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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
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ABILENE VEEZLY E2ILECTC2, ABILENE, KANSAS, MAT 13. 1809 COUNTY RELFECTIONS " IT ITXC1AJ. rW0TO 0OlKItIlT. J. G- ENGLE Auctioneer Reference: Any bank of Abi lene, Kauaae. Phones: Brown, li ' Acue Mutual. Addrete: Abilene, Eu DONEGAL Mrs. John Mlermaster of Abilene spent several days in this vicinity test week. Miss Euth MusBer of Filer, Idaho, is here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scheufele call ed at B. Schwendner's Friday even ing. A. L. Shank and family visited at the home of Mr. McCardle Sunday afternoon. S. P. Kauffman is building an ad dition to his home. Henry Lenhert's barn was struck by lightning Saturday morning. For tunately no serious damage resulted, but considerable repairing will be necessary. ACME. Mrs. G. B. Frommeyer and chil dren of Chambersburg, Pa., is here viBiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shirk. Mrs. Bruce Bunker left Friday for Harper, Kan., called by he illness of her brother. W. M. Campbell and Frank Tomp son returned home from Topeka after attending the Sunday school con vention. o DETROIT. Mrs. W. H. Badger and Miss Susie Alexander f Concordia visited here with nlrt friends last week. June TiKon came home to spend Bimrinv. Mr. Johnson, who bought Rob Long's farm, is building a house and Mr. and Mrs. Charles louden were up from Chapman visiting relatives Sunday. mis Susie Herr of Strawberry Ridge, Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Wagner. mim Goldfe Poland came from Abl lene, stopping here on her way to Junction City. Mr. Denntoon's brother is here fmm California on a visit. L. H. Long who returned recently from Colored visited at James Bun Wa last wAek. E. Foust, t Pennsylvania, arrived last Thursday to visit John Wagner and family. He Is much pieaseu with the country. Ur Anderson of Belleville has taken June Tllton's place at the sta tion. Jf AFARBJE. Mr. Sterner and family transacted winaaa in Enterprise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. james Rock are the A n.ront of a little Klrl. tlr, and Mrs. PhUippi went to Wichita last Friday to spend a few v. vith their daachter. Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen spent ciuiair ar Mr. Hanson a. UU..U j Mr. and Mrs. Graham and daugh ter transacted business in Enterprise Saturday. u. iH Mrs. Henry Yuhl and daughter spent Sunday at Mrs. Zell- Inger. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yuhl spent Sun ot un. Zelllnrer's. Mr. Holly Tucker spent Sunday at Wm. Kilmer's. Mr. Benedlx has his new house aiiuvwfc , Mr. Kaufman has commenced his new house. Mrs. Kilmer and children spent Sunday at Mrs. Zollinger's. I 1 Public Sales I 1 Specialty u GET IN BEFORE THE RUSH N.S. WOOuVERTON Live Stock snd General Merchandise AUCTIONEER Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay Beat of reference given. Call Brown phone No. llffl, or addrees Abi lene, Kaneae. Aug.'W Datebook can be aeen at Shocker Landee . Alao breeder Duroc Jersey nogi. stock tor aale TURKEY CREEK VALLEY. Mrs. Lulu Funk and children visit ed in Salina over Sunday. Edward Gardner of Carlton, Kan., visited with friends in this neigh borhood Sunday and Monday, wear ing his accustomed smile. Lulu and Lillie Nemechek visited with their parents over Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Markley who was quite sick is fast regaining her health. Dr. Youngj. the noted veterinarian of Abilene, was practising his pro fession hereabouts- the forepart of the week. The doctor now sports an automobile and will soon take to his new mode of travel as naturally as a duck does to water. The doctor already knows how to toot the horn. Elias Funk visited this neighbor hood the forepart of the week. WOODBINE. Walter Weber made a trip to Ne braska recently. Ben Yust. Alf. Werner and Miss Annie Ahrens. students at the En terprise Normal Academy, were here a short time to visit relatives ana friends. Walter Berg, a student from En terprise delivered his lecture on prac tical things, last Sunday evening at the German M. E. church. The in terest and attendance was good. Henry Yust and wife are visiting relatives here at present. Fred Rohrer of Hutchinson was here on business recently. The following gentlemen took a trip to Humbold, Kan., last week: Fred Rohrer, Hy. Yust, Adolpn Ah rens and Joseph Schmidt. Fred Moore, Mrs. H. C. Westrup, Miss Alice Mitsch attended the state Sunday school convention In Topeka. Rev. John Demand, district sup erintendent, will conduct a quarterly meeting at the German M. E. church nxt Sunday. Mr. Kinderdick from Abilene was In omr town last week. HHINEHART. Miss Edna Converse accompanied by Helen Taylor left last week for Colorado where they will spend the aiimmer vacation. uia Marlorie Hollinger to visit ing in Junction City. Albert Blatter and family were Junction City visitors Monday. Messrs. Emery and Clarence Diehl and Cay Hassler made a trip to the western part of the state Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Dlehl were Abi lene visitors Monday. . Irene and Ruth Taylor will enter tain fifteen of their Manhattan friends at a week end party this Alien- Hollinger is In Mexico on business. Change in Buckeye Market. G. M. Simmons has purchased Mr. Sholl's interest in the Buckeye meat market and ben business today. This market has a reputation for handling only the best Kansas Uty meats and nronoses to have the best meats in the city. Mr. Simmons is an expert and asks his many friends to give the market a trial. Hedge Posts For Sale. Inonlre of A. Colden, Abilene, R. D. 6, Donegal phone. w2t aal chean 700 lb. capacity U. 8. Separator. N. E. Gish, Abi lene. "w" and pic kout the choicest farms, in Trego county, Kansas. They're going fast, you can't make any mistake In vesting your money in property of this high character its bound ta grow. Mr. W. J. Loader living near Industry bought one of the good ones this week, ask him what he thinks of ths oountry-erop conditions, etc.. Kxearsto next Monday, May IT. IS for the round trip. Ton can't well afford to mist the opportunity. Oraduate of The Mlaaonrl Anctloa School OEIEN C. TOLBERT AUCTIONEER Farm and Live Stock Balei Oorretpondence Solicited , BaUafactlon Guaranteed l-3m ABILENE. KANSAS PLEASANT VALLEY. Grace Prlddy spent several days calling on friends In this vicinity this week. Henry Kauffman spent Sunday with his brother Isaac. Services at Buckeye over Sunday were largely attended. Aid Society met with Mrs. Jacob Correll last Wednesday. George Duffy and family visited at Buckeye on Sunday. Will Brown and family attended services at Buckeye over Sunday and visited his parents at Industry on Sunday night. ErneBt Lowry was a pleasant vlBl- tor in this neighborhood the first of the week. Klna- Lav a Chinese missionary student from Lawrence University is visiting at J. P. Cress'. Harvey Wingerd visited at Samuel Ketterman's bn Sunday. A BDeclal meeting was had on Tuesday evening at Buckeye in be half of the mission at St. Joe, Mo. BUCKEYE Mm. M. E. Hovt who has been sick the past week is able to be around again. Rewine circle will meet with Mrs. Haines on the Sachan farm Thurs day at 2 p. m. Mrs. S. Grove spent Saturday nignt with her daughter Mrs. Ira Hosken. urn. .t. R. Burton. Mrs. DeHoy, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brenneman called on E. Hoyt's Saturday afternoon. Mrs. A. Hinkle's mother Is Better after several weeks of illness. Mias Edith Moore was married the oth of Mav to Mr. Burton Bowan, formerly of New York, now lieuten ant in the Philippines. Miss Edith grew to womanhood in this vicinity loved by all who knew her, always ready to take an active part in church and Sunday school work. She was superintendent of the school here when Bhe left with her sister, Mrs. Miiatard. The best wishes of her many friends for a long and a happy life. Mrs. J. E. Winsler called on Mrs. Hoyt Saturday. CHAPMAN. Mr. Samuel McElhenny is trans acting business in Kansas City this Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fisher of Ok lahoma City, Ok., came on Monday for a few weeks' visit with Mrs. isn r' narents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Merilatt, who have hn vlsltin their daughter Mrs Drain, returned to their home In Ne- hraRka. on Monday. Mr. H. A. Knight shipped a car of for cattle on Tuesday night. Mr. Knight went to Kansas City with his cattle. Dr. J. J. O'Brien and son Harry left Wednesday for a lew weeks visit with the doctor's mother who lives In Maysvllle, Ky. Pat Howe returned from Kansas Pltv on Tuesday. Dr. King of Junction City was a Chapman visitor on Wednesday, armold A Scanlan shipped a car of fat hogs to Kansas City Tuesday. Prof. J. P. Perrill is transacting business In the western part of the state this week. The hlsrh school trustees met here on Monday. All members were pres ent Roy Fry of Abilene visited his sis ter Miss Laura over Bunday. Henry Gallagher and sister Kate were Junction City visitors this week. Messrs. Grlgg and Kirk were En terprise visitors on Sunday. Miss Carrie Phelps of Backet Har bor, N. Y., Is here visiting her sister, Mrs. M. P. Sanborn. v v Scanlan met with a serious accident while working at his farm .ih nf town, when a large barn door fell on him, knocking him un conscious and dislocating an ankle. CHEEVER. Judson Alden enjoyed a visit from his brother recently. Miss Maggie Vlckers who has been sick for some time Is real poorly this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McVlcker and family are reported sick with the chicken pox. ur Jacob B toner ana son spent Sunday afternoon at Mrs. Mustard s. Mrs. Wm. Aushennan is reported ha nal soorlT. Ruby Illff l spending a few days with her aunt. Mrs. Geo. Gibson. DON. The Love Feast at Buckeye was Mr. and Mrs. Ben Krleder of Penn sylvania visited a few days last week with relatives and friends in this county, but are In Abilene with friends this week. Mrs. Maude Duffy of Abilene vis ited with her aunt, Mrs. I. Kauffman last week. An ice cream social and tentertain- ment will be given at the Talmage hall Saturday evening, May 22 by the band boys. Dr. Miller and wife of near Solo mon attended the love feast at Buck eye last Sunday. The general conference of the Brethren in Christ church will con vene in Abilene next week, May 19, 20, and 21. Love feast immediately following Saturday and Sunday. HOLLAND In spite of all the rain that we have had the dust still continues to blow. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hartman leave this week for Maryland where they will make an extended visit. Grandma Robson, Mrs. T. E. Rob- son and Mrs. L. Lane are spending several weeks at Excelsior Springs. Dr. White of Solomon made a bus iness thip to Holland Monday. Escin Robson had the misfortune of getting his thumb cut open while helping to fix a pump. H. Lehman is contemplating build ing a new house. A number from here attended the love feast at Buckeye Saturday and Sunday. Joe Griffith of Pennsylvania is working for B. Meyers. C. H. Hartman Is home from Lyons for the summer. J. Bovey's house is being much Im proved by a coat of paint. MOONLIGHT. A good rain fell here Friday morn ing accompanied by o good deal of hail. Reuben Clinnenhaga's friends of Canada are visiting In the commun ity. Mr. Koelling and Mr. Fields con template putting In Mutual Farmers nhones. Harvey Gish and family from Chapman attended church her Sun- dav. Some of our people attended the Dunkard lovefeast at Buckeye last Saturday and Sunday evening. These attended the state Sunday school convention at Topeka: E. N. Sheets. Aliss Abble Bert, Rev. D. H, Brechblll, S. Z. Lehman and Leban Cltnenhaca. B. F. Engle was in Chapman on Mondav. Harry Sollenberger's little boy has heen sick. Abner Page Is hme again after spending a couple months In Iowa D. C. H. S. The Seniors have received the proofs of their pictures which were taken at Junction City Thursday Miss Stackhouse, as usual accom panied the class on this trip and Insures an artistic grouping. The Junior play, "The Professor's Predicament" will be given Saturday venlna-. May 15. It promises to be one of the most amusing comedies ever nut on at D. C. H. 8. The Y. W. C. A. will serve ice cream In the gym after the Junior ntnv. Mav 15. The D. C. H. 8. board met in regu lar session Monday. The boys of the athletic association are still lmDrovlng their ball ground. They dragged it last Monday and the board decided to have wire netting placed around two sides of It to pro tect adjoining residences. The school was granted a holiday Saturday and In spite of the bad weather spent a very pleasant time plcnicing on Indian Hill. The n. C. H. S. course will be aa- Justed to fit the University require ments. While adding a little to the time spent on some of the subjects it will not necessitate the elimination of our first year's review course. The German department expects to buy pictures with the proceeds real ised from the German play. Tne ma jority of the students are In favor of the following: Six views or tne leu Ren-ion. Chlllon Castle and portraits of Goethe and Queen Louisa. Miss Perry and Mr. Gregg who have recently closed their district schools are enrolled In the short hand and tvoewrlttng classes spec ial arrangements having been made whereby they may begin work at this time. Misa Knerr of '08 Is visiting here this week. OIR SPECIAL MARKET LETTER fNotM on this week's Kansas City stock market written for the Re flector, by J. R. Van Voorst of the M. K. ft T. Commission Co.) Kansas City. Mo May II. We have had a liberal supply ef cattle oa the yards the past two day and k0"0"0 The "Ona Minute" Washer This machine hardly needs an Introduction to the people of this vicinity, owing to the large amount of satisfied users who are continually recommending It td their friends. The large fly wheel running on ball bearing makes it the easiest running washer on the market. , Con be operated from sitting position as illustrated. Every machine fully warranted. SH0CKEY & L ANDES "The Store of Quality" CENTRAL KANSAS with a good demand market has been vorv active at strong to higher prices on all kinds. Best heavy beef steers have sold up to $0.90 while the bulk of killing kinds range from $6.00 to $6.70. Choice, fat cows and heifers and all kinds of good butcher stuff are selling at highest prices of the season this week. Trade In stockers and feeders and all klndB of good stock calves has been active at strong to 20c higher prices this week. With 8,000 cattle here this morning prospects are for a strong, active market. The supply of hogs here this week has been liberal and market has been, fully Bteady and In many cases stronger than last week's close. Top hogs around $7.30, bulk of sales from $6.80 to $7.20. Prospects are for a Btrong market balance of the week. UIVEIl HHETHERN MEET FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Large Number of Delegates ' Will Come on Special Train. The International conference of the River Brethren, the Brethren In Christ, will be held in this city next week. Several hundred delegates will be here from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Canada and the meeting will be of much Interest to the church throughout the nation. The sessions will be held In the River Brethren church on Buckeye avenue and the delegates will be en tertained by members of the church and friends In the city and county. The sessions will commence Tues day morning and will continue until Friday evening. There will be love feasts and other religious services. The last convention was held in Canada and one was held here seven yesrs ago. It will be a great event for the county and a warm welcome will be extended to all visitors. a anerial train will arrive Monday afternoon from Harrlsburg, Pa., bringing over 100 delegates. Notice to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given thst the arhool board of Dlst. 74, Dickinson county, Kansas, will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon on June i. ISO, for the erection of a frame school building. Said building is to be 22x31 feet in site and located s miles north and 1 mile east of Solomon. The board reserves the ria-ht to reject any or all kids. Speci fications can be seen at the Reflector office. By order of the Board, J. M. KARR. Clerk. 13dtw3t Solomon, Kansas. Baptist Church ReylvaL Congregations growing at each ser vice. Interest good at the day prayer meeting. Thursday the prayer seeet tng will be held at the residence or T A. Wllaoa at lit sonta Cedar St Ladles Aid are especially Uflted to be present, alao everybody lavitea at t ABILENE, KANSAS. To Become a Partner in any business you muBt have some thing besides capital. Brains, skill and commercial training are essential If you are to make a success as an employer. It is never too late to take our course. It is thoroughly practical and businesslike. t Write for catalogue today. BUSINESS COLLEGE the hour of 3 p. m. Evening ser vices at the church 8 p. m. Rev. F. J. Crawford, pastor. ,y LOCAL MARKETS. Butter, good 20e Eggs, per dozen 26a (Market corrected weekly by J. Q. Norman, Abilene.) , , , " Hogs $6.25 to $6.75 (Grain markets corrected every Thursday morning by Abilene Milling Co. New wheat $1.38 Corn 85c J. W. Elwick, Bpruce street, opp, Reflector, phone 226, pays the fol lowing: ' i Old Ducke 1 Hens 100 Hides .7o Spring chickens 15o Old roosters 15o Geese ' .' 7o Butter Market. (Prices for creamery butter at point named for week ending today. Dickinson county price J cents less than New York and 2 ft cents less than Chicago.) Chicago Creamery 22-25, dairy 19-24c. ' Kansas City Fancy separator 25c, fancy 24c. Automobiles Cheap. One Cadillac touring car good as pew for $4i6. One 2-cyllnder Maxwell, run 4 months, fully equipped $460. Ono single cylinder Glide touring car $250. Four car loads of new cars on hand. Call and choose your car. UNION AUTO. CO.. Ildftwtf Telephone Building. Elks of Kansss In Session. Topeka, Kan., May 11 The Kansas BUte Association of Elks met here to day In annual session with about 1,000 members present The pro gram, which covers two days, pro) Tides for parades, band contests theater nartles. dances and other so tertalnmenta. Fred M. Harris ol Ottawa Is president or ue associauoi Oklshoma Doctor Gather. Oklahoma City, Ok, May 11. Phf siclans form all over the state as sembled here to-day for the openlni e I the annual meeting of the Okla boma Else trie Medical assodatioa which will be In session two days. Dt T. J. Wslls of Erica, the president was la the chair. Dr. B. O. Sharp Guthrie U the secretary. Double Tax on Liquor Dealers. Washington, May 11. A bill doub ling the tax Imposed upon brewers to have the national liquor dealers en was Introduced by Representative Kendall. (Iowa). It also provides that no tax shall be Imposed or o ected la those localities where ths nunu (acture or sale ef Intoxicating llriors is prohibited by state tow. Aa effort ta have the national Uffoor dealers tas Increased was ssad at the tlase the way and Beans eoatavltteo was 17. !!, tm tO CO,, ESBS,- O' well attended on Sunday.