Newspaper Page Text
- --- - . . . - , . ........ . . . ....... .. ... ABILENE WKKKLV KEFLECTOB, ABILE.YE, KANH., OCTOBKR 13, 1810. ISSUED ST Ilie Reflector Publishing Co, Entered as second clas mall matter at the poitofflca at Abilene, Kama. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DICKINSON COUNTY. , Guaranteed Largest Circulation of any Paper Published to Dickinson County. Tf paid In advance within the year: One year...., , JJ Six monthi., ?X Three month , D" If not paid In advance or during the year; 12 00 One year ,....s..ira THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1910- A MIGHTY GOOD TICKET. It is recognized that the Repub licans of Dickinson county have an exceptionally fine ticket this fall. It made up of capable edld.te. vervone of whom has ample qualifi cations for the position to which he .nlrm. There Is n factionalism and . r,r. uctionallsm In the ticket. The county has all sections represented candidates being from Chapman Hope, Herlngton, Solomon, etc., as well as from Abilene, bo eiceiieni ! the ticket that the prospects are for a clean sweep for every candidate from top to bottom of the list The people of the county hive learned to expect on the Republican ticket first class candidates and to expect from the officers when elected first class service. In the oaso of every candidate before IhJ people this fall who has already served the public the record speaks tor Itseir. The service given by Representative Case, County Clerk King, Sheriff Young, District Clerk Rowe, Probate Judge Anderson, Assnssor Murphy and Commissioner Fry, have proved their fitness for their places and their renomlnatlon came as a recog nition of their excellent work and faithful performance of duty.' Their reelection Is assured. The new names on the ticket are those of equal merit, In Ernest Morse for treasurer, F. A. Green for county attorney, Mrs. Anderson for register, W. 0. Steen for superlntena- register, yy . v. lwm . . .nbandM. A. Jolley tor surveyor are . . An. tut.! tn An thAir wnrk 1 lounu vi Buiin wall. Altogether It Is a ticket ef which the party may well be proud and It Is one that will receive the approval of the votes in election. Chairman J. N. Dolley of the Re- publican state committee, doe. not " . ., expec the msiip to jrag ..on, a. quietly a. It has been going right un to election. He expects-the light- nlng to strike any day and Is. pre paring for It. Notwithstanding the apparent lack of any need tor a bat tery of outside speakers Mr.' Dolley Is making arrangements for some top-liners. Invitations have been sent to both of the Iowa senators A. B. Com mlns and J. P. Dolllver. They have spoken In Kansas and are known in some parts of the state. Senator Cummins was In Kansas during the primary campri'gn. Senator Dolll ver spoke In Top;ka when Prsl ient Taft made his tour through the state Just before the general election two years ago. It they will come to Kan sas for the presontcamiialgn they will be scheduled tor the larger cit ies and towns. Two more outsld-s "no have been Invited are James R. Garfield, a former member of Preidet Rooso velt's cabinet, and Gifforti Plnchot. ex-natlonal forester. al)oth Plnchot and Garfield were tn Kansas with Colonel Roosevelt when he spoke at Osawatomle In August. Chairman Dolley will make special efforts to get them to come to Kansas SENATOR TRAVIS APPROVKS. Senator Frank Travis ot lola aendf 10 toe traitor ok law nviieviur an interesting letter along sensible lines In state politics. He quote, this editorial from the Reflector: Whea the Kansas legislature meets we hope some member of the house will make a motion to have a com mittee selected by the h'oaae name all tha committees and that the speaker shall not be a member of that committee. This' is what Mur doch, Madison, Cummins aad all -the reformers hare been fighting for' tn congress and It would be ridiculous for Kansas' legislature to allow Itself to be bossed by a speaker who caa automatically same all the coat- mitteea. olcklna them out In advance. The aame should be done la the senate. Let', have real reform and not hypocritical than with one thing at Washington and another thing at home. It the insurgents are honest , . . ' ""ur'Bt r "O"'' ie to this snd do it. IT they are ditboaert is nta aCKiaat flflfiOn1tm they will agree they aa am mcy are eitaoa-m. id their arguments against Cioaos.sro i. r ..-. It vHl H tetarYMtir, to see which route they take. Commenting upon It Senator Tra- vli says: "I take thli method or endorsing the proposition laid down by you In this clipping." I believe that, thli li the thing to do, If we are to' have reform let u have re form. I would go a itep farther than this: I would have a law pasted by the legislature making It unlaw ful and Ulea-al for a member of the legislature to accept an appointive office from the bands of the governor dnrlnr .the term for which he Is elected. I believe It Is Just as ques tionable to buy a man's Influence in ihA lntlslature by giving him an appointive office as It Is for the areat corporations to buy nis in fluence and services In some other manner.!' This la aood sense. It Is the same TDis is gooa euo. " J ge e and Ze ' heir fo7 a tonlc. slrf" was asked at the Davis ?tate office, during their terms. It barber shop. It conveyed, at least to ,tate omces ounng . . U, ..eiectl" a certain special and HZ thH the gove nor ha. secured legislative ... . , , - Jse. of Job. to i needing correction. Let the, the peace pissed, and In filings rigni uu .1- be no bosslsm from speaner or iu- tenant governor and that there be no wannlna of iobs for votes. H me " .a L.nii era honest in tneir ae- mands they will heartily agree to both propositions. Tast year there were nearly five thousand teachers who attended the annual meeting of the State Teacn- , . with eight hundred or a thousand In for- mer years. This year fully six thou- . i.. uiti The State Teachers' Association has be- come a powerful element for aa- . ' it,. i.n. ..Knnt.! in Kansas where formerly it was a little annual gathering of a striving mK. .. hn i. orguuizaiiuii, iu 6"" due largely to one thlng-the change . j of the dates from the Christmas boll- n the earlv fall. One man. E. T. FBlrchlld, the present Republican ' candidate for ne-electlon as state n.,hiM iwmotinn. saw that long ago, and It was largely due to his Incessant work that the change In date was made. ....... Rrriiicc k RIRI DARED LAUGH The Aet Caused Her Discharge and Then 12,000 Neckwear worKers Went on a Strike. 'New York, Oct. new xora, vet. 11. a wsiw" year old girl's laugh while stitching a scarf In a Christie street basement in thls city, Is really what led, to the 11. A fourteen strike of the neckwear workers. It , was the laugh which was Instrumental in omiTi mnra than 12.000 men. Joungter, ,trlke , Mckw..r workers are after omen ana youuKecera 10 go uu eirme. Tha niYirwar wnrkre ara after higher wages, but they declare there Is a good deal more to tight lor tuan the dollar sign. k.... The .trlkers say that the "bosses" vxM them when they Ulk to their fe inw wnrkeri. A lauall la followed by a reprimand. A little girl laughed. Hue was aiscnargea. ine oiner em ployes protested. Then all the em ployes went on strike. The news spread rapidly. The result was that In a few days every neckwear worker tn, taiklTi about the little alrl who dared to laugh and whose discharge followed. Other comolalnt. began to come and all were investigated. After a con ference a .strike was voted for. The strike is on in full swing. k FRENCH RAILWAY STRIKE The Decision Was Arrived at Unex pectedly at a Masting Held After Midnight Parifl. Ortt. 11 Tha emnloves of tha Northern France railway have sudden- 1w atpnnlr anrf thm whnl SYrstAm ! at a standstill. The order to strike was issued late at night after a meeting of the railway men's committee and at midnight the staff stopped work without giving any warning, ine public was taken wholly unawares and. thousands were prevented rrom ..mi.. ,.. ,., starting on intended Journeys. Short- ly alter midnight the station floors IinT.4 r.'SurHT! , T. soldiers were hurried to occupy the deserted stations. , Troops were also posted along the . , .,.,. llnes to guard the locomotives end the Am Tk. ttltXTaJ! summoned bv President Brland to die- euas the measures to be taken. The Kansas Tribunal Will Meet Jan- nary t In Place ef January I te Accomodate New Members. ' Topeka, Oct. 12. The Kansas so- reno court has announced that the prams court has .announced that the Jaeuary sitting ot the court would be gla January t, a week later thaa usual. i nis was aone oa account ot tne inau guration ot the new state officers, which will take place January 1. It waica win use mace January a. 11 the court held the hearing at the regu- lar iima. a kaai naa of tha tiYiiaaa wouia nave 10 wora out ine caaea bMr4 at that January term after his Ur- offisa ,Iplml a.itrtr( th, bearing one week tt will permit tha a.a 1..Aa ta aft arltk tha a 'ouis nave 10 worn out ue case ,ni hearing one week tt will permit th m9 judge la sit with the court at tha WfnaJita- of tha trta. I TOO MITCH OF OWN MEDICINE. Hair Tonic Wasn't Only Liquid Kept By Navarre Barber. Henry Davis of Navarre, a barber, made liberal, use of a tonle quite different from that which he had been sprinkling; on his customers' beads Baturday, and, after Jetting well "toned up" he started out to spread general desolation through that quiet community. His picturesque career, however, had a speedy and unromantlc ending. Each and ev ery cltlien who chanced to cross his turbulent path made a bee line for the constable's, and Davis was soon lodged In the town lock-up charged with disturbing the peace. , Rubaeauent Investigation led the local authorities to suspect that When ,h aBt4aB0M0 question. ."Have forbidden meaning. Davis was - ' The cnarge of ollturb. ,. . . , iouor. 0n two counts. - - j.ti, The case will be . '" flulnn'S AAiiPf nam WPniKBUAf iuuiu- "" - '"a DAVIS IN HANDS OF JUBY, No Verdict Yet for Navarre Barber Charged witn oeiiing "4""" ' The case of Henry Davis, the Na- varre barber brought here Sunday on a cnarge oi seumg llauors. which was on trial In Jus- tlce Quinn's court today, went to the jury mis iwruUu. The comolalnlng witness, w. Walker, a blacksmith, testified that a a 1.1. II..IAS nvt fiavlan Alt ne naa oougui iwuur two different occasions. The prose- T cutlon had one other witness, Lee i - A vr .......... . Tha IhpV htrl Harsnmau oi .-w not rendered Its verdict at the hour. of going to press. ine jury D. 8. Clark. S. S. Oipe, John Hoon, David Dobson, J. D. Lightner, Geo, Mime, uen nuyvt. JURY FINDS DAVIS NOT GUILTY Navarre Barber Acquitted on Charge of Helling Intoxicants. The Jury In Justice Quinn's court mfiafUMlYI fniHllf Moll T" V Davis not guiuy on iuw cui.w ,eng intoxicating liquors, brought , n, b Constable W. H. Wal- ""..' Davig not guilty on the charge-ut ... . h ' J," of threatening to kill uon.iaDie Walker He , hav. the alterna- tlv. of ilvlnr bond to keep the peaci nmiwi, io u o --. tlv nt uivinr hnnd tn keen the neace or g0ng to Jail till the bond I. pro- ,.,. .... -.111 nmi un before 'justice Qulnn the latter part of the " . weeK- - mr Ti,r Tn nnmnii I LiVUUit atiw intm iu rmoun Of 821 Convicts Sent to Kansas Peni tentiary 7M Trace Downfall to Drink. Topeka. Oct. ll.-The use of liquor I. the direct or contributing- cause of Topek..Oct.11Theu..of 798 men being sent to tb Kansas -I penitentiary, ine oienniai rtpori otot . . . .... , j 1 1 ' I Thm biennial rttort or " V ... I ine uireciors oi tue prisun ana war-ivjfe den Codding shows that 852 persons wars rapAlvpfl In tha laat two Tears. Reports relating to the use of liquor were obtained from 821 of the new prisoners. Of this number E69 said that t,he use of liquor had a bearing or was a contributing cause of their crime and 227 .aid that liquor was tha direct causa. THE CROP YIELDS" WERE fiOOD In Spite ef Poor Start Last Spring the Production la Batter Than Last Year. Washington, Oct. 11. Owing to a favnrahlA anriinf nt a immyh ttt mnnYr m.m ' ,IHnM ... . .1 . '... ,, h.. , ", the United States have turned out . . .ear than air-t.d. ... ,;,, .'.' " 00u bushel. . lirg.r . . , . h ., ,. . 'h" L":.. .. " .!. .P' 1 : . . , . ., " . duced before, according to the Octo- . .., , rf . ber government crop report just made u wLhTnV,ricoltur dep4rt,DM,t " w,unlo- If Inn Manual aa Vmm m e.ll.M. I Gibraltar, Oct 11. Members ot the ' Portuguese royal family are said to .be gravely concerned over the health I ot King Manuel, who Is reported to be aa tae verge ot a aervoaa collapse as a result ot the strata and excitement at the oast few dava. ef the past few daya, Stock Ixchange Suit Advanced. Taneka. Oct. 10 Tha 9r.n.aa . - "u.-u ui preme court has advanced the antl- inui Ualaat Ue Kansas aty Live Stock eichasge to be beard auiia wrwvow that I shall never mu i SUiui wrw "Wrney geaeral la Wyandotte county and charged that tk Ut 'ock eichasge. were la a fjOmbtttStiOB tO ftZ UliCYKa. ' BT K0C eicnange. onaUoa o Ix prices. Jon't You ' ' Do Not Forget the Dates of Our Majestic Range Exhibit October 17-22 REMEMBER, you are invited to attend. We want you to examirie into the merits of this wonderful range, and besides that, we want you to be sociable. This is our ANNUAL PARTY and we are going to receive yob cordially and serve HOT BISCUITS and COFFEE. V We will show you how we bake biscuits in 3 minutes. We give away a beautiful set of ware with each range sold at this Exhibit. , ' We are going to provide for you. Do not disappoint us. ABILENE, KANSAS. tU&'KNT lUEFUXmONS - A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Jasper Ferris and Ma bel Stuck, both of Abilene. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Edward Miller and Em ma Gantanbeln, both of Dayton. The Racket will .ell a barrel of star cut Tumblers Saturday for 10c each. 12d3twlt A marriage license was issued yesterday to James T. McMillan of Cheever township and Rosa B. uur bin of Longford. Dr. F. M. Oler and family will nrmnv !tha Hallam residence on North Buckeye this winter, Mrs. Hal lam goes to Kansas City to reside with her daughter. ' iiirmm rsartner who was taken n the .fate hospital at Topeka about a month ago is reported no better. His mind seems to be entirely gone but otherwise his health is good. Wrnted, solicitc". for first dan proposition. Good pay. C. W. Kline, ,r McPherson, Kansas J. L. Wright has lust cut the fifth cron of alfalfa from his farm south of town and is baling it for shipment. He thinks the field will vAram about five ton. per acre this season which will net a 'goodly sum. Soeclal at the Racket Saturday. Qoa nnr South window. , 12d3twlt yope. Dispatch: M. C. and H. Homnnwav went to Emporia Sat urday to help devour a birthday din ner nn Sun da v In honor of MIbs Ly- ' """"' ' 7 , from Europe Friday night, and whose birthday It was. Ralph Hemenway . aa namf onn I inf Kii flora, ana a. vmw i . Jiiuaura, uu . - . , .I.a nrca oi rtenngion,- woib aisv Lnt ag were three or four personal ' . M friends of Emporia. THE VILLAGE DEACON. By Bert Walker in Osborne Farmer What ahall it profit man if he spends the flowery days of youth in laarninr to make a perfect araw shot on a billiard table anu can v draw a check that will be accepted at a bank when the winds of oid age begin to blow? - Jt J Tha man who attends strictly to his own business and makes aa hon est endeavor to aava hlmaslf does so well these days that It Is a wonder more fellow, don't try it - rwa tn think about it. did any man ever build a house that suited all the neighbors? Some men look more Important .hn raadlnr a one-cent circular let ter than President Taft did when he took the oath of his office. It la my candid opinion that the rtaM f iitventtona offcra nothing more glorlou. to man than that of i...atia . brand of soap that won't slip out of your bsnd aad nnder the washstand Juat after yoo gei your eyed filled with It. I am a pessimist Just tfcls far: I , . T - suit of clothe, or a nat look aa good on me as It Hoe in e i wd on m at it does m tae Bert Walker la Osborne pieture. Fsrmer. Como to Our Party ? HODGE BROTHERS ABOUT PEOPLE. .Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rakeatraw left for Quinter, Kan. Mrs. 8. Schwendener left tor Sli ver Lake to visit friends. Mrs. H., Schrader of Enterprise was' shopping In the My. t Mr. and Mrs. M. Nlcolay left for California to spend the winter.' S. Kirk and family are' up from Manhattan visiting old friend.. Miss Elsie Shell has returned from an extended trip In New York. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ooss of north Dickinson were shopping In town. Mr.. C. Hoffman and daughter, Bessie were up from Enterprise. Fred Kandt fit Oklahoma I. visit ing friends and relatives In the Cbunty. Mrs. A. M. Foster left for Okla homa City to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hunter. I Joseph White left for Los Angeles, Cal. ' "He will spend the winter at' Redondo, suburb of Los Angeles. Mrs. H. Harger left to visit her 'sons in Lienver ana juua ausdic. M1 8penij the winter at Los Angeles ,Mr and Mr, Richara Grlce anc . . ... . jt sons In Denver and Los Angeles. She and Charles Grlce started for England for a few months' visit with home folks. Mrs. C. H. Gerwig, formerly Miss Mabel Estes, now of Washington, I. the guest of C. T. Este. and other friend, here. , Mr.. J. A. McCIellan jreturned to her home at Vermillion, Kan., after a month, visit with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Burkbolder. Miss Lucy T. Stacey has returned from iBoise, Idaho, where she has been visiting her brother. Her hf aith Is much improved. J- p- VMbura ana wire im tor , Pao where tney will J. P. Flshburn and wife left tor ,at,Te ot Mrg. Flshburn. They ., ,n hy Will ICIUIU iu w lit ICI.I. M-rf . Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Crute, former residents of Abilene, returned to their home In Fairvlew, Ore., after visiting friends In the city. Mrs. Francis J. Nevlns left for Los Anaelea, Calif., where she will 1MB JYUBV1V-, . ..... ., aiYAtid-the winter -with her adopted daughter, Mrs. F. M.- Barnette. Mrs. Verna van ocoyoc, wiie ot;neavy nauu maue vrtnxuiua panics, Chas. Van Scoypc, formerly of Tal maze, now of Cheyenne, Wyo., ar rived on a visit In north Dickinson. F. C. Mills of Newberg, Ore., re- ....nit hnma after aDAndtne several 'day. with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson on West 6th 8t. Mr. Mills will visit a aister at Colorado Springs en route. HO HVea IOi ADIWUB jvmm .- Jas. Blagg and Joseph Grlce were pleaaant caflera at these headquart ii, . ... era. Mr. Grlce has moved to the Richard Grlce Pi.ce near ...mag. and will look after thing, during th. owner1, absence In England. . a f..i aainfl wlfit arrived a. r-" bome from thr.yert' minion work 1 i.a I A Ma whs raw thflV in wwi Rcnir-i - 'kitchen iinK, nnoieum 11x11, aivcu- . L1 k.l.lna. last ,thm IrVdkAd 1 .. . . . . dv vrru iw'fiu leu table, ice oox, aitoea. mpt. biu. Slav, mfsion. They ' TERMS All sum. of $10 and -wint.r llnra. residing oa West Thhrdl . ... . , street Atlantic City. N. J, Oct lO.VThe annual ennventlon ot the American Street and Iaterarbaa' Railway asao otatloa was called to order oa the mil lion dollar pier to-day by President Jane. P. Shaw of Boston. Passenger Agents In Convention. Dallas. Texas, Oct. 10. Unusually ---- tD ABWricaa Aseoda- p(.MnC,r Af.Btl WBica open - Ur tUt monlnt - , y,,,,, Ageots. whkh opea- 7' i f " Li : Public Sale The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at his farm 3 miles south of Abilene, 1 Yt mile south of Brown's mill, o Wednesday, Oct. 26, commencing at 10 a. m., the follow ing property: 7 head of Horses Bay mare 5 years old weight 1800 bred to Broughton Bros,' "Horn," bay mare 14 years old weight 1500 bred to "Horn," Iron grey surrey horse," city broke, safe for lady, weight 1450, 5 years old; sorrel mare 10 years old, weight about 1100. 2 yearling high grade Perch- eron colts about 850 pounds each, yearling high grade Belgian colt about 850. pounds. 47 head ot Cattle Including 15 milch cows one a thoroughbred Jersey, 2 heifers 18 months old, 20 steer, coming t years old, thoroughbred Holstetn bull 5 months, 5 heifer calves, 2 steer calves, high grade Holstein bull 1 year, grade bull 18 months. 48 head of Hoes . Including E thoroughbred Duroc Jersey sows, some with' pigs at side. 4 high grade Duroc Jersey sows, 18 pure bred sboat. Including 2 boars 5 month, old, 21 grade ahoats 9. weeks old. ' Farm Implements Etc. - Two lumber waslona, 2 -wagtoa with racks, sulky plow 16-inch, 14 inch walking plow, riding lister," walking lister, disc harrow, 2 6-shov- el cultivators, riding cultivator, 8 ectinn harrow. 2-sectlon harrow. -1 j McCormlck mower, Osborne mower. i hay rake, top buggy, portable nog chute, hand cart, wheel barrow, wa gon, scoop boards, buggy pole, forks, SDades. shovels, aices, pick, Iwtrs stretcher, post auger, anvil and vice, etc., hoes, corn knife, scythe, grind stone, feed box, corn sheiler, 2 set. hand made single harness. Also about 150 chickens mostly Buff Rocks and IS pure bred light. Brahamas, 100 chick brooder, S met- .l .nAn. with Mint U mtrm TkafYtr I in f eld, 20 tdhs alfalfa,, some potatoes, portable corn crib with noor cab bushel capacity. Household Goods Including steel rangp, gasoline raniTA 1 dlnlna- room tablea. small f lro ; conch plr,or M UrpU, new De- . ... 1.1 Laval Mptraior xo. wuuiui iu- rWnt wriner. etc., white enamel . . ..... . . lh.l aer casa;Bui;e i aiw a 11 months will be gives on Bote with approved aeenrity at 10 par cent Interest: If paid whea due only t per cent Interest will be charged. No property to be removed antll set tled for. Two per cent off for cash oa auma over 1 10. " FREE LUNCH AT NOON EDWIN t.l iiomm ' j. fj. BURTON. H. R. LITTLE, A act 'e. F. KNEER, Clerk.