State Historical Society 1 TO i 4 i 1 1 ii VOLUME XXVI. HAYS, ELLIS COUNTY, KANSAS, JULY 11, 1908. NUMBER 35. The Democratic National Convention has nominated William J. Bryan for President and John W. Kern for Vice-President. Look Out For Insurance Grafters. Harvey county is being: worked by a very clever insurance grafter and ve reprint the following from the Seig wick Pantagraph as a warning to the farmers of this vicinity. In taking oat insurance, as in buying merchandise, it is always the best plan to do business with our own citizens. The article is as follows: A smooth grafter, a man about sixty years of age, worked this locality last week. He registered here under the name of D. D. Dows, and claimed to be insuring threshing machines. He in sured Jim Cooper's outfit, got $8.00 and promised to have the company forward the policy. Jim is out of the $8.00 and is still waiting for the policy. It is said that he did quite a business with ma chine men south of Halstead. So far as known, Cooper is the only man here that "insured." But he is not the only man stuck. The "agent" left a $6.00 board bill unpaid and Landlord Frasier, who treated his guest fine, even carry ing lemonade to his room, would like to meet him a few minutes. He thinks he could get $6.00 worth of satisfaction out of him. Jim Ogan is also $14.50 short for livery rigs furnished the phil anthopist who wanted to protect the threshing machine men. Mr. Ogan not only furnished the rigs but paid for a feed bill at Newton, as the last heard of the grafter was at Velsh's barn at Newton, where he left Mr. Ogan's rig. Jim went up after the rig, paid the feed bill, and looked around for the grafter, but failed to find him. The grafter at times claimed to be representing a Wichita insurance company, and at other times his company was located at St. Louis. He will no doubt try his graft in other towns in the state, so exchanges will do well to show him up before he gets in his work. He regis ters from Ellsworth. Coburn Suggests TenEyck for Director. In the following letter to the editor of the Kansas Farmer, State Secretary of Agriculture, F. D. Coburn, suggests the naming of Prof. A. M. TenEyck as director of the State Experiment Sta tions at Manhattan and Hays- TenEyck is a practical farmer as well as a scien tist and he would no doubt be very ac ceptable to the Hays station. Follow ing is Coburn's letter of recommeda tion: Editor Kansas Farmer: As the prob lem of selecting a director for the Agricultural Experiment Stations at Manhattan and Hays is soon to be dealt with and these are "agricultural" ' institutions, I trust there is no imper tinence in a layman's suggesting that such director should have some ac quaintance with agriculture. If he is a live 'man, abreast of the present standards . of such work, acquainte d with the institutions, with the State, its needs and possibilities, these too Bhould count for something. It seems to me we have just such a tested man, right at hand, in Prof. A. M. TenEyck. Why not make Ten Eyck director, and include as a part of his title, "Professor of Agricultre" unless the word "agriculture" has really become obsolete and its further use is to be tabooed? In spite of its growing disuse and the dislike of it at Manhattan it is pretty good yet and a "professor" at an "agricultural" college should not be regarded, except by the fastidious few, as an impropriety or an indelicacy. F. D. Coburn: Carnival For Hays City. For once a carnival will visit Hays City, j A carnival of fun and amuse ments, electric lights and sights, Ferris wheel and merry-go-round, free acts and brass band. The Brundage and Fisher Amuse ment !Co. have the contract and for five days and nights commencing Tues day, July 14, weather permitting, they Will have their various attractions in full operation for the pleasure, pastime and amusement of the people of Hays and Ellis county. Attractions of all description neces sary to make up a clean and orderly carnival will line the midway. A train ed animal show will be one of the big tent attractions besides the ever popu lar Ferris wheel and merry-go-round. The carnival band will help the mer riment along on the midway and Capt. Clieve the daring high dive artist will furnish his free performance of leaping from the top of a ninety-foot ladder in to a fireman's net. Remember the dates July 14 to 18 inclusive and visit Hays during the merriment. Union Service, On Sunday at 8 p. m. the union ser vice will be held in the Presbyterian, Church. Rev. Wiest will preach. Ev erybody invited. Normal Has Jollification. A jubilee which waa to have been held at the Normal Monday evening was postponed on account of the wet weather until Tuesday evening. On that evening quite a number students and citizens assembled in the new auditorium and the jollification meeting was opened by Prof. Picken, who an nounced the purpose of the meeting. He spoke at some length on the history of the school and its wonderful pro gress in the six years of its existence. The following interesting statistics were brought forward as an evidence of the advancement of the Western Normal. Number of students belong ing Sept. 1, 1902, 23; number of stu dents May 25, 1908, 206. Total enroll ment at end of first year June 1, 1903, 121; same June 1, 1908, 356. The school started September 1, 1902 with three teachers on the faculty. When school opens this fall fourteen teachers will be in the employ of the state. Following Mr.. Picken's speech the faculty led a jubilee song lauding the name of H. W. Oshant, Ellis county's representative who did so much for the school in the state legislature. Mr. Oshant responded in a few selected words and Regent G. P. Griffith of the State Agricultural College was called upon for a few words. Mr. Griffith spoke briefly and pointedly, congratulating the Normal on its new buildings, and advocating the establish ment of a domestic science and a music course as soon as possible. Following this were several other speeches by leading citizens of Hays, H. D.' Shaf fer, E. A. Rea, C. M. Wann, Harry Pestana. Mr. Fite of Indiana also spoke a few words highly commenda tory of the school. E. F. A. Clark who has built most of the buildings at the Normal made what he said was the the first speech of his life, congratulat ing the school on it3 rapid advancement and thanking the people for the cour teous treatment accorded him during his two visits to Hays. After the speaking and singing the meeting adjourned to the campus for fireworks. The. Turner Art Exhibit which was on display in the gymnasium was opened to all the visitors free-of-charge. Newspaper Serials. Booksellers are wondering why the sale of novels is away below normal. The reason is evident to a newspaper man. The reader ro longer goes to the book store and planks down $1.50 for the current novel. Instead he reads it in his home newspaper at $1.00 or $1.50 a year and saves money. Through the auxiliary houses it is now possible for the new newspaper publisher to secure the great novels at a nominal sum. The cheap novel is seldom handled, the auxiliary houses going after the biggest sellers for their customers. No name i3 too great to appeal to auxiliary managers, for they sell the story again and again and make the selling price small individual ly. The Denver (Colo.) Republican says: "When newspaper readers get the very best of modern novels served to them under such conditions it is not strange that there are fewer tremen dous sales of bound books. There will always be a healthy demand for .the finished product, of course, but in the meantime the influence of the first class newspaper serial, such as the Republi can is now running, is bound to be po tent." Fourth Of July Picnic. The following young people held a social picnic m the Normal park on the afternoon and evening of July 4th : The Misses Henrietta Oshant, Amy Swires, Mabel Rowlison, Charlotte, Ruth and Katherine Brown, Henrietta Meyer, Lillian Picken, Myrtle Ramsey, Lizzie Troth, Grace and Eva Hubbard, Nellie Reeder, Sophia Dickinson, and Myrtle Wyatt and Milicent Wilcox of Salina, Messrs. Ward, Middlekauff, Decker, Davies, Oshant, Tredway, Matthew, Freese. The main excitement of the evening consisted in an accident which might have resulted seriously but for the prompt action of Mr. Tredway. One of the young ladies, who were all shooting firecrackers, was sitting on a bench with a piece, of lighted "punk" in her hand and a bunch of firecrackers in her lap. Unconsciously her hand fell in her lap and before either she or the young man with whom she was sitting realized what had happened the' fire crackers were going off in her lap. The prompt assistance of two of the young men put out the fire but only after her dress had been pretty badly burned. It is safe to say that at least one Hays young lady will remember the picnic for days to come. Bryan For Third Trial. The National Democratic Convention met in Denver this week. Bell of Cali fornia was made the temporary-chairman, with Mr. Clayton of Arkansas as the permanent-chairman. In the Kansas delegation, John At wood was re-elected as National Com mitteeman and Hon. W. A. Hawis on the committee on Resolutions. . Contests on the Resolutions and Cre dentials kept the convention in session until Thursday evening when the candi dates were named and at four o'clock Friday morning William Jennings Bryan was nominated for President. Caldwell Robben. The following article from the Grin nell Record will be of interest to the residents in the east end of the county. Geo. Robben, Jr., the fortunate man of the occasion, is a nephew of William Robben of Walker. "Tuesday, over in the German settle ment north of this city occurred one of those big weddings that the Germans are noted for. This time Miss Mabel Caldwell and George Robben, Jr., were the contracting parties and the princi pals to the event. The ceremony took place at the St. Paul's Catholic church at Angelus, the priest over there offi ciating. The ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock in the morning, a number of the friends and relatives of the two families witnessing. Miss Caldwell is the daughter of Mrs. Caldwell, one of the oldest families of that locality, is a bright young lady having been a suc cessful school teacher for the past several years, has a host of friends both in and out of the church to which she belongs and where she is a regular attendant, besides she is a good steady girl and one of the settlements best productions. The groom is the son of George Robben, a prosperous and sub stantial farmer, and comes also of one of the best families of that section. He is actively engaged at and is making a success of farming, owning land north of Campus where he and his bride now reside. A bountiful wedding dinner was served consisting of all the delica cies of the market and was. an elabor ate affair. Peculiar to the custom of the Germans on such events, dancing was enjoyed until a late" hour by a large number present at the home of the newly wedded-couple. A magnifi cent collection of useful and attractive presents were presented them by their many admirers." Grinnell Record. The Essex Opening. Two of the most enjoyable events in Havs social circle for many years took place last Friday and Saturday evenings on the occasion of the opening of the Essex Club building in this city. The formal opening by the club mem bers and their ladies was held Friday evening. Dancing began shortly after nine o'clock and lasted until midnight, when they adjourned to the Brunswick Annex where a bountiful banquet a waited them. The feast lasted about an hour and a half and the merry-makers then returned to the club house where dancing continued two hours longer. By arrangements with the El ectric Light Co. the lights and electric fans were kept going until the conclu sion of the dancing. On Saturday evening a reception was given to the general public and dancing was indulged in from nine o'clock until midnight. A very large crowd was present and the ball room floor was crowded until about eleven o'clock when the crowd began to thin out. Quite a number of out of town visitors were present. AH in all the opening days were a big success and will mark an era in the history of the Essex Club of Hays. The ball room was appropriately deco rated for the Fourth of July and the fuur large fans kept the room cool. The parlor and. reading room on the second floor are both handsomely fur nished and are very cosy. The 'wall paper on the various rooms is quite ap propriate and is the finest that money could buy. Nearly everyone was much surprised at the beautiful way in wh'ch the interior of the old building has been remodeled. It i3 certainly a credit to the enterprising young men of the club. St,. John's Military School Salina, Kans. We have received the July issue of the "Salina Watchman," which gives considerable space to St. John's Mili tary School, Salina, Kansas. The views give an idea of its excellent buildings, and of several phases of military life, showing cadets who are well set-up and soldierly in bearing. St. John's is an old School, having been founded in 18SS, and is the only military school (in the strict sense") in Kansas. It has a de partment for boys under fourteen. TTe Way It, Was Done. When the state board of regents were in session at Emporia last week and the question of extending the course at the Western State Normal at Hays was brought up, it was sub mitted by the board to their secretary, L. B. Kellogg, to find out whether or not such a step could be legally made. Mr. Kellogg was not able to decide the matter so he referred it directly to Fred Jackson, attorney general of Kan sas. The following letter from him was the official decision on which the Board of Regents of the State Normal School extended the course to a four year's course with a life diploma. July 3, 1908. L. B. Kellogg, Esq. Sec'y. Board of Regents, Emporia, Kansas. Dear Sir: In your letter of June 30th you submit the following: "Can the Board of Regents under the present laws issue- to the graduates of the aux iliary normal schools at Hays and Pitts burg diplomas which will be a life cer tificate to teach in the public schools of the state upon completion by such graduates of a four year's course of study in the State Normal School at Emporia for which life certificates are issued by that institution?" Thie question involves aa examination of certain Statutes; Section 7443 of the Generrl Statutes of 1905 provides for a two year's course of study at the Ft. Hays branch of the state normal school. This section is a part of-the Law of 1901, and the purpose of that Act was to confine the work of the Ft. Hays Normal School to mere preparation for the State Normal School at Emporia. Section 7513, Id., being part of the law of 1903 establishing auxiliary manual training school at Pittsburg provided that the course in that institution should not extend over two years. Until the passage of Chapter 388 of the Session Laws of 1905, it is clear that only a two year's course could be maintained either at the Ft. Hays Nor mal or at the Pittsburg Manual Train ing School, and until the passage of said act of 1905 the only power of the State Normal School to confer diplomas wa3 Section 7472, General Statutes of 1905. , The last act, however, supersedes the law limiting the course of study in the Ft. Hays and Pittsburg schools, and supersedes Section 7472. It is perhaps needless to say whether the law of 1905 ao completely covers the subject matter of these earlier acts as to repeal them in toto. The law of 1905 authorizes the Board of Regents of the State Normal School to fix courses of study for the State Normal School and its aux iliaries, the Ft. Hays and Pittsburg schools, and to extend the courses al ready in existence; and establishes nor mal courses of not less than three years in the schools at Ft. Hays and at Pitts burg, and provides that in so doing the Regents shall not be limited by any of the restrictions heretofore made as to subjects or length of courses in either of said schools. The Law of 1905 fur ther provides that the Board of Regents may issue one year certificates to teach school on the completion of the first two year's course at any of these schools, Emporia, Ft. Hays or Pitts burg, a diploma may be issued which shall be valid as a certificate to teach in the public schools for three years, and if used successfully in public school teaching for two years out of the three, shall be merged into a life certificate by the State Board of Education, under Section 6742, Id. The second section of the Act of 1905 also empowers the Board of Regents to confer such degrees as it may deem proper. In view of the foregoing, it is clear that the Board of Regents under the present laws may issue to graduates of the Ft. Hays and Pittsburg schools di plomas which will in time merge into Jife certificates to teach in the public schools of the state, pursuant to the same regulations by which diplomas be come life certificates for graduates of the parent school at Emporia. And it is not necessary, under the present ex isting laws, for a student to attain to such diploma to be matriculated -at Emporia at all. His whole scholastic course may be completed either at Ft. Hays or at Pittsburg. The important matter being that the student complete the work, and it i3 immaterial whether his work be done at the parent school of Emporia, or at either of its auxiliar ies. So far as this opinion pertains to the Pittsburg Manual Training School, .it is written without an examination of the possible question of its being an aux iliary state normal school for the rea son that your question assumes it to be such. That the Ft. Hays School is an integral part of the State Normal, the Statutes :have made too clear for any cavil. Yours truly, F. S. Jackson, Attorney General! MAYS Tuesday, July Vvx ' r TRAINED A,n attraction by the urundage and Fislier Amusement Co. "The K ? ''. THE Trained Animals, - - Electric Palace, Merry Widow Girls, House' of Trouble, Big Snake, - Pongo, the Giant Gorrila Fire Fighters, - - - Trip to the Moon, Merry-go-round, Ferris Wheel. - ' - - TRAINED FREE I FREE ! FREE I Captain Clieve in his sensational high dive from the top of a ninety-foot ladder. Free on the Midway. o s4 m v.f m CITY 14th to 18th i f ANIMAL SHOW 9f ows MIDWAY - X " ; -X ANIMAL SHOW