in lilt iiliiliil AFTER DELAY OF FOUR ' DATS THE FORCE IS BACK. IHwiofflre Contractor Get Four Day Extension on Contract-.! I) any and Particular Mace. 1 1 If you want to ' get .dfoplVced the easiest way possible )0u cad ac commodate yourself in ;,very .' sftort crier by walking' down to the! hew postofflce alte and planting yourself Inside of or on the little "benches marked, "keep off keep out' Thiy are perfectly good 1 benches and'on flrat eight lend the suspicion that the contractor It more than thought ful for the many onlooksrs whp frequent the place at' all ihourSof tbe day but a soon aa your take up your camp on the premises ; tnd pitch your little tent you get straight ened out on tbe matter In a manner that leaves no room for discussion. Moreover, If you feel calledOn to "amoke up" you can get Into trouble easier by sneaking in on the back lota of the postofflce siteith your exhaling propaganda than in most any other way. A , number of very respectable citizens can testify that these things are true. You want to keep away from the band wagon when you go down to pay your re spects to the government for the boss on the job is no respecter of persons and any one who even gives the suspicion of getting, in the way or of contaminating the force gets tbe books in short order. ' Work began again this morning after a delay of four days. Aftei the contractor had gone down the depth for which the contract called be found that he had not yet reach cd a point below the cinders and de bris of the buildings which have been on the spot before. ,The government Inspector held up the work until he could get instructions from the chief architect at Washington. The Instructions came and the building goes up without going down - any deeper. ' -t Manager Jones has 18 men at work now and expects to . get bis bricklayers busy by tbe first of tlie week. A full force will be on the Job until it is completed. ' SMOKY HILL GOING DOWN .After Reaching Height of 13 Feet Wrn., It Recedes. After rising rapidly for two days nntlla heighth of J 3 feet had been leached the Smoky Hill began to vwAdfi slowlv . Thursday night. It will continue to fall until thet nor mal' stage Is reached again for there Jias been no rainfall since last week to causa It -to .rise.' : . - - " With the high water fishing has opened up in earnest and large Jlsb lave; been' polled" 'out of the "river. Tbe present high water has done little damage. The river has not "been out of Its banks in this county and tbe only troubles reported .comes irom towns west of Salina. SCHOOLS WILL CLOSE MAY 20 Three More Weeks of SchooU .Then the Holidays. Tbe summer season is close at land, that is the regular summer time of the boys and the girls of the town dates from tbe first day pf vacation. Tbe schools of this city will close for the annual sum- jner vacation on May 29 this year i hixi in: i-'kom a. o. v. w. Two Lodge to Split al Continue a Rivals. ' - ' - i Abilene members of the A. , O. 'V. Y- nd the Degree of Honor are In terested in the proposition of, con solidation which Is being presented o. the Degree of Honor by the A. 0. U. .W. at the convention at 'Lea venworth' this ' week. Abilene, is represented in the meeting by two delegates, Mrs. J. W. Monroe and Mrs. Albert Young. A dispatcB from Leavenworth today says: fWssion-talk was rife today in tbe Second . day's session of the bi ennial convention of tbe Degree of Honor, and the probabilities are that within a short time there will ba a' complete divorce between tbe Degree oi Honor anu me .. v. v. W.,' It is predicted that within the next sixty days a special session of the A. O. U. W. grand lodge will be balled, and at that time the or- derwlll throw open its doors to wo men, and that the two orders will become competitors in the fraternal insurance field. Instead of auxiliary orders. A critical moment came today when a committee from the A. O. U. W. grand lodge appeared on the' floor and proposed a union of the two orders. Grrnd Master Gray- bill was in the hall, and in response to callB for a speech, said that he did not care whether the Invitation was accepted or not. The Indica tions are tbat the break between the two orders will be complete be- fnr f is session of the grand lodge of the Degree of Honor is adjourned. It is expected that each will tak measures to become separate organ izations, the A. O. U. W. to admit women, and the Degree of Honor openings its doors to men. A reso lution looking towards this was in troduced this afternoon and was made a special order of business for tomorrow morning, when some def inite action will be taken. : , At the election this morning Miss Mattie M. Knudemann, Kansas City, Kan., was chosen grand chief of honor. Other officers are: Grand lady of honor, Miss Trumm, Lea venworth: recorder. Mrs. Georgia Notestine, Hiawatha; receiver, Mfa. Julia A. Thompson, Norton; usher, Mrs. Cora Lee Drumm, Elk City; chief , of . ceremonies, Mrs. Lizale; Relsmeiser, Pittsburg; inside wat'eb, Mrs. Amy Graves, Caney; outside watch, Mrs. Grace Holmers, North Topeka; medical director, Dr. Jesse Newklrk. Kansas City, Kan.; past grand chief of honor, Mrs. Niece Cole, Chanute. ' ; .V . . v ' '' ENTERPRISE ' WILL - f ' . ' HAVE CHAUTAUQUA '' ' .;7TT-' lit From all outward appearances Enterprise Is ! slated for a , chaiitau- mi. fhla- ttiinimor. At lpAnt the nSC essary Bigh'ers to tbe, guarantee have been secured and have been sent In to the Mid-West Associated Chau- taiunas 6t J kansasCity. U .. ... ,. - ; (. y- I , COMMONER eOULDN't ' EXCITE HERINGTOft Star Carrier Only Shook Hands With the; Secretary. Sun: William Jennings Bryan, secretary of state, walked upland down' tbe platform of the Rock Is land station here for:- ten minutes on Tuesday afternoon. He was on his way back to Washington from California on the Golden State Lim ited No.' 4 which stopped herb from' 3:10 to 3:20. He shook bands with B. S. Coursln and bought a Kansas City Star from him. Be Independent of Hone, Railroad and Trolley ' . R913 ''' With new Cradle Spring Frame. Make it part of the equipment of your farm. Always ready for any trip, long or short. Takes you there and back at any pace from 4 to 50 miles an hour Strong, reliable, easy to control. Low upkeep cost Most 1 economical and practical means of conveyance for the farmer. The Indian 1913 type is a wonder for comfort and efficiency. Plenty of reserve power for hilly country. Takes you over roads sot possible to any other vehicle. New style luggage carrier. CI. E. CUHXE or VEBi! EYE, . Abilsso. Kanscs j jt. Look up the rating given The - Thomas B. JerTery Company by the great national commercial agen ' cies. You will find it is the highest that can possibly be given to any concern. ; Fifteen fundamental facts we offer in conclu?ion. These are th facts that every buyer must consider . if he -chooses wisely. . Study them carefully and consider their meaning. The 19x3 Cross Country is the product of Forty years of rhanufarturing experience. - . The Jeffery Company has the highest financial rating that it is possible for he commercial agencies to give. ; J Capital three million dollars, all paid in, with a large surplus. fL- r-nrJ io MmA trntiraW in tft entiretv bv one man and is absolutely independent of any alliance with any other cona ,S5t Forty years of manufacturing experience and the result of con stant striving toward ideals of accuracy constitute. , tne greacesi asset of this company today. bsolutely independent of any alliance with any other concern. - Every piece of equipment and' every particle of real estate owned 5 by this company is paid for in full and never has a bill been allowed to pass discount. 6 Ninety-six per cent of all parts are .made in the JerTery works. Twenty-five thousand Rambler cars are on the road. The JerTery organization includes a factory manned by two thousand men, with a sales and service force including nearly five hundred branches and distributing dealers. The factory ground area is one hundred and four acres and the floor area twenty-five acres. f i!,. " Cross Country parts sell from one-half to two-thirds less than parts of other cars. . ! ' v Fifteen employes of this company have been in its employ twenty years and lover; fifteen' from fifteen to twenty 'years and nearly all the rest from one . to fifteen years. The JerTery Company was the first American company to adopt the demountable wheel, universally used abroad and now being imitated Widely in this country. The JerTery service facilities in every part of the United States are under direct company supervision and are unexcelled. The JerTery organization is an organization of young men, who 4' have built' up a reputation for fair dealing which entitles them to expect to be in business for many years. ' . . 1': The JerTery Company is notably conservative, valuing prrm nent success beyond temporary profit. The Teffery 'organization produces nothing but-the Cross Country car., We cannot, in view of the facts enumerated above, do anything else but build it right. ' ' . A WautiW Jburcolor reproduction of the Cross Country, from an oil paintingvby R. Philip Brainard, is ready for mailing. See the Cross Country by all means, at any Jeffery branch or dealer's display room, but send for the picture anyway. 7 8 '9 I I 12 3 The, Boston sales" and service building, 640 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass., one of nearly five hundred branches and distributing houses maintained by this company and by Cross Country dealers. . ' . The Cross Country $1,875 The Thomas B. Jeffery Company Main Office and Works, Kenosha, Wisconsin Branches: Boston. Chicago. Milwaukee. New York. Philadelphia. HODGE AUTO COMPANY. Buckeye Ave., Abilene, Kans. " ; ; ' I r ssssss ' WILSON'S POLITICAL MOVE EFFECTS 10 LOCAL OFFICES All Fourth Class Postmasters In the County Under Ban. After a conference with President Wilson Postmaster General Burleson yesterday announced that an execu tlve order would be issued requir ing all fourth class postmasters now in office, or candidates for prospec tive appointment, to be subjected to a competitve examination to deter mine their fitness for office. Postmaster General Burleson an nounced that It was' the purpose of the president and himself to take into the classified service,- probably during the next year, all postmas ters of the second and third classes. The fourth class offices have already been covered by executive order. ', The new executive move effects ten offices In Dickinson - county. Postmasters at Woodbine, Manches ter, Talmage, Elmo, Carlton, Pearl, Navarre, Dillon, Dayton and Detroit figure In the fourth class and must take examination with other appli cants for their positions If they wish to retain them. ' The fourth class offices were made nonpartisan under a civil service order1. In the Taft administration. The new order Is a move for the re opening of the whole order and can be internreted In no other light than that of a political move to supply the spoils of victory to a hungry con stituency. Wonderful Skin Salve' Ttupkiin'n Arnica Salve Is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases 01 me sum, anu iu for burns, bruises and boils. Re duces Inflammation and Is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub lisher of News, of Corneliu.s N. C, writes that one box helped hla ser ious skin ailment after otner rem edies failed. Only 26c. Recommend ed by J. M. Gleissner & Son,. When Your Feet Ache. From corns, bunions, sore or cal lous spots, blisters, "new or tight fit ting shoes, Allen's FootTEase, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes, will give Instant reuet. Sold every 25c Don't accept any substitute. For free sample address Allen S. Olmstead. LeRoy, N. Y. tf Clean old paperst 5c a . bundle at the Reflector office. MEMORL1L SERVICES AT REFORMED CHURCH. Decoration Day Address Will Be Made at Same Place. The committee which has charge of the memorial program has an nounced that the memorial sermon will be preached by Rev. Hugh. JLo max at the Reformed church May 25 and that the Memorial Day ad dress will be delivered by Rev. J. W. DeYoe at the same place May 30. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. will meet at the hall and attend ' the services In a body on both days. Services will also be held at the graves of the veterans. The hour for the memorial address has not been definitely set. DEDICATE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE AT CLAY CENTER. . - The Masons of Clay Center have just finished a fine new temple and vlll dedicate it tonight with a big meeting at which several of the grand officers will be present, TI.e lodge was ' orfianlied In 1872 d hae had five difference placps of meeting In that time. THERE IS NO CASE OF INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, REEURIATISM, BLOOD OR SKIN DISEASE arising from a disordered stomach, boweto, liver or kidneys which "SEVEN BARKS" will not materially benefit, or permanently cure ; this has been proven for the past Vk years. Ask yonr parents, or neighbors, about SEVEN BARKS, as thousands have testified to its merits. Don't delay to get a 60 cent bottle at your druggist, and start yourself on the road to complete recovery. IYMAN BROWN. 68 Morray SL, New York,liY. SCRATCHES !?.n'!Tii ; i .our. ot tbo Awinl, Jwrc huHi Jen r to.. I i.ll.. Mop Mperimeaunj and g ooi ut ' Tb. O.N1.T lor .- or o- . I Imsli or br mil. &-Oe. Tri.l roi tt tnm B I 1.1 t.rl .HmTIVhJ KWAN Tmhm m thr. r f',r"r T, frlAaUN HIAKIt riU,far mm kmow Bat. S.MM. ANr KeHuw sou ir cxrTSLirrr.;LK V IS