Newspaper Page Text
DIS.iuCT OOUlT UUj ii.f I NEXT MONDAY. (Continued from first page.). 45 4949 4710 47 t . ' 4(8 .t .; 41 I 4943 49 450 to 4861 SI 4$46 i 52 4949 53 4947 54 4949 66 4549 68 4953 67 4853 53 4554 69 4955 60 4656 61 4967 62 . - 4959 69 4959 64 4560 66 4961 66 4962 67 4963 69 4964 49 4965 70 4866 71 In the matter of the es tate of Martin B. Kropff Incapable Th Union Cen tral Ufa Insurance Com pany, Claimant Sophia B. Negley. Guard lan B. W. Wise v. C. W. Parker C. C. Wyandt Ti. F. J. Felgbt. A. C. Felgnt and 0. L. Thlsler. Stella Jonea Ti. Ollrer T. Jonei Hannah B. Hayes T. Raliaman N. Belknap and Cora A. Belknap. W. M. Oarriion Ti. F. A, Phillip" Joseph 0. Norman Ti. The Union Pacific Rall rlad Companr Katie Pfenning br Henrjr Pfenning her next Mend Ti. George Johnson Hattle Davis Ti. William A. Davli In the matter of the Pet ition of Ulrich Hohener for Citizenship. Martin Dolan Ti. The Missouri Paclflo Railway Company, a Cor poration. Martha Norman Ti. Frank Norman, et al F. F. Linden Ti. A. D. Martin and Helen F. Martin W. A. Snider " Ti. Anita Snider James T. Bads Ti. Mrs. Mary Myers, et al H. A. Andreson Ti. A. L. Even, at al Sarah J. Bergman, et al Ti. Bradberry Warnock, et a) Henry O'Neil, et al 4967 72 4569 79 4969 74 4970 75 4971 76 4973 77 4373 79 4974 79 4976 90 4976 61 4677 82 4979 A. D. Martin, et al The North Electric Co, a corporation Ti. C. L. Brown, doing bus! new under the name ot Union Electric Co. Anna K. Hoffman Ti. Edward Hoffman The Citizens Bank of Abilene, Kansas VS. Frank O. Pullver and Kate 8. Pullver Oscar V. Myers Ti. David Henry Sheldon Frank Townsend Ti. Lorena Townsend John Jackson vs. The United States Gyp sum Company, a corpor ation. W. F. Zlebell Ti. C. C. Eckhoff. et al Perklna Wind Mill Co, a corporation Ti. G. M. Legg and George , Legg Bradshaw and W. H. Mott Co-Partnera Bradshaw Jb Mott, Ti. Byron House ' Andrew Kropff Ti. Region Beningui, et al. ' Pauline 8lcklea II James A. Harlan - Ti. 4171 Henry Hanks, et al 14 Charlotte A, Kldd ts. , 4690 The Providence SaTlng Life Assurance Society, of New Tork, a corpora tion. 15 Sarah Ryan , Ti. 4691 John C. H. Lee, al , 91 The International Har vester Company of Amer ica, a corporation Ti. 4182 Henry Kleopfer, et al IT Edward Hoffman : Ti. .4999 U. 8. Rohrer 81 Bertha Christie Ti. 4894 MelTln M. Christie 89 ' H. A. Hockensmith Ti. 4995 The Union Pacific Rail road Company, a corpor ation 96 Isaac Shockey TS. 4640 Grant Sweet and Mtnnle Sweet II Elisabeth Williams 4886 Hiram C. Harvey 92 William Rohloff Ti. i87 The Philadelphia Mort gage Trust Co, a cor poration, et al 93 Amllle Kelkhefer vs. is The Philadelphia Mort- Mia ft Trust Co., a cor poration, et al 94 D. D, Socolofsky vs. 4889 P. V. Hull ft Ralph Hull 95 Julia V. DeWolf Ti. 4890 Theodore C. Henry, et al 96 C. W. Miller . vs. 4891 The Atchlnson Topeka ft Santa Fe Railway Co. T T. M. Templeton and Richard Rohrer as Tem pleton ft Roher vs. 4571 The estate of J. H. Kuh lenkamp AT JOAN'S BEATIFICATION. TO BS VERY tiOOD . i '' Mey New Laws of Interest to Abi lene People. SPOKASX THIS HCSTLKil. . Cooaer Malott Tells of That City's Posh aad Vim. Abilene Tourists Saw Ceremony O. Chai. Willis Everett Sickles Mark Otic McGrath Ti. George Wolf, et al Sarah Childen ts. Daniel L. Childen Elisabeth A. Armstrong TS. Rollo Armstrong, et al J. W. Bradshaw Ti. W. P. Farrell and Katy A. Farrell Luella G. Polndezter Ti. Rufus M. Polndexter J. w. Crosby ,' Mary Grace Bole Isaac Page, et al ta. Anna Page, et al F. R. Mitch eU TS. i 1. Uttchetl William H. BaakervUle ma. m.cb Kins writes from Italy "We attended the Beatification of ... r.t km at st. Peter's Cathedral Rome, April 19th. Forty thousand French Catnoics came to me eer and the onlr way you could gain admission was by securing a ticket (Whnltc. It waa our gooa i,.ck to get tickets. We eaw the Pope, he blessed every one as he was carried In a chair Dy bwiss gu. ...). nt ha church. Twenty- five or thirty Cardinals and about ... hnndrad BlahoDi were in tne it wag a very beautiful sight and the muBlc was grand, as the Pope entered the cnoir sang w tk.o. fnrfv thousand French people joined in the refrain. It Is aaid there wore eighty thousand peopie m church. Its capacity la one hundred ,kA t si so delighted to wit- Hivun." " - ness the ceremony and to see the onn. w ue now In Florence and bave been with Mrs. Young every ..... .i... have been here, one " - . looks well and la doing good wortr. JK)PB FROM FANDOM. The Abilene Baseball Association ha. it. aaasnn ticket arrangements JinnLtM and the ttcketa will be nt na sale tomorrow. ' The season i.i..ta m. frnm tnose iueu w UWM vhM will be sold as follows: No. 1 Men's tickets, transieraoie to anyone, good, for grounas ana ...iidatand and to all games manag ed by the association to the end of the, championship season; price siu. No. 2 Men'i ticket; came the privileges of No. 1, except that It Is not good for tne grano. nana, price 87.50. No. 9 Lady'i ticket, nas au w privileges of ticket No. 1, except that It la transferable only to another lady; price 37.50. , Thau tickets will go on sale Wed nesday and will be sold through a contest. Tickets will be turnea over t .nun ladlea and the one securing the largest sum ot money from the sale ot tlcketa will be given a p . ii a in mid. The two ladlea re ceiving the next highest amounts will each be given a aeaaon ticket. amick tn this all of the ladlea who enter the contest will receive a com- miaion on every ticket they sell unma ihrM Abilene ladles are going to win these prliea and Is addition be. well paid for the time expenaea. Th. eonteat will likely run about three weeks and ample notice win be given before It close. Jl.. Ji Particulars of the contest may be secured through the secretary, r. w. Heath, who will tosue the tlcketa to Abilene oeoole had better prepare ta become a Tory orderly set of peo ple for on the 29th of this month all the laws passed by the last legislature . into effect and they are many. The prohibitory law which knocks the drug stores out or business is oi course ot the most vital Importance but there are many others that the people here will have to look out for. The nrlmerr election law so ar ranges, it that candidates for office will have their name rotate on the ticket ' This will give every candi date an equal ahow so far as the posi tion ot names on the ticket is con cerned. The labor law bars child actors in theatres and boys under a certain age In the messenger service. Interurban cars must be equipped with certain conveniences. This Is of no (consequence In Abilene now but the oeoole hope it soon will be Various cities will be required to preserve the purity of the waters of the various streams. There must be a new plan by which a sewer system does not empty Into the river Just above the Intake of a waterworks nlant. Railroads will be required to erect hog tight fences when the farmers demand It. Fruit tree agents will go to Jail If they misrepresent the brand of trees they sell. They can not palm off a Ben Davis tree for a Grimes Golden. The celebrated nrohibltory law, which bars the sale of alcoholic 11 nuors for any nurnose, Is perhaps one of the most drastic measures to become effective upon the publica tion of the statutes. It Is causing consumers as well as dealers to sit up and take notice. The Abilene druggists are already beginning to dispose of their surplus stocks and will milt tight on the 29th. Three laws providing for fire pro tection for school children, for pat nf hntela and for oeoole in business houses, public halls, theaters and factories go Into effect May 29. Anions: the other most important pieces of legislation to take effect on that day are: Making it a crime for employes of the printing offices to smuggle out the Famous I teachers' examination questions; Es tablishing normal training depart ments to city and county high schools under certain., conditions. Requiring managers of political cam- nalana to file a statement of receipts and expenditure! ot campaigns. Fix ing standard weights and measures tat commodities in the state and plac ing the enforcement of that law Hu rler the state board of health. Abol ishing the five oil' Inspectors at large. Making It a crime to kill American eagles. ' Providing for a oomnrehenslve system of warehouse receipts. Providing for the construc tion and maintenance of dirt roads. Fixing a schedule ot freight rates on live stock, grain, coal and other nroducta for the railroads to put on Giving the state authority to assist cities in the erection ot armories for the Kansas national guard. The es tablishment ot new code of civil procedure. Making It possible for a district Judge to run for congressman or United States senator, : Requir ing all factories and railroads to re- nort accidents to the state labor bu rean within twenty-tour hours after they occur. , Sookane Is the best Inland city In America, and with a population of more than 100,000 it la growing in nun a rear." said Conner Maiou, manager of the mortgage department of the Spokane and Haswrn . Trust company, who is here from Spokane visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Malott 'WMhlnaton Is a trifle smaller than Kansaa and has a million people of whom half are In Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. The population com prizes tne most nearly pure Anglo Saxon people to be found W America. Grain farming, fruit growing, truck ing on Irrigated lands, lumbering, stock raising and mining for gold, .iivr Conner and lead are the prin cipal industries. The apple lands am unrivalled and sell for aa much ai 81500 an acre. The apples are much told in England. ' "trrivation Is growing and the Spo kane river which has an aggregate nnwAr annal to Niagara, generates electricity that runs pumps for lift ing water for irrigation over an lm- mAMo area. "Spokane is the greatest railroad center west of the Mississippi, u h the Union Pacific system, the Northern Pacific, the Great North era, the Canadian Pacific, the Spo kane. Portland ft Seattle, the Wash ington Central, the Washington ft Idaho- Northern, the Spokane and Northern System and the North si... Th Chicago. Milwaukee ft VUUIIV. w- at ii buildinc In, the Burling rnn rilTlB through trains and there Is unrivalled equipment of urban and Interurban electric lines covering 3D miiA The best farm lands, which grom 80 to 35 bushels of wheat in an average crop, bring up to sou au acre. Newer wheat lands are from tin M s2fi an acre. "Common labor on the streets gets t 7K for eight hours. Carpenters get 84.50, plumbers and masons get $6.50. City real estate Brings up io 92500 a front foot. Snnkane will entertain tne nat ional irrigation congress this year .nH the citizens are subscribing 975,- 000 for that and other purposes. The parade will be a wonder witn z bands In line. 'The Seattle fair will be a gooa show, and the railroad rates to It ..A th national Irrigation congress at Spokane make it possible for visi tors to .see at reasonable cost, tne K..t nart nf the county." Conner will leave sunaay ior um- cago. r . . J iiBij)riitriisiri iiiiMvaTs rarifirii -a T,"1---i7i-'i'""-'-'---a' '" She Ktod You Bar Ahrmyg Bong MfU . la nse for over 80 ytmrn, turn bom the) Blsnataro or A - amd tiBJt bw made under hi pr fir tonal taperrlstoa alnce ltelnflucy. . SMfyZ7Mc4l ,. AnowaoonctfldocclTeyoulnthls. All Oetwtorfeitav Imltationn ad Juat-aood' bnt Experiment that trifle with nd endanger the health of Infant and OUldren-Experlenoe glnat Experlnaenfc What Id CASTQRIA Ctotorli 1 i Jnarmlea- UtMtntofa & OOtVu fori, Drop and Seething Syrup. It la Pleasant. Jtt contain melthef Opium, Jttorphlno nor Ote" JiareetM ubatanoe. It age la 1U guarantee. It destroy Worm and allays Feverlahnesa, It cures Diarrhoea and Vflnd Colio. It reHerei Teething' Trouble, cure Constipation and Flatulency. It aulntilate the Food, regulate the stomach and Bowels, gvteg healthy and natural aleen. The Children' Panaoea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOfitl-l AI-WAYb Bann th Eismararo or.n f- He Kind You HaTe Aluays BouIit In Use For Over 30 Years. PASSES AWAY AT AGE OF 70. Prominent Heringtoa Lady Dies at th Home ot Boa. Herlngton, May lO.Mra. Fannie B. Har. widow of the late Dr. Robert B. Ray ot Morris county, where, for many years they have been proml- nenet and Influential cltlaens, aieo at th home ot her son. Robert T. Ray on South A street at the age ot ta Tear. Mr. Ray had been con fined to her bed since the first of the year, during which time she suf fered severely. The deceased's maiden name was Fannie Beecher. She waa born at tAncaater. Ohio. July 90, 1999. De cember J?. 1988, ahe was married to Dr. Robert H. Ray ot La Plata, Mo Three children were born to Dr. and Mrs. Ray, all of whom aurrlve. They are Major Beecher B. Ray, chief pay master, U. 8. A.. Honolulu, H. T. Mr. I. L. Croner, of Wiley, Kan., and Robert T. Ray ot this city. She is also survived by two sisters and one brother. Short set-rice were conducted at the home at 1:0 p. m., Friday. ' WORD OF WARM JAMES BOYLE THERE FOR LIFE AND HIS WIFE FOR 26 YEARS. Aged Mother Is Taken, lira. Thlrsa Holt, aged TI, died thla morning at the home of her daughter. Mrs. James Chriasman, on Rat Fifth. She was bora In Main and cam hr from Chicago last June. Bhe waa a member of the Chrlatian Selene church la Chicago and burial will b la that city, where a eoa live. C. r. Bolt Another son. H. H. Bolt, reside at Basting. THEY'RE OCT OF STYLE. Supreme Court Hands Hot Shot to Charivari parties. Charivari Parties are very much in disfavor with the Kansas supreme and eaneclallr with Justice Ma . The court in a decision handed down Saturday holds that charivari turtles are mobs that ought to oe annnraoaed and any city that does not suppress them may be held liable for any damage that might occur, jcven thnnffh the nartr is not Intent On serious violence the annoyance and Insults to the bride and groom are afli.iant tn constitute a disturbance and a city la liable for all damages rainitlni from disturbances, rrani Hawman, a 9-year-old noy or, t,ner- maia was watching a charivari haul In a bride ana groom uy ..j 4A-n k atreet in Cherryvale'. He auu - " . . .aa knocked down and his leg Drox en by the wagon. His mother iuea h. rttr for damage and obtained a Judgment against the city. The au- oreme court holds the juagmeni ...inat h eltv for damages. Tha ohiect of a charivari is anoui m barbarouf as th pronunciation oi Ita name. Whatever toierauon n once h.d ha long since passed away. Eyen when la vogue It waa often at- toiMaii with violence and niooaanea It it ever was allowable to direct a inn that inch is assemblage, wltn . 11 ita tumult and confusion, waa not a great provocation to those annoyed and Insulted by It, that time naa paw ed away." . ' gitoertlaed Letter. Pniin.ina la th list of advertised letters for th week ending May iv, ISA. Letter. Abilene Dairy Co., Jess r.ll,.i,. Harhart Dunn. J. O. Oil- mnm. Mlas Anna Hawk, L. Hoffman Mrs. Hilda Huffman, Antonio Jaur J. L. Moneyponey, Ed. J. O Brem Wm. K. Parker. J. W. Porter. Kd di rir. n Schlveley. Cards: Mis Ellen Berry, Mr. Joa. t nnwer. J. 8. Browne. B. enrurue ui anna Fail. Geo. W. Ferguson, in. Ijnla E. Harsher. Jo Mum- berger. Alma O. Milk, E. J. O Briea, Ura o. H. Snvder. John Wldelbr, On cent wIU b charged for an advertised letter. parson callings tor th above wiu pleaae aay "adrrtid- glvmg 1L R. WARINO, r. ss MR. HE KIDNAPER'S STORY Nobody Connected With the Trial llevss There Was a Tnir rany Concernsd with Whltla Case. ' Pittsburg, PaV May 11,-Convicted ot, kidnaping WUlie wniua, aom nharnn. Pa., on March 18, James n. Boiyle, and h(i wite,f Helen Boyle, wer loilgeor(in www" v ti .rmar under a sen tence of Bfe lmps-sonment, the latter sentenced to s. o zo years.. Before leavtog ercer. Pa, where his trial ended Bule gVe ; out a -l -J at.tamant In Wmcn 09 WIU remarkable story of his version of the iwi l-JI. WMnanlntT AaBfl.. In It b BBHU .ICU k.uuwv. a - . - - .m.H Hnrrv Porker, a cltlsen of .I .V.n Aanlmt KOTIBI aLUfJ. . .t tha nnnltentlanr the prisoners were taken first to a side room and tow wai inej ... tfnnA hva aa the rules Of the prison would hot permit them to see each other again, mrs. boj-kj i,.. arm armmd "Jimmy's" neck and him -She aald: .. w must take it th esi " B CVI el j mi.. .-i.nAMa whAn shook bands and the matron escorted Mrs, Boyle from the room, w nen aue ru a. - ....I Jn .v Wat' Into tears and mo vuriiuw,, asked to be permitted once again to see her husbanu. . ine w" .j ..j .Ha- aln i kissed anu :, j tij .. The man maintain muniucu ... .11 anji had nothing to say. , Sheri Chess sa)a no wa. b 1:1 nt of his custody M be waa afraid they, would be sue; cessful in their announceo , ir" .L.i iij. rha ahariix statea to commit h believed Boyle had Intended to kill hla wife and then comma with the rasor the sherllf found In the vu-.r-. tla. Neither prisoner would deny that this waa true. 1 .... 11 dnn't be- .. ....! i. the allahtest founda- k" "7 ' . Z 7ua7; a. W. Williams. wo' preyed .r the triar of Boyle cases, "i " ' . ..tnM nnon the tne maximum - . . ., w .ner Investigating their uujre., .- record there waa . - saw:. ; . At no time has our ntnn -i- indicated mat invesiia , was a third party, and 1 cannot .V.i tiats. 1nVW lieve now m ,k .. ,h. -There I absolutely no - " .. . . mm was tmpU- ,tory ,. c. coch- .-eutlon. "Mr. Fork-r ran, i ' . . n,,a la wa on oi ib ; , mii" and scarcely tb searca i , ilept or ate during hia four day. de- Mm,lon- . . n.. Fnrker for s "I nave anow v r a . - aald Judge H. S. great 7'-V. ..,.. A.,..- : hi the story regarding him." ' - '- : ' ' . n. aiar la. The anaoal eonreaUea of the Order of Railway relegrapbert coavaaene aere wir nauataa ar nreaent from ever. itat aad from Canada. URE FOOD UW SUSPENDED STEENERSON HEARS THAT SUCH IS THE CA8E. He Wants Investigation Started to Learn th Facts Some Favor ed Firms. Waahlngton. May llj-Believing that the departments ot commerce and labor and agriculture have sus naitdad tha oneration of the Pure food and drug act in certain cases, Repre sentative Bteeneraon,, Minn., intro duced several resolutions calling upon the attorney general and the secre taries ot the treasury, agriculture and . commerce and labor ior lmoruiauun as to the Issuance ot any exeoutlve orders waiving the operation df the law In any case. Mr. Steenerson In tn nail nn these resolution for consideration by the house early next week. On of the firms wmcn if- itaMiapflAn believes has been ex empted from the operation of the law, Is the Chicago house wnn wmou Secretary of the .Treasury MacVeagh was formerly coSncted. Mr. Steen erson declares that.', no officer of the cabinet has the right to suspend th operation of the Jaw in any case and says that If ne dies so he is liable to impeachment HOTEL MEN AT CHATTANOOGA. Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Their Mutal Benefit Association. nh.ttanAnaa. Tenn.. May It What promises to be one of the most enjoy-. able of the annual meeimga i " Hotel' 'Men' Mutual Benefit assocla- i.j'iii. tvirtlalh It has held, openea this morning with a business session at the Hotel. Patten. Scores of mem bers from every state and Canada are here, and many are accompanied by their wives and lamnies. mi. n .ii vialtnd . Lookout Mountain.. and in the evening there will be a banquet. . To-morrow Is set aside for a trip to ChicKamauita National park and Fort Oglethorpe, Oa.. and th vM itor will return here for a reception, and dance In the evening. Thursday morning the convention will be taken bodily to Atlanta. The Haskell Defense. n nw u. 11 Oor. Haskell and the six other Oklahomans will. It Is stated, move that me rea.. grand Jury, called to re-investlgate th. ca-es against them in the Musko- . a lt Kaa dlamilSed. Thlt M U)WU IWH . more to to be made when the Jury I organized, which probably win r rT:.' .mnnd ,t for rmla will b. that I. the enabling ad, whereby the tomaur soma were permlttea w " rr. .v i. n method orescrlbed by congress for lnvtlf.tlngce. committed In tne w .Utehood. and that th. federal crt has o JurlsdlcUon over such case. A aerrlc waa' held' at tb eualnt ehnrch ta Plemstall. aear Chte. Knglaad. tor th dedication of th well of BU Plegninad. friend and tap ot Alfred the Great. Th sprlaf U remarkabl. for th teot that l water ka ka used ta Wtlm at Tl .tea ahareh for folly U owtur!. Th. archdaaoaa ef Chester, who eoa acted th arvlc,.rrolnded th aav fregatloa that walla UTing w Ptegaoad eclair r Utloa for learatng that Eteg AHr ta IN appelated aim arcitiiaof af Caatarbury. . TS. Mtfha Basksrvill Neb. contestants.