Newspaper Page Text
it .a. COUNTY ruI?J&CTIOIIS it arsenal. Bsrworoa ooKEsarotroitMi J. O- ESGLE -' NEWBEBN. ' M. B. Burnwurth purchased a tine ' team of colts last week. . Mr. and Mrs. John Glsh of Eu- . terprls and. Mrv and Mrs. Abram Cish spent Sunday at J. B. Carter's. ' Mr. and Mta. J. B. Wilea apent 8'ihday at her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 8. H. Lenhert. Htss Ruby Burnworth had a pleae- ant ls1t with Miss Emma Lenhort. ' , Mr. and Mrs. 0. fl. Lenhort spent Sunday with William Bet! The services . were well attended . Sunday morning and evening. Rev. John Herr of Abileno con- . ducted the services. B. P. Jury la on the sick list. s ' ' , HOPE. The funeral of Mrs. Summers was largely attended at Navarre Sunday. Quite a number ot young people w(i; entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Nlnch'elser's Sunday. ' . Js "' " Mlsa Ethel Kauffman spent a few 'days with her aunt, Mrs. Jesse Sheets. Albert Est erman was In H.'pe on rualneur Saturday. Most of the- farmers are through towing their oats, Mrs. Chas. Schmlde went to Dil lon on business Friday. M1ss Lena Forrer who has b ca at E. C, Rhode's returned home Sat urday. ; Quite a number- attended the aehool exercise, at Maple drove. Fri day. ',- i '.-' - ' Webster Brant la still very sick - aiifttin Pahlie Sales , Specialty ; Betarencet An j bask of Aol- U1 .)aM, HUM PtDBM! - Brown, uoo: ot ' Aous Hnuisi. Address ' .'AbtlSna, Kansas jQyith the mump. ... It, uiesei nioveu vui ut wnu uu i farm -last week.1 - .. .' V ;;- ' TALMAGE. V. ' (Mrs. Jennie Nickel went to Abi lene to spend a few -Saya. . - lMr, and, Mrs. CH , Luke and daughter arrived from Canada to visit with relatrvesj and friends. ' Wiw BlunderBera' arard family re turned to Cklcago after -a pleasant visit with Mr. and Hn. "W. H. Blun derfield and tamTry. : ! ' The school In Talhamge will dose Friday the Hat & -good program Is being prepared. . " Special anisic la Ming prepared for Easter Sunday. Tbe pastor wld have an- Baaawr wermon. Visa Elake temlaoa returned to Chapman atter -a few 'Oars' visit wHk ber parents. - - Mrs. Roy Boot Ot JKHlene Is visit ing in Tataawa.' Miss Lwrrs miff waa visiting la Talmage last week. - Mrs. A. 93. 'Btee'le -Bad son Ivaa visited wK1i Iwr parents, Mr: aad Mrs, Briaey rw fluntts. ' N. EL Glah eras) transacting busi ness In Tatmag-e "Monday. Miss May Brine- -and Miss Rachel Puliver visited Item last week. MSTntriT. Henry Bllhnyer eaade us!ness MP to Hneaewo toat week ' 1. auto Mord .1. ,h.g-ollae! iguNed barnla, Mm aty , EdB mtat! hVr.!T r. -rm't.n' r -U at Hugh Mua-' .... i. . . - iu ak . X . . Z.L X: Z ri " . .' - ' " ' I Quarterly meeting waa Vid ihb- 1ay at h V. . B. ehareb, Meettnga were held every srtgbs at eek conducted by Rev. Itows at BeringteA and Rev. Willhtssa. trm iH Moras mu back fnaat uMamaji b4m aha mMt Ilia rfa..fraal by all. ter. ,' ' Mr. aad Mra, John Kaeer were fa. town waaday attending qaarter- J. ule Jamie, the oldest son ot ' TI .KJ-lted V " " ' ' " " I The Knea aehool closed Wednes f the week, but la mom Improvliia,! - A. gtMlualth Is still la Texna vtiivi he went to se his daugh- Thlrtysi pupHa took tba Jml r.;if B here last Saturday. While Ftrmocth Rock eggs for ja 15 for T5t, 14 for 10. ,r C H. ITuwliiad, R. F. D. Ko. 4. UPLAND. Born, April 6th to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norman, a son. P. H. Gfeller is using bis farm motor to' work the roads.' It la do ing excellent woTk and Is certainly something fine. , ; ' ? ," l.v ". Mrs. Oscar Gloss is" able to. be around after several weeks' Ulaess. Phil GfeJler waa kicked quite badly, by a mule a couple weeks ago tat is getting all right now Chris Wuethrlcb. was. Injured by horse falling wits htm. ana was unable to walk for several daya but la able to be around again. V Born, April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane of Towner. Colo., a nn Ura PranA will h rTTlm hPrflfl ' aa Miss Ida Mans." " Bee Supplies. We have on hand a full line of bee supplies on which we quote low prices. The line include complete hives, extra .supers, foundation wax for brood and supers, bee veils, smokers, honey sections, etc. - Come In early while tha assort ment Is complete. ? i f c, ' 'V-j ' HODOB BROTHERS, , 203-205 North Buckeye Automobile Owners. ' Have you seen the new Auto Time- Saver Repair Kit? Inner tubes re paired In one minute, no cement. best thing on the market. ; For par ticulars, write Lewis' Law Specialty Co.. 2316 South 15th St., St. Joseph, Mo. ' - ; 8w4t Tbe young sixteen year old Hiss can be hatted aa stylishly aa her grown-np sister if she boys her hat at-Miss La Follette's over Case's store. . .w!8d2t Moonlight. The funeral of Michael Page waa 1, rgely attended at Bethel Sunday afternoon Mrs. Dan Bert and Miss Anna Page were called home frr-in Cailfor- by the death of their brotoer, Michael Page, i They were visiting on the Pacific coast .' ' Tha annual love feast at Bethel will' be held April ti and JO., , : Mr. Nemechack and son of south Dickinson attended the Page fun eral Sunday. Rev. Harry Wagaman preached at Bethel Oa Sunday and took dinner at Harry Crider'a. Clarence Yungtt valtted frtmda In Abf ena Saturday aad Sunday. Tha MoonUxht selrool closed on Friday. A wU rendcrvd program wea glve ami a boumtmoua dlaver. Mass Ruth Bngle s teathr mts had a very waoeessful term. 9tm ldy nd wMe wad Henry Lady wtm "here n Sunday. ,.- Mrs. O. B. Burktrdlder Is on the , The Walnut Chwve tcbffol ctosed on FnWay and a Due dinner waa ser ved. Win Beulah Whit closed a very snocess'fut trstm ot whod. ' Hearry Soltenberger lias canrpleted 'tbe worlc at- Bethel church. a V.. Engla iturned from Penn- aylwrila where hn attended hai broth er Michael Eagle's funeral. . TOss fladle "Bwolt -of Rannaaa, Miss Mary Book of Oklahoma wild Miss Beulali Zook rf Talmag inlled at I. H. Sheeta -on 'Baturday. .. Miss Sad) xpecta o go to Africa as- a miaahmary 1n Jwne. ' Mm. CrawTord was .vhvyping In ChaaaBan on Mem day. ' METROIT ROCTS t, JfbJTtjLZ. tarda. Mis. m. CarrM apent Boaday, , with feAmk anolr m.. h. Sl JLnmmA WA- aesday with program la tbe evsat- Oreen ridge school closed Wedaea- day. The patraa came with wea fKled baaketa and a dlaaer waa a- ACMBL David McCuDoagh and' family at O. W. Sdgemon'a Suaday. UK - w swee eat !. Mlsa Mary Sheets and Aaaa Emlg visited school la this vicinity Tbara- da. - Mr. aad Mra. Robert Logaa aad Idsnshter. Mrs. Clem Bell, Mrs. Low- leU Phillip, sad son. B. O. Shirk and family, spent Sanday at F. A, Phil lip'. Quite 1-fi-a here at- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. EngVs and Hoff man Engle and Misses Sadie Book and Beulah and Orpha Zook ware entertained at Sam Ketterman's Sunday. Elder M. O. Engle and wife were In . Abilene Sunday morning. ' Alvln Olsh spent Saturday night and Sunday with homefolk In Abi lene. . .'' ' V. -..' Mlas Mary Book of Thomas. Okla homa, who has been visiting friends and relatives In this vicinity the past few days, leaves for Ramona Wednesday. .,, .' Charley Sllfer, while taking up hit pump last Saturday evening had the misfortune of having fata hand hurt quite badly. - - Miss Sadie Book ot Ramona, Kan, spent a Tew days last week giving her farewell visit and also gave an address at ZIon Sunday bight. She la expecting to go as a missionary to South Africa and will leave here about the first ot May. Jaob Rumold left Tuesday for Conway Springs on business. , Mrs. Dan Bert and her sister, Miss Anna Page who tad lately went to California, were suddenly called home by the death of their Brother, Michael Page. Mr Bert win remain here about a week and then return, accompanied by her daughter, Sarah. Rev. 3. H. Wagaman preached at Bethel Sunday morning. A. O. Zook. transacted business In Abilene Monday. , Miss Cora Cook is, teaching music In this community this summer. ".Misses Geneva Zook and Francis Grove visited with, pother Minter Sunday afternoon. Beulah Zook Is staying with Mra. John Book 'who was quite 111 the past' week. '.. " Miss Vlrgle Reed has been stay ing with Mrs. Isaac Kauffman. John Book went to Kansas City Monday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Eli .Kready were the guests of Reuben Frey's Sun day. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Carrol and family visited Sunday at Van Dyke's. Mr. and Mra. Grant Balmer and Miss Ella Wonger took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Older. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lady were en tertained by Mr, and Mrs. Enos Sheets Sunday. ' ' v ' ' - : we have assembled tlie best as sortment of fine and medium priced millinery "goods' ui if found In the reatral west all and let us prova It Hisa La VolleUe, ore? r.'nse, store Invites itu. . wlSd2t Wanted Cattle to Pasture, , Caa accommodate about 10 head Dahake at Illff livery barn. Ztdwtt LA NET" DISTRICT. Mr. Parker of Brown county apent tew daya visiting hm brouer-ln- taw. Leonard Copemvd, aad family last week. ' Mlas Cooler closed a wccessful term of school la th Laney district Friday.: Mr. Blagg wild horse this weak. Harvey Rwabergmr came up fro in Abilene Monday anc apent tha day with hla parents. Mr. Wallace, the soaeasor iwas In this neighborhood .last week telling aa bow tmrch ft nn vorth. Fred and NeTle SteMI and Ethel Blagg 8ua4ycd it (. A, Itember ger'a. DeH Luke and tamTtj' arrived from Canada Tuesday morning and will spend the anrnmer In Suimy Kansas. Mrs. Mi E. Wbltnry spent Sunday with her mother la Talmage. L. W. McGlnnla la heTpltig with the repairing of tbe parsonage. Mr. Cheney .heflled corn Tuesday. -" - HOPE. The little .bower Monday after- son was quite refreshing. Peter Morgan la visiting his daugh ter la Abl' jne. . .' Mrs. Parde and Robsrt BrinVmsn were called to attend the f uaoral of a relative la Nebraska. ' Mr. Graham aad family left forjB Brighton, Colo., where they expect to make their future borne. Marloa Ohmart an. I family were vkvMors at the home of Ellas Reed's Snalay. w George Benson la down from Gen era. Krb, visiting his daughter, Mrs. fctan'ey. . - .. - Qq'te number of yosng people were satertalned at home cf Mrs Finceheta. Sunday. Dr. Farnam spent several daya la npeka last week. . j There was a large crowd attended tbe aehool closing at Maple drove Frldaa. Ethel M. Kaoffmai spent a few days with her ancle. Jee Sheets. Frn im,r vu At noma Satnr. day and Sunday. I tot YOU will see many men on faster li suits. There notice, too, the man who hasn'tone -J li 1 A x J 1 1 Vi . i IcuaiiamteedII Ii .- IIIM1 all wooili 111 - vm BUCKEYE. Mlsa Anna Moore and Miss Mil dred Morse spant Sunday with Mrs, B. J, Wineier. . QuJa. Haynes and Harry Dangle went to Talmage Sunday evening. Dean Malott aad Roy Blwlck took dinner with US. Hoyt'a Sunday. B. R. Hodge waa called home on business last Thursday from Kansas City. "' ' Ora Lahr and hla mother went to Babetha Saturday to the hospital where be waa operated oa tor ap pendicitis., Clifton Marks la Improving rap idly. ' Mrs. Roy Laha. visited Mra. M. B Hoyt on Tuesday. ms. and Mrs. Ray Burttholder were shopping In Abilene Saturday. Quite a number ot ladles attendei the cooking school oa Saturday. Central Buckeye aad East Buck feye had a bal game Friday after noon. Central came off victorious. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lelgntner and Mr. and Mra. Abe Brown called on I. Kauffman'. Sunday afternoon Quite a number (rem herj attend ed the funeral ot Michael Ptge on Sunday. Mary and Nellie Derrick spent sev eral daya la Abilene with their grandmother, Mrs. Gartner. Vlrgle Reed called on Fay Oor - butt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buranomer were callers at th. home of R. Freya on Sunday. - ' Ffcul Kaunman ca.u Zlegler Sunday.. SOLOMON. '' ' Tbe Ladles Aid Society, of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Brownrigg Wednesday af ternoon. Miss Florence Clark went to Llnds borg Suaday to attend the Messiah. Mlsa Sarah Custer apent Sunday golomoa with her parents. Mrs. R. F. Wllsoa. of-Kansas City Is in Solomon visiting relatives.. . R. P. Wilson of Kansas City who sas bees la Solomoa visiting frienda.lngtoa. were visiting relatives here left Suaday for Great Bend. He wlllirsceafly. maaaga the Great Bead ball club thla season. ... Mraj Clair Snadahl went to Tope-i la Thursday to visit relatives. . Earl Green was la Ablleaa Friday. Mra. J. T. Seltarda waa shopping la SaUaa Friday. Mr. Seng of Manhattan spent Sa- day la golomoa with fries da Mrs. Robert Johnson waa shopping la Bailaa Friday. Mrs. Henry Gould aad two chil dren of Junction City ere here visit ing retstiree and friends. Mrs. fells Knight waa vlsillsg lis Abilene r-!dr. won't be so many Both of these classes of men will attract , attention, but it won't be the . some kind of attention. - , Which class are you going to be in? ' Yon haven't much time to decide, but it won't take you long to make up your mind when you see our Easter display of Cloth craft guaranteed all-wool clothes. , They will put you where you belong in the well dressed parade -and they will cost you less than you think necessary to get so much quality, style and fit. Not more than $25 as low as $10- possibly $15 to $20. Might as well see about it to day. The Profit Sharing Qothing Store Llndsborg Sunday to attend tbe Mes siah. . Will Hogan returned to Sallna Fri day. ... James Erwln went to Llndsborg Sunday. . ' ' WOODBINE. Our depot agent bought ft num ber of nice lots In our town, has built a large chicken house and now the well drillers are busy on his property. That means that soon he will also begin to erect a nice house. Mo, Meaamer who bought a pro perty In our, town from Mr. Herman Oeeterrelch Is building a new barn on the place. " Mumpa la the order of the day In onr town and vicinity. ' Last week on Friday Mra. f rlmm and daughter, Minnie, were In Her ington on business. - We are sorry that the young lady la sick at present and confined to her bed. The trustees of the German M. E. churoh sold four of their lots to Mr. Henry Fengel for $600. ' Rev. J. J. 8telnlnger waa In Her- ington one day last week to meet his wife who returned from her visit In Kansas City. Henry Brehm and wife were visit Ing last Sunday with Fred Ollngen berg and family. Cbas. Brehm Is building an add! tion to his house be purchased recently, ' gtm Qngler the assessor, (s vls- -.ttina the oeoDlo In a .friendlv wav and finds out bow rich or poor they are. Harvey ueker was In Abilene one day last week and transacted some very Important buaineas wfalok he will never regret. Th aid society of the German M BV church met at Mrs. J. Guglsr's home last week and had a mission ary meeting and program In con- section. Mra. Aug. Kratise waa elected aa a delegate to the district convention which will be held la a few weeka la Wichita, Kansas. Ray Davis, wife and baby, of Her- ' J. L. Sternberg aad wife were visit ing Fred Kllageeberg aad family last Monday and thsy had s tine time with tbe family. One of the teama of T. Kllagea- eerg got unruly last Monday morn ing aad a telephone pole waa re moved la consequence, but bo other harm was dona. . Mra. Frank Olhoff and bob of Best rice, Nebraska, were visiting here with relatives hut week. For sale, fra Joreey ir'J a few If iii Day wearing hew of him but you will . TURKEY CREEK. Miss Leola Lay la visiting friends and relatives at Navarre. Mr. and Mra. L. Brown and family were Thursday evening guests ot J. Smith's. Mr,, and Mrs., P. M. Nemechek, son, Boyd, and daughters, Grace and Pearle, attended the funeral or Micur ael Page of Moonlight Sunday,. John and Harvey Olsen spent Sun day at home. ' Mlas Winnie Halsteed of Enter prise was a guest of Mr. Colden's the- fore part of last week. Ray Witter visited friends and rel atives In Abilene Sunday, L. K. Markley and family ars en tertaining relative, from Abilene this week. Boyd Nemechek and Loulj Has loucr accompanied by Arnold Sctrully, returned last week from Humboldt, ' Nebraska, where the formal pur-, chased a new Reo touring car. Miss Ella Shank la spending the week In Navarre, the guest of irle.'.ls and relative. . , y. -Little Iris i Topllff wss oh the sick list the latter part of laat week. Mlsa Edna Westover Is spending a few days at horns. Josephine and Emmerd Johnson were Sunday guests ot Grace, Henry and Rodger Funk. Miss Gertrude BchuJtl, a it n dent of E. N. A. the past term, after spendir? n week with P. M. Neme chek'., returned on Wednesday l- her heme at Humboldt. Albort Hoiton assisted Mr. Brown wita isrm vora tna tore pan or tbe week. Mlsa LUile Olsea. who had apent some time In Enterprise, came home -on Sunday. Mlsa Edna Jonas entertained Miss-. IJiile See df at herv home Sunday. Geo. Westpver and family who had been visiting for several week la Humboldt, Neb. returned home wee.' , DONEGAL. . t ? Ber. aad Mra, J. H. Meyers at Vteterla, Teaaa, are) here visiting friends their way to Penasylvania. A large ftamber tram here at las dee the fuaeral of Mrs. Sommers . at Navarre Saaday. John Helee aad Benton Avery ot Hamlia visited several daya at J, Eagle's last week. ' Several from this place attended the Saaday school eoaventioa at Abi lene laat Wednesday. Noah Hershey asd dancbter t- ended tfce fnaeral of Mlrhsel Psje t Snodny -noiti. Rev. Lee-tar s---"( ! r1- P. A. Eowsssn, A ii!o Verosstlle Co. lldw r C.; '. a f slur bv - k Miss fy Ca'pegtef ;:! t--