Newspaper Page Text
'WAN CURED t it - - f titiawCisaLii ' Jdaeaw. the district attorney qive'nI the adelia shores had ai pas- ENTHUSASTIC RECEPTION BY HIS FRIENDS. SENOERS AND CREW. HE SEEKS TO BE RE-ELECTED I Thl It the Fourth Lak Vassal That smimpfa oy in uaie or . Loot Week. Duluth, Minn., Mar 8. Advice re- M.k.a Sneering R.mark. WJ!?l!'2mto tho Publle Bollovoo Forty Or- ." . " , , '' ?' ""Z ...I...I.. fci. Una ..u, v vuiiui, nsut OUWI on .v.. Whlrefl.h Pnlnf In 1 11. a., . Mava Ludin. ' " oil on board. Tho crow and passeng- New York, May 8.-Willlam Traver e "umDr 1. Gardiner, Malno." I hare Men a I Jerome, district attorney of 'Now ByLydiaEPinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 iMHin. vrQinr tuin t . .ttAm v N6W destruction of the great sufferer from organic trouble york wa, the chief speaker and the ?teamer WM .brughf her nlgh! weakneia. Tho who a. thVaslhe latter 7 dootorMidlwonld 2S5SS?i !2L.,:U WblUflah Point, Uke -fluperlor holpitel "for u of lntore.t. repre.ented-polltlcal and " 7 Indeed, the one peat leading feature of Speration, but I otherwise. Tammany leader eat aide and that in their opuuon lt OWBelrHairVlgorm.y welfbe .aidto could not tear to by tide with promient Republican to ,ron? tta 8horeg Tne 81lore" ' bo thlo-it atop falling hair. Then It .Ifr do honor to the dl.trlct attorney wh. ... MffteSfi 53&3ftS J- J?- 'decn a W MOtoS tf 5SB.' Ask foV'new lind !!S2!-.WHS ,nL '1 Milwauke. and i. .aid to have been -.o,a.c... UJierc 13 Your Hair? In your comb ? Why so P Is not the hesd s much better place for It? Better keep whit is left where it belongs! Ayef'sHair Vigor, new improved rofarula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not s particle of doubt sbout It. we speak very posI lively about this, for we know Pom not chonjn Iht alt of Iht hah, ' 3 , Imu wltkwak MM BnitHmi ((Iff O aMkMakMtH, J mmmlman and Sanatiro Wash and wai entirely cured after three month' use of them." Mr. B. A. WatiAm. H. P. D, So. 14, Boi 8, Gardiner, Me. ...... . Va wnmin ihould submit to S iure Ml Amratinn. which mar mean death, until (he ha given Lydia E. Plnkham' U,.t h7de..r.d to 'unTto; d,r.0m "J0?'8!" W"h CWg0 hi. .t.w.rJ.Mn" HI. anaAnh hut""" u... ipuuupi. 1.11. -I..V ...m. n "few numbered 21, but this can- P;:r; .'rSview- cTwr d -i?:-'fli4- h"h hi attitude a dimrict attorney. . . , m , . . , . . I which alao the Aurania, the Russia ! gne-t'ed tat with applau.e, then with ? . Ne-ter weni i dow , wa. on. of va JnMskb i lrfrn Ihli famou medicine hu fnr thlrtr Teara Drov h. .m.i. mnnlnn Women realdV publlo and (aid: i i i ..... ju.iui Inn In I "T hnvA mmn tn bAllevA that no uigiu uiHniv ?;Ti. ;r.T . " ; . .., oua. T.n. I niTWI nTATAH IHHC WlUlllM WDw Krau UHnillUBUl IUU1 1. IBUWI inonv to the wonaenul virtue oi -yaw by audden revolution. However great IS. Jflnkham vegetao e jompounu. the benefit may be for a time, how ever, startling the Improvement ol outlook, uch change are largely ephemeral." He ald that he believed party or ganlzatlon necessary and that "we most have leader whether we abuse them and call them boase or not, ! the year. nntmnena given iiyma xi. jriuuiu -icu m mm . "imm .r.ot in th hi.tnn Vegetable Compound, made exclualw. heer. followed by three "tiger." Af- ?!!e" , ,hi. .i.n L .ifl hrhi fiiir trial. ... i. .i.n tha Superior for thl season, of and renewer of P" . year, and the attitude of tin nrevallina for three HE WANTS TO TELL JAMES BOYLE CHARGED WITH KIDNAPING IS NOT PERMIT TED TO CONFESS. lent enow storm prevailing for three day made navigation extremely peril WOMAN WOULD ALSO SPEAK R euro, female ills, and create radi ant, buoyant female health. H you are ill, tor your own aaxe a weu nose yon love, give n a triai. Mrs. Plnkham. mt I.vnn. Maga iDTltes all aiok women to. write her for advice. Her advice uiree, and always lielpfoU DINED ADMIRAL IJICHI'S MEN. Country Life Convention End. Guthrie, Ok., May g. After electing E. D. Cameron, superintendent of the Oklahoma schools, president: State Superintendent A. C. NeUon, of Utah flrBt vice-president; S. C. Cousin, state superintendent of Texas, second vice president, and H. M. Ferguson, of '" "u 1 7'J"a Sherman, Texas, secretary and select Democracy does not disregard leader- . . ' ' ' The Cltlisns' Reception Committee Entertained Jap. , ' , ' . . . . ..... j... .h, ing Dalla, Texas, aa the next place of (hip. We hear a great deal about I . imin. ... Mttm ",l " "" CZ. .dJoumed at the close of last night's Democracy, but it la In reality 'mobo-1 .,. -nH.. ,t ... port made by the Interstate commla- San Francisco, May 7.-A brilliant gf certaln tracUon and Insurance mat omciai dinner was given last night ters." eracy. W. T . ..IJ .,,. hail fall i. .u " "" .! nlrv Ufa .nnlm.. h th. "very bitter about the ethical features president were adopted. at the Falrmount hotel by the Citl- aen' Reception committee, represent Ing the commercial and civic bodies of San Franclaoo in honor of Rear Admiral Ijlchl and the commanding officers og the Japanese training cruisers Soya and A so. The white and gold ball room was decorated with the flags of the United States and japan, while the long tables were aeaped with masses of hawthorns and rose of red and white, the national color of Japan Upward of 400 persons were pres ent, including Admiral Ijlchl, Rear Admiral Swinburne, Gov, Qlllett, Mayor Taylor, Japanese Consul Gen eral Nagal, members of the San Fran cisco board of supervisors and repre sentative business and professional men, both American and Japanese, Toasts to the Japanese and Ameri can navies were responded to respec tively by Admirals Ijlchl and Swin burne and adresses of welcome were The publlo, he said, wanted a vic tim and because the ethical feat ure of the situation often looked like 1 .1 ...VII. that mroujr, i,uu.. wuv.uu . h ... ..... n they were larceny. And the public, he . ' ' - . h. The Washington Broke Records. Spokane, Wash., May (.Private ad vices received by Col. N. E. LInsley, chairman of the Spokane .Naval hat the armored cruiser Washington broke all. added wanted W tt- .United state. would come and that lt had come. Court Ha Refilled to Permit Them to Stat What They Claim to be the Truth About Case. Mercer, Pa., May 8. Relying entire ly Upon their contention that the Penn sylvania court have no Jurisdiction in her case, counsel for Mrs. James Boyle, charged with aiding and abet ting the kidnapln of "Billy" Whitla, yesterday refuaed to offer any evi dence In her behalf. Arguments will be made to-day. The claim of the prosecution that Mrs. Boyle partici pated In thla state In a conspiracy to kidnap tho boy will be combatted by tho defense, which will endeavor to have her turned over to the author tttes at Cleveland. The atate's testimony was mainly tho same a that given in the trial f Jamea Boylo, but aome additional wltneaaea testified about the connec- I i. J k,. y r , , v7kl V- iJ IliJ Lrwal 'VijT " 7 ' If you do not believe It, Just ask someone who ha run ona. ' .'. , r The model F, S cylinder, SO horse power, touring' car $1,000 f. o. b. factory. The model IT, 4 cylinder, 80 hone power, touring car equipped with magneto, 11,750 f. o. b. factory. The model 10, 4 cylinder, lt horse power runabout with magneto, 1,0 00 f. o. b. factory. The model It, 4 cylinder, 18 horse power tourabout with magneto, 11,050 f. o. b. factory. These price are all on new 190S car. See u before you buy. E. E. COULSON & CO. OfBoe In the Telephone Build log. J. VY. J ORSON A. S. PEKCT J. M. BAIER ELMO REALTY CO. We do a general Seal Estate, Farm Loan and Insurance Business CALL AND SEE US AT THE 47-tf ELMO STATE BANK, Elmo, Kansas who . nl.V.n n.... lirooom wore di.iiu . . . .., Peter Dunne, Henry W. Taft, Samuel tne Tenneee- L. Clemens, Edward M. Bhepard, Al ton B. Parker. Lymann Abbott, Wm. Nelson Cromwell and Chauncey M. DePew. He Lived 00 Year Unmarried. Wm. last night at the age of 90 years. He I was a brother of Duncan B. Cooper, navy in the recent target practice at Aoont Z ,u..t. ?n .U were pTe.ent "?itrJL m!" 111 "on of. ""-f '1th 'MueUon n v.i nromlnent men. inclndina "u'"8lu" uno 01 ine policemen leaa- Jo.eph H. Choate. .nt letter, of ro- LLHl tbV award U mal in W "It "PfSZ in -Moh tk.r n.iii . tHhiita to lel recordi lf the award is made In "i am the frail little woman fh?Xt:.oev dAonX.e .ccordance with the rule, observed planned the whole thing." , woo wnon I . r. u i mi.. . .1 . - j " -" F.u.uu uj i 1 lis nuuiug 01 uiR roiiBom uiunnr accreted In her clothing was also test! Bed to. The proprietor of the Granger wounded Thro policemen. anartmenta in Cleveland identlfled Detroit, Mich., May 8. While being Boyle and. Mrs. Boyle aa the couple searched at the Windsor, Out, police ma0 rented an apartment, from her neaaquaners last nigni, a prisoner i under the name of Walter. who gave the name of Herman Kraft I Throughout the proceedings Boyle NashivlTlr Tern May 8 -Judge of 8uperlor' Wta- drew reTolver d hi. wife apparently de.lred to w M in New York flrffig u""lad, of "noU M he ran out brl nt the name of another party m. F. Cooper died in new xora .. . ,. rf wniina thrA nniin. ..u .. v.... v. .....j .h. men. Sergeant William Reid, though c,e. Boyle at one point .aid ItihiuJ sV-t . Ki11.t- . -HiAil It la I ... . . . . . . , . J?6 m?."?Tl.?",'.?". ?'..Ia5r.0rn''ai I vf If "wk'f 'vnillfl6 iiiinTi'Ili I rltai and tore through e eiid of a I thl case now. I want the whole thing lor. The toast "International Good will," proposed by Rev. Charles A. Brown of Oakland, waa responded to by Consul General Nagal. , Thirty-live of Rear Admiral IJlchl's officers, Including the captains of the visiting vessel and the member, ol . the admiral' staff attended the' 'din ner, while from the tour United States cruisers at anchor in the bay came al most an equal number of officers. The army waa represented by live officer' 'Havana,' May (.The dfiTusslon re the house of representatives on the bill recently Introduced authorising a national lottery, which promised to provoke a lively debate has been In definitely postponed. It is rumored that the United States government In timated to the Cuban administration tbat It disapproved of the establish ment of a lottery and suggested that the sending of tickets turougb the malls might exclude Cuba from the International postal union. his son of the killing of ex-United States Senator Carmack. Judge Coop er was formerly a Justice of the Ten nessee supreme court. His tutor at Yale was Alonio Taft, father oi President Taft During the-Clvli war he was appointed a Justice' of U o ma linger, pursued the fugitive and tured him In lumber yard. Another Legislature Negligent Little Rook, Ark., May 8. In a spe cial message read in the house yester day afternoon Gov. Donaxhey calla at- federate states supreme couti. Judge tentlon to the "neglect of the egisla- eap- cleared up. The whole blame was on some one else." Last night in her cell Mrs. Bovie said: Cooper was unmarried. Both Jlmmle and myself have tried to tell the whole story.' " We have not ''- been permitted to do so. V It is not Jus- tare In not carrying out Democratic a "!? '....m J hi La Spokane Adopt Racall. Spokane, Waah., May 8 By a safe majority the eltlsen. of Spokane adopted a charter amendment provid ing ror th recall of elective city of ficials on petition of IS per cent of the voter. They also voted for the di rect aon-partlsan primary, the initia tive and referendum on petition of ten percent of the voters and the elec tion of all. councilman at large. nd t ft. m. It ll almoM ilnn a Heart Strength ' WvTi fjtr-snfth, or Han rt Wmlmjs, pEmifth, or htm WastariiiM oothina RiTtiy. nc on wnk besut la ft btmdr fit, ftcnu-iir aue Mm Unj hule i tm ohcur njTr-ttt QtrdlM, or Br htrn Mdmr-iy aMsxte, tai ntut tmv wtot power. sShori tjlaWHST, mort eontrolltnt. boi fornujaf svw'Cia. iUwaltLbs) Hasut atsM oruaous) to tsuj, KRt ih ity svoa) tattasvt aim mm Khm Mam eontroiilttf Mrveav curlr plain whf M ft eBrtBi, D Hoop's EfMtonitjf haJ la lb irvet doM mnc ha vaavk iutk. nHns; Haat.rU. pr. Sfmetf trm tnmUk P taVtH Oi li ttJpSailirul, tSV(:1lV$tBf, fttftOCSvfr km d'.ttnm. Vt. Htxx feaorsvtlT)j p.rui pjwxi :iaaU mam einmA t aVrrJ wwi f DCTTS) B boi4 ur)rU)v-t . ti ctiVn rpavL tm .m mrthl. U fvm wM hr mrooM hmrm ttrKf AW tMsioa, iVK has tbmt jmrrn nmuH)m um m asaL 1U Dr. Shoop'o :orauvc .CGI ALL tZULTA of a liquor question at a special elee-1 , .., . ' ,. (V. . in, .A in.i.t. that . wii in thi. eommlt auicld before I go to the pen- Great public Interest is manifested over the question whether the Boyles Dlatform demand, for the submission KThlng should be heard and Chni With Kllllna Sheeomen. . iinm,. ...tin. .t . .mw.i.1 .1.. mrasnea oui. as ror myseu i. win Cheyenne, Wyo,, May 8. The grand Jury that had been Investigating the eject be passed before adjournment recent raid on me sneep camp or aiib-i i mil mil V!mv. nfltr flnrlnr Creek I AV..nnlnn AHiltMtlan M.arlnfl. yesterday returned Indlctmentt The Hague, May T. Arrangement ul "nw to atate what is on against George Saban, M. A. Alexand are being conducted hers for the hear ""r """" " der, Thomaa Dixon, Wm. Dise and ug of the Anglo-American fisheries testimony baa been closed, Charlee Ferrl., all well known cattle question of the ccurt of arbltraUon tn ""'J' BoTl "J wln then of Ten Sleep, charging them toward the end of l0f. It ll expert- " "ed "P?1 to w wb' ,e?: with complicity in th murder of s M tht th arbitration of th que, tone ahould not be pronounced. If herder named Lasler and Allemand ,B di.puU between the TJnltod Mr- 03rl '?a' b aowlttod, h and Emg. All of the men indicted gtate and Vnsuel win be takea ' are now in Jail. early In )1. one else Into the ease. Showlno Jaoa the Slant. I ..,. y.,.. ...... i Whit House Qarden Parties. Ban Francisco. May 8. San Fran t.m. tx. Washington, May 8. The White Cisco closed its formal entertainment B ,e cn'lrged 'with th abduction of ous waa thronged yesterday after to the officer and men of the Jap w,, ' whitl. Sharon Pa ' was nom l a tnl Srdei party given by anoeo training cruiser. Aao and Soy. Jcfi ,t J:U 0lock JtMt Mra TM .Maw MS U were yuawraay aj .ouuiu u,. utu, dl jfternoon. When court adjourn- ; " plement of 188 midahlpmen and 80 oi V " . lury -omd ln ta ' nom bc' ot tte in' the commissioned officers of the train I.".".. . ..wn clemency of the weather. Mr.. Taft .Td?f ?"'",Jll temprarily. It 1. believed th. trl.1 . -Jf- EJV ",v.r""r : wlU be concluded before the end of -"r- ' . ....r " uaen oa a signi soeiiia wur uiruugii . ......i -Mk i . . . im.; hiuimm th city In special trailer car. I I . ..j. islanda tor Birda only. Comes Her te Learn. . , "".". ... New York. May 8. An executive or- Santiago, Chile. May 8.-Admlra taicago, .r der of ex-President Roosevelt mad Fere. Oacltua of the Chilean navy, wll eai. m woe n.v- 0ruuSaL, waa lamed yeatorday leave here ehortly for the Unite. "" iniern.uona. ooi. n.iur- 1lMdf 0 State where he will a number o T"terday, after resting on except CaMtni, be reserr- hlovard and Jnve.tlgate the posslbl. """ j. anhiect to their naa for naval and will be accompanied by several mem market campaign from his residence, bars of hi uff. lighthouse purposes, and set apart for th use of th department of agrtcul- wher h. haa had special wire put m u t vnteTT, M(l breeding Victims May Not Recover. Beattle, Wash., May 8. Although m fatalltlea have resulted from the ac cldent In the new itat armory la night when the railing ot the eaa la. ground tor native bird. All Agree Except Germany. Washington, May 8. All th gov- Oolng to the Philippines. San Franclaco, May . The United State, army transport 8ber!daa aalled I eramenta except Oermaay which have ve.terdav tor the Philippines with a been sonnded by th United Bute on balcony broke, precipitating th ipec utt number of officer and their the (ubjeet have assented. In principle, tatora at an athleUo meet to the floo families, the seventh Infantry, 140 en- to the wish of China tor a oonferaoo below It I feared that at least four ii,t.d Dca f company O. engineer to consider the Question of raising kef the SO victim will not recover. corps and 100 marine. Itarif rate. ftell.V for the Turks. I Torpedo Flotilla to Seattle. Washington. May 8. Ten thousand Ban Diego, Cal, May 8. Th torpe- dollars haa be raised by th Turkish do Flotilla of 11 vessel, aalled yea- II., ul,,.. n, .VUk L.rt.. I ... ... W.M t.l.n .kuu -111 Consul Oeieral Brabrlel B. Raniil proceed to Seattle to be present at "t7," v , . .v., ...i.. ... ... .s. .i..v. 1. yeetorday. More than 100 officers who tiataaoa to th tuSeren la Turkey. I tiflo expoaltioa. Spanish War Veteran Meet Cleveiaad, May 8. Th National commas der! es of th aavsl and mili tary order of the Spanish-Americas served to the conflict are la attenaV GEORGE SNYDER, Shoer of Track and Heavy Horse HA TISF ACTION GUARANTEED ONE PRICE TO ALL Spei til Al lent ion Given to Drivers Interfering Stopped or Helped Give Me a Call , Phone 263. Brick Shop, Spruce St,, Abilene, Kansas. spouting and tin work of all kinds. C. M. MILL Broadway, next door north of music store. 97. tf I manufacture Steal Stook Tanks - of rer description and sell them tor less money then they oan be bought for else where. Examine them and be convinced. I also handle pipe, fittings and pumps, bath tubs, sinks, and sewer pipe; also do Phone 103 MuCutt jCute vtuta j4u4t ttufa JtuM HigK School I xiangragr jx-(rsrisriar By Graxella Puliver. Mr. Blair and Mr. Fries both of Pennsylvania, attended chapot . Fri day morning. Leslie Wagerman and Mr. Eshle- man attended chapel and mualc claaa Tuesday morning. ' ' Miss Nellie Wilkie who haa Just closed a successful term of achool, at tended chapel Wedneaday morning. Mayor Rice paid hi Initial visit' to th high achool Friday morning. Marie Royer, a former .student of H. 8., visited chapel and music class Tuesday morning. The card for the eighth month were distributed last Wedneaday and there aeemed to be general satisfac tion with the result - Mis Ruth Wilkie, saluatatorian of the 1907 class, attended chapel Wed nesday morning. Mr. Bolt attended chapel Friday morning and remained to bear Mr. Irvlng'a talk. Mia Bertha - Burkholder visited chapel and some of the English claas- Wedneeday morning. She was president ot tho claaa of 1808 and thia winter ha been teaching achool. Friday morning for th tint time th orchestra practised commence ment election with the music claaa. Beside the music claaa, the orches tra, the girls' chorus and th boy' quartette are working hard prepar ing th muale for commencement AM who saw the gam between th K. V. Freshmen and tho Abilene high achool report that oar boy put np splendid gam, oven- if they were beaten with a score of 4 to 1. Last week wo said that they were In vincible now we declare that al though they were honestly beaten this time the K. TJ. Freshmen will hare to play better to win the honors next time. About forty of the Salina high school girls came down with th team last Friday. If their presence waa an encouragement , they did their part. Arfl, -t SOLO EittSS FREE W will gin yes ataoletdy free a aiaibome gold ring or roar choice from our premium (ha. M u uae end hMhus. W. to4 Md tntit yoo wit 1 omm Soul Plot to Nil at lh.wb. WbmeoMre. lore St W end will .end ro flu ring, .linn T.wwt jewwiev qoh ,.efce. e nti Refleotor, April SI, 10 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLKMK5T. Stat of Kansas. Dickinson County, sa in th Probst Court of said County. In th matter of the eatate of Freder ick JohnU, deoesaed. To ell Creditor and Other Person la urelled in said Eetate: Ton are hereby notified that at th rwultr Jun. term of the Probate Court In and for said county, te be held at the probate Judge'a office. In. Abilene, In ald county, on the Its day of June l0t. being the flrat Sat urday In aald month of Jane, I will make final aettlemeot of eald aetata. LOUISA P. JOHNTZ, Slwlt Administratrix. Flrat publiahed In Abilene Weekly - Reflector, Mar , 1.I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. State ef Kaneaa, Dickinson County, sal in the Probata Court of said county. In the matter of the Eatat of Mar garet !ndarg&a. Deceased. To All Creditor, and Other Persons intereetea in mw ml..-. v.Hw. ..hamI that at the regular June term ot the fr" Court In and for said Wi-V the probate Judaea oW -, !' In said eountr. on the V'h day ot l io belna- the flrrt (ondy la 4 i,;th Tuni I will ft"! sl"- SMBt Of said estate. Brecutne ef HfiJfL.'i. "driZI,,, OS MATTrm. 4wtw i i I aso. . -