon cf to carry on his operations with activi orhwo to the U-jty. Whether this money was obtain :.!.ra!:c:3 sta-'ed by a forced loan or otherwise is not v.i'l says he, in ! stated. The writer of the letter, in tao event of war being wagcxi against i addition, seems to verify the rumor giv- Texas, render tho United Stat: follows: "Tho t "high.'y ofleasivo to 'en yesterday that Santa Anna hud cx ily concludes a'ecuted several officers who were lea mdcreiinicd has becn'gued against hiin. m have declared in favor of the movement of Jalisco, so it is said. If this be true, ikewiso instructed to repeat to your Tlascalo, Apetatotla and Chante ixccilency, Avhile making the present pan, in the Department of PucbJa, ha protest, t:iat wh.'ch has already been stated by tho Chargo d'Afiaircs of the United States, on tho announcement of! Smta Anna seems to be surrounded the concksbn of the treaty, viz: that 'on all sides by enemies. the measure hr.3 been adopted with no! view of hostility towards Mexico, and! that sinuid annexation be ted, the United States will coiisuinma-,1 be readv to! FEOH VASHING'JFOW. Special Correspondence of Ike Cadis Sentinel. F'ttc a i on tho n The ; c;gn MVM Oir..Ci i i.i ing to Jo y of en-; connected with it ral tc ;!!:,.." tho Miitisior of For- o'S Senior tho Unite: li Washington, Dec. IS, 1311. L. IIasi'i:."., Estj. : Congress is now "in the full lido cf successful experiment." 'Tis seldom ;jo:i, is to the t!wl a q:iora:n is f jimd preseut at I be begiuning has no'ta-ioftho session, in either branch; but "from the With the internal aO-.lirs of i won! go" this winter, nearly every member was Mexico, and that tho beimior of that!'" h:a place, which is evidence of the iulorcst ::-r r. X X)wer t j i. the hi!.;' lie ia'imai;:j iLi does no! sj-::ik li ty of tlie pooie en the ;-:-.C- j ;:i of Tt.-: Mr. 6.'iA"xo:i rejoi, and &-sv."."ihr:fr i.ho A ::ices is ny Ij: .:ver;v.i fiiannon ivies oi a m f jon of tho of a cirr:i :-er vis to L tive to i:.r.:v men, cf Mexico tho into cf Lh Ex.e ultimo, w;!! be i:nmediate!v iv f -nv;l tn not: manifested by the people's servanis in the mo- natio!l.:ni:lloU3 l"Cslions which now njritaie the public mind. ' iori-! S'raiijj; as it m :y seem, persons a:e here from tilled ?;ate.- cvc i' lKUt ' 11:0 U1"c1) (wings I mean) who are l( ;y-i(;;iing aud electioneering tor Presidential candidates in 1S48 ! Although Mr. Clay is poli lictiliy dead, yet there are men crazy enough to talk of running birn another heal! Cut black ihn Webster, who once asked the significant ... i .i .i .: i.i .,1 CAt ioilgill.l cf "AI. C lie-1 ::nh'.:r h of such! arc hhi no altcrna-i :o t ) t.::o Govern-1 'ucst,on' "wlcro 8la 1 S0?" 'm opinion of 'f ! f'Ki-r'li r ivMi 1 matiy, siands the best change for a nomination, ' .- . i .1 ... . ...1 .... . i . n ids ( uovera:noat ijr their fur Btructions ; and mat u;i c t :ev nrn withdrawn, all further official inter-! vrno,1 tD ccltily l,'at ,llC ,noou is madc ,rfiroon course bot veen bii ind t!m Cnvwn ii'lieeso, and that his character is as pure as snow ment cf Mexico must bo nwvM iuml chas,e 88 ice Dan 8u'c, ". until these insimctiotw are revived iu"adu,toratcd oW 1,cdcra,i8' ,he ilar,furd viiiiveiKiuii siiiiii), auu oi course win oc more popular v illi the enemies of tho Democracy.--And moreover, he was the first man, before iho election, to come out openly and boldly, in fivor of Native Americanism. Hence, I am of tho o piuion, 1 hat he is the most available man in the coon runks at present. Hut nous verront, as fa ther Riich'e savs. ncr m- by the universal coon party, to beulcn four years j hence. Il-s morals are about as good as those of Mr. Il irry of the Wes', but he too, if it is ne cessary, can procure any number of fodoralclcr- A nisongt.'r was immcdiitr..!v 1..c. patched to Wasliington, IjcanWihoa- bovc correpondonce. On the IDth inst.Trcsidcnt Tvleu transmittctl to both Hours' cf Con gress a Mcs-aje, embracing cooio3 of a3spaic):c3 trom v.overnor Shannon Tho Captain, talks cjuiic belligerent givesj a history of the indignities olfer- cd by Mexico to the United Stales, by tho oficn ivc language used by Senior jtlejon alludes to tho delay of Mcxi- . t . " co in paying ct-r intlc-innittcs and ur ges the annexation of Texas in strong . language, The Message concludes in these words: . "A couisof conduct-such as h?. bcen'do Bcribed on the p:rtof Mexico, in violation of all friendly fi'cling raid of-tho courtesy which fhotild clmiacicr zo the inteicoitiso between the nations (.f lha earth, "nVght well justify the Uni t:d Ptatrs in a resort to any measures to vindi-j Don Quixote, alias "the old man eloquent,' alias John Quincy Adams, lus again resumed his woik of agitation. That everlasting 25lh Rule has given more trouble to him llinu u legion of homed men from the kingdom of Tartarus. Ma ny members voted for its repeal, to got clear of tho old man's importunities, others from princi ple. Iho South don't Ike the repeal, no way you can fix it, bnt I tjiink if members fronthc tropical sido Mason and Dickson's Line would but ook at the matter as they should, they will be satisfied. Petitions for tho abolition of slave ry will of course now be received and referred, J. Ingersoll of the House, has also introduced Annexation Resolutions of the Tyler Treaty stamp. Mr. Benton's Bill is as follows: A Bill to provide for lire annexation of Texas to the United Slates. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- piesentativcs ol'the tinted States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United (States be, and he hereby is, authorised and advised to open negotiations with Mexico and Texas, for tho adjustment of boundaries, aud ilie annexat on of the latter to the United btates, on the following bases, to wit: 1. I he boundary of the annexed territory to in the desert prairie west of theNeuces, and a lonjr the highlands and mountain heights which divide the waters of tho Mississippi from the wa- teis of Hie Kio del Aoile, and to latitude of 42 degrees north. JI. The people of Texas, by a legislative act, or by any authentic act which shows the will of the majority, to express their assent to said an nexation. HI. A State, to be called "Me stale ofTexax, willi boundaries fixed by herself, extent not exceeding that of the largest slate in the Union, bo admitted into tho Union, by virtue of this act, and on cuual footing with the original States. IV. The remainder of the annexed territory to he tieM and disposed ot by tlie United islates as one of (licit- territories, and to be called " the Snutiurctt FerrilQTy.'''' V. The existence of slavery to be forever pro hibited m the uartnern and northwestern part of said territory, west of 100;h degree of longitude west from Greenwich, so as to divide, as equally as may be, the w hole of the annexed country be tween the blavchoiding and non-slavcholding Slates. VI. The assent of Mexico to bo obtained by Irealy to such unnexation and boundary, or to be dispensed with when the Congress ol'the Uni ted States may deem such assent to bo unnecessary.- VII. Other details of the annexation to be ad justed by treaty, so far as the same may come within the scope of ihe treaty-making power. From movements made by the democratic members in tho Senate and House, in f.ivor of Oregon, I have strong roasons to think that Con gress will nut postpone acting definitely on that important subject. Oregon is ours, vc must have it, and new is the time. You have no doubt seen the correspondence between Governor Shannon and the Mexican minister. Shannon, I am afraid, has made him self lidiculiiiis, in his attempt to gain notority by a diplomatic war. He may represent the views and wishes of Calhoun and President Tyler, but iho democracy here, and in fact discreet men of all parties, look upon his movements as ill-advised and highly censurable. In the Supremo Court recently, a motion was made by Francis C. Trend well, Esq. of Portland, Maine, for a writ of habeas corpus, to bring Gov. Dorr to Washington, and enable him to petition the Supreme Court for a writ of error, or that a writ of error bo allowed by the court in the case Affidavits were read, to show that the Inspectors of the Slate prison at Providence have refused, and persist in their refusal, to let Governor Dorr sign, or even sec, a petition to ihe Supreme Coun for a writ of error. Tho citizens cf Providence have signed the petition, as ihe near friends of this persecuted man. God giant a favorable an swer to their prayers, and the whole nation, as one man, will respond " amen!" ANOTHER ROORBACK EXPLODED. The Pennsylvania Electoral College assembled at Ilarrisburg on Wednesday Dec. 4, and soon af ter the organization, proceeded to ballot for Pres idant and Vice President, when it appeared that Jami's K. Polk and Geojigk M. Dallas each re ceived the whole 20 votes, the first for President and the latter for Vice President. The New York College of Electors, met at Al bany on the same day, and the 33 electors cast their unanimous vote for J ami's K. Polk for Pres ident, and Ghohoe M. Dallas for Vice President As each Elector deposited his ballot, tho " deep mouthed cannon" told the tale to the world with out; and when the chairman announced the result, emphatic and vehement shouts of applause burst forth in every part of the chamber. Good ! Good ! ! What now have the Roor backs to say? To get clear of paying their bets, the rascals published it far and near that the Penn sylvania and New York Electors would not cast their ballots for Polk and Dallas ! But now their vilo falsehoods burn their lips; and if they have any sense of shame left, they should hido them selves in the caverns of the mountains, and nev er dare to look honest men in the face again Who would bo a Coon? Col. J. G. Watmough has resigned his place as Surveyor of the port of Philadelphia, and J hotnar Cooper, Lsq., father of Mrs. Robert Tyler, has been appointed in his stead. Twenty-seven Federal whig newspapers, that, having supported Mr. Clay through the late campaign, have now come out openly and boldly for Nativism. We hope that' the opponents of Church-burning will remember this. CoLi'MHis, DtxeinU r 19, IS 14 L. Harper, Esq.--ZMrr Sir: 1 promised to give you the news of the Metropolis of Ohio, but until this momenfiiave not found time to fulfil that promise. Columbus is unusually lively this winter the Democrats are the most cheerful set of fellows I ever saw and it is the easiest thing in nature to distinguish the coons from the locos in passing through the streets; for the former class of animals look as if they were returning from a funeral, " with lengthened faces, long drawn out;'' while a smile perpetually plays on the lo cos' phizzes, like sunbeams on a quiet lake ! To see our friend Sam Medary for a moment, is au infallible cure fordispepsia; while little Johnny Twiz.le of the State Journal looks " like hunger on a mounment, smiling at beef." This is all owing to the election of Col. Polk, to the Tre sidency. Now, I shall give you some of the proceed ings of tho whig Legislature, and must go back several days, to bring matters up light. In the Senate, Dec. 9, Mr. Perkins offered the follow ing siring of resoultions in regard to Texas: Resolved, by the General Asscmhly of ihe State of Ohio, 1 hat the Government of the Lumted Stales is a government of delegated powers, de pending for its authority on the express loiter of tho Constitution, or on its lair and just construe tion. Resolved, That the Constitution gives no pow er, expressly or constructively, to the Legislative or Executive departments, or both united, to as sociate any foreign power in the administration of Ihe Government of the Uuited States. Resolved, That the United States area pofti carfirm whereof the several states are members, and that no foreign power can be admitted into the firm wilhout the express consent of each of the members, by the people thereof. Resolved, That any attempt by the Congress of the United States, its executive, or other olticcrs, to form a union with any foreign power would be nugatory; that none of the states not giving ils express consent thereto, would be under any ob ligation to unite in such new confederacy ; and that should a porlion of the slates of this Union lorm a confederacy with the government of lex as, through 1he instrumentality of our federal of ficers, or of Congress; such an act will impose up on the people of Ohio, no obligation to unite in such new confederation. Resolved, That slavery is an institution pecu iar to the states whose laws admit it, over which, in such Stales, the government of the United Slates has no control, and on account of which it has no responsibility; and that the people of Ohio and oilier free Slates, arc and ought to be exempt from the wrong and charges thereof: but that the an nexation of Texas to the United States for the sup port of slavery, will identify our national govern ment therewith, and subject the state of Ohio, and the other free stales to the disgrace and char ges of sustaining it. Resolved, Therefore, that as Kcpresentatives of Iho people of Ohio, in her name, we protest a- gamst the Union of lexas with the United states, as unconstitutional, unjust, revolutionary, and ten diugto disunion. Resolved, That our Senators and Representa tives in Congress be requested to use their utmost endeavors to prevent the annexation ol Texas to the United Slates. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of these re3olrtions to each of the Senators and members of Congress from this Slate with a request lhat they procure them to bo entered on Ihe Journals of each House: and lhat tho Governor be requested also to forward a copy of the same to tho Executive of each of tho Stales, with a request lhat they may be placed before thesr respective Legislatures. These resolurions wore referred to the Com mittee on the Union. Whoever heard before of a Si te Legislature raising a committee to lake chargo of National affairs? I thought that was the business of Congress, but coonery is getting wondrous wise ! Iu the House, on the same day, the following resolutions were offered by Mr. Flinn. Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the General Assembly of the State of I Ohio, lhat" far lroin having any personal objec tion to the annexation of Texas, we should be glad to see it, wilhout dishonor, without war, with tho common consent ot the Union,and upon iust and fair terms." Resolved, l hat, " we do not tlmik the subject of slavery ought to affect the question one way or the other. Whether Texas be Independent or incorporated in the United States, we do not be lieve it will prolong or shorten the duration of that institution. It is destined to become extinct at some distant day, in our opinion, by the oper ation of the inevitable laws of population. " Resolved. That, " it would be unwise to refuse a permanent acquisition, which will exist as long as the globe remains, on account of a temporary in- sttlui ion. ' Mr. Flinn moved that it be referred to the com mitlec on the Union. Mi. Foko hoped it would not be referred, but disposed of at present. It was evidently not oil- erod for the purpose of affecting tho action of Congress, but as an insult to part ot the members upon this floor, more the chair interrupted the gentleman, and informed him lhat he was out of order, and that they must regard the resolution as offered in good faith He said he knew he was not strictly in order, but it did seem to him as if the resolution could not a fleet the action of anybody, and he hoped ihe reference would not be tnado. Reference lost. Mr. Ford moved that it be indefinitely post poned, the motion was caned; yeas 41 naysdl Now, if to offer these resolutions was an in sult" to the whigs of the House, was not their indefinite postponement a greater insult to lien ry Clay? for you will perceive that they are care fully drawn up in Mr. Clay's own very language before the election which was then deemed or thodox by every coon in Coondom ! But times ain't now as they used to was ! Nothing of importance was transacted in ei ther branch on tho 10th, several associate judges were elected. DusTBicTive Fihe. Tho Cumberland Valley Railroad Bridge at Ilarrisburgh, Pa., wos des- trovndbv tire on thn4lli inal It nun but that will be tho end of them, for if ihey we Several lives were lot. tors and requesting our Representatives to tote for holding the election of Pres'dential electors on the lime day throughout the Union,' reported back the same with a recommendation that the words " be instructed" be stricken out, si as to ad "that our Senators and Representatives be requested." This gave rise to considerable de bate; but the amendment was adopted and the resolution passed. ' Mr. Kirkum, from the committee on the Uuion, and a majority of said committe reported back the resolution requesting our Senators and Rep- resentalives to vote for a reduction of theirpcr diem, and recommended its indefinite postpone ment. The resolution was indefinitely postponed; yeas 40 nays 31. Dec. 11. Iu the Senate, Mr. Jones, from tlie committe on railroads and Turnpikes, reported a bill to authorize the Board of Directors of the Steubenville, Cadiz, and Cambridge McAdami- zed Road Company, to relinquish to the Commis sinners of Jefferson county the right of way for a bridge over Cross Creek. Mr. Kelly of Franklin, from tho standing committe on the Union, to which had been re ferred that poition of the Inaugural Messago of the Governor which relates to Texas, and also resolutions on the subject, made a report against the annexation of Texas, which was laid on the table to be pinled, and made the special order of the day for Monday next. Mr. Disxey, from the minority of said com mittee, made a counter report on the same sub ject; which received the same disposition. These two reports arc published m exienso in the Statesman of the 18th. Mr. Disney's is supe rior to Mr. Kelley's in every particular, and even the whigs here are forced to acknowledge tho truth of this. As much as the federal navty profess to oppose caucusing and tin-panning, their practice gives the lie to their professions, Would you beheve il? The business of every day's session is cut out Ihe night before in the Tin Pan, a perfect pandemonium of a place, in one of Ihe taverns! Every thing that does not bear the impress of lms Sanhedrim, is ruled out as not orthodox ! The Currency Committee transacts all ils busi ness at the Tin Pan, and it is thought they will batch out sonic kind of a bank bill before the close of the session, although quite a diversity of opinion now exists among the coons on Mie sub jecl. The bill introduced by AJ' Harvey ot Cuyahoga didn't come licm the tin pan, anu oi course it will be kicked out. Due. 12. In the Senate, Mr. Anderson offer ed for adoption the following: Resolved, That the cemmitte on the Judiciary be requested to inquire into the expediency of so amending the election laws of tins tjiatc, 1st : As to require every naturalized citizen, at the time of voting, at each and every electioi , to deposit his naturalization papers, (if he have such) for a certain time, with the towush'p trus tees, or other judges of election. 2d: To require the clerk of the election to make a brief advertisement of such vole, with ils date, vfcc, upon such papers, or Loth. 3d: To report such other just measures ns the committee may devise, which may prevent, or Disc. ll. The Senate met to-day, at 10 o'clock, and after sitting fifteen minutes, adjourned over till next day by a strict party vote ! Somo have thought "two dollars a day and roast beef," is not sufficient pay for the members, but if you were here aud see what sessions they make, you would say they get well paid for all they do. In the House, Mr. Kirkum reported back tho preamble and resolution, instructing our Sona- dctect and punish, tho use of the same papers by different volets, as will prevent, or detect aud punish, any false personation in voting, whether in assuming the name, or in using tho papers, of a living or deceased person; and as will prevent or detect and punish, the use of naturalization papcis, which are in manner false or forged. 4th : That the', said committee do fully report whatever plan it may consider constitutional and proper, for the purpose of preventing the unnatu ralized foreigner fiorn fraudulently, or otherwise, assuming or exercising those rights of citizenship which his brother alien has justly acquired by re sidence, aud by an honest conformity to, and obe dience of, the laws of his adopted country; and, generally, of suppressing these and other alledg ed frauds in our elections, (whether by natives, naturalized, or unnaturalized jcrsons ;) And to report tho same by bill or otherwise, and separately, or in connexion with tho subject of a registry law, heretofore committed to it, as said committe may prefer. Kelcrred to the com mitlee on the Judiciary. In the House, no business of importance was transacted. I here was a long discussion in re lation to printing the annual report, of the Audi tor of Stale in the German language, which was opposed by the federal coons of course. In truth that party appear determined not to have tho usu al number of public dncumenls printed, even in the English language. To save $50 they will spend $500 in debate about printing, and at the same time keep their constituents in ignorance of their doinss! This is what might be called " penny wise and pound foolish." Dec. 13. In the Senaae, there was another de bate of several hours in regard to printing the au ditor's report. Coonery has shown the cloven foot completely in this matter. 1 will barely re mark that if Charley Scott was State Prinler, in stead of Sam Medary, the coons would not op pose the printing of the audttors's and other re ports. Mr. B.yiitlf.y olTorod for adoption the follow ing resolution which was agreed to: Resolved, That the fund Commissioners be requested to communicate to the Senate, at the earliest practicable period, what amount ot the bonds or certificates of tho stock of this State have been cancelled during tho last year, aud whether any certificates of stock, or other evi deuces of tho hability of tho State; after having been discharged, or after the loans tor which they were hypothecated had been discharged, remain ing in the hands of the agent of the Board in New York, without having been cancelled; and if so, to what amount; and whether such certifi cales &.c. have at any time been hypothecated or used for the purpose of raising funds for tho use or tjencfit of the Life Insurance and Trust Com pany or any other purpose than the use of this Slate. In the House, Mr. Kikkim, from the commit tee on the Union, reported back the resolution instructing our Senators, and requesting our Kepresentnlives in Congress to use their inllu ence to procure a reduction of tho present rates of postage, recommending its adoption with the pending amendinsnl. The amendment provides that our Senators and Representatives bo requested to vote for a re duction of the present rates of postage, and to restrain or abolish the franking privilege. The amendment was agreed to. Mb. Filson offered a resolution that tho Ju diciary committee inquire into tho propriety of recommending the electors ot Ohio to voto at iheir next annual election for or against iho alte ration or amendrnont of tlie 2ulh section of the 1st article of tho constitution of the State of Ohio. The resolution was made tho special order of ihe day in committee of the whole, and after con- s'derable d'scussion, tb committee rose without 4ny tiding on tho mailer. - Dec. 14. Iu Senate, on motion of Mr. Dis ney, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That Ihe Auditor of Slate be -quested to inform the Senate how much money has been borrowed uou the credit of the Stale in each year since 1S25, and inclusive of lhat year; also, the different rates and prices at which such loans were madc how much interest has been paid each yearsince that period, specifying ihe different funds from which the money hae been drawn to pay such interest slating the net revenue of the public works for each year the net amount received from taxation, and applied to that purpose, and how, if oilier sums were used for the payment of interest, such sums were rai sed: and also, whether the books and vouchers of the different Fund Commissioners, or other pesous, who negotiated loans for the State, show Ihe amount of money received by the Slate for such loans, and how such money has been ap plied. Dice. 10. In tho House another forenoon spent in discussion about printing. The omnipotent Tin Pan has decreed that the printing of the Reports of the Supreme Court must be taken from the State l'rintcr. 1 hat's the way u ivie dary can't bo legislated out of cfficc, the coons are resolved to starve him out ! Due. 17. Iu the Senale, Mr. Kvxly of Frank lin, from the committee on the Union, reported back the resolution requesting' our Senators and Reorescntativcs in Conaress to vote for a reducr tion of postage and of the franking privilege; and it was agreed to. In Committee of the whole, the following bill introduced by Mr. Perkins, was considered: Sue. 1. Be it enactedby the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Tliat tho, net entitled" an act to regelate black and mulatto persons," pas sed January fifth, one thousand eight hundred and four, and all acts amondatory thereto, be and and ihe same tire hereby repealed. Mr, Wn.Ki.NS moved to strike out all after the enacting clause. This motion was briefly sustained by Messrs. Bartlcy and Waters, and opposed by Messrs. Perkins, Eckley, Anderson and others. The motion to strike out failed, and the bill when reported back, was referred to the Judici ary committee. Dec. lo. nir. imjklky oueieu lor auupnuu resolution for the appointment of Hiram Gris wold, of Canton, better known us the "President of the thrice broken Farmer's B.uik of Canton, as Reporter for the Court in JJank. Mr. B vktlky moved to refer the resolution to the Judiciary committee. Mr. Hartley said his object in moving the reference was, that ihe present Reporter, by law, was appointed for three years, and his lime would not expire until June next. If he understood the resolution, it sought lo nullify that law by a resolution. The question being taken on the reference, it was lost ; vcas 10, nays 18. (A party vote, ex- cept that jUr. I'crkius voicu wiui ine uL-muumo in favor ot the rclercnce. Mr. Disney moved lo lay the lesolution on the table. Mr. Dissey said he had understood lor the last Uvoniy-four hours, that it had been settled elsewhere, (t. e. in tin-pan) that this Mr.Griswold was to be reporter for the Court in Uank. Ho made the motion now under consideration, mere ly that Ihe majority m'ghl avail themselves of it, in cider lo save appearances. His advice to them was, to seize the opportunity and save ap pearances. The House has adjourned, and no delay can occur in registering the edicts of that other branch, and he trusted tho majority would let the resolution lay on the table, and thus ap pear gravely lo consider the question, whether they would do so in reality or not. The question wits then taken on laying on the table, and lost; yeas 15, n,iys 21. (A strict party vote.) The question then being on a passage of the resolution, the same was carried; yeas 21, nays 15, as follows: Yi;AS Messrs Anderson. Barrere Codding, Cox, Grouse, Eckley, Gabriel, Gregory, Groff, I Iastings, Kcllcy of Cuyahoga, Kcllcy of Frank lin; Oaborn, O'Fcrral, O'Neal, Perkins, Powell, Quinby, Van Vorhes, Wetmorc and Speaker 21. Nays -Messrs. Armstrong, Aten, Baldwin, Bartley, Chancy, Disney, Johnson, Jones, King, Koch, Loudon, Miller, Warner, Watters and Wood-15 1 ouotc the above from the Statesman. The term "of E. M. Stantos, Esq., as Reporter, does not expire until nezt June; but he is a democrat, and he must bo ostracised, lo make way forlli uam GimwoLo, lately PRESIDENT OF THE EXPLODED BANK OF CANTON '. Could a greater insult than this bo ofl'oted to the people of Ohio? . But if a man is connected with a swindling banking institution, in the opinion of coonery, he is the ne plus ultra of a gentleman ! Oh, iho degeneracy of the times '. POPULAR PRESIDENTIAL VOTE. We have received the oflicial vole of all tho States for President and Vico Piesinent; from which it appears that the whole number of votes given is as follows, viz: Total for Polk, - 1372,164 " Clay, .-.--.. 1310,011 Polk's majority over Clay, Total for Birney, - Polk's majority overall, Eloctoral vote for Polk, - " Clay, - . 01,553 - 61,069 - - 484 - - 170 - - 105 . - 65 Polk's majority of Electors, - Some Roorback coons havo the impudence to , say lhat Col. Polk is a minority President I The scamps ought lo be letotaciously exflunctified ! , A Jl IMJRUE.Vr OF HEAVEN. We loam from ihe most unquestionable author ity, that a leading whig, (whose name wo forbear mentioning at present) of Belmont County, de clared in tho hearing of a number of persons, lately, that he " would rather die and go to Hell, than live under PoWs administration, " or words to that effect. When this horrible exclamation was uttered, he was enjoying excellent health, but shortly afterwards, we bolive the very next day, he was struck dead in a moment! It is with feel ings unmixed witth tho least levity that we al lude to this matter, but put it on record as anoth er striking instance of the judgements of Heaven visiting tho wicked. ' 1 OCT We porceivo by tho Pittsburgh papors that our esteemed young friend, C. O. Loosris, Esq., delivered a highly interesting lecture on "China and the Chincso," bofore the Philotna- thean of the Western University of that city, on the 10th instant. Ws hope it may he publishod as we should like to read it very much.