Newspaper Page Text
gtitotlcii luewV VOL. XtX. ABILENE, KANSAS, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 29. 1902. NO. 37. S ERMON It L Mi MEMORIAL SUNDAY SERVICES IN COUBTBOOM. Large Attendance on the Interesting Observance of the Day-Sermon by Bev. W, A. Cain. the The Memorial .Sunday services in the courtroom were attended by a cnmrre?ation that filled every seat n n m.r.A mini) worn ir.nrHncr. The G. A. huh - - jv B, and W. B. C. marched in a body v from their hall and occupied reserved places. Bev. E. R. Brown offered the invo cation; Bev. F. Bergstresser read the scriptures; Adj. H. A. Keve read the roll of honor; Bev. D. B. Latham i nronounced the benediction. Music r was led by a quartette. ; The sermon by Rev. W. A. Cain ol the Baptist church was a most ap propriate and eloquent address, Among the many good things he uid: v A modern historian has said, United States of America, as com pared with some other, nation, has no antiquity in the arts, sciences, litera ture or government.' "He might have said with equal truthfulness, that in a little more than a century 'Uncle Sam' has grown to such proportions that he can hon orably take a place beside any of the nations and maintain his dignity and receive their respect. The Grand Army of the Bepublio has been no insignificant factor in helping other nations to reach the conclusion that we have one country with one flag, "God in creating this material world furnished a place for man as a sojourner. His primitive home was one of supreme happiness, until the intruder came. As the dark cloud sin brought was covering the human race, a voice from heaven broogb the tidings 'the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head.' This was the day dawning. Our text is found in Heb, 1:8. 'But unto the son, he saith, thy throne 0 God is forever and ever, a sceptre of right eousness is the sceptre of thy king dom.' God speaks from two great books, the material universe and his revealed word. "In the text we have the exalted Christ, the world's redeemer. His exaltation is seen in his creative power, also in the endurance of the kingdom he established in the world. While other kingdoms of the earth were serving a brief period and fall ing, Jesus of Nazareth was quickly establishing an everlasting kingdom upon the principles of eternal right eousness. The Grand Army of the Bepublio who have stood true and loyal to their country should all be loyal to the Christ our Saviour." May Get Entirely Well. Mrs. A. Bohannon, who is in Kan sas City being treated for cancer, re. ports that the main cancer has come off, and the part that came off weigh' ed 6 pounds. It is not all out yet but she is in hope of an ultimate cure. She sends her kind regards to all the enquiring friends. MASONS REMEMBERED HER. BURTON IN KANSAS. 8enatorIi Attending the State Re publican Convention. Senator and Mrs. J. B. Burton ar rived in Kansas Saturday night and will attend tne Republican state con vention before visiting Abilene. "What have you to say abouMhe report that has circulated in certain Graceful Action of Grand Lodge To ward a Member's Daughter. Miss Birdie May Cooper, a member of the recent gfWuating class of the quarters that you are at loggerheads Wichita high school was the recipient WItn tfle president over tne cuoan of a graceful compliment from the (gw 0iur Mr' Burton was Mtea- Masons of Kansas. Miss Cooper lives "mom ail I nave seen tnese reports at the Kansas Masonic Home and is have been put up by Democratic, the first member of that large family Populist and mugwump papers, and, .. J . m ii imrt i . I tha ttniah id fir hop tn f hD t hnnrTht ' " 10 graauaie irom me menus nign i .t -vm6u., school. The board of managers of replied Senator Burton. "A sufficient the home anithe Masonic fraternity answer to all this talk is that, before all over the state have watched her 1 le,t Washington on' Wednesday four years' career in the high school last,"! drew yro tlutlpns one on A SPEECH BY DUBOIS The Idaho Senator Discusses the Philippine Question. DIE with eager interest and on the day of her graduation they showed their ap- preciation ol her faithful efforts in a very pretty manner. The grand master, Thomas E. Dewey, of Abilene, on behalf of the grand lodge, sent her a check for f 25. The grand commandery, Knights Templar, at their conclave on May 14 appropriated funds with which to buy her a present. The committee protection and 'jeoiprocity, and another on our relation with Cuba, I submitted these resolutions President Roosevelt in the presence of Congressman Long. And President Roosevelt not only endorsed them but di so in Very emphatic and com' plimentary language, "It Is my purpose to submit these resolutions to the committee on resolutions appointed by the conven PRIVATE PE3SI0! BILLS IS HOUSE. Tha Special Peo.lon Legislation Charae teriied a Dlaf me bj Mr. Lond-A KmoIqiIod Against Accepting Fred erick the Great'! Statu. appointed for this purpose purchased " Both Congressman Long and. her a handsome gold chatelaine watch. myself assured the President that we SirKniirht E. A. Vail added a pott should use our influence to have them suspension pin and a beautiful souve- adopted with out any change, a A I ... ...... - a nir spoon with a picture of the high " d tell what the nnai nhnnl Kn ,-Min .nirr.i7i.ri n th hnvi action of Congress will be on the ""6 " ... ... The presentations were made by uuoan Dili, ine measure very naeiy lha anrurinUnrlant ni tha hnm. Will PSSB In Some Sfiape. 106 COQ- ..v James Sneddon, in the presence of ten turn on tne subject is not along the entire home family. Miss Cooper Py lines, fossibly it may assume waamn.'h affected at this token of that shape before final action is the pride and affection of the Knights and Masons, but responded in a sweet, modest manner. She told her hear ers what the home had been to her. She thanked the entire Masonic fraternity and the managers, who she said, "have been to me." Miss Cooper has a sad history, Her mother has been dead for years and her father is ooniined in an asylum for the insane. She has won the af' fection cf all who live at the Masonic home and they rejoice with her at the successful termination of ber high school course. She will remain n the home this summer and expects to take a course in kindergarten work at the state normal school in the fall. had. No Bepublican is opposed to reC' iprodal relations with Cuba, provid ed first, that such relations do not any way injure any of our home in. dustries, and, seconJ, that the benefits derived therefrom shall go to fathec and mother I the people of the two republics and not to favor class or favor corpora' tions. There will be a contest, Senator, Burton said, between the leaders qf the Isthmian canal bill and theCnt'in bill for right of way after the Philip pine bill is disposed of. The Isthmian bill has been promised consideration lirsc. "Whether the Isthmian bill will be able to maintain the promised place is doubtful," the senator said. Ballast Work Resumed. The ballast work on the Union Pacitto was resumed today. The first work will be done west of Brookville, where a few miles were skipped last fall. About 120 men will be employ ed and three trains will be used in hauling the ballast from She gumbo pits west of Solomon. W. The Packard, Ars Divorced, The divorce cise of Packard vs. Packard was decided in district court last evening. The judge made the decree a mutual affair because of the wrongs of both parties to the suit. The custody of the children and di vision of the property was not passed upon. Court adjourned un'il Satur day morning. Advertised Letters. The following is the list of un claimed letters remaining In the Abi lene postoffice for the week ending May 27, 1902. Have your mail ad dressed to your box number and it will be promptly delivered: . OIBTLIMIll't LIST. Brenner, Jacob Church, Jarvls 8 Hoffman, Harvey Larimer, Chan A Bice, J Well., Ed K LaDiia' Lin. Irani, Mrs Sophie Klana, Gertrude Bcosgln, lrla One cent will be charged for all ad vertised letters. , Persona calling for the above will please say "advertised" giving date. Bjcbaid Waiiko, P. U. Augusta Tolkman Dead. Sad news came to Mr. and Mrs. F Volkman of the death of their daughter, Augusta, who was visiting relatives In Marion county. She passed away Saturday evening alter several days' Illness, aged 23 years. The body was brought here and fun eral services were held from the United Brethren church. Rev. Mr. Perkins officiating. Burial was in Abilene cemetery. Augusta was I sweet and kind hearted, a true Chris, tian and her death has brought sin cere sorrow to the home and to many friends. Sincere svmnatby will be extended. Brenner. John Chrlitman, Alexander Lambert, Henry Poweln, Tom Weatherhy George Werge, W (J Four Brothers' Reunion- It was a most agreeable suprise to T. and Jerry Culham who live near Rhinehart, when their brothers, John Culham ofTuronto, Canada, and i. Culham. of Detroit. Mich., called at their homes Wednesday. The broth ers had not been together in the past quarter of a century, and notwith standing the fact they are all over J5 years old they were as pleased at meeting as they would have been if they were in their boyhood days again. The brothers are prosperous either in business or farming. The visitors are delighted with Kansas and expressed a desire to lo cate In the state. They say the coun try is much different from what they expected to see, and that they have never seen its equal. They will be at the homes of their brothers for a week or ten days and so pleated are they with the country tbat they are going to travel about the state some to see more of it. Enterprise Commencements. Twelfth annual commencement the Enterprise High School will be held at the College Auditorium, Fri day evening, May 30th, at 8:30. The following is the list of graduates; Robert Eytb, Anna Leckron, Cecil Brooks, Hattie Grosser, Clyde Beaver, Jonathan Froelich, Frederick Rose. The Normal Academy commence. ment will be Thursday evening, May 29th. Following are the graduates Eli F. Asling, David E. Haglund, Ed ward H. Ahrens, Adam G. Mai, Anna L. Miller, George B. Miller, Albert W. Volkman, Theo. F, Weihe. County High School Closing. The closing exerciseB of the county high school will be: Saturday, May 31st, 6:00 p. m.-Grand An nual Concert Music Department Sunday, June 1st, 8:00 p, m.-Annua! Sermon to Graduates Prof. Joseph A. Hill, Emporia Monday, June Hud, 8:00 p. m.-Annual Grad uate Recital Mlsi Ida Mailt Tuesday, June 3rd, S:00 p. m.-Annual Lee., tare to the Associated Christian rode- ties Kev. L, 8. Keyser, Atchison Wednesday, June 4th, 8:00 p. m.-Henlor I'lay Class 1WK Thursday, June Slh, 8:00 p. m.-Annual Alumni Program. Thursday. June 5th, 10:00 p. m.-Anniml Alumni Banquet and Reunion. Friday, June Stli, 10:00 a. m.-Annual Gradu ating Exercises. ? Coughingi Start at once for your drug store for some cough medi cine. If you meet your doc tor on the way, tell him you are going after a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. If he has anything better to offer you, get it. Ve want to help you, and so dscs your doctor. " I coughed terribly after hiving la S'ppe. If it bsd not been for Ayer's erry Pectoral, I don't think I could possibly have pulled through." E. B. Davis, Providence, R. I. Be.. Ik, Ml J.fciYBCO.,Lmll,M. Washington, May 24. A temperate and carefully prepared speech was delivered in the senate yesterday on the Philippine bill by Senator Du bois, of Idaho. He confined himself almost entirely to a discussion of the commercial and industrial aspects of the Philippine question, his purpose being to show that it would be disadvantage to the people of thi country to retain the islands. What ever of profit there might be in them. he said, would accrue to a few cap italists, who, by their development of the resources of the archipelago through cheap labor, would come into competition with the agriculture ists and manufacturers of the United States in the markets of the world, Thu government's activity In the Philippines also would serve arouse China from her lethargy and, once aroused, the dragon would de four the trade of the world. An earnest and forcible reply Senator Dubois was made by Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, who contend' ed that the development of China's resources would be of advantage In trade and commerce to the United States, as the Industrial development of other nations had been. After the passage of a bill provid ing for the appointment of James W. long, on the retired list of the army, as a captain of infantry, the senate went into executive session and at 6:40 adjourned until Monday. Senator Turner introduced a bill for the amendment of the Chinese exclusion act recently passed. The amendment provides for the ellmina. tion from the first section of the act the words "not Inconsistent with treaty obligations." A fear has been expressed that this provision is too general and under It Chinese might find their way into the United States throughout other countries which fty our ''treajy obligations"' would allow Chinese to come in. The house devoted the day to prl- nte pension bills and to a few other minor measures. Mr. Loud, of Call fornia, criticised the Bpeciul pension legislation ns a disgrace and drew emphatic responses from Messrs. Sul- loway, of New Hampshire; Sulzer, of IVew York, and Miers, of Indiuna. In all 103 private pension bills were passed. Mr Gaines, of Tennessee, hnd read the appeal of the governor of Tennes see for relief for the widows and children of the men buried In the re cent mine disaster in Tennessee. Mr. Stephens, of Texas, introduced a resolution .that is directly aimed at the tenTler df a monument of Fred erick the Great, to the United States. It sets forth that the United States should not accept from any foreign nation or erect in any public place any statue of nny king, emperor, prince or potentate who has ruled or la now ruling any ration by the supposed divine right of kings. The resolution further sets forth tbat the acceptance of such a statue by this government would be a repudia tion of Its basic principles as enun ciated in the bill of rights und con stitution, an insult to the memories of our revolutionary fathers an ad mission that one man may govern a nation without the consent of the governed and after his death have his statue erected In our republic and the blessings of the divine right cf kings to rule thereby approved. The bouse at 4:15 p. m. adjourned to Monday. 1 v 0 S cream v u Is the Most Economical Greater in leavening strength, a spoon, ful raises more dough, or goes further. Working uniformly and perfectly, it makes the bread and cake always light and beautiful, and there is never a waste of good flour, sugar, butter and eggs. While it actually costs less to make a batch of biscuit with the Price Baking Powder than with the so-called cheap powders, there is the additional advan tage of better and more healthful food. Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago. Note. Alum powders should not bo used, no matter how cheap they are. They induce dyspepsia, liver complaint and kidney trouble. TEE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. THE TAFT COMMISSION. Donbt Eipreuod la Vatican Circle, as to Whether tha Pop Will (lira an OIB clul Ramptlo to It. Home, May 23.-Doubt la felt In Vatican circles as to whether the pope, after, ell, will give an official reception to the Tuft commission. Ofllclnl notification of the arrival of the commission here at the end of May now bus been received at the United States embassy and has caused disappointment at the vuti can, as it specifically eliminates all . ,....1 tn li ...... ... ... ine TIO 111 ll'lll llh H'VTIB n.MIKIIU w ere no (iisninmiiccs. 1 . . " , . As confirming the probability tlint t(.,(.l to the commission and sets ence Is nut distant, Higlit, lion. I!. " " , Sed.lon, the premier of New Zen- m nny way no regnr, B u :. - nd, who is now visiting here, has ' recogninon or inc. v ...... . f-- nt a cablegram home in which he XT iwaro naiy ine commiHhmn is m ,ih-jj wu. ness character and in no way con es. , ,. A R.ll.f That Thej Arc Proceeding Fa- Torahljr at V.rmalflni and Pratorla- Ih. London Mall'. Statement. Pretoria, May 28. The Boer depu tation Is still here and the confer ences at . Vcrcenlglng continue. Nothing definite as to the result is nown, but It is believed the negotia tions are proceeding favorably. At , the celebration of Victoria day Saturday a large crowd gnlliered In the sniiare here, expecting to hear' proclamation of peace. There said: "I have bad a satisfactory In- rview Willi Lord Kitchener and ord Milner. I do not think another New Zealand contingent is neces- ry." Announcement May II. Ripeetad Soon, London, May 26,-Tlie Dally Mail this liioiiiliig says the announce ment of pence may be expected at nny moment nnd that it will be found that the government has re. mained Inflexible on all vital points issue nectcd with poll Iliad HI. Wlf. and Then Hnleldcd. Ogden, Utah, May 20. Lorenzo Faulkner, a railroad mnn about 30 years of Bge, shot and killed his wife, Rose Faulkner, yesterday afternoon and then blew out his own brains. Faulkner's wife left him some months ago and returned to the home of her parents. Yesterday afternoon he called at the house and asked her to go walking with him. She consented, tflklng her ten-montlis-old baby In her arm. Faulkner soon began quar reling with the woman and, pulling out a revolver, fired three bullets Into her body. One of the shots scorched the infant's cheek. Th. lf.bra.ka A. R. tacaaipai.Bt. Omaha, Nb May 24. The annual encampment of the O. A. It. and aux iliary organizations of Nebraska closed their sessions yesterday. Lieut. Gov. Calvin F. Steele, of Fair- bury, was elected department com mander of the O. A. R., and Mrs. F. M. McKinney, of Blair, was elected president of the Woman's Relief corps. The officers of both organiza tions were installed at a joint cere mony last night. The next encamp ment will be held at Fremont. A Pbjilclaa Charged with Mardor. Ardmore, I. T, May 24. Federal officers lodged Dr, J. W. Davenport, a prominent physician of Oakman, in jail yesterday. He is oharged with the murder of Z. F. Wright, a mail carrier at Oakman, The tragedy grew out, it is said, of a letter writ ten by Wright to Davenport's daugh ter, disclosing some facts about Da venport's attention to a certain woman. Rleor Brathraa Abilene, Ksn May 20.-The busi ness session of the International River Brethren conferenoe closed Saturday night. Rev. Martin Ober hohcwr, of Pennsylvania, woe elected moderator. Kev. George Detwiler, of Abilene, and Kev. Frederick Elliott, of Canada, weri tleated secretaries. The conference voted not to allow the use of organs la the churches nd decided to locate the church pa per at Harrisknrf, Pa., where neit Tear's conference will be held. A hive feaet was keld veetarday. A Warrant Sworn Oot for Al Beard. Onawa, la., May 24. County Attor ney Smith, of this county, yesterday wore out a warrant for the arrest of Al Beard, wanted In Lincoln and Min neapolis for murder and now under arrest in Kansas City. Beard is wanted on a charge of robbing the Bank of Turin, la., last November. The warrant was issued at the in stance of the American Surety company. v'lrn'nn, May 'Or-A ulttfr party or llonmunlnn Jews, principally women, girls and young children, stopped at Vienna yesterday on their way to the United States. All are pinched with hunger nnd are evidently, wretchetllv Door. They are enthu siastically confident, however, that in the United States their condition will be bettered. This party Is only the beginning of what promises to, he an exodus of Roumanian Jewe during the next three months, owing, It Is said, to oppressive legislation. No Mora Csatrlb.tlon. Waaled. Washington, May 23.-John M. Wil son, vice president of the American National Red Cross, has Issued the following statement: "Information having been received, through the department of state, from the Ameri can consulates at Martinique and St. Vincent, West Indies, that the sup plies already furnished for the relief of sufferers from the recent volcanic disturbances in the islands are suffi cient for present necessities, further contributions by the people of the United States are unnecessary." A Rig Flro Lot. at Transfer Homo. Buffalo, N. Y May 23,-Fire which started about midnight destroyed the transfer house of the New York (Vntrul at the East Buffalo stock yards, causing a loss roughly esti mated at $000,000. The flames spread to the hundreds of cars surrounding the building and a great number of them wero destroyed. William Les ter, a switchman, was struck by fall ing timbers from a partially burned car and sustained Injuries which re sulted In his death. Saltation Arair Coagraaa. New York, May 23. The annual congress of the Salvation army ia In session her. Commander Booth Tucker announced yesterday that tha Rrltlih Camp of Bom Bayers Bros.a Dp. commander-in-chief, Oen. William Ogden, Utah, May 23. The British . tooth, would visit this country la camp of horse buyers has finished ' October next. Nearly 500 delegates Its work here. The vaqueroe were from ,u parts of the United Statea discharged and Hereford and Low-1 ar( attending the congress. ther, the buyers, returned to Billings, tt Braairy naa eten to Bolia to Mont The camp has been e.Ub-' fc on whIch 1Uhd tie fnne mnnfha bbi4 2 500 r-J . . . . llshed here four months and 2,500 horses have been bought he was aecarlty for Grisham.