Newspaper Page Text
6) (") $ Hcadqunrrs lor Brvgs, Toilet Articles AND SUNDRIES. (I irrcr I'uhiished every Saturday morning. Indeper.dert of any Politics. Entered as se cor -class matter in the p;st office at Hays, Kansas. Prescriptions carefully compounded 9 0 V have a large ru.d complete stock of Stationery, Sporting Goods. Fishing Tackle. Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco. Lowney's Chocolates and Bon-Bons. e7 tfMlft TO LOAN Id d VL v4J - - Farmers if ycu need any money for Harvest Expenses don't fail to call on the CITIZENS' STATE BANK, HAYS, KANSAS. One minute Washer. Riverside Oaks, Comets. Acorn Base Burners. ' Pipe cf all kinds. Hods, Shovels, stove-bords. Paints, Oil and Varnish of all kinds. Hardware store, Hays City. 1. II. W1WTI t t t -T H 'I ! -V George S. Grass, Dealer in Shoes and Gents' Furnishings. Exclusive Agency for J the QUEEN d UALITY shce for Women. J & the W. L. Douglas shoe for Men. When in need" of anything in my line call and be convinced that my prices are right, and Remember that quality is the true test of Cheapness. Established in 1882 by Harry Freese October 17, 1903. Dr. F.-tterbti.- our former band lead er, with bis wife, visited friends here Sunday. More Post Cards at Spratt's Book Store than at all other stores in Hays C uub'ned. m 44-tf William Snively and Birney Fitz patrick drove out to Trego county last Saturday to visit friends there. ."Lee Sfcelton and Sam Haddock are planning- to take a trip soon to Western Kam-as in search of land for a ranche. Dr. Brown, the eye specialist from Salina, was here arain on Monday. IJe has a pood practice and is 'succssaful in his trtatntent. Goorge Johnson eame home to spend Sunday. He reports the Ellis schools doing splendidly this year and large attendance of scholars. Mrs. Wm. Ityan i$ haying city water run into the secpnd stpry rooms in her store block on North Wain street over sh j rt't Store. Eljia has an election proclamation published fpr voting $45,000 bonds for a city water works and electric light plant. The election is to be held Nov. 12th next. Fred ftljller has for sale fifteen hun drod (1500) lots in all parts of the city. PHcep range from S10.C0 up. Will sell on monthly payments or any other way to suit the purchaser. 47-tf It is a Fnrprtee to strangers to our town fo seo a drzon wheat wagrens coming to town in a hunch, most of thm driven by women and childrer. Out here a six to ten yenr old boy or girl can bring in a J50 load of wheat as well 8 ppvbody and don't think it any great thing to do it. Gus Lamb of Codell was a Hays visit r on Tuesday. Ch.-irli'? Rt-edor is having cement locks put under his new cottage. Ladies should remember that this fiice can get them elegant engraved visiting cards at small cost, or print ome nearly as nice at smaller cost. Mrs, Slimmer and children, former residents of Hays, spent the latter part of last week with friends here. She left for Russell Sunday morning. John Byers has bought the Barthole niew cottage on east Juniata street and will take possession Nov. 1. He has bought in town in order to educate his children at our splendid sol ols. Out at the Turkville Baptist church they are getting along so well with the building that they have arranged for Rev. Jenkens of the Fairport district to preach for them half his time. POCKET KNIVES. At the Philip Hardware Store this week they got in a me beautiful pocket knives for Christ mas. Go get one blfore the prettiest is selected. In the contest for the world's cham pionship of baseball between the Cubs of Chicago and the Detroit Club, win ners of the pennants of their respective associations, the- Cubs won, having captured four of the five games played of the series of seven to be played. Some team ran the wagon tongue iu to the watering tank opposite the Phil ip store putting it out of service for a time, much discommoding the farms who bring in wheat. The city should put a round, low, tank sitting on the grpund so no wagon tongue will upset H, jVew Ttarher Shop. T,oftpd on Chsnut street, ndjoin- pp- weisper store. Your patronap-e solicited. 43-tf i A Gassman's i Slice SIioo ! equipped with modern and up-to- 4 ) date machinery. Light, medium or heavy half-soles sewed on while you wait. So rrarRff able have the new style hloons h- cme that at a late celebra tion in Fhilndelphia on land and water, a haloon started from the middle of the city, rose to a great heieht, then cir cled over the ships in the river, and Came close enough to drop a message of greeting in the flag ship and then went hack Its gtartine point. In another instance of an aeeensio" in fip-mnrv this weik. a baloon up 4000 fret colapsed and fell to the ground and had it not been for the large tis sue, forming a parachute, coming down slowly, the men in it would have been mashed to pulp. GREAT MUSIC OFFER. Serd us the nmps of three or more performers on the Piano or Orcan and twentv-five cents in silver or postfre and we wi'l mail von postpaid our lit est Popnlar Music Roll containing 20 paces full Sheet Mnsic, consisting o popular Sontrs. Marches and Waltzes arranged tor the Piano or Orcan in rlndinc FUDYAD TTnAUF.R'S famou" FHp-ht of the Butterflies," "March Manilla' and the latest popular song. "The Girl I've Seen " Popular Music Publishing Co Indianapolis. Ind FIgs for Sale. We have pome young pigs for sale at our farm south of the Reservation Phone 614 or see M. L. Moore. 44-3t rr tr If Ycu Want I Professional and Business Cards t E. A. Rea, Attorney at Law, owe wer ostoffice. phone 129. J TT. CJATUPATj. Pnvsician & Surgeon Fhonk ( Offic 34. j Besidenee 46 HAYS, KANSAS. O. M. HOLMQUIST, ATTORN EY'A T-LAW. HAYS CITY. KANSAS, OFFICE OVER 1ST NATIONAL BANK. Phone 180. A fast, reliable, durable and t economical conveyance. The Indian "Motorcyle is at your Bervice. It holds every track record worth having in the U. S. and perfect scores in Great Britain 2 years. We have some very interesting1 booklets describing how the Ind J an is built. Drop us a card and it will bring catalog and booklets. Address H. Tholen & Son, Victoria, Ks. Neat mending &. invisible patching a specialty Our motto: 'To Please You.1 4 4 -hit mini' sr.? a iee I Baking Powder for Light, Sweet and llholcsomc Flour Foods. IG-oz, Ccn 20s . W 1 J - i 4 KZ W sr' - v WM. JORDAN. RESIDENT DENTIST Phone 84. - Hays, Kans Kays Gity Laundry FRED fUFF, PROP. I ALL WORK FIRST I ,t.CLASS... X We also do chemical clothes cleaning. . . Work called for and delivered. Phone 62. WANT ADS. 5c. Per Line Low One way Rates WEST EVERY DAY To Oct 31, 1908. $30 $30 dQA to Everett, Bellingbam, $30 to San Francisco, Los Ange-2 les, San Diego, and other California points. to Portland, Tacoma, and Seattle. Vancouver and Victoria. To Weed, Cal., Ashland Roseburjr. Eueene, Al bany and Salem, including S. Pac branch lines in Oregon. to Spokane and inter mediate O. R. & N. points $30 Via Union Pacific Inquire of A. W. Noble, Agent, Hays. Do You Want to Sell Your Farm? If so kindly send me a full description and your price. have buyers here in eastern Kansas whom I am bringing to your country every two weeks and selling land. I have im mediate buyers for quarter sections, and one-half sections. Don't wait but send me a description of your land to day. My commissions are reasonable. Address O. H. McQuary, Jr. & Go., Real Estate Loan & Investment Co., Morrill, Brown County, Kans. Or see our representativbe. C. A" LEE, at our office over Post Office in Hays, Kansas. Eye and Ear Surgeon, Dr. M. Jay Brown, the Salina eye and far specialist will ffTl his reeuli monthly date in Hays on MONDAY OCT. 12. Will be at the Brunswick Hotel. 43-2t Notice for Publication. No. 0200 Department of the Interior, U.tS Land Oflice Colby, Kansas, bept. 14, iyu. Notice i hereby gnven that Joseph Hubbellof Havs. Kansas, who, on Sep. 21, 11)03, made Homestead Entry No 26719, Serial No. 0200 for the NeJ of See. 28, Township 11 south, range 18 W. 6th p. m , has hlea notice oi inten tion to make final five year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed before the Probate Junge at Hays Kansas, on the 24th day of Octo ber. 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Sidney Lawrenoe, David Lashelle, Charles Lawrence. Hattie Bucklew all of Hays P. O. Kansas. J no. Thomas, Register. s 19 o 24 Notice for Publication So. Ott5 Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at Colby, Kansas. Sept. 5, 190. Notice is hereby given that Gust Lindquist, of Natoma, P.O. Kansas, who on August 14, ionj made Homestead en try No. 25583 Serial No. 0145 for the SE section 12. township 11 south, ranee 16 west 6th P M., has filed notice of intention tr make final five year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before th Probate Judge a' Hays, Kansas on the 19m day of October, 1900. Claimant names as witnesses. James Schamburgtr and Frank Chrisler of Paraaise P.O. Kansas: Louis Caster and Charles Harsh. of Natoma P.O. Kansas. Jno. Thomas, lieqister Sept. 1 2 O 10 Drugs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Books, Stationery Sundries Cigars. Ice Cream, Sodas and Sundaes. Prescriptions carefully and promptly filled. Matft Opposite Depot Phone 76. & g -P i Furniture i UndertEikmg . Your Best Friend in time of need is a fat bank account. It will stand by you when all others fail. The way to . acquire this fat account is to begin depositing and keep at it The Citizens' State Bank accepts very small sums and in vites you to start an account with it to-day. After once commenc ing, you will need no urging to add to your account. The bene fits will be so obvious- For Sale. Three 5 room cottages; Two 3 room cottages; One 6-acre lot close to town. For terras see John C Adkxns. 23-tf Land For Sale. SL I have for sale 400 acres, two miles and a half from Hays, Kans., a splen did wheat farm, about" 200 acres in wheat, .11 in Terms reasonable. This Is a ztx-t. Ce c.?tLV-3 43-t Carpets, Curtains, Matting, Wall Paper, Pictures, Picture Frames, Etc e Good Wall Paper at 5c a Roll. WINDOW SHADES. Ml prices. BABY CARRIAGES t o suit. Large assortment Carpet samples a WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR GOODS. F. MAVEMANN "Sf : 15j5 4 Going to Build This Year ? That it is cheaper in the long run to Build than it is to $ Rent is a conceded fact. One year's rentals amount to twice a as much as the interest on a building investment. ' Money saved is money earned don't rent, when you can save money by g building a home of you own. We can supply you with L U e.:k at reasonable prices and we will gladly figure your needs with out extra charge. H Also can supply LIME, CEMENT, and Building Materials which you will need in building your home or making improve ments. Come in and see us. G0AL" A number of different kinds and grades varying prices.. C. Schwaller & Son if U Q CUD C U Your Impiemen and see what you will need to do the Spring work. Don't deceive yourself by thinking you can do another year's work with an implement that has served its time." You will find it cheaper in the long run to buy a new Wagon, Mower or Harrow, than to try to get along with patched-up implements. Full line of Repairs for all Implements. o Schlyer (Sucxssors to John Schlyer & Sens) - H..W. OSHANT, ABSTRACTOR. Bonded in sum of 000. ileal Est2t, Irstjrsiss d Lcsns. hi 1 :1