Mtm Order It iMned by the Railroad
"lie who seek equity muit do to
with clean hands." That with the
Indsea of all eourti ot equity. '
"Ha. who withes to bold bll lob aa
snjtneer, fireman, conductor, flag
man or brakeman must come into
terminals with unclean hands and
MIrtr faces." i.
nin. aalth. In effect at least, the
powers that be on the Union Pacific
i The Union Pacific has fewer bad
wrecks than any other road In the
ountry, according to Interstate com
wm statistics. Br making the em
-ytoywet in train service come Into
terminal with unkept clothes and
andean hands and facet It expects to
lu In the future.
Assistant General Manager Ware
skaa Issued the order only after eloa
.aat Investigation. He finds that the
tlggest wrecks on bis road occur at
awmfnal mints and have usually sees
eaaaed by the tact the engineer and
fireman, Instead of being in the can
aratchlng diligently for soma sign of
warning or soma obstruction on the
mata have been down in the gang-
tray or some other convenient point
adjustln a necktie, removing overaus
ad making himself Immaculate for
w try into the terminal as the eonn
rw imon who is to win a city bride.
Be citet catet where every, member
of the train crew, f Iranian, engineer,
brakeman and conductor, wat "In the
tear" sprucing np for entrance to
4b terminals and the train was en
tirely unpnotdeted. He takea the
trainmen to task for the danger such
Action plsces the public In, especially
to larger cities. .
In the future, intimates the operat
ing official of one ot the biggest rail,
toad systems In the country, It will
be prims facie evidence that , the
trainman, no matter In what depart
ment, has been guilty of violating
hi rule If he comes into a terminal
with a "blled" shirt, a diamond In
fjls tie, white cuffs, patent-leather
shoes, a red carnation in his lapel
end an airy swagger that shows too
plainly that he Is expecting his "best
girl" at the station. The engineer
and fireman must have at least
ordinarily "dirty" faces or it will be
chalked up against his record, and he
will soon fall a victim to the Brown
mtm of demerit marks.
The men reallie the value of the
ertlcism and are passing the word all
ai.t the Una and it Is expected
that few violatlone will follow its
PapHs of Mrs. Julia Short do Teacher
Credit la Music.
A rare treat wsn provided for the
xeuslc-lovlng people of Abilene last
ntiht hv Mrs. Julia Mclnernsy onort
whose pupils gavo a recital under
her direction at the library auditor
ium. The work of the participants
showed careful training and a high
decree of voice culture, in every way
creditable to their teacher, . There
vera many guests at the recital, and
their response to the various num
bers waa generout and appreciative.
Tha fnllowlns were the soloists:
Misses Grsxella Pullver. Grace Hop-
Una, Ruth Broughton, Hudson, Hattle
Bolt, Catherine Lucler.vosephlne Eng
lish, Mrs. P. L. Dross. Messrs. Harry
and, Warren Coleman. The chorus in
tlx "Farewell Song" Included: So
pranos. Mrs. Little, Miss English,
Visa Hopkins, Miss Hudson, Miss
Broughton, Miss Helnnaster, Miss
Helen Seelye, Miss Mildred White;
second sopranos, Miss Bolt, Hits Pul
lver. Miss Carpenter, Mine Seelye.
ttlsa Ada Anderson, Miss Katherlne
Lacier; altos. Miss Lucler, Miss Tufts,
Mlas Blgler, Mlas Cassatt, Mr. Gross,
Was Neal. Violinist, Mr. Miller.
'. For Bale Cheap, ' ' "
: My sew five room cottage oa East
enterprise street. No. 4 IS, cement
aallar, eement walks, fruit trees and
art pea, city water, good coal ehed
ad other outbuilding. Price I1S00.
Inquire R. Litta, this office.
Catarrh Cannot be Cored,
with local applications, as they ean
at reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh la a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it yon
rat take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is takea Internally, and
eta directly ea the blood and maeous
anu-face. Hall's Catarrh Care Is not
quack medictoa. It was prescribed
r one of the best physicians la this
.country tor mm and la a regular
awescrlptloa. It la composed of the
tnat tonics known, combined with th
teat blood purl flare, acting directly
an the mucous surfaces. The per
Tact eomblnaUoa of the two lngrad
rata is what produces such wonder
ful results to curing Catarrh. Send
tor testimonials fro.
Jr. J. CHt.NET As CO , Props,
Toledo. O.
Fold by druggists, price 76c
Take Hall's Fsmlly Pills for Co
Stop rlrhirg Itiatani'y. Cure
r"ea. e-uni. salt rheum, tatter, Itch,
i ,hrps. Doaa's Omt
f.s'fct At ay dnsf stor.
INSURE la th Kansas Farmers'
Mutual Insurance Association of Up
land. Kansas. ' The company that
gives the farmer Insurance at cost
Keep your surplus money In Kansas
sad in your own pocket by Insuring
with ns. ' '
nichols & howard;
' Agents, '
, Abilene, Kaunas.
Conncllmni to Apply lesson Learned
From Fires.
Something Is the matter with the
way the city fire system Is handled.
Members of the council are convinced
of that now, and they admit tbejt the
lesson waa a pretty expensive one. in
the Prenderast fire, where the loss
was over 114,000 and to the Engle
fire, with a loss of over $9,000, the
water pressure was deficient , when
It was most needed. .
It waa the Intention of the f'.re,
waUr and light committee of the
council, if then had been a meeting
Monday night to ask the firemen to
come before the council and suggest
any changes which they thought
ought to be made la the manage
ment ot the system. One thing the
Mimmlttea are practically agreed on.
and that Is that the advice given by
H. L. Humphrey the day after tne
Prendergast fire, and published In the
Reflector should be followed.
Mr. Humphrey urged that central
be Instructed not to cut off the stand
nine from the malnsi when there was
a fire, until she had received word
back from Sand Springs that they
had sufficient pressure on to enable
the firemen to work. He pointed
out that there Is enough water In
the stand nine to furnish good pres
sure to the firemen for several min
utes. This view has proved to be
th correct one. and there Is little
doubt that the proposed change wll
be made at an early date.
Citizens Moving Away Because There
Are Better Towns.
Salina is sore all over and Just be
cause one family found that Abilene
Is a tar better place to lire in and
educate Its children. From any point
of view Abilene Is superior to Sallna.
Take our famous Sand Springs water
as an example. Abilene residents
don't have to worry about fever
germs. We have the purest water
in the state, and Sallna lives on river
water. Abilene Is also one ot the
cleanest towns In the state, both mor
ally and from a sanitary point of
view. Thinga have been so quiet here
for the past several yeara that a day
marshal has been dispensed with
and very few arresta are made for
disturbances of any kind. No hog
pens are allowed within the city II m
Its and chickens are not even allowed
to run at large. V
The educational advantages of AM
lene are unexcelled. '. ;i
No one ahould be blamed for se-
lectin Abilene as a place ot real
denee as against Sallna where the
police court is busy every morning
with Its offenders, the mayor even
not being exempt from Insult if out
alone after dark Boose la sold at
most openly, and Joints of Nil kinds
are In evidence.
Hero Is the wail made by the
Sallna Journal In its Monday Issue;.
Is Abilene taking an unfair Wan
tage of Baling In an effort to Increase
her population at tne expense ot Sa
llna, It looks that way . anyhow.
and sure as yon Hve that Dickinson
county town has actually starts'! the
Immigration In that direction. A msr
we will call Flnnlgan left Sallna to
day for the home ot the Benlgnuse
and the erstwhile Lome of the Flocks.
Jlr. Flnnlgan ewe to Saltna from
& (aim a few months ago. He oruuKht
lota of money, as farmer tttualt; do.
H tullt himself a fine horn1) on
State street and he and his fsmlly
moved In. Then came the eowa, the
r or set, tha chickens and the pigs.
Then came the complaints ot the
neighbors and Mr. Flnnlgan was
compelled to Invite the pigs back to
the' country, and the Invitation was
accepted, aa the swlna waa not very
favorable Impressed with their new
home. ' Mr. Flnnlgan didn't see how
he could live without his pigs, so he
left Sallna la search of a new home.
He Journeyed to Abilene and stat
ed hla case. "Com hers to lire,"
aald the AbileueUea la chorns,
'bring your pigs, your eowa. your
horses and your chickens, and It yoa
havea't nongh we will giva you
more.' Mr. Flnnlgan bought eight
nice large lots, built a cottage there
on and today left with his family for
his new borne. Hla family included
the horses, the pigs, the' saws sad the
ehlckena. And that new home at
Abllena la three blocks tram the
postofrtce. Something most be done
to bar aa ordinance panted to per
mit keeping bogs la the city or there
la no telling bow many of Salinas
people Abilene may steal in this mas
his msa,
ter, i ' '
While Playing Near Tufts' Store Is
V'; B Dverby Wafon.ytj-. .,
While playing In the alley between
Broadway and Cedar near the Tufts
ft GIsh store about five o'clock yes
terday afternoon, Donald Nlcolay, the
four-year-old son of . Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Nlcolay was run over by a wagon
belonging to Tufts ft GIsh and driven
by D. H. Brightblll., He is resting
No one is blamed for the accident.
The boy waa playing with a friend
In the coal house back of the isicnots
hnma flit Cedar street. Just as the
wagon came up the alley, before the
driver had time to see him, he uartea
fmm the window of the coal house
and ran directly between the, wheels.
The wagon struck him on the head
and shoulders and knocked him down,
the rear wheel passing over his back.
Rev. W. C. Coleman who waa nearoy
nn cedar street at tbo time the acci-
rfnt occurred, ran to his assistance.
The boy recovered consciousness
.rt at a little while, and passed a rest
less night, but it better today. Hopes
are entertained of his recovery, ao
t- a. nan ha ascertained no bones
are broken, and the oily danger is
from possible internal Injuries..
Mrs. Brown of Abilene, Injured and
Taken to Hospital. ,.
Timctinn Cltv Union: An auto
mobile trip came to a sudden termi
nation Thanksgiving afternoon while
a party from Abilene were touring
the reservation at Fort Riley. The
party had been driving througn tne
and atarted up the long hill
In the rear of the post hospital. The
hill atone place Is very steep ana me
m.,MnA when npar the ton commenc
ed work backwarda. An effort was
made to stop it but it kept going
down hill backwards, and after get
ting good speed went Into a ditch.
The auto overturned and one of the
party, Mrs. Brown, waa Injured and
was taken to the post hospital for
treatment The car was badly
Th Reflector has been unable to
locate the Mrs. Brown referred to in
the above notice or get any trace
of an auto which had been in an
accident at Junction City on Thanks-
Christian Church Golden Rule Class
Entertains Members.
i . i . .i,'.-n t'Bt n, a., i no -
A rewyuuu WH is . ci .... ......Heiuim v. . " " ' , .
, n. I.- -. v. Cnton l?nla!MJ lt h,, f nna nf anma flftaan or
UJ luv luvuiuoi ufc n.o w.uku .--'
class ot the Christian church to the
members snu friends 01 tne cnurcn.
-A .1. - l .1 WW .nj Um W n
Sb VUV miiuv 1" 1 . Mi. Win. ... v.
Nichols on north Buckeye, In honor I
or Kev. ana Mrs. u. m. kbsp. oi oa-
Una and Rev. and Mra. C. A. Cole of
this ctv. '".
A musical program was rendered
j. ..I .v.. '.Mh .
UUI1II tuo riwu " .... p
dainty lunch was served. After lunch
rha mamtiara ar tna niaaa sava
HUinrua antltlpd "At the Photoara-
phers,"- which was received with great
applause. ' .
About one hundred guests were
present. They departed at a late
hour declared the girls royal hos-lon
teases. Mr. and Mrs. Cole will leave
Dec t for a three months' visit in
California. Mr. Rash will hare charge
of the pastoral work during
Cole's absence. .
The Inwsrd Effects of humors are
TSSLS. ttJlL Th:
asuaor uiv wuuio ithviu. -!
Sarsapartlla eradicates aU humors,
cures all their inwara ana ouiwara
. It la (ha a-raat altoratlve
and tonic, whose merit has been every
wnere estaoiisnea. ( .
: Little One Passes -Away.-!
Enternriae. Nov. . The ' little
baby of Mr. and Mrs. Albln Llnd died
suddenly Tuesday afternoon. It was
only a few day old. The sympathy
of their many friends go out to the
bereaved parents.
Can Easily' be Mad Fascinating and
' Laxariant. '
Oa Anril 1. 1110. Mrs. R. M. Wor-
dea, I BL James Xve., Holyoke, Vass.,
wrote. "Parisian San la the best hair
J I - MAa 14 m.
uivmiiis wc , n ""jam peutriff nui lunu a-w-.a
hair ttfe and a gloat which no other I ach tableta because tbey know that
, . . . . , . . . . 1 . . . . . . . i i
arswtiag evwr ia, nesiaes vtoppiasi
11 fmm falllnw ant It la tKa anlv I
dresstbg tor np to dste women.
Parlalaa Sage Is guaranteed by J.I
m. unwni w ..11 uawuiH...
falllas hair and Iti-hlna acaln In two
wveas, or sooner vai a. ,k ro
V. . . . I ,.... . mm. J tt I
aau .'u - auv.twua bhv .-'.- I
it a delightfully refreshing hair dress-
int. not sue. er grrvBr sua wkt iu -
medlaUly basteh all odors. Large
bottle It cents at druggists every-l
where, and at J. M. OleUesner's. The
Uirt with tha Auburn hair It oa vrydratgfrUvctTwbi
I pa. lag. ' - if they dont cum.
hi.r riii ;;;; on i u.r.
One Boy will go to Reform School
for Carclesaaetii. !
'While Roy Romberger, fifteen
yean old. hit brother. Ben Romber
ger, aged eleven, and Walter stein
aged about fifteen, all of Abilene,
were hunting rahblta on the Oeoffrev
farm three- miles south of town yes-
leruar siiernwin, ami tue Diem vur
conceived thai idea of setting fire to
some hay in order to drive a rabbit
out of Its burrow. The other boys
protested, but to no purpose. They
got no rabbit, but succeeded In start
ing a lusty "young prairie fire which
destroyed two' stacks ot bay and
about 160 worth of rice corn the
whole valued at about $170 before
it could be checked. It was thought
for a time that Mr. Geoffrey's house
and farm buildings Were doomed but
the timely -assistance of neighbors
saved them. Roy Romberger will be
returned to the reform echool from
which he was recently released on
.parole. .'' .'.'
Mr. Geoffrey telephoned In a com
nlalnt to the- sheriffs office, and
Under Sheriff Jeffcoat brought the
boys In. They bad a shotgun, a zz
rifle and Plenty of ammunition. They
I were arralged before Judge Ander
son in the Juvenile court, charged
with unlawfully carrying dangerous
Wltu uniawiuiiy carriug unufiaiwu. i
weapons, with setting a fire result-
weapons, who serous mo
Ing in the destruction of property,
ami with failure to attend school.
Mrs. J. B. Romberger, mother of
airs. 4. a. iwiuioiac, , uwvuo. v.
Roy and Ben, and Mrs. B. H. DeHuy,
the Stein boy's guardian were
present at the hearing. The boys
nioadMl euiltv to the charge, and
Roy Romberger was returned to the
raform school In Topeka on an In
determinate sentence, his parole being
v, -.- r
revoKea. - lue omer v"
taken under advisement, and will be
. . , . . , . .naA
decided Monday. All three of the
hnva have been before the Juvenile
court before, but had been paroled
during good behavior.
Thlevee Secured Big Haul In Sellards'
Mercantile Co.'t Store.
Solomon, Nor. 26. Thieves broke
Into the Sellards Mercantile Company
atnra hers early this morning and
helped themselves to good from the
stock valued at over 11,000, together
with (13.40 In. money found In the
cash register. No clue to the Identity
of the guilty parties has been found.
The stolen goods consisted . of
twelve or fifteen men's overcoats val-
nvar (225. 35 or 40 ladles'
nlta worth over 7400. thirteen ladles'
Lvt.t. htaa onlta of man'a clothlnff.
1 .i M. fnli- aiilr vo let nattarna.
i nuu ... v - - - .
twenty pieces ot silk goods that were
Kept in stocg.
I rph K,i t-o-lor. rnlnaft antraMCS to.
. t. U mh..h.b a
he store through a rear window. They
appear 10 nave gone suouv mmi
deliberately, and were evidenUy good
luda-ea of valuet and quality. The
articles taken were the best in tne
L.b tha Khaanaot aklrt that the
r - -
thieves would degln to accept being
ainriAan at iuvj aiau inwi
to onen the safe, which was unlocked
and contained $40 or 160 in silver,
Ibut in working with the door they
threw the lock and shut themselves
out Sheriff Toung is here working
the esse.
Lather League MeMing.
The Luther League if the Lth-
The Lutoer taguai ine wiM,
eraa ohurcn neia i mouuuy
nrt meeting and social Ust evening
in th. parlor, of th. church with a
i .
lane attendance. The reavure oi
.venln, waa a taffy pull which
.1. lI.hJ V tn vnnnr iwonli.1
I1"' " ' '
Relief In Five Minutes and IVrmaaent
Cure or lieaey Back.
When J. M. Gleissner states that
ha has a remedy that only costs 60
cents and la guaranteed to cure any
man or woman who suffers from food
fermentation, or money back, what
are the poor stomach sufferers In
Ahllana snd vicinity going to do
about It?
Food fermentation causes belch
ing, sour stomach, gat eructation
heartburn and that lump of lead feel-
lnr aa yoa probably know. .
The nam of this most remarunie
stomach preslrlptloa Is MI-O-NA.
u.j . . V, VI I n V 1 atnM.
there is so remeay so Boon tor iuvi-
mIai aa afamarh iflanrriara. Here
Its one opinion:
"I have been troubled with indiges-
UQI lur worv Uias ir . . wuB
Inn. k,t af uliVNi n4 tt nirad ma.
now 1 WOUIO not DO WUOUU1 a ww if
.V . i . ll T. . 1- f
ui iwa lOT SB. IV awa a '
doctor bills when yoa can be cured
ror as eoLa. Arxnur r-oenarsvi
KlcboU Bt Wakefield. Hast.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets cost 89
ecntt a box at J. H. GWssner'a and
ere safl money la,-
l.- : l AT SAUXA.
George P. Berger Weds Mias Lilliaa
M. Shirk Wednesday Evening.
Wednesday ' evening the . Rev.
("Inorra'r, Fort of the First Metho
dist Episcopal church of Sallna per
formed the ceremony uniting in mar
riage Mlta Lillian M. Shirk to Mr.
George P. Berger of Abilene, at the
parsonage." . "; ,:' "'
Following the marriage the young
people went to the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Shirk." on Highland, where the rela
tive! were gathered and where a fine
wedding supper was served..
Mlas Shirk is a niece ot Mrs. John
Ostberg and for the past two years
made Salina her home. She has made
many friends in Sallna and it a
charming yonng woman. Mr. Ber
ger is employed by the electrlo light
plant at Abilene, where the young
people will make their borne on
North, Buckeye avenue. They went to
Manhattan Thursday for a short visit.
Bate for a New "Boyvitte" Story
Right Here la Abilene.
If William Allen Whit bad step-
nd in to the office ot a well known
Abilene business man this morning
--- - -
ne would have found abundant ma-
terial for another of those famous
'Boyvllle" stories, said material
ing the contents of the pockets of the
business man's ten-year-old ion,
which an, untoward accident exposed
to the rude gaze of the public.
' The young man came uptown to see
dad" this morning. Whereupon
an evil spirit prompted father to look
in nna or tna luiai uuvaeia. auvu
- - . .
and there the owner of the pocket
was suujecien w wic muis-i -search,
with the neigbors looking on.
tiers it an mveuior, ui ....
foufld: ' 1 empty rifle slell, 1 piano
. a ii .MMi.J vlwaa
Here is an Inventory of what father
! tin whistle," 1 mpty tooth powder
hm f'Sanitol"). 1 bolt and burr, 1
knife. NO STRING! I 1 brass casting.
1 piece of steel, 1 pulley, twelve pen
cils (assorted sizes and colors), 1
two-Inch piece electric light carbon,
1 telegraph operator's battery key,
rnhher erasers (half Dot.), 1 safety
bin, balf a waste basket full of folded
paper. .'
That boy evidently has a great fut
ure before him. His youth is being
spent In the proper environment
And They all Came from Enterprise
Just Drunk. :
Six citizens of Enterprise, whose
names are withheld on their own urg
ent request, accompanied Under Sher
iff Jeffcoat up to Abilene this after
nona. where they were arraigned In
Justice Qtilnn's conrt on a charge
of drunkenness. Each pleaded guil
ty, and each was fined tS and costs,
making 112.60 apiece In all. At the
hour Of going to press all had paid
their fines but one, and he was earn-
.-.I mJmimm fn valoa tha naaaa.
sary cash in time to toke the Rock
Island freight back home to Enter
Prominent Missionary Hero.
Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Fuller, who
- ..... A
have neen visiting ,sr, ana mra,
" , ... ., ... .
K. Forney In thla city, left today,
K. Forney In th a city, left today.
Fuller going to Denver to attend
missionary convention, while Mrs.
r - .
f . nttv- lht
haa nnted
ivaars air. auuvr uaa ww
------ , .,
Bombay, India.
He Proposes to Sasnd ISSJOBOftM to
Capture Steel Business of aoutn
and .onthwest
Houston, Tex, Nov. 15. That John
W. Gates it going to tpend $21,000,000
to capture all the steel ausmess f
th South and Southwest when the
Paaaiaa nana! is ansned waa revealed
at a banquet tendered hla by the
dtlsens of Port Arthur. He an
nounced that he had organised the
Republlo Supply company with 1200,
000,000 capital with a view to handling
Iron and steel products for Texas aad
Louisiana through that port
He also announced that th Hspnh
Ha ima and Steel company would
aaaail SlS.BOO.OOt SWXt Vur SB th
Youngttowa plant aad I1S.000.OM la
th next- tares years soaping piani
for mors ausmess waea u
amallnos la- a Cltv Halt.
wii-hita. Ki&. Nov. xi. Wichita's
efty hall U partly under enarantlns
kamiaa Geonre htuaree of Heri niton.
Kan, a amailpox patient, wa was
drlvea away rrom a temporary sos
p.. si. took refutrs la th milk tntpee
bii Cltv officers aav
terted that toe of the city ball am)
sought temporary shelter with ether
city off dais. .,
'h ' A fiqu&xn Ee&J
Is aMured yoa when V buT Fleroe's
family ediclm-for all the InRmrt
enu entering Into thorn are printed
S"b.-ttle-.rappe and th-lr loraula.
Ire stle-ted under oath at being couplet
and correct. Yea know 1 "
paying for and that the Ingredients are
gathered from Nature's Ubo"ry, Wng
Selected from the most valuable natlv
medicinal roots found growing to our
American forWdJShJl " cur
. . a 1 rai n ii lit 4nA aVWafta
urliitln let " '" mem, jia-aimt-w
r Jk'iimiiSZr1 '" ageni
ItiirTuiTc meTricuTSI propertlw of Its own.
being a most valuableanUaept eand aoU
ferment,- uutrlUve and soothing dean
iiarina nlave an tmoortant part la
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery la
the cure of Indigestion, dyspepsia .sod
weak stomach, sitended by aour rlalnga,
heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue,
poor appetite, gnawing feeling la ttorn
ach, bfiloiianeas snd kindred derangf
awnu of the stomach, liver and bowtis.
Besides curing all the above dlatrsstlng
ailments. the-Oolden Medical Discovery
IS a specinc lor au aunosra ut "
namllranat. at eatarMl. WnSUlW Oi UIS
or pelvic organs. Even In Its ulcerative)
lUget It will yield to this sovereign ram
edy If Its use be persevered In InChronla
Catarrh of the Natal paMages, It Is we
while taking the "Golden Medical Dlsj
eovery for the necesasry eonstltuUpnM
treatment, to cleanss the pawws fraely
two or three times a day with Dt. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. Thlt thorough course
of treatment generally curat the Warn
Chlal. throat and lunt aSectiODa, sicept tof
umptlon In Ita advanced ataa.UiaOolla
Medical Dlncovery" la t moat effldeDt !
Mix. eaDeclallr In thM obstinate, binl-os
coortscauibrllTltatlcandcoitl sr .
Uiebronchlal mucous membranes Tha'UI
coverr " to not so rood tor acute cowM ana
tut from sudden colds, nor must It be
pectad to curs consumnttoa In Its advance
tates-no medicine will do thet-but toe all
lha otfctlnate, chronic courhs. which, tf nf
lecteo. or badlr treated, lead up to contain D .
Una-Ulstba bast medietas Ihucaaba takaa,
- ' OCULIST , '
' Practice limited to Surgery, Surgical
Dleeatee, Diseases at Women and Bmh
saset ot the Eye.-
when your feet are wet and cold,
and Tour body chilled through and
: Uwntr nU nm avnnniira t n IrA a hiST
, dose oi
bathe your feet in hot water before
going to bed, and you are almost
"ertaln to ward off a severe cold,
'or sale by all dealers.
For Infants and Children.
The M Yoa Kase ASsrasB::;!J
Bears the
Signature of
Banks On Sure Thing Now.
' "I'll never be without Dr. King's
New Life Pills again," write A.
Schllngeck, 647 Elm St., Buffalo,
N. Y. "Then cured me of chronic- ;
constipation when all others tailed."'
rTnannatari fn TtillmianAaa. JanndlfU?. 1
Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Malaria "
and Debility, li&o at J. si. uieiesnera.
HOOD'S Sarsaparilla is the medt '.
cine for impure blood, eruptions,
weakness and general debility It
positively and absolutely CURES.
For a mild, easy action of the bow-
d'Ai. - .InffU rfaaa af riaan'a Raa-utat
u enough. Treatment cures habitual
1 annatl nation. Sn cants a box. ASK
your drugglstr for them.
. - Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter la a season ot
trouble. The frost bitten toes and
fingers, chapped hands and lips, eail-
kl.u. maI.1 aaj-aa rmA anil Tniffh
i uuuua. wii. - '. .
skins, prove this. But such troubles
n hafara Rliaklafl'B ArnlCS HSlVS.
-. --j-
I A trial convinces. Greatest healer of
. pile.. Cuta. Sores. Id-
Piles. Cuts. Sores, Id-
m. lnd spratna. Only 26c at J.
m. Glelssner's.'
Children Cry
That OKI Hallabla Haallnaj ftaJvo
nrw lutr (Btattara,! tkaulaa.
Hejaia (ralrklv, nrftjw, aMat haaul, ,
' TiaiBMiiV CO., Slav aV ANUtst, Kaa.
Ely's CnrAr.i Dalt.1
ur to Civ gstlsrsctlort.
civs a asuap at oaca.
fowaaad BDaxnbra ranltinf frtn Cai-j-rt
a4 Anvm away a Coal In tie Bmd qtti.-t It.
Rmtorss ths Banrct of Taat and
aasvtosas. i'Httatas so ti'!- in )-- n .
3.tna'iel tote ths Bratriat and f
tva tits, so aawta at lnisti,;& m trj
s.l. Lutaid Cwbsi Batia h j it
IT laoitrev M snss SU m '
!KKa antTI gtd toiwt wrhilo hctraesl wtUka.