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ft- llKELES, BELTS, Oil, kU ALL SHOCKEY c LANDES abilene; kansas. . GEORGE SNYDER Sheer of Track anil Heavy Horses INTERFERING STOPPED OR HELPED ' " ' 'GIVE ME A'-CAj-TC .. n'' - '. .. Phone 263 , . : Brirk Shop,. Buckle Art., Between Third and Fourth Street. " " ' ' A Mime, . L. Moore H. L. Humphrey MOORE & HUMPHREY, . Attorneys at law Examination of Abstract!. Lnni Titles and Descents and Distr pu lions a Specialty. ' "Practice In all omrtsStste and , Federals , . Abileus Steam Laundry Perfect Work- Reasonable Prloee Patronlie Dome Indnarry. Pur iKit Sprint water need and all work raarantasf atenciet la all llclrineon county towai. I. B. QOODWlH Proprietor. TUFTS & DISH Funeral Directors ' Lady Assistant 4. A. TUFTS; Licensed Einbalmet : NO. 251. ' Charges most leasonaBta. . Prompt and courteous treatment. Upshaar Block, Abilene. , (lidos and Furs We want your Hide trade and will pay just a li'tle more than the other fellow. Our expense for handling hides is down to' the minimum so we can afford to pay you more for your Ifi'des and Furs than any one in Dickinson county. We sell Rock Salt 50c cwt. : f ' Ground Rock Salt 30c cwt. ' -;'.'. , Ti J 1 LL.E.!.EY j Vest Third 6L, th old stand. J ABILENE, KANSAS. . TTwry family has nM of a food. : fule iiBimeat for sprains, rmiatj, Boreneaa of a iikIm and 1 subtle pains there Is none better a C&amiwrlaia'st' Sold by all deal- Children dry CAOTORIA JL J ji;e ca;i::xE cf covj yjiuje. anaatoa tbo slat df aing whlna nUalewiw baalaaoa, a wnw tela elea Swath wl sbe aawaae rer. YaawtU tbeakaTaamiableieuuB Mil la eene ru aeMeat yean-, asaeataa. He alerar ka ninwilm aa4aaallaM parts a aaae! to ana The XET HOME it lem liable to get ut of order than suiy tth er, Is made better, and all parta are Interchangeable, Aeareftd e lamination of thin machine before yon purchase any oilier will pay ya. v..;iv SEWING KACHIKE SUPPLIES. WILL GET INTEREST, Depositors of Abilene State Bank to , . Beeeire Certificate. Topeka Capital: The state guar anty lav li being applied to, the bl lene State bank which failed because of the defalcations of Cashier J. A, Flack. It Is the first time the guar- amy jaw. cas Deen put -to practical tise. It may not be necessary to draw upon the guaranty fund In this case even, but the depositors will be as sured of receiving their money, through-the guaranty law and th fund. The fund will simply stand back of the certificates Issued until It Is determined whether or not the assets of the bank will pay oft the depOSit.( ,. ,. ' , ... When tb bank failed there Wat fl60,000 on deposit in It and there was a small army of depositors 600. State Bank Commissioner J. N, Dolley held the stockholders of the bank for their double liability and secured enough, in this manner and from assets of the bank to pay off all but 151,000 of the deposits. One hundred depositors remain - unpaid and. the total amount due them is 164,000. " However,, certificates will net be Issued against the guaranty fund for the .full fifty-four thousand. A re ceiver ha been placed in charge of the bank's affairs. He will dispose of the remaining assets and it is ex pected that the amount se raised will be sufficient to pay off the deposi tors. There is a sufficient number of items now to protect all except $36,000 ot the deposits and guaranty certificates wilt be issued only for tnat amount. The certificate will be issued to the depositors and will bear .6 per ctnt Interest untl) they are redeemed. The certificates are negotiable. The depositor may' retain his certificate until It Is redeemed and draw the Interest upon it or he may dispose of It. The chances are that banks will get' most Of then ultimately. . The reason why the guarantee fund will not be used it because Mr. Dolley compelled the three principal direc tors to pledge their entire resoucet to meet the needs of the bank. He did this without any warrant at law and must hare-need bull-doting tac tics to accomplish his end. The bank officials depended upon the , state bank examiners, as they had a right to do, to see that the bank' affairs were properly conducted. They were set, and should not have bees held. mere respenslble for- Flack's defal cation 'than the state bank depart ment. . .1 If 'the guarantee iew': la 'of any practical nae, it should bear the bur den of the bank's loesee which were made possible by the negligence of the department's examiners. The stair and persons of the three stockholders woo were forced Into tiring their persona tecarlty should he relieved of further claims. Tot tale, seeoed hand separator, U. S. lumber I, la good order. Ea aacd a Wist a year. C. J. Perls. Rente. 4. . , lwlt b'. iiVICK WAS WELL AIIXNbj: Large Congregation Observes Ttiauka giving at Reformed Ctiuroli. Grace Reformed church wat tilled yesterday with the annual , union Thanksgiving service which began at 10.J0. Rev. W. H. Schrock ot Tiln Ity Lutheran church was the preacher for 'he morning, and the musto was In charge W Rer. Mr. Hill ot Kansas City a ho Is assisting In the revival services at the Methodist church. Mr. Schroek't sermon wai an elo- iueit appeal for the malntenanoe of he Thanksgiving spirit, whethar in prosperity or adversity. The nndir- lylng reason for giving thanks, b said, it the love of Ood, of which hit outward gifts are hut the tokens, and which lr- manifested quite at much by what He witholda at by what He bestows, a The ottering which wat .for the use of the city mission, amounted to something over ID 8. The report of the secretary of the mission, Mrs. A. W. Rice, showed a busy year, with no balance In the treasury tor the first time in several years. WEDDED AT HE1UNGTON. Popular Young Lady Marries Topeka 1 Journalist. , '.. Herlngtonv Nor. 15. Miss Norma E. Hawley of Herlngton and Mr, Ar thur J. Carruth Jr., of Topeka were married Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home ot the brlde'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hawley, Dr. T. F. Tlmmon, ot Herlngton read the Episcopal marriage service., The bride's lister,' Miss Martha Hawley, wat bridesmaid and Mr. Carruth will attended by hit brother, Mr. Edgar Carruth. The wedding was $, Quiet one on account of the serious Illness of Mr. Carruth's mother, and only relatives witnessed the ceremony. Af ter the wedding Mr. Carruth and his bride went to Topeka to live and will occupy their new home at 1217 Mul vane street. Mr, Carruth li now em ployed on the reportoiial staff of the Topeka State Journal. WHO COULD IT HAVE BEEN? Salina Records Strange Case of Abilene Couple. Salina has found something new under the sun an Abilene couple who were really glad to be In Salina, Following is the story which appeared In one ot the Salina papers yester day: ' '. ' ".- Mr. and Mrs. Newlywtd of Abilene appeared la Salina last evening In a sadly disheveled state, and asked pert mission to remain at the National ho tel until they could recuperate. Their baggage dripped rice at every open- log, and It was evident that they had hard time in getting away from their friends In Abilene yesterday following their wedding. This morn ing they left for Kansas City, where they will spend Thanksgiving after noon and then leave on a quiet hon eymoon In the east. Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed signed on the register as Mr.-tnd Mrs. H. H. Cichott. ARE YOC DEAF? Catarrh Is Probably the Cause Get ' Rid of the Cause. If you have catarrh and have con stant ringing noises in your ears look Into the matter at once. It's a pretty sure sign that catarrh Is spreading and Is making its way through the Eustachian tubes that lead from the nose to the ears. ' When catarrh gets'to the ears par tial deafness, follows. If you have ringing noises In your ears go to J. M. Olelssner today and get a HYOMEI outfit and drive put catarrh. To cure catarrh HYOMEI should be breathed ' through a .pocket In haler for a few minutes, four or five times a' day. Just pour a few drops Into the bard rubber Inhaler and breathe It. It kills the germs; soothes the ir ritation; heals the Inflamatlon; stops hawking, spitting and snuffling. HYOMEI keeps the throat free front- mucus and prevents crusts In the nose. i. The complete HYOMEI outfit which Includes the little Indestructible hard rubber Inhaler, a bottle of HYOMEI and simple Instructions for nse, costs f 1.00. Separate bottles of HYOMEI cost 1 60 cents at druggists eveny- wehre. or at J. M. Glelnner's on the money back plan. . -I ki bono, troubled with const!. patloa tor two rears and tried all of Ui bttt nnrair ans IB tinaioi, lean., and they eould do nothing for me," writes Tno. E. Wllllama, Miaaie- boro. Ky. "Two package or ( Bam berlala's Stomsck and Liver Tablets cured me." For tale by all dealer. TKX KIBKIYS re ftoegthened end towd by Hood's oarsaparill enr lii tb-tr ailment, pains ha th kuj aud THt BACaACHK. TAIXTEB HAS LKFT. Continuous Mixer Now at Merry ,1 , - Elenaentt.1..;-.-'! ti.'-.V!- There was a contractor named Taint- 1 'or, vS- I Whose courage- grew fainter and . V fainter. ; ' " v " ' '' He got to petite ' And so easy to beat, ' That even the mayor scared Talnter. Mayor Rice hat worn . a broad smile all day today something 011 the order of a benediction. Inquisi tive Journalists tried to find, out the' cause, but the mayor, does not ap prove of journalists, and there was nothing doing." Finally, however, he took one ot them aside and whis pered In hit ear: ' ! ''Notice how quiet everything is?' said the mayor. The newspaper man nodded sadly. Then Mr. Rice con tinued: "Talnter went away this inorn'ng. I guess they've taken hlai off th Job." 'Have you anything to say Mr. R .e?" ' 7 'Well, I'll say that I'm glad ot It,", rei-lled the mivor, Mr. Talnter left on the early train this morning. T!e continuous mlnr reposes In doep solitude down by the Union Pacific tracks, like an orphan deserted by its last friend and protector, at the mercy ot the cruel world. THAT COMMISSION GOVERNMENT ? Council Will be Asked to Call Elec tion If not WIU be Petition. A movement is on foot to secure the calling of a special election, some time before the city election la the spring) In which Abilene will be given another, opportunity to answer the question whether it does or does not want the commission form et city government. j The city council will tn the near future be asked to issue such a call but it It not at all certain that the re quest Will be granted.. Some of the members are not In favor of this latest style in governments. The backers of the movement, however, will not be discouraged by a refusal They expect to circulate a petition for an election, which, it duly signed and presented, will make it binding or. the council to Issue the call. DELAYED HIS EGGS. E. Brewer Sues Union Pacific ! to RecoTer $120. Because Chicago did not get Its eggs in time, for breakfast one morn ing not long ago, J. E. Brewer, egg man, It suing the .Union Pacific In Justice Quinn's court for $120 dam ages. B. S. Smith li helping him. egging on the conflict,' to to speak, and Is taking a special course of study In eggs "bailed or fried, straight up or turned, sir?" pre paratory to trying the case Saturday. Mr. Brewer states that he shipped car load of eggi to a commission house tn Chicago which had agreed to take them at a certain price. They were due to arrive by a specified date. But they didn't get In, till the next day. 1 He believes hit ear was set out on a siding somewhere be tween hers and Kansas City, and any way, he says th delay was the rail road's fault. When the car finally arrived at Its destination his customer refused to accept the shipment because it wss late, and he had to find another buyer. Meanwhile the market bed declined a cent, Mr. Brewer wat out $120 on the transaction. He turned In a claim to the Union Pacific, but it was ignored. Hence these tears. WILL CLEAN THEM UP. Solomon (lets No Aid from Saline Officials. Solomon Tribune: . Again last Tueeday evening this city was sadly disgraced by a series of bloody fights that occurred over In the - Ralln. county jungles, but only a few hun dred feet from the business ptrt of town, and followed by a couple of fights on Main street. It It strangely unfortunate that the trouble came Just at a time when change was being made In the marshal's office. The old marshal had turned In his star not fifteen minutes before the first fight tnd hit successor had not been appointed, and the eonditioaa were such that few men would care to tackle the Job. These brawls are a disgrace and a detriment to the city and we are ashamed to mention them in th paper, but with th coontyi line only one block from Main stjost, and with no assistance from the Sa line county officers, R seems almost Impossible to stop U fighting, game llnl, whiskey selling and law break ing In general that It carried on con tinually rlht tnder our very noeet. Children Orjr FOS FLETCHER"! . CASTORI A Closing Out a- Your Chance to Buy Your Holiday Jewelry"! 50 Per Cent Discount On Gold Rings, Scarf Pins, Watch Fobs, Brace lets, Hat Pins, etc. Come in today nd get first chance'.' ;; .'A ,7,;c ' KUGLER & TEOPFER HARDWARE ;la!l Paper Sale Twenty-Five per Cent Off on every roll of Wall Paper in the' housed These are all this year's goods. You cannot judge their value unless you come and see them. liiiii Wall Paper LOOKING OVER OUR STREETS Manager of Kaw Paring Company Is In the CUy. H. A. Klngtley of Topeka, manager of the Kaw Paring company, which is putting In a big contract in Salina, was In the city today looking after some belated can of sand consigned to his firm. Mr, Klngsley took oc casion to Inspect the new paving here. ' He wat asked what hit com pany thought about contlauoui mix- era. Mr. Klngsley : replied that they used hatch mixers similar to the one at work on the street here, but that he did sot know what tort of work could be done with the continuous type, as the concern had never tried them,, '.',': FORMER ABILENB GIRL WEDS. Miss Rachel Stoddard hf1 Married at Maplea, N. T. . I i -i . I Announcements bare been received here of th marriage, at Maple, N. Y., on November (th, ot Mia Rachel Stoddard to Mr. Josep'i Oaylord Ruff. Mrt. Ruft Is I former Abilene girl, ana nas many rrienna nere. nr. ana; Mrs. Ruff will make their home In New York. Automobile School. E. E, Coulron will open his auto mobile school Monday, Dee. 6. The terms are divided Into five weeks' tuition, $40. Nearly" every student that graduated from, this school last year secured Jobs with wage from $60 to $100 per month. Writ for full particulars. E, E. COITLBON, 17-3w Abileae, Kansas. BHD7TTNG SOIL. Eatete Transfer Reported by J. E. Keel, Abstractor. Real D. B. Pierce and wife to M. Mahoney lot 1. 2. blk . Knight's add Chapman, $1($.IS. LIILD, CE0TLE IJIKATIVE . FCH V0'.'Zil GIVE!! FilEE a many of- the Bt of wemen er du U habitual ernittlpatlon. probably be- eaus of their fajtw BMdwrty oa Uw sub ject, that Hwtr ettaaUaav cannot too too atraainy eaJ!4 to th imponajMs of kaos Ine the bowola opae. It at always Impor tant to to that, raamrSlsM t tb an, hut It la aapaciaUr avnrtaat ta womaa. From tha time th Ctrl batias to nra- atraat ntH iinti untlo eaaaat aba baa ahrara vaatly battar pi'uayacia er ecanlna- tftroujc baalttiy it ana vajcoaa nar bowel nwwnarila. If r Id youraalf eooatk- aata. wnM ka4 braam. ptaatr aamoM iea, baadacbaa, baicMn aa an othar TwaKstna et IndurftaUon aM eoBitirMtkm. aka soman tea at Or. Caktvalla Syra L It la a wamaa's xerortta buca- ora. To m to tht yo eaa 4o away wita saUa, atroa aalaarna, ata, wluoa iilrt and Paint HE WANTS $1200. Dlmery Says Parker Sold Hie Merry-go-Round. T. H. T. H. Dlmery brought suit In the dlstrlct court today through his at torney, C. 8. Crawford, against C. W. Parker, to recover-$1200, the al leged value of a merry-go-round out fit ot which Dlmery claims the own ership and which he says aPrker told- without authority. . The petition states, that In 190$ uio merry-go-rouoa -in question wa owned'by one Letlle McCoy, and that McCoy sent It, to Parker's factory in Abilene to have It repaired, the cott of repairs being: ' assumed by; the Union Paclflo ' railroad, which had; damaged the outfit In shipment . While still at the factory, it wan told by McC6y to Dlmery, the plain tiff, anl Mr. Parker! the petition states, received due notice of the tale. It Is alleged that Parker after- wards sold the machine, to a third party. , Dlmery Claims it was worth 11200. when he bought; Jl. When you have a cold get a bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and rill 'Wni-il nti anv taflrlanr-v tiv.rS pneumonia. This remedy contains a opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to tn adult. Sold by all dealers. , Wanta to Help Some One. For thirty years J. F. Bayer of Fer tile, Mo., needed help and couldn't find it. That's why he wants to help tome one know. Suffering so long himself he feels for all distress from Backache, Nervousness, Lbss of Ap petite, Lassitude and . Kidney disor ders, He shows that Electric Bitter work wonder for such trouble. "Fire bottle," he writes, "wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It'a also positively guar anteed for Llxer Trouble, Dyspepsia. Blood Disorders, Female Complaint and Malaria. Try them. 60c at J. M.flieissner'. , . " Heavy, Impure blood make a mud dy, pimply complexion, ' headaches, nausea. Indigestion. Thlo blood makes you weak, pale, sickly. Bur dock Blood Bitter make th blood rich, red, pure restore perfect Health. ara anUroly anaultad to wonaa's raqulra- , merits. - lira. Katharine Raberatroh of Mr-Keas RocM I., and Mm. A. tS. Herrick of WheeM-, MlitL, who waa almaat para lyare la her atomack an bowele, ara acnr eur by the uae of this renwrir, A tree aampta bottte oaa be ootarne by aedreaa Ins 1. Caidvelt and after row are ooa Tiooed of Ma mania buy H at roar dm- ' giat at Ifty aeou and aa toUar a bottie. rr. Caldwatt ae not feel that th purrhaea of bis remedy ends hie obit aaiioa. He be armciaitae la atemerh, ller and bowel dieeaeee for arer tortr" yeara an wilt be pieaae4 to a-lra the reader any adrlca aa tne atibi-ct fre of ckare-e. All are welcome )a write b tin. V.' nether for the ' adrt-a cr tha f -e aan-.ria a-!-ee bm I-r. r R OitdwelL mm CaMweti baltdlaeV jtaabaaua. UL