Newspaper Page Text
,v',;. -"V--'...v. For Croup Tonsilitis and Asthma sMIwawswaBBBwW duces the inflammation, and relieve, difficulty of breathing. Sloan's Liniment gjjck relief In all ca. of asthma, brorhW. sore throat, tonsils, Ld pain, in the chest , M. " V Dr- Ea!-.s: sloan' Po8ton- Ratal A captain on an ocean liner tell, to following itorjr: Comlnf from the old country was a Terr nervous old lady who complained that she wa inrt) Ultra waa a rat In her atateroom. "Keep It there, madam." .aid tha taptaln. "But do you like rata?" naked aha. "I't cot a neat In my cabin," re torted the bruaque aeaman, "and I never dlaturb them. When they tear tha ship I do." "Why, you muat be fuperstlttoua," nrced the dame. "No, ma'am,' wound up tha captain. "I'm not, but the rata are." Whlatllng Sign of Contempt. A Moroccan ahowa hia contempt of anything by whlatllng. A conflict be tweea tribesmen and a battalion of French troopa waa recently precipi tated by the whlatllng of a locomo tive on a railway being conatructed near Casablanca. "The giaour, are laughing at ue," aald a chieftain, when the con.tructlon engine gave a toot to warn the native, at work on the line to look out. The Arab, went wild, mounted their horses, and rode on the whlatllng enemy. They had to be calmed with the whi.tling of rifle ball.. Garfield Homee Threatened. Mentor, Ohio, May 7. The home, of Mra. Lucreta Garfield, widow of the prealdent, and the home of her aon, lame. R. Garfield, were endangered by Are late yesterday destroyed two bam. next to the Garfield homes. There being no Are fighting apparatus at hand only the ahlftlng of the wind eaved the Garfield places. How'. This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls' Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bualnesa transactions, and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by hia firm. Waldlng, Ktnman ft Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall'a Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoue aurfacea of the aystem. Testimonials aent free. Prices, 76c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pllla for con atlpatlon. "I have been somewhat coatlve, but Doan's Regulets gave Just the results desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowela perfectly." George B. Krauae, 306 Walnut Ave., Altoona, Pa. rCHING, oozing, waling Sari Rheum js cured by Hood's 8arsaparUla. toe great and unequalled remedy fat very, kind of AKIN DISEASt 000 oooooo 0000000000 oooooo THE UNITED STATES Packing Co. Hs)S opened a cream station in connection with its poultry and egg business at corner of South Second and Cedar streets, Abilene, Kas., and is prepared to pay the highest market price for cream at all times. We will test your cream and pay you cash for it on delivery. Come in and talk it over with us and get our prices before you sell. Very respectfully yours, o Would Prohibit treating. Joer.on City, Mo, May 7.-The i . t...n.h nr tha legislature yester day passed a bill prohibiting treating In saloons or other places wnere m umiori are sold. Tha penal ty for doing ao la line of from 16 to 2S. Ben and Joe Barren, aged ZM and 8U year, respectively, sons of Anton Berrer, at Bt Bernard, Neb., a little po.toffice In Boone county, were burn ed to death In a barn ye.terday. They are thought to have set the Are. Their Charred booiea were rewiii. Mlaeourl Bankers Eleot. St Joseph, Mo, May 7. The Mis sourl State Banker.' association elect ed the following officers yesterday: W, P. Hinton, Hannibal, president; A. 0 Wilson, St. Louis, vice-president; A H. Walte, Joplln, treasurer, and W. r. Keyser, Sedalia, aecretary. fltnovton. nil.. May 7. Fourteen thousand acres of land In one of the rlcheat reclamations of the nan joa th nrlnclnal crop of which la barley, were flooded yester day. 'The loss will approximate iro, 000. It Is believed that the flood waa due to gopher holea in the levee. A CORROBORATION. Of Interest to Abilene Readers. For months Abilene citizens have seen In these columns enthusiastic praise of Doan's Kidney Pills by Abi ln residents. Would these promi nent people recommend a remedy that had not proven reliable7 wouia confirm their statements after years had elapsed If personal experience had not shown the remedy io be worthy of endorsement? No stronger proof of merit can be had than cures that have stood the test of time. The following statement should carry con viction to the mind of every Abilene reader. Mra. Laura Miller, 608 W. North Sixth street, Abilene, Kan, says: "I think as highly of Doan'a Kidney Pills today aa when I endorsed them In 1906. I am glad to confirm all I aald at that time." The statement referred to by Mrs. Miller waa aa follows: "I can apeak In the highest terms of Doan'a Kid ney Pllla, aa they cured me of an at tack of backache that had caused me great suffering. 8ince using this remedy, I have been free from back ache and my general condition has been much better." For aale by all dealers. Price 60 centa. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agehta for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. MANAGER STARTING STC:Y IT IS CHARGED THAT CREW OF AMERICAN WHALING SHIP ARE IN PRISON. THOUGHT TO BE LOST AT SEA ailed Into Venezuelan Port In Dis tress Five Yeara Age Trie Men Held Cloae Prisoners Since. Kingstown, St Vincent, B. W. P, May 6. It may be that Capt. Collin Stephenson, and the crew ol American whaling ahlp Carrie Knowles, long since thought to have haan lost at sea. are still alive in Venesuelan prison. An American aeaman, who glvea the name of Payne an escaped prlaoner from Venezuela, baa made hia way to Kingstown, where be laid before the authorities n inundlnc story of the seizure the Carrie D. Knowlea at a Vene zuelan port, where ahe arrived Ave yeara ago In distress and the incar ceration by the Venezuelans oi a iksntaln anil his men. Hn convinced are the authorities hara that there la truth in Payne atory that they have taken down nia fnii atatement and have already taken atepa looking to a speedy and thor ough Investigation of the case. On January 27, 1904, tha Carrie D. Knnniaa sailed from Provincetown, Mass, on a whaling voyage. Her cap tain was Collin Stephenson ana ner lint ninto H. A. Martin, in addition ahe carried a crew of about a do.en men. These are the names aa given by Payne to the authorities here, and far aa he could remember the names of the members of the crew: wiia. Warner. Robertson, Hazeli, Ham riavls. Pierre. Grant. Lewis and John. Payne asserts positively that all of these men are at tne present time confined in a Venezuelan prison. The vessel was supposed to have been lost In a West Indian storm with all hands. 8ome of the men belonged in nt Vincent, and after all hope was given up of their return, their rela tives put on mourning, ana me iocm Insurance company eventually paid the claims against it, on the aasump tlon that the Bailors were dea Th storv Pavne told to the ponce aatorrtav caused great excitement not only because of the seriousness of the charges against tne Venezuelan ...thnritiA but because It added an other to the many tales which have reached St. Vincent concerning tne high handed methods adopted by the Venezuelan! under the administration of Castro. Acquitted Lord Douglas. Vancouver. B. C, May 9.-Lord shnito nnniriaa. son of the late Mar quis of Queensberry was acquitted yesterday of a cnarge oi aiiemin sni der. Last November Lord Sholta re turned to his ranch house In Kootenai to And that his wife had been annoyed during hia absence by a rancher of it. Kama nf Rowland whom he bad previously warned away. Rowland was in Lord Douglas' nouse on m r rival anil refused to leave. Lord Shojto fired load of buckshot Into Kowlana a neca. tie waa ball. The grand Jury yesterday brought In a Andlng of no bill. . Arrested Alleged Nlghtridera. Waverlr: Tenh.. May . The cli max to a day of sensational testi mony In the trial of the 16 alleged nlghtridera here, came laat j night In the arreat of Win. Fortner, on a bench warrant lasued by Judge cook, hn la nraaldln In the trial. It Is charged that Fortner was with a band of nlghtridera who wnipped aquire Heece on October 16 last; that he .aantan a nlstol at Recce's front door, while Will Norman, the al leged leader, who has fled entered tne house. Fortner la In Jail under a heavy guard. Nebraska Prairie Fire. North Platte, Neb, May 7. Fanned ay a 60 mile wind a severe prairie Are raeed over from sll to ten townships of land yesterday and was still burn ing last night on the Garfield table In this county. The fire started m the aouthern oart of McPherson county. Several farm dwellings and much live stock were destroyed nj the fire and many other buildings, in addition to stock. Telephone lines were burned, so few reports have been received. The territory burned over la generally aparsely settled range country. The Butt of Bolfvar for them. waahlnrton. Mav 6. On 18 United States naval officers who were on board the Aagship Maine and the gun boat Dolphin in Venesuelan watera urine the arrangement for the re sumption of diplomatic relations be tween that country and tne unim States, the Venesuelan government haa conferred tha decoration oi me order of the Bust of Bolivar. Con- greetlonal sanction la necessary ne tore the decorations caa bs accented. Progress In Calhoun Trial. Raa Francisco. May 7. Oood prog- reaa waa made yesterday In the trial of Patrick Calhoun, president qX the United Railroads, nine wltneaaea for the state being examined, it ts me sop of those familiar with tha evi dence that will probably be presented that tha eaae will go to tha Jury in lett thai two weeks. OIL D ED PARK BLOWN INTO CAB LUMBER STRATS BPECTACU LAR BLAZE. OP THREATENS MACHIRE SHOPS Consumed 20,000 Gallons of Oil and 4,000 Gallons of Qaaoiine Tnreav ened Destruction to all Concerned. n..n Tiinctlnn Pnl.. Mar 6. la-nlt ed from a Are originating In a string of freight cara at three o'clock yes terday afternoon a blaze In the ware I...... in ina Denver A Rio Grande yards here containing 20,000 gallons of oil waa late laat nigni neyona am ,,i .nj it was feared that the round house and machine ahops which adjoin the burning building I A k. neatrnveil Tha rOUndhOUSO haa been emptied of englnea and haa caught Are several times, me mm belne- extinguished only wun the rreateat rilfllcultV. A cistern containing t.uuv gauoua ...jin. nverpd with a mound I Of of earth ia located but 30 feet from the blazing warehouse and the nremen . wnritlnr In constant tear, or an ex- ninainn that mav wreck all the-build ings and acatter me nam m direction. No attempt Is being made to tininiiah the fire In the blazing tonka hut everv effort Is being made to prevent the ignition of the gasoline cistern. v u UAiichta a machinist, who ... .atiatin the firemen was knock ed down by the explosion oi some oi the laree oil tanks at six o ciock m -aB nvormme bv smoke. He is in aerlous condition. D. C. Clark, round- hnma fnrpman was seriously injured by contact with a live wire, and sev eral firemen were overcome oj uio The Are originated from a spark blown Into a car oi lumner. ine u.u. age to the warehouse will exceed 20, 000. 'Testing the Dirigibles. ..Uw mv . The Fort Meyer aerodrome, the scene of last year's serial experiments by the signal corps of the army showed signs ..j .ntivite tn-dav when the oi relief vi .. army dirigible No. one was taken for the Initial flight oi me hih waa nurchasea DQlOr UMIWU " - from Capt. Thomaa Scott Baldwin at- lor a. . August is a miniature affair when compared to tnose oi iorciBu uu... la only six feet long with a wooden frame suspended from a semi-rigid i It ta annlnned with a gas enYKw. " , Curtiss motor and a large two-bladed propeller at the forward end. It aver agea a speed of nearly 20 miles an hour and carries two men in addition to some sand ballast. The Mississippi at New Orleans. xt At rv-i-ana Mav 6. After being lost to the wireless fo nearly three daya, the big battleship Mississippi .m to tha bar at the mouth of the river of her name at nine p. m. i.. tt,t an let ao ner ancnor. Just what waa the matter with her wireless apparatus no one has learn--j .. thrnue-h the South pass CU, DUG vm . this morning and will reach the naval wharf here about noon, ah prj'ar ..... . .nthnaiaatlc reception to UUUB MM - " . both officers and men are completed. Easier to Control Citizens, u.i... ta Mav 6. Govern- ment inspectors after inveatlgatlng conditions among the Tama Indians reservation In Tama county will re port to the government io irui. Indiana full righta of cltizenahlp on the grounds that the wards of the government are fully land ownera and ;oneequentiy too iruu tr ofuctaU could handle mem nmr. effectlvely and stamp out drunken ness Inspectors aay. Heat Kills at Dea Moines. . i. w (.Dea lies oiuct, - - .. . nnrfer a troolcal aun HOin iwtimit" yeaterday, the thermometer officially reglBterlng 94 at four o'clock. Street . i. f o ao reafster tnermomeiera in ed 100. At leaat one aeam from the heat. Henry maney 7S waa picked up on me iuki -died ahortly before noon. There were numerous proatratlons and Infanta suffered greauy. Plana for Pan-American Conference. Washington, May 6.-Affalrs are be ing ahaped tor me mem-a v. -fourth pan-American conference to be . a.... Aaa-astlna r helAV'io, i5a"ua. '' , . - -public next May. The preparations of tha program waa begun at ui mu-u-ly meeting of tha government board of tha bureau of American Republlca yeaterday. Secretary Knox H Yean Old. Washington, May t Secretary of State Philander C Knox la receiving tbt congratulations of hia frienda to day, tor It la hia blrtnoay. me mmv rotary la 61 yeara old. wtiern ann Ult trains from aumeroua acquaint- wee were receivea ny mm. a as any personal taller. Hot at Omaha. n..a. K.h. Mar Teaterday was tha hottest day of the year so tar. tha government thermometer registering 5 degree abov aero vt toar o'clock. ESoocPs Sarsaparilla Has cured so many cases thai seemed almost beyond the reach of medicine, that people ask, Why? . An examination of our well-known formula, from which Hood's Sarsaparilla is and always has been carefully and scientifically prepared, confirms the fact that it contains toniVud valuable medicinal up? when intelligently combined and. properly administered, are sure to bring about good results. . It is the properly balanced proportion, combination and process in combining those i ingredients -known to have specific action upon the blood, stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, which make Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself and enable it to produce results unetjualed by any similar medicine. It cures when others fail. Give it a trial. Usual form, liquid, or in tablet form called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses II. ARE NOT MAKING HEADWAY SENATE PROCEEDING SLOWLY WITH TARIFF BILL Tha Real Meaaur Will Probably Be Framed In Conference No Ad journment Before July. Washington, May . The possibll itiaa nf tha naaaaza of the tariff bill and the adjournment of the apeclal session of congress oeroro June ia or July 1 seems to have vanlahed. This conclusion haa been reached by the president as a result of recent talka with senators and representa tives, and he made It known yester day. The senate la not making the head way with the Aldrlch measure that was expected and before the new tariff law can be presented to the president for his action there must ensue a long conference between the representatives of the two nouses of congress. Among those who have followed the trend of Important legislation on the tariff, there Is a belief that the real tariff revision bill remains to be framed in conference. Whatever In fluence President Taft feels he can bring to bear In securing a satisfac tory measure will be exerted upon the conferees. The president is averse to being drawn Into the fight at any stage and there Is no thought that he will be until the conferees begin their consideration of the two bills as passed by the house and senate. In view of conflicting reports as to the president's attitude on the vari ous special taxation propositions that have been suggested In connection with the new bill, the president has reiterated his position to recent can ers. He Is still hopeful that tne reve nue to be derived from the new bill and with economies in the administra tion of the a-overnment, will prove sufficient to prevent a deficit, ON A BUSINESS BASIS. T. P. Shonts Believes in a Permanent Tariff Bureau. Vo Vnrlr Mav 6. -Theodore P. Shonts, president of the Interboro Metropolitan Railway aystem oi u city, in an address, last night said: ' "I advocate a periodical revision of tha tariff In order that there may be a re-distribution of burdens, releas ing from the protecUon tt the tariff those Industrie which have become self- auataining and conferring the arivantaa-ee nnon Industrlea, either Im mature or by reason of a fiercer com- petltlon from abroad, less ante u oo- ,.ln that marztll of DrOflt Without which no Industry can long aurrive. Nor should the need of tne consumer be overlooked. "To place the revlalon on a busi ness baala and to determine when there ahould be that periodic revlalon, t k.ii.. w ahould create a perman ent bureau, charged with collecting and Bitting technical inronuauuu !.. atate and necessities of trade, and with laying the results at regu lar interval and In tanginie rrom Be fore congress." The other speaker were Kenyon Cox, the painter, on "The Tariff on Art," and Former uonT'uu Bourke Cockran oa "The Tariff and the People." The' Country tlf Convention. nw tin (.Hundreds of Inmnnaad of delegates and cltlsena were in attendance at the aes- alon of the Country me convenuuu laat night President Connor of the Oklahoma Agricultural Board, ad dressed the meeting of "Industrial EducaUon," which waa given a ten minute discussion by the delegate, followed by Hon. W. i. rS.a ' .. i. u u nn "How We Manage Our School Dletricts for Literary and Social Work." Some leaaa on in. farm and a remedy waa the subject of President 3. A. McLaughlin of the Central Normal School which, was discussed for ten minutes by the del- n!. Count Von Barnrtorff In Milwaukee. Milwaukee, May 7. Count Johann u.inrih vnn Rernstorff. the German ambassador, waa the guest of the Deulacher Kluh at a breakfast to-day. He made an informal address, paying Mhuia to the Dualities of good citisea- ahlp possessed by the German citiaena of American, and asserted that their love for the Fatherland was enUrely compatible with Uyalty to the United mates. Last eveamf Ue ambassador 4ellvr4 aa address at a dinner of the ClUsenr.Bael league. .870 30 Tears in Business in Abilene Weoau fix your clock or watch or jewelry right. See our new display of Jew elry, Eye Glasses and Speotaoles. PRICES RIGHT :00LEYf THE JEWELER, Third 3t., across from P. 0. Striking Designs Full of paint of merit, are num erous In our assortment of WALL PAPERS They are new, artlstlo and pleat ing. The coloring are excellent, and will retain their beauty tor yeara. There la not a pattern In the store that would not make charming covering for any room. . A, R. ELWICK Exclusive Paint and Wall Paper Bouse. iHieimiit W. H. EICHOLTZ H. K. EICHOLTZ aSSISIain UNDERTAKERS AMD LICENSED EMBAIMERS ESTABLISHED 187O. Oldest and only exclusive Un dertaking establishment in Dickinson county. CALI-S ATTENDED DAT OR NIGHT Boom on sobtm obub noss 1M. ABILINC KAltsAI S. STEELSMITH, M. D. gurneen. Gynccclcnist an. OciM ABILIKI, KAMI, taetloe limited to Inrgery, Snraical Dla aaes, siaaaaai Io Women and Dimes of helve. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Sur to Civ) Satisfaction. OIVI aLIIF AT OHM. It elaaaaaa, aootbea, heals amd prolwt the dimianril membrane rtamlting from Catarrh and drivea awav a Cold is tha Head qnickly. Bestoras tha 6mm of Taats snd Small. Casy to aa. Contains no tnjtmnoa drugs applied Into tha soatrila and absorbed., ait liquid Craasa Bala foT s ta atrcxtlaerm, is esnis. , , aT I'OTHEM, M Van SU iw Tartj ccooooooooooooccoooooo