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Annx.sK mi.KiiT rkfuectoh, amilene, Kansas, December t, toi. COUNTY REFLECTIONS Interesting Demonstration T irSOIAL BirUOTOI ookbkspokdint. 3. Q. ENGLE Auctioneer Public Sale Specialty Bafarenoi Any bank of Abb loua, Kw. . . v. . Pboassi Brown, 1300; 01 Aoue Mutual. Addrssai - ' Abilen. Em ' DETROIT, : We understand that the Woodmen hire purchased Iota on the corner f Mala street and are preparing to build a hall soon. Mr. and Mra. L. Volkman of Junc tion City, were visitors at C. F. Klamm'a over. Sunday. , John Line is quite sick again. '' . Prospects are favorable for a new - store. ' J ! Mtss Christina Klamm if visiting in Junction City. ' tyln. C. C; Tilton Is visiting hdr mother and other relatives' in Lar-ned.- 1 ,-.' ' "V , Mrs. Dunlap is on the sick list. v Mrs. Muenaenmayer and son of Junction City were callers In town Monday. :'Jtl. ' , 1 ; V' f - OAK CREEK. Bora Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Probasco, a son. Harvey Durrln has rented the Mc Donald place and will move In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. E. Reel spent Sun day at Dan Bert's. John Cartner and Lidl Derrick were married Wednesday evening ' They Will go to housekeeping on the groom's farm a mile and and a mile north of : Buckeye. ; Tneir many frlendj Join In wishing them a pros perous and happy life, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hgover spent Sun day with her parents. :. ' Roy, the., little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mustard is quite sick with paralytic stroke. Their many friends(wish for his speed recovery. " ' UPLAND. ' : v Mrs. John Helnts and Mrs. Herman were callers here I Wednesday. . Upland was well represented at the lecture at Chapman Saturday bight ' 1 l Dr. Greenlee and Geo. Dockhorn earns up from Chapman to the turkey raffle last" Friday. The directors of the Golden Rule company held . their semi-annual meeting here last Friday. Miss Margaret McFerren, one of Cur central girls visited relatives In Chapman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Olson and A. H. Diehl of Chapman attended anally burned with It, but not swal- Insurance meeting at Belleville the , first of the week. TJorin Edwards and three friends came up from 'Oklahoma- to husk corn.. ' , r Misses Etta Pwl'ey and M-idse t.dwards called on Margaret McFer ren last Sunday. ( . ' Fam Sollent-erger went to Clay Center Y,mtr to the loie feast, 'at- lag a 'car load of Moonlight brethren with him. ' . The I. O. 0. F lodge will give a box social her in the hall Novemoor ZCth for the benefit of the baod The bii d boys will furnish the music and all the ladies are Invited to Cftme sad bring well filled bolt and be pre pared ti have a good time. $25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who defaced the monument in my cemetery lot at Woodbine. MRS. L. 8CHWENDENER. Abilene,. Kan., Nov. J3,l10. wtf BUCKETS. . Mra. E. J.. Wlnsler left Saturday fos, Lawrence to visit her son. C. C. Wlnsler, then to Brookfleld, Mo, to visit her stater. - Mr. and Mrs. Vera Eye spent Sua a,iy with bis parents. Mrs. George Hayne and her moth er visited friends at Solomon last week. , Mrs. F. L. Blaesf returned last week from her clslt eaat. Roy Lsbr will shell hia corn Wed ftecday. " . " ' Frank VanVoorst was bujinf eat; tie ! this vldolty Tuesday. J. Bi&ckbura of Hsltaa took din- ama J'.- rs l bostiE enm for,'"; SOCTH DICKINSON. A number from here attended the lore (east la Abilene laat Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Boyce of Moon light visited at W. 0. Engle't over Bauday. ', - ' , -.-"'- v Mr. and Mrs.' C. P. Pitta spent Sunday at A. E. Reynold's. Msla Edith Hoffman la home after spending several days In Abilene. Miss Addle Engle la spending the week at David Brehm's. The funeral services of 1 Andy Schenfele were heeld at the German Baptist (church laat Sunday after- noon, ' . The revival meetings at the M. E. church In Navarre continue all this week with Bev. Johnston of Chap man In charge. ''', ; CHAPMAN. 1 Francis Kirk Is recovering from his serious Illness of typhoid fever. The teachers and students are back and ready for business again. All well except Miss Donlca who Is re ported as having the grip. ' John Sanborn of Towner was In Chapman this week visiting bis rela tives and friend. '.' ; .'. Tom Scanlan is doing nicely. Ray Edwards was in Abilene Sun day. The boys expect to go to Oberlln for a foot ball game this week. All the ones that were injured at Man hattan are reported as doing well. i ,; ; -; UPLAND. Mirt Etta MartB s - visiting her brothers this week. "fte youngest chil Jo? 1 E ThomHs i vtry 111 with an absieM on his tnvtint. ;'" ' 1 1 vile Pierce and Jaw tnale .lr. ciinic ip from Chapman to visit with lebilves. Frank Grlgg, teacher In cue of the Sallna schools,, spent Thanksgiving vacation with his brother Earl, at this place. , - The band ,was Riveted br a full house Saturday night and the con cert was enjoyed by all. The boxes sold fairly well, amoiifctins to about $28. '. Sam Sollenberger 9 attended the love feast at Abilene last Sunday. Jim Shivers Is the happy owner of a car, purchased, at Junction City last week. , Mrs. John Aker has gone to Little River to visit a sick relative. Walter Pierce's vlelte-i tn Harvey county several days. MraTom Dobbins Ib suffering with, an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. Bert Pierce was soliciting fori.. ollt bnUn. on Fred neoffrov's a new organ for Zlon church, getting tarm ln BOme wljr got a flre started nearly 180. That speaks well forL fre Bnd lt took ,ome qulck work Upland. on he Part of the neighbors to get Little Donald Pierce found the can of lye Tuesday morning, getting his hinds, tongue and lips pretty lowing any. i V AND I DOINGS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bourblna and ; family visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Ross before leaving for their new home lit Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geoffroy, Mr. and Mra. Hoffnel Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene iKorn and daughters visited Sunday at., the Knerr borne. The occasion celebrated Mra. Geof frey's birthday anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. " KornV wedding anniver sary. Miss Kate Lower of Kansas City and Harry Frits of Abilene enjoyed a rani dinner on" Sunday at the home, of Levi Taylor Harley and Ernest Ross spent Fri day Bight with Whitney Wagner. Mrs. Edward Webb Is suffering We pay the highest cash' price for Hides We make a special low price of .Dressed Beef AND Dressed Pork by quarter or side. ' J( j-, j j , F 1 y' ' O. C. TOLEERT ; Auctionser farm and Live Stock Sales. '.. . My references are those for whom I have worked. If I can't deliver the goods I ask no pay. ' Address: ABILENE, KANSAS with a very sore band caused from getting a splinter In one of the fin gers. ' . Marlott and Edith Grlce, Alice Jackson and Ray Geoffrey were In vited to spent Sunday with the Linn young people, . ' - ( " Miss Alice Bets was up from Chap man over Sunday, .f Mr. and Mrs. John, Taylor and Mr. W. S. McCulloh had quite an experience on Saturday afternoon in rescuing one of Mr. Taylor's cows from drownlpg. While drinking at the river side the cow in sonio way lost her footing and was unable to regain It .When discovered she Was lodged ln the mud on the opposite side of the'river. She was towed back across the river by Mr. Taylor but lt took a long time to get her up the bank. It was a very ba'd af ternoon's auk but lt was worth cb-'ut slxtj Co!ln-s to M Taylor. .' Mr. Holroyd Is having his t-.irn with 111 luck. One thing after an other has happened but the climax was -tisched last week wnea he had the n.Isfortune to break h1 collar, bone. Mr. Holroyd -Is finding out what It meant to have gool neighbors.: On Tuesday a number of men went Cipro and hulked corif". .' Mr.' and Mrs. E. F. Knoir and fatnjly spent Thanksgiving with, Mr. Knerr's parents, who live in Abilene. Mr. John Landis received his nen Maxwell automobile on Wednesday. Adln Webb Is up from Lawrence to spend the Thanksgiving holidays. Levi Taylor and family and D. W. Taylor and family of Detroit, II. A. McCulloh and Miss McCulloh, and E. A. Blackman of Sallna , spent ThankB-lvln at Joh. TByior-,, Frldar afternoon some boys who the flre out before It ,Dread to the .da(!cnt corn feidB. After the flre was put out the sfierlff and some of the men went hunting for the guilty parties. These boys are from town and will probably be severely pun ished. Mr. TJeoftroy'lost some hay stacks and all of his kafflr corn heads. Any one found hunting on the farms In the U and I neighborhood without !i!Im of h nnr will tu ar. rested. The farmers around here are determined to protect the quail. Hunt era will do well to stay .away from this neighborhood. Little Mary Elisabeth Crary has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mra. W. S. McCulloh are visiting their son, Rev. Otho McCuV lob, and family, of Baldwin- Kansas. Mr. and Mra. Ceo r ire Craley are the proud parents )f a daughter bora Nov. 28. HOLLAND. Mra. Nolf and children of Benning ton spent Thanksgiving at Jury's. Miss Delay Tolbert and Mr. Clark of Chapman visited at Roy Kauff man's. ' Salome' Jury Is on the sick list ' U. lT1v um a fl Hawley of Oeneeeo, and Mrs. Hawley of Wichita, spent Thanksgiving at. ,C. W. Bell's. Amos Deemy has been on the sick iiist . - r Ptnk Jordoa was In town. Mrs. Shetter and Anna spent sev tral days with friends at Sklddy aril Pleasant Hill. LANET DISTRICT. . , The D. C. H. 8. students cam home Wednesday for a few days' vacation. Miss Esther Plotter and friend of Enterprise, spent Thanksgiving with the former's sitter, Mrs. H. B. Par ker. ' ' .. Mrs. M. E. Whitney spent a few dsys In Talmage kit week raring for her mother wfco has be tk. Jota Whifney and Frt-d f rth All Day Friday and Saturday, marketed corn Wednesday. There will be an entertainment given at the, Talmage hall Wednesday ivenlng, Deo. 7th, under the auspices of the Epworth League, consisting of music, readings, etc. Everyone come and bring your friends. Rev. Crlppen and wife took supper with Miles Hultt's Wednesday;. S. A. Romberger's spent Sunday at Mr. Staehlis'. Elmer Whitney came up from Law. rence Thursday to spend Thanksgiv ing with borne forks. TURKEY CREEK. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Markley and famtlyaattended love feast at Abilene on Sunday. Miss tilara Tagler was a Sunday visitor at Chas. Anderson's. Miss Sophia Richardson Is on the sick list. Mr. Kilmer and family of Sallna were Sunday guests of Mr. Berton Lay's, Mr. John Olsen spent Sunday at home. Mr. Byers and family spent Sunday with Mr. 'Johnson's at Detroit. Miss Haiel Eytman enjoyed her Thanksgiving vacation at the home of her cousin, Miss Gladys Holland. Mies Ida Bohannon who has been a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. George Lay, and family, returned to her home at Sallna. Mr. and Mrs. Warner's and other relatives took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Stlce's. Mr. and Mrs. fllaraa and Mr. and Mrs. Harness who pleasantly sur prised P. M. Nemechek and family on Thanksgiving ,evenlng, departed on Monday for their homes In Hum boldt, Neb The party came overland, a distance of one hundred and sixty miles, making the trip In the former's Reo tourist In less than six hours, t Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cole, Miss Edna Westover and brother, Ira and Milton Cote attended the social at Johnson school last Thursday. Mrs. Castlllne and grand-daughters, Sophia and Lydla Richardson, returned on Sunday from a visit with relatives ln Junction City. Boyd Clay Lnlu and Llllle Neme chek attended the programme and1 basket social at Banner City Wednes day. . Messrs. Joe, George and Charley Haalour were at home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Slams, Mr. and Mrs. Harness and Mrs. Nemecbe- ana daughter, Pearle, were guests of Mrs. Waterman and daughter. Miss Anna, I of Chapman oa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westover iu.roiuniker'i near Pearl family were pleasant Sunday visitors! st Mr. Harshbarger's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson n- tertalned A large number of Meads I I . . f and relative on Tbanasginng oay. Louis Haslour had the- misfortune to break on of his fingers Mr. and Mrs. Tacker were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lulu Funk, on Thursday. Corn basking In this vicinity baa almost drawa to a close. RHIXEHART. , Mrs. Converse of Colorado la visit- lag ber daughter, Mrs. J. H. Taylor. Mra. Mary E. Reed of Los Angeles is viaitlng Mrs. W. H. Hollinger. Mia Beat! sad Arthar Hoffman of Enterprise spent Sunday visiting with friends here. Umm Irene sod Ratb Taylor ana Mr. Raymoad Bollinger were Ma- aatua Tutors laat wetfc We will have a lady demonstrator at our store showing the White Lify Electric Washing .lachiiia ' This is a wonderful machine and .worth coming miles to see. , , You can do your washing in one hour for less than two cents. Electric cord can be attached to any light socket. The same washer cia be attached to a gasoline engine for use outside of the city where there is no electricity. . YOU ARE CORDIA LLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS DEMONSTRATION WILL SURPRISE YOU r ' ' John Sanborn of Towner, Colo., was calling on friends here Satur day. Leon and Byron Tav or returned : Manhattan Monday. ' Clay Blackwe'.ler wi.s a Chapman vigtor Saturday,- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hollinger of f i lir a ajv been vls'tlng at the W. H. JloKinger home. . . ZION. ."A niirnler from Zlon attended the ministerial meeting nni love feast at Abilene. Miss Ella Wenger ro:urned to M. G. Tnn:"s cu Thursday fv.'.i'ns aftor spending about a week with her sis ter, Mrs. Parish, near Poabody. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crti of Cin cinnati, Ohio, visited with their un cle's, J. P. Cress', leaving for home last Friday. , . Alvin Glsh Is staying at M. '5. En. gle's; , , Elmer and Clarence Cross returned home last Wednesday from Canada where they both haVe taken up c'alms. They report favorable there. They have rented their farms for a year and may perhaps go on to Florida Elder M. G. Engle and wif? expect to leave next Tuesday for the west. Elder Engle Is expected to conduct a revival at the Brethren church at Upland, California. Clarence Stoffer went to Ellis last week to see his brother-ln law, Mr Issltt, Mr. Issltt Is fireman for a railroad and had the misfortune, of falling, We are glad to report that he Is Improving. He accompanied Mr. Stoffer home on Friday, return ing again to his place of work on Sunday night. Rev. Snlvely of south Dickinson preached at Zlon Sunday. Austin Miller went to Hope Satur day on business, returning borne on Sunday. . Mrs. J. H. Wagaman spent Sun day night in Abilene. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kettermsn and little daughter, Luclle, and Mies Edith Frey and brothers- Christ and Lawrence, spent Tbsnksglvlng at the later sister's, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Engle at Talmage. Miss Edith Zook stayed with her sister, Mrs. Austin Miller on Satur day night KEWBERN. Mr ,nd Mri, g. h. Lenhert and family spent Tbsnksglvlng st Jacob Mr. ,nd Mrl. j, g. wiles of Ch a ru Ibersburg. Pa,, are staying with ber parents, fl. H. Lenhert's. Lsst Friday nleht Miss Bell and iAlw Bef, had , pleasant surprise by , omber of their friends. D. 8. Engle's attended the Toanks- clTlng meetlnk at Belle Springs. The gospel meetings at St James church are well attended. . Miss Elva Engle who has spent a few weeks in Abilene retnvned bom. Farmers are about all done husk ing corn la this vicinity. ' The Knox school which has been closed for nearly a week was opened again Monday morning. Mr. Nancy Lenbert and Llisle Lenhert spent Thanksgiving at George Lenhert 1. - Quite a lumber from this vicinity attended the love feast la Abilene Saturday and Sunday. George Lenhert is shreding fodder this we. Dcfc. 2 and 3 ... BUCKEYE. - J. Adams is repairing his house. ' Mrs. G. Haynes had a Thanksgiv ing dinner. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Morris Haynes of Junction City, a brother of 0. Haynes, Mr, and Mrs. 0.. Fink and Mr. and Mrs. s. Haynes and son. Mrs. Ella Mahler arrived at her home, Eagle Butte, Dakota, safely . and likes the country. . Roy Lahr's spent Sjndav evening with 0. Bradley' C Henry Coffenberger's ha J a Thanksgiving dinner. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Len Ingall, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Houghland, Mr. and Mrs. John Mlddleton and Mrs, G. Bradley and son, Mr. N. C, Reed and Sheridan. E. E. Stone threshed kafflr corn Monday. " Mr, Webber's took dinner with J. Mark's Sunday. ' W. H. Cook's spent Sunday with P. E: Sommers. ' r ' Clyde Hlnkle left Monday for To pe ka to study telegraphy.' . ,,' 1 v M,r. and Mrs. A. Skinner from near Nebraska City visited last week with F.,L. Blaesl's. Tbey formerly were neighbors In Illinois, 1 H. B. Lahr's had a Thanksgiving dinner. Those present: Rev, Dr. Blayney and Miss Martha Blayney, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Beck, Mr. and Mra, Roy Lahr. About forty of John Mlddleton'. neighbors surprised them Wednesday evening by coming with well filled baskets to take supper with them. Alt report a fine time. ' ' Mrs. Emma Frey writes her sister, Mrs. 8. Grove, from Ouanga, Africa, the last of October. They were Just getting fresh strawberries. The Misses Grove took dinner with their slstsr, Mrs. Ira Hoskln Thanks giving. 1 , Mr. and Mrs, A. Hlnkle gave a par ty Wednesday evening In honor of their son, Clyde about thirty-five being present. Mrs. 8. Grove took ber daughters, . Grace and Helen, and Grace Patten back to D. C. H. 8. Monday. Ira Hoskln butchered a beef for Mrs. C. Pattln Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burkholder, N. B. Martla and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoyt took Thanksgiving dinner with Price Burkholder, his motber'and aunt. WOODBINE. Prof. Wm. Osier conducted a quar terly meeting at Lyona last Sun day. Aug. Krause and wife were t Junction City over Thanksgiving with their daughters. Wm. Lueker and wife were In Knn- City and vtsltrd relatives. Herman Oesterrelch was In Her- Ineton last Monday oa buslneas. Wm. Ploeger, wife snd ha by and Miss Minnie Olkoff of Kinsley, are viaitlng hJre with friends and rela tive. . J. C. Nuas and family moved to Liberal. Kansas, last week. Mr. Nuas has a fine position there la a hard ware and Implement business. J. L. Sternberg made a short visit la Newtoa recently. Wm. Ahrens of Enterprise was her on a visit with relatives. Mlas Ruth Muessenmayer and her alitor May were .viaitlng in Detroit a few days. Henry Brehm and family bar rela tive from Harvard, Neb., vinltiog them at the preaent time. Fred Krauae of Oklahoma was lf-ra oa a short visit. .