Newspaper Page Text
EMS1S NEWS OF Kanu Bor Won Second Prlae. . Lee White, of Kansas City, won second prize in contest for rifle and pistol practice recently on the great new battleship Wisconsin, which went into commission three months ... o vrru;-. of a crew of 444 selected for the prac tice. The Wisconsin will soon leave for Chinese waters to relieve the Or egon. Lee White was born in Gar nett. He enlisted in the navy only a few months ago. What Baldwin Expects. President McKinley's visit at Bald win and Baker university during com mencement the first week in June, wili include the dedication of the Fo gle gymnasium and astronomical ob servatory and the laying of the cor nerstone of the Case library building. The trustees of the Baldwin Metho dist Episcopal church have asked that President McKinley take a part in the laying of the cornerstone of their new church building. FonabM Kansas for Colorado. James L. McDowell, who was the first United States marshal of Kan sas, has moved to Elkton, Col. Of re cent years he has been living at Man hattan. Originally he lived in Jef ferson countr. When Kansas was a territory he was a member of the sec ond territorial legislature, and after the admissibn he was the candidate of a fusion called the union party for governor. Girl Drowned While Fishing-. , Stella Wagoner, 15 years old, was drowned in Doyle creek, near Pea body, while fishing with a, young man and two other inrls in a boat. In at tempting to change places with one of the girls in the boat it capsized, throwing the four into the water, which was very deep. The young man rescued all but Miss Wagoner, who floated down the stream out of reach. Unsold School Bonds. State Auditor Cole, who is agent for the unsold school lands of Kansas, has started tracers after these lands, and already has located over 100,000 acres. The last legislature reduced the minimum price of school lands from $3 tv $1.25 an acre. The auditor believes that at this price he will' be able to sell the lands before the ex piration of his term of office. Properly Appreciated. John Nelson, a business man of Ot tawa lost a pocket book containing $200 cash and several hundred dollars in notes. Thomas Wilkinson found the wallet containing the cash and notes and returned it. As a reward for his honesty Nelson bought Wilkinson a set of furniture costing $100. Tracy to Succeed Lambert. Assistant Attorney General B. H. Tracy is to be the new district attor ney for Kansas. It was thought for awhile that Senator Burton would name I. E. Lambert to succeed him self, but it seems that the slate has been changed and that Tracy is to get the place. Three Kan sans to Go to Manila. David Carson, P. B. Powell and D. C. Fisher were appointed by President Taylor, of the state normal, as teach ' ers in the Philippines. They are mem bers of the senior class at the normal and will leave for the islands in June. Their salary is fixed at $900 a year, . with all expenses. Relieved of Snrplns Digits. From birth up to last Saturday Miss Mabel Turney, of Augusta, possessed the curious malformation of eight toes on one foot. On the latter date three surcreons, or a surgeon for each ex tra toe, removed the surplus digits. A Child's Dress Caught Fire. Maud McMillen, six years old, played " about a bonfire at Topeka and was burned to death. Her father heard her screams and ran to save her, but her clothes were on fire and he could not extinguish the flames. Kansas Zlne-Mlnlna- Report. The state labor bureau report that. the zinc and lead business in southeastern Kansas last year fell much below 1899 and 1898. There are about 150 mills in operation, but twice as many are idle. Didn't Forget the Jndge. When Judge Dale, of the district court at Wichita, committed Mrs. Na t tion to jail the other day, the famous faint-smasher said: "God bless you ' and bring you to repentance." : Good Thing to Keep. Orson Kent, of Burlington, has the . complete bound files of the Kansas M-gasdne, published from January, - 1870, to the latter part of 1873. He has refused $50 for mem. - , - Hew Railroad Maps Wnnted. The state board tf railroad commis sioners .has advertised for bids tar 10 CC0 railroad maps of Kansas. The maps now in use were published ten EECENT DATE. For "'Sassing" the Jailer. A recent telegram from - Wichita said: Mrs. Nation has been placed in the rotary cell at the county jail. She abused the sheriff's wife, calling her all kind of vile names, the "devil's dam being one. The rotary is the cell used for mutinous prisoners. Mrs. Nation also accused Mrs. Wilhoite of being two-faced. The four women now occupy separate cells. . Wellington to Oppose Reeder. E. W. Wellington, of Ellsworth, says that he will be a candidate for con gress before the republican conven tion of the Sixth district next year. Wellington is one of the best-known men in the state, and, on account of his masonic standing, has something of a national reputation. W. A. Keed er, the present incumbent, wants to remain in congress. Wealthy Woman Dead. Mrs. Allen Sells-Greenspan, widow of the late Allen Sells, the well-known showman, died in Topeka recently. Some years ago Mrs. Sells married Simon Greenspan, who died last fall. An adopted son, William v Sells, is the only heir to the large estate. Mrs. Sells-Greenspan was one of the wealth iest women in Kansas. Kansas Man Gives Up an Office. ' John R. Harrison has resigned the postmastership of Havana, Cuba and Carlos Hernandez, a Cuban, has been appointed his successor. Mr. Harrison will re-enter the service of the United States. He is a native of Manhat tan, and was sent to Cuba by J. L. Bristow, the fourth assistant post master general. Gov. Morrill's Dig Apple Orchard. A force of 40 men is at work setting out 27,000 apple trees on the farm of ex-Go v. E. N. Morrill in the southern part of Leavenworth county. When this lot of trees is planted there will be 64,000 trees set out in one compact body of land, making it the largest distinctive apple orchard in the United States. Some Fences Ought to Stay. S. E. Cave, representative in the leg islature from Haskell county, has asked Senator Burton to appeal to the interior department for a modification of the order that fences inclosing public lands must be removed. He be lieves fences ought to be torn down only when specific . complaints are made. ' Parsons May Get Offices. It is reported that the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad company will soon remove its general offices from St. Louis to Parsons. The reason is said to be the great expense of maintaining them at St. Louis, the item of rent being $30,000 a year. Probably the Biggest Male. William Sponyo, who lives in Brown county near White Cloud, owns a mule 20 hands high and weighing nearly 2,000 pounds. It is not quite four years old and promises to be 'much bigger. Mr. Sponyo recently refused an offer of $300 for the animal. Work on the Orient Line. Dirt will fly in Lyon county on the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient railway inside of two weeks. This is what J. H. Eaton, general attorney for the company, says. The company now has 500 men at work out of Anthony. Hew Chaplain at Kansas Prison. Rev. J. D. McBrian, of Sedan, has been appointed chaplain of the Kansas penitentiary to succeed Rev. R. A. Hoffman, resigned. McBrian is an ex legislator and was chaplain of the Kansas senate last winter. Hew Courthouse at .Clay Center. The cornerstone of the new $40,000 Clay county courthouse at Clay Center was laid with impressive ceremonies, half the people of the county attend ing. The new courthouse will be the finest in the state. It is being built of Manhattan limestone. Shirtwaist Parade at Parsons. - About 40 business men of Parsons will branch out in their shirtwaists this summer. For self -protection they will organize a shirtwaist club and give a parade on June 1, the day they will come out in their new garb. Scott Accumulating Wealth. S. M. Scott, a former well-known populist politician of Emporia who ran for congress against Charles Cur tis, is reported "as waxing rich at Beaumont, Texv where he has large oil interests. J Grief Killed the Mother. Mrs. August Palmer committed sui cide at Topeka. by hanging herself in the cellar of her home. She had been despondent by the death of her. baby. Farmer Killed by iaghtnlng. Charles Hill, a farmer living south west of Severy, was struck in the fore head by lightning and killed. He was i married six weeks eyo. TOLD IN FIGURES. Slow rivers flow at the rate of three to seven miles. an hour. Lamps cause 500 fires in a year in London, gas 219, chimneys 179. Sugar exists in the sap of leaves of nearly 200 different kinds of trees. Every day in the year 470,000 tons of cargo are loaded into ships holds. In 1882 there were only 96,000 per sons who could ride a bicycle in Eng land. The earliest mention of shoes is in an Egyptian papyrus, about 2,i00 years before Christ. ' - The average income of physicians In Berlin is about $2,250 a year. The highest incomers $74,000. There are 2,900 words which have the same spelling and meaning both in French and English. Twenty percent, of all horned cat tle are killed for food in a year, 40 out of every 100 sheep, and 90 out of every 100 pigs. The federal department in Wash ington which has the smallest num ber of employes is the department of state, the aggregate salaries of its employes being less than $150,000 a year. FROM DEATH'S DOOR. Hillsdale, 111., April 20 th. Much in terest has been aroused here over the case of William Marks, who has been in a dvinc condition for several months with an apparently incurable Kidney Disease. The leading physicians of this place had pronounced his case a hopeless one, and others from Port Byron, Geneseo, and Davenport, la., had at tended him, and in a consultation de cided that he could not live. In desperation, his nephew inquired of Mr. L. F. Giles, a local druggist, as to a last resort. Mr. Giles suggested Dodd's Kidney Pills, a remedy which had just been introduced here. The results were marvelous. Mr. Marks immediately began to improve, and within a few weeks was able to be up and about, completely cured. His cure is the talk of the neigh hood, and is considered nothing short of a miracle. There appears to be no doubt that this new remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills, will cure any case of Kidney Disease, for the more malignant forms, such as Bright's Disease, Diabetes, and Dropsy, yield readily to its remark able influence. These forms of Chronic Kidney Disease have hitherto been considered incurable, and have baffled all medical skill, and yet, this new remedy has cured every single case in which it has been used, in this neighborhood. The doctors themselves are amazed at the won derful work Dodd's Kidney Pills are accomplishing in Rock Island County. benefit. Try It! Send for a guarantee, all irregularities of 25c ALL DRUGGISTS. CURE yS) CURED n LIVER TONIC - SOc-ViSSP lraq?flfc Sm NEVER I y all bowel troubles, appendicitis, bil iousness, bad. breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foal pains alter eattns, liver trouble, sallow complexion and dizziness. When yonr bowels don't now i e&ia larly yea are cettlnz sick. Constipation kills mora people than all other diseases together. It is a tarter for the ehronle ailments and. Ions; years of BvOring that come afterwards, if a matter what 1H yon, start ta bring CA8CAJXX3TS to-day, for yon , will merer get well and be well all the time until . yon rrt yor bowels right. Take or advice) start wu a reiTsa to-day. nnoer reianaeo. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It ia taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Charged. "Dear," said Mrs. Spendlotz, by way of preliminary, "would you consid er an opal unlucky:" '"I would if I got a bill for one and had to pay it," replied her husband, sternly. "Ah! I'm so g lad I or dered a diamond ring instead." Philadel phia Press. You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write to-dav to Allen S. Olmsted, Leroy, N. Y., for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to shake into your shoes. It cures chilblains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. It makes New or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bun ions. All druggists and shoe stores sell it. 25c. Mrs. Peak "Oh, dear, I'm so tired! I've been house hunting all day." Mrs. Greene ''Why, you're not going to move, are you?" Mrs. Peak "Mercy, no! Mrs. Preye and I have only been around seeing how folks who moved out left their houses." Boston Transcript. The Grand Trunk Railway System. The picturesque route to the Pan-American Exposition, will mail on receipt of 2 cents in stamps, sent to its City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 249 Clark Street, Chicago, the handsomest descriptive folder of the Pan-American Exposition yet issued. The man who boasts that he never speaks ill of an enemy must have been whipped about every other day when he was a school boy. Indianapolis News. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Many a poor tune Is played on a good horn. -Chicago Daily News. How My Throat Hurts! Why don'tyou use Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar? Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. PERFECTION. They are Bnpertar t yla WaTkaanasfalB ass Wear. Every pair flta perfectly aid la eoDrrtale and Eaaj, Ask Tear C ire&Ier far I 10 0WW fm wm a Don't wait until the 'Demon Flr" comes before you look around for protection. Hill I llV I You don't need a Fire Kxtlnsnlaher until you hare a lire; then you needs aaWfe BSasssaas (rood one. to flames. It is a dry powder, harmless strength. (Lasts indefinitely. Many thou Put up in 22-inch tubes,. 2-inch diameter. AGISTS WASTED la every tswa aaa eeanty. MAM-M-MAl! DON'T YOU HEAR BABY CRY? Do you forget that summer's coming with all its dangers to the little ones all troubles bred in the bowels The summer's heat kills babies and little children because their little insides are not in good, dean strong condition. Winter has filled the system with bile. Belching, vomiting up of sour food, rash, flushed skin, colic, restlessness, diarrhoea or constipation, all testily that the bowels are out of order If you want the little ones to face the coming'oangers with out anxious fear for their lives, see that the baby's bowels are gently, soothingly, but positively cleaned oaf in the spring time, and made strong and healthy Before hot iveather sets in, t The only safe laxative for children, pleasant to take (they ask for more) ii CASCARJETS. Nursing mothers make their milk mildly purgative for the baby by eating a CASCARET now and then. Mama eats a CASCARETf baby gets the JQc box of CASCARETS to-day and you will find that, as we the little and big cnildreas insides are CHJIRED 'in w J l R l l ill? m GUARANTEED i wl-1 f t mm a state ; Mint laUmtl dar. TTaajj, . 'Are Ton Going Abroad? If you are going abroad be sure to select the Lackawanna Bailroad as your route . East. The terminus of that line is within two blocks of the docks of the ocean liners operated by the Canard, Hamburg-American, White Star, North German Lloyd, Netherlands American, American, Red Star and French Lines. To the traveler, often encumbered with luggage and accompanied by his family, the advantage of landing so near his point of embarkation is at once ap parent. Not only is the Lackawanna Rail road the most convenient line to the piers of the great Trans-Atlantic Steamers, but the comfort of its patrons is the - special care of a Steamship Agent who will be found on the docks of all the principal lines. From Chicago three through trams are run daily in connection with the Nickel Plate offering a service unsurpassed in lux ury and convenience. From St. Louis there is also a through daily service in connection with the Wabash Railroad. A man seldom does his best unless he is working for himself. St. Louis Star. Ask your Grocer for Red Cross Ball Blue. Large 2 oz. package five cents. The branches of ffie Mississippi have an aggregate length of 15,000 miles. DDONX GET UEIT! THE ORDINAL OIL. CD CL.OTMINQ. IBfiHRffKIEI iwcmuuniuuiK IN r-3" viw iWn fATArnGUFS FREE IS FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. AdT0WERCa.B03T0N.MA33i l PTTOT nura by large Manufacturing House ; HVall 3.0 in casta paid for 12 days trial; pro motion and permanent position if satisfactory. Ad dress G. B. P. CO.. 733 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, LIGHTNING RODS 13 Wanted. tow. a. oi CO., cixtlSSATl. O. Catalaa-ae. NORTH.MXHORXAT FurallnreCa., KxcIusIt Fnrnltnra n4 -Carpet. uM-ll'tt Walnut 8U. Kan. CHr, Mo. Made In Kansas City, U. S. A. oot cEsncc ORM wIIUa.Ja will do the work immediately, and does no daman except to life, does not explode, freeae. eraporate, or lose lta sand homes already equipped. Half million now in use. $3.00 each. 6 tubes or orer $2.60 each. Good reliable W. N. Matthews & BrO.101Carleteabld., Sblaala. SOLD IN BULK. TOt'UUTt Five years are tfco flnt box mt I JCTS was aaie. Kaw it Is over eta atlluoa set a maa. mrmmtmm tku aiav ON aALB'"s3 LJ EVERYWHERE. L fOWTV shatlas asedlelao la tao worM. This la a.fcaalata praor at are aertt, susd .or Ixsa teattassaUU. We have faith tsad . wm sail CAMABKTI .aaalately (aaraaUea to care ' nlr kMst trial as sr alar4a aireatlaua. mm Ifjraa are aot nUnmtm, allerwlai sas a mmik.w4mrmtmm aaaaed &Oe WsaaattasaatrsaxtoukyaatUarttoarantfrns wsiayxaM ahusuS It, mm atitjaai1 aasseyheta far hash TaVas.ralrlu s slln whslaUsvsa start t aamis massssi ao mm waaev. awe ajaja ssiti. sits uw ajaleltfTW,OTu4yaaj wUlblean the day OA JAJ ' K X.. r-oafefrcahyaaati. -if!