Newspaper Page Text
Business Directory. f. . mtTcHriKi u. hki:i Ac CRfTrHMFJ.l). 1 TTOKNK.YS AT LAW, Millr-rshure. Ohio. j V Office l'p ntnirs In Critchflcld't Comer nioek.onrsyslte the Court-house. liSOil 1). S. I ai r A TTORNEY AT LAW, Mil1cr?b"re, Ohio. J V Office Iu Mayer's building, over the Hook store. nii'tf. WX. S. TAHJfKYHlM. A1 TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Millorsbiirff, Ohio. Oltice Two doors east of the Hunk, up stairs. niOtf a. j. nr.i.i. "TOTARY rt'ULIC, Mil.frslv.irii Otiio. Tie in 11 nt nil tii time rendy to furnish. All up, and take eeknoB lodgments of all kind of Perdu, Con veyance", moituntres, mid power of Attorneys., t ike Depositions tone nsiri in any oi tnc court 01 , RIFD i-us nwiv. ., iiim-h i,. . &c. U Ilia office is in the County Au-! '"""' m,'- pit. ;. w. ha ia.i;, 1)IIYSICIAN k Pl'RC.EON, Would respect fully inform the citizens of Holmcsi ille and vicinity that he has locntrd himself in said pluce for the practice of bin profession. Ollico four doors west of KceU'a Comer. Oil. T. O. V. IlOMf;. IJUYSICIAN A M'KOKON, Millerfhiir.. O. Olllce on Main street, formerly occupied by Lr. Irvine. u2lllf mi., MILLKRSM'KO, O. Office on Jackson st. nearly opisisilo the Empire House. Koi - dence on Clay street., opposite the I'lelivlei iuu Clinch. u'Ulltf. , r.n. .Vr'l' Air.V. A,Ku nu i F.RMAN ft ENGLISH Hotaino Phjsician, ; A m M IIMTNMIIi:, t. V J ITl-f -till lll'T 1 'IIU ll Main etreet, lour doors above the Public so,uni'6. iitltf a. it. ritr. "tyATCH k JKWEI.KR, Main ! 1 Street, opposite Court House, Alillersbiirg, ; Ohio. Iiiilltf .IAN. lll.HHON dt MIX, I DKAI.K.RS IN Kntrlinb, (lerman and Ameri rmt Hnniware, (,'uilery, Oils, l'aints, Oluss, Sash, I'iUi) Uoors Saddlery, and Coach Trim-1 iniugg. noit IvMPIKIJ IIOI'NK. "TOSLPH WILSON, Tropr'tr, Millcrshnrff, O. I Tho subscriber has taUeu tho ubovu House and fitniisbed it anew from cellarto mtic. Those w ho patronize it shall have good Ian;, kind treat meiit and reasonable bills. nil HI oiuo iioim:. 1HOXWOKT1I, Proprietor, west end of Main . afreet, Millersburg, ). II i Stage OIIIch l)aily Line of Coaches to Coshocton. nUUtf SIMS IIOI.'SK, "OIIN SIMS, Proprietor, Sandusky Avenue, ' Bueyrus, Ohio. n'-i'J joiiNsof iioi:i:. r D. JOHNSO.V. I'ronrietor. Public Sininre I J. Ilucyrus Ohio. lroliil4 4'onrt. The Criminal tvrnii of tho PrnUate Court of Holtur, lourity, Ohio, will be huldcn ai follows for Uir y. ar IS'Kl: V irit Tut-R'lay of.Tmus'y ' ' Msrrli, " " May, " ' .lillv, " plcmhiT, ' ' Novunlsr. sToitics a r.iui:, ID E 1ST T X Q T Woostct ii lid Millersburg, D R M.E. STORRS, ltitlit, fflillcrHlniiK, O. - (iri'i''i:-( Kuril's BTDlt':. - Mill'rslinri.', rihla, lift.'. 1sW n l.vl o. i;. ( ouv .v i;M Froduco Commission Merchants, likil.BHH IH FLOUR, GRAIN AND FEED, JiVI'TKIl, hVIS, I.AH1). And Country Produce (lenertiUy, 0. M AND M OOltNKIl UNION AND Htll'KIIIOK BTS. CLLV LLANO, OHIO. rfrrartlrular atti'tillon ulil to Dim purcliaser if (looil fur ConilKUor. liKHmt ii it l irXniiiri7i Forwanlin,"; ami Coimnission Merchants, ANIIDALKHS IN 8AI.T, H.sit, I'l.A.HTKK, WIII I'K 1VATKK 1.IMK, I ll ilAMKKS tir Flour, Mil rut. Hjr, Turn and oats C.OVKU AM) 'iniotUY HKKIK Al.fO H U T T E H , Kill II, I, A II I) , T A I, I. O W And all killOa of DltlKIt Fit CITS. ti2' W.Mll'.HOl:'K.Mll.t.KUlSIIUUfl, OHIO. sT whi is icirlsiso IRON, STEEL, NAILS, LUVKI.S, CIIISI-.I.S, lilt At IS, HITS. 'KS, SAWS. Ai'tints, ri.AXKS. anus, SIM AUKS, AIIKS, k. ivt.yno ihhu:s. SlliCllANItlW'TOOLS, tt!. oils. w urn: li:ai). sahhi.kuy, AKrl iillur:il lniilriiri'iits. Mii.i.i'itsuruii. on to. THIRD ARRIVAL GEORGE L. COOK ! ! VV'ul '!.! niui in Itii itiimi'ioim iHti'iiin tlifit Iih li.iN r--' ci i tii.( la imn rt ct lvit u Iriun Hit- I nt rti itrui- llU.'toi lull mill kt UlVi: Rlu k uf JK I-I.IIV, llulil ml llvt; A V V 11 i: S ! I'Utt'd anil Hill t ti n, ImMi ml l frt vpnutiN, Kur )i'oi UlUCcK-lM, 1H unl ntuilv, Mt rVt' Iliittnim, Luckily, Aii'l frr thin k iixutllv kfjil In tut llm of huvliii'Hit, whU li lt ih t ii l fur th- I iiit:tli'( ami jiuitliiixu of all li ' lit to Inn or tiim with Uj-!' niMiNii. itn-ttii K' i it ii i til iu !! in t-vi-rv i'siji.tI im (noi1 tt r.p ruicliUd. li4iiHi Uuim tutialuuLuill) mi hIioi t itotlci li. I.. rnuK. l.-cmlwr M, 1-VJ. 'IMl'H li ..ict-.'' to lit- Wit ht H l' I'KN f -r nil uur MiM , ll"W III lNi', Wi lhlVf In-n ilium lloiu fill twul thi-r vt nri, liuVf HHirHlitcil i-Vfry n tl Unl.l, liinl 1,4V. iii yi lliu.l urn iviuriif.l, nr uv chiiiiUiiiU tn ..!. ill 'I'Im v ri- Hit' H II Ul il liV Hllllit I ViTV lllili t ill.-, r, li.i.ih l c.-,i -i , Im,iik iti th. L iiilnl HUlfn - Wi luy illicit (unit A. Morton, imt Ihmm i ii i h, Imvi lug pod wurruott-il iu uatnitt Kdnuiit ilivm in 1 tUttt tiiv ul n. I 'ill kllliu UttHKMUllK, REMEMBER! I'lie I'heiiM'st Wutihes. Jewelrv, Silver mid Tinted Ware, will lie tuiuul nt L'ook ', ill the iimiii foruii rl) oeeujed liy the 1'it tllliee, li, i nil j;iKid ur wnniiiiiej to bo us ri'pieehu i,itiii vu lire "uti-fik lion uiiiiiuiitei il lo piueh.o-crH. Wuii lies. l'lo.i;f, aiidjewelry repiiiied to order. April ii I nt, I Mil. ',. ,. I'DtlK. AI lent ion I Vl.l. porsoiu kimwlnn lluinselvei indebt cd to liltf by Note, lluo-ltlll, or Hook Account will ploato collie lorwurd mid settle Hoi fc4iiio Ioiiutjdiittely, mid S'lVO tliuuiMidvea cost, u4 I in ml bvo money, uii.t ctu't wait y longer; to look out! i:KllKG SNOll. Millursburn, Orl. '.'0, lHi'.l.-tl O X F O R D "A II E A D ! u. iv. 4 om i:u 1 1 IS ,ur, l,.t. tl, Htarji i.f tl iuU uf Mr. Vhaiuiitiii, al a.Miln.iM a Hi- asino. lie liu uu m lutnii Hfc slilt a of (luolis, x.l. li hi, prupuiM I. U ft! jrUM iO Wilt III tllUCS, 'I'lIU Vlllfttfllf ul o x r 0 R D J Ad'1 allelic rfliiiiu afnun.! abuut ai reiualfully IiivIIimI Iu ual aii'l rk4iuiiit' M uity uoiks. eilOCKRIK. HAiiitw.inK, VtaAAVirirr, HOOI& A A ll SIIOt- MTAar ifntltr ut Drain, Ivrk, 1'iclui acuarall knr.u fll m,.l Ijtn W.llltiMl H i, t H.ltiai 1'pit'v, lifurd, 1'tt--. ibt li.'- i .11 ly di.-mppoint . "P I of i ; i I ft cmpiele and varied awurtiiiunt of nil arti cnangc, cIull utuny ),,,, in Mlcll , ctabiislnnoiit. Tim character of Ms stock ia of tho first Dr. J. K. MIFF, Druggist & polliccary DKAUB IN 1'tKli Dviiffs & Medicines! rbarmarcutlcal Preparations Of Standard Strength, ri itc hishs axo mo.i okki Surgical IiiNtiumcntH, rurfutnery, 1'uints, Oild, Yarnislico, etc., it., &.o. Itospoctfully Invites the cotisidurntlon ol the niudioal iirofumilon and tamiliol, to hlii quality. fltystrlans and rant Mm Fuvorinpbim w ith their pHti-uungc, may confident rely uHin receiving Medicine w hi'ch will not them at the bpdxide of the nick. Kvcry article leavitii' thin establishment U wnnaiited jKliictly as represented, and will be carefully put aeeumtcly lubelcd. conneelieu with his stock may be found nil llle Hl''dnr PATENT MEDICINE3, that is k-ptbv any Drmrtrist In this Bcctioii f oliio. Alan, all of I'lldi'ii's rrrpiii-ntloiis. Sni-li nm Vila mnUA Aniil V.tnnta Villa m. Jimmies in iiiiiiu itv. He also keeps constantly Urfc su,,,y nia CELEBBATED HORSE tlXIBEAT i For the speedy cure of Spavin, Riiifrbone, or Windfalls, and all manner of Lumps that may arise on the Horse from anycauso whatev er. The Doctor has no hetitancy iu say bit; that if properly applycd, it will not miss performing a euro in ninety-nine cases out of one iiiiiKlri'd. MiilcrsburR, July2, lR.r)!).-ii23 DlllGS, GROCERIES A N 1 YA N K 11 It N O T I O N S -AT- "Wliolosalo, AT WeIMER it STEIXBACHEtt'S, l ire I'roofMiirilioiisr, Ifluiii SI., AI(ltO. o. Wo uro in roct'ipt oi a lurgu and compU'U Ptock of DRUGS, UnOCERIES k YASKEK NOTIONS. Our goods Intvo been Beleeted with grout cure, niul with siiuciul reference to tho Jobbing Trade, As wo imrclmso luincipul!)- from IMl'Oli'J HRS & MANUFAOlTlttiHrt, Wo c:ui sell goods lower than those who buy nt JOIJ11ING Houses in tho Kiit-t. We invito the ntteutiou ol' Merchants, Grocers mid all others of Holmes nud adjoining Counties tootirhirKo stock of DRUGS mid GROCERIES nid those in want of goodrtin our line will pleiiKO null before purchiiHing elsewhere. Groceries Hold us low no they can bo bought in Cleveland. RETAIL STOKE, (Murket St.) AKllON O. WEINER iiiTKINHACIlER. Akroiii Sep., Sflth, 'WJ. tf. S03niTIHI(i NEW. YOafi AMERICA CLOTUIXG STORE. IJIl'.KtiHV notify my numnruuH puthiiiri, tlmt hiiviiii; tvlumnl iWnii tho KuhUtii citivH. 1 am ivcminu Hplciidul Htuck oi' FOR FALL AND WINTER USE. It you want a e;ood Over Cunt, Jo III iiir on llii' oi iii r. If yon want n tine OresH Cent, o li t'olui'K on llie C'oriu-i'. If you want it llurlnem Cunt, 4i!o to I'oIhi'noii I Ik' Corner. If yon wimt n puirof rdiiitHof uny kind, Uo to CO NX'S on the COliXKIi. Do you want a Vent? Why, thoru ih-o cords of iheiu at COHy Son the COHXKIl. EndlcHH viuiety of ShirtH, I'nder Shh-tM, Drawers, C'l iiviilH, I'lillaiM, Socks, Neck Tints, 1'oeket Iluiidk'ls.ets., AT COI LYSon tlioCOUJVEll. I'or Huts mid Cups, bttost styles, o to CoIiii'hoii I lie (4ornrr. Iu short everylhiim beloniii(,' to n Cieiit's dress, Vim can timl at COIIN'N on tho fiiriitT. Come and see for yourself. I um bound to sell you Good Goods nnd Cheap, t'benjier th.ui miy competitor iu these purls dure itr..i ini'v coii. Ci.otiiino 31 vdi: to ()ui)i:u ! IL7-M) FIT, NO NALKg o v Tji u v on .ym: it 1 1 liOWAlU) ASSOCIATION VlllLADKI.I'jtlA. 1 th nt mUnt littttihiliuH eniuhlUltrti by fnruil wi tiiHMu ut, fur Hie Htlirf nf ihr Sit k ami l)t lfiHni, uffliritH unth irultut and IMIK IIMWAliH AHbOCUTiON, in sWW nfll.PHwrii ili'-triitjtiuii of h um un lite ciiim- il l.y Hihhm1 ikn,tik tin' ill . fillin pracilKi'i, iiKiit Uv' iinhti'tiiiiHtt vic- tltiiKiil iui' I, -Hm-mm--, hy gum li-i, Hi wrnl rnu mro ill fcU il tto li CiiiitutHmK urm)on, hh n t'H A tt I t'.UtLk act wurilty f thu iiHitif, tu oit-ii lir'iioiHi'y im Die Lrrat nil Ut nf llit I'.liit-H nf illit Hx.i, In H til. ir (oi ui. fthil III ;Mr Ilk Oil ' I. AUWiK liHiTIH III till tippl by lilltr, Willi lIlKi-llptlull ul tliwtr I'OIKlltlnll, (It!', till UiMlluU, Imllllt fl llii- Al' ) HOil III I-Brtf liffXllt li- IHiVi-rlV. to flll- otili MKIi.t'NS Klillk't ( UAUtiK. II U iiuciti-H o 41I 1 Ihul A t'U-iul til duiiuiihimU t lit tiltient Mrtt(iit -t, ill ul - Ute, Hint H ltl lui llt.ltl lllf lUUkl iln UVi'U lUO i- i m tii MiUK'iit. I'. Ouri'tin iut ilie Atvut-'lfttltm, hiilietr Am. mil Kvpoit IHIII tll trt'tt lilt lit llf Hl(tHl 1I.H ilkl'M, Xll VMM tlltt llljlli at .iU I u'lliui With tlic iiit.i Ml Which lili HtUlnld) th mtior t idclr HiirtfL-oiii lu tit i-tnu of hitriiitorrliiLn, i innuit Vt-tttnirnM, tiiinorrhn-ii, Hit i t, Hj liilll, Uiw vti t il O.iuil-'u or (i'lf Al'oic, U:hh4o of ll..- Kli(if. mi. ft iiU't ii 1, Ao,, kihI urilcr 4 cuiiiiuuiic ul IU pun .... viip - iLutuiK , , ., , u Ailiuirui lo Hrioi t ou HM.Tintorrliii , r Hvinlnal Wajiikiivti. ih vii'v r UimnUiii, Md-t.u i.HUoit, nr h. If- .liUii', HUil Ullu r UkNCIfiM M lit UlV WkUHl tllKUUI, ty llif L'om.illli Hurffcnii, will , clil hy uihIIiii it fMlril rn HUl t-: t)K CUAKUK.uu iVin iplol I Wt) MMl'(i lor M.UK'i. (iitir k Mini Tmvu nu Hit iititun 4iii i'Mtiiii)i.t uf Hmiu1 immioM, ij Id , Ao , uru con 4U11UV ItMiitf ixtliUlittU for i lUulluuti iliiiillnaiun, unj will t). riit m th! miiuutl. Mum uf Ui- m-w rt wi-ilU't inl mftliods uf lr.tmeut aUugvvivU tluuug Ihu hut yr-r, ttru uf yrvt titlue, A'Mrrw, fur K.'.o ur trftlmtmt. DR. J. FKIM.IN llOUtiMTDN, aotlny Hurron, llowtird AiUtln. Ko. 4uulU NiOrtl-Hlfi, I'iuln.l- li.hl, i'y yril.r of tht Ulrt4uri. HA h IUAKTWri.l..PrulJ;Ul. Kl. 1 AiHCUlLU.iltgioU.t. NEW MARBLE WORKS. mmA 4 llii 5 K4iip?TOM b 100,000 Lives l ost. AKT) HO T 0 ML ST 0 XE S ERECTED JILT J. r.UMlHAIlUT, .V Co., Millersbiirg, llsvf them rraily to p"t up except le. ttcrlng. We have fio. nlcwit ever Lnuiglit to Holmes County, coui.rKlug the iutei! fti'Klinii nf MUNUMKNTH AND I1KAD HTONKJI, BOTH PLAIM AMI ORNAMENTAL Al pi In that ilvryrnmpL'tltli n. With mir rKitrrli ln-u In the tHiMiitif, wa fiattr ournulvi-l with the lilra of 1iiIiik luliy Win? to coinpttu, In rcKlil'il to workiiiauHliip, mvlt: anil prliw, with any lnillar (Htiihllnhincnt tliln (lilt of the ninijiitnltiR. Wi- wotilil ny tnat tlire Ii no ni-ornslty Tor thfpeople of itnllnul cuunty to RlilTor theminivi-fi to he heri-il With ToinhiUone peililltrs from ahruml wln-n thiy can net M j 'iikttkk woiik rea i.rss moskv at mdmr Orilem tltiiiikfully ruceivuil and promptly Rtti-nli-il to. Shop on Jltlin A'tretit, two doors Want J. Ji' A'uoA'fi .'tfoee. n2Htf JOHN KHKItUARDT 4 Co. Tlio Largest and "Best Stock OiVooli A: IlcatingrStovt's, URATES, COPPER, BRASS A XI) EXAMELED KETTLES, TIX AXD IROX WARE, JAP I' AXED PRESSED AX1) FAXCV W A R E, ROUXD SQUARE LAXTERXS, FIXE ST POLISHED SMOOTIrXG OR SAD JROXS, BEST STO VE P OUSlf, All at the lowest price that any man enn sell for, at the "l!i ColleePot." I will pay tho vkhv ihoiiest price for old iron and other trade. VM. I1IIAY. Octoher I Hill, Fever and Ague, from wliii b mankind suffor ovrr a biriro part n) tbe kIoIio, is tho ronirqiuMico ol' n iliMoasci uclion in tho Rvstriii, iiiilucrd liy tlip pnisonoiiH niiiiMii of vr-Kut:l,lu (Jociiy. This cxludntion is ovolvi d liy tlic Hittion of bunt on wot soil, uud risos wild tho wiitory v;iior fiuiii it. Wliilo tbe sun i.s bi-low tlic horizon this vapor lini;i rs nc;ir tlic onrtli's sur fure, mid tho virus is taluli villi it tbrnuih llie liins into the lilond. T'liorn it not us an irrit.itiiiK piiinon on (lie internal vim-era and oxrri-tiiinnr.';iii of the body. Tin' livi-r tif-roini-s torpid and fiiil.-,lo s-i:rolo not only Ibis virus, Imt nl.10 'ho hilo from tlio blood. Until tlic virus uud 1)111 bib; iH-niinuliito In tbp cirniliition, anil proiliiro violent i-onniiu-tioniil diHordor. Tlio sploon, tho Kidurys, nnd tlio Nloniii'-li sympitlii'O with tho livi r, iiiid bucouie disordun-d iilsn. l-'iniilly, tlio instinct of our or ganism, as if in nn attempt to cxjk-I the noxious infusion, coniicntrolcH Ibo wholo blond nf the boily in tlio internal exerelorii-s to force tbom to east it out. Tho blood leaves the surface, nnd riiHhos to tlio contra! organs with congestive violence, ibis is the Cm r,r.. Hut in this effort it fail. Then tho 1-V.VKU follows, in which llie blood leaves the cen tral orirans nnd rushes to the surface, as in another cll'ort to expel tho irritating poison thronih that other rciit excretory tlic skin. Iu tnis also it fails, nnd tlio system nbandons tho attempt exhausted, and wails for the recovery of atrcntith to repeat the hopeless effort another day. These are the Ills or paroxysms of 1-'bvuii ani Aiii'b. .Snob constitutional disordor will of course under mine the beallh if it is not removed. We have labored to Mud, and have found, an antidote, Ayer's Aguo Cure, which nentrrilizps this malarious poison in the Mk,.1, uiifl Htiiimlfitcs the liver to exp l it from thu bo'lv. Ah it hIiouUI, no it dnca euro this allliclii (liMinlor with pprfert wrtiiinty. Ami it (Ioch mure, or r.ithnr does what is of nvnv sci vico to Hhmo hmI jnct to (hid infection. If t;ik'ii in bc;ison it ex pels it from tho Hvntcm as it in nlimnod, and tlnu kocps those who use it free from its utucks; korpH tlio Hy.itcm in Itoalth nltliom;h rxpoHOtl to tli iUhv iho. Gmiscipicntly it not oiily curisH, hut jnotrctH from, (tin ure at vnrioty of nllfiitinnn wlunli arc iiwlucod iiy this muliLtnaitt intlufmcu, Hitch as Hcmittcnt I'Vvcr, ('hill I'Vvor, Ihnnh, or M.t.-ki'd A 'rue, 1'uriodical Uondachc, or ililiouH Hi'mlitrho, IliliuiiH Vcvcrrt, Nouraltiii, Kheumutism, (imit, UlimlnoHH, Tootliai'ho, Katmhi', Cat sin h, Asthmu, P.ilpitu tionii. I'ltiuful Alt'uctiont of thu Splncn, llyKtrirH, Colic, raralysiH, und rainful AH'tioiiK' of the Stomach mid liowcli, all of whicli, when inihinw from this c.iuho, will bo found to asKiunu moro or U'hu tho intermittent type. 'I his " Ai( K (-'I'HK" rnmovt'8 the camtu of theou deranomcnU, and miua tlio dUcaNO. ThU it uccomplihcR by Rtiinulnting the excre lorii'4 to exptil tho virus from the HyMcni ; and theno oraiia by drrecH bennme habited to do this their olfire of their own accord. Hence aiincN what wo term tttrli mutation. Tiuietnay aceonipliHh the mime eud, hut often lifo U not kmi? mouh, or in Hacrillced iu the utlemnt, while thU " Aorn Cl'UR " dues it at once, and with safely. We have reat roam n. to heliovo this U n suu r hh well as nafer remedv for tlie wholo cIuks of disease- vhieh are cauNcd by the miasmatic infection, than tiny other which bus been discovered ; and it has hi ill another important uthantuo tu tho public, whiih is, that It it. cheap an well us good. VUKl'AHKn BY DIl. J. C. AYETl Ss CO. LOWELL, MASS. run i! Unb Dollar rt:u Horn h. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hus won for Itself such a renown for tbo i-uio of every variety of Throat and bung Complaint, that It Is entirely iiiiucffSHiiry for us lo recount th evidence of its virtues, wherever it Inn been em ployed. As It lias Ioiik been in ronstaiil um throiiKbout this section, we need lint do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the liest It ever bus been, and that it inav be relied 011 to do for their relief all it lias ever Ik in found 10 do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, fOR ALL THE PURPDSE8 OF A PURGATIVE MEDICINE. Kill! CodTIVV.NKK i Fllll THK C'l'KK OK llVSl lil'SI A i l' OK J Al'MIU'H j Foil TIIK Cl'lIK Oy iMilliKSTION 1 Fou HitAiiirHK; I-'OU TIIK Ct'IlB or 1VKNTP.UY j l-'ou a l-'om. Htomai h i Foil TUB Cl'lt OP l-'.KVSll'lll ASj l ull TIIK l'll.KS ; Volt tiiv. Ci'HH OP Si uoi-i i. ; I'OH Al l. Hi IIOITI.OCS (OMI'I.AINI'S j Foh thk I'i iik op Kurt jiATiaM; l ull DlSKANKS OF THU MklN : Foil TIIK t'l UK IIP I.ivr.ll t'oin i.AtNT i l-'ou llltlll'S 1 Fob nn; (.'rim op Tkitkh, Ti moiu anu Salt lillKKM ; For Wiiiims; Fun THH Ct'iu: up fiiit-T; l ull A ll..h.l I'll 1.; Foil tup. Ci'iiK up Nil im. 01.1; bun l'ruiniu tiik liioun. They aro sunar-cout. d, ao llie uin.t seiisl live cull tako tlicin ilcuiinllv, mid lwin pun lv veetuiilc, uo barm cuu mine bom ilicir Uac in uny 4.1.1111 uy. riice S3 eeuta per Box ; Six Boxoi for $1.00. (Jreat nuiidicis of CleitMiien, l'liysicbiiis, States men, and eminent pt'iMiuiiKi-H, liiie but their liamea lo 1 vi lily lliu iiiipur illi led nsi fubiis of Iboe u-iiieibcs, but mir npiico hero will not penult tbe iiiMitiou of Iheiu. The Aleuts below iiumi-,1 fur nilmrutiaour Avkiiii an Almanac iu wliiili liny areivcu; villi uUi full ilei'iiiiioiis of Ibe uU-vc comiduiuts, and the tieuuuciit lli.U should be lid louvd for their cum. Do not be put off by unprincipled deuleri irh othar prcuiruliuiis limy uoike inure piol t on. Deuiand Avbii's, and lake 110 uilu-is. 'llie i k want Uiu U.t uid there is fur tbciu, uud tin ) sliould UUVV ll, AU our Remedies are for side by kuiiii: : ustli v ro Ayti'tn, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mil t) iiy. K. IIAIPI', ami II. vl liHIN, Mllk-nhurir (i,o aiiitall U.sliia Hi .M.J.tlui vwijitligrc. - l.l;m;. t it -if 1-t ; OH IMT IlYIPKOVKniEXTS IN TIM A It T , WILLIAM MoK EE, TiiM tnhr plrimure in announcing to the cltlm-nt of " Milli-rahurii, Uit he haR taken the rmnni ovrr lr nnlliiK'R ot'lco, whi re he haR an excelli-nt fK V-Lhiiit" anil allh Mr expeHanne In the Art. Imvlna I1R1I tl,.; a. I. tannic of belli? inmrncteil In one of tin larfrt-lt hihI Iu'hi 1'liolom aph llnllerle In the KaRt, lie feeli JuitlUrii In Raying that lie will make V II O TOO H A P HS, AMBIiOTYPKS Anit nil the popular plntttrot of the day attalulnn the flinti est pt'iTectioii In the Art. Ho ilehoR coiopetiiloo, ami clalmR that ha ill make iwtti r pIctnreR, on an avarae, thitli have ever been iiii.iI j ret of the MlRRliiRippi. My reaulta are oertnln. lie woolil alRO call aitcntli.n lo the artletlc ami grace fil punltlon In which lilt enl.Je. n Kill he Reateil. It Ir illilifWMKrjr to lemiiirt the elillirhti Ke.l rltlmln of IhlR vicinity of the InMllmnhle ealoe of a line nnd lifelike pli lute of a departed friend, Piifllee II to y that Rufmt wny Ir to Improve the pri ient, for the put ll notyouri, and the future you cannot command. COME ONE! COME ALL! ! To lee anil (rot better pletnrei than have ever been made WcRt, If they do cost but Hftv centa eaeh, ncRily endued good morocco caRe fWDrlnir y your cnlld ren. He clulma not to he excelled In maklnir child. like and tine piciiiri'H 01 eniiuri-n. Hrlinr tliem In tint forenoon- Mr. M. Is not one who haa the nnnte of a traveling Ar tint. There la no hmobue: ithimt this circular Perfect aallafarilon ftuaranteen. WILLIAM MrKKB, Main Ut., oppoaite the Book Store. Nanif Celebrated Indian Hair Tonic A IVUW AltTICXE. OWING to the iirc dcninnil for ttiic celebra ted Ilnir Tonic, the manufacturer has gone to some trouble to nilii to its ellicncy, nnd he ciiu recommend it to tho public ns the purest remedy for baldness now offered for sale. It removes nil dandruff, rOHtorea flrey hair toitg natural color, and manure preventative lor balOncaa. Tine can be testified to by biitidrcds who hare used it, ami who have becu blessed with new and healthful heads of hair. The underiiinicd asks a fair fril for the TON IC and he fears not the result. Thouc who desire testimonials as to its Krcnt virtues, can be con vinced by applying to the undersigned, at Alliance, Ohio. No other tome can compare to this. Give a trial and all skeptics will be convinced. . is. TArroio. For palo by II. YEKGIN, DniL'irist, Millesr- burjr, Ohio. u.4 MRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPKHIRNCKD Nunc and Peml Physician, pre tsmits to the attention of Mothers, her Soothing Syrup. FOK CHILDHEN TKKKIIIXO, which prently faciliitB the proccu of teethirifr, hy nofl fDiiin th t- gum, reducltitr till IntlHiniriittluii will aliity Al.llJAIN nint 9pHri)iiidic action, ami 1h HL'UK TO 1! KOI'LATK TII K R(WKI.8. UtpcDfi upon it, (noUicrrt It will ffivu n-rit to vourRt-lvys A KKMKK AND HKAI.TII TO YOUR INFANTS. Wi- hiivt- put itp itml tohl thii hrticic for over ten yearn, um I enn bhv, tu rnnthtencc anil truth of It, what we hnv nrer hcen able to miy of any otlier mc'lluine, never ha luili'i, In SltlKlti lllMtlHICt' 10 t.-ifert a cure, I nn.-)l. Ncvrr did liiMttinct' of (li- I any onu who u- I MKH. W INFLOW BOOTIIINO VUUK whn ttiucly llii wi; Unow an nthfayttna by orl it. On thp deliKhteil wild cotrary,ullaru ' ilH oK-ratiiiua, and Himak In lurinR of hlirheat cimnoi-nils of It riiaKiuul unlets ami ioHilu-al vltrticR. Wo spi.-ak In tills mutter "or what wi no know," anvr ten yars oxpe rluiicu, Aso ri.Kiioaoi'R rki'C r ation roa tiik or what wk iu.ks iiKi.'i.Ana. In every InRUnce when- the iiilaot la sunVii'lng from pain anil txhuiiallon, tin- syrup ia aibiiitiiRtt-reil, Tliia viilinilili- pr.-paiallon la MV- pn-scrlpt'on of one of tho most KXI'KltlKNCKIl anil HUU t'l. NCIISKS in New Kiiglami, anil loin li-.-eo iihi-iI ith n.-vi-r lailuiK sncceaH lu Tlllir.HANDS OP CASK.S. It ll not n lli-ves tin; cliilil from piiin.lmt Invigorates tin- Rlomiirh ami bowels, t-ori-i-otaaRi-lilitv, ami Klvea time ulel entrny to llie nliulc system. It s ill almost Instantly relieve. (lltll'INfi IN TIIK TIDAVKI.9, AND WIND (.'1101.10, ant! overr'Mue i-..n- . , vuliilijris, which If nut Rpe. illly reme-I pull illeil, end In ileatli. We iM llevo it tlie CII I Ml It P. N best anil anrent in llie TKKTIIINU. world. In all ras-s Dysentery ami ' ' lllarrhica III elill. 'Iren whetlier It arlKt-a friiQi teelhiliir or from liny other .illiiHti. We w.iul.l aay to every mother alio Iirh a ehllil lotlerlriK rrom nny of tlio frtreiroinit oomilHiiits-ilo mil your prejiiiliees, our the pr.-jii'lices of otlu- r, Htaml Iii Ineen your Riilleilii).- eliil.l uml t In, relief Hint will h .ilire yes, ?CHH to follow the use of lliii iileilieine, II timely, used. Pull llireetlutlR for UKinu; will aurompiiny each bottle. None genuine unless the fau rilmlle of Cl.ltTIS A I'KllKlNtl, New York, is on tlic out aiile arii.p:r. So'd hv dnirp-lNts thromrtioiit the world. I'riurwnl Offin, No. 1.) Cedar St., N. Y. Price outgUS Cenliprr llnltU: u3Uyl For sale only In Mllleraburg by Dr. .1. K. RAIPF. MACNETIC IKY t h i h ri'iuarkublo and tmmt iuU'rustititf pimih. tly. It iti itninposfd of tlm moat ooncoutrfiti'd .hiii't'ri nf I hi) im m( ndwnrt'nl ami tht niuHt. MiKitliinir riiintH ami KoutH in nutiiru, uhominilly ojaliiiM'il uiu iiiilntfl in well fliiilcl trlnnit hottloi. uiultrliinu- I ' " 1": '" imhii- 1 i U'rti ic ti nniirti.i'.prnfiiiiiiiliy i)rnirut inix. iintl uininuntly (juii'ttnif ami Hootliiui;. ll rt'liove puiu nu.l iitil:ua itiitii ut, unco, (when Croi'ly uppliml.) ro tuxiiiLf ttio hI nii iomI tniii'li'rt uml imrvoK. ti viu now lit't nnd v it ul it y by itw lit'o niviiiK (iiuilitiu, to pu r uli .cil pHVHiMulolirtiiilt; or Idtiff -(1111(11 iioiitnp iu nt h, and wi-aknKSi'ri, allay inic nurvou puin, t N on raisin,) irritutiiiii, ami rcniovinK cb-'trunUniii; lik a ulitmu. Imli'eJ nil who lutvy iisod it, 'ak of it as truly a womlrrfiil innlieiiio, ainl osU imii It by fur rtupirinr' fit any ami all otlnr rxtornul rMiiitlij!t in uhd. tf applinl in Ht'iu'tin it in an unfailing rciunly fr tho Croup, Si'i'o 'I linuit, Jnduinatiiiu nf tho I.uiih?, ItnweU, lilvor. K '.dnoyH and ol hor orminn, Uhtutuia tiHin, spinal Irritation, Ainu in tbo Itroant; ami at all Union ourot norvous lli.'intat:ho, Nuaralma, Soru Kyi'K, l.tir Ai'ho, Tooth Auho, A true in tho Knuo, I'itnploH ami Krnptinnri of all kiiidn, I'iloti, I tr ii i mmI aiitl prainotl l.iinb,-i, Hurnn, I'Vokou parU, Chill blaiiiH, imloKnt ivml loiitf HtaniliiiL' S'lrcn uuioln, tVti.,o. Itwillnl-o rontore tho Ilnir to tho Il.'iul, and provont thu Hair from (titling ntl'. Tho Miifinotir (iultnint hiin biu'it cxtfiHivrly iifd upon Canal and Ihatiuht llitrnos for Unlls, WouiuU, Spmiimund J.nnH'mn, and i a Piiroouro. when ap plied hot for tho Soratohoiton hornot. and tho Kont Ail on shorn. All that tlio for tlm Muifiiotio Ointmmit it a fair trial, oonHlcnt that all thoy olaim for it will bo found truo to tho lot tor. In tho noiuhborhood whoro it iH miinnfnotnri'd, inflnr pi nplfi buy it by tho quantity, and it m kopt and timid liy almoin ovory inlialntHiit a a ranaeoa tur tho iiuiiioruUH pauiH aud lu-lioei ovory laumy la moro oy lot4 allliotod with. Wo nay atca.u Try Dr. Trask's niAno tic Ointment Noiip Ronuino unloK iKiiod "S. Hull," wiib pon. Aivi I'liiiinhlolH oontaiuinii full diroutiom around oatdi llottio, aud eiroulnri Toft, with auontM. IVioo 'J MhUiiiib'x tor mail ami j totimuju tor nu4 iiottios. Kor tialo by J. k. KAlKK, MillrTritjLU'H, 0.. and ull othor trnL'ixiHi.i in tlio oounlr. V r Allordom should be athlrouil to W ll.ldAM Ml'DUli il Co., Kurlvillo, Madison Co., Y. n-ntyl. The Best Cook Stove is ISrillia nt! the IlneAUsitiT HAKF.S I'KRKKCTLY, 1)11 AW S WKLI,, DOtlltS l-'ITCIiOSK, JOIN TS AKK 'I'ltUlT, ri.A'I'KS AUK 11KAVY, NO WOOD WASTKD, ALWAYS A SUITLY OF HOT WAT Kit, Kli'Kl!iORni!OILINti AKRAliU MKNTS, TOOK KIKST rKEJIllJM AT THK 1.ASWAIK, l'Hl'ITDKIKO AND VICTUALS KI'.l'T WAH.M WITHOUT Hl'KN INll THEM, AND IS SOLD CHEAP, nownrcot'iniitiitiiiiis, tor miiny will try to iiuilulo, hut cull and see tlio gi-iiuine nt I lu- "llij; ('uflte J'.it. W.UltAY.Solij A-iut. Oi-tulii-rl.ltli. lt-5'J ISllWAKi; ! OF I'EKSON iMsllin,; Klrvatod Ovuu or lVuin Ktovi-a that are h ill' mode, with doors, slid and joints that do nut lit, ami the drums lined with slit-ct iron aUmt as thin aa luipcr, wilh thu trim minus half nnulo und few at Unit. 'I'lirni i n.. nei-essity fur lmiiii tnuvd with sui-h trash, if von will tnke the tivuililotoeall on inc. one of yuurown ... .1 .1 . . . - , " "I iiwhi.w,m.h uui ll VUUIII V Ullll liaya taxes with you. 1 will null stoves lliiit are linger, liulte. inetnl, Jit helter, luika beltur, cook heller, look beiu-r, and ato belter, and lietter triiiiiuintjs, aud three tiiiu-s as many of them, fur less money, and give us inucb for old Stoves, A rWimy saved, is i.o. WM, KRAV, nt the liig Collue l'ot. MillorshurB, Aug. II.JPMI. IKVOUWASV a VOVK '.IA'JtA"V JlsTf-.t, to lu lltllliUN cU.N. I I I ! . II. Y33R.OI3NT, Yholosiile ml Itetail Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Cliemicals, &c, lUs just rocolved and will keep oonntantly on hand, a well selected asNortment of such articles as the following, nnd all others usually kept in a Drug Stoie, which ho will sell at tho Lowest Current CubIi Trices: Patent Tonic Kilters. IToatotter's Stomach Hitters, jlonrhavc'fl Holland du IbtnHniirl'a tlcrnmn do llulirer's (tentiao do riteinxton's do llrnicilics for Ague. OsKnod's Indian fVtogegue, lleilffo's Aauo Cure, Austin's llaUain, Munn's do lano's Ague I'llls. beuden'a d" rriKht'a;Peruvlnu TerbrifuKO, Ayvr's Agno Cure, Khiido's du Cbubb's du . nil. Ayi.T rnthnrtio I'iUfl, HtilinoU'H I'liit ifl do Mc.,niio liivur Mi, WriirhtN Vegetable du llnu, drnth's do do ilsnn a I oiiden's olbTS' MotTntt'i Soulo'a FniRt'a T.iiU's I'clix'a 'f iiinlo's tirnl'eubcTK Sir Clark's Femalo 1'eroie do Undway's llonuet'a Root do do do do do do do do do do do do do llohensaes s do Coinpo'd Fills of Colooynth of our manufacture Powder's. Yornin's Arnbino Horse l'owdor'a, lerxui s tieare do lllood Purifiers. Swill's lllood Hvrnp. Yellow Dock and .Surssparilla, Sand's Ji, John Hull's tin Ilouihoid's iln Ayor'a ilo Sims' , Myers Cnmpi.nnd Pock Kose, Jidiio'r Ahoaativo, I.oiiilen's tin Carter's Spanish Mixture. I liinlllLllil's llllloinii.. ('..r.liii! Itiidwaj's Houovutiiig Kosolvent, lllaekborry Mrnndy, Cliorry ilu Coirniaa do brooch ,lo Old MuuoiiB-uliolii Whisky. No. t .. ,,d" . do do H JL.iqnoi'8. -uiiKiioiia H iiiskcy, o. 1 do do do il Oil itlive in , . ,, . eats l oot Oil,,l do l do ! Castor Jo Also, all of the Essential Oils, to tho following list of , , . . Dyestuff s. JtlF o solicit tbo Attention of Dyers. Great Inducements ofloretl. hxtrnet n I'gwooJ, ru-tit? Chip.-, ('upporiic. Alum, Itluo Vitrol, ljuirw'K (1 (jLipn, Cuciiiiictil, 'ar1'!1.111"1 fortllQ past lil,ornl 1'otronnRo, he Bolioitu a contiuuance of the Bamo. Miliorlmrg, O., Oct. 13, 1859. (u35) II. YEHUIN. Medicines, Tonics Tor the Hair. I.yi'in' Kathnrion. Wrinbt's do Unrrv's Trloepherons, Stafford's Hair Tonic, Woods' HosKirativo. 'ajno'K Hair Tonio, Luudun'a do Hair Dyes. .Tavne'e Hair Ue, Loiidon'a do batcholnr's do Cristadoroa do Harrison's do Preparations Tor the Lung; Hall's Balsam, Ayor'i Cliorry Pectoral, Hoffor'a Liverwort and Tar. .Inyne's Kxpcctorant, I. iiudon's do Seller's Cough Syrup, Souls' il Jninos' Kxpoctorant, WiRter's Halam of Wild Cherry. Kullow'a Syrup of Wild Balsam, Quern's Cod l.iver Jolly, Cud Liver Oil. Veriniftiges. McT.anc's Vermifuge, H. L. Fahnostock's do II. A. Fabnostock'a do day ne's Tonio do Louden'sdo do lfurroll's Indian do Halloway's Worm Candy, lloush's do Zipperlen'a do Mann's Condltiun Pnwdors, bloan'a do do I., in imc lit. Nerve and Bone Liniment, MoxioaiiiMiistang do Harroll's Indian do Hunt's do linker's Vain fanaeoa, Undway's Koady Keliof, Merehont's (iarglinff Oil. (irunr)'s luctoiit Curoof l'ain, Loiiden's Liniment, .Inyne's do Clark's do Araliiun do Wriirht's Maffio do Holland em, St, C'ruix Hum. Jamaica do Mahma Wiuo, Port du I Clierry do luitpriff do Turkish do - .. sDorm Oil. NleAV.,,,,1. Cudheur, l.lU'lljo Iniligo, Anmittil. llicrninuto I'ofnsBB, rruciutu Uo Ac. Aa. Jtr m ! I FROST, FROST! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! J. CIIEllRYIIOLMES, la now receiving a very liirfre stock of Full and Winter Goods to bo sold at prices to suit tbe fro-ty sold by ChSmc.r m 0,1,81 haUge h8n1' J- X GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. For the ready pay In money, or any kind of produce that will bring money. In confluence of hnv iiiga very large ii.nom.tof n.u.iey now duo n,e, mid cannot got it Tin, I tl.crflot oLr great iuduel incuts to tlie trading community, to prepare tliemsclvcs as well as possible to Get Some of the! Great Bargains tl.r. .,. V.. .! 11' . .. . . M..R with you your liuttcr. Eh, Dry Apple, Fo it poHs.bU., ami Kntgouda ut prices tlmt will pay you M, . h nri- i J ..rr. a.r,, in, iviin, lium Oda i, priues that will pay you well to umke goon pay: bept, IXoV. Cull and see the Goods and prices 'r, ZZ uce in K well to umke oon t.! y CUERRY1I0LMES. Family Medicines! UKTAHj pricks. Veiforul.lo I'ilU, por bt.x 25 (JrtH ii MiuntiiiiiOiiitmiiii(,pt.'r box Js S:u n-pinillii, per btttlo i du hiliiiin.i' I'liiuictui, inr bottlu rn Kjo Ldtiuii, per buttle I'Yvnr nihl Auo lii'incily, per box ?nl llt'ultb liitl'i, pur pitukaiiu ;, Dirtontiiry S.ruo. ppr bnttlu .mi (nnuiniitivcs' lialm. nor buttlu MiirHhU'n i:hrin ('atlmliuon, pir"boVtU- Orufl'iMihoru I'ilo lUmuKh- mr buttl . 1 llll im iiit mil in iiuHitii, pir bot tle- irsulo by thoeilv dru ists; also Ly Aifouts iu tho priuoipul tonus iu Ohio. 1I0MK TKSTIMONY. llAiiTKimii.TrunibiillOo.,Oliio, MnroliT.lW. I lion-by oortifi -that I Imvo boon iU-uliiiK in tho Hnu loiilK-rK Modiniuos fur tlio isst join-, und i-iin li ulj siu that I hiivouovnr ntl'.-i-i-il uid ni.-ilioinoH tu the public tliat Imvo mot willi tlio dooidod nppm hiitliili of tho piioiilo like those, partiouliirb tlio I'll sand ( Ktholioini. '1 hoy will roadil) poiformall und iimi-o Hi ii ii is proniiMMt for thoui. I Imvo sold ii bout lilty b,itllosoftho('alhiilii-oii tbo pastsoasou uud 1 hoar tin- hi--! rosulNin ovory i-aso. J. 11- t!. JOHNSON, Modioul Agent. Kniid what I'r. ltiishni-ll says of tho OrnofonborR Modioinos, Dr. II. isu phvsioiun nf oxtouivo priu -ticu, mid is of tho most sm-oossful iu the ouunty t'friiiiibull) in whioh horosiifos. "This oo'ilifios Hint I havo usi d tho Oriiofoiiboru I'ill.-aud MnrshiiU'sCMholioou, sold horo by ,1. II. (!, Johnson in mi pinotii-o, lo mj cutiro satisfaction. Thoy iiri-Kood uiodioinos. .. W. lllJSllN'KM,." Hartford. I ruinbulU'u., O., Maroh 7, lt-57. Wosl Hodford, Coshocton Co., Mny 14, 1HA7. Mr. H. It. KiMiMi.KV SiKr I have boon solliua: tho Modioinos of tho (irofi-ubi-rir Company for tho last ton yours, nnd have invariably foiiml thorn to give mind siiliHi'ootioii; niul tlio I'ills I havosold to a moot uianj fainilios as regularly as their tea and oolloo.Hnd wilh ui trado thoy hnvobooouie a staple iirlielo. MiirsluiUVl'loi ino t'litlnilii-oii isainoilieino that has done a Kreut uinouut of iioml iu feumio disoiisos. lino lady I sold it to t.dd uto that sholiud roooivid moro bonotil from one hottlo than she diil from alouitooursoof uiodioul treatuiont by the most skilllul plusioiuus. ours truly, JAMES W1I.S0X. HKAI.TII OF A.Mi;itll'.N WOMKV. ('omaleirreifiilaritii-s. woa kuess.u tori nod isplnoo moiits, and all local utorineditlloiillios and ouiisti liiliouiil troubles of women, aro entirely cured by tho tilt AKK Stir. Illi Ml K.S11 A l.'t L'TKillNK Ca'I UllLl-1-I1N. In this eonnootlou. Miss llooolior iiiKti.f- ,,e tin. llov. Henri Ward Heoeher, in leilorstollie poopio, pane W1., syis: "f have uiue sisters and sisters-in- law. anu lourioen loinnie nousins, all uiarried.and all uelioate and uiliiiK. Amid the imuieiiso oirole of in) frieuds and aeciiaintaucoa I oauuot recall ton married ladies iu this century aud country, who are perfectly healthy." lu coses, however, wliere the lirtiofonbertt (latholieoii litis boou used, wu must sai that heiilih has rapidly tnkoiitha place of dis ease, and ladies have beeeiuu robust, stronic, viK oroiis and health). Mrs. Ulousonr of Klinirn, saysi "lloautifiil In deed is the coiitidiuir. trusiim; nature of woiuau. bill how much does it need to be DrotuoLad bv a viitlohl'uluess that w ill lead her, iu time of diaeaio, to appeal to a meiiit-ai nuviser ol aeioittino eiluea iiou.iuorul worth and purity of eliKiaoior." All these r.ay bo secured by addressing the Uruofca bertf clouipau). 1 1 L-ives inosr-at nloasure toocrtify totheinvari- ab.c curative .toliou of the Itracfenhcrir Marshall's I. lerino Catuoiicon In all oases ol toinalo dinoaso. an I lo tho skill and high moral ehnraeior of the Mod leu IK-ptirtuiout uf the liraofoubci-B 1'oiupaii)'. .1. P. I.AMUKUT.M. I Auburu 1'our Corners, I'ciin. I am a Methodist clorKvinnn. M- heart has fulr 1) aehed to wtlnenstho focblo heallh of woiiu n, as f have traveleil my circuit prt iieliinii llie ltopel 1 tlnittk tied, Unwi'Vur, tliat 1 have oon till (lne dititsa.-tua Rivt) wi way id thfi tiraotuiiboiii -Marshall L' turint Cat l.oliiit, whrrvitr it ha hcn d. Hov. I'KTK K SUAUr, KiU-ay, ltuuu'ib uf W out urn Sttirk, .N At I in a (Jo.( O. v-Vnr aiiln l.v Druitaists and Mndirlna l'c-;l''rs tt",',",1,,"," th -VW- 't .i',' JllllUlMIUIKi mm I'. II. I v. I I I.U. 1. iwi. i iIV. .U-I'ur luciliiiiucs or usri-ncics. uddrsss U. 11. K.l.CiSL.Y,l'lcvcland, No'.tlly Agent for Ohm, k i)i.4, io.;, IIELI,." UKA.Y the iinnurhat Bnelot of Built fo Faruion aud othera.they are of superior tone can be hoard miles, any one can afford them old al uoai ly bal' the usual price. Sigu of Big Coffee Pot. March! 1,1859. What Everybody Wants. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. r'HIPl.E I1KMKDIKS, RASII,Y 01ITAIXKP, l'OK THK CUUK Or' UIKKAHKIN ALL I 01IMS. HV l'ROKEBSon UKNUY S. TAYLOR, M. D. IT TELI.8 YOU How to attend upon tha sick and how to cook for tiieio; bow to prepare ihloka, poulllcKH.j to., and bow to Kuanl aminat lufoctlon front C'outa. K'oos fliswasi'R. IT Ttil.S I'Ot'OftheviuiouRiliRwisiiRofOliUdrijn.anil sues the best anil simiileat inodo of lroatmunt liming ttt-thiog, convul slims, vaccination, whooping-cough, lui-asles, Ac. ITTt'L.S YOU The symptoms or Croup, Cholera In fantum, Colic, Diarrlioa, Worms. fcnlleil-Hiail, lliujrwolin, Chk-keu-pox, ftc, anil xve you the best rem- i-illes for tln-lr rui-e. IT 1'KLI.S YOU The symptoms of liivur and sr-uo, and bilioiia, yellow, typhus, acailut aud olher fevers, und givi a youths heal M"l simplest n-mmliea for tboir euro. IT 1KLLS YOU The symptoms uf inlluenr.a, cooaump lion, dyspepala, Astl-.jta, Dropsy, . gout, rbeumallMio, lumbago, eryaip elns, c, and gives you the best rem edies I'or tlit-lr cure. IT TELLS YOU The xyiuptoma of cliolms-inorhus, mn llgiiKiitisholi.ra, aaiall-poi, dysente ry, cramp, diseases of the bladder, kidneys and liver, uud the best rem edies for their cure. I'T T&LLS YOU The symptoms of pleurisy, luuinua neuralgia, spoiuexy, p.'ir.tlynn', toe, various dlueusea of the throat, leeth, eiiraniliyn, aud the best reuiedles f their cure. IT TELLS yOl'The syinptoms of epilepsy, Jaundice, piles, rupture, disuaaes nf the heart, hemorrhage, vdiieral diseaaes, uod hydrophobia, and gives tlio best reiuediea for tlmir cere- IT TKLLS YOU Tlie beat aud simplest treatment for wniinos, orost-n oouca ana dislocs iioos. spraina, loekjiiw, fever aores, shile-awellingn, ulcera, whitlows, boils, arorvy, liurus, su.l soiofuta. IT TF.LLS YOU 01 the various diaeaai-a of womeu of eldld blrtli, and of meustruatioii, w'.ltoa, barrenueaa. Ae., and gives llie tieat and simplest remedies for their cure. The work Is written lu plain language, free from medical terms, aoas to be easily umleiatood, while itaaimple reel Iiea luas soon nave you mauy times the eoat of the Uook. t ta printed tncb-ar aud open type; is Illustrated wilh appropriate enKravlngs, sod will be forwarded to your ad. dri-Ha,oi-ally houml sod post ase paid, on receipt or$l,IHI. SilOOO A YKAIl n be made by enterpri- Belling the above work, aa our tnduceementa to'all such are very lilieral. For sUiple copies of tbe Hook, or for leriDB to egeuia, no oiner iniorioatloa, apply lo or aa dresa JOHN K I'O'I'I'KK, PlaLisBWi, mlino No. Hi; mansion Hlreet, I'liiUdeiiibla, Pa. Groceries and Provisions. FIUISII "ARRIVAL. V . V O G F. I, takea tint method to Inform the people that lie Is now of fering oue of (he Unreal and beat ilocka ol family Kror offered for late ia Milluisburg, At Very Low Prices, He constantly keep on hand a full supply v Coffee, Tea, Huuar, l'epper, Kjiice, Tobaoco,Clsrara. Coiifcutioiiarie. L'akea , fruit; Pith, Salt; CrockHrn falliupplf of i'ure Lliiuora. suitable for Family use. Produce Bought and Sold, And lo fact every article of benefit and con venience, usually kept in a good Grocery and I'rovirlon Store, will be found at Ibo old and wolUiiownaland.onedoor weatof the Wet tern Houte. Oct. 13, 1867. 31tf. Corn-shellers. VLARG lot with aicple and double btlance wheels, jutt received at 1IEB0BN iSON'S. 1 TJR. WIONSON. Iisvlnt t.sPn an f rsilusfd t,. Con. " lumptlon. as to b. conalilerrd heyonil all hone of leovery by the moat emlnrnt of lbs medlcsl nrofl-RSlnS and al.obr Mm.slf-.rcula, phy.lrlsn of" w'lv " prnetlcr as a Imt resort, conocived the Idas or AN iv N THK BI.OUD, and apptyin,, thinV, nf ,-av.V oIoitt to the more ImmidlaM conni.etion, and the .freVi of Ui, .late of ll,, blood u,K.n the health inJmt. Th? result has barn the production of tha "BLOOD KOOD ' from , the use of which, Dr. Ilrouaon was raatored in i-'p. foct hsslth. Within sis moolJ.. ... ... .2,.. ore, two thoassnd cooRnmptlTss wer, err.llr eir "d dloi; V."""!1"!'.' ,R,nJ' ,'",'l'llnl" nf "onsumptlT. ti-a. ... ' .-,'..e, iiriwn .j, rie at tre. lose no tiro In procuring a bottle of ih.Uni niin L-n..., " suffer n from N.rvoua Debility, or your alien I, broken nnd dlaturbed.lf yonr ar'e Dlatarh'rl ' ,oI 0 yansrrlswd.yoa will fld In this an unfallin rn,-dv by commencing with tss naors. if your LU" raTri,bI or dlasased In any manner whatever, m, tl S,i will be sure to InvlKorato, and bM,,V Into I Vdy ,d healthful action. In th. most. Inveterate s. Dvs. Z. int., V""' ,he ter trying other rX! dies n vain, may rest aisured that a certain enr. will pnl'.VL "Ir"'." u?".of "' L-utles. The BLOOU Lrofl .f "ll " ".'e" "f Hheum. Ifrt-Vi- i-j oth,", '""plaints. pte amf emnWufrd r u,, .ire immoniately benefited ky Ita ?o1-h. ,.ti,fi1,,i!ren1' " ,0"'' h0'1" and '""" c'"r to tha skin. PAytlnant o all tchoolt are uslna It with using It with wiiueriiii Rueoesa. i'or full directions, are elrculara. Price (1 per bottle JN presenting yon with DR. EATON'S INFANTILE COR DIAL we desire to state Ita auperlorlty overv eve' nostriuo that nura. of xuauk haa heretofore offered you. lawriS mVile hPrfiPr"?" ofareirular physlcaan, who IS well qutlined from much experience n Infantile com plain., to pre,orlhe for them. Secondly It ia enUrely free from paregoric or opiate of any kind, and conse i S", b7 re'"vlnit the atfTerlnp of your child, inatead of deaitenlnni Ita sensibilities. Thirdly It la nut up with great cure, a. a oompati.on of It with any other article for Inlantlle complainta wl'i show: the verj rods u?"1.,'0,1 11 dJ"t,l,ed ""d iu(r from the forests under the dlrlctlon of Dr. J-.atoo, many of them by his own hands. Fourthly-li is perfectly harmeless and cannot Injure the n.pRt ,le Icote Infant, and Ir a certain cure and relief In all the following caaea, which ia Its chief merit over every other p eparatlon, vis: FOR Al l, COMPLAINTS ATTENDING TFKTFIINO RUCh aa DYSKNTKR i COI.IO, o.; aho, for Softenlogth. gums and relieving pain. For regulating tlie bowels it i l1Mmi a lull V. r.f nU in ki. tr . . i . . l ,Yu7,T. . iieau ii ia a sure reiu-r. for CKOLI', the moat fatal and trying of diseases, It can be relied on with perfect confidence: and being a powerful anti-spasmotlc In all cases of convulsions or flu. we earueslly reecommenrl von to r.A in.A i turl"l? It. Lastly It costs so much more than other pre paratlons of the kind, that we cannot afford such long advertisements aa can thoae whose whole exoenae la their advertlalng; for the samereejun It commend. Itself as Ibe mot reliable to all mothers. In all cases, the di rections wrapped around each bottie. must ba strictly followed. Prioe 85 cents per bottle. Sold by t'HVKUH ft DUI'ONT, Druirglsts, ... . No. 85 Maiden l.aiue, New Vork, Ami by J. K. RAIl'F, Druggist, Mlllejaburg Ohio. What Everybody Wants. EVERYBODrS LAWYER : AND Counsellor in IIuinss, BY KKANK CR0IJ1IY, OP TDS PHILADELPHIA III, IT TKLLS YOU How to draw up Partnership Papers and and gives general fi.rms for Agree ments of all kiuds, Bills ol gale. Leases and Petitions. IT U.LLS YOU How to draw up Bonds nnd Mortgages, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes and Bdla of ticbaiige, Keceipis and. Itcleases. IT TKLLS YOU The law for the collection of debts, with the ttlatutes of Limitation, and amount and klml of properly Exempt from , D Kxucution in every State. IT TKLLS OL Hour to make an Assignment proporty, wilh forms for Composition with Cred itors, and tbe Insolvent Laws of every mate. IT TELLS TOU Tbe legal relations existing between Uuardlan and Ward, Slaster aod An. prentice and Luudlord and Tenant. IT TKLLS YOU What constitutes Libel and Slander, and f lander, aod the Law aa to Marriage Uower, the Wife's Bight In Property, llivorce and Alimony. IT TELLS YOU The Law for Mechanics' Liens In every Shite, uml the Naturalisation Laws of country, and how to comply with tbe same. IT TELLS YOU The low concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, aud tbe Pre-emption Liws to l'ublio l ands. IT TKLLS YOU The Law for Patents, with mode of p.0 cedure In obtaining one, wilh Interfer- it en t vnn n ""i"' Aa,alK-mients and Table of Fees. IT 1KLLS YOU How to make your Will, and how to Ad. minister on an Kutnte, with the law and the requirements thereof In every Unite. IT TKLLS YOU The meaning of Law Terms In general use, and explains lo you the Legisla tive, Kxeoutive and Judicial powers of both the General aud blr.te Govern ments. IT TELLS YOU How to keep out of Law, by showing how to doyuiir business legally thus sa ving a vast amount of properly and vex atious lltlgatlou by Ita timely con. sultallon. Plniile copies will In- vent by mall, postage paid, to ev ery Kaitoer, every Ueehanic, every Muu ol lloaiuess, nod everybody in every Unite, on receipt of 1,UU, or iu law slile ofbioding si 1 -2.,. 51000 A YKMs Can he made by enterpri. ,. V , iJj'V1V lngmeii everywhere, lu selling the above work aa our inducements to ull such are very liberal, for single copied of tbe Book, or lor ti ruis to agents, Willi other infutmation, Hpply lo or address. JOHN K. I OTTLIi, Publisher, ujflliu No. en 8'iusom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Eagle i.lacl. smith Shop! MIMiEltMtLlSO, O. TJI AS opvuvd n new Blacltsruith JLM. shop, ou mail Anthony Street, West Side, a short distauco North of ClieiTyliiilincs' Store, wliero ho is fully )irtUirud to do all work iu his lino of bu siness on short notice, ut roiisoiutiile jirives and iu a workitiitn-like ruiiiuici-. ILTA11 who want tlieii- work done nt ui;asoaiii.i: ri:ii:s! i should call ar Jordort'a Shop. IIo Shoos linrsca for One Dollar Cash : He doua other work proxrtiuiuitely low. JOHN JORDAN. Mdlersbui'tr, Aug. 11, 1859. uo'Jiitf SANFOED'S LIVER INVIGrORATOR i i: v i:n ih:ki mt atks. IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIUEIA" jL from Gums, and Imn become an establlslied fact, a Ktaiitlard WeUiciiie keownanU ppproved by all that btv ueu u.stiiu now resort eti to witu cuunueucc lo all thu Uiafi fr which tt U rvctimmuiied. wllhlu tho lmt two yearn hopun of rMi'f, m the mi ca tea iu niy pnaauiitldii who have aiven up all roerouu uuolicittd certlti-0 ahnw. Thu !'? must be adapt- th InUividMiU takinx it,' tied an lu act Kentty on-Qj Let the dtutatea-ol' yourlsa UHe of the LIVHR INVU1- HVCfi ioMiLAjyStV K.s7'.7VS7.4, envoy-, MKH fo .V PL a i.vrj A tiOl U HThIAeft,yr. xt'&St t ii(i.-im K H i I A F.iST V Af.j VICE, F R M A L J,'gri may he ued iiiioctiful)y ; LY MKDICINK. It ail,U ed to the Icmnersment nf and used In such qitantu tbe lluwels. juilKinunt guide you lu the OKATllH, ana it T III cure XILLlors ATTAVKS, If 1)1 A KIIIIOKA, HUM I'YSF.XmtY, VROi: HABITUAL COSTIVF.. Kit A MOKRUS, CIIOL. Fl.rrVIF.NCF.,J.lUS. WKAKXF.ssf.s, and as an OlllllNARV KAMI cure PICK UKADAC11K, IN TWKNTV MINU KS, arc taken ut cuinmeuce- (an ttiouaiilH can tstify If two or thrcRtcsspoiirulsiM mcnt uf slliii-k. i.J . ill who uai iri-s girhm ibclr testimony In Its favor. MIX WATKk IN TIIK MOCTlt WITH TllttlNVlUU IIAI'UK, AMI HtVAI.I.lllV 110 ill TOllKTUtlt. I'SICS UNK I) .1.1. A K fk'H Bur rLB. -AWll, S A N Y O It I) ' S CATHARTIC FILLS COI.POUNDKD FROM Pt'nic VKdtTAm.r Kxtkal'T, and put up iu OLAbS OASKH. AirTijiht, ami will keep In anr climate. The ht luthtti tu aireotlcttutaetlr Tatliartlc which the pro j (prtetor han ucd iu hi pracLioe more than twen-j , jty yean Tlie couidtintly increaH- tlng deuiand fro in thai ho have Iting used thcl TILLS and tha iatisfae Uou wliioh all ennri-M inm tnunl to thlr uiu, hai Induced me tu put tticniaJ ;mihin tha reach of all. Th Frutcaaioji w 1 1M kDTw that diOTureot Cu portion! of the t'owt-ii. THA H TIC IM I, LH, ),., well aatabliahud fact, tico, rlity of Vt-nuUble Ex evtry part of the allmen and Mi vm in all eaftft vd.ituch aa frcranyewtnt hm Vain In th Bua i'uimmtl Sttrtnt over nuddto cold, wliich fie- thartlci act on illirfrentj. Th FAMILY OA.p with ilue reftrene to Uiim couipi-uudrd from ft va-i tracU. wliK-h act a like on m tary canal, and art- ooi'ii' where a Cathartte If ucfd-l of the SttmMohi iUeeji-m ini i i)ticcHiHs quently, if u (tlteUd, tjud in a lon courie of Fever, l.,m9tl apatite, a Crtft-i. liny Situation ut' Cold omr Ma iiWy, hfctkiU(Huitt, HtxidacA4, or wrttfA$ in. Mi hid alt Inftd mmaUi- 4 'V litauf fVorms in jvttr of th Blood aid fthe flenb la heir, loo nu CviftVrrM, d urtxU fur many dkiiaaa to whlchl maroui to inrution in thin! adveruauueot. po!, 1 to ft. 1 1 PRICE 8 DIMES. Tbe liver lavitiorator and Family Cathartic P.11 at retaiied br Pruggini generally, and icrtt wbolaaaie aud retail by J. K. RAIFJ 8.T. W. B.VNFOHO, M. I. Manufrfturttr and Proprietor. 5 fcroaiway hev York. n&'ly.