OCR Interpretation

The Ohio Democrat. [volume] (Canal Dover, Ohio) 1840-1900, March 07, 1844, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028889/1844-03-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Jwtt Buva L V ) Ju Chancery;. Conn of Cocnnna Pitas, 1
Julin tVown, c i
'. ' ptinaaiie of on i fer f the Cohh of Common Rbu of
- lu enunty of Tutcawwa. and it of et iitr
Iff Jcim trt term, IBaft Jeh -Brewn, ftabtrt Irruw, uhn
' J UyliV arul Ctii.ni ! wife. Sum Biowo, HughJMcCaf
1 tiny and iar'ti hi wlfu. AlejUndor hrurn, Baroual Thomaa.
T"" and lt wU, are hereby notineJ- that on in fib toy
!T,V A:: .4 A. 0. 1343. Junes Drown, of III county of Tus
ra', and aisle f Qiiio. fi,w in aaid CourtaVUi'laChan
' r'y. f ;ita.l IU HlJ defendants, lb otect aad 'prayer of
trhlJt UH wniat cm Wlllbuii Brown, late or the county nnd
Bint afuretuM by lit lost will md teitanient,' wilted or intended
u wis. to mil Jaus Drawn, the following land thn owned
by lb tnld WMlam Bmwi, who Is now deceased; situsi. lo
the toniity of Tnstarawas end Bute aforesaid, end described
foilowe, via; The eoatk west quarter of tlie .north wett qr.
"" oT trction 19'nnshlp6,"rangi; containing 40 ecree, eleo
' tli 9. W. quarter eT Hie N. . quarter of Melon S3, towthlp
6, rang 1, OBUmlng AOaer, alia the S..W. quarter ofthe
' S. W. quart of eeetlon IS, township (, tai'f 1, containing
and 15-100 aerre, alao loo N. halfof the 8. E. quarter of
ewtloo 18, uwasnipS, rani 'eonttlnlnf 76 end 76-109
" ucree; tbat (lie aald William brown employed one VVIIIinm
1 Boyd t draft hi laid will, end that laid Boyd In describing
" tout tat of bind, deacrltaLtheia by tb wamber of til' eertirli
" "cnta, wirteh 'tli said Willi,) Brown held a ttra evidence of j
'liks Ihit to (aid bind, Instead V describing the santt by th.j
BVmwr vi lav MM. rnyor rvi ivrucvrv, imi.tvct., ihu ,n wiu
''' dtfondniit Wh r !(' of said dee'd. to compelled to convey
' alt their several liMtett ia aald bind to complainant, and tbat
,PJ"(k nti in $ u (aid lead nay be fully vented In complainant,
w: according to th will and latentlon of Mid William Brown, and
' ' Ih tnld delendaBt are furUier notifled, that unleM they !par
nad plead, anewtror demur. to the raid bill within iity rhiya
' ' ' alter tint next terni of ea'.d court, the nid Jam Brown at Ure
' ' aaxt term after the eiplratloc of aald ality daye, will apply to
0 nid Court a take' the oulter of the Bill a confeaaed aud to
decree thbreca aeoonUMly.
' t ' OBMHWS OAMP. ;
K''A f- " gol'etorCompa-.
Micaber KTlh, A. D. HA. - SO 9m
phaotio: op igEPicraa
j. PTAVINO permanently located In New Philadelphia,
n, pclfully tender hi nroffeaional eenrlce lo the public,
'and hope by a faithful discharge of hie duty to"lhoiewho
. anay eolidt hi aid, to receive a (hare or public patronage
. , Hi remeilie an chiefly of a VEQETABEB CHABAO
VER, eomblalng ajlldnemand eSlcacy, and when ekilfully ad
iulablereil, are well adapted to arreet and eradicate diaeai i-i
't "faring a tlioroujh knowledge of the -k.
Urencoplan Pnuttoe,
' Jadglng dbnM by the urine) peraon wtehlag.. T9W aral
llirnieelvea of thhi advantage: '
' " CASH will be txpecied In all etiee, kzeept fer riding.
"' Otf c In th new bvMtUef set rot foraierly occupied by I. W'
'" tweoa, o th corner of Higb and llxtb atreeia,
aVMmbar 6, 1843, ly.
i &titdC eur Constitution!, andtompttmt UtU mrt
l -- -y.'.:r of aiy curtbU distasi wlli Ufovnd im :
r$J the North Jlmtriea't ; College of Health.
, TBBBa Ibtraordraary nut are (umposod of plant which
v. grow spontaneously on our aoil; and are therefore better a-
dapted to our constitutions, than Medicine concocted from
h foreign drugs, howeret well they aiay b compounded: and
If Wkiobt lni Vioktabi, rtLU ara founded pn tn
ftlprlpie that ih human bo4y la lat-ntli.
. Sutgul f int. one Disaut, :
VuLrfonont hamors, and that said medicines care thfs dl
oa natural prjnciplee by cknnsinf and purifying th
erly,' it will be manifeil, that if th constitution U not en
Uely exliamied a nerMrerance In their use according to
' djreclloiv Is absolutely certaiu to drive away . dlieae of eT
vy" narn from the body. ,'.
When Ws wish to restore a Swamp or Herat to fertility
' fee drain it of the aupeVabundant water, .la Ilk manner If
we with to restore th body t health, w muusl eleaae It of
C ' '. . , . .
. : ".. . WrifkCi hdim VegeUdU Tilb. .
rill b found owe of the best. If net the sery boat ledltla
the world Cor carrying out th .,,... ( . , . . i , . f
i Gmnri Purifying prineip't. . , , ,,-,?
koMtuo.thay eipej from tlie body all merbld hnmera, the
aaaseef dltaa. In aa.enty and natural manuer, and while
p they ererr day gl eat and pleasure, diseas of aywx name
d raaidlT driven fsoavlbe bodr. .
r- Th above aimed . hils, hare been threa yean before
the A nwrleeo public, and we enn now mr without fear of con
tradiction, lliat of all tlie various Medicine which bav here
tofore beea. popular; not one hat given tuch universal talis
fectioj, or , obtained auch a perminent hold upon the aflca
. lo of th people. . Not only do all who UM Jt invariably
aperient relief, and. recomuiend. U in the strongest terms, but
H ha AtdtM of the Mt aMoi(Ubag ease ever ptr form
t d br mcimlne. .. , .. , . --
"" Fiotk Ma Do Hon Dailu Tints." '"".
"'', wttnHTa inihav vcnp.TaRi.a: orf f.fl' -
' .Wall tlie Alfbli advised tnadiclnea rlf th Air. n knew of
that we can mot tafelr recommend for Hi iln that fleth
) . 5.
i htir to than th n(Hi-tht an sold at the depot of th North
Imerka. College of. Health, a J9gTramoallret, Boston.
Tieveral instance w know of where they art aied in mmUie
, ayit tlib blgheit satisfaction; and no longer ag otban TesterdaT
. ar heard an eminent phsncian recommend them in hlch term
tfkar used le-be- a groat repoj nance to Vn nan, of QUACK
medicine atueT are ail ludlacrimlnalelr termed, but t was
, aoalolr rfMnj to th regular M, D.'t connlnntly denouncing
' Item. " Th r however -becoming mora liberal In this re
cat, aoi)th eorwrquence that good Vegetable me die ie a are
M mor eitensltwli. used them ftraisrlr. ii '
j - I'atrBM of a leUer from Washington CifJ.
Jr. Win. Watomx Dear Sir Yoo will have the klndnw
rej forward m as eooaatoib'l, two er three arose el the
' BdianVeattabl pill. The sales have forth km two month-
1 Bcreaied rapldltrt those who bur, geaerallr remarking "that
' Mr are tha beet piMa-rheT baya ever used " and mi opinion
, that Utejr will la a abort time supercede all ether In thia-
, , ,i . ... ,, Washington eilt, D. C. .
'' ' leiavlat rit'fl. Saturday Evening Foil. "
IPrlght'i Indian Vegetable Plrb ara attaining great celebrity
4k Haw England aa well a other parts-ot ah I'nlted StaUas.
iTk attempt of person to defraud- the- paMie by' Mi tato-of
. arloea anWIet, meetswilb general reprobation Mr. Wright
a-mlodo(irilgabl btulp msa, and show sn array of cure
ay lhmhci which warrant coaQdtnce la th virtu of his
amdUa Vegetable PUIa. ... -r ,
. - - AGENTS., . . '
CHAIiri A R0By,.New f hiladelphia, Toetarrw.
sjt eounty, Ohth . . ;
A. D. Thayer A Co.. Bolivar, do do , ,
' F. P. Lafler, SandJ-ville, di da "'; '' '
Chrtttian Weebel, Zoar, do Ho .
Sitter, BlingluffoV Sterling, Canal Jfcrver, da 4
Thomat Sargent, 8haneville, do do ' ' " '
. " ' Beret dt Bowman, Cnahoclon, Co.hoclon toanlV. O.
ll AiRenfield tVCe, Keene, dodo' '.
Waaioel Humnrkhouie A Co.; Iiwitville, do de '
1intfl Kilgnra.4. Co., Cadiz, llartiion eo., O:
Atkmaon A lltlbeif, Harrisonrille, do do
'i-.'vlMtvlttp JI843ii ,i. ai 'r. ;'v ;.t-.' '.".'- . ;
v,-. '-,v STORE,:'.:";:
la tV,)iEW. BRICK BUILDING opposite B. Miller'.
.. ,ru :;i 1, Jnflnory. on riclor Stteet.;' .'
; anUNGLUFF BOWER A. Co., have jutt received
M l,lr tprioe supply of Boots add Shoe, and would
-respeetfully. aolioit Uie - attention of all ready paying
: oeatouier 10 inetisMocK 01 . '
'tatw arrlvlag. and which eontaia. a varied and dedrablt a
ortuiut rCenttcmaflTHuidLadist; aoyt and children V booU
t ' -and Show or all kind ';' - ;; '
: i ' rjrpEK AKD SOI.B LEATHEI. '"
' JroK), Lining skint, Shoe msktr finding of all kinds,
' ' jSbe peg by the ouirl and bathef, Last, Bool Tr and
, Usee imps, and at price that cannot but he pleatlag to. pus
' 4atrt, Ho pain or eiertiont will h tnaiyd to iak the
asuumshaxal right lu ill retpecu, w tliat son can Vlo u.
. fjaii and tatltry yourtelvts. ' - ,
.' aMlpvr May II, 1843. .1 ' ay - '
. n . ,i. i; ,.,. Mi r -
'jMoraiw, Forwarding; . tMmmittion BntttMio,
... Vrt mtm a ai,' Sga ct aim' actsaa "I
'' ": ,,.:. fiteAMl awtaw,: . . "-"T
i!axal poriR,xJle. ." .h,
Tlie Riireof li,iiin"TircTwoeonrrr, i. 1 'In the Cam of
.(eaktinin 8wrletid Artai'r Vjf lV ottater Cooimo- fiten
of Bomuel Bhitll' i.i-.e. ci " n'. l Oauacaav, .
rUomaa Knwoieo ana NaiiT "! wife aad) i 1. u. : J . -utliere.-
. . ..,' ' ,,o, . .1. -j -..:
'OiloMAS Sinwnton aftd Xancy bk wife, flnhn Ue-nlnrer,
Cforge' llcnilngnt.. Havid t Meligar, John, rtsgr.
David Burnet.1 Uhnrle. Wnlt-nnn, David Barns, Samuel
Rnmlg, ' Martin Kcler.'john If. Allen and "john Riley,
are hereby aitlfled that on the . 2oth day of Beptemher A . D
1843, the complainant filed hi' bill of eoarllnt Ih Ih' aald
court on th chancery aide thereof setting ferUt that 114' aniil
Naaey was tbe widow of Samuuel Shall deeeawdi that antt)
Shull a aboil liM before bat death told en" a qtinatlly of. per
tonal property amounting to 140 dollar oa a credit offl oiouiht
that about two weeks afier the death, of talil Slmll Ui( said
Nancy, tlx his widow mad sal of the remaining pemnnl
property belonging to the estate of th said Bauiucl bliull,
aaiounting to 115 dollars, lhatsilj Nancy received payment
for th whole of both of ; enld sale, eicepiing a few dol
lar, but that th whole came into her keeping and control, and
that tlx whole wae well tecored: that ohe loaned to the eald
John Hemlnpr 48 doll' of said proceeds; that with part of
eald atoney tl look up a ho: 25 dollar lgnd by John and
Oeorga Hemiuger originally die to Henry Clin for a waggon
and retalnd said nolo a Iter Indemnity for aM 25 dollars;
that about September 184J, laid Nancy Intermarried with the
aid Thomaa flimooton, and that Immediately after nid mar.
I lass eaid Biuionton, took poeeeatloa of all eald proceeds of
tale ta well caah a aotes. and 01 all property Belonging to
the etinte of said Shull, that aotee were were left with eaid
John Riley to collect aa agent of said Blmontoa; that eaid 81
nionton and wife reside wmewhere In th State of Indian;
that aald Nancy abortly before Iter Intermarriage with said
Bimonton recoverM Judgment la her own km on elahne
arising out of eaid en let before Bamael Bomlg Etq. a Jetties
of th Peac of said county, via. against said aald David Mett
gar to John Meiignr for f 13.31 and also for 10,19 and after
trer InMrmarriage ae aforesaid burin her own neme of Nancy
Shull, againtl mid David Burnet and Charlr Whitman, for
$6 Zi, all of which are unpaid, and should be paid to com
plainant a adminlttralOr. Tnot Samuel Romlgtta in his hands
a agant of said Nancy, employed befo her intermarriage
aforeaald, tile following described note viz: one against said
David Burnet and said Samuel Komig for (13,63 one against
Martin Keller and John H. Allen tot $12.(4, all being of the
proceeds of said tales: that neither aald Simontorr nor the said
Nancy have ever accounted jo complainant for any part of said
sal, but have carried away the same to the amount of 250
dollars; to that nid Riley andtafd Komig have severally In
their bands a large amount of note and money the proceeds of
said tales, which theuM be aceomrte for and paid arid deliv
ered to complainant but tint tuch payment and delivery I
prevented by laid Blmonton and Nancy hi wife. " The bHI
pray that defendant each do account for all Of sahi note;
money In their respective hand and for all property of tnld
eatate: and that they be each required and compelled to pay
over to complainant all turn of money due from either of
them to said Simonton or aald Nancy, and tnjokwd from pay
ing tlie tame or any part thereof lo mid Simonton or hit wile',
and auch othei relief fc.
Tb above named defendant art notified that nnlesafhcy
hall vrally appear within sixty day next after tlie rising
of nid court at Ih next term thereof, and plead antwer or
demar thereto, the same will ae to them ha taken and held a
traa and cenfewtd, and a decree rendered accordingly. .
Compl'l So).
Kov.il, 1143. . U6w
HaiD m LittsaToK, Kiktocit,
Between Bar. ALEXANDER. CAMPBELL, of Beth
any, V., and Rtv. N. L. RICEj of Pari, Kj. ,
: ' On At following propositions, tit: .
1st. The immertion in water of a proper luhjact, into
the name of ihe father, ihe Son, and the Holy SpirK,
is the one only enoilolie or Chliman Baptiin. - Mr.
Campbell ejjirmi Mr. Rice de7tt'ei.
;d, Ihe infant of a believing parent it tertptwal
subject ofbaptitm.'' Mr.,Ric oju-mf Mr. Campbell
tfentet. '
3d. Chritiian Baplitm it for the remiition trpatttint,
nr. Campbell aJJrmt Mr. nice tfentet.
4th. hapliim it lo adminiitered only by a bithop or
dained presbyter. Mr. Rice ofRrtns -Mr. Campbell
Sth. fn conrenion and lanctificaiion, the tpirit of
God operalei or. persnnt only through the word of truth
-Mr. Canrpberl enlrm Mr. Rice dentet. '
6th. Ilurtitm ereedt, at bondt of union tnd commu
nion, are necessarily heretical andi efhiamaticil. Mr,
Campbell affirms Mr. Rice denies.
? Reported by competent Sienographert, and to be ap
proved and atiiheniicaied by the debalanlt. ' Published
in one 8v6 volume, eonlaining from seven to eight hut'
drtd pages, neatly executed on good paper, and well
bound to cloth or muelin. The above work will be
publithed a early a practicable, at TWO DOLLARS
per copy. Aa the publisher hive parchesed the copy
right, Ihe work aao be procured only thtongh ihii chan
nel, 'I;'''
We cheerfully resommend the above vroilri
H. Cut,
J. Spicd StfiTH, Moderator.
Gio. RoBKBTtoa, -
We (ministers of the tame Church with Mr. Camp
bell J cheerfully recommend ihe work:
James Fialiback, i Jame Shannon, John Smith, A.
Rainet, L. L. Piukerton, J. T. Johnson; B. P. Hall,
Wnj. Mot ton, B. S. Dutnetf A. Kendrick. J. E, Shtp-
;,i'! I': !. it.!; .;'.',; :'j,
; ( , .r .. ,. . 't .
We ( ministers of the tame Charch with Mr. Rice,)
oh'er fully recommend the above work. -- ..
' Jat. K. Burch, Jacob F. F. Price, Jno H. Brown. N.
il Hsll, J. D. Alatihewa, jno. F. Coon, J. G..Sim
rail, X J. Bullock.. J. Montgomery, Wm. D. Jonet,
R, C. Grundy, D. Joi W, Y, Allen, John WatiL
We (iMinistera-of ille Methodist Epit. Church, Jeltoer-
lully recommend the above work. i ..i:"'
II. B Bstcom. B. H. McCown, W. H. Andtrton.
J. L. Kemp, Thot: Lynch.
KTMr. JOHN PEPPERS the agent for Tutcsrnwas
and Carrol'Cotinties, will be before the jroblie between
thia and1 next March fur th purpose of receiving tub
tcriptiont to the ahovw work ' ."'.,......:
The Bbokt wUI brrecerved by tha agents about Ine
last of March and distributed at toon thereafter at pot
ttble. . " '
The nttt available amount resulting from' life eriblU
rnlinn of thit work fltall be equally divided bttwee
two tBMrican mule tjocieiiet.
' STE'der Bosworlh, of Campoell't order, will com
aience preaching in thia place, on Friday Febrtnry 2nd
Jan 18, 1844.
Snuff and Cigar -
All kindt of Cifars, Snuff, and Toiacto for
Wholesale and Retail, at -
Shop removed to the building lately occupied at
Pott Office, next door to Havden Av Weltv' itnre.
. i ... ,,v. -v-. .r. JOHN BEX.
tTtHARLES WILSON. HATTER, teeon d t. Cana
Dover, would inform the citizen nf Tusrarowat
County, that he still continues to carry on the Hatting
buainett; in ail ita variout branches. Hit workman
ship thall be of the fint quality, hoping thereby lo re-
corvo a uuerai inure qi patronage. - - .
N. B. All ki ids of country produce, taken in ex
clwnfte for work , ereatthtfidinj dttt.
Feb. 1, i8; ; ' "
GEORGE It. DOLL, a) Co., respectfully Inform Ih ptrble
that Ibey have-opened a shop In the lorf building, oppose
in- snmn now in Ktw 1'JII (.AVELfrllA, rot tht . pu
pot of nmnafacturlng " ' . t :" -
irhkh ihty will sell for CASfl, ovoteliang for Country ' pro
duct, aa low at any other establishment- west'f the Ohio
River. . ., . . .. , , ,,,
JOB WORK donelntk-bestaianaroii tke-t)iorleet no
iee and roott faittotahle terms. , '. '
f-Otn PswTta t) Corn Kkea In ' ctckaagt tor work.
tw Phila. Warckti, 1C43,
rtoa.T PA-.8 tVC ajcsioj-gij Ji,f CBNTfcV:
, The (4td.y iMasiottl library amy now U em-j
Imlimlly called the .CIiepeat;Musieal Pnbih-atlon hi the-,
World. For th aslonithlrg law price of ONE DOLLAR 0
i HALF per annum, or J( cents f tingle nuni'ier, I'.ie ptbiic '
will b supplied with all the lattst ad most popular MUSIC ! v
Tlie support which this vslonble-periodical tint alrenrly re-",
reived,' elearty rov tli n1h estlmailon lo which It ft held, "
nd M order totwnr lheontlnFdftitiniig ef Ihe motlcal '
World, the .-iMMIth tat tea -Mto ar.fnwmt. whereby,
he will tec.lv. a aelaciMi Ih btamf Uxu toaaraa .
FoMtoaTioa, atbt h (nu.ly.nart will. oali,vaoii
orijilnal cpqiaoeltion of lit aett unlive aad.fwebjn' Utyot,
aceotnpaniail.hy nLc-rstt atrttc.qt iuitiipianiaierii , '. .
' Aildrd to tlict etlvantaaos the ptier and. atylo of getmg t
tip .tta library, Will, not te wrnatMd, If equalladi by any1
theVbhlicitiont1 that aretl'ree time jt pries: tVbil th mu
tic will he to disposed as to render each slitet perfect In Itself,
and form valnnbhj VaMectiod of PIANO KOKTB MUSIC.
Son, Dnttw, ae.y with to marry aaVaiUge,'eoalihiliig ele
gante With unparalleled cba pne-affbrdin ferllitl f adap-'
latloa lo tha various waota of tb Mntleal World, aalap
ptaring in a form peculiarly mited to th preseut Istt for
catar Paaiantcaa, th Library recommends Ittelf to all per
sons who wih a great amount of aoiuttmtiU for uuooai
mon small outlay. '. , , , ; , . ,,' , "r
' ' ' - TERMS.
On eopy 1 year, l.S0 Ten cophe, , (,, 10.00
Pourcopins, . .'' 6.00 Twenty-tw Opkjt, JQflQ
In pr fundi, fraaef pitge, addressed to ,' ; y
:'. . . ,'' , t. . ' J5DW- TBI RETT,. Publither.'l
' ."J v ; ; 72 South Tblid (irMt, I'hilad'a.
," t)Th anal allowanc to Pottmaitera. and the Profession
will reeeiva ear discount that I obtained at th miui
(torati -" ' ' " .,;
!...-' : ' LCBBINO, '" 1 "' v'
f eopy' atu'tltaV Library, on year,1 1 " l-Z i li
i .. vi. ii- w..i.. .. I 1 Pf funosoat paa,
1 " ; Musical library
ant utiles mag. . (.dollar . v OS mi
-, Ldy'a Book
. Mutlcal library
f . " i
HagaxlniA dolt
aaine, ' , ' '
Mis Leslie's Magailne.V (dollar 4
Graham' Mgaaine, ' ,
, nuticai j.iurary
Lady't Book,
Graham's Mngazra,
I."' lOdellar .' it m
I -'- . . ' . -,
Mitt Iilles Magliiae,
- Saturday Courier,
" jauaicni jiornry i
ldy'- wot;' r
vruiiam a magazine, t
Mis Lesli Magaaim,
9ikUar de
Saturday Courier. , . i -
Batarday Fott .'
' .
t&nvr DiscovnitT ;
Dr. Gedf&i ftliiV FaMlv foewril Pills.
bR. rElti; St Tonnwn',' WeslmMet'and eounty, Pa.,
would motf resbeclfully inform th public that be hat
made one of the most Important discoveries In medicine evef
known, and which will be regarded 1 treafler aa forming an
epoch in the ait of healing. . .
In blllout disorder, th effect of dh above nawefl' 111 1
wonderful. ' It remove the vitiated add acrid oAt, promote
a healthy secretion of tbe liver, and toon restores that all
Important vitdct to- a mtnral ccwartlsn a wholesnrs it
tlvity. In complaint of the atomach. It It particularly valua
ble. It eleame it of all morbid and pernlciou matter, In
creases the appetite, and through the stomach, give tone and
vigor to tha whole syatem. H act effectually la disease of
the Liver aad Gall vessels, rousing the Liver to a healthy'
action, violent? cdldt il will remove like a charm. Likewise'
aearlel fever and Dysentery, will yield tc one or two doses'. '
The Diabetes, and all other diseaactof the urinary organs
will be cottd' by the are of this medicln without ny not
ion effecni. Irfth dlteasei f children (hey wl be highly
beneficial, etpecHrttV daring th time they are getting teeth,
at which time infant tuner most.
In tha' use of this medicine, no attention need be paid to
diet, nor should there be any dread of exposure to Ihe waa
ther ' '. - i i v.J,'
duct. Number of gentlemen of respectability end talena
have used these ptthr, and-all unite in rendering praise to till
safe, powerful and" wonderful calholicon. - . i
The following certificate of an tmlnent physician, and now
a preacher of the flospel; will show the excellency of their
efficacy oa tbe system, particularly in bilious diseases: '
Mieits" Miu.s, Greene Co ,Pa.) .
" "'. - ' ' February 6tb, 1843.
Da. C. Fiuf, Sir .Bafl'di; obtained a few boxes of your
Family Aperient Pills, and having1 been in the regular prac
tice of Medicine for 10 years though now engaged" oa an
Itinerant Minister of the Methodist P. Church thereby cer-
tlly that in bilious disease they are deeldedly tbe best Pill I ;
have ever used; they have been partially successful in Dysen
tery, and in Dyspepsia very beneficial.. You are at liberty to
make any as of this certificate you may think proper. .
yours with respect,
SyTlna Pills are prepared only by DB ; CEO, FELIX, at
Yourlfltown, Westmoreland County, Pa with direction! for
their UM. trrSaa IUhdbills with each Aosht. . .. ;
AaEVTS. T. Collier, Bolivar; G. W. Speaker, Sandy-
vllle; Chapln 4; Boby. New Philadelphia, Wm. Boyd, West
ehetler, Keller If Ilildt Canal Dover, a Thot. Sargent Shone
vflle, Tnacaravratteunty; alto H. Boby, Lecsburg, Cariol Co.,
Ohio.- , v
The cheapest and best Medicine in the World
Only 12 1-2"ceot8 a Boi. '
rrxHESE celebrated Pillt .will hereafler be sold at 1
-ta . cenit s box, just one half wlial ihey bave nsually
been told at. and eacli box contain, a much.medtcine.
anr at good as Moffits or Btandretha 25 cent boxaw.-
Thia reduction ia made to correspond with the- present
lo"v pressure times, and bnngthe medlcmr within the
reach ofevery family At these pills haVe 'tebri told
for a nutrrher of yews in the' Western Slates they heed
nothing said in the form of an advertisement to recom
mend them at there are living wilmtset nearly every
where to teslfiy that they are the bitt family Medicine,
now before Ine public .We aay to all who-arn not well
buy these pillt for they are safe under all oireumtlaneet
and eondinons ofllfe, aslthav never debilitate or weaken
but strengthen th .whole tytlem. Fbr sale In New
Philadelphia by . . . -, , CHAPIN & ROBY,
. Alto in all the principal town throughout ih .
' Notice.
John G. Sherod tnd J Parker 9: lTaycock, HannaK Ann
Larkin llayoock Haycock, Lemuel f. Haycock,
Administrators of J ' Thnmpton, and Jane
Benjamin Haycock f Thompion his wife, late Widow
deceased" r. y-of Bepjamttr'HaycecK dteeatex),
rarker o.inaycocs
etalt. I ' ' " ,
You will tike-Bolic that wo have filed our petition
: ,t.. .m... r,t.. ri..L -r .u. r r..
Pleaa of Tuacarawaa County Stale of Ohio 1 whiuh'pt
titionyou are made pariier rWetrtfattt. 'TKer petition
ten forth (hat Benjamin Haycock, in his lifetime to will
on the 29111 day ol Jan. A. U. XBJd, entered into a writ
len contract with Levi Jenkint. bv which he told raid
Jenkins a part of the N. Eatt quarter of section twenty,
one, inffownthip fifteen of rtnge seven, containing 16
acretand 04-iuu oi an sere, Wat the said jenkinioy vir
tue of said agreement entered into possession of nid pro
party, and ha fully complied on hit parr, with' all th
ttipulationt in laid contract &c The prayer of the pet.
t'ttion it that the Court at itt next term may order the
fietiiioneri to make a deed to taid Levi Jenkint, lor the
and in Ihe petition described in ihe tame manner that
Ih taid Benjamin Haji o-k.J would have beenjbeen
aounu to ao in ms mot mr as..
1 , . , E. R. F.CKLF.r
,J V :'';' '. . I Attorney fur Petitioner.
Jamiaiy I 1844. w. ' - m
lacl:n i tiling .
o THE subtcriber wouldteepeetfuliy inform the' citizen
l lora Jownimp ano vicinity -thai he net commenced
he above butinett in all itt varioua branch. Wagons.
Buggies, and vehicle! of all detcriplioni ironed on the
hoiiett police, and most reasonable terms. , rfge Tooltj
ol all kioils maele in life most , tubstantisl manner and
warrsmrd" good-rincluding cooper adaet, drawing
anives, uroan xei.-vc, r - - .
BTShop at France Garnet's on Stone Creek Road &
milttfroM New Philadelphia,, i .., t?:i -;
lU'i t jr o lt NgJE- y M tla fr;
-i Aad Master commissioner in thancery,
''Office in UieBrlik Kntlittut no the south west corner dfifie
, Publanqaar Ai Philadelphia Ohio- n ' t
.. ,.,Tfi RW W 01 .1 -OR A I O fiRANT.i $
.UorBey: ..ConnaelloM, 4 ..M
I a i i.,.,, pl;.if. .
Jci ft ft pVibllC tataJIngK Atert Nortn of the four t
Boo.a Llri entrasud to tllr ear. will rewlvo Mr
.,i-h .
v l i n i.- , .... - .
rKOmi altenudn. , 1 1., .
(iaitwat Ga, Canton, Ohio. '
Jiana Caaia, Junf. Kew-rhllV,Ohla.'v
l, , M 1 LI AM MtjCL E AX, . -.' t
470RXEf;yD eotifiisELLVR;
.: T'v " ' AT'L A W, ... i,iv '..,'
n nt A t. nnvcR. OHIO.
Ovrtot, ihtb.
boildiso romari.y occoriaB it '&) ii
,'lCii.t.aa''' " ' ' '"' '
, JOHN D, CUMMINS, ... i
AiftfrimYJCi cortfeEixoit);
A l Ij AW,
ad slloitr is c&ano ry, T.:
. V, 'nbl ir Dril Ttibta IA lli fV Bl
Boilbiso fronting the pubUe nqtiare, near the courthoaK' Hi
Immediately east of Mr. Bower's hotel. All business eniru.teJ
1 r. .. I .
is m enre. In Tuscarawas, 1
nounw, vuniiucuni, imrraiuu .
Carroll, or Wayna county, will be promptly attended toy
iew rhll'a. July S 184Z.
' Attorneys and counsellors at Law '
'-1 " - and "
All battue entrusted lo their care will meet with prompt
. vrricB IS th public BttLDmos? tfie oii loctvptti ly
the tounty treasurer. - v- ' .
; ATT Oil NET AT LAW,' ?:
. and Master Commissioner in chancery, -V
Oite in Me neto building fronting tht Court House, '
on tlte .Public square, ; , -, ,
New Philadelphia, Tuscarawa couuty, Ohio? -I
. - . BOLIVAR, , .
.! ,: ; s ' Tdscarawai Co.,' Ohio;
Office with Dr. A.
April 26, 1843.
I, Bennett. -r. . .-i. .
-. - . ' V 151y.
L t'DAVfS, V
Will promptly attend lo all Law business entrusted to
hit care. IBTOffice in Newcumeratown, Tutcaraw
aa County, Ohio. - .-.).-
JuA'olB, 1843. ly .
' GRAHAM, A; CLOUSB, ! ' ; 5
ET0VL0 reapectfully inform their friends and the
" public generally, that they have commenced the
above buiineea ih all itt branches, on Factory Street, a
lewaoort north ol Weltv v. Harden s tlore,, .
. . tCA&AL DOVER, OHIO, i .
where thev are nrenared to make to order all kind A
.Cabinet Wabk ,of lh9 Best materials, and on the most
reasonauie terms., , , , v. - - ' -m -j,
They hope by tlr'tct' aitentiow lo business tb receive a
poriiun of the public patronaeet ,i '.-.i ' -"A,
N. B, They, will lake Lumber in exchange frFur-
ntture.'. :. . a!- j-f '- ' v i-- '
, Dover, J n. 12, 1843- 1-. 5tf. v
Tna Univihsal Gift Book ron 1844. ..
' BT ItOBKBT SliRS,, ,'
A Book for every man woman and' chirtt in the V. Slates;
- ... . (nam ii n n i m it n n
Whb a blgbly-Bnished portrait of its distinguished 'editor, '
i ; .-.- .v, " entraved on steel hy Dick. " '" ' ' '
stjaes' oxrzDE to imowXEDaiL
I tnlendidly lllutlroted ' work, . comprising tlie finest series
of embellishment every presented to the American public, lu
one handsome large octavo, of SOU pages, elegantly tound iq
gilt, and lettered iq tha most finished style of modern- Book-
making- ' ..... K
,. PRI EOSLT Slr0' "
Tills snlendid volume comprises, in itself, a complete
LEDGE Condensed In form, familiar in style copieii in in
formation, embracing an extensive range of subjects in ' '
The Eneravlncs (several liiihdred'tri'rtumbcr; art strictly
llluitratlve, being repretentattont of ectonl - -"wj
Scxhkbx, CorrtJBBt, Minsxaa Moucbkivts, bdbjects or
o , , .1 . , PJiTrBiL. HtaTOBV. Acdro. ? ,t t . r
All executed in the lale,t jtyle of apl. . It it a work of. uni
versal utility; and we have no.hes llallon In pronouncing il 111
most iplendid work, .for the, price. . ever produced in this or
my county. It has l een got out in a aiyie nenny , r.
A1' les tlion one-tenth their price, "considering the vast
nmocm af -reading, and .numerous embellishments, the origi
nal cost efwhlch loneexreed -r" J ' " '
h t. , Four Tnbusand Dollars.' ' ' '
Hy object haa been to produce a Book that shall meet the
wanhi nod wlshea of very large -and most respectable 'tint
of reader, whose opportunities of studying are are aa unfre-
qneitl alltr aapiratnrarn knowledge are ardent.
- .......... . ttOUKUT J!CirtHa. JStlllO n
. . i. 114 Fulton st, N.f.ejfy.
- The abov work will be pronounced, by every1 in
lollivent nerann. under whoae observation it mav cOme.
a one of the bstf and moat useful ever offered to ihe
people of A merica, both in ihe ejaualiiy and' number of
It eniDeiiisnmeni, ana m ine pore ciiorartor oi us cun
tent. ' It it the oheapett at well at ths best In pre
paring every article for ita pages, trie greatest caution
hat been used, lo admit nothing bnt of an , improving
and instructive character. ' Ihe cost ot our embellish
mentt mav be estimated when we state that out Fron
tispiece, alone, cost ONE HUNDRED BOLLARD,
bnt no exHiente thall Be Spared to keep our proud posi
tlon "ai tlie head of (lie publicationa in the world,'! for
rail value and intrinsic excellence. , . .
The most elegant1 and useful Engravings of all tnrtt
lend iheir charm to ''Sean' tiui-Jeto KnownsrJge."
Everything in the way of novelty and utility it laid un
der contribution. Notlling that capital, and1 tatte oan
supply, it om'ttedrtnd we believe ihat our Agents and
friends, throughout the Union, have nothing to do but
ahow the work, to innune at once thousand to tub
scribe; for hero it a COMPLETE LIBRARY, and i
vear'a reading for any reflecting mind to digest.-
...The blao nf ths work ia new, and it deemed sgreal
and valuable improvement In ita pages, Ihniisandi of
interMHnp- topics; tuch - tlrattryt Biography, Am,
Sciences. 6eoeraihv. Manner anrfCmtorm of different
N'aliont, iSic &.C, are discussed, and beautifully jHus-,:
trated Willi spirited and well-executed tngravmgt.
Agenlt Wanted throughout the country- Addresi"
E. WALKER & Co. 1 1 4 Fulton it. N. Y. Cityi
(ETCIergymen, Superiniendenle of Sabbsth Schools,
Asen'a nf r.ewtnapert and periodicala, Pottmaslers and
Booktellera throughout the country, ire retpeelfiillyre--i
quested to sot at our Agents. ( life most liberal par
centaurs aUowed'to all who engage in Ibe tale of
gcajs' Popular pictorial Works'. " '
Tb Publishers' of Newspapers throughout the V. Slttes:
0-Newpaperor Magazines copying this advertise
ment, entire, well displayed, at above, without any
alteration or abdgmnnt, including' tint nnlicel ind
giving il twelve inside Insertions, thall receive a . copy
of ihia work, kubjectte thtir erder, by tending direct
t the publisher. ' :' i, -n-,,'-: v
ST No letter will be taken from tlw qfFfce, unless pott
paid, -t . ..' - ,;' j-," i-'r ,'-.-.'
JOB' WORK neatly and eipeditiouiljexeruteiat th
Offive t tkeVOuio BemccrttL'. '' . ' ' T' " '
(''TAataA,' rrita;.'-' R,tiinea otidUUtrary 6.f
Fit fniRtti Wi Ct.taitrw, Edi'or.
During' tlie -short time itlut rlie"-fjlrfy' ll'rtath lias
bean befoio the puWioy. itiis aergolred -lira anvialile re
putniao of beinr ilia Wl DolUir Lady't, Ptritilittl in
lie I'. S:'et, . No Magaxine lias been more gonerally
ttfught afler, and Wo;a unirersally admired die past
year, than thvLaday Vreailfr tt spknciid Steel En
gravin,' beautifully oloti) Flotvc, lithrnry merit,
and neatmechanic.il exeptitiun,' havainade tl thn kdnnra
linn of all.-- The clteaimess and merit i a 0ollai Porta
odical mutt be apparent,--wfiioli itsuot,
and has more and better brtgina) contributor than cpCrtJ.
but short time tinte be olaimqd by the beat
Contribution have appealed ,iu. the Wreglli lho plit
year from auch Writer a -. . y'.. - .
II T Tuekerman. H S Patieraon M LV Tref. J H..
Ingrahim, Keynell Ceatea M D. 9 II Bttckelt, Revi F,
A Clinton, T Hall Welby, Geo Plire, A W Ninsy, A F
Drinkwaler, Jack Gaakelt, J Wheeler F H Dufiee, M.
r , . I ' I ' t 'I. CI O..MI '
- vvanace, ueo. Liippnra, J I Q cunivan, , rraiiuiB
Wharton.Mn C Theresa Clark. Mrt M Si. LeifT Loud,'
Mrt Lvdit J Pieraon, Mitt Mary 'llonatd. Maria F
VVaite.'Mary B Wilson Mi R. Newcnan, Thnma1
G Spear, Chat Hdmillna',. A J II Dugatine, I M L,Bab
coc"t, Edwin llerinl, G F. Everett,: A. A. Miller tf. O':
John U. Ciller, J. t). Vernon, Chut Beaumont.' .
Io addition to the above to the above we have secured!
the edilor'.al services of Rev C W Danft"rt Ion and
ravorabv kn . . .a44e of bur be.l raKr6d1balB'
( and amngementt have been tnadd fur contributions la-
the Vols, for 1844, from Mrt L If Sigourney, lrs C'
Orne. Mrt Jims E Lock Mrs E H Newhall J O Whit-'
teer Rev. J Pierpont, W H Burleigh Eaff. Rev,1 E. IV
Magoon.1- Betides arliclos frbm thete well known wri
ters, anorjymoot eotitrbut!qne of tuperior merit appear
in each number, making the contend of the VVretth'
equal' if hot tuperior tb any periodical in Hie country,
lo addition to our. S'ecl engravings monthly? which;'
are given in no Dollar Lady't Magazine but the Wreath'
we thall continue our i t . ...
' ' . Beautifully colored .Flowera.'
ths niost popular teriea of embellishmenti ever istutd,"'
at) illustration -peculiarly apprnpriate for the Ladies', and!
widely sought ader by alT lovers ofthe beantiftil. .
Language of Flowers'.-rt the January humbor will ,
appear tha first of a tents' of articles on the Language bf
Flewera, which in Connexion with our Floral Engra
vings will furnish a complete-Flora's Lexicon, alone-'
worth a years aubitriptioQ.. !',.x,--i .-,',.. .V'.'
MUSIC, bt PCF'ijLA.n doijyoiit, will alto be pub
lished, affording loiubacribera in Ihe country the meana
of obtaining new music which tliey would otherwise be
deprived of., : ' " :' , 1 "
In addition to the nUde'; eery tlirng new arid dtlrae.
live in the literary world will be sought after to give in
tereat and novelty lo the pages of the Wreath, , . ,4 L ,
TERMS. One Dollar per eurmoA t'ntiartaty in advanc
To Cwbs, ' . . '.; ' 1
Three Copies one yetr t :' v ,r- k v 11 Bfr
Eight ' . V J '.fKi : : o'i -f'::'r a 600
Seventeen ., ,- '.'! r, - , I(M0,
To any one forwarding club of three we will tend
a popular novel. ' A club of eight two hovel. A club
of seventeen, three novels, gratia. v "' : ' - '1
'All remittances must he) made free of expense. '' '
., Address DREW A-S(;AMMEI.,PtMiW, ,
i: , , ?7-.Chetnulstreeti.PJ'iltdtlphiji.
The proprietor of the Wathingionian . Hoots 1
respectfully infurm hit friends and lbs public in sen
that he has opened the above house in the town i
for the aciuiininodalion nf traveller Stc upon pure toxt
water principles. - .No peine- will be spared to rendor
salislheiioii la all. who may favor .him with a call, artcth
hopes by strict attention o business lo make' Ibe WaeW
iugto'nian House worlhv ol'support. ' His jl'AULt wjfl
St all limes be'eupplieri Wlllvthe best the 'couhrry'asd
afTord and hit 8 i'ABLE-wiin plenty pf provsndergan
icatefiilly allandedj v.a d ? t-M! - H4
UbriricsvifieJ AVgust $, .,48i'.
ir Iji.-.l"f patMwtivo.
w -. 1X1 1 W Uf-M W
" .. . . .vti.,.r. nit,i,r,,-.i . i. .
RESPF.CTFUtLf . Informt hhj' friends end the public ttra
erallv. that lie hint opened a shoo In the East room of
U -fit
the Const HoUre,'fornirly pcenpled at an offloe by J. JndyJ
etq New Philadelphia, w W It Intend to carry OBthbii
iness in tli most npMd style. ,"''.;,-' ' , . ,
' COATS, VESTS; PANTAtoptfS, ' 1
and all other articles In tirs-llnS Of butlnes mad in Ihe meta
fashionable atyle.or in a plln and tulittantlal manner to tuH
the farmers or UiexounUynna ai ptket lauillUit hardneaa or
the time. , , , -,--..-. t -.-v ' - i"f ''"
CUTTING or all kinds done on tb shortest notice and ajoal
reasonable term j ti : '"" - '"-:
Tat Ltisi FasntoNs win be regularlj: receive front tbA
East. Country Produce will' betaken in pay mint 0f wort. ,,
May 86,1849.-. . ' 19 ly.
Secured by' Ulieri Patent of the' United State
'"., hi VrstU'l.'lJ'y SiLL'ifT- Jn? . I . '
Tat mtHor to"-.BipiatN i'tbb Badeitku Tm-t
'r:'W h'llfvi-. - - ).- -;
GAV'EAT entered 9th 'of June, 1842.T-Ptenl granted kg
Itehjaniirt Bmndrelh; 2Dfh January; 1843." 1 " ' ' " '"
iThe' extrnetibr which Brandrelh't Pill are eoupostrl ai t
obtained, by this patented process, wkhoif boiling or any ap .
plication offbeat. Tlie active principle of the horbt Is thaw-'
(cured the earn at It In the Living Vegerable!-'' ' "' ' '' '
.Tlie public'ahoflld'b'i iaiuti6u ofmedleinet.recommendid la'
advertlsemennrstolen from ine, hi wlilch theconteifiprihlerob
hert tteaesmy language, ratrely altsiing the nam. TlmawilT
tbow h (viiote sle deceivers. h telr true IkjhL . , , y
: ' jBrandreth's Pill ardthe Pedjfleil medicine, proved by'
lAoutands who dally vecowniendlbsm tb theaffllcled. -The'
BatsDarrn's Pillt are growing every day. more popular, their'
virtues are extending their usefulness. a he sick of both sxe'
are daily deriving benefit" from them - No eat bf disease but'
they cat b used with adfantagev 1. B ! dioror-hard Irrmpi of1
the skin they speed Hy curei so with erysipelas, to with cough'
and colds, to with costlvenes, so with cancsr, so witb bt
parched lips aitAtanttrllnithrmouth; Lei ths afflicted atstb
Burnetii;: antl they Will (Ind thev requlr no othe.rf f , -,
O"8old at 5 cent per box, with d Irec'lom
Th only Agent for the snle of Dr. B, Bfanrlrelh's V(rT
bleUniversal Pillt, In Tuscarswat county, arc Cbapin Btf
by , New' Philadelphia 4 and Philip P. 'Lafler,' cfandyvllle.
May 25, 1892. v' - .Tv v'f -"
' -; ' -:; ' : " '-- "-f :
JOSEPH W. NEIVBURO. would respeetfully Inform his ldf
''friends and th public In gentrat.lhat hccarrleton theabov
busineisln ill iu virioM braticheS oa" Factory Street, Souih1
fide, ' where he may t: alt times be found lo atuo'dt tar
all Work intrusted hm. He flatter himself It wibBdono jtuhi"
cable, neat and fattiiotiabfe at II rah he done In ihe country. H'
inteads at an timet to keep in' hit employ good competent work
men, aad his means to receive tR Fashions I amply . provhJtaV
r- V'--.-, - v . - '. . j. . - .
To accommodate bit friends In tht country , he-wl take btar:
ly all kind of country producer tR'r.f- '; - r .T-.'Ji' ti
. llnMU liw-slU IIAU ......
Stdn0 Cuttin
finllE subscriber respectfully Inform thtcltlnni of. fa
. t'aiW
- Dover, New Philadelphia, and the counly gtntrally
hat he has commenced tbe above hiitiiiesi In Canal -Dover
where be Intends carrying it on la all lit various brsneh. , ;
'''' v '-SJNUiaiJNTgJ-'c . v-t
--11BAl AND FOOT 8TONES,' m...
BUILDING STOKES; In short -ll deterlpi-.ef tWrei
work mtd to erder,"bf the best mittrlnVaBtMn tha Beaiett
oailMe style, Bhop on Fnelnry street, on door wl
SllnglarT and Bower's Shoe and Leather 'or-., - -'. .
t-v. t j.-jV' ? w ; ,r.5-,,.f
. ,,Wvtr, at. Jli 184r, a . , Jur
. V--i. i,. .MM-f('.;l0.t.V.lV.I ,...
l " -VvataWk: 1W svtttt) iw '.' --.'
' .

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