OCR Interpretation

The Ohio Democrat. [volume] (Canal Dover, Ohio) 1840-1900, December 25, 1840, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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v subsistenee, we shall finc4 that ank portion- of -77" r ----- ----1---r- --- --- 1 o- --- -----0 -"- -------
, -
on the existingsystem,embraces the pro' ,
io, compared with suoh, is as yet little better etabilility 'of the Republic. or the capacity of
Gout; .--11-.TA citizen the other day gSve ita a
position of re-chartering so many of the "1
. than an untenanted and uncultivated waste. '
the People, seem to have alluded or slacken. ;ewe why the town should be inc porated
present banks Of thi State, as shall be Looking ferward to the time when the t
th it a r1.,o hub Vold annually to. r oulZr-ite boa;
oeCuptod otocelittriii mod inarmlacturinYge
- thought necessary, and such of them pouwn: flummeries ihsve succeede' d in atrippmg All.
hit" "I the ounds occasioned by falling over waggons,
only, so on thorough examination' shall. tir4 of the state shall be fully developed, and ta.. V. B. ot hi inCet but they csonot. dire
- Iting our progress as a guide to the future, we tild wisdo,n List would it, or the philoS-o di
be found to be in a sound and health 1 Y whe ill arrows , reeks, tte. left on the footway.
Y may. without egotism, indulge proud hopes of
condition.. ' ., ' . ' the ultimate destinies of die state. . When we which so well knowa bow to improve succesa Our devil cointides with him. Ile thinks 82 00
, or to endure defeat.' .' t c.1 ,.' . - ,
entered upon a State govemment in the year .,: oo 110 flit 1 tOrPÁLYKAON .
. In this scheme, it is Proposed to corn' ,la
- MI; our population numbered sixty thousand molm.....1...,.;111,,mmakimmOlEmommo0
. ,
. pel all that shall receive charters to u- Now -
, tiller a lapse, of thirty.ei ht yore we GOV. 1,;01tViN'S INAUGURAL. ' .. The Advocate, last week took an article from
cite in the election of a Roardof Con-I vend a million and a half wain! o - '
ur borders. '
Guv. Corwin, took his seat in the Chair of the Democrat, made toms alterations, and then
trol; each bank to be entitied to vote Then we wore a few scattered settlements. , - .
- ciao it in as editorial. It had , boner contlen's
in proportion to its capital; This board trembling in the presence of the lately subdued State, ot. 1iearwig of hed week, when he de..
land inn tribes. that still hovered on our frontier
, r livered his Inaugurel address'. As wa, antici. the practice Wit wants to get its name up, . '
who may or not hold' stock in anv bank,
, d re entitled to but One re resentativs i
as the Legislature shall determine, to t Ini e pwee 1 P n ' ' '' -'------. -
p u ar branch of Congress; now we rank I pated, he lies a project for a State Bank. We .. To The Cosmopolite.
, Issue all paper, and to sign it by officers third iii numbers amongst die twentrsiz states I
idoubt not it will go through the Lower House, ' Dover, Chrietn;as morning.
to be chosen b,y it; to receive reports of the Union, and have a larger share of power
irl the. Legislature of the Nation, than many of and he killed in the Senate... then come before . ' Maj. Dimoek, how areyou 1 We
from each bank. at stated periods, ema
Luen(dðredceitt States "(me settlementsbefao two . the people next full So a test question. It will I wish you a merry 'Christmas. What
1 , 1 bracing all its transactione, .verieed by years before the white man MIN his do you dine on to day I. Didn't them
, the oaths of its.officeria, . It ie 'proposed, first cabin within the limit. of the State. '
t then be decided whether we shall have a ire.' I
h....rah th. ,rall.o Nine, luauram, tha RrAtv 1 ,.....1............,... ,......,,;n ..... ,,,,1 ;th I Whigs beat us rascally 1 Bin DCVO!
- thought neceesary, and such of them occupied Ito,rieuitur.it and inanutdcturini pow- Ind1101211010 "JvPiarece0 r" !'"It'P'"i "" th it it Vio41 IOW 112,1)t annually for salve to heal is a clemonstable truth, and each day it 11, ex.
onlv, as on thorough examination shall er4 of the state shaIl be fully develotied, mad ta. V.11 ot hi ince; but the,y cannot doe .. kin' "I the ounds occasioned by falling over wantons, tending itself, far atd wide it ill becoming
- kin,' our progress as a etude to the future we ,1
i toe w is o,n Loa would a, or the philosophy Intro, etid more and more epprecieted Iv- I
be found to be in a sound and healthy - " '' who ill arrewe , rocks dec. loft on the footway
may, without egotism, indulge proud hopes of ' CA1,11 ION.Dr. B. Brandreils never rip
1 .1 so well knowe bow to it:trove succese
Our devil coincides with him. Ile thinks' $2,00
. condition.. .. ' the ultimate destinies of die state. . When we w lit 1 points Druggists. Pedlars. Doctors A th
Or 'II eea,
ente,red upon a State govemment in the your or to endure defeat.' ,
.,., is too much foraiahvaltoe. . . rys, as his agonise. thensfore.if yon want to he
. In this scheme, it is Proposed to corn' tAta
MI; our population numbered sixty theueand. mom........,.;.,mo maimmommoOP sore to have DIE REAL IIKENDItETH,1
; - . pel all that shall receive charters to u- Now after a lapse, of thirtyeight years, we - GOV. CORWIN'S INAuGlittAL,' . The Advocate, last week took an article from PILLS, never purchase at Drug. Stores-or-of
s I
mite in the election of a Beard.of Con- ceunt a million and a half within our borders. ' Gev. Cotwiii, took his seat in the Chair .o'f the Democrat, made soma alterations, and then Pedlare, Doctoral oteilitothecanteð, The Pods
trol; each bank to be entitied to vote Then we wore a few scattered settlements.
ciao it in as editorial. It had , better conttnn's theiteell in my name being universally al) cowl
- State t Wed sd of la.st w-eek vv. hen he de,.
trembling. in the presence of the lately subdued 1 0 n II . o , er ants. '1?. . . .,..,.,.. .
in proportion to its capital; This board th t rt t t
e prac ice a i wants o ge its !same up, . All who sell the genuine Pills have a corn&
1 ti inn tnbes that still hovered on our frontier i h au ur 1 address As was antici
who may or not hold' stock in any bank, and were entitled to but o "wered 111n. g A . , ----in---------. - - ,..
rie representative In cate of agency signed bv Dr. D. in his' own
as the Legislature shall determine, to the popular branch of Congress; now we rank s pated, he lias la. project for as'State Bank. We . To The Cosmopolite. h d ' '
an writing, and yenewed every 12 monthte;
, Issue all paper, and to sign it by officers third iii numbers amongst die twentrsix states 'doubt not it will go through.the Lower House, ' Dover, Christmas morning. and have entered into bon& of $500, to sell
of the Union, and have a larger share of power 1 . ,
. to be chosen hy it; to receive reports none other Ptlis than they. receive from Dr.
and be lulled in the Senate... then come before ' Mal Dimock, how arayou 7 We
in the Legislature of the Nation than many of Brandreth or his duly appointed travelling' as
. from each bank. at stated pe.riods, ern.. the oldest States whose settlemetnts began two ' 1
he peop,a next full Sd a test question. It will wish you 1 merry 'Christmas. What gents who have invariably a power of att
, ' bracing all its transactione, verieed by hundred years before the white man built his I - - d el. d 7 D'd ' b . ' - -
o you ina on to ay . I n I 1 em ney, signed by the Clerk of the County of N.
, the oaths of itaUfficers, . It is proposed, first cabin within the limit. of the State. - i then be decided whether we shall have a Ire.
Wh. b II 7 But II ' Y k OBSERVE...The certificate is not Let
ige eat us rasca y oar or
..4 . sloth kr vest the board with power to ex. Through the valley lying between the Rock 1
Y menduous money corporation connected with er press written Or . Lithographic. It is En
mind, "Better luck next time." They
mountains on one side, and the Allegeiny range greed.... The said certificate being no gliaran
I , amine into the affairs fell the banks I S G ' h
t le tate overnment--an institution, t at can
on the other, following the course of the Mis ley )ou cheated, down there. We hope
ere o the public alter 12 months from date
) . at stated periode, to have fixed bý lawo sissippi, Ohio, and Allegany, rivers, we have b h I. 1 1 f 11. '
nng into I a po Mat arena a capita o mi ions it ain 16(4 Xhat:do you dun your sub. MAKRWhen you want Pillikta make our
as oftener, if they deem it necessary; an uninterupted steamboat navigation or the m'est I scribers so much fort It's considered you are right, ask to see the certific 1 agn
twentyefour hundred miles in length. This to operate on the elections, This is
i , and to close the business of any bank,
great channel of commerce on one cl
ei .e, and the , importen: point urged in the Message, and it Personal here. When are you going to ' haoThose who sell counterfeit ve
: when, in itsjudgement, such bank had ad one, will tell you it is mislaid
Lakes or. the north on the other, intersected by b , . I run for Squire 7 We heard you. Pl. ePric 25 b f 11 dr
a cents , wit u i ec
'A . conducted its business in such manner canals, roads, and rivers, with a rich soil and a ecomes every Democrat to prepare tor wo is
your bat damaged the other day--nope , ell'', following are the only
', as to render it unsafe to permit its fur.- and a healthful climate, while they account for am. - it's nothing serious, for you'll have to for the sale of Dr. Benjmnit 4
,-- 1 her continuance; and in all cases the our past history, furnish certain and moat cheer The oth t d 11
er pout s we upon are Executive , attend the great Fancy Ball at Wash..' yable Univers. 1 Pills, in it 1
'' C ..., assets ol, such bank should be tranafer . ing "gurv dour future progress. arawae and Carroll.
reckto the board, for purpose of liquida-
ling all claims outetanding against it.'
In this.plan is also proposed, to make to useful
The direction which shall be given to the fie.
ture, under our Con
Whitton, mainly depends
upon the legislative department. To subject
purposes the physical resources of the patronage, executive power, Distribution of
the Public LandeIt Ills e ea of Manny rel.
, - II r ps would we look with epaulletto on I Do
ative to the Banks of England and Americabdui. ,.. . , A. A
ington, on the 4th ol March. How I J N
ohn P. Chapin, ew
you see the grammatical errors in Tom T ZEE V L A
uorwin ri iviessage I Is. great deal to
, ., , the capital of each bank, who shall a. State. and through theae to ensure r the great On the whole, it displays nothing of th I t 1
a a ent, say, but no timegoose at our house
ends ofour existence, the moral and intellectual ,r
cept of charters liable for the debts of
improvement of all the people, to the highest at. for which he haa been loudly trumpeted. We to day. Yours, .
. every other bink, and to compel them tainable point, these are the great objects of leg b '11 b d
ope it wt e rea and contrasted with the . With pleasant anticipation,
- - I to receive the notes of each other Itt all ielative regard..-To the Legislature belongs the
., ,. .. DMZ DEMOCItAT
' 'times in payment of debts, and to re- lolly &rise that await a wise exertion of that muterly production of Shannon, and then it
pow9 end on it derive", also,. !he fearfut re P. S. The devil sends hie love to sall.
- deem each its proper proportion of the will he se n th
e e people have gained nothing by
sponellaihnes which its high position Imposes.
. notes of any other that. may suspend Fully assured, that your deliberation will itil that map. (17.We perceive by the last Cosh.
' epecie payment, or be closed by the aim to advance the interims, and secure the
board of Control. the happiness of our common constituents: as it g:7The House of Representatives of this State, octoti Democrat, that Btother Flagg, II BY IC.
, has one to the "Connubial State "
, It wouid be also It salutary provition bias become my duty, so shall it be my greatest , bad not at the last dates, ordered a single copy . g EITHE Subsenbet
1 i
n this scheme, to limit the dividends to ithin m pro or s here Lomond a' op men t
p easural w Y . rt P , . non s Message to be printed in an offi- g
most hearty cooperation. He ou bt to be made a General. forming his fricn
that he has opene
cial 1
- stockholders,. and bring into the State THOMAS CORWIN form. Thousands ofdotlare have already rho Rey. trch L t b w 13 1
- attc G I 6 me- ment, y t le na
. Treasury all the profits arising from the CoLumnos, Dec. 16,1840. been 'pent in wrengling about saving two or brenarien otder, will preach in the ' at hi' fiwrin" ""
or i operations of the banks above such limi. !---- --- .----..,--. three hundred, This is the commencement of Sahoolhouas ot ti 1
I is p ace to-morrow Philadelphia, -whare I
") tattoo; and also limit in the charter the THE DErtIOCRAT the "Reform, promised us. As an excuse for e the wants of his guests,
, vening. . receive a liberal share of po
t. . amount of circulation as compared with , not printing it, the Federal members say it wil,
4 Ile deems it unnecessary to spea ,.
- the capital of the several banks, I CAN Uri DOVER, 01IIIIO be printed in the papers. True the Demccrat- DOVER LYCEUM. ner in which his TABLE, BAR, Atc.,
I have, as it must be obvious, only io pepers have published it, but the opposition ' furnished, believing that those who may fa
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 ,1840. The members of the Dover Lyceum
- - I him with a call, will need no further recm
thought necessary to sketch an outline , with a few exceptions, have refused to, except
JO A, 0 will meet at the School House, this eve- mendation to intlute thein to call again I
.'.01 some of the most prominent features THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. in detached parts. The Whig organ of Twice- h k f 11 11. h .
rung, w an t e o owing questton vitil will , however ray, that no o ort s all be wa
of the scheme proposed. I have been rawas, 011 ) p
1 ubiished the heed and tail of it. wig on his part, to accommodute travellers, al
- To day we give this valuable document to our - be discussed: .
impelled at this, as to some it may seem The heart he cut out and threw away. We ask render their stay with him agreeable.
Would the lacer i I h
pora ion o t a town
- BOARDERS wilt be taken ter the week
unusual time, to bring them to the slew readers. It is tho last one of the kind we shall . .
teat man what right he had no to do 1 It is a of Dover, be a .fi bl
pelt a e measure. month, on the most reasoned., terms.
t of the Legislature, as the loud call of Probably ever receive from Mr. Van Buren, and d
uty he owee, and justice demands of him a C. F. ESPICH.
' the State summons its immediate ec- it is the best one. We call particular attention
fair expression of the sentiments of the Execu Affir. Nog. New Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1840.
, I tion, of some sort, upon this all-impor- to it,inasniuch as it draws the party lines strong tive. When be does not do so, ha is guilty o N, CLOUSE, S. SALA
tant subject. ' 1 , ,- .,......,e-,i L.. --!.1. A breach or trugt. HA PAMMiti A ernnfl nn tha 1 ?IPA RMIPP I kitIPPIT 1101,N141 111,,,Lt.41.1
. . "
. - - , .
' . , .
. .4 .. s r . e ' '
. ,, . - , ,
. ,ijint and' injudilloue iesuolr-ois teitil one be,17 elsewhere on the etrOtee dale slobs, ster,Dynesty, .end elite ettntordinary coalition ,
practice eei4to prevail 101 7,1roogit many pin!' of Ohio() plooertt WI the els 1.! 1
, an end tO the wo.cd are about to acme into power.-. ., :. .. Jt
. some extent. ofaclopting improper moth. 1
I eawdlleIts Á
rep. lamt eornt.c w
i lynet it i4steelleretraniunientialim- wintsitetl ,- "We tyeg every Aepublican. to react ... Alia 6
: . t'de tO evoid the provisiOn of law,'which oomparolwith its capacity to' sustain and Aed 8
. Ji chide the teeelptSf more then sis per :its people, no portion of our territory has as yet b
fitessa.,,e ov-er and over again. . ft le brief but a
' it nti per annum sn kin it should be been filled. I two glance our eyes over the very comprehensive. It is worthy dike. Wet
. pi id into the Vtate Treasury, ,. , , statistic" (Welber patent the world. not more days of the itenublic. it proceeds from' mind
4 fruitful in whatever contributes to the sustenano g'
T,he second 016; Which has been ofa dense population. and see to what -extent deeply imbued with the principles of '98,: and 1
n uch the subject of discussion which the productive powers ofthe earth may bow.. breathes an-etpianimity,which no recent events c
, M OUld bealn to be a great improv.ment ried,. where population has long pressed upon...which no personal defeat, no despair "Lout the 8
sn.bsietenoe, we sha.11finct that any yo.rtio.n..of ,:
. on the exietingsvetermembracea the pro' Lti!r-,-eL nLI. -- A-- ..........a. ..el
II Iftnign nil WU illtirbilUe illiti W ilUll l.litt I
1 portant in this. as in every. other char.. gm 111 The repeal of the Small Bill Law, paned Ile on-the ;ubscriber living -in' Doves:" who will m
I, ter, which ereaten til' compact between Fatuus of the oppoeition areendeavorhig to lead Lower House, and there ',ticks. Pie thing elk make known the terms. ?I
3:i the Stale end its citmene, that tilos him. worth mentioning. JOSEPH SLINGLUIT, Agent. at
1 et he et tic, 0Wp ehri or the ephoOwu el dr svegor saki) tae d fo br fheoi tun, rde . oef
I, spectficately named, end the mode bol
) adjudicating such forfeiture clearly '
) pointed out.
s II is believed that the eetablieliment of
: the banking capital of the elate on a said by a drivelling editortt ear
vutlitthhaitireb17igli a man whose ideas get no high 'IA VA Dec. 25, 1810. tr. w
Any parent who desires lila children to learn
, er than the top of a demijohn. that this Mese die rudiments of falsehood , slender, black.
sage contained "nothing extraordinary in it."
Poor, pitiful. degenerate mess of corruption I iiy.'
let him tisk his readers- let him ask every 'den. guardian' and immorality should have the Do
vet Democrat as a RP:itillig Exercise in
Tuscarawas Advocate.
Who wants to subscribe I Only two 'Doi- rd,11 A anDara:z9s (1
ILIA:11,1AS. .
his emu. TIIESF justly coaerated Pills have been ;I
before the American Olio over 5 years, their ,
restorailve and curative prorierties ale fully esti- A
niated by hundreds of !Lout:and of both sexes, a,
,t, , permanent and secure beets, might be 'tittle weig-let him isk those 1900 Democrats tars a year I Gentlemen, bend in your name. and they are still growing in reptile where evei r"
P ' the means of great necasinnil relief. in Mey are known. Wherever a prejudice perms t
,,. , t b d ' bl k It d
y, yea Java le pe to ee an one a a tune, ut on t oc up t e oorway, .
'of this Connt l l I I d f d d
. the future prosecution of our puhlie it ib liecause counterfeit pills have been used. a
clothe him out Moir texas for twenty yeart, II You Please. Ask any One who bas 'pled the genuine Pitla. a
1 . . worke. The want of funds for this
inhere is "nothing extraordinary in il I" P. S. Mr. Editor, we have no time to at. and a hearty reccornmendation wet be the eure at
e ; purpose. arising from the temporary
They will tell him. Fcr the benifit of this
toot tend to you now, but will be on hand in a week reoult.
1 4' derangeinent of the money market The grent principle of "PURGING" in sick
or two. In the mean time we must think over
' abroad could be supplied by the banks of the 'mink gamblers, we give the' opinion of nese ie beginning to be appreciated. It is found '',
. , the Seduction of THAT young (bilker girlthe
, - of our OWn state, were they assured of the Venerable Ritchie, of the Ri h d r much more convenient to take an occasional I
the-furthet continuencn nf their char- c m"- -n- Stabbing orvirr mineand the robbery of Tilier dose (When dozen pills and be alwitys well 1
!,, quirer, on the Me:wage-a man who has been Post trice. . titan to send for a Doctor and be bled, blister- I
tertl, en proper principles; tered and salivated with the certainty that ifyou t
's The losses which have beensustained by con- in public Itre for forty para. and never asked a are not kiled, you win be sere to hive in onthe
C17We find by the Secretary of the Treasue
tractors end tale,rere, at flue iirne occult:pied by
d II
o ar, got a dollar, nor wantti a dotter 'out of of miscue' I k
, e wea nese, and the only one who r
ry's Report, that the exports this year are com- is benefitted is your Docter. Look et the dill's- r
a Nene of the state to make punctual and fre
quent payment ntight la suck cases be avoided. the public ireasury. Let him read the opinion mita at $131, 571,950. The imports during rence between the apperence or thue two per- 1
They Mght be made Ili 'fel to the otate in tide sone-0110 has been treated by your regular 1
of a patriot and a sage, and then put hie mem to Ake some year have been $104, 805, 891 , leas
way, in enablitig it to flail Pe it niteeye ehmild , practitionerItees Ito v pals and debilitated he ,
th both it
A with rigid procession, iti emnpacts wi 8 tee bung hole of a cider barrel and ask if there than the year before by filly-seven millions. tit. see how the shadow of death throws his sol- I
foreign and domestic creditors: au object which is not somethingTX TRAORDINARY in IT.' The receipts for 1840, is stated at $28,234, tary glance from hie emanciated countenace, i
-t. it ia hoped will be est sight of by any who may
essage, COn see how be trainbies in every liribt his' eye
Ritchie in a Ion. article on the M 511. Theexpenses have been $20, 643,650,.
, be charged with the preservation of the char, sunk his teeth destroyedhis constitution owe
leaving a balance in the Treasury amen: than ha
'1 1 actor an.' honor of the state. The high renutte cludee thus: ps irrevocable eerie -yet, just hear how ' the
21 tion which our stocks have tnaintained in mnrk- , ,
"It is the best message which has ever emit.
a million and a half. Doctor arrogates to bunoelf credit. ''' Ile Pays
e , ets Malta world has been earned by a scrupulous . 'most invetternte case . of liver complaint"
" l fidelity in comply in. with our contracto. The noted from Mr. Van Buren'a pen. The lost Phe news from Congress, le gronting interims 'nothing
li ' .,
public improvements of the state, these enduring but the mon energetic remedies :saved
strains oT the swan are said to be th '
e sweetest- ! ting. In the Lower Muse, a reseiution passed him." Energetic merumreal I. et Mercury and
I monumetite of her enterprise. are the fruits of- Bleeding ruined his constitution, better say
' . that t bander. That faitlikeeping principle In fact,it is one of the best State papers that has allowing Gov, Pennington's Broad Seal men
So to save life vou must half poisen with 11,1that
which shrinks with abhorrence from the idea of pay for the time lost last winter. comthrter dike' teeth and gums--M ERCLJRY
' a broken promise, is alike the 0IT spring of the ever issued ilom the Executive chair, richlaslit In Senate on the 14th, Mr. Benton brought positive make R man miserable the said rea
pure mornlity ore Chriatian people, and that: inainder of his existence, this is 0004 curing.
has been with the trophies of wisdom and of torwasol a Bill in favor of Settlers on the public
lolly publio honor which ilia prominent chem.-. Shocking foilyi
lands. It provides: that any portion who. shall
teristie of kw republican institutions. Widnes-. I. Let us now io k t I
o a your purged man' -the
experience. As a composition it is excellent
. er theoretical speculators upou thelnature of leg- , make a settlement on any of the public lands to I man who has taken Brandreth's Pills for Liv
I' I h 1
elegance o sty e Vitt COnCleellekle.0 ear 1 .
islative compact4 may argue he has.been but a uniting.
which the Indian title shall be extinguished, or I er Complainthe hes the firm elastic tread or;
superficial nbserver of the people of Ohio, who nese and dignity ordiction- As e historical re.
I who may have settled On such land since the conecious strength, his countenance is cleav and
I conscious strenght, his coentenance is clear and
al d eparkling with the.
' - does not know thnt theirtax payers would gluts .
30th June 1840, and who shah inhabit and serene, is eye to u
! ly incur taxes fifty fold morn burthensome titan "tow of the measurera ()this administration,it i s '
h. f II
the present, rathee alien swim. fnr a day, the ' a modest but masterly exposition. But the prin improve the :same, and raise a log cab feeling of new life and animation; he has been
1 confined a few days to his bed, but he used no
- - docp disgrace Ala attaches to broken promi-
les and violated public faith. Such aik idea is cipal beauty of the message consists in. the Re. in thereon, shall he entitled to a pre-emption in
thing but the true Brandreth Pills, and soon rose
' ' the len tolerable in Weestern America, because pnblican tone, and' principles which it inter.. the:pnrcbase:of one quarter section, to be paid ! without any injury being sustained by his con
dna almost unbounded resources and, the for at the minimum price stif such land at the stitutionw Instead of being months in a weak
) weaves in dte progr.ess of its atatements Ali
1 . ennstantly,incretuting energy and nuinhers of its time of paying for the same.' I state he will be: stronger after he has entirely
I - ' pcoople. . I its constitutional and elementary principles are recoverea the attack, biecause his blood and
On the 15th, Mr. Clay offered a resolution tints have become purified, and having purged
ur tresent position av a member of the Uni- ofthe old Republican School of '98-s Tbe only
away the old and impure: fluids, the solids are
on comparred with the past, cannot fail to awe torithe repeal of the Sue Treasury Law. Mr.
nrineelee which can save the Renubit an D'art
hen in the boeoms door eitaensprond and grat I. Y; Alen offered counter rest-Alden; and eller de- therebY fenovated and he is not borne down
ifYingletteCtittne OAR 1 tate occupiee a common 4. it is wider their banner that we met rally bate both resolutions were laid on the table.- and body both
by useless particles, but has renewed bis life
- ding position in the greervalley west ofthe Al.. I
.This principle-of purging with Brandreths
for the great strnggle which threatens to assail .
legally mourtains a valley whioh, by the esti-I , The population of Ohio, is over one million
1,4r mates ofthose well informed, contsine 2 greater P11114 removes nothing but the useless and des
th C nrt WM n under theaturpirts ofthe Webs .....,i . 1,..te . ... .
lant subject. ' 1 .
In either of the plans -which are here er than ever, between the dereated but united
suggested, it is believed. sufficient Democracy, and the triumphant but discordant
gourds arelprovided sgainst:over issues; filetiOnS of Federalism. It lays down in bold
leading to dangerous expansions of the
teller, Bo that he who rune may read) the irc
currency, whilet a capital varying from
with. ell . publican principles ern, of1800,and ofeve
six to len millions of dollars,
the property of the banks, are plege'cl as rY democratic Administration sinceand the
a perpetual security te the holders of principles with which we will go into the fight
the paper of evpty bank etnbraced in for the next foul' years, and ever allerwards,
the scheme. it is undoubtedly proper, I
though we should be in a minority for a goner
that the Legislature should reserve the
power to in8pect the books & examine ation to come. Bo'National BankNo High
. 100 the affairs of the banks, by such TaritrNo Surplus Revenue No Public debt
agents as they may 'from time to time I No assumption of the Statedebts,No Internal
select, and that the Board of Control tmprovem'ents by the Genera. Government, nor
should make AA annual report to the ' n
o i
nterrerence with State Institutions. Let ev
Legislature. embracing a full statement
, ery democrat preserve this filessagelet rhim
and of the busine88 anti condition of the
I read it, and study it, and it will cony hint
banks under its aupervisioe, It is im
through all the marshes into which the !gni a
portant i'n this. as in every. other char.'
ter, w hich creates till' compact between Fatuus of the oppoaition areendeavoriog to lead
the Slate end it8 citizens, that tilos him. .
acts, whieb should work a forfeiture of It has been said by a drivelling editorrt ear
ths coperete powers granted, should be vupt hirelinga man whose idt3as get no high
The first two weeks of the"Reform Legisla
ture," has passed, and as yet nothing done
The repeal of the Small Bill Law, passed tht
Lower House, and there sticks. Pit. thing elk
worth mentioning.
be found in
b .1 u. mu. 1,1 sw con my d
madly of pioilucuseisoil ii,an is is an n
.5 At
oter.Dynestr .end ofthe ettraordirt.ary coalition , Tillie whig papers siy . Gen. Merriam. laissi. ..,,-::;.
which are about to come into power.- .. :. . jumpea fifteen IrMi 91 Itiefarm. Ws have Inert . ;1; D'Imett"ritoe'14'244,
. ,
- "We treg every Republican to react ... -this e''''''' ' I et1 D. n It wink "'I then' 11.MII!I;I Ill' lite hver viben,th
&eight candidates in the,fteld, all so well qua& nit,Whic14 whop th
Message over and over again. .. ti is brief but
awl that the eaueut don't know which to pitch produce.theumatism
vcry comprehensive. ti is worthy fans beet eputz 4, they .; cam en be elected, we en., ctliuocen goorituttpoonr ozninil
days of the Republic. it proceeds front a mind gest that there be 1 Generaijumping much on
deeply inibued with the principles of IN a
'--... ID- Tuesday on the public square, snd whoever paralysis, and all th
on lining of the blo
breathes an-etpianimity,which no recent events can to his length at fitleen feet shall be eligible. :Itteem.holy in the mu
which no personal defeat, no despair about the , So go to eating eggs Gentlemen.
, ''' Yes, purging thei
stabilititrof the Republic, or the capacity of
Goon.--1171. citizen the other day gave lb a thr a true eure for all
, y other form of dit
Vie Pet;pie, seem to have 'Laded or shaken. reason why the town should be incorporated, lion,. it is a demonst
lild110121ledllA"lll'uoctled'ed III lltriPP'14 I'll. .th it it vi.,,i lulu Vold annually for salve to heal to a demonsilible ti
V. ki. ol hi ince; but they cautiot dee - hint in the ounds occasioned by falling over wa;gons, ki ennodwi elf witicrml rio Telt,
tild wis,lo.n List would at, or the philosophy who ill arrowe, rocks, itee. left on the footway. CAllift0P1..1)
which so well knowa bow to lintnove success Our devil coincides with hint. Ile thinks $2,00 points fuggiats P4
or to endure defeat.' ill to0 nioch iiirPAINKAOlt rys, as hisLagent.sit;
. ... . t
tnat map. I 0:7'We perceive by the last Cosh.
g:7The House of Representatives of this State, I Oetott Democrat, that &other Flagg,
had not at the last dates, ordered a single copy has gone to the "Connubial State."
of Shannon's Menage to be printed in an al.' He ougbt to be made a General.
lel form. Thousands ofdotlars have already I The Rey. t2chArici,, Gt the Wine
been 'pent In wrangling about saving two or brenarien miler, will preach in the
three hundred, This is the commencement of Salioolhouss ot this place tomorrow
the "Reform, promised us. As an excuse for .
not printing it, the Federal members say it wil,
be printed in the papers. True the Demccrat- DOVER LYCEUM;
io papers have published it, but the op position The members of the Dover Lyceum,
with a few exceptions, have refused to, except will meet at the School House, this eve.
in detached parts. The Whig organ of Tusca- ning, when the following question wIll
1 rawas, only pubiished the head and tail of it.
The heart he cut out and threw away. We ask ss Would the Incorporation alba kiwi
that man what right he had no to do I It is a of
be discussed:
Dover, be a justifiable measure.
duty he owee, and justice demands of him a Disputants.
fair expression of the sentiments of the Execth Affir. ANe g.
tive. When he does not do so, he is guilty of N, CLOUSE, S. SALA
a breach of trust. He commits a fraud on the J. DEARDUFF, J. MOFFIT
the citizens of this connty. Is that wh ich he
published last week, as "Gov. Shannon's
The Subscriber offers for sale, an extenall
Message," a correct copy! Every honest man
and commodioun TANNERY, in the Town ,
myelin. But why do the Federal membeie, & Dover, possessing all the facilities necessary
Federal editors refuse to print the Message as it carry on an extensive business, and has an. e.
was delivered I neve thor confidence in the te1;t1h.eorautyvfeepur ,
sot;e1nrty ie not sold before it
intelligence of the people I Their very course
denies this. Hence they endeavor to deceive first of April next. it will be to rent.
the people by false issues, and "crushing truth -
A valuable Farm, within one heir mile off
to earth.' But,
ver, containing 132 acres of good Lime stet
"Truth crush'd to earth will rise again; Land, with 7i) acros elearedovith several go(
Serinea, and necessary Buituings, and also
The eternal years of God are beef,
good Distillery.
While Error wounded, writhes in pain,
And dies amid her worehippers."
exna.t.. --a. .,r n,..,... ...1;,,iani.. a
The members of the Dover Lyceum,
will meet at the School House, this eve
ning, when the following question will
be discussed:
"Would the Incorporation alba town
of Dover, be a Justifiable measure.
Affir. g
The Subscriber offers for sale, an extensive
and commodious TANNERY, in the Town of
Dover, possessing all the facilities necessary to
carry on an extensive business, and has an ex
tensive run of custoin,
If the above propertv is not sold before the
first of April next. it will be to rent.
A valuable Farm, within one hair mile ofDo
ver, containing 132 acres of good Lime stone
Land, with 7i) acras eleared, with several good
Within one mile of Dover, adjoinining the a,
hove described Farm, containing132 acres,with
about sixty acres of cleared land, and a good
Spring convenient to the Buildings.
Any person desirous of purchasing, win cail
on the Subscriber living in Doves, who will
niake known the terms.
Dec. 25, MO. tf.
corkupt hotpot' oC , ,
which,causedisesse.Ilicy t. , t.,T1 .
utthe lekr viben,th:plestue , , !
nit.tvilich, when they Mettle Op i ,
producybeumatism, or, upon the ties ; -
duce goiitt or upon the lungs, produce COOtitlii,,
tion, or upon the intestines, costiveness, or-im,,
on lining of die blood vessels, a apoplexy and ,
paralysis, and all die train of disorders so mid.. I -
Ineholy to the sufferer ,nd belitd1.1!. ,
hem. ' . - - : ' A ', Adverti.-m, .4
Yet, purging these hump's:from the bosiy Ives. 4. ,
the true eute for all these complinuts, end evw, Per ir?nsient ao
ry other form of disease, this is no mere 'seer., I- square or-leavtb! .3
Jtun, it is a demonstrable truth; and each day it, 'Eyery subsequent I, Ilion,
to a demoristable truth, add coca- day it is ', -0t3e square -
tending itself, far tied wide it ill ' becoming
known, and more and mime epprecisteda Coiumil, -
CA1,1 B.' iltantireth never ttp-- , thic.Celltinn;
points Druggists, Pedlars, Doctors Or A pltheca, d v be F
rys, as his agonise. therefore-if 'On want to be Ake (UM, Ot pOStitge OU I I ,
sure to have 'REAL BRENDILETHd titter,- ,
never purchase at Drug. Stores or -of ',Printing of every' .deNrv. ,
Pedlars, Doctors ore,Apothecartese, Tho Pills kit on thg wooli.edoonable
they.sell in my name bemg univerallly al) cowl , 4.. -
er wits , or fraud., -
If BY 1C.
EITHE Subscriber
forming his fricn
that he has opene
ment,by the na
at him former rem
Philadelphia, -whare
the wants of his guests,
receive a liberal share of pu
lie deems it unnecessary to spea
ner in which his TABLE, BAR, itc.,
furnished, believtng that those who may fa
him with a call, will need no further recom
mendation to induce thetn to call again. tie
will , however say, that no effort shall be wan.
ting on his part, to accommodate travellers, and
render their stay with him agreeable.
BOARDERS wili be taken hy the week or
month, on the most reasonable terms.
C. F.
, New Philadelphia, Nov. UO, 18404
Fare Reduced
ThIrtittb 2:tatts
brim or April nrxt. tt wot out to rent.
FROM Wooster Olt 04: To Wheding Vit.
' ALSO FOR SALE. , (Via, Mi..Eaton, Canal Dover, New Philadel,
A valuable Farm, within one hair mile ofDo- ilia' Eastport, Stocktown, Cadiz Harrison
county, Harrisville, Mt. Pleasant, Malls to
ver, containing 132 acres of good Lime stone
Wheeling.) Leaves Wooster for Wheding ev
Land, with 7i) acras cleared, with several good
Monday,'Wednesdav and Friday mornings
Springs, and necessary Budoings, arid also a urY
, 4t 3txtfi Mori; rests ,till milit m Cadiz und teat,
good Distillery.
i e. Mkt Ilie I I n einvk A- M- tim inttestedinia
dB Who beg 11 o'clock A. M. the succeedins
Leaves' Wheeling for Wooster. on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 'o'clock P. Ili. reach
es Wooster 8 o'clock P. M. the succeeding
ay. d
This line connects at Wheeling, with the
mail line for Frederick, (Maryland) at which
place the Rail road cars to Haltimure and Phil
adelphia, offer a cheap and rapid passage; also,
with transet up and dewn the Ohio. by Steam.
boat nowise almost aiways in waiting. and of.
fer cppertimities for conveyance to Cincinnati,
Orleans, St. Louis, and intermediate points, al
so to Steubenville, Pittsburg and other points in
that direction.
This line leaves atter lite arrival of the Western
and Northern Mails, for Cleaveland, Norwalk.
Mansfield ech. Intersects the Ohio Cana. at
Canal Dover, where packets are constantly run
ning in the direction er..",1dssillon Cleaveland.;
also to Colimilms,NCYNI:,1 the and Portsmouth
en the Ohio, and. interats at Cadiz tha Steu
benville liar
This line intersects theVorwalk-line. which
line passesc through Ashland to No.rwalk, for
Huron and Detroit, also at Wooster with the
line to Mansfield, Bitcyrits, and with a line at
the last place for Lower Sandusky.
This Line tor the lan four years has been
eight months in die year in Coaches and the re.
mauling 4 months on horseback. The nresen
Contract compchr the Contractors to carry the
Mail in Carriages, the whole year, of course
no apprehension need be indulged bv the pub.
lio of any:disappointment frotn season or wen.
T P. El
carriages and Horses have been sawed with
he utmost care, and none but experienced and
sober drivers will be employed.
Application fin...mats-on this line can be made
at the Wooster lintel. At the United States Ho
tel, Wheeling, as well tut at the intermediate
H. KOLLER. contractors.
April 24th, 36. Ow.
April 24th,
All those indebted to the Subscribes,
by Book scsount, or Note, to older
dates than six months, sre requested to
call and settle up, otherwise their as.
counts will be let in the bands of proper
officers for collection.
Sep. 4, ISM
Thepartnership heretofore existing under the
firm, of Charles Steen and Albert Butes, in the
Grocery business is this day diastilved by mutu
al coment
Anon -ma prmeque 4)1 purging with Brandreth'e
removes nothing but the useless and de. ALBERT BATE&
cayed 'Articles from the budy,--morbid end Shanerrille Nov, 241.
tO -
lk ESPECTFULIN informs they:Alin 114'4:4041
141Nee.,, purchased- the. Saddln,ick Mar - ;0111,P
rg e"lishtnetit' belovginCtojohn4 -4NAT; -
-ond Intends - etry'nri,tha businesk-'; Al. .'
'11 manufaet len and women's' , ' ,-,
14""attS11- pn and of thel beet ;',:,? :vi,
frborn' wegioii-anct
other article te-her-,A t A
quired .lite coon . t
tg I
V BURGH; II al. tn.:dui lel dee
odotto:da may let all times -
nd to ail ork intrusted
elle flatters himself it" -be -', .
gs durahle, neat and faahionable,-:.
Inrn: as i can be done in the country, as he ,n ,
"6 intends at all times to keep tiviiie em
ood competent workman, and be -
nd g
means to receive the Fashions isampir '
ak or provided for. '
H. To accommodate his friends in' the.-
country, he will take tieerly all lunar s
country produce. : 4
N. 13. One or twasapprerdicee 4
te' d immediately to learn the Tailoting
business. Itoys between the bge 0'15
and 16, would be preferred. They must
be of good character, as recommends,.
tiOng of industry, honesty, end sobrie,
iy, will be required. ,
Canal Dover. Aug. 15, 1839. K.-
sm P.
The partnership heretofore existing under the
firm of E. B. Makenison and John Harmotint -
in the Boot and Shoe making business is this day -
dissolved by mutual consent.
Dover Sept.:18th, 1840.
Notice is hereby given to those indebted to the
above firm, either by note or Book account to
call's:id settle by the lst. of October, otherwise.
their accounts will be left in the bands of pro.
, per officers folio lection.
1 B E. Makemson
E a 1.1 tug Es t a blistnttuti
IVULD respectfully inform the
citizens of Doveroind the ad.
joining counties, that he has commenced
:he Tailoring bueineas in the Town ot
Canal Dover, merchants row' Factory'
Street, two doors west of Montfredy is
McClean's New Store, in the room for.. '
merly occupied by Mrs. M. C. Glonin.
ger es a confectionary, where Clothing
will be made in the moat fashionable,S; ,
fitting manner; from his experience
the above business, he Nola assured that ,
he will be able to render general yetis.
faction to all, who are pleased, to giver '
him a call. .
Dover, April 10th 1840.. IE -
d .
eHARLES WILSON, Hatter eecond et
DOER. would inform the citizensof '
Tuscarawas County, that he continues to cirri
on the flatting business, in all its various bran
cites. His workmanship shall be of first goalie
ty, hoping tthereby to merit a likezal.shareD
It b. All those indebted to him, ire resume
ted to call and settle up, before theist of Jan-s."
uary, otherwise their bills wilt be put in th -
Justices -hands for collection.
Dec. 13th. , 4 4,
All kinds of country produce, tsken
in exchange for work, or outstiliding
debts. , , ,
N. 8. I will pay 61 ctn. per busks -",
or wheat, for all outstanding dahts..:' '
.; A RE now receiving from the eatm -
111.. tern eilied, a general and season.
able stock of GOODS, which they- in.',
tend belling very lovi 'for cash et goo ,
couhlry pro4uee. 4
New Philo& May 29,' 1810,
JOB WORK of all kind neatly snowed
th is office. ,
'1!: !
,t ,t
- ,
, UV Enwrwly Wit OIS V WOORRIP, WI., 1....,,,,.... Mu, 0' f il LI tvAvoviv vi po up:. , 1.111bmott otfolft Wil44113 1,11V ,
into the fight into ti ligen tee of the people I Their very course
a perpetual security te the holders of principles with which we will go iret of pri next. it wi e o ren
FROM Wooster Olt Kt,: To Wheetitig Vit.
demos this. Hence they endeavor to deceive '" ALSO FOR SALE. (Via, Mt..Eaton, Canal Dover, New Philadels
the paper of cep). bank etnbraced in for the next four years, and ever allerwards, the people by false issues, and "crushing truth -
the scheme. .11 is undoubtedly proper, I A valuable Farm, within one hair mile ofDo- phitt, Eastpori. Stocktown, Cadiz llarrieon DISSOLITI1ON OF FARTNE.11-- .
SMP. .,
though we should be in a minority for a mere county, .11arnsville, Mt. Pleneent, Malls Ivo
that the Legislature should reserve the to earth.' But,
ver, containing 132 acres of good Lime stone
. power to inepect the books & examine ation to come. leo:National Bank-No High
"Truth crush'd to earth will rise again; Land, with 7i) acros (timed, with several good .
Wherdin ) Leaves Wooster for Wheeting e The pertnership heretofore existing under this.
', , into the antra of the bank', by such Tariff-No Surplus Revenue -No Public debt The eternal years of (led are beef, Springs', and necessary Buttoings, and also a ,
ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings
et 3 o ideate rests all mg-lit et Cadiz end melt,
t . good Distillery. firm or E. B. Makentson and John Harmount ' - :
agents US they may from time to time ' -no assumption of the Statedebts,No Internet While Error wounded, writhes in pain, Vit Wheelieg 11 o'clock A. M. the succeedine to the Boot and Shoe making business is time day . - -
dissolved by niutual consent.
, select', and that the Board of Control Improvements by the Ocean. Government, nor And dies amid her worshippers." E. B MAKEMSON. ,L .
il should make an annual report to the ' no interrerence with State Institutions. Let ev- , Within one mile ()Mover, adjoiuining the as Leaves: Wheeling for Vermeer. on Monday,
OHIO LEGISLATURE. bove described Farm, containing 132 acres,with Wednesday and Friday at 'o'clock P. M. rench
Legislature. embracing a full statement er 1 e
! and of the businrse end condition of the'
banks under its oupervision. It is ima at preserve this fileseage-let him
y t emo r .
portant in this, as in every. other char: read it' sand study it, and it will cony hint ,, .
II the marshes into which the 1 ni e The first Legisla
two weeks of theI'Reform
lute, nas passed, and as yet nothing done.
. g The repeal of the Small Bill Law, pruned Ilit about sixty scree of cleared land, and a g
Spring convenient to the Buildings'. ood es Wooster 8 o'clock P. ht. the succeeding D
ayd .
Any person desirous of purchaeing, win cail This line connects at Wheeling,
on the Subscriber living in Doves, who will mail line ibr Frederick, (Maryland) at which over Sept.:18th, 1840.
Notice is hereby given to those indebted to the
colt 'and settle by the lat. of October, otherwise.
with the above firm, either by note or Book accountto
Fatuus of the oppoeition areendeavoritig to lead
, ter, which creates til' compact between Lower House, and there ',ticks. Ne thing elle niake known I
tie terms.
1 the Slate end it8 citizens, that those him. , worth mentioning. JOSEPH SLINGLUFF, Agent. adelphia, offer a cheap and rapid passage; also, per officers formo.icction. .
?lace the Rail road cars to Baltimore and mil- their accounts will be left in the bands of proa - 1
Dec. 25, MO. tr. with transet up and down the Ohio. by Steam. .
I acts, whieh should work a forfeiture of It has been said by a drivelling editor-tt cor- , to .
"A VALUABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. boat paseinee almost atways in waiting, and of. e
the copere to powers granted, should be rept hireling-a man whose ideas get no high TIT," A torn to let. irtirT9 02 fer cpperinnities for conveyance to Cincinnati, N E lir
D.E. Makemson .
' ea pd e. uc di Ice a let al y, nsa umcehd, , foot; rd
) pointed out.
,,, :1h:tame:le of
s It is believed that the eatablistiment lot er than the top ofa demijohn. that this Ales. Any parent who desires lois children to learn
die rudiments of falsehood , slender, , black.
cleartY. . h ri. ,, guardian' and immorality should have the Do.
ge contained ' not mg extraor mary in it. e
Poor, pitiful. degenerate muss of corruption 1 viley?emacrat as a ItQading Essreim ill ille film
let him took his readers- let him ask every 'den. Tuscarawas Advocate. Adele t2 am, &oasis at glivlit 6-o
. PA: 111,144).
TI1ESF justly ceteerated Pills have been
before the American Olio over 5 years, their
restoraiive and curative proeerties ale fully esti- Orleans, St. Louis, and intermediete ponies, al
so to Steubenville, Pittsburg and other points in
that direction.
This line leaves atter lite arrival of the Weatern E a 1 I o:t I u 0 E s t a blistnttuti
AratiLL n Anions.
w0 U LD respectfully Inform the . . '''.- '
citizens of Doveroind the ed. ,
,,,' the banking capital of the state on a Who wants to subscribe 1 ' Only two Dol. ated by hundred', of thouiand of both sexes, and Northern Mails, for Clenveland, Norwalk. .
,t, , permanent and eecure berate,. might be Otte whig-let him aid( those 1900 Democrats tars a year 1 Gentlemen, loind in your name. anisid they are still growing in repute where eye' Mensfield ed. Intersects the Ohio Cana. at Joining counties, d -
that he has commence . -
Canal Dover, where packets are coustantly run :he Tailoring busineas in the Town et
I ' the means of great necasinnal relief. le r i , ., they are known Wherever a prejudice parties
,c. o tots Connty, who have helped to feed and one at a tune, eut eon block up Me doorwaY, it i't, 1 meg in the direction Le.:',Idssillon , Cleaveland.; Canal Dover, merchants row' Factory'
.. the future prosecution of our puldie :ecause counterfeit pills have been used.
Ise to Columbus OCIII11 the end Portsmouth w
clothe him Mit admit. taxes for twenty years. it You Pleave. Ask any one wholons tiaed the genuine Pitls. a- . ' N-.,,I - Street, two doors west of Montfredy is
1 . . worke. The want of funds for thie on the Ohto and interwove at Cadiz the Stela-
inhere is "nothing extraordinary in it 1" P. S. Mr. Editor, we have no time to at- and a hearty reccornmendation wet be the sure s
McClean a New Store, in the room for.. '
k ; purpose, arising from the temporary ult. b 11 I I
env' e me.
tend to you now, but will be on hand in a week re1,.,.
1 4 derangeinent of the money market They will tell him. Fcr the benifit ofthis tool
he greet principle of "PURGING" in sick . AT WOOSTER, , inerly occupied by Mrs. M. C. Glonin
or two. In the mean time we must think over '
Flea' ie beginning to be appreciated. It is feund This line intersects theVorwalk-line, which ger as a confectionary, where Clothing
' abroad, could be supplied by the banks of the 'mink gamblers, we give the- opinion of .
the Seduction of THAT young (limiter girl-the much more convenient to take an occasional line plumes( through Ashland to No.rwalk. for will be made in the MOM filehiOndble 8; '
,.. - of our own state, were they assured of the Venerable Ritchie, of the Richmond En-
Stabbing OrTHAT mateand the robbery of THAT dose than dozen pills and be always well IllIttill and Detroit, else at Woomter with tbe
the-further continuenco of their oily- titan to send for a Doctor and be bled, blister- line to Mansfield, Thicyrne, and with a line at fitting rammer; from hie experience ' ill 1
z, quirer, on the Moosage-a man who bas been Post dice. - the above business, he feele assured that ,
, term. en proper prineiplesí tered and salivated with the certainty that ifyou the last place for Lower Sandusky.
he will be able to vender general !alit..
': ', The losses which have beensustained by con- in public Bre for forty yore and never asked a are not knitted, you win be sure to hive in onthe This Line for the tallt tour years hes been
Ca'We find by the Secretary of the Trease ,
tractors und tab,rers, at Met tires occult:teed by of injectable weakness, and the only one who eight mood's in the year in Coaches and the ree faction to all, who are pleased, to give ' ,.,, ,.,
dollar, got a dollar, nor wantts a doltar out or ry's Report, that the exports this year are com- is benefitted is your Decter. Look tit the cliff's- maining 4 months on horseback. The presen , . I
a ftilure of the state to make punctual and fre- him a cell. k .
(mem payment might 11 Fltell cases be avoided. the public ireasury. Let him read the opinion mend at $131, 571,1150. The imports during rence between the leeerence or 1110,1e IWO per- Contract compels the Contractors to carry the D A .110th 1840.. IC - , t -'".. .. .
, , , , en sone-one has been treated by your regular Mail in Carringes, the whole year, of course over, pri - ...
They neght be made ea ,ful to the otate in tide of a patriot and a sage, and then put hie. notes to Abe same year have been $104 805 891 1 ,
way, in enabling it to tote 119 it IllWitri ' VIVItild rerlitiottervi, 110 v 114;0 and debilitated he no apprehension need be indulged bv the pub. 4 e.
A with rigid procession, iti compacts with both its the bung hole or a cider barrel and ask if there than the year before by filly-seven millions. is. see how the shadow of death throws his sill- tic of any:disappointulent frotn season or wen. , , , .
foreign and domestic creditors; au object which is not something''EXTRAORDINARY in IT.' The receipts for 1840, is stated at $28,234, tory glance from his emanciated countenace, ther.
HARLES WILSON, Hatter Second st
Halter!' . -- ..
t. it is hoped will be est sight of by any who may
n a ong artic e on the Message, con
Ritchie i 1 . I fill. Theexpenses have been $20, 643,650,- see how be itainbies in every lirisin hie eye . T P. El
sunk his teeth destroyed-his constitution oere carriages and Horses !ewe been sawed with I
be charged with the preservation of the chars .
, .
leaving a balance in tho Treasury of more than I i
taps irrevocable zone -yet, just hear how . the he utmost care, and none but experienced and ,
' 1 actor and honor of the state. The high malts., eludee thus: . DOWER would inform the citizonsof ' -
.4 tion which our stocks have maintained in 'mirk- , iii 1 , a million and a half. Doctor arrogates to bunoelf credit. n.' He pays sober drivers will be employed.
t is t le best message which has ever elm. Tuscarawas County, that he continues 10 Clirtl
, ets 'Atha world has been earned by a scrupulous ' 'most invetternte case . of liver complaint"-
at the Vooster Hotel. At the United States lio dies. His workmanship shall be of first quail.'
Application foreettbeen this line can be made on the Hotting business, in all its various brow.
'' 1 - fidelity in complying with our contracts. The noted from Mr. Van Durenia pen. The last Irhe news from Congress, lo groWing interese 'nothing
i ' public impeevements or the state, those enduring strains oT the swan d b h '
are sat to e t e sweetest. t but the moist energetic remedies :saved
ting. In the Lower House, a resoiution passed 1 him." Energetic meneurest I. et Mercury and tel, Vheeling, as well as, at the intermediate ty, hoping Ithereby to merit a liberal Abuez, .
I .monuntepits of her enterprise, are the fruits of- Bleeding ruined his constitution, better say- '
points . patronage. . - . . , . .
;'. . that t haracter. That faitlikeeping principle In ract,it is one of the best State papers that has allowing Gov, Pennington's Broad Seal men
So to save life vou must half poisen with 114that . ,
which shrinks with abhorrence from the idea of pay for the time lost last winter. cora-onto of tin; teeth and gums--M ERCURY , , . . .
H. KOLLER, 1 contractors. It S. All those indebted to him, are femme
J. A. MYERS, S '' , ted to call and settle up, before the lat of Jan-so ..
a broker' prong, is alike the off spring of the ever issued nom the Executive chair, richlaslit In Senate on the 14th, Mr. Benton brought -positive make e man miserable the said ree April 24th, 30. Ow. uary, otherwise their bills will bp put in th ', , ,
. pure mornlity ore Chriatian people, and that: tnainder of his existence, this is 0004 curing. aiii,.., '
has been with the trophies of wisdom and of torwasd a Bill in favor of Settlers on the public - Justices hands for collections
tit 0111214ditit ''' ' -
lolly publio honor which ilia prominent chem.. Shocking fay! -
d It provides: that an anion who shall
Y P . I. Let us now took at your 'purged man' -tile n 07' TAKE NOTICE,
teristio of i!ur republican institutions. Whitler. experience. At a composition it is excellent- lans.
. , . ,
Dec. 13th. 1 :4 - , e , '
. make a settlement on any of the public lands to i man who has taken Brandreth's Pills for Liv- An those indebted to the Subscribov, Ail kinds of country ' produce,' idea ,!' . ,
:, ' er theoretical speculators upou thelnature of leg- uniting.
. islative compacts may argue he hasbeen but a elegance or style with conciseness.clear i .
i which the Indian title shall be extinguished, or 1 er Coniplaint-he has the firm elastic tread or; by Book sccount, or Notes, to older in exchange for work
4,'n superficial nbserver of the people of 011in, who nese and dignity ordiction. As e historical ree 1 conecions strength, his countenance is demand
who may have settled on such land since the co dates than six months, sre re d d b - '.
queste to , e te. . , . . , .... , . ,. - ,..,, t
i - sloes not know thnt their tax payers would gtarle nscious strenght, his cop
ntenance is clear and 1
! ly incur taxes fifty fold more burthensome titan view of the measurera this adminietration,it i s ' 30th June 1840, and who shati inhabit d
an serene, his eye le full al d sparkling with the. cal and settle up, otherwise their sc. N g
. . . I will pay 61 eta. per boshe'-",
the present, rathee than endnre, ter a day, the ' a modest but masterly exposition. But the prin improve the ;same, and raise a log cab feeling of new life and animation; he has been counts will be let in h h d r
1-0 ..an-s o. proper , or wheel, for all mast d d hts '" ' ' .
an mg e .. - - s
, ,, - deep disgrace wIlIch attaches to broken promi. . 1 6 ll h
in I ereon, shall be entitled to a pre-emption in
I confined a few days to his bed, but he used no officers for collection.
cilia eauty of the message consists in. the go. .. .- ,
les end violated public faith. Such ink .itlea is It' b t th I B d h Pit d
, t ing u e rue ran ret i s, an soon rose BENJAMIN MILLER. - . ,
pnblican tone, andprinciples which it inter.. the:pnrchaseX one quarter section, to be paid ! NEW GOODS. ,,'
' the len tolerable in Weeatern America, becitusre without any injury being sustained by his con. S D 4 1840 . . . ' KliJGOBE
1 t I fil4L ,
cons al most unbounded resources and, the for at the minimum price et such land at the atitutions Instead of being months in a weak 1. 1
) weaves in die progress of its atatements. All . - 1' r ,t
, constantly increarring energy and nutnbers of its time of paying for the same.' I state he will be: stronger after he has entirely ' ARE Dow receiving from 'the eatm . - ,
-.. ' peopto . , I its constitutional and elementary principles are recovered the attack, biecause his blood and DISSOLUTION OP PARTNER
. On the lfith, Mr. Clay offered a resolution . tem eitied, a' general and sestood ' '
s, Our tresent position av a member of the Uni- oftlio old Republican School of '98-e The only tOds h b
ave ecotne purified, and having purged - . . - .- able stock of GOODS, which they- in.', ' .
on comparted with the past, cannot fail to awe tor the repeal of the Sue Treasury Law. Mr. away the old and impure fluids, the solids are Th t h b e
th R b"
principles which can save e epu It an party; , e per ners ip eretmore existing Inkier ths d II'
ten 110 tag very 1 tot 'for
hen in the beams of our citizensyroud and grat Allen oared counter resotetione, and eller dee thereby fenovated , and he is not borne down firm, of Charles Steese and Albert Bates, in the cash et goo . -
- .
.. , ifyingsellectiopes Ottr 1 tate occupien a common 4. it is noder their banner that we mum rally bate both resolutions were laid on the table. by useless particles, but has renewed his lite Grocery business is this day disable' d b
e y mini
touhtry protittee. .4."'.4 '" '''' ' ' . 1 : . ' '' '..
A sling position in the greet valley west ofthe Al. I - and body both . . al coment. , , .
- - ,, - . . ,, -, . Now Philad.-Mey 29,'181(4 .-.- ; r,' ' . ' .
legally mour.tains a valley whioh, by the esti.- I for thegreat 'tingle which threatons to assail .
The population of Ohio, is over one mi ion .
Ir This principle- o r i i w
r pu g t g ith Brandreth's CHARLES STEES E.
. e . .o
PIN removes nothing but the useless and dee ALBERT BATES. JOB WORK dell kind needy mowed '' - -,
.,, mates advise well informed, conteins 2 greater tbe Conti lutit a under the'aurpicts dais Web. ,
4.. nuenitty of productiveisoil than is to be found in I and a half. . cayetd particles frons the body,--morbid and Shelton& Nov 2d. 1840. . th is office.
1 i'' l ,
I i - . 4 ref' . .. . , ,
i . . . , , ., '
A ,, , . '
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".''''..-4 '''',.-4 7;',' '..,'".
r.'4,;e4:1 . ,,,iN,i. '', -
1...;kolvip 1, 4 .8,:i..,,,
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IA -N., - 1 i','
Fil'.; ,4' .,). ;4;,' .
,---,,, V:: , ',., ' ',,- , -
t ,i it I ' " ,f
1;:!'tli' ; '',-:''''',,';'1 i,
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T7,'"1, . ',',','.
pi , 7,,,,k,,,,,...,1, ,, ., ..,,,, -
,,-,;.,,;,,,,,r , ,.,,i,',,,,,,., .
-,imd Intends - stryon.thAusine
-.;Ir 4""r11- ' n and of thel,b0
- :.,.., ,,...
other article twi
quired in , ilia co
;1-,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,
If BY 1C.
rHE Subscribet
ming his fricn v A El 1,1 RAG 1 Ilk 01 , I to ul II d'i
nds a
A he has opene
int,by the na atria
his former rea
iladelpiria,-whare , its varic
ast of J. 1. SceiC
'wants of his guests, 6-mapat all times
mive a liberal share of pu
end to ail is ork intrusted
Ile deems it unnecessary to spea k .
r in which his TABLE, BAR, ito., .,
elle gaiters himself it will' -
rnished, believing that those who may fa gis duralite, neat and faahionab
m with acid!, will need no further recom
andation to induce them to call again. It as i can be done in the country, as
ill . however say, that no effort shall be wit-e!
ig on his part, to accommodate travellers, and Picl g
intends at all times to keep tuSite
ood competent workman, and
niter their stay with him agreeable.
BOARDERS wili he taken Ivy the week or Mpreoavni Lido itoerc.eive the Fashious isam
onth, on the most reasonable terms. To accommodate hes friends. in'
New Philadelphia, Nov. '20, IMO. country, he will take tieerly ill kinc
country produce.: ,- :,'
Fare Reduced te' dNi;n13m.erianteelyDrtOt wie9ÌiranPPtrheri;liTcealil owl
business. lloye between the bge oi
ThIlitttb 2:tatts and 16, would be preferred. They n
ha of crnod character. as recommer
Yrug. Stores or -of , .Pr' inting of every' der,--. , - , '
'4'41' I" Pills ted on the mootiretion'able 4 '-'
iiverstily al) couu , , ,,, . 4. ,,.. - . ; :-,
or Iran& ',4- t ' , 'I,' 1
, , : y,:'i,, ,
'ills bawd a cortifi. -1---77"!""-""""-"t-17 ----- ,. , ',,,..4
, ,, 41.-,, .
Yr D. In his own ad d J .o -- s -
1. ' ,,
every 12 monthw;
-. - ii, e ( v, ,
o of V,;00, to sett , . .. , ' ,- , , - - ,1,4'4, 6 ,."- , . - , , - 14 , ,
receive from Dr. , ,, . - - ' ... i, , ' - -; ..'" . r ,, ,',;,. , ' ' ' ' ',' ! .
flied travelling' as . - , , . , .,,.., :,..,, ,i , ',, , ,, 4 et. ,.:,,,
a power of atton , , : . :, . ,,,.... , ,IJ , - ,x.,. -.. ,, ,...,,, ,,, ,
the County of N. 1 , , '.F - . A-49, 9r, ,4 4 t : t ; ; -,t, , ,
irtificato is not Let 1 '
,,---1.-z. - '- . f ,.... ''''', , ' '': 4 4" ' ' , 4
,raphic. It isEn , ' , :,-,,-.,-, t..i . '44t tt,,,..',4 ti
o being no paten. - ' ' 4,.., , .. . i
months from date , .,' .' , - ,,.--' . - ' - ': , ,t' i-
' -- i ' V 1
Pitliktamaki sot --.--; -- ' - - . ,'1, , ,.: ' '-i'-,. l'----! ;41 ... r',' ..'
certifie 1 agn .. , ' "..: , - , ', 1 ' ', , - i. t . t.','t '
, ) . , 't ,-- ., " t 1, .,', 4
terfoit ve , ' . -.-,.- , :.-- st, t',v, ,,,, , "' ,
islaid ..,a, -, - , I, ,, i.
liree ;, ,,i.,...,.0. ,-- , ',,' i AIL ', '' .., , "' I 1 , ' i ',' .
, : - t:1,1 t:-!,,:'.: l',.., t , A i . -. ' )
Y . .4 , ...,..--2,. ,,, , t,- e ,.(tfl : .' ' ';','
''. WilLSIIIR ft d-,... ';-,,. ti , ',, - , i
arewan lulu varroit
John P. Chapin, New
' 41'7;4 LINE
4 it '1,67p,-,
-' 01'414211;
;11 . I snit iniuttilhillni in

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