Newspaper Page Text
-; tV - -Ml --, A J-3---- n sir: i-i . . . .. ... . i. --m ti".. '-. ;.- ) 1 : ' V.... ;. NEW PHILADELPHIA, 0,v DECEMBER 4, 1863. VOLUME 24. I I'll a (VV V - X . .7 I 1 A AAA , 1 " .A ':" "T . . r-. AIL J I Vv . .I J li i 1.1 ,1 (Tl 11 can r-nii iaw-"i:a in ti a i.i . u . . u m h 1 1 . 4 I ! l! it in: ' i V it Vt r r r t I r ' V -i.v. .-' amn,! TowMMid,- Peter TawnMnd.Lfred H Hmox, David P Hemmtnier, Samuel SlulU. '.iewit' Scott, I . :i P '11 f. Isata Rrhompson, JaepoTGeorge Heppbinger, Jdebna 'F Hensel.1 Shawl Nichols VomI, Jeremiah I .." v ,. . .,r .pfi...-. -v- '-' - '!svra-'1 ...... r,.-rv "...,-. Notice. tbr thtpurpoie of Corrtcttng the Enroll' mtnt of Tutearawat County. 1 Th nitizent of Tucrw county will lake notice that the namei of per one whose names ere borne hereon, have been enrolled in the first class en' rollroent in the different Townships, as below. . . PersoPiwno maybe cognizant of ny other persons, between the agca of 20 and SS.orany unmkrried personbefween -the ages of 85 and 45. whose names do tot appear on this list, are requested to report the same to this office for enroll- .i w ii: A .T" rnent oy ne. enrolling Any person whose name appears on this list ruty appear balore the Board at the Headquarters at Bornesville, end . elsim to have his' name s ricken off the list, if he can show to the satisfaction ol the? Board that he is not, and will not be at the t'me fixed Tor next draft, liable to military dulv on account of 1st. Alienage. 1 2nd. Nnn -residence. ' , Srd, Unsnitableness of age. ' ' 4th. Manifest permanent physical disability. '. The Board of Enrollment request that those claiming exemption appear as follows t Fairfield Township, No-ember 30. 1863 Warren Township, December z Lawrence Mill Sandy' Warwick Clay , Goshen Oxtord Union . - Jefferson Washington Bneke ' York Rash Auburn Franklin Wayne Dover - Perry Sugar Creek do Salem oo do do do do do do ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 'do do do do do . do do do do 3. 5. 5, 8, . 8, 0, 8, 10, 10, II. 12, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18. 19. 19, And also, all aged or infirm parents wishing one of two, or more sons, ex. empted, are required to make the necessary proof of the merits of their eases before the 5th of Jantiarv next. b . david McCartney. Cpt. sad Fro. Mar. and President of Board of . Enrollment ism mat. oi umo . 5 V DAVID McCLENAHU. - (:-.. Snrnoa of ISA Dtatriet f Okie. . OLIVER KEYSER, '- Commlistooer of Mlh District of Ohio. Pcrioni In Tuscarawas County Subject to Draft Jan. 5, 1864. Eush TownsMp, Peter J Art, Robert Arnold, Nathaniel .- Baltzcll. Huston Barnes, Seth E. Ben. nelt, Clark D Conwell, John V Crom, Thomas Crom, Richard Crom, Robert Crabtree, Daniel Dowden, Thomas H Dowden, Isaiah Davis, Joshua Davis, jr Oliver Davis, Thomas J Edwards, James Edie, Josiah T Fronn, Christian .Forney, Oliver C. Grimes, Gordon Gil mor. Michael M Guthrie, William F Gibson, George T Gintber, James H Geary, William Green, jr. John Hulson John F Hinee, Peter Helter, Charles G Helter, John Harnow, jr. James Haver, Johnson Hitohcock.Williaru Houk. Beitj T Insley, John lnaley, Robert Inoley ' P 8 Jones, William Johnson, Henry Johnson, Robert W Johnson, John F Jones, tephn Johnson, Obadiah R Kennedy, Ahio Kennedy, Georite D Kuhn, David M Kiaer, Martin G Kiscr, William G Kirk, Andrew Laughlm, Joseph Laughlin, John Linsrd, Hiram Linard, Robert Linard, Martin L Lehr. John Y Lthsrd, 8imon Lambright, John , Milliken Thomas Milligen, George Porter, Isaac R Ripley, Henry R Ripley, ainet 8 Rankin, William A Rankin. Jonathan Ruiierr'Iouis Sanders, John Sanders, . Josiah : Banders, David Schooley, Noe Simmons, Jackson Sim - kins, Obediah Sherow, James Sprnulljr, Whiter Shivers, Andrew Talto, William Talta, jr Ephraim .Walters, Milton War. dell, Joseph H Wnrdell, John A War. dell, George ' Willisoh, Ziba Yarpall. ' V ' Perry Township. ; James P Aikin, John Baitin, Jonathan . Chandler, ' Isaac Chandler, Spencer Chandler, James Carruthers, Jacob II. Clantz, John A Clantz, John N Coun eelman; Albert '.Chandler, Andrew J ' Clantz, James B Dearth, John R Dearth, ' James R Dedrickt James M Donahey, . Nathaniel Dogen, Franeis : Dugen, Tbomas N Dunanver, Joseph Daugherty, John Gray, Harrison Gray, jr, JoIiq 'i George, John A Gray, Henry H Gardner, Samuel -Gslbraith,.-James C Guthrie, Western George, . Nsibaniel Jlutson, Elias Hart, Uemas A Hart, John S Hu'ton, Joseph T Johnson," John D , Johnson,' Thomas C Kuril, John M Lsnnitig, . Martin V Lanning, James Lin do w, David Lino. Isaac W Lanning, Joaes Millikeo, James MiUiker, John Milliken, Samuel C McCoy, Levi Mo CaVe, Jacob Miller,. Samuel Meyers, William Murphy, William McCracken. David Meeks, 8muel Meeks Thomas M Milleson, James C Miller, Jloieph L Miller, Isaac M McCue, Jsmes Norman, William H Orr, i'ohn M Parks, Wesley Parke, Edward Petty, Resin Pritcbard, Samuel Pritchard, William W 4'erdue, Samuel R Perdue, Louis A Packer, Aaroa Packer, Matthew Reaves, James W Roberts, Richard H Roberts, George , W Roberts, Robert F Roberts, ' Baiel Ritchfds,"Jot)rt W 'Swsggarl,' John Shouiz, Riohard M Smith, Diaburv 8cbooley, Aaron Sckooley, John Smith, muel Hmilo, Ueorge amith, Samuel ,Swainr Johji W Swain,- John Sewell, (RamiKii M ahaw, 4mea H Tucker. Townssqd, John Tsmny,. James VsL' binder, Isase M Vanhorn, Joseph wel ters, Joseph V Watson, John Watson, William Whitman, Thomas Watson. V Mill Township. ; Stvld Brown, . Josept Browning, Benj F Brock, Maraallea E Baoon, David BarnhiU, laaao Bell, George CormaoM Lemuel Craw- ford , Epoi Cahil, Irs Caplea, Tbomas J Coles, Thomas Conwell, John Conner, John Dawson, Washington DwBoa, Thomas Dawdea, loin O Dsnnell, Levi Dunlavy, William. Dawson, Rofua It Canning, William Die, John Der mors, William A Edie, John W Edie, James P Evans, Jaeob Fiveooat, Benjamin Fowler, Thomas A Finleal, Thomas J Forbes, Ithn B Ford, James W Fisher, Joha Fowler, John Gossett, Albert Oatohel, John Oatehel, De'id Oatohel, George Grunhiaen William. Gathritf, n , - TT. TI : i T -U u:il ... n.t. n . n . . 4v fT1 1 joon nuiL oamoei auauin, jamea r """o, Daniel Hoopengarner, John Booker, Daniel Jones, John Jonsa, Daniel lenhart, Thomas Lstts, Randol Linder, Andrew D'Llvingston, Charles Laport, Phillip J Loose, Aaron C Lewis, Benjamin C Langdon, John Lengen mire, William UeCalem, David Morphy, Thomas A Moody, William B Hohn, Benjamin Mollroy, James MoCrals, John Mansey, Wil liam C Neely, Joha Oeborn, John Horrace O'DonnelU HiiatA Poland,. Samuel B Price, John Phst, Woodbine B Parrinh, Henry Par rlh, Amos Parsom, Aabuiy Pags, Manissa Poenick, V illiam Quillin, John,bon Quitlin, Abijah Bobinett, Brnjamln N Randall, John Renrhaw, Joha J Roly, William Roberts. Samuel. Rowley r. Rabert Randall,.. John V Ruse, Wi tiam Scott, Jon Scott. William Smyth, NaJianiel Bymlh, Calwell Sproall, Milton Squibb i William W Sterling, Samnel Shreve, William flhlmpton, Arohibald J Samp son, Wlllinm Swearengtn, Ebeneier Taggavt, Nelson Traor, '8jnuel Tinny, David Thompson, Joseph Thorn, Albert Thompson, William B' Thompson, Samnel R Thompson, Daniel Tult,. Malaoa Trickle, Elias TJhricb, James Vaolih-kr George Welsh, John Whit. Joslab Whitman, James White, Jen emiuh Wardell, Josiah Wnrdell, John A War. dell, Peleg Wardell, Heiekiah Wardell, John I Welsh, jr. Ell Westhafer, Robert Walln.cs, Isaae Wallace, Aaron K nariei!, Josian Welsh, Qeorgs M Warfcll, Samuel Vaut. Warwick Township. Robert Andernon, David Andernon, Robert B'ickenderfer, John Beavtrs, John B Banchle Jacob Burn, Samuel Barger, Joseph Euvr, Henry T Ctchman, Robert Benucr, William Bidwell, Edward T Baxter. Leander Coventry, John D Cunmog, Benjamin Cotler'y, Dnulel Critrs, Cyrus Dcmtcih, Milton Dell, Alfred Demnth, Benjamin F Demnth, Albert Evert, Peter Eighel, Washington EJie, Lewis Eng'er, Jeiso A Fry Joseph Frie Uathias B Fen ... r:.I.A. rn. fltnlka. lanrn. UV.f UA'UUVl v"'(J Wi.'UV'J V...j. Gmmms'), William Gintber, John Gintber, George IT' to, Levi Hile, Edward G Helwig, Johu F Ilcler, Henry Hum, Gottleib Haney kral, Frederick Hiny, Samuel Uany, John R Bmton, Wichnl Heck, Clivislian Hodel, Fer din.ind -Hook, Jacob Hvnnu., John Ili'.es, Benjamin Kuans, Leander Lebr, Henry V Lane, ntram 8 Line, Abr. ba.ui Lichiy, Jacob Lair, John M Lclir, ChO'er P Low, Albeit Myers, Phillip Myer, Willi im MoCranry, Nicholas Morn, (age 21) Vicbolos Mona, (sse 82) Edwaid Meyer, Bens Morty, Nioho las Morta, (age 30) A'eiaudet Moore. Eli G Metiker, Hira.n Metiker, George MetsVer, Simun P Maihias, Henry Mioh, Joht H Miniob, Cbailea P Minich, John Hart .Vinioh, Albert Minich, Ellas 0 Myers, Ksrl Mark I e, Fiederick Klederhaueer, David Niederhanser. Leonard Nnasdorfer, Abram Nuasbaum, Dnvid 8 Ogle, John Prr, Jacob Parr, Gecrge Parr, Jobn . Pancher, Inae. Aomin, Tobias Kamel, William Roung, .Rodtlph Rafi,ar, Jrcdfiiek Kurhiacn, John Rank, Benjamin Kowlee, John Boffner, Jobn Beeear, Reaatus Ramal Samuel Sbimel, Lewis W Simplins, Miehael Bpoaaler, Thomas J Smith,' Henry Sargent, Gottleih Sirnehen, .Jefferson Strgeal, Jaeob 6boemVer, (age li) George Sehmln, Jacob Sckioder, Sam nel Shall, Henry Bohinder, Jaeob 6homakor (uged Ig), Jasu Sinlmers, Isaac 8inimers,Jaeob Sluber, John Taller, Daniel Tailor, Joseph B Walton, Lemuel T Wiilitmi, Henry Wood, Linly John' W Humet,' Stephen' Heller, Sa : Levi Weaver, Samuel D. Walta. muel Havener, Henry W Havener, Da- Wal'x, Levi ;Watl. David Walli, Watson, Daniel Warner. Goshen TownshH. Oliver P Alber, Louis ' A Anderman, John An Jeraon.uenry Albright.Solomon Ashbaugh.Adam Ashbsui;h,Cyrus W Al ter, John Arnold, John Burry, Augustus Byers, Alexander Baker, Adam Bncker, Charles Banks, Andrew Binpuss, Sylve nns W. Burton, Kaufman Baura jr, Ross A Blair, Jesse Beal, Jsmes D Balliett, William Bedwell, Dennis Burns, Henry W. Burtom.. David C Baltzley, William Borland, Elijah Balliley, Rssia Bovsrd, Peter Baom, George W Crossland, John W Carlile,-: Martin Cook, Patrick H Copelsnd, Georec 12 Campbell, e.evi Crooks, Edmund C Christy, Jacob Crim, Christian Coppersmith, William Craig- John W Coventry, William Campbell, ,lish Cramlett, Joseph Col lins, Greenburg Clsnlz, William Chan nel, Roben B Carter.Jacob Carson. James W Dick, Lewis A Davis.Stepbeji O Dob nel, Peter Defenbauch, Milton Dehass, John ttJoerrschuk, Charles E Espich, Johnson O Ellia.Samuel T Ellis.George W , Ellis,: William' W.Ellis, Anaon B Everett, Joseph Earney, Michael En gethard, 8imon B Emerson, James R Emerson, - William . English, . Nicholas Ebersotd. Henry J Ecltert, James J Friblej-i" Valentine Fleck, Frederick Frei, William Fellers, George Fairless, Edwsrd JFribley, John Fagelin. Dioa N Fdwler, William Frew, John Fry, George Faghtling.Phjllip Fsghtling'; Ja. eob Fuhre, Nicholas Grander;1' Andrew V Gribble, Jo'shus P Grimi John Giser. Johri M Grether, Frederick Groff, Jus tice Grim,' Jacob Groff, John Gossett, Mathias' Goneit, " W illiam. Gribble, George Glover, Henfy Hagey, Edward Hall, William Hiltrn,"Andrew Hagey, Uliver H Hoover, Bazil D Hammond, Calvin Hemminger, Fred Hoometv Al iel D Heller," Charles Uammersley, Jacob Harbaugh, James, Hairaas, Sa muel C Hensel, Richard. Uerroa, James Hasbrook, Samuel Irwm, William W Janes, George Johnson, George M Joss, Levi M Knisely, Uaniel ft.niseiy, ueorge W Knisely, Oliver Knisely, Morgan ti Kurtz. John Kinsley. Christian Kreig John Kaderly, Henry Ktendeist, John- Ut, Kurtz, Lazarus KenaCa, jacoo x, Kelter, Charles Kennedy, Sylvester Lappjn, John Lowe, John D Lawhead, Andrew J Lvtle. Edward C Lewis, Samuel B Lsoort. Jobn R Lenhart, Jo. seph Listen, Jscob Lche, Jobn Lee, Elijah Lsndes, Uennis ueatnerman, Jo seph L Mellvsine," Frederick Myers, George Mossbo'.den, Robert C McBeth. Charles E Mitchener, William M'Clean. Delns W Morris, Jacob Miller, William E Manrow, John B Mathias, Benedict Morty. John Miller, James McFadden, John .Miller, Henry C Moore, Robert H Maeee, George W Mathias, Allred Mathiss, Patrick Meese, Thomas Mad. dison. Anthony Mains, William" Mere. dith, Johnson McDonough, Michfel B M Cavitt, Roland J Mereditn, wichoiss Miller, Rudolph Myers, John Neeley, William Nichols, William Noffcker, John Newton, David Newton, William L Newton, Henry Newport, John New port, Jacob Oppiigef, William Oppen. heimer. Jacob H Olfioer, Jicob Oler, Peter tiler, Solomon Oler, David Opi gle, John Oppihle, George W Parsons, Samuel h Price, William R Pugh, Abraham Patrick, John 0 Peepers, William Peters, John W Peppers, Tho mas ' Peker, John Pherson, John M Patterson, Joseph Psge, Henry Pence, Samuel Pence, David Quin, Christian Rice. Sherrod Rickets, Levi Rennecker, Henry T. Right, William Right, Mi- chael Rickard, William S. Robb, Eman- uel Rothschild, Solomon Rothschild, Aaron Rothschild, Henry Rothschild, John L Role, Ernest A Rentz, Adam Rearden, Lewis Rhodes,': William D Robb, Samuel : Rogers, Samuel Rufer, Michael Roleigh. Jsmes Ryon, Jacob Reed, William Iteidenbsch, Robert P Ray; Harris G Riker, Alvin Rum, Abra ham Sharp, Peter Swick, Casper Siup; horse,. William H Smith, Worthington M Smith, Milton E Sabin, Ffederick School Godfrey Schoch, John Slut hour. Emanuel A Smith, George F Sii(. er, John Siiffler, Harvey Strunnk, Man row Smitherman, Lorenzo Smitherman Jacob Steeile, William Sharp, John W Sargent, Nathan Sline, John Stiindler, John B Simpson, James Simmons. Mi cholai Schwab, Benedict Schwab, Ja cobSchwab, Benedict Stemphley,Mar tin.' F Slafly, John Shaw, William Snanner. Isaac Shaver. Samuel I Say- lor, Samuel Sedgwick, Lewie Sedgwick, Oliver P Scott, Thomas Salmon, John B Swesev, Christian Stemnfly, Albright Stempfly, Golleib Siempfly, Thomas Srlls, John Smitley, P.ip Sr2!!ry. William H Stephens, Irwin J Shekel, Harvey Smith, Thomas Smith, Oli ver P Taylor, David Totton, Fred erick C Teichman, John L Taber, John W. Thompson, Elisha S Timmer, man, John Fracksel, Jackson I rueman, George J Van Lehn, William Voshal, Frederick Walkil, Henry Walters, De los E Wells, William B Winch, John Wanger, John Wurk,' Thomas J Wheeler, Israel William, Leslie C Wilson, Conrad Weimer, Theopholus R Williams, Christian Winaerred, Charles W Walton, Wesley Walton, Jacob Wakemiller, Jacob Whilwer, Jefferson Wagnor, John Watkins, Isase Wills, James R Wilson, James Wallace, Wil iam B .Wheaton, George Weaver, George Winspear, Christian ' Yegly, Gotleib Zurcher, John Zurcber, Jacob Zahler. Levi Zimmerman, Christian F File, Peter Fabrney, William Havener, Frederick Ker.zey, Rudolph Snyder. Samuel Stemphley. Union Township.' ' ; Andrew Albaugh, James W Albaug'h, Thomas C Beant, 'William Borard, Alexander Bartholomew, William Ba ker, Thomas Brock, William Baldwin, Waltz. Alvin' Isaac Williams, Luther Weaver, Jsmes Wad dington, David S. Waltz, Dsniel Wise, Hsrnan Wise, IS. J. vvarner, uantei Wertz,' George Wertz,. Charles Ayler, Warren Township. , ,s Joshua. Aldnidge.'Jr.-Jasper Aimes, Jacob Aime,s, William H. Alkms, Wil liam E. Boyd, Albert F. Boyd, Davis Burehfield. James Bleh, Jeremiah Beamer, Daniel Beamer, .Cornelius Csr rens, John Conwell, Adam Cook, Wil liam Crook, James P. Crooks, Peter Dunaermuth, Albert V. Dilley, David Dysart, David Erwin, Thomas Griffin Peter. Hoopengarner, -John Haycook, Joseph Herin, , i Moses Lesthermsn, Daniel Leathermiui, Jscoq LeaseY, Ciilss liappin, Anderson- Lappin,' Daniel Me Grcgor, James McGregor, Jonathen Moflalt, Franklin McClelland, William Mason, George McCartney, Frederick Mackaman, lssac Monehiman, Thomas Mills, Israel S Mills, William MoMurry, Phillip Only, William Pipenger, John Parmer, Hugh K. Penick, Joseph Pen ick, Rev. H. Russell; Luther B. Rick etts, Isaac Key an, Samuel Key an, David Keyan, William niggle, -Adam Ken necker, Leonard Rty,. David Ralston Henry Stus, Thornton Stoneman, Wil. liam A. Scott, George1 Sanders, William n i i r, , o . ri n ocnriver, isaniei ounur, ueurge iv. Strawn, Zt'bulin Sntrks. Reason Soarks Ephriam Sparks, Joseph Sparks, ju'nii Tressel, Lphraim I cue, bamuel 1 epttin Mathias Vale, LewlB Waltz. Sandy Township. John App, Stennet Allen, Isaac Archer, George ( Burl, Jacob Birk George F. Brickj' Petr Bailey, Joh Byretey, Hiram' durk, Jarrfes Bailey, Levi Boraway. Michael' Boraway, Stephen I). Black. Ekin Black, Edward Beebout, Ferdinand Brinkman, Sbedrick Cope, Samuel Chase, H. vV. Day, Aaron 'Dexter,' Nathan. Evans, James J. Ex- line, David Furney,' Solomon Furney, William Gible'r, George W. C. Gamble, Uriah Gordon, Joseph Gordon, John Hickman, Phillip Honey, Jacob Huff, John llolshay, Edward Heckeman, Phillip C. Jumey, H. B, LalTcr, Martin LevelBherger, Thomss.C. Lupper. Wil liam N. Long, Christian Lockhart, George Myers, -Timoihy Malona, Wil liam Minnis, Fred MutcheUnnus, Sam uel Miller, Milton M. Miller, Charles Monewell, James Miller, David Mc- Grew, John W. Metzger, Peter Mot thews, William Murry. ' John Nacy, Wesley Nacy,- Christian A. Newhonse, William Reed, Samuel Reed, Isaac Reed, Benjamin Rice, John Reed, Thomas Render, Christian Rauft, John Siahl, Frederick Stahl, John Sparks, George Stull, Napoleon Shott, William H. Smith, Emmuel Swapev John Sst- tler jrv Harman, Stublr, George Spece, Benjamin Schrtger' George W. Se SKf, fiprge?j?9.'.J?hn Van Meter, Henry "Weaver, " Thomas' Wingate, Joshua Weaver, J. N. Wilson, 'Christ ian Warner, Jacob Vie, C. F. Wagner, Peter Zimmer, Michael O'Brien. : Lawrence Township. Adam Awl, John Anthony, William App, John App, Reuben Arnold, John Arnold, Christian Ackaman, Jacob Ackaman, jr. John Byreley, John V. Brinkman, David Belknap, John D. Bailey, George . Bader, Levi Biniler, Frank BtiIp, Augustus Bimlsr, Conrad Bregmsin, Jacob Beeler, Clemens Breil, D.aniel Bender, Benjamin Baker, John Blaik, Henry Bixler, Jacob Buhlcr, John C. Brenkman, Jacob J. Brenk man,. Anthony Beeler, Levi Bimeler, Conrnd Coutzman, Charles Coppel, A. Commerle, Lafayette Coy, Mathias Dis- hinger, Henry Disher, John Eavens, James r. Eavens, Daniel Eberley. Joseph Freight, John Fetters, Lucas friend, Gottleib Fetter. George P, Faro, Andrew Fernsel, George Gale, Peter Gross. Daniel wove, David Gib ler.'Valenline Gibler, John Grotzinjer, Peter HawR, George Hos, ' William Himes, John Huth, James Hawk, George Hath, Ueorge' Hill, Samuel Harr, Jacob Cephus n Carroll, Markua B Carroll, (.Hawk, John John, Jolin Jacob, David Nicholas Cray, Espey Ddong. Jessa W. Deloog, itls Delong, William Evans, Robert Evans, John Evans, George. Grace, James S Graham, John S Gra ham, Mark Uerin, Alhanen Herin, Wil liam Hamilton, Charles S Keels, An drew Keys, James' Kennedy, William Lamaster, Joshua Leggett. John Law ver Isaac W Lamasters, John M .La masters, David. Lytle, .Robert Lacy, James Leggett, Joshua Leggett,F L Langdon, Samuel Mo-land. Thomas H Morland, Albert Moore, John- McKee, Henry JW McCartney, Wesley, McCol. lougri, Daniel unver, John Osbijrn, John Pile, James Patrick, James Par rish, Luke Quinn, Nathan Quinn," Wil. liam.G Roby, John T, Roby, WiUiaro H Roby, - McCoy Roby, Hanson F Roby,. Samuel A Roby, Robert Roby, Luther, B Ricketls, George Rutledge, Ejwsrd Rullcdge, David Smith,- Tno ma. M Slovens, (ssse True, John A W, slker, Thomas TWhite. , ;.,, - Tairfleld Township-" , ' A. D. Behdor, Robert A. Boone, John Bardth; George Bowers, John Dafeh baugh, Abner Diien, AJam H. Erskim, Josiab Engler, John. Ftazier,, .William Frazier, Fredrick Gintz, Henry Gara brandt, Lewis Gekler, Issao Hathaway, Jacob Huff, Peter Kollar, William Kelly, John Kimel. Porter Lai imer,, Jlugh M. Larimeo t ?dward v Loomis, ; Hamuel Lyons,- Jsoob . Lordrey, John Mienis, John ,' oCreeryjJSaihan Martin. Msthiai Newport, Orwin,pp, Sam. upl.' Penick?J! Bennct ,'(Palmer,. Joseph Raineaberger, Clasper Rough, Henry Bdcky, .'.Benjamin. Reed, - Daniel 8. StempIe.'William Stiffler, John SnoVe- ,Und, Charles Suits, illiam. Stickel, Ueorge Keener, John Kroniz,; Christian Kioch, John Kiotz, Christian Krone, John Klingerjr. Aroah Knoullon, Sebastian Koh, Lafayette - Koy, John B. Lab, tullon .. iiaiser,. Francis Lowf. K. a Leechley, John' G. McMurry, James Myers, John poller, -Nathaniel Oaks, Gideon . Peffer, John Parks, George Pfan, Hamilton Robinson, Jonas Raber, John Ramsey, : Christian Iiuof. J:cob Rolh, Benjamin Ruof, . John : Riker, Andrew Keller, Christian Hour, George Shell, Joseph Strab. John Shilling. Daniel Shisler, George Strsyger, John Sheltfjuh, , Edward. Smith, George Stronger, Ueorge ShulZ, John Shutz, William H. Smith, John Shane, William Smith, Emled Shaffer,' George Shsjel, John Siurnil, DL.' Silvan, Anthony Sisterhen, Edward Smith, Jacob Segle, Uaniei Mansberry, Isaac Shaner, An thony Sisterhorn,. Daniel Tomer, David Tomer, ' 'Gcorre ' Woygranl. , Joseph Wicksah, Uenry. Wickmari;' George weaver, watnaniet xoung.' ; . '; Franklin Township. Joseph Ap, DanieL Baker. Joseph Blosres, Isaac Black, John Ba kef, John Border, John Delaney, Jacob Defen baucherM JaeobrtiFretiehl,? George Fiencht, J. H, Forney, Hecry Froelich,, Christian Gnagy, ; Benjamin Garber, Aoranam. vnagy,, Jeremiah , Uarner, Nathaniel Garber. Elias Garber. -Elijah Garber, Henry. .Goreag, Henry Hsss, Peter Halsley. William Hoover. Lid wig Hime, Gedioh; Hoehstetter, Juhn IlessJ iail jones, uiram n, r. A.uigre,vaont Kutcher, Michael ,T. ,Kobr, Christian lieloer, Henry tahr, Soloman Myers, George E.Miera, obn Mier, Abraham Rearich, Ueorge Seese. EK Seese, Mor. ris, Shisfer, Augustui Slemmer, Jonas' Spyder, George W, Stout, Jeseph Stout jr. M. USavidge, Phillip Steel, lohn W. 8nyder, Frederick Snyder; George W. Smith, Soliman Seese, Abetnigo Swlhart; Amos Woodling, John Wallick, miehael Wallibk, jolio H. Winklep ech, Leonard Winklepleck, john Wert nan, George G. Welty, iobn Zigler, Jacob Zigler. . Wayne Township. , William Adams, Samtoel Amstoe, Eli Boyd, Alexander Batker, Henry Baker, Jonathaa Baker, Afanin' Bash, Ur'.slian Biddler, George Benson, Willism Ben- son, John A Hair, Eli uenfer, Dsniel Baurueis, Jacob Camp, Daniel Ouster, Daniel Camp, Alfred Crise". Elriah Da nlels,- Eliis Denial, Harriton . Dillon, Adam Emp, Peter Engle, Joseph Fair, Nosh f) Fair, Noah H Fair, Jacob Funk, Henry Funk, Christopher Fair, George W Foreman, Emanuel Fleek, John P Fleek, Jacob Fleek, Jacob Meek, Isaac Gadshalk, William Garber, Jonathan Garber, Henry J Garman, Calvin Johnston, Ezra Johnston, Al fred Johnston, Phillip Johnston, Esap Johnston. Daniel Kinzie, Daniel Kohr, John H Kohr, Willism Kagy, Crislain l.andtzer, Frederick Landtzer, 3ichael Lillick, Jacob Lachmer, Daniel ilay. banch, treuenck iUavlarlh, Elias Ma lone, Jamsilaclian, yolin Oizenberger Joseph Patlersoii, D. B P.e;!;y, Joim Peurod, Elijah Penrod, Valentine Piniz, Benjamin Patlersou. Jacob Reese, Jona than Reese. Ulrich Reidenbaugh, Nicho. las Reidenbaugh, Reuben Ramsay t Jo siah Stough, Daniel Stough, George Smiley, Joseph' Steffy, John Smiley. John P Smith, Jacob Siegrist, Joseph feiegrist, Jonathan Showalier, Willram Smilpy, William Stab, Seth Troyer. James Vaughan, J M Wertz, George Winkelpleach, John Yaizeaberger. Dover Township. Thomas Andreas, William , Andreas, Peter Andreas, Peter Alman, Charles Alman, Henry W Adams, Jacob Arba gast, Lewis Archinal, David Alleshouee, Joseph Almshouse, Frederick Burget, John Bnrkheimer, Isaao Burkbeimer, George Betacher, Henry Bntt, Christian Bichler, Jacob Buergle, J H Burehfield, Henry. Beck, Christian Bentz, John Brewer, Jacob B BuUcher, Coonrod Breitensteln, Jacob Bealzung, Phillip Baker, Benj Bomgarduer, Nathaniel Bare, William Bare, William Brown, Phillip Baer, William Berkholder, Pe ter Blickensderfer, Jacob Bayer, Levi Crleman," Daniel Caleodlne, Martin Cat- endine, George Crater, James Chatueld, George W Crites, William Crites, Amos Chub, Simon Casper, Jacob Cofman, Edward Davis, lsaao IN Deardors, Ja cob Drageser, Coonrad Donhecker, George Dahmer, Henry Dahmer," Wil liam Deardorffj A J Downey, George H Diehl, James B Deardorff, G W De muth, Robert Dixon, William Deardorff, John' A Diehl, Charles W Diehl, B D Downey, 0 W Delaney, John Dnbpert Simon JJepster, w Al Delaney, A J Diehl, Enos Dclftney, George W Ecker, Christian Ecker, A L Earder, Elias Fid ler, Jacob Felem, Ervin Fulton, Chris tian Frety, Joseph Frety, Daniel Frety, Hosea Fisher, Benjamin Fisher, Lewis Geib,- Jobn Ginth, Christian Gibbs, Henry Grib, Lewis Goebel, Jacob Gin- ter, Sebastian Ganter, Peter Gross, Franklin Goodner, Franklin Gartner, Jacob J Grove, F G Holtzwarth, Philip Held, Charles Horning', Samuel Holmes, Isaao Helmick, Joseph Hambach, Fred erick Horn, Noah Hoopingaroer, Jo seph Hochstetter, Grafton Hall, Jobn Joseph Hildt, Francis M Hildt, John Heimly, Abraham Harper jr, John Hect, Joseph Jones, Benjamin Johnson, Syl vester Johnson, Samnel Johntz, Philip Knipe, George Kediob, John Kunza, John George Kuchner, David King, John Koeoht, Phillip Kt&ntz,' Joseph Kepllnger, Nicholas Loch, Jacpb Lie ser, Frederick Lee, , Charles F Llnd, John F Lants, Daniel Lantzer, John Lewis, Michael McMam, Simon Mum-,, ma, Jacob Miller, L W Miller, R H Magee, John Moffat, Henry Margo, Henry Miller, William Mirose, Chris tian Morgel, Philip Menges, Jacob Mor gel, James Mc Bride, Isaiah Miller, Fred erick Moffat, Jacob J Milter, John Mam ma, Jeremiah Mamma, John Mover, jr. Phillip ' Mosger, ' John Natter, David Natter, 1 Michael Oehling, Frederick Oehlingv Nicholas Ogg, Andrew Pferr mann, J F Porviance, Edward Peacock,-' Christian Pntt, Andrew Reiss, Ludwlg Reiss, John George Row, jr.,' John R Robb, Jacob Robert, Benjamin Rosenbery,' Frederick Rothernel, Ma thias Ruhdoff, Henry Rothensllne, J6- seph Rosenbery, i: Jacob Seikel, 8affluel Siier, George Scheling;, Peter Seibert, Peter Stertz,- Samnel 8weaby,- Adanj 8trite, John Stallf Frederick Bchwb, John Schlub, Edward S Slingluff, Ja cob Swlgerd, H 8nyder, Benjamiii Smiley, George 8mutZj Joseph Bmutz, Jeremiah Stocksdale, Christian 8ehoen, Adam Shear, .William Swlhart; Philip Swlhart, Henry Specbt, William Sprin ger, Edward Smart, Frederick Schaellis, Richard Thomas, Wesley Thomas,' Jesse Updegraff, Michael Vogt, George Vogt, Frederick Vent,v Peter Will, James Walkup, Valentiqe Wentz, Isaao Wei ler,: Jacob Weller, Frederic! Wernich. . Johu Woorms, William R Welbel, Bi' mon Weibel, Joseph B Weibel, Isaac T Welty,: David Walter, David M Welty; Joseph, Winnoll, jaoob Zakey. (" ' ; ;: Sugar Creek. township. ; Daniel Allison, Samnel Aegerter, Godfrey Barky, Gottleib Borkey, John Burkey, Isaac. Bollman, Phillip Riddle, Simon Barnt, Andrew Baker, George Brlcker. ftanrim Rnllmtn nM pii Marks, JohnMaybanch,AdamNewman, man, William Baker, Reuben Baker Franklin Patterson. Archihold Peonies. Enhmlm A R,k.i.rakP.,i,.. o: J h. Weaver, ThomasPriceWjliajnRearjc Hwiy Baker Jt, Leyi -Blddle, Christian Bachy,-Abel Crosi, Andrew Coblanee. Samnel Doll. Jacob Deetz, Adam Deeta, Abraham G DeeU, Jacob Deetz, Benjamin. Deetz,- Solomon Ho mer, John j Dorsey, Benidick Fenser, Bentdtck Fencer, John. Fenser, Solomon Fisher, Franklin Fisher, Henry Froe lich, Trahcis' Glass, Jacob Groh, Chris tian Graff, Levi Helder, Solomon H Harris, Jacob HosVetler, Jacob Hoopen garner, Benjamin Hostetler, Martin HouseL Christian UodJer, Fredericx Hofer, Charles Koeffer, Robert G Hogue, Henry . Harris, Jacob Harris Jr, Jonas Hattery, Joseph Harper, Caleb C Jones, valentine Karll, Absolom, John I Karll, William Koch, George A, Lebmer, W H Link, Alexander Lants, William Miller, Henry J Miller, Gott leib Maty, William- Miller, Nicholas Miner, Daniel M Miller, Daniel J Miller, Noah Mast, Gabriel G. Neff, David Olinger, B. F. Orln, George Penrod, John H. Reed, C. I. Rice, Ambrose Richardson, Allen - Richardson, Henry Shie. John Spercenger, Thomas Stinch comb, Henry J. 8tiffle, Christian Str'ome Benjamin Shrock, Marshall 8miley, Henry Shuhk, Levi Summers, William Silvipas, John SUrions, Joseph Silvlons, William H. Snyder. Gabriel Shullt, jacqb Shrocb, Samnel Summers, Jacob H. Sliffe, David Sliffa, Andrew Shroch, Benjamin Sliffe, Henry Schweitzer, Dsniel Sliffe, Edward Sbanton, Henry l ice. Frederick Walter, Franklin Wal ter. Peter W. Walter, Josiah Winkle- pleck, James Walter, J. F. weimer, John Warnes, Harrison Wolf, Stephen J. Toder. Phillip J. Yoder. Daniel W- Foder, Valentine Yoder, Uhnsiian Zimmerman. Auburn Township- Samuel Askue. Jobn Barfus jr, Rn dolub Beler. Isaiah Bower, John Breni ser, Phillip Balder, Andrew Carnes, John Cam, David Cam, John Dingle- dine, Joseph Deets, Jacob Domamoste, Joseph Ellenberger, Samuel Ulienoer- ger. George VV Jjillenberger, Marti u Ellenberger, John Ellenberger, Henry Eckert, John Gamer, Joseph Garner, Moses J Hocbstetier, uanionus uocn stetler, Michael Haas, Henry Hooperich Adam Hooperick, Geortre Harris, Boio. mon Harmon, Gotleib Hettinger, Daniel Keyter, Simon Keyser, Jacob. Krebs, Peter Kunz, Uodtred tietrick, Jacoo Letrick, Isaac Lareneood, Peter Laren good. Jacob Lecser, Michal Link jr, Jo seph Middrough, Isaac Miller, Jonas Miller, Henry Miller, Michael Miller, Gostfred Mowercr, William Madison, Fred. Mourer. SamL Mourer. Jacob Neff, Peter Neff, ': Simon" Neff,' Dav id 'Neff, James Neff, Leonard Parching, Joseph Putt. David C Parshinir, Joseph Pen. rod, David G Parshing, Phillip Ronsh, Michael Rinebart, Cbristain Reidt, Gott leib Reifo. JnoRoseman, Josenh SnvH JnoStonnef, Fredk Stoner, Peter Slites, Goorge Snyder, . Adam Swab, Lewis Swarm, John Swarm, Andrew Scheo, Andrew Smeltzley, John Shaw, Moses Shaw, Frederick Stoner, Dere Steuber, James Staut, John E Snyder, Charles Sperht, Sampson Swinehart, George Schneider, Albert Travis, Henry Wasem, William Walker, Cristain Winklepleck, Jno Winger. George Zimmerman, Fredk Zimmerman, David Zimmerman, jscoo L Zimmerman, Samuel Zimmerman. -Backs Township- Valentine Ameicht, George Abel, Ja cob Arnold, Daniel Bamer, B C Black barn, Valentine Baub, Jacob Babb, Valentine Bamer, Cbristain Benfor, John Bolter, Andrew Baker, Frederick Deiche Jacob Denser, Frederick Denser, Mich el Denser, Adam Everhart, Vandel Eichler, Da'vid Everhart, John Engle, George Ely, Henry ElerAdam Fralerch John Gape, John Goadener, Yalentlne Hann, Adam Hann, Jacob Harshman, Joseph Harshmhn, - Wm ' Ham, Danl Horn, Jacob Harmon, William Honn, Henry Hann, Adam Hatheta, Peter Haas, John Hnff, Peter Haas, Daniel F R Horn, Peter Hines, Ernest Halswartb, Valentine- Hahn, Peter Hincs. John iHuller, John Kate, Jacob Koecht, Hen ry Kerch jr; Fredrick Leeser, George W Lint, Frederick Lirabecher, Daniel Lint, George W Lint, Jeramiah Lawer, Henry Lawer, Frederick Leaser, Jacob Lintz, Casimeare Loranz, John J Lint. George Lint, Charles Mowerer, William mzzT, Denjamm Miser, Barney Miller, John Mowel, Samuel Mowel, Adam Mi ser, Jesse March, Samuel Miser, Augast Machwet, William Misser, Stephen McOllem, Jbh'n McOllem, Adam Miser, Benjamin " Miser, Geo P Mower, Cbas Moorer, Frederick ; Marhafer, Charles Meyer, Alexander" Miller, Frederick Ott; William Ott, Valentine Pretorlns, Jacob Phirse, George W Price, James Rigbee, George Rigbee, Frederick Ren ner, Martin Ru'gber, ' Fredriek R nner, Augstus Ragulnh, Soloman Rinebart, Adam Renuer, Joeob llaofman, Henri Rerch sen, Levi Reneger, Henry Ren ner Charles Raush jr, Charles Ransb sen, Henry. Shoemaker,' Adam Stilyen bower; Jaoob Stilyenbower, Phillip Sundhtmer, George Shaffer, Frederick Simmer,' William Shaw, Peter Sharett, Coorod Stein, Adam Swftzer, Adam Stilyenbower, Jno Iclere, Levi Sommers, Jacob Schwlnel, Phillip Scblarp, Daniel Sherett, John Suler, George Sharett, Daniel Thomas, Henry .Thomas, Fred erick Thresher, John Trentley, David Thomas, John Thomas, David H Trent- ley, Henry Wolf, Thomas Wilson, Val entine Wolf, Johti,Wballe J Yenng, Peter Tonng, Lafayette Prctorius. v vYoris TowBship.j .' Josiah Ankney, Francis Ankney, George Benfer, William Brown. Frede rick Cbr. Brown, - Thomas Boey,. Solo moo Beaver, 'Adam Bair, Peter Bcaber, Samnel Buetekofer, Peter Uucher, Sam nel Brown, William Browa, 'Charles Bnss, Solomon Bucher, 'Jacob Bucher, uaniei Deardorff, Samaei Durgler, Fred. erifck Exly, Washington Edie, jacoB; Echer. Frederick Eeerty. William Elvlnr John Fox, David Forney, Lupul l Fox, William 1$. i nbie j, josepu i isner,. George Fisher, Henry Fbiher, I 'erick ' FraUirer. Chadea Fox. -JoUn k. a tner. jostuc Grimm, David T QimY.A, Levi Gimlin,j.ohnHamerlckhoose, joun Ut..,-v man, Charles Haohenkrat, Jacob Horria. -berger, jas Helmick.Solomon numericlt. . house, Jacob Hawk, DanJ Kite, Robert . v Hammell, jno Heller, Saml I uoenstet. tier, Joseph Helmick, Cbr Hanoenkrat, . Holomon Hoopengarner, jaeou mill, Samnel Indermlll, Jacob IndermOT, . Tobias Kohn, Philip H Kohn, Frederick . Keiser, Samuel, Keiser, Daniel Kuhn, John P KuhD Francis . KuhnJ John Klar, Augnstua Kahn, Frederiolt Kunn, ... David Limbach, Adam ay,-'eorge .... May. .Frederick Mvera, Qotlieb Nlder-. .-. -hisef, Elijah Pompbr8y, Jobn Rdblnwn, ; Samnel Rafhacht, CbrRofnaeht, 'Jb M Robinson,-Jacob Rafer. oha Rof- . nacht, Jacob Slap, Samaei Lewu-Schn. ; rie, Philip Strlckmaker, Josepn -fttnex-maker, Frederick Sweitier.JohaSchwen- 4 deman, Benjamin V BMarerf abqiww Sbwartz, PeteTSchmid, Ferdinand FrW-.-. dorf, Thomas Van Lehn, Christian Wen- ger, William Wortn. jonn a-wafner, ; Christian Weyer, William wou.-sreier Wela, Samuel Winkle, Solomon Wlnkl, , ' ' Nicholas Winkler, William Walters, Do ; ' rid Wolf, Eli Zimmerman. i.SiJ . j. Jefferson Township",. .; ; George Andlel-, Frederlok lildler,' Frederick Arbagast, Adam Btowerjr, . j Jacob Burrler, Jacob Bach mef JbSa- . , . than Biddle, John G finlack, Jamet F r ' Barcb, Robert W Barge, Jacob 3akerr . Adam Baker, Peter Uaker, Peter Cota. ... . -fert, Jacob Conrad, George W Dotts, v Peter Eigler, JKdward Foi, Frederick v Feller, Charles Feller, Jaoob Feller, John Goeler, jr, John GinU, Phillip . Graff, William Hey da, Daniel Hawk, , Jacob Hahn, John Herron,-Andrew R' Harrman, Jacob ' Kutscner, "Ubarle ; . Klein, Henry Kohn Jacob Kropp, Dan. iel Kohlef, Gottleib Koblcr, Peter Kap. pel, Adam Kappel, Solomon Kuhn, Eli . Keiser, John Lanzer, George F McRetm, John Markly, John McGinnis, Elijah ' . Meese, Wellington G Meese, Nomas P ' r Meese; Jobn H Meese,- Jacob Markly, . Henry McCormick, Charles Miller, Dan- ' iel Miser, Joseph H Miller, josepb MiN ler, Jacob Millef, Peter Miller, Jaeob , Mnhlhofer, Ellas Miller, Martin Mama, John Mama, Eli Rice, Jacob Riednonr, ' Isaao Ridnoor, Samuel Ridaonr, John Reif, John Sctierer, Benjamin SherrtU, .,:' Adam Schnmacher,--William. Sneary, y--v' Simon Slndlinger jr, Benjamin Spring; Daniel Shroyer, John SherreU, Abram ShaW, Samnel Shafer, William J Shaffer, ' Frederick Stuckey, George Sohwib, A mna ThnmnaAfi AnrirAw TliAmnut. age 22 years; Andrew Thompson, age if years! Jacob Wenger, Daniel' WhSrlejv James Walton. ' ' " ' Salem Townshipv .."" : . Charles Arena, Jacob Adam. Thomas" . . r Barnhouae, Nathan Bremer, Banc Bremer, Coonrod Bremer, Phillip Bass, w , ; Levi Henedtcx, James iJedwaU,, Luther . ' Baraick, George Bsuton Jobn W iyl mer, James Boyd, Robert Beard, Georga Bentlcr, Tbomas Birch, WiUiam Birch, Thomas . Cordery, George . Croghan, Charles Cronaback, Hercules Clemens, Johu Carr, William Croghan, Benjamin Carr, Rafai K Davis, Henry Davis A Demnth, Milton C.Dallas, Ezra P Dal- ..' las, James W Dallas, Hiram Davis, Jaf. ' fereon Delong, Ozias Deng, Jacob Ek . felt jr, Frederick Eckfelt, John Jjit, : Marion W Everhart, Levi Everhart, ' Amos Everhart, Jacob Eicheobaob, , '-: Lewis From, John French, Pbter.Goett. gajr, Frederick Goettga, Chariea Ciro- -''L' " sarth jr, John -Goettga, Jamea.(?old John Gray, DIsberry Gray, Amos Gar- fv;r ret, John Gross jr, Isaac Gardener, Joha jf. HijJoseph Hagan, Charles Haubsrt, : Ar'nsf Halswal, Noah Hetals, Frederlok ; ' , Hitman, Jesse Hart, Wilton J Basking Jamet Hammersley, "Christopher Ham, ' mersley, Jacob Hass, David Johlasonv ,: Alfred Johns, Jesse Johns, Jamet Kip ley, Allen B Kline, Gabriel Kail, Johoi : Kail, Andrew Lockart, Charles Loaa;,. .. "' Ulrick Lytha, George Lodwig, Nicholas- "' Lndwlg, Jacob Lommick,. Daniel Loot. ' miek, Peter Lommick, -John Lyons, . reter uombardy, Daniel McPberson, , . Jamet Martin, J D Maredis, Jaeob ' . Miller, William Mamma, Barawt Mum -: . ma, Jonathan B Mercer, Joseph Mid dleton, Nelson Mires, Frederick. .Miller, , Adam Miller, William-Norrls, Dayld . ; Norris, Jonathan Norris, MUton Naif. ' ney, Levi Ollnger, Henry- H .Porter, '- Charlei Pomher, Benjamin Ross, Jpseph. - . Richie, Jaoob Ratesler' Israel , Reed, :'. Frederick Rooscb, Abraham Jieniken, Charles Rigle, Thomat Stocke, Adan . . Stock, Henry Stofer, Coonrod Schnab, . Charles Shogb, William 8tonebrook, - r Phillip Stelnbach, Fnrgason Shannon, John W Scott, Adam N Sheriff, Jqhn, ' Stull, Abraham Strichsa, David Stopa. " brook, Jasper Sells, Ephraim Thomson, John. Thompson, ... Robert Tbomptton, - David" Williams, Dewilt C Whitinf, Henry ; Wormer, Anderson : Wyondt, Reuben Wyandt,, Daniel WyauJfc, J0; ; . Wyandt, Jaoob Welch, Nicholas Wine." . gart, Daniel Wiuegart, George Wibon, : Samuel Wyandt, Jacob Yost, Dcuton Yoang. . . , . . ,-; . ' Clay Townstip. . ; Levi Acermao, Nicholas Art, v;:'. Ham Art, Samaei Botimer, J ; ensdrop,' John Blind, JuLa J Charles Base, William Car,; -, ' ' H Cooper, David Darsv, J Edward P Dell, Jobn t-u'..,'., : Dell, Matthew Denu.S. I. . pen, William Dennii -Ctarles Fromm, E ;.. -,- I t, Fry, John Gross, .M u.:, . Lawrence Ceubnor, : Alexander IIooBton, ... ' ! Cneltul-d m Fvurih l j '; '... . .. ..... -. . ; . . . ' ....