Newspaper Page Text
tmklitmi J. CiSKEY, - -i EaUtatr. THURSDAY, : ufAZKHrii, IBM. TRAVELERS' DIRECTORY. The tillowing shows tbe time of departures sad arrivals oa Ute C. Z. 4 C. R. R. atMillsrs bnrg sjed Cleveland : ,., , NUlersbnrg al 1 .33 P. M.,and arrives at CleTe fadmt7J5. - ...... The Jtrpnw leaves Mfllersburg at 6.45 A. M., ' bid am res at Cleveland al 11.38. RrcrarsG Socth Accommodation leaves Clcfe wi at 9.45 A. M-,ad arrives at MillerBfeurg . at4.o r. m arriTes at Millereburjr at 12.45. v TTTo T - MTTfce Brpreu train nrnnfne North con Beeuat Ormlic -with the East and West trains Nlktr.FtH .and a fL AV-- -,.: i ' . r. . r, FtV..V C, JR. K. . . fhefolleoinc table eirn the time of srriyal aad de parture of traina as the Pitttbarf , Ft. IFajne k T.S.lla!." -fcf rsaseagir Train ;-'4JJ and JAl t. M. J.-' CIKeE,AST.: ... :- Express . - - , S.45 P. If. I. CLorauteAtteatioa is invited to tie Ad-."vertisesnent-of 6. B. Hopsiunv Co,- Their " Spring Stock is large, prises reasonable and the fits fast rate. - Call and see them aw;..- ' i .i i l )i mill ' i ii I a Look at the new Advertisement of -the "Big . Coffee Pot.' trasiaeas. . yon that are going into- the sngar 'a The Mexican commodore has protested against the American officers capturing his vessels, and has ordered Americans to leave Mexico an J to soafiscate their property-. ., .n..K . " Pat or PoSTJfAsrns, Front stable pnblish ' ed, it appears the' par of Postmasters, for the past 'year: Vert i as fonows: roosfer. $1,197; Cairton$i9(AlrronV$lJtei'Wa6sUon,$l,052 Mansfield, $1,559. Mt Vernon. 1,315; Ielatrare "fl3fl: and Salem. $1485: bti'Tfceiit posts'" of the-iDetnocrscyi in 4lns . vomity are tl right. . Ia additinn- to the three ' Democratic constables elected in Hardy tewn ship, the same party hewe elected tbeii" entire ticket in German township. Who rah! - Soond tbewhsBgdoodle. ' Let the trampet to the ket Hespeak. ' !- ' i : ,,t I' f,1r,-:l3'- . ..- ToLspo fiair TaaDTC The fUherniem iD the llaameo liver and bay are in great lock about these, dnys. .The Blade of the 3d say a. "there i were at least twenty-fire tons of fish received at our docks yestenlay ' a large part of which was shipped fresh to the interior. 'V .' '. RhobK ' Isujcd. The late election In this ' State resulted in ' the success of Mr. Spragcs ( the opposition candidate for Governor. He was j supported not only by the Democrats "of the State.hut by the Know Uotlungs and conserv ' stive Republicans. The enndidalc'of the. latter was ultra on the Slavery question, and many of , the Rcpubhcaas throughout tee State refused to ; TBte for him. , . ., . . - We hope it will be borne in mind that tie . democracy of Hardy township. Holmes co., 0., succeeded, at the late Spring election in electing . three democratic Constables, and as many s half dozen Supervisors. . -Whope mention will be made of this victory before the: Charleston . CosentioavasHaidtownshiphaslotsof smart mem who now do, and plenty more nrho would like to, -.wc--' b' 1 v. "1 , V ' '. ' i J i ' The dog la-sr passed .boli- branches -of the Legislature, and is natcajuvtej but in adifferen t shape from the bill we pubtsbtdsome HmegOj It provides that ait 'dog found runping at large' without owners or keepers, may btf killed,-' and all dogs found killinjf r,"w6rrying sheep, op SrnownMd naVe'been worrying sheep shall be iSHcd.6' r?-' " -. -i at . : .. ' - : .: In the United-State Senate en he 23d Hist., ' Mr Ptgb.of Ohiomode a report 'advene' to the petitions of sasdry citixens of Ohio,' to give -bunty laads to th sotdiersof 1819. " We have not sees the' report ef Mr." Pugh, and ' should 'line te knew wbet Wessons he erm advance -'against the 'soldiers of 181 S leeeiviug bormty -lands.-' It seems to-usthst tbey areas much en titled to them as the soWiersof' tmy other war. KirWeod ef Iowa, 'has' on n eeond applieation. properly made granted a warrant on the requisition ol the Gov. of Vir- ' grnia for "the arrest of Barclay Coppic. - Hebas, however, left Iowa and taken tip bis. abode in ' Ashtabula county ia this State where be and John Brown. Jr., Redpath A Co.i are preparing themselves to resist the whole 17,' S"., and the rest of mankind. ' '" ' :' 1 1 ; 'J.' I J! - ' .' I - " 1 J - - Jonn Baowtf, Jn. -The Sergeant-nt-Arms , whe has been in pursuit of John Brown, Jr., in Ashtabula eoanty Ohio, at the demand of the Harper'szeiryt Cotocaittee has returned to Washington and -repdrted that Brown refuses to be taken. ' He defies the committee and Con grass, and ssya his friends win not permit Mm " to leave the State." ; 3 - ; :-: v :i ': '-"' . , IUtvblicak KiviwiB -The following aro the seductions made by the Committee im ; Ways and Meana ia the estimates of Secretary. Cobb for 1861.; Military Academy,- $300; lndiane, $110U; consular anddipknnatis services, $55y-' 000; fortifications, $100,800; army, $640,077 60; legislative, executive and judicial. $192,242 24; sundry civil service.' $348314; navy, $93562.' Total reductions, $1,348,595 80. : ... . i , j , l'n . ... i V 1- 1 The Democratic Rational Committee have de cided against the application to have the Dera aenmtio ;iTatieaalr. Convention. aeet elsewhere than ia Charleston , Of course they would so decide, for they d4 not dare do anything to dis please, the Southuf ;If the elaveboldem cenclu- ; ded tD-csargetnem twenty dollars a day.orre Jased to giveatertain them at- any price, (he - Conventioa would still have to go there., tnn . - S; , i . ,v ' a 1 1 , It will be remembered that Gov. Wbi benst id that M bad 'documents la bis possession im plicating -certain leading Republicans ia. the ioHK Baows rajUl but was proposed to summen bim before the Senate C-taimiUee,ae wrote td the Chairmn of it, denying any fur Uer knowledge ihan had alrrady been pnblish- d. -i'.'-- --... ullt V' -!.. '.'..i-V"'! - 'i Asoth Bip. TiaJPresident U preparing a rnmsngs on " telatioes wib) fu wbich , he : intends sending ;to. Congress- -before- tie . Charleston. Ce&yonlin4; witb the idea of ma- king a-nensafioo there. - His friends have not abandoned the dea -tant some remote accident tost 4ead to nia nomtaotion: , Xbey are p)aa- - mioffor.swsb'a ieniingeacy.- J tioi; ii. .,Tf twj'ejL Bii.TherPolygmy bUl iwW'tJbivn'g- tbjt'SptiM substanUaUjir M.t j fottfi by, lbi CommitteeJIr.raathii amend- , ment, wnun iras,, lest usstioa, neug rejetivo .Ike Ctob ftlegato pmtested that grea iajus tiee had baea- doaenhia people, as. he beueyad ,i ALt not AHHku tea wi m a nienet c-TbyWtHmi kWWWdwWB tte Home, .:-.!, i-iwi: High Waters. The recent rains have raised the streams in this locality aigberthna they have been fc ma ny 'years. Wehear of bridges washed, away, and oiler damage done bythe flood, all aroundi u- Fences along Kfllbuck bottom alt bsve a -downward tendencv. The "Rail Road track se- twtn Holnrcsrille and FredorielisbuTg wns5 much injured as ro stop theT running of the trains tor one day. w e bear of much loss of drowning of hogs, sheep and other stock. JI DAsiEtWbtoAJioT, residing about two miles ISartbW iUtrbqrg.ket about 50 sheep by drowning or rather by carelessness. Don't touch It. eonntry of Prospectuses for a ttn&f ; isiy taaiy- ahibEdied at Cfcvli land. caiWl JJw yt v Tt Mto.u i. neutral, bat is oa-Bod asdia the hands of Lo- cofocos, and as soon as the nominal inns fur Pres ident are made vili doff Ms neutrality. and ceaie out in support of the aoaiiaee of the Charleston convention f , We say again to our Republican friends dont touch it. If they send it to yon leave it lay in the Post Office. . The intention is te get up a large ctrcuhujon in order that its influence may be the larger Then it shows its true colon. . : " The examination of witnesses before the Co rode Committee at Washington, still proceeds The proposition to make a witness of President Iti cHASU, has sot only alarmed the old man himself, hot created the greatest confusion and alarm amongst his followers, ia Congress. . It would be great saving ef . time if Xr. Bcchak ax would consent to tell where and hew the thousands and millions of Government jnonry known to hare been used by him, directly and indirectly, for electioneering, purposca, - was spent. iBat a he refuses to do this, it as made necessary to get this-information in a more tire- way, from the recipients, and those through whose' haads these' funds passed.' Some of the witnesses trammoned hare fled the country, others like Btchajay, hare refused to appear. Still enough has Teen pumped ont of those al- fready examined to show a most alarming state of "things at Wnsaipgton eify. i Potre ast' Dkmocsact. The House of RepreaentatiTtea of the' TJ. States, after a spicy and interesting debate, passed Mr. Kelson's bill prohibiting and penishing - Polygamy in the Territories, by the decisive rote o f 149 Teas to 60 Says. '- Were it not for theevidentreluetance felt by the Pro-Slavery men-to establish' a pre cedent co fraught with peril to'tbe peculiar in strtution," the vote would have been practically unanimous. Bat the "twin relic of barbnrmra'' held back sixty ef its trusty henchmen, though we must say it did not rally its forces so fully as fidelity and good policy clearly demanded. Is not Polygamy a "patriarchal institution?" Was it not practiced by the wisest and greatest of the Hebrew rulers nnd sages? Why should 81avery turn its back on Its Siamese' brother? It ia the cowardice of despair that counsels re creancy in such a case. ' ' A coon Law.. A bill has passed both branches of the Legislature, by a decided majority, giv ing county Commissioners' authority to work convicts imprisoned in the county jail. -' 'It pro vides that whenever any person shall be con victed of any criminal offense, committed after the passage of the act; nil orrany part of the punishment of which by law is an imprison ment in the county jail,'; the ciart, in lieu of imprisonment, mny snntence such person to hard labor in the county jail of the proper county, any length of time, not exceeding six monthaat the discretion of the court. ' The labor is tp be performed under the .direction of the County Commissioners, whomay adopt regulations on the subject; and the Sheriff is to pay the avails of such labor into the treasury of the county. ' .... i , ; GnnxmE co ox. The quiet, unobtrusive way the Hon. William Helxick has of attend ing to the business for which be was elected dont seem to suit some of the gentlemen con nected with the Locofoco press in his district, and they indulge towards him all, manner of dirty, false epithets.' Had ha gone there, and .Eke Bcnssi' disgusted every decent man the first day of his arrival, with his profanity, then these gentlemen would have thought him a mod el Congressman. To be a decent man wjth these men, is a V tile more than they ever ex pect to arrive at themselves, consequently , they cannot tolerate it in others. But Helmick may console himself under these attacks, as a Locofo co of tliis town did a few day s since.' He'd Lad a quarrel with, one of these vilifiers of jlfr. H., and meekly took much abuse of bim, remark ing that a blackguard couldn't insult him, and a gentleman wouldn't. . .'The Cleveland PUmdtaler (democratic) ef -the 7th inst., -tnyn: ''" 'U ;--.. '."A Democrat ie Committee of the Senate is in vestigating the Harper's Ferry Affairsnpoeuaing Black Repsblican witnesses and punishing tbem for eon temp when tbey refuse to testify, j A Black Republican Committee of the House is investigating charges of corruption subpee narng Democratic witnesses and when' they re fuse to testify it' is claimed there is no power to punish for-contempt. How is-fhis?' Will some special pleader give us a disquisition upon . the difference between 'tweedlc dam and tweedle dee ' ' ' ; ' ' ' '-"v ' ;. i - Hib optte fnont V shsrp I ween : . wso sees wnat " noi.w oeean. : . Wekdell Philtps,' the Boston . Abolitionist, lately ra&de one of his flaming disunion -speeches to a mixed audience, n tirooklyn, JN . 1 . He was hissed and cheered by .turns. The next day Senator, Wiqfall, of Texsi. . delivered a disunion . speech in. the tT. S. Senate, JThe only ainerence between the two genueruen is, that mr. aigiau, the Democrat has the liquor which inspired his harangue 'befora'Yim on his desk- arid imbibed so freely, that be was devoid of reason, while Philips delivered his without such inspiration. The Democrats and Abolitionists are tie only disuntonists in the county, and they are both doomed to lefeat. :-yiiCTOET! VicTOBT-The Farmer devotes half a voiuma or luuri.-, w vrowiBg over ine elec tion in this township bf-three democratic con stables, and as many more democratic Supervi sors. '.The yearly Salaries of the whole combin ed, will not amount to one hundred dollars. Sound the whangdoodle, beat the gewgaw, who ever heard of the like in' his life? And this victory baa been obtained in a township that always, did go Democratic But what of that? Boye let's holler, the country's-' safe, Three Constables and as many Supervisors, and. all democrats. Our glory is complete, let's liquor. We hare no kind ef objections to' the Editor of this Jbbner writing communications for' his own psper, abusing; us; but we hare a right to object to his trying to fcst the; authorshfp of these comtnunicatlons upon a member of a re spectable religious body; fiw' of whoni wiH baTo anything to" do "with hrm."" That , Inst' trick' of his was so green as to'inake srlf-praise respectT i.rJtinx.MiAL. pnblie meeting in Wood county, Yirgiiiia, has nominated John Mliutls .President, and; Tbornas iCorwia r,.Vi.e I Pfiaideirf. i r- ,oofi.T-;: Congressional. WASHINGTON. 5. HOUSE. Vr. tst.: .A 'r. f fiRimittfla rvf WajB a&d Mejtn repoetod tli Post Office Appropriation LilK ; : j j t Tb Hovsfl ospe,. tiie tWideration of the Ahtf Folygkmy bill: - Mr. 2 sou resumed bis remarks in its Tipport,wxpressirio; the Lope that its pnss- .. i . . . . J ago wonra approacn as near as nosjanta tn i nnaDimitj ; be saw a manifest ilistktctiou - -. .. . . between interfering with the right; of prop erty and that to declare cr imiuaj an act de clnied bjrh"elaw f God? - i lb eMatefiee of the mMitution cfnolrjr Miiitoth orfee4.-TnelSp5akCTWas Ings "of the. whole population. . an insult to the wives and daughters of LhV gentlemen here and their eonstitnlentsr It was a re flection on the .Rational character that -it it should exist under the protection of American law. . t . ; Mr. Hooper said that at the proper time, which would soon come, and when he could be heard without prejudice, he would de fend the pepple of Utah from the calum nies which bad bees heaped upon them. In the meantime he appealed to .the dis passionate and unbiased judgment of the House to ihi'ok better of. the 100,000 o( their fellow creatures than they had been represented by their enemies. It was pot his intention to discuss the peculiar features' of the bill, bnt he respectfully - asked the gentlemen ;if they were prepared to meet the coDseq-ience of its passage. Were we not now emerging from difficulties with the people at whom the hill was lereled. : He warned the gentlemen that tho feelings of Utah will be. easily aroused. .. The susnicion ofhostinty against them, has been "allayed. and he was clad to know that there was better feelings now than formerly, hut if this bill be passed, if its provisions be car ried, those angry passions will revive and wither al toe core. - lhenres which blazed so fiercely while the fuel of persecution was ' heaped upon them had died out. i?.' he ! appealed to the Representatives, not of one 1 out oi alt parties, to say whether they were prepared to rekindle the flame. As a Delegate of all the citizens of Utah he had ' to remember that he could not allude to , the -division of sentiment among them on tho subject f polygamy or any other. .. , ; ; ,. Mr. Clark.of Mo- asked to w lint extent ! polygamy exists in Utah ; wbft number has more than one wife, and whether the regu lation of such marriages :is binding on- the ' people -. ... , ; ' ..Mr. Hooper replied that he was not prac tically a pplygamist.;, From his observa tion of ten year's residence in Utah, he could - say not over one half the population recognize polygamy, and probably not more tnan one bait of these have- more than one wife, each. He knew of no church regu lation .which compelled a .man lo, become a polygamisl; and of no church regulation which compelled a woman to marry a man except voluntarily. He" was . encouraged to know that there were several gentlemen on the floor who had been acquainted with him for the last 20 years, and long prior to his identification with the citizens of Utah. They would he say was not capable of deceit or dissimulation. He declared on his honor thai the passage of this bill will not be un exceptionable to the extreme-advocates of polygamy m Utah, and it will unite all peo ple ia common cause against the unjust pretensions of the General Government to put down polygamy by force. ,,-, . . - .The . House' voted , and -rejected Mr. Branch's substitute by 47 against 151. -The House next voted on Mr. McClern- and's substitute lo repeal the law organiz ing Utah and dividing tbe territory between Jetforson and Nevada, for which he propos ed a temporary government.- Rejected 38 against 139. Tbe House tabled the preamble to the bill, which was passed, with verbal amend-, ments 149 against 60.; - Mr. Sickles submitted his -response to Mr.. Williamson's memorial in his contest ed casey was read, and - after- some debate referred to the Committee on Elec tions. ' The House went into Committee of the Whole-on the state of the Union. -: ' Mr. Sherman moved to take up the Tariff and Loan BilL ".'. .- , - ,..-.! ; Mr.. Branch was against Any alternation of the TaritF. The present bill yields suf ficient revenue to meet the wants of the Government. '.- .i -,-;!.'. .i.i ,.--.i-; . Mr. Sherman said he would cot ask a vote on it for three weeks. '.- On his motion the various bills on the calender were laid aside till the Tariff and Loan Bill was reached. ; . -- Mr.' Lovejoy said the House 'had been engaged ' in giving : the death blow to polygamy. By the Philadelphia platform the Republican party stand pledged as far as the Federal Government has the power to Extricate that other Turin relic' of bar barian slavery in the Territories. He want ed to see them both strangled and go down together.' ' ' ' "; :Si ' - ' Mr. Lovejoy, warming up with his sub ject, passed from' his seat to the area in front of the Clerk s 'desk in ' full view of all tho members and spoke in a loud tone wkh emphasis and earnest 'gesticulation against the ground on which it was sought tio justify slavery because tbe creatures are poor and the strong have the power to op press the weak.- - The rich oppress the poor. , The spirit of slnvehelding being the spirit of the devil, &c. :" . " Mr.. Prrpr said the gentleman from Illi nois had no rigtii io shake his fist at gen tlemon on his side. It was bad enough to stand in his own place ihero nnd talk his UIOOV" va. , . . , I fc ' Mr. Barksdale--Le him. keep on his own sido of the House. " . The confusion soon became general and tho- members began to press into the'nrea. ' ' Mr. Cox said the gentleman from Illinois ought to speak from his seat." ' ' "r Mr. "Pry or Let him stand there "and talk, ho sbant come on" this side of ' the Hall.. .- L is :- t i ,c l-h i "I . - -" Mr. Barksdale was seen shaking his eane, and in the wildest of the confusion,1 was beard to say rascal," as applied to Mr. Lovejoy. i ci,, ;--t,-.'J , MftiAdriani ns' if to ouiet ths' lumutt, hsaid the gentleman could epenk from his Beau - ir -".-j ; The Chairman, (Mr. Washburn, of Me.,) in vain rapped to restore order. . r-J i!-Mr. Adrian, in a conciliatory tone, sup posed nobody wanted to intimidate, the gbnllemanvj '--f c ,- , ' Mr. PryorJfo one : wanted intimidate thwlitor. ;i- 1 , - ' . -.' .:.-Mr. Lovejny Nobody, can intimidato vat. r.-' -." - v i ' : ' - - ' ' " ' Many Republicani now crowded around Mr. Livejoyy whov5lmmed to them "Oh, I'm safe enough V' i - : , -i 'i Mr.- Bvmettj lelevaling his voice above the din, aaid the rles rwjuire 'i the gentle man lo speak from his seat r lie rapst i ; eaUed cm to restrmehii nnd shall do it ! He "shall not shake his fist to gentlemen on this side in a metric-1 -X v w. A J. - . l The Chairmsn caBed loadlv for the Sergeant it Anas as (if to :atted to Mr. Burnett, who said, Yon tnay.'eall the Sergeant at Atnrs, but the members shall not do iCkiJL A V;: The glitUrtng aace of the Sergeant at Anns aid cot quiet tho disorder. r. .xrlt .(Hi I. .1 J".. iwuwK, vi iv taiuc w mo auL'iJuri. " l- -mTr , . , it : ' oi nis coueogue, saying do soouia not com nut a breach ofi.tho julas.-. bat thaC- he 'should have his rights. A general fight at one time seemed im minent, arid the "wildest excatpmest erery- wiiere prevaiieo. seat, when th Chairman reported that the UommiUee rose owing to the disorder, j ' Finally comparative quiet -was restored. ;.:Mr Sherman said, f We aro ia good order now." ; r-,v :.' -; This was succeeded by a burst of .lauoh- ter. '.'.;-.:.-.,., ;- -.n r. -.'w The House then again went into Com mittee of the Whole.- li - " - Mr. Levejoy odk the stand at the Clerk's desk and resumed his remarks. He spoke about Northern Christian women who went t the South, to prevent the people there from returning te barbarism., r: t : , Mr Singleton said - that ha would not allow such insinuations of Southern women to pass if the members persisted in . that course, of remarks. f ' He would hold him personally responsible. : . , ( . .- , , Mr Lovejoy said that in the 4,000,000 slaves there was not one. legal husband, father, wife or child, and spoke about a Presbyterian Elder down South having the Gospel whipped into him with the broad side of a hand saw, and of a young girl in this cky being ; whipped . udtil the blood came ont of her nostrils,, and sent to the garret to die.' " He had sworn to support the Constitution because he loved it, but he did not interpret it in the same way Southern men did. ''. .... , . .r. Mr, Benham You violate it. . mk JUh.more And perjure yourself. Mr. Singleton And are a negro . thief J into the' bargain. r .Mri Bnrkesdale I . hold no parley with a perjured negro. 5 .-: - i Mr. Lovejoy 6aid when Daniel Webster spoke of the imposition of Austra on Hun gary he remarked that the earthquake and .tornado have power, and .the thunder has power, but greater than these was the pow er of public opinion, and before this he pro posed to arraign Austria.-, He (Lovejoy) proposed to hold up to the retribution of public sentiment i slaveholdiog ia all its atrocity and hidepusness just as gentlemen had here polygamy. ; Public seDtiment will burn and scour out slavery. . The. proper way is by the action of -the Blave Stales themselves. He had endorsed the Helper Book, because he wanted to do it. He did so without asking tbe gentleman from Missouri, or anybody else. You shed the blood of my brother twenty years ago and I am here free to speak. ., my mind. The Republican party. would spring up-iq Ken tucky, and gentlemen now here would find themselves displaced .by mora .moderate, and if it ware not offensive, he would add more sensible men.s He wanted to. say .in Charleston what be could here. . . . -. ; -Mr. Bepham You, had better try it.., ; ! Mr. Lovejoy I can go to England and there discuss the question of. Church and State, or any other British institution, but if I go into the slave States and talk against slavery, where is my, protection.,. , . Mr Miller Can yon go to England and incite the laboring classes to assassinate the Queen? ,.- . -, :. ; ' . ..Mr. Lovejoy I don't mean to do that; I claim the. right to discuss slavery every where nnder the i Stars and Stripes.' 1 claim it. - I demand it. '" -' ' - -n Mr. Benharrr- We'wantyon-to assert it.' Mr. Lovejoy When you call . ns small farmers and apply 'other epithets' against the working people of the North. ' We don't harm you.:; If a mechanic from -Pennsylvania were Id go South and speak about the superiority of white labor : he would be held morally responsible. ' 1 You would strip him and 1 scourge hint by the hand of a slave and perhaps tar and feath er him. Si" ,'-:!';'- i'ir. .'-'U ! Mr. Barksdale The meanest negro-' in the South is yow superior"1 -:' -" Cries of "Order"-- from the Republican side. A .-'ti .ftiL.-. : c-bw Mr. Louejoy, in speaking of John Brown, said he would not curse him; he would pour no exertions uponold John Brown. He condemned what he (Brown) did. -' He disapproved of his acts; be believed, how ever, that his purpose was a good one and his motives honest and truthful. -John Brown stood head and shoulders above any man here until he was strangled. - Any law to enslave man was as an estrangement among pirates to distribute the spoils.; By what right do yon of the South get to gether and enact laws that I or my children should be your slaves." Every slave1 has a right to run away in spite of your laws-and to fight himself away. - We he (Lovejoy) a slave and wars it necessary' to achieve his freedom he would not hesitate- to 'fill- up the chasm and bridge it -with the slain. He loved the South. ; - urn . A Voice rWe don't ldve you." - '' . . Mrl Lovejoy So it was with' the Savi our. They didn't love bim. ' Laughter. Gentlemen who talked ' of ' dissolviDg the Union could not do it any more than they could stop the shining of the sun.- Virgin it, instead of clothing herself in sheep's gray, should clothe herself- in 'i sack cloth and ashes on account of slavery, and ought to drink the waters of bitterness. Mr. Martin, of Va., If you will come into Virginia we will hang you higher than we did John Brown. '' 1 '". ' "f- 1 ' Mr. Lovejoy No doubt of it. '-": ":l r ' The Committee rose, and then tho House adjourned. i-'V ' ' ' "' I i 1 iii .- -.' ' :- T TT- Ths Holland Oil Compant. The oil fever has broken out among the staid peo ple of Geauga and Lake. : ; Tbe Holland Oil Company has been organized by them, with a capital of $15,000, to be invested in tbe, Pennsylvania; oil . region., B. B. Woodburryj of Chardon, President; &. S. Osborn, of Painesville, Secretary; S. S. Benedict, of Enterprise, Pa., Treasurer; E. S.Benedict, of Enterprise, and S.-S. Os born, Directors. - The Chardon Pempcrat says:. ',' , .., As assessment pf four per peat, on the entire capital was levied, and arrangements made to commonce drilling , forthwith.- Messrs. Calkins of Mu'dsod, have' taken the contract, for drilling..,,, , .,-,,! l-. . , The, company secured the title , to one hundred acres of land near Titusrille, in the Fall, or the early part ,pf Winter, and be fore the present excitement existed. , Their investmtnt is Hkoly, therefore, to prove a yahiahle one. Tho stock is all. takes, One-third of It being owned In thin county. Latest from Europe. By thejraiid, from Liverpool, we have flies, 4t English paper to the 17th inst The principal news is important, but not unexpected. Napoleon, with the intent of making the Alps thejsontheastern boundary of France, has "annexed" the duchy or pro vince of Satey. Tbe King of Sardinia submits, we might say consents, to this, and the rest of Europe may grumble, but -n i r -:.:- o wju scarcely luiuritsre. . . jvs ii is, oavoy is v. J, ., -r. : i - t moreFrench than Italian in language and feeling, -and the territorial accession to France is small in extent and poor in ma terial value. "In a political view, it is alone important. ' . Cenlmritaly has almost unan imously passed a vote of anexntion to Pied rnoDt,aud it "was expected that when" the fact was officially notified to him, 'Victor Emmanuels, would march Piedmohtese trooj)8 into his new possessions, including the Romagna. Napoleon, has declared to desire that he shall not thus occupy Tus cany, but this is probably, a mere show of opposition a seeming of carrying out the agreement with tbe Austrian Emperor al Villafranca, and tho provisions of the more recent treaty of Zurich. . It is said that should Victor Emmanuel annex the Ro magna, he .will be excommunicated by the Pope. Considering that he and his peo ple virtually cast off all allagianco to the Vatican several years ago, Victor Emman uel is not likelp to be very greatly awed by the PapaLBull. f Before eighteen months, the chance is that Piedmont ; will possess Venetia as well as Lombardy, together with the Romagna and the three Duchies. The Papal temporal power, judging by present appearances, will probably last much . longer, than .the present rale in Naples. Thai appears on the eve of dis solution. . . . . -.- , - - , .The Prince of Wales is certainly to ar rive in Canada early: in June, w His stay will continue for about two mcnths, and it would appear that he is not to visit the United States! . .Such a prohibition would be equally impolitic and absurd, r We can not believe that Queen Victoria,- who has the reputation of possessing shrewd com- mon sense, would sauction it. v No doubt, the future King of England will visit the United States, where he has a great deal to see.- -' : -- -' ' The celebrated Monsieur J allien, who was incorrectly reported to have lately at tempted to commit suicide, died, on the IClh instant, in alunatic asylum in Paris. Pecuniary reverses had so much affected his mind that he was placed under restraint about five weeks ago. At tbe time of his death,: a subscription was being made, in London, in aid of his family, who. were loft wholly without resources. The London Titnts says, fcFor Upwards of twenty years the concerts- of M. Jullien have afforded gratification to thousands upon thousands of persons ;"and it was not his least claim to notice that, in providing for the. amuse ment of his patrons, he also contrived to improve and elevate their taste, and thus while establishing an essentially popular entertainment to aid in the great work of art-progress." M. Jullien, it will be re membered, visited this-, country in 1654, and gave Monster Concerts which wero much more successful in an artistical than a pecuniary manner. , -' - Spirit of the Washington Letters. . .s -. - tera. .. , The Philadelphia Gazette's letter says : WASHINGTON, April 3. ' ' It is evident from the failure of Mr. Schell, the Collector, and Mr. Butterworth, the Superintendent of the Assay office m New York, to appear before' Mr. Covode's committee yesterday, that they intend to thwart the investigation by every available means, and to throw obstacles in" the way "of any further developments. -: This is one of the immediate results of the President's Message, for when Mr. Schell first testified he stated thai thirty or forty thousand dol lars had been raised in New York to his knowledge, exclusive of other fundsy which bad been paid over to Mr.' Pitt, to operate in Pennsylvania. The undemanding was that he should produce the list -of contri butors at the next meeting, bnt in tbe meantime the message. had been sent' to the House, and he refused when interroga ted. ; The committee have sent him anoth er summons, and they intend to insist up on the evidence required, even if it should be necessary to invoke all the powers of the House, and' to send him to jail as a compan ion from Mr. Hyatt. It is proper'the country should know who subscribed the money in New York, and who received it in' Pennsylvania.- ' If Presidential "elec tions are really cod trolled by such agencies, and new political organizations are only formed in order tnat mercenary managers may all nil tneir pockets, it is tune- that such corruption should be thoroughly ex posed, -rl i ;Tba committee have gol on the track of the venal appliances by which Pennsylva nia was carried four years ago,' and the Presidential centest decided..- They most probe it to the bottom, and let the public see for themselves the evidence of that in iquity and wholesale fraud by which the power of this government, and the control pf, three hundred millions of dollars for years, were acquired. The fact is notori ous, and doubtless will be -established by proof, tha$ cubscribera to. the New York hole corruption fund based their claims to recognition .upon, the strenglh of those con tributions, and are now holding. some of the highest and most valuable olbces -in the gift of the President..., -, , c. u I The New York Post's letter says: ''-1 Washington,' April 5. " The Democrats finds it almost as hard to get comfort out' of the Rhode Island elec tion as fire Out of' cucumbers."1 The tote shows so distinctly that the result is en tirely owing to Republicans and Americans who voted for one of their own' rnsn.'hat it cannot be claimed as a Democratic! vic tory. There can be no deniar,"however, that the news from Rhode Island produces some disquiet among the Republicans, and tho Conservatives "are clamorous to-day for the nomination 'of Bates, McLean,' or Fremont at Chicago. . . t , '. " v'!' A large'number of "Douglas men at the North and West are now here, and offer tp bet on his nomination. Connecticut Dem ocrats admit that no one but him can carry that State, and Administration men .are equally certain that he cannot. .0. . i .Thb Phkbiden's Pbotkst. iTbe Pres ident' extraordinary message to the House was referred to the Judiciary . Committee, of which Mr. Hickman, of Pa., is Chair man. -a It ia stated that he has completed hi reply to the - President's protest, .and will soon submit it to the . Committee. He controverts and denies the position assumed by the President, aud maintains the right of the House to investigate the acts of the President or any other . Execur tivo officer. ;::,'.;,'. .-,-' u ;' t Dastardly Conduct of Federal Officials. From! the Boston Travtllar w get the particulars of theT arrest of Mr. E. B. Saa- bora, at Concord, Mass, on a writ from the Harper's Ferry Committee of . the Senata. Somexhal doen government officials wentaf night to Mr, Sanborn's mouse, rang. bis bell, ana on Mr. a. coming to tne aoor, one of thfm handed Mr. S. a decoy letter, which read thus : "SiK&The bearer, a worthy young man, solicits yoqr aid in procuring employment. Help him if you can. IStJFruM. Saugus, April 1, 1860." " i Having fully identified their man, by his receiving the letter and opening it, the chief officer called tip five assistants and, seizing Sanborn, put hand-cuffs on him and hustled him towards a carriage. He resisted, broke the carriage door, and be fore they could get off with their prisoner, a writ of Habeas .Corpus took him out of the hands of the officers, and tbe result of that we had by telegraph." '""-'' - " ' The account of the affair says: " ; Mr. Sanborn's sister resisted to tba ex tent of her power. " When they got him to the door the sister ceased her resistance and screamed at the top of her voice and alarmed the neighbors, a score of whom were soon on the spot. By the time they got there Sanborn had been dragged into the middle of the street, without his hat and in his stocking feet. Sanborn at this point held up his manacled hands over his bead, and shaking tbem said : "Citizens, look and see what the United States Sen ate have done for me." His remarks made a great sensation among the crowd, and matters began to look squally for the U. S. officers. In the meantime a messenger was dispatched to ring the bells, and soon they were pealing out the alarm upon the evening air. - The crowd was momentarialy increasing.. s. u : : r Mr. Sanborn's sister, seeing the crowd surrounding the officers and her brother, and that she could do no more service thero, seized the whip from the carriage and began belaboring the horses-in good earnest,' but one of the men took the whip from h-fr. She then jumped into the carriage to pre vent her brother being put into it, but she was taken out with more force than polite ness, having her clothes torn in the strug gle. .':-,:- : - - - - Tho boys in Mr. Sanborn's school, seeing the peril in which their beloved mentor was placed, acted - as scouts, end ran hastily from house lo house, ringing door bells and arousing citizens..; Men rushed to the scene with clenched fists, some of which contain ed effective weapons.' ' '. ,- Y ... The women, like the mothers of yore, were foremost in the fray, and by every possible means worried the officers. . Miss Sanborn seized an officer by his beard and compelled him to relinquish his' hold of Mr. Sanborn. Miss Ann Whiting, daught er of Colonel Whiting,- approached, oiheer Tarleton, raised his ' hat, and looking bim steadily in the face, 6aid, "Let me see what kind of a looking man you are. ' You may come here again some day, and I shall want to know youl" ,: ! . : j Mr. George L. Preseott seized the .arm of an officer, beneath the coat sleeve of which a "billy" was concealed, and held on to it until Mr. Sanborn was released.,; M . Nothing but the assurance that a "writ would sonJ)e, obtained and Mr. Sanborn released in a legal way, prevented the ex asperated citizens from purameling the of ficers and rescuing the prisoner.,. -v Tbe citizens . generally, without distinc tion of party, united in sympathizing wkh Mr. SanbOrn. But three men were found who defended the course of. the officers, and one of tbem was Postmaster, an an other an officer in the Custom House. vTbe latter was roughly handled in the melee by George Howard, Town Clerk, who laid the democratic, official on his -back in a ditch. : ; We cannot imagine why Federal officials do not serve their writs as State officers do. It seems tobe a part of the nature of many of Buchanan s hirelings to , sneak around- like clothes-line thieves;" do their work in the dark and then do it by exercise of brute force. ; The people wish the Harper's Fer ry .Investigating Committee,, and , every other Investigating Committee, to probe all the outrages committed at Harper's Ferry and Washington, to tbe. bottom, and no forcible resistance and no opposition save such as is according lo law is lo be apprehended, save from Mr. Buchanan and some of his office holders. . All the people ask is-that light may be, thrown upon the doings in the White House, and the doings in the log houses among., the mountains near. Harper's Ferry. - , , r.,- -ir;0 1 Virginia at Charleston. Democracy Virginia are ly taking an intense interest in the election of delegates to the Charleston Convention, and-the proceedings of each district, as it chooses its representatives, attract almost as much attention as a State Convention in Pennsylvania which would choose a fall delegation to cast the "twenty-seven .votes of the State. -' ""; .-' V" :j 1 - - At the recent Convention of tho Ninth electoral district, resolutions denunciatory of the Douglas platform on the Territorial question were laid on the table by a vote of foar to one, ' 'v j -; ' ' ' In regard to the general result in the State, the Richmond JStiquirer,' a Wise organ, of the 3d inst., thus criticises the calculating of tbe Examiner, a - Hunter organ"! ; t! "This reduces the Examiner's estimate pf Mr, Hunter to 19, instead of 15. If from this the friends of Mr. Douglas be deducted," the vote of Mr Hunter' will grow small by degrees and .beautifully less.' '" :. A:- L"i. t. x Tha vote for Mr.' Hunter may amount to 13 to 14;' aod by combinations with the friends' of other candidates the. vota of Virginia may be given to him ; but it would be so manifestly against what the - whole couqtry knows to be the will and wish of the people cf Virginia, that it would carry no influence whatever, ''m '---i ' r:;;-a . :-'Tbe Examitier, - claiming the Slate of Virginia tor Mr. Hunter, and persisting ia advocating his nomination notwithstanding tis4mavailability,-has caused a caucus io Washington, which has revealed the fact beyond doubt" "" ' -" ' " '. r - f.-r-: ; : ,.. Skow l)f Gibmanx. A. letter - from Prussia says the fall of snow this winter exceeds anything on record. ' By the latest accounts front the. Giant's -Mountains, we heard that the snowdrift had continued for three weeks : almost without intermission, and villages, were completely showed up, so that tbe inhabitants were hardly able (p keep a window at tbe top of their houses open to admit a little daylight :.The cat tle suffer greatly from the heat in the - sta bles, 'occasioned bj the masses Of snow resting oa the roots and, excluding ..every breath of air, and it is feared that an epi demic will break, out among them in conse quence. Boston TrttvtUer. ,,t;. j! t(, 3 ., Virginia at Charleston. New Advertisements. . CLOTH I IMC A tie -Sign of the EOttftlEf MBBE aWJUFltTtttt. SB. HOPt'ITIAJf Sc CO, M rw t in- form tbir cmsUonrB aod the public gmrmlly tfaat they ar ainos hiad irttk s new nd liadid mt- 0?; i. i U. itU i i t i v .V vlucb-wUlhsaald at pikaa to rnnptilii, ? To tboso-Vhe ars nrfutftopd IMntt bOTtri mdv awd Clothiac, m wU oar-that, wr nawoWtaro onr Clothinir. and can aoll a iaat m mnA i)ni,l. KnneDt fotk money thu Ukk4IA4 tnmiiiuws cu be bought for.. . .... , Obj tock of ptec goods Sot t-ktreost-mo trade torerr ezteasitrOAad has bvos - - , Carefully; Selected, Embracing the best make ot Trtvch ana1 EnHih Black aad Colored Broad Cloth aad Doeaata aad tba attaat and most elegant itlea of French, EngUsh end domes tic Fancy Cassimeres. Freoch and Spanuh Linen, and a an niietjr of Silk, Caahraera, and lUiaaiUes Veatinga. OUR COSTUME DEPARTMENT continaes nnder the special management of Mr. H. W. r . , v nwcK.i m-neexceiiea or any ob or lua ptosteaioa and asrar nissto gira satis fixtien. - - Gents' Furnish ins Goods.' We bars a very Urge variety In Ibis line, incladinr some new and imm) .vtl-w. sr- t. TTT? . ij oi lAfHSliCflPI mgetuf- fi.' -- I Ihlaaar afi.A ar a ' - . "T "-t vaipcs nmmny lamev, afml ft Cloibitict 8tx)TT, oar aotto sh&U t -Qniek Sales and Small Profited We tnjite thcrefbre, one and aQ fo call at tbe U.S. Uotbing Stmeroppwite tbe old Post Office avt 4Kav ait a ah ka 1I ll K nv . . r . elsewhere. CClothing made to ord- on shortest BAtica. - Kn Ht nr nln - Q T nDir vr i nn Maiersbarg. April 12. 196034- - y - - -- Sugar.; Sugar. Sugars Sugar. Sugar. Sngar. Sugar. Sugar. Sutrar. LOOK HERE! I If yon want Good Sorgvm, OR . SUGAR CAKE SEED. ! that ri-ena before ftt rroet, eVl as tho Big Coffee Pot. - I hmn soma siused in fentneky, and It CALL SO Off .""""' and bnr cheap, aod plant largeljr of the mosiprooiaoie crop a iarmer ran raise. Iam sole agent in this county for Cook's Sngar Evaporator, OR ROCKING PAN - ' BtarHlMbowr iiiTented. -BjrAU Evaporatoni that boil juices ih motion are irugevieAta, aad vHI-he riforomsly pinpcated by tbe invrotor. ' KRAT, Tinnert April, 12, 1880 J. EBERHAfiDT, Majitifactarer audDealer. ''eOS- AT.Ts KTWrpB OP .i AMERICAN ANO ITALIAN MAR B.U E.;WO R K SI Mocameats, Tombs itnd Read Stowep on hand and made to order on tbe shortest possible au4im, and at such low prices too that wiilaatomsfa the watn-es. . - - - - -r i.BRHARDT. Shop qm Ktain, 8trL . . U . r - April 12, IDtjO. - - " j- - . r - it i 'j - - ' 1 - - .-''-) the: best' horse oiiio. Bd BOSTON made his fotsr sntseasosn m Woostex. bat he will be kept the present season at Lafayette, Holmes onntr, )hio, coramencin on the 2d day f April, and endiov on tb! f Jarr. Big Boston, Tne distinguished race bortsviMn Veex hihit d in Miiler&lMiig oa the- urn and seeoad dare of tbe Maj termor Oonrt, at tbetablerf tbe Ohio Hoose, where all who wWi in -eeo -him or engage his senkca will have an ojioxtanitjr. .? " .V. ''i'- SE3DIGrTlEE- : - f Big Boston was bred by Em. BLhnrn, Woodford coantr, KentaekT) who imwvrted Short Trap, Xornn lanp, devereign american riiwv wbark, -Laaee; Bos4 troner, John Bascamst, Port Boy, Arab, Gray Eagle, Wagoner, Camden aod Old Boston, the strottres nace horse tbe world ever produced. As the ooDipctrtor of tho world renowned Faahton, Boston carried 12ft lbs trad ran 4 miles in 7 Biiaatee 3 seconds; m feat that was nerer eqaath?4 be snr bone i Atnoiricm. Big Boston was sired by Boeten, he by TfiMwIine, he by Sir ArehyJm by imported Diomede, she aw Ftamgell, he" by the Godol pi. in- Dam Folly. Hopkins, by Boisran, jrWtdatm. lea tilta, great, great grand dam by the Imp &asare. Be is 18 bands, weighs 1220 lbs. Bed bay, wl legs, tnam and tail. He has run his mile ia I miautwaad fis) seev onds; half mile in in .60 seconds, ncter was. thoronghly trained, bnt showed speed in bis riIa eflq&l sf the tasi est. He is a half brother to Lexington that was sold far $lVrOO; also so Leonmpte. that w aoM mr to. be W. Wells to Mr. Ten Brook. Tbewran the great race between America aod England. For "boaaty, strength, action and fine figure Big Boston is not surpassed by any horse in Arneriea-T At the Wayne Cnnnry Fair last tall, he took the sweepntakes orer the Fronch Norman that sold ramfMltlyster-th Fair for He aloe took the premium ovecthe Moss heseHlaesr,SaiSapooxi, that was soM for $500. " In fact- to nserlUe language of Jndgo Cot and a thousand btmers; he is a prtsct home. Some ten of his colts took premiams at saitl lair. TERMS: Fifteen doHar for msnrance- . , DAVIU UAIUktf Owner. ' -IV Izi JASl'&SLVUCUiOX Groom. April 5th, 1S60-W, , r.m Dr.&D.BICHABSS, LOCATED mBerlili, Holmes eocrnt, Ohio, will attend to ail cail proper te laa ptw&asiun. . , v- gjRwperial attention te diseases ef -the Bye.-J J April li, 1660 34, , . r . rDISSOIafJiriO THE partaership heretofore existing between John Eberharut 4t Co. ia the hiarble bgid neaa, ia tfeia iy disaofred by matoat eoowtat. The baxJc8rntocesutaxejlhend.F Jobs) Eberhardt. who iriU still carry oa the business in all its various bnuMoesj. U-i - - JOHN KBKRHAHDT-Co. -Jiillerahnrg. Aprif4th, l86tM-o34rr. f Adminisixatara'a wonce. t . OTICE ia harcbj givn that tha oaiiciain, cd was this da appointed and auallfisa as the Adminiorratot of thcata4 ioW Wolga niott, dee'd.i late f, Holme-con4y , - - . i v DAVID UoCULLOCsf. - AdmiDWtrator. AprU,6Jymr-tv34t& STOPHir.7! THEBK earn my ataalaa an the lMh of March, ISfiO a well dresbad aixl aeatleaianlj benaee4 asan, atioat M nears oW, aad hfaaJul aa ahussaaml ausjrTv repmentias: ac ke was irsioa; to tba o. no try to but stock, c arnee- which time I har not -seen him. The horse was a white one, aeoat U Tears old, with a mark oa the left fore shoulder, reprR.ntin( a born. Thebed of the botfly was brqwa, th, ra nates; jrer, neshcolUR. - - . Aar aossoa ntwra saM harsaand anftrw-or jeMo in formation where they mas be ad shall be liberallr i warded. . v - t .-v-.-.. t--:. J. R. CAUKBAK. Millersbarif.O, AariI,Va. k t tr The Cadis Repahlicu and Salem Bacalilicaa will copy tn tha amouat of (1 and send bills to this omc for collection. . ... t , . - TO TTT A CIIIIIS3." ." ' ' L ' TI7K Baaai aooi Cuanrtses wish! a and ars A. county cf Holmes, sritl bold meetitarsia aUUersbarc oa tlje Kwbof J.h, Jst- of March and 14rh at Antil. u ir. sow, cor Bit sjrsanuaairajt ftrmpftrsantsss aaca ra af Coauaaa Schauts.. ' . v .- ' -fi. B. Mo aeHUoat adautted afWr 10 a'eaaek A. Jt.r , .-..Mj ordsr of the Board. I i FaKBKtd, ... , , .M JiOBFJtt JL HCB, Clark. , ATTENTION. WANTED." TIT thos, kaswtaa- thamatdra aadebaa to ai sit bar W B.'i. nova aervuiw, tuas wr wu PT. 11 oq cannot par all of your indebteda, oTif, as hy psTlne a part e( it, and that aasooa s pwslhle. . .. sarca 10, taw sw. , . S.BTlSsS' I 2 I- at"f ' "S 3 ' pf.