Newspaper Page Text
EXPERT. "Doc Ahem You seem to cougb with considerable difficulty this morn Ing. - Patient That's very strange. I've ben practicing all night! !BABY8 ITCHING HUMOR. "Nothing Would Help Him Mother Al 'most in Despair Owes Quick 'Cure to Cuticura. ""Several' months ago, my little boy I began to break out with itching sores. 'I doctored him, but as soon as I got 'them healed up in one place they v would break out In another. I was almost In despair. I could not get anything that would help him. Then !I began to use Cuticura Soap and Cuti cura Ointment, and after using them three times, the sores commenced 'to i heal. He Is now well, and not a scar 'Is left on his body. They have never returned nor left him with bad blood, as one would think. Cuticura Reme dies are the best I have ever tried, and I shall highly recommend them to any one who is suffering likewise. Mrs. William Geeding. 102 Washing ton St., Attica, Ind., July 22, 1907." . As He Saw It. Once upon a time there was a very little boy who desired to go out for a walk with his nurse, but it was rain ing that day, so he couldn't. Hut he was consoled when informed that he might go the next day. Alas! When the next day came rain was still coming down without abate ment. The little boy looked discon- t;olately at the heavens. "God is getting very careless," Ihe said. Mercenary Marriages. "Dinna marry for the siller, Jock," said old Sandy, sagely, to his son, who i seemed to show symptoms of the ; awakening of a young man's fancy; "gin ye dae, ye'll aye regret it. For a'm tellln' ye, when I marrit ye'r mitber, 1 hadna but ae shillin', forby .she had auchteen pence. And for all the 15 year o' oor marrit life, I ne'er heard the last o' the odd saxpence." F. C. Luck, In West Coast Magazine. After a girl has put a rose In a . man's buttonhole, she tilts her pretty chin and looks up sidewise, standing V ever so close many a chump's too slow to take the hint. PERUNA A TONIC OF ' GREA T USEFULNESS. 3 HON. R. S. TMJEL.RIISI. Hon. R. S. TharJn, Attorney at Law .and counsel for Anti-Truat X.eagMf., -.writes from PennsylTunia Avt4 VY, tVasliinfjton, D. C, &s follows; i-"Ilavinff used Perunm for catmrrhmt ' disorders, I am able to testify to its great remedial excellence and do not hesitate to give it my emphatie "udorse aent and earnest recommendation to jaJil person affected by that disorder. It 'is also a tonic of great usefulness." Mr. T. liarneoott. West Aylmer. Ontario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was ill with pneumonia after having la gflppc I took Tcruna for two months. when I became quite welL I also in duced A younjr lady, who was all run down and contined to the house, to take Peruna, and after taking1 Peruna for three manths she is able to follow her rade of tailoring'. I can recommend Peruna for all such who are ill and re-quii-e a tonic'! Pe-ru-na Tablets. Some people prefer to take tablets. : rather than to take medicine in a fluid . form. tuch people can obtain Peruna tablets, which represent the solid me dicinal infrredlents of Peruna. Each tablet Is equivalent to one average dose ' of Peruna. . Live Stock and Miscellaneous Electrotypes In great variety for sale at the lowest prices by WF..STE3IN NEWSPAPER UNION KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI ' HAIR BALSAM demur lA brnu!kej th hmTr. iihk) s luxuriant pmct'i. Ffci'.a to iteetora Or$y K air to Urn Youttful Color. siakes lauarfry wor a pleasure. W o. xk. 10c 'v v, -J New and Old Methods of Cooking Meat Dishes Swiss Roast. Take a round steak about two or two and a half Inches thick; 'pound into it as much flour as It win take, using the edge of a heavy plate for that purpose. When the flour "has been pounded into both ides put the meat into a skillet with some lard and brown it on both sides, or use oil Instead of lard. Then cover with water, adding onions enouga to flavor and a whole ripe tomato or an equal quantity of canned tomatoes rwhen the fresh vegetables are not in season. Cover tightly and cook for two hours, adding more water as nec essary during this time. Just before the meat is done, salt and pepper to taste. A little of "Grandma's Spanish "Pepper" is nice. Delicious as this dish is when served hot, it is also very nice cold. Economical Ragout. Pnt lour table- spoonfuls of butter in pan and brown. "Have two and a half 'pounds of round steak cut about two Inches thick and 'fry brown on both sides. Cut up four onions, two tomatoes, and one gTeen pepper; pile on top and around meat. Season to taste. Fill pan with water, cover, and boil slowly until done, and you have a dish fit to set before a king. Swedish Meat Balls. One pound of round steak, one pound of fresh pork, one cup of cracker crumbs, one cup of milk, one egg. Make into little round balls and fry about 20 minutes. Stew for Two. Take a small roast of any kind of about two pounds, or chicken. Put In a frying pan in which two tablespoonfuls of lard or butter has been heated.. Then put your meat in and keep turning it so it will brown on every side. Then add a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of vinegar, a 'handful of flour, and a pinch of pep per. Turn into a larger vessel, add enough water to almost cover meat, put cover on and cook slowly for half an hour. Then add six onions and sis potatoes and cook until done. Last of : all season with salt. Result is a nice stew with plenty of brown gravy. Baked Ham. Get a ham and let -It soak in cold water over night, rn the morning pour off water and cover again with cold water, and add one cup vinegar and one, cup molasses; boil until tender; then stick a few cloves in the ham and sprinkle top lightly with sugar, and bake for about an hour. Then serve hot. This way of cooking ham gives it a fine flavor, and it Is not too salty. It slices nice ly cold for luncheon the next day. Ham Patties. Chop cold boiled ham, add one-third as much bread crumbs, moisten with milk. Fill patty or bis cuit pan about two-thirds. . Set in moderately heated oven and when hot break an egg over each patty (be careful not to break yolk), then set back into oven until the eggs are cooked. .When slightly cooled serve on lettuce leaf. Pantry Brushes. Butler's pantry brushes are invalu able to the neat housekeeper. They get into corners and crevices that the ordinary brush fails to reach. One of the most useful is shaped in a right angle with the sides about three inches high and bristles bordering both corners. The wooden frame does not quite finish out the square, for in the opposite corner the wood is round ed and made into a handle. . Another satisfactory cleaning brush has an 18-inch handle with what looks like a gigantic tooth brush on one end and a round,- flat brush on the other. These are helpful in cleaning shelves and corners that would otherwise be out of reach. Pitnentoes as a Garnish. "Not enough hostesses make use of the small sweet peppers called pimen toes. They are artistic accompani ments to many dishes, with the added advantage that they can be eaten. They will quite transform ordinary shredded cabbage if made as a border around the edge of the salad dish, the whole masked with mayonnaise. Equally attractive are they when edg ing a border of rice around stewed ichicken or aurroundlng boiled fish with white eauce. To Clean Woodwork. Save the tea leaves for a few days. Steep- them In a tin pan for half an hour, strain and use th tea to wash All varnished woodwork. The tea acts as a strong detergent, cleansing the paint from all Impurities and making the varnish equal to new. It cleans window sashes and oil cloths. It washes window panes and mirrors much' better than water and is excel lent for cleansing black walnut. It will not do to wash unvarnished paint with it. Deviled Chicken. Beat up one egg, add half a tea spoonful of dry mustard, a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt and half a tea spoonful of curry powder. Mix well. Divide a cold cooked chicken into 'neat joints, rub over with a little flour Brush over each plate with the egs mixture, cover with fine bread crumbs place in a baking tin with three heap ing tablespoonfuls of butter. Bake ir a hot oven for 15 minutes. Garnist ?.ith friend prasley and sever hot." Peanut Salad. One teacup peanut3 shelled anc soaked in olive oil a few minutes, txc teacups celery in small pieces, ont dozen pitted ripe olives ; serve on let. tuco leaves with mayonnaise dressh-g Corn Dodgers. " ' Two cups Indian meal, one cup flor two-thirds cup molasses, two eggs, one quarter teaspoon soda. ' Mix with half a cup hot water. Fry like pancakes. Split and butter when you eat them. Juicy Roasts.' . ' ' Place three or four thin sliest of bacon on the top of a roast. This gJves a f-cclfivcr aid make te roast "K.AHSAS. . STATE HEWS A Brief Reyiew of tte Happenings of a Week Condensed Into Paragraph for oar Busy Readers $211,680 For November. It is sstl- mated by State Auditor J. M. Nation :hat it will cost $211,680. to cover the expenses of the state for the month of November and he turned this -estimate over to State Treasurer ! rulley. The state treasurer will draw j warrants on the county treasurers who have state taxes in their hands. This is known as the state Treasurer's "draw." Hutchinson Chief . Exhonerated. Judge P. J. Galle of the district court at Hutchinson sustained the motion of Attorneys Prigg and Williams to quash in the case brought by Council man G. T. Hern against Chief of Po lice W. H. Dixon. This throws the case out of court. This is the case brought through the county attorney's office to oust the chief from office be cause it was charged that he had fail ed to do his duty. The attorneys for Mr. Dixon claimed that the charges did not state that Chief Dixon had vio lated any statute of Kansas or ordi nance of the city of Hutchinson and that, therefore, there was nothing for the court to hear. The judge so decid ed. Unknown Man Dead at Wichita. The body of an unknown man about 35 years of age was found In the rear of a residence at 308 Tremont street. This is the Wichita red light district. Cocaine was found on the man's per son. Following is the verdict of the jury: "The jurors upon their, oaths, do say that from the testimony given, the deceased came to his death from poison or dope of some kind either talten or administered byhimself or some other person unknown to the Jury. The said unknown man came to his death at the house of one Ella Dawson, No. S08 Tremont street, whose reputation as shown by the evi dence Is that of a dope fiend." Tht body was buried at the expense of Sedgwick county. Twine Cheaper Next Year, The price of raw sisal, the material used in the making of harvesting twine at the state penitentiary, has dropped to the bottom and the wheat raisers of Kansas will reap the benefit next summer in the low price of twine. The price tT sisal has heen going down all summer and a few weeks ago War den, Haskell let the contracts for fur nishing the state plant with the pro duct at much lower prices than ever before. The shipment of sisal have just "begun reaching the penitentiary and the twine plant is working full time. It is an uncommon thing for the penitentiary plant to be running at full time this season of the year. Because of the low price of sisal War den Haskell has started every spin dle going in order to make up Into twine as much of the cheap sisal as possible. The result of this cheap sisal will be a big saving to the wheat raisers Of the state next year. Just what the saving will he has not been figured out. But the reduction in the price per hundred pounds will be considerable. The penitentiary offi cials are wondering what they are going to do for help since the removal of so many of the Oklahoma prison ers. The penitentiary is not. a place where help can be hired when it is needed. The officials have to depend upon the judges and Juries of the state to furnish them with necessary help. Many of the Oklahoma prison ers have already been removed and when they are all taken, which will be soon, there will be but eight hun dred men left in the institution to work the mines, the brick yards and twine plant. 1 It's Special Legislation. In the trial of two young men arrested for fish ing with a trap, Judge Dillon in dis trict court at Concordia held section 5 of the game and fish laws, as amend ed In 1907, to be special legislation and therefore unconstitutional. The section as amended permits fishing other than with rod, hand line or set line in the Missouri and Kansas river as far from the latter's mouth as Douglas county, but not other waters. Miltonvaie College Assured. The Wesleyan Methodist college is an as sured fact for Millonvale now. The deeds have been made to the land and the contract let for the building. That was the big task that the people of Milton vale undertook themselves, but they were evidently equal to it. Fina Horses Burned. A barn and fourteen horses, together with gran ary and alfalfa stacks and other small er buildings belonging to R. C. Slings by, east of Clay Center, burned. Slingsby is a breeder of pedigreed horses. Trlckett Exhonerated. C. W. Trlck- ett, assistant attorney general of Kan sas, was exonerated by a board of three examiners appointed, to hear disbarment charges made against him. Mr. Trickett was accused of making false statements and representations. Two Tornadoes at Sharon. Two separate tornadoes struck Sharon Springs and completely demolished three residences and injured a dozen people.- It i3 though that one will die. The tornadoes were about 200 feet wide and traveled north. Commonder Varns Vets. In a cir cular letter issued by Commander W. A. Morgan of the Kansas G. A. R., he calls attention of the veterans of the Civil war to the precautionary meas ures with .which the government has surrounded the law providing, for pen sions for soldiers widows." It appears that this law requires the widow to furnish proof that her deceased hus band was never'married until he mar ried her and half a hundred other things. Impossible la tnay Instances.! -.r , Jordan recommended OOOOOOOOOOOu o HOW TO MARK YOUR BAL- O o LOT. o o First If you desire to vote a o o straight party ticket, make a o o cross X mark In the circle on o o the ticket you wish to vote and o o nowhere else on the ballot. o o Second If you prefer not to o o vote a straight party ticket o o make a cross X mark in the cir- o o cle as before, and then make a o o cross X mark in the square to o o the right of the names of such o o candidates as you wish te vote o o for, found under any other par- o o ty name. o o Third If you prefer not to o o vote any party ticket, then o o make the cross X mark in the o o square to the right of the name o o of such candidates as you wish o o to vote for and nowhere else o o on the ballot. o o Fourth If you desire to vote o o for a name not on the ballot, o o write the name in the blank o o column and make a cross X o o mark in the square to the right o o of such name. o o If you tear, deface or wrong- o o ly mark your ballot, return It to o o the judges and receive anoth- o o er. o oooooooooooo Collector of Criminal Records. Will McClaughry, head of the United States bureau of identification at Leavenworth, has probably the larg est collection of criminal records in the world at his headquarters in the federal prison. He has 10,959 photo graphs of United States prisoners from the state Institutions and over 10,000 finger print records of criminals besides nearly 27,000 cards containing names and criminal records. Kansas Students Best Judges. The beautiful silver "cup offered by the Kansas City Stock Yards com pany for proficiency in stock judging by college students passes into the possession of the State Agricultural college at Manhattan for the ensuing twelve months. -This splendid tro phy was first competed for at the American Royal show last year and was won by the Iowa team. In the contest this year, held Monday, Octo ber 12, Prof. Kinzer's aggregation of stock judges secured the victory In a closely contested fight, Ames taking second place and the Missouri boy third. In order to secure permanent possession of the trophy the same col lege must win three successive times. The Airship Came Down. Frank Goodale, naviator with the Roy Kna benshue airship, which has been in Wichita making flights since the jubi lee week, narrowly . escaped death while attempting a flight. As he was ascending into the air, a heavy gust of wind caught the prow of the air ship and turned the baloon almost over. Goodale saved himself by turn ing the airship east and righting It, hut another gust of wind caught the forward part of the baloon and bent it downward, striking the tin rudder when a hole was torn in the balloou, allowing the gas to escape. Goodale was about seventy-five feet in the air at the time and the airship dropped almost straight to the ground. As sistants rushed to the scene and pick ed Goodale out, expecting to find him injured severely. Not a bone was broken, however, and he only sus tained a few slight bruises. An at tempt was being made to circle the city and pass around the city build ing. Old Soldier Committed Suicide. William K. Dixon, an old soldier up wards of sixty years old, shot and in stantly killed himself at the home of a son living near Wayne. Trouble in the family over the disposition of his property, which caused him worrj't is given as the cause of his having taken his own life. Mr. Dixon was a member of the Seventeenth Ohio volunteers in the War of the Rebel lion and was wounded in the battle of Chickamauga, so as to be crippled for life. Frank Burford Is Freed. Frank Burford, accused of an assault on lit tle Mabel Gay, was. discharged after the preliminary hearing before Judge Earhart at Winfield. The child was on the stand, but her testimony could not be drawn out only by leading questions. She confessed to being fre quently whipped by her mother for telling "stories." For this reason her testimony was not given much weight. Burford is an intelligent looking man, one of the foremen of Besler's cement work, and live3 in Chanute. He made a good impression on the stand. The Auto Turned Turtle. W. S Romigh, a prominent farmer of Chase county, 85 years old, was killed while driving an automobile he had recent ly purchased. The machine ranoff the stone culvert at Spring Creek crossing:, Just west of Cottonwood Falls, and turned completely over. Mr. Romigh taught the Cottonwood Falls school in 1863 and 1869 and was coun ty surveyor one term and editor- of the Courant and Reveille for some years. He lived on his farm one miJ? west of Cottonwood Falls. that the veterans go to a notarv and make a sworn statement of all of these facts while they are living, ao that 'the widow may have no trouble in securing her pension after Ms' death. ' John Q. Royce to Quit. John' Q. Royce, state bank commissioner, will resign his office immediately aft&r election to accept the office cf secre tary of a building and loan associa tion of Topea. WV S. Albright will succeed hlr One of -the of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. Products of actual - excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the "World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. NOT UP TO THE RECORD. Boy Had, at Least Once Seen Larger Pedal Extremities. A pupil of one of the public schools In Chicago sends this communication: "Dear Sir: In our school this morn ing an amusing dialogue took place. "A primary teacher of Chicago, wishing to impress on her pupils the necessity of greater quiet, said: " T am a great deal larger than any of you, yet I don't make any noise when I walk around the room. " 'Perhaps,' remarked little seven-year-old Kenneth, 'you don't wear shoes. " 'Oh, yes, I do,' quickly replied the teacher; 'just look. Did you ever see any larger than mine?' "Kenneth surveyed them carefully. . " 'Yes,' he replied, slowly, 'once in a show.' " Waverly Magazine. Sheer white goods, in Tact, any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work. The Second Wife. Little Dorothy could not have paid hei father a higher compliment or better expressed her love for him than when she said: "Papa, I would like to tell you something if you won't tell mam ma." "Why don't you want mamma to know it, daughter?" "Well, you tell her things I say, and she laughs at them, and I don't want her to know this." "Let papa hear what you have to say, anyhow." "Well, I have often thought that If mamma were to die I would like to marry you!" Delineator. Eagle Lost Its Prey. Eagles still hover over the crags that make the Cumberland narrows noted. John H. Horchler, an engineer, found a pheasant fluttering in his yard at Cumberland and observed a large eagle flying away. The eagle had dropped the pheasant and made fran tic but unsuccessful efforts to recover it, flying into the yard, but was fright ened away by the presence of Mr. Horchler, who found the pheasant fluttering with jagged holes in its neck from the eagle's talons. Baltimore News. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment- Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY fc CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druegists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Fujiyama Modernized. The beautiful mountain peak of Fu jiyama, which is regarded by the Jap anese as little short of sacred, is to be modernized by electricity. For the benefit of tourists the mountain top and the trail to it will be Illuminated by electric lights. Hotels and refresh ments houses will be erected on the mountain slope, as well as telephone and telegraph stations. Important to Klothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Pear a th SfTjs,. signature 01 jfy-Joy,,rr v w if w mm w In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought What He'd Seen. "No," said the eminent scientist, T have never seen a Plymouth rock hen lay a corner-stone, but I have fre quently seen a pine-apple layer cake." Pettit's Eye Salve Restores. No matter how badly the eyes mar be diseased or injured. All dragmsta or How ard Bros, Buffalo, N.-Y. . When a mother sleeps soundly at night it means that none of the chil dren has any aches or pains. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar made of rich, mellow tobacco. Your deal er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Two-thirds of a woman's worry is due to .her continuous efforts to have her way. ARE TOUR. CLOTHES FADED t Us Kf(i Prr.;a T'cll T?l 4 . - - oim umiu; mem white again. Large 2 oz. package, 5 cents There isn't much meat on the bone of contention. v Ti-2 Old Standard. GROVE'S ? rystem. You knoT? xrli-zt yon are is P -Lnir 2 rr 1 Irca la a t- What the Rod Ws For. Mose Fowler was observed by hl pastor with a long fishing rod in his hand. "My goodness, Mose Fowler! ex claimed the minister, "is yo' goln fish-in'- at yo age?" "No, I ain't goln fishln, sub," pro tested Fowler. "I know it ain't seem ly, suh, but yo cermon las' Sunday on sparin' de rod made slch an impres sion on me, suh, dat I done borrer dls rod off Dick Perkins, an I'se goln t' stan' mah whole thuteen chillen in a row, suh, an' jes' make one good job outer it, so's they won't spile; an den I kin return de rod wif a cl'ar con science, suh. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Up-to-Date. A little girl six years old gave an afternoon tea to some of her friends, and she wished to make it as perfect a reproduction of those given by her mother as was possible. "What shall you give your friends to eat?" asked the same mother. "I don't know," replied the embryo aesthete, "unless I give them pink tis sue paper and cambric tea. Uncle Tom says that's the most fashionable thing." TO DRIVE Oft MALARIA AMI UtlLU UP THE SYSTEM. Take the Old Standard GROVK'S TAHTKLKSS CHUXi TONIC. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the niosl eflectual form. For grown people and children. 60c. All the Difference. NIni George says that my beauty intoxicates' him. Elsie I heard that he said you were enough to drive a man to drink. Journal Amusant. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar is good quality all the time. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory. Peoria. 111. Even In fishing for compliments It's the big ones that generally get away. If you wish beautiful, clear, white clothes use Red Cross Ball Blue. Large 2 oa, package, 5 cents. . It costs more to get out of trouble than it does to keep out. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing? Sjrrop. Tor children teething, softens the gums, reduces ta fiammatlon, allays pain, cures wind coiic 25cabctUe Your use of leisure throws a light on the whole of your life. If Yonr Feet Ache or Burn Ret a 25c package of Allen's Foot-Kase. It glres quick relief. Two mlUion packagss sold yearly. The keener the critic the more cut ting the criticism. Get your size White Mouse Shoes. Slip your feet in. YouH End the shoes snug pliable smooth graceful. They are built lasts. v I bars why If you want 3 get a pair cf I MKS. WASHINGTON WHITE HOUSE" SHOF. KOS MEN, $3.50, 4.00. S.OO and 6.00. FOR WOMEN, S3.30. 4.0A. 3.00. buster sroTfi Blue Ribbon Shoes for yougsfers. Au jow dealer for them. THE BROWN SHOE CO., Makers. ST. LOUIS. r ru 2 I 11 7f -- Catches Me! lSt j I60Z. OncThlrtl Mor Starch. ? ft" -?(, J I i , ! Co? ti it laiuatii 1 1 1 u a 1 1 's: H I 'fWA I'm rm !;W I I I " AMI lii 1 1 PROTECT YOUR LUNGS If erery cough joxi cauh secle on your lungs, you Lave wesJc Imvu Uo3 ft the cough hang on. A "hang-on" cough is dangerous strong ; laags doubly to to week ones. G rid of it in the begiaaimr ! "uce fie congestion, free the throat of phlegm, dear the clogged air " - f Psag and top the cough. For nearly half a cenlunr the unsarpased j - "- wuia vi wujjj, FISQ'S 1 I - . J I, -: insa mm wis iiics Uiiiiviv -ruziic, ilnves out Malaria and builds up tlie f I tairrj. Xhe formula is plainly printed on every bottle, shewing it ' ' J t.u th-- nczi el;ect--l form. For cdtilts cr.d oLIlire-r'. c.?c. " - His Lucid Answer. They were asking the eminent law yer why he took such a large fee from the trust. ' "I think It was its largeness that made it easy to take," he smilingly answered. Then the state's attorneys con ferred. "And didn't you stop to consider that the money was tainted?" they asked him. "No," he ingeniously replied. "1 only stopped to count it" This closed the proceedings for the day. Cleveland Plain-Dealer. Laundry work at home would b much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get th desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind . a paste of varyins thickness, which not only destroys tha appearance, but also affects the wean Ing quality of the goods. This trot ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applle4 much more thinly because of its grea r strength than other makes. Very Unkind. Stage Door Johnny Now what do you think is the first necessary for s nice little supper? Experienced Show Girl A nice bij lobster. t.. m $ Positively cared by these Little Pills, i They also relieve Dls tress from Dyspepsia, I a digestion and Too Hearty Eating-. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, St( Taste In the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. Ihey regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL FILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature j REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.' W. N. U., WICHITA, .NO. 44, 1908. , in a pair of dainty over foot-form. they tit. pretty, snug, easy-fitting cew'ehoes, White House Shoes. - J XiVc El KajsNoEqua-l. FULL POUND UAiUtKS I 11 IV P K I nin I CARTERS rirTTLE flVER JJPU.LS. 7v Hi No premiums, but cnesihlrd more starch than you get of other brands. Try it now, for hot or cold starching it equal and will not stick to the iron. coios ana encat complaints Has been CU21E 1 If a,'.. t.J r!tb'7V - fcjl ..J ?9.USk )