RPTPTT CIV TUT. TIMES 'r ,n'lvc''1 suflVcg''. pii
zzfzz:d- v ! i,n;l -to'-rf Ti"iii" f;
Tusday, Affll 2J ZHSJ. j wpcciolilij mnitrl- tltoi fimii thence
' n. TJ'.i'.n: and ii. h our. r.;n Mm.
Al.uileJ Pciuih'MC)'. 'i m-riml mw for id I iili-
II.,. a .,ii4ti Apnvemv), tlie lojiiilmiou 01
moutrcliM mitt' itfoll-BH. Vhmh Ami'ita
Tho il w Mi.T-i'd, '
Tli uii ui'mnikriJ lii Mot te'ii lor itn
i)U.- on laeif Ml.'pr fuMuud k-w.- i il
nil cnurrc 'o till Ihrm Wirttiina!lf by Uig giat
CUJ ffftnn'tltttl Utttr.
roa gcverxox
. WILLIAM HEDILl, of Im.1'jM.
.. LIBIT. CiOVtll.NOIl.
IESTF.3 BLISS, of Allen.
' '' SECirjT.vnV OF BTATn.
HHLIAM TBEVIIT, ol Franklin.
tuf.asl'ufr of state,
. JOHN 0. BEE8IIW, of Seneca,
ji ncr or stpiu'virc coi.ht.
TK0MA8 W. BAETLEV, of KiehlfinJ.
CEOSOE W. KoCOOK, ol Jcircrsiin.
wuiin or riBi.ie wor.ics
WAYHZ GMWSOLD. of Pickaway.
aroso our Mttun of universal educa
tiou ilmt tlirouuh llicir exertion, llio'
res'nted iritli by i'.ch, millions liavo been
privileged to tluim the iiie of Amer!
can citizens, that the unti progressive
spirit of their oppononts, would have
forever shut out from that glorious privi
itjv, We ore compelled to dedicate our-
j selves anew at the shr.ne ol LMmocracy.
1 Especially ut the prctent time, when
i ilu tmnple of freedom, like the torn-
pie of the living God In olden time he
been a "house of merchandise," nnd the
power an! virtue of the people- is lunni-
.1.. - . ij ilin f mui
uji in we pi'jiiij'iuusj vi uivii i
,.-o k-lioU a fienii guaranty for the per-
in-tuty ol our happy uunu.
Ik-forc ho was nnmod ot thn democrat
ic convention ali had been iliviion; but
no sooner was lie named thnn the ton
V(!Htioi) won unanimous. On tho other
iila thn party that oppotod him expired
in thni lost effort; and by the death of the
whigs.Amerien woslefi virtunlly without
ony party but that of thn nation, wliich
in represented by Franklin Pierce. II
opinion, on the subject of th? Mexican
war had become unuuimous, if the op
prehersion of danger from extended ter
ritory hud died out, still the rrprcscnta-
lives of those old idea hud a kind rf
1 m (.HJ 4t.fBk
i c ituy tern s lumgi
Wii think Funny I'Vrn novor wrmo
u bidtu' pnir of pnrugrnphs tlmn the fol
luwiim from tho Olive J5rnnch:
"Look on this pictur, and than on
Wasiiinotoj, April 13. Tho Cnbi
nut tension yesturduy vrnt n short ono,
Tho condition of our foreign relations
wus tho chief topic of discussion.
The unsrtltlcd question with England
that., 'Father is coming,' ond
round laces prow long and merry voices! will for some time occupy tho attention
xtrugjdu for liberty proclaiming to the
tyrant of the old world in trumpet
tunes the natural equality of man, and
:hul the world will bo free.
IJoalli of Iff rifsident King,
Thu telegraph nrinouncoM the death of
Vice President Kiwi, at his n sidence in
Dallas county, Alabama, on Monday 18
iiif-t. This is an event that has for some
boon pxpucted. .Several months a.o he
went to Cuba with a faint hope that it
delicious climate might restore his liualih
JIu niol the most generous ho.xpilalilius
of tho planters of the Island, and the
onih of Vice President was duly admin
istered to Iiim by Judge .Shaukev, our
Consul under the provisions of a special
law of tin last session of Congress.
Mr. Kino has long enjoyed tlio public
confidence of ihu country. As Minister
to France, bis residence ut Paris was
popular and courteous, and his Presiden
cy of the I'liiti' l .Stales Senate was al
ways characterized!!)' that impartiality
and dignity which secures the respect of
ai! parties. He was never married, was
a perfect ficntlemait of the eld school and
aficr a lout: life ofhoiior and usefulness
has sunk into the grave of pious "peace
and patriotic repose.
The una-
niin'ny with which they respond to the
culls of justice is characteristic of their
self-respect, ond love of country.
The result of our experiment is just
There is much in the present state ol j lie-i n ii i to manifest itself in tho up-
c vr country to excito the admiration of :oav;nnS ()f oppressed millions, in th
every philar.ihiopist, pint to invito tlie
inesticoiion of ihe curious in all parts
of the "wort I. The United Stales
computed to oilier governments, has only
jiikt sprung into cxUmuce. Those ol
the old world count their centuries,
while men ere still living, whose
bi.iii d iles anterior to that of our notion
ind nearly all ara convcr.-ant with 'us
entire history. Scarce a school boy
ih.it cannot enumerate almost the en
tire list of worthies that have figured in
s-'ience.an l in the n lniin's latiin of ihe
cnv. ruuieul I'lOni ihe i.doninl del.?ga
lion di.'V.-n I o ihe time at whii h we write.
On the oilier baud, when contrastin.u
Kir present posiiiou, wiih what it was
t our origin, space soi-m- to wideii
time lengihens out in our imagination,
ami maturity seems to be developed in
i . M-i. .. i i ,,.,
inir enure oenrr. in-: i unci ''"
Kceiii to have accomplii-hed so much al
ready, thai woare almost led to doubt
fi'ir rouiiclions, and look upon it ns u
work that must have required for its ac-4:nin;-l:sli!u'.,iii,
centuries in.-tead ol a
J't xri yr.-irs.
(riuiiinlly roitfine.l to lb? Atlantic
coast, mid to a considrruble extem
i-nnmllel br a foreign ioiyi r, judicious
purchase ai d annexation hae lengthen
nud wilenel ttie territories of the
l.'nimi, uiiiil they extend from Ocean
tT Ocean, and successful rcs-i.-lance has
j;uaiami;l to us by fir th - greatest a
mount of civil und religious libery, en
join.! by any nation on thu globe. The
tvianuy of other lands ha sent thous
ands of valuable minds and sturdy onus
to assist our rapid growih. And now,
;s our hearts beat anew, and bosoms
swell afresh with thanks to omnipotence;,
'judlions upon millions respond to the
Into it outpouring of orr breasts for the
u n r a n i y of an American citizen.
Yc acknowledge no nupcrior in upo
fid discoveries. European civilization
i is true, has rendered valuable assis
tance by powerful minds, but Ameri-
enn soil was necessary to their culture
tV) pure air of American Fraeriorn was
incessciry to their vigorous mental le
' veiopemcnt. The ol I world ia exiling,
her reformatory spirits, ha lost the true
elements of advancement ami future
greatness, v.iiiie the. United States in
standing forth as the friend of tho op
prcsse I, hrrs transferre 1 thnse elements
io her own soil, and thereby extended
tho area of h irnan fr. odoiii.
So other piiiiciple has so largely
contributed io the uccompliFhmerit of so
i):i.c!i in -o siiort a lime, as the promul
guion of the iloctrino of ihe natural
fji.c'ity f man. Opening us it does a
jield to the entire raca, where every one
may enlist as competitor fur the high-n-t
prize in the world's gifts, it has in
spire I millions of hearts w'th a thirst
fir knowledge that under any other than
a D.-mocratie government would never
Vvc! been kindled in th-.-ir bjsonis.
are hushed, ond tovi are hustled Into, of tho Cabinet.
tho closet nn mania glances nervous-j The Union of this morning say that
ly at the door, ond baby bribed j the riunor of changes in the Cabinet ore
with n lump of sugar to keep the peace; sillv fabrications and untrue, and got
and father's business fate relaxes not a up for purposes well known here,
muscle; nn l tho liltlo group htiJdlo to-j In thn (Jardincr trial this morning,
nether like timid sheen in a corner, and j The Hon. Thomas Corwln was called
nolitictl survivel they ore now gone, j tea is despatched os silently as if speak- by tha defence, and is giving his tcsti
and the Mexican soldier is the President ing were prohibited by the statute book, ruony.
of the Republic, supported in his odmin- iimf the children creep liko culprits to April .14. Mr. Sargent, editor of the
isiration by the Secretary of war, who bed, marvelling that baby dare crow so.nipublic is lying dangerously ill.
mado him Goiiiral of Bruii le, and by j loud now tharFuiher has t onic.' M". Bronsou has not yet accepted the
Fnth.-r is comiii''!' end Liitlit eyes' ofjice of Golecler of JNcw orlc, ami it
sparkle for joy, and tiny feet dance with , ho docs not it will be tendered to Mr.
glee, and eager faces press against th Hovenieyer, in case ho promises to cc
window pane, and i bevy of rosy lips cept.
claim kisses at tho door, and picture Hon. Edward Stanley is about sturt
books lio uiirebuko.l n the table, ondjing to California to locato there,
tops and balls, ond dells on I kites orei Tho sureties of Thaddntis Kosciusko
discussed, and little Susy lays her soft: have paid tho amount of the judgment
Tiat knowlokn k ra-ily obt; incJ
ihls country is liiilit'ur.' up all the
p ii ni i's of die earth. Higotry and su
perstition vanish, and knowb: c, and
a thirst for free-loin supercede wherever
tho Ameiican cit z-eii is allowed even
, tie partial expression of his thoughts.
Even tlie example of self-government
: rxhihitud by the jieoph of tho l.'nited
Mules, takes a lorn;,' and like a r.m
spectre of the night, haunts many a
Vjy rant, until his very efforts to prevent
its adoption, ori! crumbling his throne
.to lust beneath Irs unhallowel feet.
' The spirit of freedom that perv-j th"
" very air we breath in this happy laud,
' "'ran no more dwell wiih despotism, than
tl c Christian could serve both fiod and
. , l;.i)ion; Consequently, wherever Am
; . erican citizens are found in any con
. filterable numbers; the fetters of tho op
j p.essed are bursjjng .assun.ler, nud the
; s. plo8trugglu)go liberty.. h this re-
... sp;ct, a superficial tibseve; njigjit ac
v; cim the cilixms. of the United .States
ni Willi iKOutoting' dissensions, but these
MiliienlionB are the natural effects of an
jrpirotioa to self-respect, conscious
La' In 4s Df right, any convictious of natural
equality and natural allegiance to orn-
."'ifilpotence alonW'::'' 'V ' 1 ,
. ;IW JUWe are happy to identify , ourselves
nl.h the 1 beral party in this, our belo-
ye I Ijand, When we look back and ce
jliat the democracy have t iken tho lead
in oil prominent msasurss of reform;
Pierre is the Man for (he Time
I'j ia tie; London Leader.
The lame and somewhat stagnant at
mospiifiia of English politics seems to
prevent Englishmen at present from
reading truly that which passes in coun
tries ler-s lost to action; and tho incapac
ity shows itself in a variety of ways, ond
at such distant parts, as to attest its deep
seat and its extent. The Times thinks
that Franklin Pierce's first address to his
countrymen, as President of the United
States, must be read with "a large abate
ment from the meaning wliich his lan
tiia.se might be understood to convey;"
while the Morning Chronicle thinks that
it is all self neutralize 1, and declares
, . .i , . . r . i. i .
nothing, asow tnc language oi ine hoc
itmonl disproves the Chronicle, as the
history oj the speaker refutes the Times.
Geu. Pierce declares that he will main
tnin the Union against sectional and fa
natical agitations, and that be will en
force the compramiso acts. In America
tli 1 s will not at all be taken as an ad
mission that lie is an out-und-out sup-
inner of "involuntary servitude," but
rather that he is not prepared to inter
fere with stuti -lights that lie will not
sacrifice the political nationality of the
whole Union to the agitation ofaqnes
lion not yet ripe for settlciicnt, and per
haps never to be settled by the Union.
And he is right; the unit'-sd nationality ol
the whole IJuio.i is wanted just now fo
tho purposes of the republic and its white
Franklin Pierce declares that tho A
uicricon flag, wherever it waves, shall
protect tho American citizen, who now
wanders, be it remembered, in the most
distant parts, not only of America ond of!
Asia, but of Europe. He exalts the star
spangled banner as a standard of hope
fur Mho opprec! throughout the world.'
j His country will continue to speak, 'not
only by its worls but by its acts, the lan
guage of sympathy, encouragement, and
hope, io those who earnestly listen to
tones wliich proantinco for the largest
rational liberty." His government will
not eneouiago expeditions in breach ol
international law; but "uncontrolled by
any thni I foicbo lings of ovil from ex
pansion," it recognizes as necessary
' the acquisition of certain possessions
not wiiiiin our jurisdiction. Jlo is in
favor of peace, but, "prompt reciprocity
will be givin and required."
Now, can we construe such language
except to mean that America will bo at
peace with those who befriend her, but
that by regular process sanctioned under
international law, Cuba must be annex
ed? :': ;:; ' '
If this language refutes the Chronicle,
what ground has the Timet for presuin
ing that it must bo read with "a large a
batoment." Why was Piorco chosen,
and by whom? He says himself, "The
sentiments I now nnnounca were pot un
known before the expression of tho Voice
that called me here ,J and ye he was
chosen by en overwhelmingTnajority of
his countrymen. Nay, he gave to Amer
ican opinion a more concentrated form
two of his companion in arms. Pieice
ihcrufoie, more than any President since
the first, represents, not a pony, but the
republic. !
What nee I ha! a man, thus selected
because he filled the ideas of those who
made liiiit really their leader, to trim his
language for popular acceptance? Why
his were the very sentiments sought: and
if he had altered, he must Lave dis'p
poiuted. lint if it were politic to speak
with an equivocal meaning, has Pierce's
history niaikcd him out to be not a man
of his word? Eminently the reverse.
He attained to the highest position in
his native slate and in tho Union; and
yet, as our readers are aware, he re.
tire-l into private life, to repair 1 i
own for. une1. At the next period
of need for his country, he took musket,
as a private volunteer, in o resiinient
bound for Mexico, and was appointed
colonel, without hii solicilation, by the
Secretary of Smte, on the simple knowl
edge of his character; and he who enter
el the Mexican army ns a private, re
ceived the thanks of ihe Senate. Is such
a man greater in his pretensions or wori's
than in Ids actions?
No; but the career thus c. rrie.l to the
prime of life, and then reaching the high
est post of honor in the republic, mnst
have a sequel. The same man that took
a nit s'iet and helped to co::queru prov
ince for the Union, will scarcly turn
back in the career of "expansion'' when
he has the Union ut his back. If he
uses words, he means them. If his words
arc great, his actions wll outdo tin in.
And why i.-t it that Englishmen in the
educated classes are so anxious to read
with an "abatement?" IbcaufC, long
accustomed to action at home, or near
it. Englishmen ran scarcely enter into
the feelings of a man who enters upon
action and enjoys it, who feels conscious
of power and means to uso it, who, od-
dressing bis country, and who, instead of
fearing national movement, looks to it
with the eager eye of hope. A Cromwell
without a Charles the First to hinder him
a Washington without even a
the Third, is possible in America; r.n I
the nations will be grievously mistaken
if they do not recognize the fact that the
star-spangled banner is borne by hands
wliich are not new to the field, and have
not seen their last victory.
flint .front ihou as a party, sprnnj; the than it has yet possessed
Singular Geological Fact,
At Modeiia in llalv, within a circle
of four miles around the city, whenever
the earth is dug, and the workmen ar
rive at the distance of Mty-:lireo feet,
they come to a bed of chalk which they
bore with an auger, five feet deep. They
then withdraw from the pit before the
augur is removed, and upon its refrac
tion the water bursts up with girat vio
lence, and quickly fills the well thus
made; the supply of water being iieith
er effected by rains or dioughis. At the
depth of fourteen feet aro found the ru
ins of an ancient city, houses, paved
streets and masonic work. Eelow this
again is u layer of earth, and at twen
ty six walnut trees aic found entire,
wiih loaves and walnuts upon them. Al
twenty-eight feet soft chalk is fonnl and
below this vegetables and trees.
Valuable Invention.
We promised last week to explain the
new invention of consolidating light in
to a solid substance. the method is this
a large iron box is placed so the sun
light can strike in upon its interior; as
soon as light enough is fjreed within it
by means of a largo burning lens, it is
suddenly closed tho inside surface of
the box being thoroughly plastered with
shoemaker's wax, the light sticks to it
uftet tho box is closed it is placed in a
lurk room and then opened. The wax
is scraped off, to which ihe light still
adheres it is then put beneath a pow
erful pressure; the wax is squeezed out
and a thin wafery sheet of light is left,
h being taken up and rolled or
folded can bo formed to any shape de
sired. This light can bo converted in
to brickbats or any other material for
building wished fat. Day Booh.
Ratification of the Tohuan tepee con
tract. Tho schooner Bonita.froin Vera
Cruz, brings a special messenger with
the treaty lately signod by Judge Conk-
ling, our Minister to Mexico, and. the
Mexican Commissioners, guaranteeing
to Messrs. Sloo & Co., the neutrality
and possession of the Tchuan tepee tran
sit' route, which was ratified on tho 28th
nit.1 ; - r.
Politics In Georgia The papers
say that Governor Cobb has written a
letter advising the dissolution of the Un
ion parly, and the reunion of tho tlenoc-tcy.
cheek against tho paternal whiskers
with the most fearless 'abandon, and
Charley gets a love-pat for his 'med.il,'
and mania's face grows radiant, and the
evening paper is reid (not silently, but
aloud.) and lea and toast and time van
ish with eqnal celeiity, for jubilee has
orr'ncd, and 'Father has come!"
. Elate of Italy,
The news from Italy is of a most un
certain ond contradictory character.
Upwards of three thousands muskets
have, it is said, 'jeen found in ihe forests
which skirt the Pieilmnnteso and Aus
trian Irontier. e are toi.i uiai inn
revolutionary chiefs are as active as ev-
. , . i - . i , , : .. -
er, an t Unit rossuiii an.i .u.i..nn ui;
moro friendly disputed to each other
than they have ever been. Their pro
ceedings are kept profoundly secret; no
one seems Io kn v whero MazV.'ni is.
Thiee more rnpilnl executions had taken
place at Fernrn. The Auslrians con
tinue to strengthen their forces along the
Swiss frontiers.
On the 15th ult., the Commandant of
Leghorn sentenced Omero Mengozzi, a
scrivener, aged '') years; Ferdinand
Magasini, a cabinet maker, aged 43,
and Francis Purri, a carpenter, 40, to
six, four, and two weeks imprisonment
in irons, for having had in their posses
sion printed works and manuscripts -of
a subversive character.
Handwmtixu Some time ugn, per
sons inclined to ambitions turn of mind,
though it indicative of an intellectual
or literary disposition to write an un
readable hand, and we havo heard men
boast that they wrote so as not to be un
derstood. This is mi odd kind of suc
cess, and a very vulgar one to boot. A
rapid hand may indicate a habit of wri
ting, and therefore, a familiarity with
pursuits moro or less intellectual; but
not bu'oblc to write both well and fast,
Is a defect of skill, and can in no way
bo twisted into an ornamental trait. To
write so that your correspondent cannot
decyphcr you, is sily as regards him.
Not to perceive that certain words which
do not derive elucidation from tho con
text, such as technical terms and prop
er names, need peculiar distinctness, is
n mistake of dullness'. We do not mean
to say that all men who write badly arc
.iullauls, or we might be. confuted by an
illustration of autographs; put we do
mean, that when a man intends to make
you understand an idea, has a pen in his
hand for the purpose, and fails for want
of capacity to make the letters of the al
phabet, that man's intellect is asleep.
rendered against the Count.
ThoU. S. Mint is now running night
and day, coining silver half dimes,
dimes and quarters. The new quarters
way precisely four pennyweights, and
as compared with the old Spanish quar
ter, is dccidcly heavier and somewhat
Ohio basin progress of construction
the largest extent of railway, and also
the largest amount of surplus prodtiea
to carry off. No oilier state compares
with her in this respoct. Take tho fol
lowing fcncral fact in advance:
jf-rORElGK NEWS, g
..... s . - - .
New YonK, April 18.
Tho Pacific arrived this afternoon at
3 o'clock, bringing Liverpool dates to
' Sir Locey Evans gave notice of a cor
respondence betweon the British govern
ment, Spain, France and the United
States, concerning the alleged Cuba an
nexation projects. Lord Campbell call
ed attention to the address recently pre
sented by the London merchants to the
Emperor of France, which he character
ized as an interference with the preroga
tive of the Crown, nnd a violation of the
law of nations.
A schooner of 140 tons was run down
by the steamer Minerva off the Isle of
Wight, and all on board wcro lost.
' The Iron steamer Duke ol'Siilherland
was wrecked on tho afternoon of the 1st,
in the river Deo and from 15 to 20 per
sons drowned,
Alex. Eain, the telegraph patentee,
had a hearing in the court of Bankruptcy
in London on tho 4th.
Tho steamer great Britain arrived on
the afternoon of Monday the 2d, from
Australia with 350,000 ofgjld dust and
large sums in hands of passengers.
The shock of an curlhquuke was felt
at Portsmouth on the 1st, and was also
noticed along the west coast of France.
The steamer Vulcan, ship New Or
leans, and steamer Australia, brought
ji'140,000 gold dust.
The difficulties in Switzerland and
Piedmont with Austria and Russia,
threaten further trouble. Tho pnrt token
ear the journal of educa. .
TION. We have too long neglected to
speak of this valublo work. As its title
indicates, it is devotod entirely to the -rubject
of Educnlion, ond' Is valuable
os a source of knowledge, nr of reference;
to all, but especially to teachers. , ,Io1,''4
ono that devotes any considerable tinio
to teaching is excusablo if be neglect to
procure so valuable art assistant. . .Qno
dollar per annum, payable in advance.
BiXIetriTirUKll i & KINCSBURY "
have just received a very large' assort
ment of Hardware at their store ia tho -Union
Block, as will be seen by thoif
advertisements in anolhor column.
They are also manufacturing Tin, Cop
per, and Sheet iron ware extensively
Their facilities for business' are such
that persons wanting articles in their
line con do well to call upon them.
manufacturers of sporting and blasting;
Powder, Portsmouth, Ohio, linve their
card in our paper. Last week we pub
lished the news of their establishment -having
been blown up; we ore informed
however, that they arc going on with
their business, ond will bo prepared to
fill all orders promptly. Misfortune
only servos to devclopc some peoples '
energy, and this seems to have been the
case in this instance.
t... L'...nnn I.. lln Alinaltyin to b t l-t 1 1 ,1 1 n 1
In 18ol bet wheat crop, in round ' . . . . ' . . .
, . ,.. . . 1 . ,..,' to tho refusal or thu Popo to visit Paris.
mmilintd r II- Hell tv-no i n i-,i.l fill III IS il-.M 1
amounted to' 35 millions of bushels.-
This was about one-fourth of the entire
amount raised in the whole Union. The
hlnlR contains two millions of lieonle.
and their consumption of breadstuffs i '"
was, therefore, 20 millions of bushels,
and the surplus 23 millions. By the
nctual exports we reach the following
results of the year's operations:
It is now said his Holiness has given
positive refusal to visit Paris.
Tho Iron Masters of South Stafford
shire have resolved upon a decrease of
Wheat crop of 31 35,000,000
Exports to Oct. 1, 1832,
Remaining on hand,
The Pennsylvania House of Rcprc
A larjre fire occurred at Bercly, dc
stroying all the stoic houses and 15,000
casks of wine.
The Berlin papers published a semi
official document stating that among the
papers recently seized in that city, was
10,000,000 I the proclamation of ihe Jormnn Kcpuh
12,000,000 ' Mean conspiracy, recently developed
4,000,000 with extensive stores ami ammunition,
It was to have broken out between the
3d and Oth of April, had ramifications
advertisements will bo found that of Mr.
Duff, principal of this establishment.
From tho favoruble notices of the press
we ore induced to believe that this is
one of the most deservedly popular in
stitutions of the kind in the country.
Our young men, expecting soon to fill
tho business stulions among us will do
well to spend a season thefc. The
principal of this establishment has sent
us a copy of bis new circular, which
may bo seen ut this office. It contains
a few knotty pioblcms in Book-keeping
which, wo think, will interest some of
our business readers.
sentatives have passed the bill repealing h , (iprmnny. Arreu have been
., n -i i -..- i Ti .""-"a '
me uaiiroau uuu"o law. j ue nieiis- ........ v.,,.,x ; tl. .,
UludU Ul junii;iuLiv in x '-.i. w. -""q ....
sure had previously passed the Senate.
The handsomer a woman is, the more
likely she is to dio on old moid. Show
us a g'unblet-cyed' feminine, and wo will
show you a young lady, who will be
Mrs. Somebs.ly before sho is out of her
omniunilions seized.
The Cologne Gazette says that Lord
Westmoreland presented a note to the
Austrian Government, declaring that
England would keep an eye on the pro
ceedings of Kossuth, Mazzini and other
rcfucecs to prevent them engaging in any
Mr. Slidell, who declined the Ceil-j mnrn lols. nn l that if they come within
i -
reach of tho law, they shall bo immedi
ately prosecuted. The London police
tral American mission, has returned to
Louisiana, with the expectation, it is
said, ol being elected to till ihe scat ol nre , lmvn u iist 0f n i,,. refugees
Mr. Soule, in the U. S. Senate, who has: : . ,i at
been appointed Minister to Spain.
Tho Canton of Tvmo is quiet. The
troops quartered at Locaono have been
ordered away. Numerous desertions,
however, had taken place from tho Aus
trian troops olong the frontier.
Pleasant Position of Soldiers in Italy
Wo read ia ihe Opinioue ofTurin.un
derdato Milan 12th:
Count Giulai and the other military
chiefs throughout Lombard)' never ah
pear in the strecv without being surroun
ded by a dozen officers and followed
.i i ....... n... r.i t: i
i I :i nil ttiA nnni-inn rums whnro stn
to tho teeth. Sins-lo officers are accom- , . , ,. ' r
I.!.. fV... li.rvln... ti-n(rna
paiiicd each by two soliders; and the, 4 f , ,.
other nicht at tho theater of tho Scale
There was present at the
Alhcnaium on Monday evening, a gen
tleman who had attended a theatrical
performance in Boston sixty years be
fore, and was nt man's estate then. He
was l he venerable John Hancock, of
Beacon St., son of tho immortal John of
Revolutionary memory, who is over eigh
ty years of age. Ho lookod hearty, nnd
appeared to enjoy tho entertainment
with infinite relish. Huston Bee,
Pim.ADELi'HiA. Aprl 10. Sentonce of
death was pronounced on Spring, at 0
o'clock, this morning, by Judge Kelly.
The Judge made a very impressive np
poal to the prisoner, which, however,
failed to produce the least emotion
By permission, Spring made a short
speech in which he renewed his assertions
of his own innocence and his son's guilt,
but expressed bis willingness to dio, and
said ho would meet his fate without a
Mr. Lewis Cass, Jr., our Charge'd
Affairs to Rome, was, at, tho last ac
counts on his way home to see his moth
er, intelligence of whose, illness (which
has since provod fatal) hod reached him.
Dubley Woodbridge, of Marietta, aged
15 yeSrs died on Sunday last. He was
one of the Pioneers, and with a number
of other gentlemen ofths old school in
Washingion county has givem to early
Ohio hit tory many of its most noblest
' Picket Line Change of Honrs.
To meet the change ofschedulo ootho
Pennsylvania Railroad, the Cincin
nnti Packets will leave Pittsburgh after
Tuesloy April. 19. at 10'clock A. M
instead of 12 M. as heretofore.
Operatives generally on the railways
Sixty-four ships wcro up at Liverpool
the public was not a little surprised to
see tho precautions adopted to protect
tho officers against any attempt.
The latter ontere I tho hall by a pri
vate door and were separated from the
civilians by soldiers and non-commis
sioned officers.
Moreover if a soldier is sont to carry
dispatch ho walks oven in the day
time, belwcan two cavalry soldiers who
with pistols in their hands keep the cit
izens at a distance.
for Australia.
Negroe's Prayer. An old negro
returning ono night fiom o dancing frol
ic, when crossing tho river lost both
his oars, and canto near being swamped
Determined to do what ho tioverdid be
fore, he dropped on his knees and ex
claimed, "Oh Massa Lord! if ebcr gwine
to help olo Ira now is de time!"
Naval. The United States corvetto,
Macedonian, Joel Aobot commanding
has sailed from New York for Hong
Kong to join the Japan expedition.
Thero is hardly ony bodily blemish
which a winning behavior will not con
ceal, ormako toleroblo; and there is no
external graco which ill-nature or affec
tation will not deform.
A butcher was apprehended and fined
last week, in Cincinnati, for killing a
dog, and drcsing it liko mutton, for mar
ket, with evident intention of selling it
for dead sheep. Awful. .
, Morjions From the St. Louis papers we
learn that about three hundred and thirty per
sons, Mormons, have recently arrived that city
from England, It is also stated that six more
ships are on their way, freighted, with about
three thousaed disciples of the Mormon faith.-
Arrangements, also, it is said, are now making
for the trunsnnrtion from Eurone next year, of
, . .
at least, ten thousand Mdmions.
"Pete are you into them sweetmeats
'No ma'm them sweetmeats hev' got
into me."
The French Assembly had given n fete
to the Emperor and Empress, on which
occasion 297 persons'were pardoned, and
400 otheishad their sentence commuted.
An address to Pnsi lent Pierce, from
a Europcn Democratic Committee, has
been forwarded by a well-known agent
probably Count Pnlsky, The real
object is to procure arms for a future oc
casion. Several outbroaks of armed peasant
ry occurred in Switzerland, but put down
by tho military.
A conspiracy was discovered at Ber
lin on tho 29th, when twenty-seven ar
rests were made.
Radetzky puplishe.l a proclamation
announcing an amnesty to all cone crncd
in the rccdnt trouble.
Negotiations wcro still going on res
pocting tho confiscation of the property
of naturalized riedmontese.
The Sardinian Government has sent
especial instruction to its Minister nt Vi
enna 'hat if Austria refused to concede
certain stipulations, he should at once
demand his passporis and quit Vienna
Austria continues to make arrests of
Hungarians. Eighty political prisoners
had been shipped from Geneva for Amer
Late advice from Berlin give the par
ticulars of the discovery of the conspira
cy. Nearly all the ultra-Democratic
leaders are under arrest. Among them
are Dr. Falkenbhall. Dr. Collman
several merchants, and a member of the
Assembly. All kinds of weapons and
levolutioary pamphlets were found,'-' i!
A Naples letter, of the 18th, say south
ern Italy is in a far more alarming state
than since the re-action. ; Several hun
dred persons were arrested at Naples, in
cluding many eminent lawyers.
36. A private letter says it is repor
ted in Paris that the Russians had enter
ed Bucoaria. Perhaps doubtfr 1.
phenson of No. 4, Buckeye Block, Ports
month, is fully prepared to supply his
customer? with any amount, nnd every
variety of paper, varying in prico from
5 cts to $1,30 per peice. See adver
tisement, and give him a call. In fin
ishing off a residence, a trip to Ports
mouth to procure something decidedly
nice, or extremely cheap, is a mere mot-
ler of moonshine, besides tho pleasure
of the trip more than pays the expense.
Jg- A DRESHER, Court St, Ports
mouth, Confectioner, also has his adver
tisement in this week's 'Times.' He
also advertises u variety of musical in
struments imported by himself. Music
is tho charm that 'drives dull care away'
and all ctn enjoy a treat at a confec
tionery without breaking the pledge.
So don't fail to call on Drcshcr.
In this place on the '.20th day of April, Wil
liam J., only son of Win and L N Colvin,
nged 20 muiit hs and 2 1 davs. We dot-ply sym
pathize with tho nlilicted pnronls their Hoy
was one of bright promise. Wc have rarely
witnessed ill one so young as favoruble a mani
festation ofiniml as this little fellow possessed.
His head was a model for a sculptor.
'Hut !iu- it ci-ito frum ill" couiii(rion of Iho world'
slmv niuiu.
And now enn never mourn
A lu-orl itrown colli, n lie-nil grown gray in vain.
Nor. when Uip iipi.il' Keif hn ceaurt lo burn,
Willi pnrlilcnlic loail nn tmlnmnnted urn.
Wholesale and Retail Sealers in
ARE now receiving their first spring stock or
ir;ids. iheir assortment i.s always full com-
jirisiiij! every variety of Dry Goods aud Notions.
They solicit the patronage of thos ) visiting the
City. We ore now the
In the city and our long experienc; and strict
adherence to the
Inairvtsaand seli.ino, certainly enables us to
give bargains to allThere is none so ignorant
as not to kuow that those win) b iy any neces
saries of life for CASH have it decided advan
tage over thosu who luy oil creuii we are tnc
In the city A catalogue of our assortment we
a... in useless, onlr favor us with a call that we
may have an opportunity of proving "tho stub-
horn fact," that II IS to your auvaniagc w iihiw
yber purchases of us. - - - ' '
We take great pleasure in exhibiting our
goods and we rely upon our reputation as a
guarantee that nothing will ever intentionally
be misrepresented. . - . ,, .
Portsmouth, April, 1853. ' ' '
Court Street, a few doors above Front,
" Keeps constantly on hand, and for sale,
. Ioys,CaJlayA,rtl,,''1
1118 assortment contains every thing i con
nected with the confectionary pusiness, is full
and complete, and ia offered at very reasonable
price,-both to his old custttnen aud as many
new ones as may favor him with their custom
He also keeps constantly on hand, to supply
the demand, a very fine stock of; -mi,?,
And other musical instruments. ' " s a
- Imported by him directly from Europe, and of
the very best quality ".' '
Can be supplied at Cincinnati Wholesale pri,
O Remember the place. Court street,
few doors below Hustons city Hotel.
Portsmouth, April 1W3. 16tf,