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' ' .-.wW 1T- ' L lta..ltn.i I a."""""- in - ' "'g" l JAIL AI1D A FIIIE FORMALCHARGES I ,'u.t.ruHFNT PROCEEDINGS A Dim 6AKE FOURTEEN MEMBERS OF NIGHT RIDER' OROANItATiurs ' FOUND GUILTY. TEEY WHIPPED J. M. REEGE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS WILL BE riLtu FEDERAL JUDGES. BYREPRESENTATIVE MURPHY I ....... Brauoht Ud In tha Sentence Wit Tin Dy In Jail H ,,, jui0iary Commute And a Fin of WOO Each it Wiverly, Tenn. Waverly, Tenn., May 12. A verdict of guilty wa returned In the caje ol the 14 men charge with being mem ken of the night rider' organisation and with whipping J. M..Reece on A.t.v..ii itni Tha nnnlahment wa fixed at ten daya In Jail and a Una of $500 each. They were remanded to jail under a atrong military guard, to (-appear in court when a motion for new trial will be made. After the verdict waa announced the defendanta shook hand with each other, and they played the banjo and danced In their cells. The men con ttcttl ar .yart Cowart, Charlea Plto, Ue Warren, Walter Warren, J. M. Derlnney. Cha. Hopper, WalUr Dor don, George Podge, Harry Mariball, Jim Murrell, John Moran, WJlle San der, Sam Wckerson and Frank Et C Th Indictment on which they were tried charged going matted through town and village, with unlawful pur rote in Tlew, going In dlagulie upon the premise of other with Intention a nit with a deadly weapon while wearing a dligul and assault and battery while makd. Judge Cook charge embraced the Ku Klux law, conviction carrying the capi tal punUhment or life Imprisonment, ,. imrAtinn of the lurr nd Judge: .1 H ...... - - the white cap law, carrying confine ment In the penitentiary lor certain period, and the misdemeanor ni with Jail Imprisonment and fine. .i . .i-.l, Umnrt In 3klahama. Oklahoma City, Mayl2. Complying with an Injunction contnineu m m..i. u.nii i.r n. s TuelL , ... , merchant of Hartihorne, placed a um of money under a bridge near me w w it ant taken. The letter wa the aecond received by Tuell lnce April 22 and declared Ml "light would k. n,.t if the money wa not forth coming. Hartahorne 1 under heavy guard by ipeclal officer and exclte-.-i i. ht.v josenh Nellla of Kreb. recently waa the victim of Black Hand letter and three men eenevea w oe id v. n moner that Nellla bad placed In hiding where letter had dictated, were arretted. THE WAR ON TUBERCULOSIS LATE8T ADDITIONS TO WORLD'S KNOWLEDOE TO BE REVEALED aum f Moat Emmlnent Studenta of th Disease to Meet In Washington. Washington, D. C, May 10. Medical aelence'a latest contributions to the ..ij. w.n.iBif.a nnncernln tuber culosis, will be revealed at tha fifth annual meeting of the national asso .i.tin. n ih ntuav and Prevention of Tuberculosla, whioh will b held her beginning May IS to 10. amkmih mni.h amallar in the BCODO Ol .UWU.U ' of Its work and membership, the pro posed convention will be aecond only i. 1-Mt.nM in tha aamnelan ajralust ui uuyvi v v. - - v amadad fna of mankind to the mat Intel-nation conxress on tuber culosls which met in this city last .it Tv.... ra I (10ft membera of th association for the atudy and preven tion of tuberculosla, comprising, as iv doe, th most eminent students of th disease In this country. Hundreds of papera will be read and . ai.......a whinh It la axnected. will bring to light better method of treat ment and the best way of enecaing we mA n tnharmiloils. The conven tion will be divided Into the varlou sections which will meet simultaneous The number of state and local autl tuberculosla societies which the na tional association has called Into being hae shown an Increase of more than 100 per cent In the last year; The number of aanatorla has tncreaa ed more than 200 per cent. A moel aucoessful meeting la expected here, In view of the fact that much greater Interest In the fight on tuberculosis has been shown this year than ever before. Notified of the Proposed Action. Washington, D. C, May 7.-Formal ........ r.t imnoachment against Jreu eral Judges Philips and McPherson ol the western district of Missouri are to be filed by Representative Murphy .v.. whn mita announcement OX mat at.. "mw . .. f.nt immediately after tne i .. . a (nurn .d v.flterday, UVUBV .lViHUW- . Incensed over a telegram 10 i ...i uij.irnrnniu ut .ih. Sy uouom, " - - Hagerman, attorney for 18 rallroada In which Mr. Hagerman cuaiau ... u. w,,!,.'. raioiution oi inquir iu- wt. a.icj - . j.m.1.1 conduct of the two Judgea aa "an outrageoua tissue ot .i..-.nrn.entatlon." Mr. Murphy held tha attention of the house with a repetition of the chargea wnicn " u.m ...i. in ma nriEmai nJujuuv. nai ui-uu " - Hla colleague, Mr. Rueker, corobo ated all that he saw m oenuuLmuuu .v.. ..,inn nf tha two judge In con nection with Missouri' two-cent pas senger rate law and the maximum 1.. ini-Mentellv Mr. Rucker remarked that Judge Philips ought to nave been impeached zo years aav. u. u,..n. hrnuaht the matter up aa a flueatloa of personal privilege. The resolution involves iu wuu-v. ii i..j... In rolatlon to the tWO- VI tUW rfuua- . , cent passenger fare litigation and the . . i . . Ul.amllH maximum ireigni ."-. ... m.v,nn nf inhama. a member of the Judiciary committee, objected. saving the argument was noi uu personal privilege. n.nnnn mien Liiai jni . m,u . uhin hla rlahti and could continue, but he had not proceeded far .v u. uom-v nf Texas, another member of the Judiciary committee, stopped him with an inquiry as vu -wh.. ha did not Intend to formally bring In charge of Impeachment. The Missouri memner, nowever, um . .i.. . diroct answer, dui cou- uub a. - ..... hi. ranital of the charge con- HUU5U " ' , ..innd in hla resolution, ne caiuw " Mr. Rucker, hi colleague, to ubtan v. waa flavins. Mr. Rucker did o, and oeciarea ini Judae Phlllpa hould have ben im n...hd SD vears ago. - ... .. ,1.. w a....l llmpl Mr. rivuB, kuv la.dar nhlectad. saying that Mr .. v. ...m nnt rleld for debate. muife-u -ww ' - Later he again oojectea on m .v. u. Mitrnhv waa traveling out side the Issue raised by the Hagerman telegram and the preamble ot tne reso lution. a in nn tiflaitnc on the objection p.nnnn ruled In favor of Mr Dnm- . Murphy, remarking inai :ine lores'- i. K.n.d " Continuing Mr. Murphy denied that the state ot Missouri had oeen accoru- . .n,,Fta-r In the rate cases aa QU """" J ... was tated in Mr. Hagerman a tele gram. The tate, he deciarea, nau no nnii.n whatever of the . in thnaa casea. U IB . IHjUWlwu ' I am asking the congreaa j a..,.. ha aald "to Klve baCK i j 1 LOU DWlv-i " " , ... -.. .nvarnmant which you hand. w u. . .. . ed to n when you mm" -..... i. itninn hv reaulrlug the federal Judiciary In the western dl- trlct Of Missouri to proceen i-a derly and decent Unea In the execu tion of the law." n-i. v... th.n adlonrned and in mediately thereafter Mr.' Murphy noU- tied membera of tne juaiciary mlttee that he would at once forma late formal chargea of Impeachment against the two Judgea. i. Tuein leu ;:ed THIRTY PERSON WENT DOWN WITH OVERLOADED CARO LINE LAUNCH. TEN OF THOSE ESCAPED THE AMERICAN POTENTATE-0. War Employ of a Steel Plant and War Returning noma as '. End of Day'a Work. T-itt.hura- Pa May 12. Twenty pe sons are missing and all of them are k.llAl tn hava haAn drowned When a gasoline launch sank In the middle of the Ohio river near scmrami .. mil., halow Pittsburg. Of th SO occupant of the boat, only ten are known to have escaped. .11 iii. man ware emnlove of th AM w - Pressed Steel Car company at th mo- Kee Rock plant The men naa "sou -n.vina KTir time until eight o'clock and left the work to cross the river In the lounch about 15 minute later, ni. ... i. tn hava been Intended for not over 20 peraona, and It la al leged It waa dangerou 10 anempi i .. n,.nv aa 25. But all the men HHIf " . wanted to get acrosa the river on the flrat trip and 80 of them crowaeu in. . . ,v. n.n atarted out In the boat, Aa . one ot them la ald to have remarked .. it aaamed to him to De over aa .nd ha feared It waa not safe Albert Graham, the pilot, and one of those who 1 missing, la aio to nave replied that it waa safe enougn au .. h. had carried 27 person. rigut, mm - ----- - - No more wa said aoouv me iuau, i SOU STATISTIC ONE-THIRD OP OUR POPULATION LIVES IN 13 ORIGINAL STATES. , URGE Uf! OCCUPIED ACRE AGE AFTER ! ABDUL'S GOLD May Not Strike New. Paria, May 10. Conditions ar rath er favorable for the government In Its controversy with the postal employes and It Is not likely that a strike will ba declared for th present The gov rnment'a firmness has made a deep impreesloa on the rank and file, and the leaders of the strike movement may conclude to postpone the tattle natll they are better organised and prepared for what would prove to be a hard struggle. A meeting called for yesterday by the federal committee waa attended by about 4,000 persons, txtt no great enthusiasm waa ahowa. .!!T.-riha7Ia Vtf It lath drill ostest ffetora of the low lodg A r.t Order TJ!td Workmen, Ottam- ten f.rst pr!t; oar JUfiaa, I LOOKINO FOR BURIED GOLD. Exoavatlng for Kentucky Church Ex pected to Reveal Treasure. Cincinnati, May 10. The excavation for the structure of St. Francis church In Dayton, Kentucky, a auburb, la be ing watched by many who believe a nnt nf anld haa been burled under that site since the raid of Oen. John Hunt Morgan and his band of confederates near the close of the Civil war. The property belonged to the late Matthew McArthur. a noted southern vmnathlser. The atory goea, there waa a subterranean passage leading from the house, and It la here, the passage having long alnce been filled up, that the treasure Is suppoee to ne. Tha money was left. It Is said, by a Confederate named Caldwell, who had been sent north to pay tne troops or flan Mnraan then In this vicinity. He topped at the McArthur residence and hla presence being disclosed, ne secrei m.a tha anld aalH to amount to several thousand dollars and escaped Intend ing to Join Oen. Morgan, tne inner belne- killed In Teoneaaee about the ssme Urn. Mr. Mm BALLOQSISTS TO OMAHA WILL BE CENTER C THE 60V- ERNMENTS EXPERIMENTS. liav-ie. Wa Tln Fang, Okinaaa minister nlenlDotentlary to tha nulled States haa accepted the presidency of the Chinese school of rMna.A anmrdlnc to an announce ment made yesterday. The school la oae of a series started anaer ue aur piece of the Imperial Chinee govern ment Course In Chines literature, domestic aeleaoa, chine and Inter national law aed la the easton and h.hlta of tha Chines In their ova coontrv will be given. There ara U a!siints, ranting la age from I t It IT IS RUMORED THAT MUCH TREASURE IS BURIED IN THE SUL i..'..'.d'i..tfan will ba ihlppea im mediately to Fort Omaha wnere a moo- em hydrogen ga plant ana a Bangor k.n,. knnaa haa bB reCted. Within tea daya the balloon detach ment and Lleuta. Labia, rouiois, but ... and Dickeaaoa ot the Aeronautical Dtvlsloa will go to Fort Omaha, la tha meantime nww .in h. n.da In th Signal Corps spherical balloon No. 11 which haa a capacity of J5,000 cum w " a ..a nam three men. Lleuta Uha and Foulola will return to Wash for tha aeroolaa inais omeera la the Will HVIU. ' v.. an., nf h. dlrirlhla H.u u.i w. . , n.. a una had vlaaned to coaduct . -.narlmenta Wit th dirigi ble at Fort Myer, Including exaaasUve test with wtrtlee telephone ana wiv grasa. Tha Aerenairtleal Dlvlelon Will Use Pert Omaha aa a Baeia In Pise f Pert Myer. r..hlnna May It. OwlnS t th tannra of congreea to provide funds tor th construction of a gaa plant and balloon bona at th Fort Myer Aerodrome General Jaxsea Allan, chief .aa-.. nf lha nil Carna SIS Praa taroed to change hla plaaa for the taroaaattcal trlala and teaU at Fort btfer thts awnnser. Jbe anev metar baaooa No l -h.n tha Wiat reached the middle the stream where the water Is per haps 20 feet deep, the boat suaoeniy ank beneath the welgnt ana went w the bottom. A It sank, It caused a suction which took many of tne men a . -.ith ii attempted to uunu !" - . - swim ashore, but were chilled by the cold water and became exhausted., ao far as la known, only ten of the men reached shore. TROUBLE IN PANAMA. Police end Canal Employee Claeh Two Americana Killed. Colon, May 12. In a conflict which .....n-.d hniwaon Panaman police and Wiimi - employes of the canal xone, near the dividing line, C. M. addoh, mi oirui,.-i- th. nnwpr house at Cristobal viau u - f an American, and a colored man, alBO an American, were killed. The police previously had crossed the xone at Cristobal In an effort to ar rest an escaped prisoner. They were mobbed and pelted by West Indians and finally were arrested by the sone police for disturbance. Later a num ber ot Panaman police armed with .m.. -....ndnd tnward the zone m an attempt, It is alleged, to find those who had maltreated their comrades in th. dav Thev came into VB1UC1 ill . colllsslon with the canal workers, and ..vniva. and nne snots woro fired. Stonea and other missiles were . i'. ..d Elpptrlrlan Abbott was killed by a blow on the head, and the colored American waa amen Dy a ni bullet which penetrated the brain. n-v. lnt hnnamo bo tnreaienina tuai. .11 -i.... nf hniineas were aulckiy all closed, but eventually me dv.n nff Both the American and Panaman authorities are noiorag ,...i..iinn to olace the responsl- Wl 1- blllty. Precautiona also nave taken so that ther may o no wr rence of the disorders. , Anvinar ninwi .-i. u.. to it la announced iNew aula, mn that the American Museum of Natural Hlatory In this city, haa oespaicaeo w th Interior of th Congo Independent SUte, th flrat American eclentiflc x- am.- aant into mat roe"" muiuv. - Tha Okaol and th. Whit Rhinocero will be hunted. n .in., to th United Stat. u.. to Tha aenate's new nun, T jraft ot the tariff wu nai oeou - . ,, . ..aitinn to eonceesiona ai- footing th United Statea already pub lished th maximum duty on caauou meau haa been reduced from 80 franc to 23 franca per hundred alios. .i . z..t,.a Waklno UD. now I-,.- vw u.a laZealon cltliens of Greater New York gathered In - . tn laananrat a movo- ment to -determln mean of ritn th nomination ol proper w fo, city office to be filled at th. oop lnf municipal eiecuoa.- .. u.. Anna Aaaln. yveiiman n - ... way lx. Walter Well- aufc.wh twlc haa mad vilt to r -111. tha latanlloB Of tn. NorthPol. b. alrahlp, left wew x. w. - - prlnx Wllhelm to maae " tof th. honor oi nuwiwrj. Immigrant Sine 1820 Numbr 28 000,000 Now coming ax noon 1,000,000 a Yar How Po UI Receipt Grow. Washington, May 10. Of the 88,000,- 000 people in th. United State, Alaska Included, aoout, one-tuiru u In the 13 original states, according to a statistical abstract ot th. United State to be Issued In a few day py tha human of statistics of the depart ment qf commerce and labor. Another third live in tn. states created uou tha tarritorv ceded to the common? nnlon by th. original states and th. remaining third In th. area added oy purchase or annexation. While a large share ot the territory In the United State haa come under cultivation or Individual ownership, th. figure how that In 1908 there were 754,898,000 acre of unappropriat ed and unreserved land, of which al most one-half was tn Alaska, 61,177, 000 acre In Nevada; 46,532,000 In Montana; 44,778,000 In New Mexico and 42,739,000 In Arliona. Of swamp and overflow lands there are about 75, 000,000 acre In tha country of which 18,500,000 acre are In Florida, Louis iana coming next with about half that amount. . The total number of Immigrant In in tha nnnntrv alnce 1820. the veauwof earliest record exceeda 28,000,000. Dur ing the fiscal year 1905, 1906, 1907, the number averaged more tnan i,uw, 000 a year. The receipts of the post office de nartment show an Increase ot about $1,000,000 In 1820 to 15,600,000 in 1850 to $20,000,000 in 1870, to $33,000,000 In 1880, to $61,000,000 In 1890 to $1UZ, 000,000 In, 1900 and to $191,000,000 In 1908. The number of letters and post cards sent through the postal system of the United state is given as e,v 000,000,000 in 1907 as against 3,359, 000,000,000 by the postal system of the United Kingdom. CONVICTED OF KILLING WILLIAM ANNI8 LAST AUGUST. He Will Get From On to 20 Yar Defense Waa Insanity Motion for New Trial. . a.ina ta Seattle. . . u.. i Tomnetltioa foi th. , Meager tramo to and from th. IN OTUl , InWMta 47 w , uoa oa account ot th axposiUo , at atua, AH road Wtenuma norw wMt ar making preparations for addi tional train mc. .. uij.l Bnathara Returned. K.w Terk. May lH-WUbw aad Or vffl. Wright, th. Aasertoui aeroplaa- , .a . tha aeea of their lata, rvi- " . tjnl European triumph aboard th. North Owrmaa Ltor Uan ari Cecil). RISON SENTENCE FOR HAINS Fluahlnston. N. Y.. May 12. Capt Peter C. Haln. Jr., U. S. A. face a prison term of from on to iv years, no. nit. tha testimony submitted by the defense as tending to show Insani ty, he was convicted of mansiauguwr In the flrat degree for killing William E. Annla at th. Bayalde Yacht club last August. Quickly following tn. young aim officer's conviction, hla counsel an nounced that they would prouuee am d.ita tn ahow that the lury bad not been properly guarded during the trial and upon this allegation win urge u a new trial be granted. These affi davit will be submitted on Monday, th. time set for passing sentence u for any motlona that th. defendant' counsel desire to make. There will, of courae, b. th. nsual motiona w aald. th. yerdlct as agalnat th. weight of evidence and contrary to law, but th. unguarded Jury feature is me omr departur from the trotyped pro oeedur. looking to a new tnaL Daniel OHllly ot counael tor me uw fens. aald: ... "Ther wa no evidence in mis caw to warrant a verdict ot manslaughter. .hnnid. either have been murder in th. first degree or acquittal on th ground of Insanity. Th. jurors war. permitted to roam about the country In an automobile and go right to th. verge of the cene ot tne nominuo, which 1 clearly agalnat th law. W. will hav affidavits to prove that such 1 th case and also tnai me ju.. .n,ittad to leave the Jurisdic tion ot th county and have been on government property " all ot which will be urged aa a ground for netting aside the vetdlcf Th. conviction after tne jury nan been out leaa than three houra cam e a aurprl. It had been expeciou ... j.-. nr anniiittal on th ground of Insanity, or a disagreement would result . . No on was more eurpruea maa i.,i,n neWltt who had aald LI II.. ' ,i. ....... all b could hop for wa a disagree ment ' Tec ' Many Holiday. . v u.. aTh coun- Bt reiereo".. -v - " . .. i ... an trusted tO B en oi me oinyn . - . aneclalommlsslon a bUl reducing th. pcciai oof-,,, i Rnssla. number ot punno -""--'--., ... A memorandum areomi----- measure, which ot th council, point out that Fraac aid ..Tsd holiday., Sun daya. Knglaad 58. Germany 0 -a Russia IL ' J British Defeat ArMrlcan. Wartingtoa. May ,,.n..ilnnal Small Bor r.reau.T.B den,o...rst their superiority over me acortag aa .verwhriming victory match waa a frteadly oae with mall aor. rlfie. o gallery rang ta th respocUv conn tries llraarfr wr a4