Newspaper Page Text
3) 0 mm ! Irs. 5-'.-f.cui a aji-U.-4n vtttnsl ttL alii 0 -4 j east. vJ 'W"i i ifl . ,.- O y T sf.HirA.rsa f t r.nfi b.- , - kUT Domees ws ee.vavavaie V. r i .- .- ' :. t' A m oi fcstxais' of ssb uijik rlhCT-ri-rr-riW Y-rVxir r t? a .rVA t nmir" Attta mTTTTT Crrv i'v'nriTT'-lft iofti VOL. 4. ooo: MinooM & tmn .... 1 1 h? a B . . . .IT . . j i 1 tmiiiw 8ncrr,Tkn para Sm pr ftmmm Paid-withia tkT7a."?.rr; '4M After th tic wpam, 4. If Hj liitai i in n to uirtkw fU IMIiimIH Ik ylillltilT, d thair ysv f.MM rtlllrfllM t.IT-rt-'1l III Mllltl I lull1 D m uoa,T rifi rtag A imaaf K m TERMS OF AD YERTISINQ: y.T.'TT7'-i i A iff A iHiumBnMini,iuptWii. &dhBfaaeqteatiB8erticBndcrSmus... Oaeaqtore, a roo'i, changeable at pleaanre 3.00 DoLT! 1 0 T C t Uu Vs.oo d. ia do do 8.eo Ptmrti eolnmiat Jf, cfiangmWr quartorl j 99.00 their m lmndiiU twrinm, wtU b ehtgd tli.00. hifui r4, xBMdi( Mt Ms4 wilt to lnvW m yasrfM tijM ; wd jautf drcrtiMn'aarda Mrt, wiU eky 0 par mat. son tfcaa lb Aftore nut .s Y3TlfX Aimtrtiiimtnlt caarfMbb to th tqauc Business Cards. MILLERSBURG, 0.' "VFFICE, one door JSaafbfiie 'Book Store, Vy up suira. '.--' ' ' April 22, 1858Sb35j1 . 'Q.W. EAMAGE, 1 H0LKSV1L1L CHIfl. ' k m-tfally infin the pnblie that V hai eaw usa aoer vtumxv, lor w praciBe i iiu tT" OFFICE n wt of Reea" eot " J. E. ATTOTSOH, Millersbtirg rOhio IS ROW rHEPABEB to furnUa U Arder an tb diOmnt kindf f ArtiBdal Terth. (nun m to aa aliaaaat. f VAeaao Maiaatmtitvo door aagt of r Dninj mcc, up nun. Ktn a v.'xouitg, rrVHASKJUI. aur past (avora, respectfully Ms taacftia fcia ptofeaeioaal aeiT ice to the pnb liav Office ia tM room forroerlj occnpieu tiy DIL EESIGHT, pljnirian anb Surgeon, - MILLERSBURG, O. OHee mm Jaekan Street, aearlr aypaato the i Caaaara Have. .. , Cjrf Realdence on Clay Street, opposite the i'reebyteraa Church,- -tf' $ "EEKJAIWX C0HN, Rl7-nilD(MWG Of all IJescriptioiis, CQB. OF JACKSON WASBIGT0SST&. i - wit itnwuTOC, o. Wboster & ilillersburg riwj i. DB. M. E. ST0KRS, . Offlft jprefJE-Kochs Store Boom. -DevineS9.- -fc-"r 5 - - ;'."'; ';.v CASKET & IlffGLES, "Tit allj- fe-'V ' P- - " T-r ' 1 r PLAUT & FANCY j i Of&Il tindB, neatly executed AT THIS OFFICE. Fcn7ardi2g and Commission ,da 11 tt .i .WULM or- 'x-J J SlLTflSH, BLASTER,- WHITE "'AND WATE&ZIME-i - - - . moimmw FL0UK, "WHEAT, KYE,C0RN, OATS, JUMl V& ASD TliipTHX EEDt Arfter, JToy. 2ra nT"5raSt lfJriei fruit .i KCLE CUCXSMITM S'to I XHLLER&B URG, Off0. 3"OH3ST eTORDAST; TTil laiaiil a aw Banaamith aaoaoa MadAntha JjLay Btooet, vat aida, a abort diataaea amth of c bar. lyaotaW Stara, whore k ia faUa arrpand to dealt work ia Mr Mae f baataaai aa a abort aettco, at rsaaoa able arleaa aad h a - - 7orkmanI2ce XIanner. An arm not their vark wall dam aad at l aaaonalila arteaa, aheaUaaUa Joraoa'a aboa. Be abeoa horrea fare anlln aaab, aad doaaather wort arnperUiinataly raw. J0HM JOBOOkT Jimenbarg, Aa(. 11, 184 41 Business Cards. Poetry. Business Cards. Poetry. THE HAMMERS. Business Cards. Poetry. THE HAMMERS. BY GALLY! Ia our (nrela Urjogk the towa, t,-. There. Ursaggeay Itwi are blo., tW)kaiBagirKlwmratUesiaatadrasa, Wirtre thf ajeripag faQ e wedgra W e urre yal died uie bulinhaQieT la it Naaei the neaawred thunder witbs ring JAad tie raging, riagiaf. ringing . , t . Ala-ays aetsacr head to aiagia; . , aing. BwiMrtiiH like the aosg the bamaoera aeem to. , ' lake the ringing of lie Delia,' WbeB tie wedding cnimiog airella Thro' the roerry marriage Borainf to the pair fm So the dang aad bang aad rattle I -; Of the kamsiara. ia the battle, i... Fall, like araaieoa the dull aad quiet air. -la 'fbe ioHiplAye! Tie battle ! , rorttia ao idle prattle . ;r. . That ve aieg. JTis tie battle against TTar, JlSJUi hUagwa grim aad gaunt. ,L.r Aud his suppers ferar and scant t ." T tie battle of tie oas. 'gaiast tie cA-Vt. Tia'tieVeddiBg eiibm of Weaiti " ITieiisie w-edeierself toiealti . " Aad nianieasTartiy labor ia tie shop . May tie TJnioa a ever eeaee T v; , . , . - ' . Aad tie children lire in pex j Aad lie wreddisg chime of Hammers nerer stop Miscellaneous. Sarah is bound to Sell Somebody. We gira beJow a racy letter from a Ten nessea woman to Ler fugitive slave "Jarm," who now rejoices in bis freedom at Syrn- cuseJM. xand is a minister of the (ios pel. as well as an active Agent of the TJn derground ,.-Railroad. It appears that "JarnT.wben he ran away, accomplished be first stage of hisjouraeT northward on a valuable mare, also a cbattte of the same woman, and rode ber so bard that be near ly used ber up.- The mistress is angry and. wants pay for either one animal or the other. It m needless to say that "Jarm." who is now the Rev. J. W. Logue, declines to comply, bat hero it the Jotter: Mackt Couktt, lenn- eb. 20, 1860. To Jabm-I now take ray pen to write yon a few lines, to let yon know bow we all are. . 1 am a cripple, bat am still able to gat about. v The rest of the family are 11 weu. . Ubetry is as veil as common. I write you. these lines to let you know the situation we are in partly in consequence of your running away and stealing Uid Kock. onr one mare, Anougn we got tne mare back, she was never worth much af ter you took her; and, as I now stand in need of some funds,! have determined to sell you and I have had an offer for you but did not see fit to take it. ' If vou will send trie one thousand dollars, and pav for the old mare, I win give op all claim I have io jou. . t rius iu ruo aa buud as yvu jrei these few hues, and let me know if you will accept my proposition. In consequence of your running away we bad to sell Abe and Ann and twelve acres of land ; and I want yon to send me the money that I may be able to redeem the bind you was the cause of our selling, and on the receipt of tie above named sum of sale. If you do not comply with my request I will sell you to some one else, and you may rest assured that the time Is not far distant when things will be changed with you. Write to me as soon as you get these lines. Direct your loiter to Bighyville, Maury county, Tennessee. You had bet- comply with my request. I understand that you art a preacher. As the Southern people are so bad you bad better come and preach to your old ac quaintance. I would like to know if you read your Bible ! If so, can you tell what will become of the thief if be does not re pent f and, if the blind lead the blind, what will the consequence be. deem it unnec essary to say much more at present. A word to the wise is eumcent. You know where the liar has his part. You kno.w that we reared you as we reared our own children; that you was never abused, and that shortly before you ran away, when your master asked you jf you would like to be old. you said yon would not leave him to go with anybody. ... Sarah is bound to Sell Somebody. SARAH. LOGUE. Thk Skxuto nr thi Palace. The CoMteri Runt col tains some interesting details of the betrayal of Miss. Tarakanoff by Gregory Orloft, one of the the favor ites of Catherine IL This ladyf who claimed to be the natural daughter of the Empress Elizabeth and Count Kazoumoff ski, aad to be entitled to the throne of Rus sia by virtue of a will of Elizabeth, which, she said Catherine bad destroyed traveled through Turkey, (ireece, uermany and It aly in search of a government which would espouse ber cause. - Catherine, whose per sistent efforts to entrap her give probability to ber story, falling in all other means, at but sent ber favorite, Orloff, in pursuit of her, enjoining him to bring ber back to Russia dead or a live. Orloffi pretend ing that he had fallen into disgrace,' put himself into relations with Hiss Taraka noff in Naples, conspired with ber against Catherine, and, more perfactly to deceive ber, asked her band in marriage. He per suaded ber to go os board a Russian vessel for the performance of the ceremony ; there the Russian Rear Admiral arrested ber He took her to Cronstant, and that is the last that was ever beard of ber. During the year past a terrible rumor has arisen thaujit was the skeleton which was found wailed op in in a closet in the palace of Zarakoe-Zela, while fitting the apartment' of the hereditary grand Duke. taf"Hrs. Swiaabelm says that the popu mnty of her paper in Minnesota is due to the fact that "paopla are always expecting she will say something aha ought not to." i Sarah is bound to Sell Somebody. SARAH. LOGUE. The Western Cattle Trade--A Venerable Pioneer. T , We learn that there ia now coming over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad a lot of shcty-one bead of cattle from Southern Ohio, which are owned by Mr. George Senica, of Ubuucotbe, about whose history we have gathered .some interesting facts, which, we think worthy of being presented to our readers. ,-..,..- George Reoick, who has been long, widely and favorably known as a rnccess fol breeder of cattle, was born on the 7th September 1776, a short time after the Dec laration of Independence.- On attaining manhood, he emigrated in 1797, to now Rosa City, and from thence, in 1807, to Ohio and was followed shortly by most of bis relative, who are successfully engaged in the same, business. . It is a remarkaple fact, and one bat little known, that to Mr. Renick is due the credit of being the first individual who ever drove fat cattle over the Allegbeeies'to Baltimore. This be did as far back aa the year 1805, little dream ing that be would live to see the day when be could transport bis stock over the grand route is a less number of days than it took him weeks. . . The time Mr. Renick occupied in driving hie cattle over the AUegbenies to Baltimore was thirty five days, and on their arrival here the stock was purchased by Mr. Rusk and others. This is said to be the last lot which the pioneer drover of the Alleghenies intends rearing. Ihe stock is very superi or, we are informed, and originally consign ed to New York, but on the old gentleman zemembenng that it was to Baltimore be consigned h is first cattle, changed their des tination, and, availing himself of lite ample facilities now afforded by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for the transporta tion of this description of freight, made his last consignment to Baltimore. The manners, dress, customs, tc of Mr. Ren kk are of the last century, and to illustrate some of his peculiarities we way mention that in the latter part of the year 1804, be paid bis first subscription to the National IntiUiaeneer newspaper, and since that time to the present has read no other pa per the American part of the time ex cepted. He is still in the enjoyment of good health, and much respected by all who know him for bis probity and urbani ty in business transactions, as well as pri vate life. When the weather permits the old gentleman may be seon taking his ride to the post omce for his Intelligencer, and although he is about giving np the rearing of cattle himself, he may yet lire to see his sons! also favorably known in the same bu siness) send many a good bead, of cattle over the Alleghenies but not on foot Baltimore America- Queen Victoria's Crown. It is not kuown generally, that the crown wore by Queen Victoria on State occasions was a present from the sons of Malta to the Koyal family,. An . English paper gives the following discriptioo of air 1 be crown worn by the tjueen of Ureal Britain at the opening of Parlament is composed of hoops of silver, which are completely covered and concealed by pre cious stones, having a Maltese cross of dia mondson the top of it. In the center of this cross b a magnificent sapphire, in front of the crown, above the rim, is another Maltese cross, in the middle of which is the larger unpolished ruby which once graced the coronet of the chivalrous Black Pnnce, and underneath this, in the circa lar rim, is another immense sapphire. . The arches enclose a cap of deep purple, or rath er blue velvet; and the rim of the crown, at its base, is clustered with brilliants, and ornamented with fleurt de-lit and Maltese crosses equally rich. There are many other precious gems emeralds . and rubbles, sapphires and femail clusters of drop perals of great price. The crown is altogether valued at over half a million of dollars. Indeed, were it possible to reccollecl and again bring together such precious stones. this estimate would fall much below the in trinsic value. The old crown of England, made for George III., weighed upwards of seven pounds, but notwithstanding this gorgeous display of jewelry,' independent of the gold cap, the present crown only weighs nineteen ounces and ten penny weights. It measures seven inches' in height from the gold circle to the upper , -i j -. .t. i- cross, auu its diameter at me rim is nve inches. JSTForney's Pre is very severe upon the Presidents fast message,' protesting against the investigation into his 'conduct It says: ' ' ' ' The case stands just as if a clerk store should say to the firm, "Yoo shall not examine the books to ascertain my .de linquency ; I repel the suspicion ; protest against the disgrace; But you may pro cvte me for felony, and rim the ritk of teenrtna a convtclton." Mr. Buchanan says in this most arrogant of all state papers upon record most -arrogant in its assumptions, most arrogant in its tone "I defy investigation." - And yet the whole meaning, object, and aim of the paper is to escape investigation; The Democratic party must utterly and openly repudiate this protest and the pro testor, or they will near from the people soon upon the subject of Presidential pre rogatives. 1 ' - ' A Good Fighter. The Texas IForo Demoerat learns from Wnr. F. Oakes, of Coryell Co., that on the 25 ultr Win. Jen kins, of Commanche Co., went in pursuit of seven Indians, who had stolen bis hor ses the night before, and coming np to them, killed two and whipped - the other five. Jenkins was shot through the body with an arrow but did not know it until af ter the fight was over. He rode home, and died two days afterwards from bis wounds. Tbe lawyers of Wisconsin bare promise of a rich harvest for long Tears to come, says the Madison Journal, "from the unsettling of our whole system of taxa tion, by the recent decision of the Supreme Court in regard to the railroad tax. If this decision operates the extent gen erally conceded, no tax has been legally astsased since tbe passage of the railroad law, sow declared unconstitutional,' it ed to Marvellous Reports. The"gol (5eV tales that come from Oregon will tempt thousands to their rain, bat a faithful chronicler of the news we must give them as tber are lola . An Or egon papefsaTs: ,, '-'- Tbe Gold Hill ia Southern Oregon, yields $10 to every pound of anarta, and one piece of four poasda gave eterea oun ces and thirteen dollars; another of four teen pounds gave thirty-six ounces; and tbe smallest yield 12 to ihe' pound. The company have on band a ton of quartz un- cru8hed and the prospect as bright as ever for farther vields. This is what is called the Ross Claim. " " ' ' ' Another company in tbe Ish which from 400 pounds of rock had 444 ounces gold. One piece of 5 pounds yielded twelve ounces and a half of sold. . The company has already extracted 1125,000 and tbe ledge in increasing in richness. The Alia California speaks of tbe arri val from tbese mines of Mr. Philip Meagh er, who had with him number of speci mens of gold quartz. Says the Altai ;. One of these weighed between two and three pounds, and was broken off a d libitmai by Mr. Meagher, from the Maury mine. It ia perfectly filled with gold, ao that, may as appropriately be called quartz gold as gold quartz. In fact, tbe gold is apparent all over and through it. This splen did piece is to be sent to the Washington Monument, and will - be - a splendid, exe ropier of tbo immense richness of tbe Pacific alone -of the continent. i Tre were also half dozen smaller pieces, which, with die large one, will be exhibited in this city. Our informant is a perfect ly reliable man, well known in this city. He says that the story of two men having taken out 150,000 is quiet true, j Ho went into tbe excavations of both of the mines tbe Ish and tbe Maaryand saw for himself the wonderful richness of the pla- w . I . cere, it was more use a scene oi eacuau la ment Aladdin's wonderful lamp? or tome other fanciful creation of. 4ho- Arabian Nights than the reality" of sober facta. Above, around, everywhere, tbo very walla of the excavations were apecked with gold. Gold Hill seems to be the bead .qnar ters of tbe cold, as none is fonnd along the Rogue river, above that place,1- while below, for mnnv miles, I he canons, gulches, and the banks of tbe river, nave oeen touno to pay, some as high as ten or fifteen dol lars to the hand, and others showing only the color. The present season baa been an unusually dry one, and this ' prompted manv - men to start out prospecting, for want of water, when these general discov eries were made. : After the Maury claim was discovered, one of tbe men, who bad been herding entile at or near Gold Hill, remembered that tbe be bad found a inece of quartz on tbe top of tbe hill, sometime Detore. Isu uoropany, wnn a common araslra, crushed tip four ounces of gold, which would make the rock average about thirty-five thousand dollars to the ton, Worse than Wooden Nutmegs. It is not to lie wondered at, says tbe Richmond Dispatch, 'that Yankee shoe makers have to work cheap, when the character of the stock they use is known nor is it at all surprising that tbe shoes thus made are of very little service to the purchasera.-' A foW erenings since s young lady of this city, finding ber feet were somewhat damp after short walk, set by tbe fire to warm Ibem t course taking good care not to scorch ber dress raitert bv placing them too sear the fire. On becom ing comfortable, she rose to attend to some domestic ' affairs, and started across- tbe room, but suddenly discovered that some thing was wrong about one of her bootav- An examination into the cause showed her that one of ber heels Was gone, which was afterwards found lying - on the fedw- The heel proved to - have been : made of some chwap- composition, instead of leather, and becoming warn by tbo firs; had melted and left the sole. ' Wooden nutmegs and paper shoe soles am some of the inventions of. . Yankee ingenuity, bat they are entirely thrown into the shade by the substitute or. leather ow used .in heeling ladies shoes3'ww tT i - - 'rO 4 , - Could sot aavn tan Gospei fob, thk Foxes. That was a novel but not so bad an argument which the mountain member urged ra the Aenincky legislature: r, A few day ago bill proposing a pre mium on the fox scalps was ande. .discus sion, it, bad .been : somewhat-, tonghlv bandied in debate by members, from tbe most populous regions, 'bete foxes were scarce, and Mr. I, from one of the moun tain counties, rose to reply- We give only bis peroration; " "And are we, Mr. Speak er we of the mountain regions not only to witness the annual destruction . of our croops, but actually to be derprived By these varmints of the consolation of Kit a. tost" This woke the House up, and set agape for an explanation. ' He contin ued "You, know Mr. Speaker that we live in a rough country; ' that . your fancy churches (your - Fre&bvtenan and Episcopalians) never send'preachere among us. vv edepeod for tne Uospel upon the tbe circut riders of the Methodist Chourch : and, air, everobody knows that they can notbe induced to travel where there are no chickens, and that chickens cannot be rais where foxes abound I" Tbe argumen't was unanswerable, and tbe bill become a law. HCHASTTT AT A DlSOOCHT. Cspt. A via the jailor, who endeared himself to tbe hearts of the humane everywhere, by min gling some grains of humanity in bu deal' ings with John Brown and others, while prisoners under his charge, is about to suf fer for bis kindness of heart. Upon pre senting his bill for outlays in the matter of fuel, lights, dto, to the Auditor of Public Accounts, he had the mortification of see ing the bill rejected. Strange to say the bills were for expenses incurred for the ben efit of tbe jail guard having in charge the prisoners. Virginia has tens of thousands bestow on the folly of Gov. Wise, bat one cent for necessary expenses incur red. Newark Advertiser, LAWS OF OHIO: Published by Authority. [No. 3] AN ACT of To amend. Section 490 of an Act entitled "An Art to establish a Code of Civil Procedure," passed March II, 1853, ' Skctiqn I. Be it enmded by tie Gen eral Assembly of the State of Ohio, That Section W or tbe act entitled aa act t estab lish a eode of civil procedure, passed atarvh , 1853. as heretofure amended, be Boar aa aanetxi- ed as to read aa follows: 8ecioat90. Snei judgment, if tie trassaript shall be filed in term time, shall have a lira os tie real ratals of the laaVment debtor from the day of filing' : if filed is aacauoat, aa atmiast the- debtor, it shall bare a lien from the dav of filing : bat as against oili er tranarripts filed ia vacation, aad judgmental rendered at the next term ox tbe court ed Uom rooa Picas, it shall have a Keo only from the first day of the next term of said Coort ; and any judgment of which a tnuacript has been filed as aforesaid, whatever may ba tie amouat tnereoi, which aoau nave nerctoajre or wnica may hereafter become dormaat by reason of Ac death of cither of the parties thereto or from any ether raoae, may be revived by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the transcript has or may be filed, ia like manner! dormaat judgments rendered br soeb. Coort may be revived ; and the revivor thereof aha!) iava tie same farce and rffeet sa the revivor of a odgmeBt rendered by the Court of Commoa RICHARD PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. January 25, 1860. -4.] AN ACT To amend an act entitled "An Act to amend the sixteenth section of ah act , entitled an act relating to the brganiza " tion of Courts of Justice and their powers ''and duties," passed February 19, 1852. Skctios 1. ReU enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of Ike State of Ohio, That sectioa one of the above recited act be amended ao as to read aa follows: Sectioa L. That ia ev ery instance where a Judge of the Court of Com mon Pleas is or shall be Interested ia tie event of any cause, proceeding, motion, sr. matter pending before the said court, ia aay county of hia district, or when there shall not be a quo rum or the Judges ot tbe District ifeurt ot aay district, er reason of interest, os affidavit of ei ther party to said cause, proceeding, motioa or matter pending, or ius counsel, snowing too tact of suei interest, it shall be the doty of the Clerk of said Court to eater ppoa the OocKet there of aa order direct hi jr that the paper aad all matters belonging to said cause, motion, pro ceeding, or matter pending, hi which said J odge of the Court of Common Pleas, or of said Di trict Court, ia interested, if in the District Court, shall be transmitted to the Clerk of tie Court of a county of ubq of the adjoining districts; if ia the Court of Common Pleas, then to tie Clerk of tie Coort of Common Pleas of an aajnining county of another Mtxurieion, where practica ble, of the same district, where act, then teas adioininr ooantv of another district i and whew a copy of said docket entry, together with all tbe nles belonging to said, came, motion pro ceedinfr, or matter pending, shall be filed with the clerk of the aetirt ta wham the same may he transmitted, said clerk snail docket aocB cause, motioa. nroceedine, er matter nendisc aad thereupon tie same shall proceed to anal judg ment or determination in all respects aa Though the same had beta originally commenced ia said coort last mentioned. . , . f -VM;r , i Sjcc 2. Section one of an act to amend the sixteenth sectioa of an act entitled "As act re lating to tbe organization of Courts of Justice Bad their powers aad dnties,' passed Febrnary 19, 1832, be and the same ia hereby repealed. This act shall take effect from aad after ltspas- - RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Januray 25, 1860. [No. 5] AN ACT Amending sestioo 1 wo of an set entitled '"An Act further defiuing the Duties of - Sheriff and Coroners , passed March i 1, 1838V '! r r-.jr i :-.-.- ; SscTtoir I. B it enacted bv the Gen eral .Assembly of the State of Ohio, That Section two of the above recited act be so amead ed as to read as follows: Section 2. That there shall be kept ia the office of the Sheriff of each county of this State, a foreign execution docket. to be lumisbed at tne cost of the county, in which docket the Sheriff or Comer shall, on the receipt, by him of aay execution, order of sale, or other process issuing from anr court of any county of this estate, other loan that in which he resides, make an entry of tie date of such writ, when received by bun from what court and county issued, tie date and amount of judgment or decree. Also copy in snci book the full description of the property and real es tate which be shall levy upoa or offer 6r sals. tbe same as etHioroea upon or contained la said writ. - Also copy into said book his retnra on such writ, when he makes tie samp, inclu ding lie bill of costs; and shall, for tie use of the persons entitled tn the same, retain all free due ineueh siun to reaideata bis eonntyj tv the same over on demaad ta sue pen id ahall make a direct ad rererae index tf each case as entered ; and such e trios ao maale, shall be noticed to Mbsequent ptirelsaerr aad creditors of the matters coa Veined thereia.. - Sec. 2. That snci original sectioa two be sad is hereby repealed. . -.-'. Sec. 3. This act to take effect and be ia force from and after hi pamag& ' - --; to ; I I at ias of ao RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. January 25, 1860. January 25, 1860. [No. 8.] AN ACT To amend section Ten of an set entitled "As Act establishing Boards of County Commissioners, and prescribing their . UUtie,"4as6ea AlftrCb ia,.I853 rv5t 5 Ssction 1. Beit enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the Slate of Ohio, That section teh oi the above recited act be so amend ed aa to read as follows: 8ec 10. That at the September session: the Commiosoaora shall examine aa compare the accounts and vouchers of the County Auditor and Treasurer, count tie lunaa in ue treasury, ana direct the Auditor to poUiai aa exhibit ot fie receiDts and exnea. diturea for the past year. . ... Sao. 3. . That original sectioa ten of said act be and tbe same is hereby repealed. .This act to take effect and be ia force from aad after its ' n; to wo with , ' . . ' RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. February 8, 1860. [No. 12.] AN ACT Supplementary to tbe actenritledMAn Act provide for the re-orni-Uon, super- vision and maintenance of Common Schools," pssssd March 1, 1853. Sicnoirl.' M eaeerirf Ay the Gen crW Assembly tit IK Stilt O&mc Tisat it shall lie lawtnl fcraav Joard m rdsnaSissw onnuiised under tie aat paanad March 1. 1863. entitled "Aa Art to provide fta thsr le-wnmaW cation. SMptn isaua, aad BMBtateaaaea f Cuaa moa chouia. er ertvaiard Uader the aat paaw rd Fehroary 31, 1819, entitled -Aa Act far the better trgohetiua of tie Public ScsMaab m eancs, towns, aVc ia every ease where it saay he a nnairy to proeuie a school Knoae sitr.aaKi tie said Board of lajeaiMi and tie ewerr thereof shaB be washer fraaa any eaaaar, ua ges s-sao the sale aad tie pttrefcasa thereof to Btaks eet. aa accurate snrrey ana oeasriptiiai M the par- col of tana wbien the said Bused or as seat km may oeatre to apprwrnata Bar Sehnial hawaw poa pasea, and Ble the same with tbe rsste Jadgw. of tie proper eoonty aad tberwipoa tie same. proceedings, of appnfiriai wn ahali be bad which are proTtdsd to by lie act ntitled Ab Act tm provide lor compeBsnlkin to tic owner of pn vate Dronertv apuiomiated to the saw of sarns ' raticais,parjiid April 3U, 18. aad fioTarioaS acts ameauaJory aad wppitJBwatary thevetev - Bho, 3Xht shall hOoir asVet wpo ita RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. February 10, 1860. [No. 14.] AN ACT Supplementary to the set to civs addi-' tional security to Land Titles in this State, passed March 22. 1843. , Sectios . Be it enacted by tie- Oener alAisembly of the State of Ohio, That whenever any deed, aiorteage, lease, er other in strament Of writiag bitenaei to coarrey or ajaenaa ber any real estate, or aay interest thetett, ucra tofore or hereafter executed, may not have been j or shall not be printed or written ea a tingle sheet. whenever the eetsnoaie -or thereof mar not bars bcea or (hall aot bo tainted or written on the same abeet oa which said deed, morteige, lease, or otcer mstromeat of writiiig may oe pmrrea ar wnwea, aaa seen eeteeCuro eon Versace sliall be eorrected br the kitbiajjaut of a couri, or oy ue voiuniary act or the parties taere to,aichjudgmant,or me tm merit eorrecttng tbe game, shall relate back ao as to tabe effect at and be operative froa the tune of filinr the orurioal eonveyaBce Ia the Eeeorder's OtSce. bEo. 2. This act ahaU take effect upon its pass age. - ' ''---ti. v. i s -j- I i RICHARD C. PARSONS, RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, Feb. 10, 1860. President of the Senate. [No. 15.] AN ACT Supplementary to an act to provide for compensation to tbe owners of Private Property appropriated to the use of Coi- porations, passed April 50, 1352. " Sbctwh I. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State of Ohio, That whenever it become neoessarr for two or am' railroads ta eroes any of the navigable waters of j wis oiata as er near we same point by draw er swing bridge, said roads shall, if practicable, aat one and the same bridge aad approaches thereto; aaita lease tie Coaxes arh1mg aad these deeirmg m M w3lridgs mm proAeveanaot .grew attataW tad test faftmspoe which said bridge shall he aaeefae aoove, toea tbe ngftt to aae aay bridge and ap- lwaHw, w aasor sinmar sowecare already ttraated by a; aaflroad Wibpbct fbe its own Bay be apsreprbrad by any ether raiiroad aaaa pany, to be enjoyed in commoa with the corapaay owmag the same, a. arrnrdtnee with the prera ions of the taw In fares snthnriilng she sij neisa tion of private property to tie aa ef oofponbona, OB.J. tne siaiemens reouired to ba sird eoa Uinmjr a specific description of the rigWtengit toheanretMatedmsiich eases thaJLsjaea- aa may do, set torta) thw regvjstiosa i which the joint mo ef said hridre eon other structure, shall be reeulated: and in the reaaooiibleneaaof the same or say part thereof seauioe oenxM uy Hie aeieaoanc m eajd preeeed- nasa. tne coon soau seas and determine issue, and enter on record ia anduur ai thereon, connraiinir or slterinr said rrmlatVrae aa may aeem juh aoa reasoBwHe, aubject to excep tions and leveraal for error by the Court of Cobb rleas oo petitions filed torthatpeapm the order of tie court fixing said reguWioai made before the jury are imponmJfrf ta the amount of compensation tot the right sought heapproprialcd, which comaeneeaoa ansa be sum equas I0;HIS BBBaai valns ea each sees 10 OS paid quarterly each year, ia advance, whih) the same shall eontinne. .t Src. 3. Thi act shaB take effect and be ia force trees end after ltt j mut j tf Pf"5?: I t-rnW RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of ROBERT C. KIRK, Feb. 10, 1860. President of the Senate. [No. 22.] AN ACT To amend sa act entitled Aa Act to sa- thonze tbo establishment . of Poor Honses,". passed March 8, 1831. took ctiect dunol, leSl j r-'p Ik Sectiob L Beit enacted by th Gentf Astembly of Ue State if Ohio, list section four of the net entitled An Ac to tbo eatabliabiBOnter Poor Homo." March 8, 1831, be so amended as to read as fbi- knrs: That the Board of Directors shall aonoiats gtrpurhttencjrit, who shall reai the lDjraaary,eroanCTBmiaiBgeoncgBOBs nias toajrigbaareceireaB msnraajnralorhrissrvt- ees,perforni such dntie,ahdgTe suea security for their faithful performance aa the Board shall rudirs trover, ie shafl be (roreroed. to all rav apetfts, by tne tuieeans reguJattoMar ONetaard, mav be wavaved by thean at ulintae hot In case shall tbe lArectors appoint one ef thaa own number such imerintendent, nor shall aav di rector be eiirible to hoW any other offioe, dJreetry hadireetly ta ths Iszvsaarv, awseeetve an aits rnsiiionwhnteTer.saphTsioiaa. eitha attetif er enoirecuy, woercui ;os appoistiBg power a i enltai the Soard of rhreewt by this act, or tie acts sBseadatoryof tiisaeti nortball lbs Tminlitasd- thaa appoiated bold sjiyethar Beat ha s bBrtBery. .The Sopsrutenent aaav jweaas ail persons reoared into the Iuflrraary, to perform such reaaosaMo and aroderate labor aa. say be anited to their sires end bedilr twerarta. its srv cecds of which snail bo apnropriatad to thonts of - . Ts.s,MWJ..iif m!m tniM tKo InSieaar-r env ,m,eri arhA obeli I Droduce to him snei en erdcror veocbor-as tt bemnalW quired: and he shall enter ta a book pe prrmded by him ari kept for that Pmpoa.1 nun anu age, , as oear aa swy do, os eTwry person so received into the Iiinrmary, together the day on which Suei person was received . r-i A Sac. 3. That original section four in tie above recited act be aad the same a hereby repeal ea. See. 3. This act shalt tako eneet and bo ia from aad after ia passage. RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. Speaker the House of Representatives. RICHARD A. HARRISON, President pro tem. the Senate. March 3, 1860. [No. 23.] AN ACT Limiting tbe Fees of t'otmtt TreszTjrers in certata esses. 7", -u Sbctiok 1. Be tt enacted bv the Gener al Auembly ef the State of Ohio. That ieT lr by him from tie Tmsrirtr of 8tats, anything ts any law to the oontrary notwi&etanding. inaes SxcS. rata aad aflsr la [No. 23.] AN ACT RICHARD C. PARSONS, [No. 23.] AN ACT RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RICHARD A. HARRISON, tem. the Senate. President pro tem. the Senate. March 3, 1860. [No. 26.] AN ACT To aotend sectioa tiWlreadWdBtaoir i!?Vf ssttOilisa a Code, of Xivq fTOcedurs.- . ' ,5 icno I. Serenaded by th Mur al Atmltfte SUttf-.QjTU titled "Aa Act t I e Coda at Cera fre ts read sa fcUowss cedure, be aa i Beettoa 3tX Itonstt stall is sitowed to Vastiry locatk, or oa'deaf sad daBBbBefanaTee theo ca tor or agtBunistraaar of a deceased person, or the suits ace ecotrsots which i ea sno sy ososaarw wen esaaMvafdasHuraatheSt by Meatam winch tm, u sre sans pas SsaBaflesa aWtween tv aav oatifr as a sB thai pack party aad ageaS iarektloa estwekeea rnet, WtawaaaaJagsf tlrsaame; excepting also t hrhe etaha ersefcaas IbesdeeT on : mttmtmnjrlmm tio anr whatV-ha saw. milted to testify that tie etrUaria hh asusi- writiBaT. Oat the book lllaalniin ska ana ia U. book ofortgtaal sedriea, aad tf s origmal entries sa said boaatox aeaasjDa Jatre beewSasda hransr. "- r r'r fnTnst m nwi nehtaie. and tV- " r m ths hsalBiiliiiiiiif auih Benota ersech proof br the party as iereuibe lora piovMed theaadei be eempVtcot to admft eJrUtoberivcassxaTidWma howerer.Deing left sa the Coort cr Jury Jo deter- wiaauKwspi sv agajoct a anrrmMr Partoer or partners, or a surririrur ioint c&Miacior santractote, any party to the actkai shall beav which took place with. or , siont amde by thedeceased aartsec Jotat eoa- -ow aaini.a or bob surTiVBur partaeror seataaeaa TbadepoatUoa of aparty shall ' 1 rrh-lf anlaaa ihal al lice required ia tie cases where Amoctaoos are Is be taken thai atss spadry that the deposition tetenUeeaettheacf atosawtr, wanAlaalthea 4f the derABAroa ofa party he aaMtwaaylamd suit, aad sue Bam anhfl em haAaai tbo trial taMraZ srtabaSho lawfallbrtoaspn party to testi fy as ttsfl statue ehalasW iosaid dspooitioB, 8ac.. TVr airaalha a 1 1 maa and ptaoaw t tBi staHaa oftho "Act to aatah. UahaC trfCrraftoeedaaUL." i atwnnitil I. tbe act of April t 1858. is hereby repealed. fcaB hase bee aiaiin RICHARD C. PARSONS, RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RICHARD A. HARRISON, RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RICHARD A. HARRISON, President pro tem the Senate. March 3, 1860. March 3, 1860. [No. 28.] AN ACT To regulate theRespoaaibiiitj of Iun .i aeerasrsjiA ira Sxcnoa l.-'JB it emmitmd lithe Gen ZTimZxZJ JflZ jLifSl TfZfchLwZSSZZl? tLZJEZZ a.lSfSJtS'" TJT eral Astembly mftka Stmtt of Ohio, Thai ouitsble of money, bank acawwary.arlitclra ef gold aad silver naaaActuin, assiaiaisliieiB sad bc.1 laa, sas) who wtmU kaen aenr ef this act atohtj aetd rkrMaa of hia laSVankaiMi eapy. pnaied oy twell, sbaU be kahle iar4he toavnt tar anci artirm f "mi BuaVrod by any gwsst. Bales suei gotst shaR -ntwo nraf saTiawd r dearer such issa i ktl wa is? WmuMt iwahasdss-ataBiteglaBisfaS'aSl Bostt it in toe eeaYijr esrrfr. and torireanek gweot a raaripc tt 'acry laa-kerarr J -- tholsbwr. MfeaMerStecl ertietre k. s goaat ef hie laa, ntBplby the theft er aegligBe of tie Iaa- aeeper. or as any os nm an i tn at. anything to tie sonti ay thereof aodaio net sotwrtaatand- imgr . --e-'iJ f " '' ,T-. Kr-l V:Z Sac, ?. .That If Say Jna-kreper shall en bexsle. er eourert to this ova eee, o ffaodulent ly take, make way wkh Br seen with intent aaeaBhanan dr aodtvnStrr asHaSt to loSowa aae, wit bent tie einiunt at ha sysst, say . Bey.baaltotea. jewelry, articles ef gold arsuV Ureraet ta sack Ian 'hie no Irr hiaaaia tW eafi. etatodyba shall ape eofrvktfas. bepuriisbed the manner rmerrdad br law for felooioualr stssBiigpruamty of thewoimef tie article er cjee ST, ojnnoeeaHro uaaeaer aeeveted. i - 6ac.l Thu art shaU tako cftrct wooj and after tta RICHARD C. PARSONS, RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. RICHARD A. HARRISON, President pro tem the Senate. March 3,1860. [No. 30.] AN ACT siBvpnfaiaaatsry fa "Aa Act dtirectitg- the , aadoi Trial iaCrhKiasl fjtatn." rwnaed -SttTJCsr 1J -Btltenariedba th Gen-: trot Astembly oftha SUmtf Ohio, Thsr epaa the trial of anr strata ehasatat with an a made criminal bv amrlaw of this Stair. if a juror tu masunod rk seta case aad seder ex- ed an epiaios. er has ianwd aad aa pressed as. eptaioo as to tie guilt or iaaearwre of the ac euaed, aad shaS bo objaetad to for that reason, the leant shafl taaSwepoa frosted to examine tnegraoaoaet anen epuuoa. res sees Sees foaaded epon seaelihgBeBsn naaraaSnwasrVwnaraa sr up- tie evidence, lis eonrt, it taiii tares rU iaiM Sac Tmie aat shaS take aBect asd be la with wrtajsasas of lie aaawmtian, er aearrac the tasrtrjr. and the hirer ahall say that be hrbr Sbts, ta I ltoBilhsg sack eajaiaBb to render ta Jsanartai verdiot naeo tie Jaw and. ated tint snei RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. RICHARD A. HARRISON, President pro tem the [No. 32.] AN ACT vy... To repeal the School Unary tsz. .. . 8bctbdji At easfnaf by tha Qtn- erlAemMyaf&e8latf Ohio, That fifty-eighth section ef tie sat ef May 4. to provide for tie laresadaation. eoner- anon saw inoisn naans oe so itralase to the i of roraianiBg aaa tnirostlBg ashool and apparatus, be aad tha same is here repealed. - ' 8x0. S, Titt maa takeoff ea to taa- [No. 32.] AN ACT RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK. President of the Senate. March 1860. [Concluded on Fourth Page.]