Newspaper Page Text
0 We can fix your dock or witch or jewelry right, Bee our new displsj of Jew elry, Eye Glasses end Bpeotaoles. ' VaiOES RIGHT COOLEY, THE JEWELER, Third St., across from P. 0. Striking Designs Fall ot paints of merit, are num erous In our assortment ot WALL PAPERS They ere new, artistic end pleaa Ing. The coloring! are excellent, and will retain their beauty , '9' year. There la not a pattern In the atore that would not make a charming covering for any room. A. R. ELWICK Exclusive Paint and Wall t'aper House For Sale. 1 4-passenger Heo runabout 800.00 1 6-passenger Bulck touring car 660.00 1 7-passenger White steamer 700.00 1 20-H. P. upright engine.. 100.00 1 5-H. P. engine 60.00 a 4-H. P. reversible engine 60.00 1-H. P. gasoline engines, each 1 2-horse dray wagon 4 B . 0 0 .. .. i i . , r 111 hnrA 1 Weil puriug vui holes 6 to 44 In. diameter 150.00 1 large 3-burner gasoline stov i i.ti. P. steam engine.... 25.00 boller( coal oil burner) . . 65.00 1 -H. P. eteam boiler 30.00 8 pianos.... 2B-00 1 Singer sewing machine . . 5.00 1 2 5-H. P. Geiser traction en- ,. 800.00 2 story residence on South First and Chestnut streets, 7 rooms ana bath, city water, electric lights and modern convenienves, price 11760. I story, 8- room modern house on South Second street, large barn, city water, electric lights and all conveniences. Complete line of brick making ma chinery. C. W. PARKER R RTEELSMTfH. M. D. l '.'. ABlLXKa, EAXBAB. imiui to aniarerr. lurries' Dk (Mi, Diseases to Women ana !" o' tfceay. ' W. H. E1CH0LTZ H. K. EICHOLTZ UNDERTAKERS tm UCENSEO EMBAIMERS ESTABLISHED I87O. Oldest and only exclusive Un dertaking establishment in Dickinson county. CALLS ATTENDED DAT OR NIGHT - ROOKS OV IKBTS1 CIDAB o ABILIM. KAMA. EES. t 1- - n. oi.r f iTSl art 5 AIHLEXE-CL.IV IKMER CAME WENT TEN INNINGS. Abilene Plied Up the Long End of Score Which Was 8 to it Team Work Improving la ' the Local Squad. j Fran Friday Sett. 1 The Abilene baseball team yester day defeated Clay Center in a ten-innlna- came by the score of 3 to 2. The game was close throughout and the team work of both teams good. Clav Center not its usual one score In the second by a squeeie play and added another score in tne eighth. In the third. Thompson, for Abi lene, took the big stick in band and slapped out a two bagger In left Burton followed with a pretty sacri fice hunt advancing; Thompson to third. Strelb was next on deck and biffed a line drive to right scoring Thompson. In the seventh Castle received a hot one in the ribs which gave him first Brltton then bunted, advanc ing Castle to second. "Bed" ward followed biffing the pill over third which scored Castle. . I More-an led to bat In the tenth and knocked an ankle breaker to short who fumbled it allowing Mor gan to gain first. Thompson then hunted EolnK to first and advancing Morgan to second. Burton followed but fanned the ozone three times with the blc stick. Streib spanked the minute sphere to right choking the . Wilson came to the bat with a villainous look which affectted the Clay Center pitcher so that he walk ed Wilson, forcing Morgan home which was the winning score. Thompson pitched a wonderful game pulling himself out of several bad holes and wielding the hickory with Krace. "Rel" Ward, the new try out from the WeBtern Assoela- Itno, played a good game at short and got two hits out of three times at bat. Burton will be 'losing his position on short if he does not quit his excellent fielding work in center. He chased across the alfalfa and nabbed one which was a feature. Streib is the bun at the bat pounding out two hits in three times at bat. The team as a whole Is getting to pull together and will soon be wonting like a machine. CLAY CENTER Allingham c 5 0 1 4 1 Gramley 2b 3 1 0 5 2 0 Myers cf 3 0 1 2 0 0 Parks If 5 0 1 4 0 0 Day rf 4 0 110 0 Strong lb 2 1 0 ,9 0 1 Stewart 3b 5 0 0 1 1 0 Strohm ss 4 0 1 2 3 1 Witt p :.' 2 0; 3- 0 Totals 35 2 7 28 10 2 ABILENE Burton cf 4 0 1 2 1 u Streib If S 0 '2 0.0 0 Wilson lb 3 0 0 14 1 1 Bechtold 2b 4 0 0 4 0 1 Castle c 3 1 0 8 3 0 Brltton 3b 2 0 0 1 3 1 Ward ss 3 0 2 u 1 1 Morgan rf 3 1 0 0 0 u Thompson p 3 1117 0 Totals .......28 8 6 SO 16 4 bmta hv lnnlnes: Clay Center 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Vi 7 2 Abilene ...001000100 18 6 4 u.tfri Will and Ollngham; Thompson and Castle. Umpire Brumage. Vllaworth 1: Minneapolis O . n!iiwnrth. Inne 26. -Two nits, a sacrifice and a wild throw, third to first, gave Ellsworth the second vic tory over Minneapolis here yeewrua ,fi.miB after nine stubbornly fought Innings. The score: R H E Ellsworth ...OOOOOtiou 11 1 Minneapolis .00000000 u Batteries Howard and Sommers; Harlan and Abbott Umpire Slgler. Manila tun 6: Junction City 8. Manhattan. June 25. The Ma roons batted two pitchers out of the box yesterday and took four hits off the third in the seventh inning when th vi.itnra oult with but one down. Mitchell of the locals and Campbell of Junction City each secured home rnm The acore. R H E Junction City ..0 0 02 0 0 18 6 1 Manhattan ....0 0 0 1 8 0 2 o III Batteries Gil 1. Hunt, west ana Edwards; 8tack, Coe and Coe. Um pire Hammond. Ball. a. a Beloit 8. c.iina inn 95 The came here last evening between Saiina and Be loit was called In the ninin on ac count of darkness with the score UmA t in I R H E S.Kn. at 002 110 0 ins Beloit 0100 5 0 3 00 7 7 D.11.HM' Worrell. W1I ford, coca rum and Lawrence; Green. CNell and Meade. Jim Bouldln. who pitched ball for the 1317 Abilene champion baseball team of central Kaa:aa. Is her and t fr refca. l" ' - ' Hone Dieuatch:- Bah .for Abilene. She has at last succeeded In winning a bail game, the trick having been turned at that place yesterday in a (tame with Clay Center. The acore was three to one. and Abilene has at last hatched out the egg on the "won" side of the column. With one game won, two tied, and five lost, she now has a percentage of .167. Come on Abilene, you'll get there yet. Junction Cltr union: At last Abi lene has won a game. ' And mark this prophecy. Abilene will win a lot more games now that "Affy" Wilson Is beading the team. He will make a good man In this league. TWO COSTLY ERRORS LOST GAME TO CLAY CENTER Abllee Was Shut Out While Oppon ents Made Two Scores. H Tnna 9ft Plav renter lyiajr VBumi " " j shut out the Abilene aggregation yes terday by the score of 2 to 0. An error by Abllene's short stop and left fielder in first gave Clay Center Its two scoreB. The game was fast throughout but Abilene could not hit the bail at the needed moment. In the first Inning Burton iea to kA. Bni MtfaA thA hnrse hide for a two bagger. Streib sacrificed advanc ing Burton to third. Wilson then was walked. Bechtolfl was nil on me hand but umpire would not walk him consequently ne ianneu um.. Ward was next on deck and hit to first and was put out. Clay Center In the laBt hall or nrsi couuwu m runB across the pan through errors. T..f nut at first In the sec ond inning, folowed by Brltton who 1.1. i .ha nitchor and was thrown out at first. Castle then popped up . . i A In hrt to second, mbibou to uh. . 1 and fanned. Burton flew to right and Streib flew out to ceuier. In the fourth Wilson reuieu uu , tit tn third and was thrown vvmmuio ui. w out at first. Ward hit to second and was thrown out. Ergot popped up to nrsi n iu fifth. Brltton then bit to snori auu thrown out followed 07 uasue who did the same thing. In the sixth Mattson ianneu u. Burton and Streib followed and were put out. Wilson fanned out In the seventh and Williams popped up to second fol lowed by Ward wno mi w was thrown out. . , t .,. ihth Ereot flew to right. Brltton hit to first and Castle fanned out. ' , Malion hit to third in tne nmm and was thrown out. Burton flew to right. Streib hit to nrsi maaiue the last out. Bechtold had hard lucK yesieruay. .i. nn iha hand bv Ditched no wo - ball in the first and was compelled to leave the game. CLAY CENTER AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Allingham l i " " Gramley 3 1 l i Myer 0 0 2 0 0 Parks Day 2 1 1 0 0 Strong. o fcAHr. Stewart .......... 0 0 Stewart 0 0 1.6 .; -.0 Strohm 0 l ;2 0 Stokesberry ....7 0 H'Ti Totals ......28 2 5 26 10 0 ABILENE AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Burton 0 2 2 0 0 Strleb i 4 0 0 8 0 1 Wilson 2 0 0 10 0 0 The Real Pleasure The urnc of pr fet result and compli ments on your kltl ro 0 your when you us Lee Baking Powder 16-oz. can 25o om or THI ' -' Cave the Coupons i,tj" u " v) Home ' .,.,..t-.. snuon . Castle ,-. Mattson . Malion . t ; .. .8 ;;,..3 o .....2 '0 .. ...1 ' 0 Totals 28 0 3 22 12 Score by Innings: Abilene ....0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 2 4 Clay Center ..20000000 02 4 0 ' Batteries Mattson and Ergot; Stokesberry and Allingham. Umpire McKee. '.Junction City 1; Manhattan 0. Junction City, June 26. Snappy and errorless fielding coupled with Gile's effective pitching enabled Junction City to shut Manhattan out here yesterday. Score: Manhattan ..0 0000000 00 6 4 Junction City 00000100 01 4 0 Batteries Johnson, Coe and Coe; Giles and Miller. Umpire Brum age. Beloit 4; Ellsworth a. Ellsworth, June 86. Well placed hits earned Beloit a victory over the home team yesterday afternoon. The score : RHS Beloit 0 200100 1 04 6 Ellsworth ...0110000 0 02 8 3 Batteries Culver and Martin; Woods and Sommers. Umpire Slg ler. Minneapolis 8, Saiina 7. Minneapolis, June 26. Minneapo lis defeated Saiina here yesterday by the score of 8 to 7. ' Saiina Journal: So many tie games are being played on the local dia mond as a result of the 6 o'clock schedule that there 1b a demand being made that Saiina play its games at 8:30, the usual time for ball games. When the Saiina team left for Min neapolis this morning, one man was left behind. It was "Lefty" Wllllford who was suspended 15 days without nay and will have to pay a fine of J10. The sentence was given him last night by Manager Quigley. MAHKIED A HALF CENTURY. Mr. and Mrs. Margason, Hope, Cele. brated Wedding Anniversary. Last Saturday was the Fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Margason, of this city, it was Iiiiib 19. 1859 when William Marga- 130 and Elizabeth Jane Cox were unit- rt in marriaae In the little town of Nevada, Storey county, Iowa. It was a year later when they came to Kan sas to seek their fortune and tnrougn the ups and downs of life they have never deserted the state they cnose to settle In. 1886. when Hope was beginning Its first boom at the time when the Korh hardware building was belne erected, Mr. Margason came to Hope and opened a dry goods store in tne building now occupied by Beeghley's Bakery. They have lived here ever since. Dispatch. Itch Stopped Skin Cooled, itf-hina skin diseases afflict some people as soon as the hot weather comes. There seems to be no pre ventive; but when the eruption does hreak out. it is a very simple matter to atop that itch, and to stop It in stantly., . , .,.. -jtnat' f'w drons of oil of winter- green, properly compounded, wasaed over .the eruption Wlaoojue"" smooth" the skin Instantly, giving that cooling and refreshing sensation. Trr a few drops of this D. O. U. Compound and your itch will be re lieved at once, not in half an hour, or tn mlnntea. but in five seconds. Call at our store, and we will tell you more about this D. D. D. Compound. C. E. Northcraft Co. SHIFTING SOIL. Real Estate Transfers Reported by t, E. Keel, Abstractor. James H Savllle and wife to Archi bald Toung, lot 14, blk 20, town of Manchester, $300. L. D. Emerlck and wife -J Wm. and Thos. Mitchell, lot 15, blk 5, town nf Carlton. 235. Fairvlew Cemetery Co. to Tbos. Nlt- chell, lot 13, blk 14, Fairvlew cem etery. Carlton, $5. M. Nicolay and wife to Rosella H. Monroe, a tract of land 60 leet by 153 feet west of n e cor of lot 5, blk 5, Rice and Austins add tn Abilene. 8500. Lorento D. Bias and wife to Charles Dobson, Jr., lot 102 on Moln street. oIt Rnlnmon. 81200. Dickinson County to Nancy C. Reed, lot 3, blk 12. Highland add to city of Abilene, $76. Eggs for Hatching. From choice Rhode Island Reds. One dollar per setting. 8. H. Lenhart, Abilene, R. V. i., TeL Acme. 18w!mo. ' for ! eheeo 70 lb. eapadty n. B. Beoarator. N. . Gish. AM- J3WU stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do It Easy to take and most effective. Bold by C. E. Northcraft ft Co. Heavy, Impure blood makes a mud dy pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, Indigestion, Thin , blood makes you weak, pale, sickly. Bur dock Blood Bitters made the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health. A Contented Woman is always found In the same house with Ballard's Snow Liniment. It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains, It heals cuts, burns and scalds and cures rheu matism, neuralgia, lumbago ana nil muscular soreness and stiffness. 25c, 50c, and 31.00 a battle. C. E. North craft & Co. r)K CATARRH of the nose, throat, stomach, bowen and more delicate organs, be sure tn take Hood's Bars parUla-K is A HADICAL CURE, Sees Mother Grow Young. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change In my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters," writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrlck ot Dan forth, Me. "Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untoid misery from dysnensla for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health." They Invigorate all vital organs, cure Liver and Kidney troubles. Induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only 60c at J. M. Gleissner's. A hnnlr nn Phanmntlam hv Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., tells some niain trntha anri a fmA trial treat ment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Rem edy lor some aisneartenea uuuorur In your vicinity. Make a grateful ) onnfaniaUva frtflTlri nf HniDfl Ollfl who Is discouraged because of the failures of others to neip mm. neip mn n m.k. this taat. and I'll certain ly help your suffering friend. All Dealers. afnna itxhinir Itistantlv. Cures nlles. eczema, salt rheum, tetter, Itch, hives. herpes, scabies Doan s ointment, ai any drug store. Amazing. It Is amazing how many mothers n.m u,o thai .hllHrnn medicines containing violent and dangerous drugs for bowel and stomach disord ers, when better results, with absolute safety can be obtained by tne use oi a pure, pleasant, harmless remedy like Dr. Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pep Bln. Try It at once. Sold by all drug gists at 50c and 81.00. Money back if it fails. vnr a mllri Aaav action of the bow- 00 a ainirla rinae of Doan's Regulets Is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. Z&o a oox. am uui druggist for them. HEALTH is lully restored by the rraat alterative and tonic Ilood'l 6arsaparilla, and von remember thi old sayin.-,- health IS WEALTH rrttA .iiroat and paaleat wav to cure id la hv sentlv and , l.r mnDn0 .1,0 hnwola. BeeS LSX- ative Cough Syrup is pleasant, stops the coughing and quickly relieves the i v.u allovlna- nnnirAatfnn and bv wiu 11 1 "".' n --n . - pleasantly and promptly moving the bowels. BOia oy ramce uru ou. inv ladv pn eat a silvered "No Drip Coffee strainer oy writing ui SbOOPTHaclne Wis. sena no money. Qlmnl. aalr fnr thA "No Drin" COU Don privilege, giving your name and address. Dr. Shoop will also send free his new and very interesting lit tle book describing Dr. Shoop's u i.k rnttaM Health Toffee la such a close imitation of real coffee, that It requires an expert to ten me an .nA and nithr la there a arain of real coffee in It. Made from pure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its flavor and taste is exceedingly grati fying. No tedious noiiing enuur. "Made In a minute," says Dr. Shoop. Write today for the book and "No Drip" Coupon. Belknap ft Roemer. A Golden Wedding. means that man and wife have lived to a good old age and consequently have kept healthy. The best way to keep healthy Is to see that your liver does It's duty 365 days out of 365. The only war to do this Is to keep . . .' . . i I . 1. l.n..aA an1 Ballard s neroine iu u.," take it whenever your liver gets In active. C. E. Northcrait at u. CASTORIA Vat Infants and CbilttlW. Hit Kind Yob Haft Atari B:si Bear the 01gnnturo of Wonderful Conrace. 1 displayed by many a poor Invalid, crushed under the weight of chronic troubles, like constipation, bilious ness, neuralgia, headache, stomach trouble, etc. But sucn sunering, though brave. Is quite unnecessary, for Dr. Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pensln will surely cure all these dis eases, drive awry all tha anpleaaant symptoms, and restore every Invalid to bealtb. Try It. Sold by all drug gists at 60c and f 1.00. Money back If It fallfc OAslTOnXA. Mfll m 'yt twttt er 1 mnfwj, 4wmrit Plercf.'s siMlrlrwn well mpH'v tina, and tlielr friends, afiur jiais mn two du-ad4 of pouularlit, are numimrrd bf tha hundnMli of ihouHauda. .'iiiev have 'mult good" and they Save nut,maUe aruiiwrai. . . ' A good, honeat, square-deal nmllclm of known eompoiltlon ll Dr. Pierce' Uoldca Meslcal Discovery. It still enjoys aa luv ' BeniM sale, while most of the prepara tlont that have come Into prominence la tha aarllar nerlod of Its nonularitv have gone by the board and are never more heard of. There must be some reason for this long-time popularity and that It te be found In Its superior merits. When once given a fair trial for weak stomach, or for liver and blood a Sections, Its su perl,- curative qualities are soon manlfesti hence it has survived and grown In pop ular favor, while score of less meritorious articles have suddenly flashed Into favor for a brief period and then been at sooa forgotten. For a torpid liver with Its attendant Indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, per haps diuiness, fonl breath, nasty coated tongue, with bitter taste, loss of appetite, with distress after eating, nervousness and debility, nothing" Is so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medloal Discovery. It's an honest square-deal medlcln with all Its Ingredients printed on botUe-wrappet no secret, no hocus-poous hnmlin therefore don't aoomit a tuottUut ti ths dealer may possibly make a llttl bit ' ger profit. Jneut on your right hart wnai you can tor. . ' nnnt huv Dr. Plarcaa Favorite PrascrlBa tlon eipectlng It to prove a "cure-all.' Is Is only advised for woman's special jl ments. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Less advertised than some preparations sold for like porpoaas. lis itariing ourauve virtues iiiu uauiwai Its position la the front ranks, where ti stood over two decades ago. As an lav Vtgorattng tonto and strengthening aarv Ine It I nnequaled. It won't satisfy those who want "booie," for there is not a drop of alcohol In It. : Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, theorfot nnl Little Liver Pills, although tha flits pill of their kind tn the market, still lead, and when once tried are ever afterward In favor. Easy to take as candy-one te three a dose. Much imitated but Mesr CONSIGN YODR LIVE STOCK TO M. K. & T. Commis sion Company ron WHICH J. R. VAN VOORST . , - ..-A T)Cl,urlV. r T V lnll. after all shipment from DICKINSON (10, Write us for any Information you de sire In regard to the market. 871 LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE KANSAS CITY, MO. Abilene Steam Laundry. Perfect Work- RaionabIt Priow -prlnfti water uted and all work guaranteed Af tOClM in SU WiUB.Uttva muhvj wwv . J. R. GOODWIN Proprietor. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UNION PACIFIC ' Eastbound ' 103 Passenger (Limited) 1:23 a. m. 110 Passenger 3:30 a. m. 104 Passenger......... 11:88 a. m. 108 Passenger VAt p. m. 168 Local Freight 2:10 p. m. Westbound i 101 Passenger (Limited) 2:68 a. m. 109 Passenger 10:03 p. m. 107 Passenger ...2:10 p.m. 103 Passenger 2:67 p. m, ISO Local Freight 8:80 a. m. ROCK ISLAND Eastbound 636 Mall Express...... 10:50 a. m. 666 Local Freight 4:00 p. m. Motor Express 3:26 p. m. Westbound 636 Mall Eipresa. ...... .6:66 p. m, 666 Local Freight 11:48 Motor Eipresa 1:30 p. m. ' SANTA FE Southbound 306 Passenger. ...11:00 a.m. 308 Freight 2:06 p. m. 310 Freight 8:16 p. m. ' Northbound 307 Passenger 8:07 a. m. 309 Freight 9:46 a. m. 311 Freight 8:10 p. m. Saiina Branch Leave for Saiina 317 Mixed :20 a. m. 319 Mixed 12:06 p. m. 321 Mived :0 P- Arrive from Saiina. 318 Mixed 7:8 m- 320 Mixed 10: 222 Mixed P- m' ABLLENE'S SOCIETIES. p. ABB A. M.-Banerolent tlir sto. f . SS, Mil am ana inira """-- iTmoZriTi vUUlo brethiia DOTAL AHCH. 1 Ohar- oVS and Voarth rrldays of mch boJ W. Man. H. F.i Joseph . nl. Saoretary rrmlPL BHVOI,ltT AaaOOtA. m M . rThnssaflaiV sYTAtUIUre IK WmC009 1 V7, .-I VnJjLnjrW MrtL V. L. yagTVwaloeati " C WT. T MM. fhsnksearaelraaraoadtuaa f D Malta taat la w bawaSla ST I oeaasiaaai m B 1 P-A N S labala. hrlwbtB raa, TW Vf a-iant park at la aaoairb IX im aralmair liiaiw. l oa taallr aula tjtiins. saalsisaaaatsdyaaa .