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Hill" J t I I rTx T 17 III III hi ri III , Terms:-0ne Dollar and Fifty Cents in Idfance. J. Caskej, Editor and Proprietor. Office-Washington Street, Third Boor South of Jackson. MILLERSBURG, HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO, THURSDAY, MAY 3 1SG0. NO. 37. VOL. 4. 0 IS PUBUSMD EVERY THUBSDaT. WAUorerojr grazsT, Tains Dooa Boera or Xaca-soa MILLERSBURG, OHIO, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Mail Subscriber- admix $1.50 Paid within the year i 2.00 After the Tear expires 2.50 THS LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. Sshseribsra vh 4a not give express BO tic to the eontrary,ar oo ordered to eontinse their snb- cnpttoo. - . X. If sabKriher order the diseontiananee of their pa per, the pnolisher ea eontinno to send them antil U unuiM are said. - a. It thu nbaerOien neglect or refoas to take their opera from the office to which they are duroeted, the areheM respeasiU till theyeettle their bills, end order the paper, diseonttnaed. 4. If aajeabesriberareaMTetaaaotberpIaeewlthaat intorminc the nnDUsner, ana loeir paper u nt to m former direction, tey are held reiponethle. . The Coarte hare decided that refairfne; to take a newspaper from the omce, or reBumnrend leaving u aa eailed for U eruaeecM evidence of intentioiial fraud. TERMS OF ADVERTISING: fwirra urn, on mt, make a sqoau. - One square, one -week $1.00 Each subsequent insertion, under 3 roos... 0.25 Oae square, a mo'a, changeable at pleasure 3.00 Do 6 do do 5.00 Do 13 do do 8.00 Fourth column, 1 yr, changeable quarterly 20.00 Half column do do do 30.00 Qr Ttmrhf Jdttrtitm, at ao time to exeeeo ear gqumrtM, ehanreable at plearare, aad limited strictly to their own immediate bonne, will be charged Si 9.UU. f BusintM erV, not exeeediorstt if., will be inserted one year for $&00; and yearly advertisers' Card will be inverted one year for S3J10. r Advertisements teased, or inserted ander the bead ox o4 none,, sua urn at lunriiw awnte, will be charred SO per cent, more than the bore rate. y Ltgml AiwtrtUtwuvti chargeable by the aqnare all eaaee except at the option of the publisher. Business Cards. JOHN W. V0EHES, attorney at nii, MILLERSBURG, O. o FFICE,one door East of the Book Store, up stairs. April 22, 1858 t2b35j 1 . G. W. EAMAGE, - PHYSICIAMSURGEON HOUBESVILLE, OHIO. Renpectfaily inrorma the public that be ha located himeru in the above Tillage, for the practice of hi profession, ry OFFICE fr door west of Beer cor ner. Aug 4, 1859 TSnSOtf. J. E. ATKINSON, TtST, Millersburg, Ohio. In NOW PREPARED to rsrairh to order all the different kind of Artificial Teeth, from one to aa entire fet. g1 Office on Main street, two doors east of Dr. Bolings office, ap stairs, Jon 9, 185 12 DR. T. G. V. BOLLNG. THANKKUL for post favors, respectfully traders his professional services to the pub lic Office in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Irrine. April 15,1858 r2n34t DB. EBBIGHT, pijnskian aub Surgeon, MILLERSBURG, O. Office on Jackson Street, nearly opposite the Eanpire Iloase. Residence on Clay Street, opposite the Presbyterian Church. BENJAMIN C0HN, Of all Descriptions, COR. OF JACKSON A WASHIGTOXSTS . MILLERSBURG, O. STORES & LAKE, DENTISTS, "Wooster & Millersburg. DR. M. K STORES, Ttrj ttr o 52 3 '53? 8 Jtnilersburg, O. Office over J E. Kochs Store Room. Dec 1,1859. - CASKEY & INGLES, - DEALBIS nr TVTTT T iTTRSBTTRG, O. PLAIN & FANCY J0B PBiSftfie Of all kinds, neatly executed AT THIS OFFICE. B AKER & WHOLE, Forwarding and Commission '. AXP DKAUEU W SALT FISH, PLASTER, WHITE AND WA TEW LIME. . - mmoHASEBs or FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS' CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, ALSO. Butler, Eggs, Lard, Tallow and all kinds of Drtei Fruits. . : -WAREHOUSE, MILLERSBURG, O. Sept. 18, 1856 4tt EAGLE BLACKSMITH SHOP! MILLERSBURG, OHIO. TOWNT TOPD A "NT U V-r-Jl - , TTiR oaaned a new Blacksmith Shop OB Xed Antbo- Ainy Street, west aide, a short distance aorta, of Cher rjholmei' Store, when he is fully prepared to do all work in alalia of online, on s short notice, at reasoa- aole prieee aad in a Workmanlike Manner. AH who want their work well dona and at reasonable price, should call at Jordon'. shop. He shoe horse orone aouar casn, ana aoes other work proportionately Millersbarg, Aeg. 11, 1SS3 SI -CTthe LAWS OF OHIO: PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. [No. 93.] AN ACT Defining the powers and describing the duties of the board of .Public Works, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State of Oliio, That the public works of the State shall be divided by the Board of rnbuc Works into three grana divis ions or districts, to be designated by soch names or numbers as said Board snail deem proper, and to be of such limit and extent as said Board from ttime to time shall prescribe; and each member of the Hoard of Public Works shall, as tbe acting eornmisgioiier of said Board, take charge of such division as may be assigned to him by said Hoard, and be responsible to the extent of his power and authority for the due and faithful adrninistration of the affairs of suth district or divisions. Sec. 2. Tbe term of office of the member of the Board of Public Works elected on the second Tuesday of October last, shall commence on the sixteenth day of February, and shall continue for three years thereafter, and until his successor shall be elected and qualined; ana uie otner mem bers of the Board heretofore elected and qualifide shall, in like manner, continue to hold their officer for the term of three years from the time they were sworn into office and until their successos had been elected and qualified; and tbe term of of See of tbe members of tbe Hoard nerealler annu ally elected, shall commence on the second Tues day of February thereafter. Sec. 3. Tbe members of the Board of Public Works shall each take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Ohio, and to honestly and impar tially discharge the duties of the office; and shall also give bond with sufficient security, to be ap proved by the uovernor, in tbe penal gum ot not less than thirty thousand dollars, conditioned for the honest and faithful discharge of the respective duties of their offices, and for the faithful account ing for and paying over all moneys which may tome into their hands respectively, according to law, which bonds, with the approval of the Gover nor endorsed thereon, shall be filed with the Treas urer of State. The members of the Board of Public Works shall designate and appoint one of their number to act as President ot said Hoard, and who in addition to his duties as acting com missioner shall perform such duties as are or shall be required by law of the President thereof, and said Board shall continue to keep the "office of Public Works" at the seat of Government, in which office shall be kept all the books and papers records and other documents of said Board, which shall be open to the inspection ot all persons inter ested, at all reasonable times; and all notices or reports required by law to be given to the said Board by any of the officers of the State, when left in writing at said office, or deposited with any person who may hare charge of tbe same, snail be considered as havingbeen duly given and serv ed upon said Board. The President shall have charge of said "office of Public Works" and the custody of the records books, papers and docu ments aforesaid, and shall conduct tne correspon dence of said Board. Sec 4. The said Board of Public Works shall have power to appoint not exceeding five resident engineers, and to assign to each of tnem tne su pervision of such part of said grand divisions or districts as, in their opinion, shall be for the best interests of the state, under sucn rule and regula tions, not contrary to law, as may be from time to time proscribed by said Board; and the respec tire terms of office of said engineers shall com mence on the first Monday of April A. D. I860, annually thereafter on the sixteenth day of Feb ruary. The said Board of Public Works shall al so have power to appoint the collectors of tolls OB' the canals of use State, at all such jmi&trs3shall have been or may be estabjisfisrrior the collection of tolls, as hergiijerp'rovided ; and said collectors sbAllfj-governed by such rules and regulations -CTthe Board may prescribe, not inconsistent with law, and shall receive such compensation as here inafter provided. Every Collector, or other officer in anywise entrusted with the collection or dis bursement of tolls or other revenue pertaining to the Public Works, shU, previous to his assuming the duties of his office, give bond to the State of (J bio for tbe laitntul discbarge et nis duties, which bond, with sufficient security approved by said Board, shall be by them immediately depos ited in the office of Auditor of State. The penal consideration of said bond shall not be less than fifty per cent of the amount of money collected or disbursed by the same ofneer in the preceding year, and shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties, and for the prompt col lection, disbursements, paying over and account ing for all monies which shall come to his hands belonging to the State. The said Board of Pub lic Works shall also have power, and is hereby made their duty, to appoint such number of Su perintendents of repairs, gate-keepers, weight- masters, and inspectors, as in their opinion, the labor to be performed on the several public works may require to render the same efficient, and for the interest of the State. Every officer appoint ed under the provision of this act, before enter ing upon the duties of bis office, shall take or pre scribe an oath or affirmation that he will dilligent Iv and faithfullv discharged the'duties apertaining to his appointment, and promote, to the extent of his ability, the interest of tbe State, so far as may be legally in his power, livery person so ap pointed to office shall receive duplicate certificates of such appointment, signed by the President of the Board and attested by the Secretary ot tne Board, upon one of which certificates shall be en dorsed and subscribed the oath above required to be taken, before some one having power to ad minister an oath, and the same shall be certified and attested by snch person, and by such appoin tee handed to the acting Commissioner of his division, or forwarded by mail to the Board of Public Works, to be hied m the oae tbereot ; and said appointee shall hold his said office for the term of one year from the time of his appoint ment, and until his successor may be appointed and qualified; provided, that every person so ap pointed may be removed at any time previous to the expiration of his term, by the Board of Public Works, for neglect ot duty or maiteasance in of fice. All vacancies that shall occur in either of the offices aforesaid, occasioned either by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, shall be filled for the residue of the term, in tbe same manner and bv the same authority as hereinbefore provi ded for making appointments for a full term; and all such ouicers so appointed and serving part on ly of the term of office, shall be paid rateably a due portion of the salary hereinafter provided, and no more. Sic 5. That to provide for the prompt pay ment of laborers, and for the purchase of mater ials, and incidental expenses in tne current re pairs of any of the Public Works of the State, the resident engineer on any division may -at the commencement of any month, or at any interme diate -convenient time therein, estimate the amount as near as practicable, that will be needed to pay for tbe repairs of said quarter, exclusive of the salarr of the Superintendent and may issue his certificate m favor of the Superintendent of repairs on said division, upon which certificate the acting Commissioner may, if satisfied of the cor rectness of the estimate and of the expediency of such proceeding, draw his check for tbe amount or any portion thereof, on the Auditor of State, whose duty it shall be to issue bis warraut on the State Treasurer for the amount specified in the check, and to charge the same to the particular work or imnmvement to wMcn It properly uciudkb. The Superintendent in whose favor said advance payments shall have been made, shall therefore immediately proceed to pay all indebtedness which he may have incurred on behalf of the State for repairs, materials or incidental" expenses upon the division undr bis cnarge; ana snan thenceforth, dnrirur said current Quarter, nay all laborers weekly, unless prevented by unusual events happening on his division and rendering a strict compliance with this requirement inconven ient for the time beinr. on which crmtinzencv he shall make such payment at the earliest practical tima thereafter; and the said Superintendent shall settle with tbe said resident engineer quarterly, as usual heretofore, and intermediately if required by said engineer, as the basis upon which to pred icate his estimate for the remaining part of the current quarter, and no voucher shall be allowed in the settlement of a Superintendent's account, unless the monev for which it purports to be a re ceipt shall have been actually paid, and the rates of the laboror materials snail be sucn as snail be approved by the resident engineer aforesaid. Should it so happen that a surplus shall remain in the hands of any Superintendent at the end of any quarter, the same shall be carried forward to be used in like manner the next succeeding quarter but for the closing quarter of said Superintendents term of omce, the said cjigineer snail not include in bis estimate any amount for the last thirty days of said term and shall be careful to limit the amount of his estimate for that quarter, or any part thereof below the actual amount or tbe prob able expenditures, so as to prevent any surplus re maining in the bands of any Superintendent at the close of his term of omce; but u, notwitnstan ding such precaution, any balance should remain in the hands of any such Superintendent at the expiration of his official term, the resident Engi neer of his division shall have power to charge the same over to said superintendent and apply it to the payment of his quarterly amount of salary then due, and if any further balance remains in his bands, the same shall be paid into tbe State treasury. Sec 6. The said Board of Public Works is hereby authorized to lease water on any of the several reservoirs of the Public Works under such rules and regulations as are or may be prescribed by law for leasing water power on the Public Works of the State. And the said Board is here by further authorized k required to make, from time to time an examination of the leases of water power upon or connected with any of the Public Works of the State, made by the lawful agents thereof in cases where the leases of water-power or any assignee thereof may require it, to adjust and fix the amount of rent in arrears, or to be paid by snch lesee or assigns at such prices as they may deem just and equitable, and to cancel existing leases with the consent of the lesees or assisns, or when such leases have become for feited and said Board shall deem the interest of the State will be promoted thereby to shut off the water and prevent the use thereof under any such leases when rents shall have been due thereon and in the arrears for thirty days or more, or when the lessees refuse or neglect to put in or permit to be put in such guages as are required in their leases, and to continue to keep the water shut off until such rent be paid or such gauges be put in. And it is hereby made the duty of the President of the Board of Public Works to furnish the Au ditor of State from time to time, attested copies of all leases for water power which remain in force, and of all new leases made, and renewals or modification of those now in force, within thirty days after the making of such leases, renewal or modification by said Board; and the said Presi dent shall also within the time prescribed, fur nish attested copies of such original lease, renew al or modification to each of the collectors of tolls upon whom the duty is imposed of collecting the rents therein provided for. &EC 7. Collectors of tolls shall, in addition to such other duties as may, from time to time, be required of them, collect water rents due the State or to become due as the same shall secure, and make such return of such collections and pay over all moneys thus collected in the same manner and at the same time they are by law required to make return of and pay over the tolls by them collected. All moneys derived trom tolls on tne canals, turn pikes, or other improvement of the State, as well as all moneys derived from leases of water power, or the sales of land held by the State for canal purposes, or from any other purposes, or from any other source appertaining to the interest or man agement of the public works of the State, shall be paid into the treasury in the manner directed by law. . Sec 8. All claims jigamstTEe State arising in the naturejifla.arils, or for superintendence and repirroTthe canals, turnpikes, or other improve ments under the care and supervision of the board of public works or for any other object connected with the public works and authorized by law, shall be paid by the check of the acting commis sioner on the Auditor of State, whose duty it shall be to issue his warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount specified in said check, and to charge the game to the particular work or improvement for which the expenditure shall have been made. No check shall so be issued until after tbe consid eration upon which it is based shall have been ac tually rendered, except in the case of superintend ents of repairs as provided in section five: and every check shall be made in favor of the identical person to whom the amount is due, and shall set forth the nature of the indebtedness, whether for materials, repairs, labor, superintendence or other wise, and to what object and at what point or di vision said materials, labor or superintendence were applied. Every check shall set forth tbe specific appropriation which authorized its pay ment, and shall be accompanied with a certificate of the superintending engineer, which shall name the person or persons to whom there is indebted ness, and state the particular work on which it oc curred, and the location thereof, and whether by contract or otherwise. The check and certificate thus issued, shall be registered in books, one to be kept by the engineer, and one by tbe acting com missioner. Sec 9. That in all cases in which it may be necessary for the board of public works, by them selves or their legally authorized agent, to let con tracts for the performance of labor or the furnish ing of materials, and for the construction of feed ers, dykes, reservoirs, locks, dams and other works and devices lor perfecting and keeping in repair the public works under their charge, it shall be tbe duty of the Acting Commissioner of the Board by the resident engineer having charge of the division of the public works upon wmen said labor is to be penormra, or ma terials furnithed, to cause such general notice of the letting of said contract by publication in news papers and posting up advertisements, as will se cure general competition, which said notice shall contain a statement of the time, place and man ner of receiving proposals of said contracts, and tbe character and magnitude ot tne worx to 03 performed, the materials to be furniseed, or both, if required, for the construction of the said works. Sec 10. No member of the Board of Pubiic Works, engineer, superintendent, collector of tolls, gate-keeper, weighmastcr, inspector, secretary or clerk, or any other person holding office under said Board during the location or construction of any canal or feeder, shall become interested; either in contractor purchase, directly or through another, in any lands, town, lots or water privileges for hy draulic purposes, on or adjacent to any such canals or feeders under the charge of said Board, until af ter the expiration of his term of omce; or be en eaeed or concerned, either directly or through an other person, hi an j contract for labor, construc tion or supplies ot any description wnaiever. r. ve ry person found guilty of violating the provisions of this section, on conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction, on indictment or infor mation, shall be adjudged to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one thou sand dollars, and shall, moreover, forfeit his of fice. , Sec 11. It is hereby made the duty of the Auditor of State to cause all the rolls, abstarcts and accounts of the collectors of tolls upon the canals, slackwater or other improvements of this State, for the last and each subsequent season of navigation, to be thoroughly examined and com pared with each other, so that any discrepancy be tween the amounts credited by the collectors re ceiving any moneys and the check kept by any other collector, shall be ascertained; and in case of any such discrepancy, the clearance upon which any such moneys purport to have been received, shall be examined for the purpose of ascertaining the true amount received; and if said Auditor, af ter having ascertatiancd the state of the accounts for the last season, deems it for the interest of the State to examine and compare as above, any part or all of the rollstbstracts and accounts for any pre vious year, he is authorized to cause such examina tion to be made, and also tor such ensuing year, and for tM purpose of such examination, if neces sary, be is hereby authorized to employ an addi tional clerk, for such time as may be found nec- Sec 19. Each resident engineer, appointed under the provisions of this act, shall receive an arm rial salarr of twelve hundred dollars. Each superintendent appointed under the provisions of tbis act; snail receive an nnnuai salary 01 six Hun dred and sixty dollars. The collectors of tolls, appointed under the prot imoiis of this act, shall re ceive respectively the following annual salaries, viz: At Cleveland, one thousand dollars; at Aa ron, eicht hundred dollars: at Massillon, six hun dred dollars; at Dover, six hundred dollars; at Roscoe, six huedred dollars; at Dresden, five hun dred dollars; at ZanesvUIe, seven bundled dollars; at Newark, six hunched dollars; at Carroll, six hundred dollars; at Columbus, six hundred dollars; at Circleville, six hundred dollars; at Chillicothe, seven hundred dollars; at Portsmouth seven hun dred dollars, at Cincinnati, one tnousana aonars; at Warerly, five hundred dollars; at Middletown, six hundred dollars; at Davton, eight hundred dol lars; at Hamilton, six hundred dollars; at Piqua, eight hundred dollars; at St Mary's, six hundred dollars; at Junction, one thousand dollars; at Maumee City, fire hundred dollars; at Toledo, one thousand dollars; at McConnelsville, five nundred dollars; at Harmar, six hundred collars; and at Losan. six hundred dollars. The collectors office at Delpos is hereby abol ished, and the office at Defiance is removed to Junction. Weighmasters at Toledo and Cleveland shall each receive five hundred and fifty dollars per annum; no deputy weighmaster shall hereafter be appointed Inspectors at Toledo and Cleveland shall each receive four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; at Cincinnati, seven hundred dollars; the inspec tors office at Junction is hereby discontinued . No lock tender shall hereafter be appointed ex cept at bulkhead or feeder locks. The board of public works shall have power to abolish any collector's office, or to change the lo cation thereof to such place as to them shall be deemed expedient for the service and interest of the state, but no increase of salary to the collec tors shall be allowed in consequence of such re moval, nor shall any new office be established in any case whatever. The salaries of the several officers above enumerated shall be paid in quarter ly installments, at the close of each fiscal quarter, as now established, out of the State treasury, up on the warrant of the Auditor of State; but the said Auditor shall not draw his warrant without the check of tbe acting Commissioner of the prop er division, for the amount due such officer, for such quarter, or any part thereof, according to the facts of the case; and it is hereby made die duty of such acting commissioner to ascertain the amount due for services of each of said officers, quarterly, and to issue his check accordingly, in same manner as for any other claim against the State. Sec 13. There sballbe appointed by the board of public works, as soon after the passage of this act as they may deem expedient, a secretary to said board, whose term of office shall commence on the first Monday of April next, and be for one year, and such appointment shell thereafter be made annually by said board, to be lor the same term, commencing at the expiration of the term of the incumbent; and said secretary shall receive an annual salary of one thousand dollars, payable quarterly in the same manner that the other ap pointees are paid; and said board shall also have power to appoint such clerks, either temporally or for one year, as the public service in their opinion may require, and may pay them such reasonable compensation as they may deem just, not exceed ding two dollars per day for the time actually em ployed, by check as in otner similar cases; tne secretary shall be subject to removal at any time by a majority of said board for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. It shall be the duty of the board, when assembled together in their official capacity, to keep a correct and complete journal of their proceedings, which shall at all times be subject to the inspection of a committee of either branch of the general assembly, or of any person authorized by-taw to examine the same, or any person who may be interested in the proceedings of said board. Sec 14. It shall be the duty of the board of public works to report annually to the governor, at least ten days before the assembling of the general assembly, and said report to be by him transmitted along with his message to tbe general assembly. Said report shall contain a full accu rate account ot all monejB expended on each ot tne public works during the year ending on the fif teenth day of November next preceding said re port, the aggregate amount of work contracted for during the year, the amount of money expend ed or allowed over and above the contract price, and the total value of all work under contract re maining to be executed, es imated in each case at contract prices, together with the estimated cost of all the work in progress of execution, and such other information in relation to the public improve ments as they may deem needful to the General Assembly . They shall also report the revenue de rived from each of the Public Works by tolls and other sources, how the same are levied t the man ner of their collection, together with an estimate, if necessnry, of such appropriations as may be re quired to re-construct and keep in repair the Pub lic Works or the State. Tne said uonra oi rur lic Works shall also, in their said Annual Report, give a list of all Resident Engineers, Assistant Engineers, Collectors of Tolls, Superintendents of Repairs, Weighmasters, Deputy Weighmasters, Inspectors, .Lock l enders, uate aeepers ana Clerks, who may have been employed by said Board during the year proceeding said Report, to gether with the amount of salary, allowance or perquisites paid to each, whether such salary al lowance and perquisits are fixed by law or allowed by the Board, or an Acting Commissioner thereof; and also the amount paid and allowed for their own salaries and the contingent expensese of their office. Sec 15. The term of office of all persons now holding office under the appointment of tbe Board ofPublic Works or an Acting Commissioner there of, shall expire on tne first Monday of April next; and all officers appointed under the the provisions of this act, except as otherwise "herein expressly provided, shall take their offices commencing on the first Monday of April next, and in each suc ceding year thereafter, similar appointments shall be made for like terms of office. Sec. 16. That the act entitled "an act for the regulation of the Public Works of the State of Ohio," passed April 12, 1858, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec 17. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its RICHARD C. PARSONS, the House of ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 24, 1860. [No. 72.] AN ACT Further to regnlate the practice of the Sn pre rue and District Courts in this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the -State of Ohio, That all cases of informations in tbe nature ot a quo warranto, which are or may be pending in the Su preme or District Courts of this State shall, on the motion of the Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney having charge of the same, have prece dence over the civil business on the docket of said courts respectively, and it shall be the duty of said courts to require on mo tin of the officers o foresaid, as speedy trial of the merits of such information as may be consistent with tbe rights of the parties thereto. Sec 2. That in all cases where proceedings are or may be pending in any of the courts of this State having jurisdiction over the same in the na ture of a quo warranto against any banking cor poration, whether instituted by the Attorney Gen eral or by the Prosecuting Attorney unucr uie pro visions of the laws of this State, any stockholder or stockholders owning together not less than one fourth of tbe capital stock of such company actual ly paid in, or entitled to the beneficial interest therein, may file in the court in which such pro ceeding may be pending a ) etitien to enjoin the directors of such corporation from making any dis position on the assets of such corporation which shall be prejudicial to the interests of such stock holders, or which shall be inconsistent with their duties as directors of such corporation, and said court, or any judge thereof. In vacation, upon be ing satisfied that the directors in office of such cor poration have been violating, or are about to 'vio late any of the franchises thereof, may require theta to give security ro the stockholders thereof, to the satisfaction ot said court or judge, for the proper discharge of their duties, and for the proper management and security of the assets of such corporation under their control, and the said court orjudge shall have the power to enjoin snch direc tors and the officers of such bank from paying out or issuing the notes of circulation of sucn bank, and from incurring any additional liabilities except lor tbe payment ot tbe necessary services oi tne officers and employees of such banking company, the amount of which while such proceedings are pending, shall be under the control of said court. Sec 3. That such court or judge shall also have the power, on petition of any stockholder or stockholders owning not less than one-fourth of the capital stock as such bonking company actual ly paid up, or of the beneficial interests therein, to enjoin thr directors and officers thereof from bor rowing or issuing cither directly or indirectly, any of the money or assets of such bank for their own individual benefit w hile such proceedings may be pending. RICHARD C. PARSON, Speaker the House of Representative. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 21, 1860. [No. 75] AN ACT Further defining the duties of Supervisors of Roads and Highways. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of Uie State of Ohio, That supervisors of roads and highways within this state, be and are hereby authorized to construct foot bridges over streams of water on said high ways. Sec 2. This act shall take effectand be in force from and after its passage. RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 21, 1860. [No. 88.] AN ACT To more effectually protect wool growers against loss by Dogs. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State of Ohio, That every person ownine. harborinz or keeping anv dog, shall be liable to the party injured for all damages done by such dog; and it shall be law ful for any person to kill or cause to be killed any dog or dogs which he may find roaming at large on his premises without the preence of the owner or keeper of such dog And it shall further be lawful for any person at any time to kill or cause to be killed any dog which may be or may have been found killing, worrying or injuring any sheep or lambs. Sec 2. The act entitled "an act for the pro tection of sheep," passed April 22, 1652, is here by repealed. " Sec 3. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 21, 1860. [No. 108.] AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "an Act for the protection of Railroads," passed March 28, 1840. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the Stale of Ohio, That Section one of said act be so amended as to read as follows: Section 1. That every person who shall wilfully and maliciously remove, break, dis place, throw down, destroy, or in any manner in jure any iron, wooden orothcr rail, or any branch or branches ways or any part ol tne tracks, or any bridge viaduct culvert, trestle-work, embankment pirapet or other fixture, or any part thereof attach ed to or connected with such tracks of any railroad in this state now in operation, or which shall here after be put in operation, or who shall wil fully and maliciously pace any obstruction upon the rails or tracks of any such railroad, shall, on conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment in tbe penti tentiary not less than one nor more than twenty years; provided, however, that if any person shall by the commission of either of the aforesaid offen ses, occasion the death of any person or persons, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of murder in the first or second degree, or man slaughter, according to the nature of the offense, and on conviction thereof shall be punished as in other cases. Sec 2. Said original section one is hereby re pealed; provided, however, that all offenses a gainst and violations of said section so repealed, which have been heretofore committed, shall be prosecuted and punished according to the provis ions thereof, as fully as if said section had not been repealed. - Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, March, 26, 1860. President of the Senate. [No. 107.] AN ACT To prevent colisions ou railroads within the State of Ohio. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the' Slate of Ohio, That whenever the tracks of two railroads in the State ot Ohio cross each other at a commcn grade, the crossings shall be mado, kept up, and watchmen maintained at the joint ex pense of the companies owning said tracks, and all trains of engines passing over said tracks shall come to a full stop not nearer than two hundred feet nor further than eight hundred feet from said crossing, and shall not cross until signalled so to do by the watchman, nor until the way is clear ; and when two passenger or freight trains come np at the same time, the train on the road first built shall have precedence; provided, they are both main tracks 'over which passengers and freights on said roads are transported; but if only one is such main track and tbe otiier is a side or depot track, then the tram on the main track shall take precedence; but if one of said trains is a passenger and the other a freight train, then the former shall take precedence. Regular trains on time shall take precedence over trains of the same grade not on time, and engines, with cars attached, not on timo shall take prece dence of engines without cars attached if not on time. The same rale as above provided shall apply in all respects where the tracks of two railroads in any way connect. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the mana ging agent or superintendent on every rail road in the State of Ohio, immediately after the taking effect of this act, to establish and publish to all tbe employees on said railroad such rules and regulations as shall, in all cases, secure strict compliance with the pro visions of the foregoing section, and to re publish such rules or regulations on every time table or card issued to tbe employees on said road; and in case such managing agent or superintendent shall fail or neglect to establish aa publish such rules and regu lations, or to re-publish the same on each time table or card issued to the employees on said road for every snch neglect or refu sal said managing agent or superintendent shall be personally liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered, together with costs, in an action against bim in favor of the State ot Ohio to be brought fn the Court of Common Fleas of any county where any such crossing may exist; any such agent or superintendent, and tbe railroad company of which he is agent or superintendent, shall also be liable in damages to any person or company who may be Injured in person or property by any acaident arising trout a ne gleet to establish, publish or re-publish such rules and regulations as above provided .and I said agent or superintendent shall also be liable to a criminal prosecution therefor. Sec. 3. That every engineer, or person in charge of an engine who shall fail to comply with the provisions of the first section of this act. and shall fail to the engine of which be is in charge, with the train, ir any, thereto attached, to full stop at least two hundred feet before arriving at any railroad crossing or connection, or shall cross the same before signalled so to do by the watch man, or before the way is clear, shall be per sonally liable therefor to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by civil ac tion, at the suit of the State of Ohio, in the Court of Common Pleas of any county where any such crossing or connection exists, end the company in whose employ such engineer or person in charge of an engine may be, as well as the person himself, shall be liable in damages to any person or company who may be injured in person or property by the neglect or act of said engineer or person in charge of an engine as aforesaid; and such engineer or person in charge of an engine shall also, in case any person be killed by reason of his neglect or failure to bring such engine and train of cars, if any there be at tached thereto, to a full stop at least two hundred feet before reaching a crossing or connection with the track of another railroad, or by reason of his crossing the same before being signalled so to do by the watchman there stationed, or before the way is clear, bo liable to indictment, conviction and pun ishment for manslaughter; or in case any person sustain bodi'y injury, not affecting life, by reason thereof, then such cngineeror person in charge of an engine as afoiesaid shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof in the proper court of the county where such bodily inju ry occurred, be imprisoned in the jail of the county not less than one nor more than twenty months, or be fined in any sum not more than five hundred dollars, or both at the discretion of tbe court. Sec. 4. That section six of the act entitled "an act to amend the act entitled an act to provide for the creation and regulation of incorporated companies in the State of Ohio," passed April o, IBo' , 00 ana tne same is nere by repealed. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect, from and after its passage. RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 24, 1860. [No. 79.] AN ACT Supplementary to "an act to provide for the organization of Cities and Incor porated Villages," passed May 3, 1852. and the amendment passed March 11, 1853, and a Supplementary Act passed April 8, 1856, and Supplementary to the Act passed April 12, 1858. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the Slate of Ohio, That in all cities of the first class, in which water works have heretofore or may hereafter be constructed, it shall be lawtul for the city council to provide by ordinance for the divi sion of said city into not more than six sew erage districts, designating the same by name or number; and tbat tor tbe purpose or de fraying the expense of constructing main sewers in said districts, or either one of them, the city council shall have power to borrow, from time to time as they shall deem expe dient, a sum of money not to exceed thirty thousand dollars for any one of said districts, upon tbe credit of the city, and shall have authority to issue bonds, with interest cou pons attached, pledging the faith and credit of said city for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds; provided, that all bonds issued as aforesaid shall have the name or number of the distiict for which the same were issued, legibly written or printed upon them, and shall be signed by the mayor and city clerk, and be sealed with tne seaioi the city. Sec 2. That for the purpose repaying tbe principal and interest of the bonds by this act authorized to be issued, it shall be lawful for the city council to assess and collect upon and from all the real estate in the district for which said bonds are issued, in each and eve ry year thereafter until the interest and prin cipal of said bonds is fully paid and satisfied, an amount sufficient to pay the interest due upon ' jid bonds semi-annually; and such an as upon computation shall be found necessary to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds so issued as afore said at their maturity; provided, that not more than five per cent, per annum shall be collected in any one year of the principal of the bonds authorized by this act to be is sued. Sec 8. That it shall be lawful for tbe city auditor to make tbe assessment required by the preceding section, upon all the real es tate in the district upon the valuation aa es tablished by law for stato and county purpo ses; and said auditor is hereby required to certify said assessment to tbe city council on or before the second Monday in May, an. nually; that after the same shall have been confirmed by the city council they shall di rect the city clerk to certify it to the county auditor who is hereby authorized and requi red to place the same upon the tax duplicate in the same manner as other township and city taxes are by law placed upon said dupli cate, and the county treasurer is hereby au. thorized and required to collect said assess ment in the same manner as other taxes col lected by bim, and when collected shall pay the same to the treasurer of said city, and for tbe purpose of enforcing tbe collection of said assessments, ne sball have the same power and authority now allowed by law for the collection of state and county taxes. Sec 4. That in the construction of the main sewer in or through the streets, lanes or al ley s of said district, it shall be lawful for the city council to assess and collect, upon and from all the lands or lots bounding or abut, ting upon sajd streets, lanes or alleys, so much of the expense of constructing said main sewer a would, in the opinion of tbe city council, be requited to construct aa or dinary street sewec or drain of sufficient ca pacity to drain or sewer, said lots or lands bounding and abutting upon the streets, lands or alleys in or through which said main sewer may be constructed. Sec. ft. This act shall not apply to cities of the first class having a population exceed ing eighty thousand inhabitants. Sec 6. This act take effect upon its pass- RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 22, 1860. [No. 118.] AN ACT nking appropriation lor uie maiuwusBw and Repair of the puuiic orsa tor tne fiscal year ending November 15, 1860, and for tbe quarter ending February 15, 1861. . Sectiow 1. Be it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there is ban-by appropriated oat of say mnaeya in the state treasury, for general terra no pur poses, to be paia out on tbe check oi tne mem ber of the board of rxililie wiirka who may have charire of the nwpeclire portion nf lh publie worm Inr whro'i ij:(.mj.n.uoa am mane, as follows: For genera superinten deace, const ruction and repairs oa the northern portion of the Ohio Canal, ftorn Cleveland to the Licking dam. fcr the fiscal year ending November 15, 1860, the sum of filty-five thousand dollars. ' - ' For the quarter ending February 15, 1861. the sum of eight thousand dollars; Ob the Walhonding Canal, for the fiscal year ending November 15, 1860, the sum of three thousand dollars; For the quarter ending February 15,1861, the sum of five hundred dollar; For building Sandy and Beaver aqueduct, eleven thousand dollors; ..... - For general superintendence, construction and repairs oa the southern portion oi the Ohio Canal, from the Licking dam to Portsmouth, for the fiscal year ending November 15,' 1860, the sum of fifty-eight thousand dollars; For tbe quarter ending February 15, 1861, the sum of ten thousand dollars; Oa the Hocking Canal, for tbe fiscal year end ing November 15, 1860, the sum of twelve thou sand sevea hundred dollars; c- For the quarter ending February 15, 1861, the sum of two thousand dollars; On the Muskingum Improvement, for the fis cal year ending November 15, i860, the earn ef thirty-four thousand dollars; aad for the im provement of the month of the Muskingum riv er, two thousand dollars. For the quarter ending February 15, 1861, he sum ot four thousand dollars; For the payment of ferriage, or bridge, toll at Portsmouth, the sum of six hundred dol lars; For the payment of indebtedness incurred prior to February 15, I860, the sum of one thou sand dollars; For general superintendence, construction sad repairs oa the Miami aad Erie Canal, from Cin cinnati to Toledo, for the fiscal year ending Norember"15, 1860, the sum of ninety thousand dollars; For the quarter ending February 15, 1861, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars; On the Western Reserve aad Maumee road, for the fiscal year ending November 15, 1860, tbe sum of five thousand dollars; For the quarter ending Februaay 15, 1861, the sum of one thousand dollars; For completion of contract with James Ptrrdy at Gilead side cut, the sum of two thousand dollars. For balance due E. Farrington 4 Co., oa eon tract, for building lock number eight, aorta of Laramie Summit, in 1858, the sum of two thou sand nine hundred and seventy nine dollars aad nineteen cents; For payment of claims for damages to lands oa the borders of the Mercer county reservoir, the sum of two thousand dollars; - For the payment of tbe salaries of resident engineers, Ihe aura of sevea thousand five hun dred dollars; For incidental expenses of the nfnee of board of public works, the sum of oae thousand five hudred dollars; And for payment of the salary of the secreta ry of said board, the sum oae thousand dol larssubject to the check of the President of said board; For the payment of the salaries of the mem bers of the board of public works, to be draws oa the warrant of the auditor of state, the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars. Provi ded, however, that the whole amount expended oa the public works before mentioned, during the fiscal year ending November 15, I860; tbe first quarter of the year 1861, shall not exceed tbe gross receipts from the revenues of the pnb lic works by a sum greater than aa average of two thousand dollars per month. , Sec 2. Thia act shall be in force oa aad afer its RICHARD C. PARSONS, Speaker the House of Representatives. ROBERT C. KIRK, President of the Senate. Passed March 26, 1860. [No. 52.] AN ACT To provide for the completion of the state house, and for the care of the building and grounds, and to repeal certain acts therein named. Skctiom 1. Be it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there shall be appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, a "Superintendent of the State House," and also a "Janitor of the State House," who shall hold their offices fur the term of two years, aad until their success ors shall be appointed and qualified. la cases of vacancy in either of said offices during the recess of the General Assembly, tbe same shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, who shall, within tea days after the General Assem bly shall next meet, appoint in the manner orig inally provided a successor for such unexpired term. The salary of such Superintendent shall be twelve hundred dollars, and that of said Janitor shall be eight hundred dollars, yearly, in quarterly payments, to be drawn from the Treasury on the . warrant of the Auditor of State. . ' See. 2. The Superintendent shall have the supervision and control of the State House, the grounds and appurtenances thereto attached ,aad of all work performed upon, aad materials fur nished for the same; and he shall also have charge of tbe tract of land in Franklin county purchased by the State for a quarry. Every contract for such work and materials shall be in writing, signed oa behalf of the State by the Superintendent and a copy thereof shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State: and no contract shall exceed the amount appro priated by law applicable to sucn purpose, i be Superintendent shall have power to appoint a clerk, removable at his pleasure, whose duty it shall be to keep a true reeord and account of all the proceedings and expenditures of the super intendent; and he may also employ, when ne cessary, the services of aa architect; satd arch itect and clerk to be paid a reasonable compen sation out of the State House fund. The Su perintendent shall, annually, before the fifleeath day of December, make report of his proceed ings to the Uovernor, wno snail lay tne same before the General Assembly. See. 3. The Janitor shall have the charge. subject to the direction of the Superintendent of the State House building, and the grounds and appurtenances thereto attached; aad ha shall keep the same constantly watched, pro tected, aad in order; and he may employ such assistants as the Superintendent may appprove and deem aeeeswy, whose eoropenaatioa shall K fiverl hw the SriTvrintmdeat and Daid out the State House fund. It shall also be the do ty of the Janitor to prepare the leg laialivw nana for the reception of the General AseamMy t the eommeacement of each regular aad extra Sea. 4. -If any person shall wilfully er ma liciously injure or deface u any manner any portion of the State House budding, ita fixtures, furniture, or appurtenance-, or shall roromit any nuisance tnereis, . h r j wmiiu,i, injurious trespass upon the graunda attached thereto, or shall willfully injure aav tree, shrub or phut growing upon said grounds, or any fix ture place thereon, or say eaclasare or side walk about the same, sucn tjoybob shall, nrjoa conviction thereof be fined in any aura not less, than five dollars, aor more than five .hundred dollars, or be imprisoned ia tbe jail of Frank lin couaty not lews than one day, aor more than six months, or both at the discretion of tbe court; and shall moreaver be liable to the State of Ohio ia doable tbe amoont oi tne injury uae. The Janitor shall have the power Sad aolhoritT of a Constable as to the arrest of all persons guilty of tbe offences above described; and au proaeeutioBs for said offencw shall be eoadoetedl in the same manner and before the same eoerte as other offences committed within the oily of Columbus, the puaishmeat whereof may be less thaa imprisonment ia the Penitentiary. -' Sec . The work to be dnw lor tbe eotn pletioa of the State House buikliag shall be as follows: Tiling the fioor of the roUnda,- putting gas fixtures ia tbe rotueda; arehiag aad Bay ring I ho nnrthweat court, and placing thereia atep. brdfon v .tail inin railing nw aroond sry ana reuui.nii au.l uiili the dain;ia a the [Concluded on Fourth Page.]