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The Abilene reflector. [volume] (Abilene, Kan.) 1883-1888, September 06, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84029385/1883-09-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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i2E':a"wsR-7e 3
,' vol. I.
NO. 3.,
JI'FTJWWBMWggMaaaMMge' i MMii.ni. r it iffl iH.wwiTTur.TyM
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Which is larger than ever before. We handle nothing but the
S outlier n "White Lead..
Which is conceeded the best in the market. Also the celebrated
VANE CALVERT & OO.'S MIXED PAINT, WWch we lveliandled for ths md needs no recommendation.
iVc will sell these at a lower figure than ever before
Also a line line of
Me IlavoriDi Extracts ai Pare
Don't you know that one of the best and easiest ways to save your "hard earned wealth"
is to buy where you can get the
est G-oods for tla.e Least DCoiiey,
Of course you know it, and in order that you may know that we know you know it, we
want to remind you that we are now offering at
Footwear of all Descriptions,
It has ever been your fortune to witness or our fortune to secure.
An examination of our goods and a knowledge of our prices will convince you that we are telling you only the
Plain, Unvarnished Truth! Xou are respectfully invited to call and test the truth of our remarks.
J. Wlffilfi Akdubn Kas.
Attention All!
A New Fall Stock Of
(1 H
Tinware, Table and
No Fancy Prices!
II RIa SnAvtcm em We uave m stock a flne Une of Creech and muzzle loading guns, aU
' TO CjpOxTSinen fcmag or gun fixtures and ammunition.
nn. -. w - ewa. Would do well to notice our Large line or Furst & Bradlev
L H6 EuJUoiB Thompson Plows, the Thompson Mowers, and the Sc:
11 UllGtl UU.1 UjJUUSi
Garland StOVeS and Ranges immense line or them always on hand
Remember the Place corncr Broadway &. Tuim. tNc.i-3m
Spices Groutl or Whole. I Tie
Pocket Cutlery.
and X. C.
Schuttler and
Finest Brands of Cigars. Q.
ALWAYS on hand.
Confectionary Candies
Greanbaek Convention.
There will be a mass convention of
the National Greenback party, of Dick
inson count', to be held in "the court
house, at Abilene, on Saturday, Sept.
8th, 1 p. m. As there are matters of
importance to be considered a fidl at
tendance is hoped for.
C. W. Brooks, Sec'y.
Samuel Wilson', Chairman.
Call for Convention.
A democratic Convention for the
3rd Commissioner District of Dick
inson county is called to meet at Soto
mon City, on Saturday, Sept. loth,
1883, at one o'clock, p. m., for the pur
pose of nominating a Count' Commis
sioner. The democrats of the District
are earnestly requested to be present,
so that a free and full expression of the
will of the voters may be obtained.
Col. Swigart, Ch'm.
II. II. McDonald, Sec'y.
County Judicial Convention.
A non-partisan county convention of
the electors of Dickinson county, Kas.,
will be held at the court house, in Abi
lene, on. the 24th day of September,
1883, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
of selecting nine delegates and nine al
ternates, to represent Dickinson county
in the Judicial District Convention, to
be hold at Junction City, on the 26th
day of September, 1S83, f or the purpose
of putting in nomination a candidate
for Judge of the District of the Eighth
Judicial District.
Dy order of the Eighth Judicial Dis
trict Central Committee.
A. W. Rice, J. K. Wright,
Secretary. Chairman.
Grand Banquet.
There will be a grand banquet given
at Mclnemey Hall, Sept. 13th, 1883,
for the benefit of the Catholic church.
All are cordially invited. Committee
on arrangements : D. L. Bennett, E.
C. Dowling, J. T. Berry, T. J. Curry,
John Mclnemey, T. Robertson, John
Basket Meeting.
A basket meeting of the Disciples of
Christ will be held in W. M. Campbell's
grove, Saturday and Sunday, September
loth and Kith, 1883. Services to com
mence at 'Z o'clock, p. m., Saturday.
Preaching hi the evening at Harmony
school diouse. Bring your baskets well
filled, and everybody come.
Soldiers Attention
A re-union and jollification of old
soldiers will be had on the fair grounds
at Abilene, Kansas, on Friday, Sept.
28,1883. All are cordially invited to
come; bring your families and don't
forget your baskets and tin cups; hot
coffee will be ready on the ground.
Good speakers will be in attendance.
B. F. jStelson,
Jacob Scnopr, Com.
J. J. Brown,
City schools will open on Monday,
Sept. 10th. Teacher's meeting at Cen
tral building on Saturday, Sept. 8th,
two o'clock, p. m.
By order of Directors.
A. V. Jewett.
Abilene, Sept. 5th, 1883.
The markets nrc corrected every Wednesday at
12 m.
Wheat No. 2 72
Wheat No. 2 TO
Wheat No. 3 58
Wheat No. 4 50
Rejected Wheat 35
Oats 15
Corn 23
Rye 25
Butter 12J4015
Eggs 124
Chicken?, perdoz 1.752.50
Flour, patent, per 100 lbs 3.20
Flour, straight grade 2.75
Potatoes 40
Turkeys, per K 12
Chickens, per lb 10
Hogs per 100 B) - 4.504.60
Cattlo per 1001b
Unbaled hay, per ton -. 4.004.50
" You see, old woman, I've just been
arotmd to Berry Bro.'s store, and their
Clothing Department is supurb. I was
that pleased with the goods and prices
that I bought me a whole suit, and I
guess I'll take Freddie, Tommy and
Harry around for a fit to-day. They
are headquarters for the clothing trade,
and no mistake. You'd think so, Mary
Ann, if you was to see the big crowds
they have in the store all the time."
And, kind reader, the old man's words
are verified by hundreds of customers.
Berry Bros, are headquarters for cloth
ing in Dickinson county. 3-tf
Among Our Exchanges.
The big sunflower at the head of the
Tribune stairs is over sixteen feet tall
and contains seventy-one blossoms.
Such a sunflower as this would make
Oscar Wilde laugh himself to pieces!"
Junction City Tribune.
The Republicans of Iowa palavered
about woman's rights and nominated a
man for superintendent of education.
The Democrats said nothing but nomi
nated the man's wife against him for
the same office. Junction City Union.
The editor of the Saline County Jour
nal is in a bad way and should take
good care of himself. He says: ''It is
claimed that buttermilk is recommend
ed by physicians as being good for the
dyspepsia and the kidneys. Somebody,
please, open an ice cold buttermilk
The City Council of Salina have de
termined to have a display of their wa
ter works the first day of the fair, Tues
day, September 25, and they have invi
ted the Mayors and Councils of Abilene,
Solomon, Junctiion City, Clay Center,
Minneapolis, Brookville, Ellsworth,
Lindsburg and McPherson to attend.
Junction City Union.
. The sunflowers that line either side
of the road between Enteqirise and Ab
ilene are an intolerable nuisance, and
should be removed forthwith. There is
just a wagon hack through this annual
forest that keeps off the breeze, making
the heat insufferable to man and beast.
The nuisance, we believe, lies in Grant
township district and the road overseers
on that line should be hauled over the
coals. Enterprise Register.
Last Thursday afternoon Mr. "V. C.
Tuthill's little daughter was wheeling
the baby close to the river bank, when
the little girl lost control of the carriage
and it ran into the river. The little
girl rushing to the top of the bank gave
the alarm and Mr. Chas. Tuthill ran to
the rescue. He found the carriage
turned upside down and the baby cling
ing to the side of the buggy nearly
drowned. After some effort the baby
was restored and now is as vigorous as
ever. A most fortunate escape. "Saline
County Journal.
Sherman Martin was before Squire
Miller yesterday, on charge of stealing
a pocket book containing $04 and some
papers from a Kansas City drummer.
Martin is a colored youth about eigh
teen or twenty years of age, and was a
porter at the Dispatch Hotel. The
money disappeared and the porter was
suspected and arrested. Upon being
interviewed by Slienlr Martin, he ac
knowledged his guilt and took him into
the cellar and showed where the lost
money was concealed. This appearing
in the evidence, the culprit was com
mitted to jail in default .of bail to await
the action of the district court Clay
Center Times.
The Republican County Central Com
mittee of Lyon County held a meeting
at Emporia Saturday for the purpose of
considering the question of holding a
county convention. During the discus
sion John Bay said that he spoke for a
large number of Republicans m Lyon
County, and if a Republican convention
was held and other than prohibition
candidates nominated he and his friends
would not support the ticket. I. E.
Lambert, who seems to be a straight
Republican, argued that it was useless
to call a Republican convention when it
was given out before hand that if the
prohibitionist could not control it they
would bolt, and moved to adjourn,
which motion was carried, five to four.
Last year the Republicans of that comi
ty endorsed prohibition as a party meas
ure and lost tour hundred votes by it.
The Central Committee has been called
to meet next Saturday, when it is ex
pected a fuller attendance will be had,
and the question of prohibition as a
party measure this year definitely set
tled. Ju notion- City Union.
Only a Pleasantry.
As Sladc and Mitchell are looking around for a
quiet and obscure place in which to hold their
"mill," we would cametly recommend Abilene
as the proper point. Salina Journal.
Our friend Sampson was trying to be
fmmy when he penciled the above, but
the attempt' was abortive. -The Re
flector is a comparative stranger to
this part of the world, but it didn't
take it long to find out Salina's weak
ness. It doesn't, however, wish to say
anything about its unfortunate neigh
bor so soon after its arrival. It might
be guilty of a breach of courtesy. But
Salina knows that Abilene does more
business in a week than she does in a
month. Abilene has the finest public
school and school building hi Central
Kansas"; she has a fine Opera House;
waterworks; enterprise; money; fine
business blocks, immense business in
terests; a democratic paper; houses
springing up in every direction; ten
brick store rooms in course of construc
tion; and for the past tliree years she
increased three in population to Salina's
one. "What and where is Salina? Has
she been heard of since 1880? She is
located somewhere hi Kansas, but at
present she is tired and is indulging in
a Rip Van "Winkle sleep. "When she
wakes up she will draw her rags about
her and come over" to the metropolis of
Central Kansas for bread and wine.
And the Journal man will be in the
John J. Snmpter.
MITTEE. Through the courtesy of Sheriff Litts,
a Reflector reporter met tliis gentle
man at Abilene, while the train coin?
east was stopping for dinner. Mr.
Sumpter was on his way home from the
San Francisco conclave. He is very
pleasant and affable in his manners,and
learning that the reporter was going to
Topeka, he very kindly offered him a
camp chair at his side on the platform
of the rear sleeper. The reporter, of
course, displayed no undue delicacv by
refusing the seat, and as soon as com
fortably settled Mr. .Sumpter turned
the tables and commenced to interview
the reporter:
"Kansas is very prosperous tills year,
is she not?"
'Very prosperous, indeed," answered
the faber pusher. "Kansas this year
will raise 3(5,000,000 bushels of wheat:
200,000,000 bushels of com, and all oth
er crops m proportion. There are about
12,000,000 acres of land paying tribute
to the husbandman's skill, and the live
stock valuation of the State is about
$90,000,000. The farmers, sir, are hap
py and prosperous, and the State is
growing rapidly."
"Well, well," exclaimed the aston
ished 'Arkansaw traveler,' ''Kansas is
forging wonderfully to the front, isn't
she? I am glad to learn of her great
prosperity; but how is Gov. Glick get
ting along? Is his administration meet
ing with favor from the people?"
"Yes, sir, there is no fault to be
found with his administration, ne has
made a- fine executive officer; Ins policy
is endorsed by republicans as well as
by democrats, and there is no doubt
that he can be re-elected. But, Mr.
Sumpter," said the reporter, skillfully
turning the conversation into another
channel, "what is the outlook, from
your advantageous position, for 18S4?"
"Very bright, sir, veiy bright. The
democrats will elect the next president
as sure as fate."
"Who will be the 'coming man'?"
TNVell, that is a difficult question to
answer. While on my way to San
Francisco I took a poll of the sleeper
I was in. Among the democrats, Til
den received three votes and McDonald
three. Among the republicans, Arthur
and Blame led. That, however, is no
criterion. Tilden and Hendricks, "the
old ticket," as it is called, have a great
deal of strength in the country. Mc
Donald is the choice of my State and
Missouri, and I believe of the whole
west. He has a remarkably clean rec
ord, has a great intellect, is acceptable
to the democrats of the east, and really
stands the best chance of securing the
"What do you tliink of the contest
for the speakership of the next House
among the democrats?"
"The contest has hardly assumed a
definite shape, as yet. Randall, how
ever, will make a strong fight for the
place, but he must be beaten. The
democrats must elect a man for speaker
who is in favor of a tariff so adjusted as
to merely meet the needs of the Gov
ernment. Randall's election to the
speakership would injure the demo
cratic party and its chances of success
more than one would think possible.
The democratic party is reverting back
to the faith and practices of its fathers,
and all monopolies "must go."
"What about Iowa?"
"The chances of a democratic success
in that State are very good."
"And Ohio?"
"It will not be safe to predict the re
sult of the Ohio election. The quarrel
between the two factions headed by
Pendleton and the Enquirer is very un
fortunate and unwise. I tlnnk, howev
er, that the two factions will unite on
Governor and that Hoadley will be
The Reflector sanctum has been
very agreeably remembered by two of its
democratic friends. Thursday morning
"Uncle" Winfield came down and ten
derly and carefully laid upon the table
a magnificent and finely flavored musk
melon. And hi the afternoon Harry
Garten, of Solomon, sent down the lar
gest and best watermelon we have seen
this year. The gifts were highly ap
preciated and the democratic editors
luxuriated in those luxurious melons
just the same as if every man in the
county was a subscriber to the best pa
per in the county the Reflector.
We add those two last words for fear
that everyone wont understand the
statement just as we do. We wish the
people to avoid errors of all kinds.
The match game of base ball which
was to have been played last Friday be
tween the Abilene and Enterprise nines
was almost a total failure. The Enter
prise boys had sent word that they, could
not come, but having been persuaded to
reconsider they arrived in the city in the
afternoon, only to find the boys unpre
pared for them. After much rmming
around, however, the game was called
about six o'clock by Judge Culbertson,
the umpire. Only two innings were
played, the score standing 10 to 13 in
favor of Abilene. If the whole nine in
nings had been played the Lord only
knows where the score would have gone
Come in and subscribe.
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