Newspaper Page Text
Peed fur Sale. We have an atur d;nce cf feid (r---shocks cornfodder, 4' 0 shocks V i ' corn, 6) toiid hay, straw in abend . One-half section fenced pasture), ,:, shedding, river water, and wiii r- out pasture, bell feed or will take hc.i. cattle to winter. See or address, Henry Tyler or Bird C. Moore, 46-tf ilays, Ka-.isa- Oh! Isn't It Delightful? VM. JUKI) an; RESIDENT DENTIST Phone 84. - Hays, Kr- 0. M. HOLM QUI ST, attorNey-at-law. HAYS CITY. KANSAS, OFFICE OVER 1ST NATIONAL BANK. Phone 180. . A. Rea, Tlttorney at Law, Office over PostoIIice. Phore l:"J J. U. CATUDAL. Pnvsician & Surgeon. Phokk j Office o4. Uesidem-e hays, Kansas. J eafrEE if You will not be surprised the immense demand for "LEE" Sensation Coffee after you have tested it, for its value is seldom equalled at double its price 25c per pound. IT IS ONE OF THE Pure Food Products SOLD BY ALL GROCERS (Save the Coupons) Headquarters for Drvgs, Tcikt Articles AND SUNDRIES. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. fWe do not substitute." We have a large and coirplete stock of Stationery, Sporting Gfoods, Fish?cg Tackle. Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco. Lcwney's Chocolates and Bori-Bons. One minute Washer. Riverside Oaks, ? Comets. T Acorn Base Burners. : . . Pipe of all kinds. Hods, Shovels, stove-bords. Paints, Oil and Varnish of all kinds. Hardware store, Hays City. : M. M. WINTERS ! George S. Grass, "Dealer In Shoes and. Gents' Furnishings. Exclusive Agency for the QUEEN UAL1TY shoe for Women. & the W. L. Douglas shoe for Men. t When in needj Df anything in mv 1 ine 4 call and be convinced that my prices are right , and Remember that quality Is the true test cf Cheapness. u - a 4. a -. a. .-- .. ... a ... a. jr. A . .1 -'5T:- equipped with modern and up-to-date machinery. A Light, medium or. heavy half-soles sewed on while you wait. t Neat mendirg &. invisible patching a specialty A Ov Published every Saturday morning. Independent of any Politics. Krvered as second-class matter in the post office at Flays. Kansas. Fstablished in 1882 by Harry Freese October 31, 1908. Drink Hires Root Beer out of the kgat Harkness'. 23-tf. It in a question as to what a lot of editors will do next week after the election is over and Topeka stops sending- editorials and articles about poli tics. The way editors will let these fellows at Ibpeka use their papers is sometimes surprising. People get aw ful tired of reading so much politics. You." Have your house, barn or stable in sured against fire, cyclone or tornado to-day by Fred Miller who will put you in a company that never quibbles over loses. 47-tf In the November number of "Success Mftgzine" Cleveland Moffett describes " Monte Cario." John L. Mathews writes" upon "The wasted Mississippi'.' and Dr. Wood Hutchinson contributes an article entitled "The Vegetable Age or Babies as Bulbs." Adlai E. Steven son and John A. AJwood write in sup port of Bryan. Orison Swett Marden's editorial is entitled "Worry." The stories of the month are, "A Tale of the Vanishing people," by Rex Beach; "His Great Work," by W. A. Fraser; "Kearney's Test." bv Emerv Pottle. "A Parade of Her 0rn," by Zoe Hartman. There are poems by John Kendrick Bangs, Edith M. Thomas. Clinton Scol lard and Edmund Vance Cooke. A special feature of the month is a straw vote upon the election, taken among 15,000 life subscribers. The cover design is by Arthur Crisp. Ends to-day: One way Rates EST EVERY DAY Don't insure vour life until vou have consulted Fred Miller. He represents the most reliable life insurance com pany in the United States. 47tf To Oct. 31, 190S. to San Francisco, Los Ange les, San Diego, and other Californiajpoints. to Portland, Tacoma, and Seattle. $30 $30 $30 $30 to Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver and Victoria. To Weed, Cal., Ashland Roseburcr F!mrPnA il. banv and Salem, including S. Pac branch lines in Oregon. to Spokane and inter mediate O. R. & N. points Loafing on the streets and trying to get an education through a pipe stem or cigarette is a mighty poor way, wh'le thtre is su'.-h pood schools here. A lot of fai ures have tried the trick tut it has never worke d out yet. There is one w that it can iurn out. j j Scutb Chestnut. Street.. Mr. Thomas tells that he look down tJie fei ce across his land where they want to open a street m'der a compact with the Counci!nen that a conference would be held. Instead, lat week council papstd an ordinance opening ic Btreet through his private property without awarding any dnmnge or satisfactory settlement, and he again closed it last Friday and put up the pigni "Private property, go west to section road lending to bridge, " ard p:jt up lamps at night. Since then ah team hav Qriveo on he section line, through the kintlnt-Pt of Mr, tfuseard and Mr. Thomas, owners of the land, and iiO one is complaining. In fact many prefer it as it is a straight line from the bridge instead of the ugly curve. Now, it becomes a question, Shall the ifpayers of the CITY pay -big Bum for this street pr go west about a block, just as they dp on the north, fride of town, and lay out a roao along the eerjion line, the city and county uniting pn paying the small amount ked for by the owners and allowed by the rpad viewers? A cou ple years ago nearly every farmer in the south side of the county signed road petition asking for tha section line r.oad. But more eerious to many lux payers is the question of entering into a lw ppjtj .ith a long drawn out fiaht and chance o losing, for the supreme court (48th KaneatJ in the case of To ptka extending a street in that city, lecide2 that a street could not be laid through private property where anoth er roadway close by could be as easily used. No pre will deny, nr matter how rnurh we all want the road, that the rcd through the midole pf his farm is a great demge to eay nothipg of the dust erd dtmage done to ncijoin- irg property. It is taid that being in the city he must pay the back city tax es Bid in tirn Le ttks pay of the city for ucing the road and damaging his property theism fpany years. Thus it is a auettion of Feittenent, and it etuis it would be far better the city to join with the couuty and lav put a road on the eection line to which Thomas seems perfectly willing. New Meat Market I have opened up the Johnson Butch r shop on north Main street and will sell you the best of meets at the lowest rices. See or phone me. 37-tf Roy Thomas. Hogs for Sale. I have ab. ut fifty pigs and hogs of II i-iii'K ror sale at my farm on section 31, twp. 19, southwest of Hays. See or address A. W. CoprLAKn. Hays, Kansas. $30 Via Union Pacific Inquire of A. W. Noble, Agent, Hays. Fred MHler has for sale fifteen hun dred (1500) lot s in all parts of the city. rices rapo'e from $10.00 up. Witl sell on monthly payments or any other way to suit the purchaser. 47-tf "Dolly Varden" Chocolates at Hark ness' 22-tf Hays City Laundry FRED I LIFF, PROP. ; ALL WORK FTHST- y ..CLSS... We also do chemical clothes cleaning. . . . . - Wprk called for and delivered Phone 62, If You Want A fHS", reliable, durable anJ eeonprojeal conveyance, The Indian Motorcyle is at your service. It holds every track record worth having in the U. S. and perfect pcores in Great Britain 2 years. We have some very interesting booklets describing how the Indian is built. Drop ott a card and it will bring catalocr and booklets. Address H, Tholen & Son, Victoria, Ks. Annual Report of Township Treasurer. TOlEETCTlSmFIjEnifrC ICTT CF PLEASANT HILL TOWNSHIP, IN ELLIS C0UN1Y KANSAS: The undersigned, Township Treasurer of Pleas nt Hill Township makes Report to you for adjustment and settlement, for the year ending tneiast Mon day iu October, A. D. 1908, as follows: Receipts. Oct. 27, '07 In Twp. Treas $ 36.38 Jan. 27, 08 County Treas. 542.94 Apr. 27, '08 County Treas 66.78 July 27, '08 County Treas , 220.16 Jan. 29, '08 Marion Goble's p. t-. 3.00 Oct. 26, '08 C. R. Stager's p. t.. 8.00 Oct. 26. '08 County Treas J...-68.44 Total Receipts $940.70 The following are unpaid warrents against Pleasant Hill Twp: W. J. Madden 191.00 W. J. Madden 5.35 J. H. Ward 202.37 Disbursements. Jabe Griffin, bridge wprk. $ 17.00 Earnest Griffin, bridge work. 28.05 Jas, Dinkel, roadoverseer. 15.00 Michael Long, roadoverseer. 10.00 Miles Mulroy, Printing .5.00 C. Depperschmidt, bridge work- 3.20 John Orth, bridge work.: 3.20 Henry Winters, wire & nails 2.70 Geo. Early, hay ling cement 7.50 red Early, bridge work- 1.60 Wm. Early, bridge work ...10.00 Free Press Office, Printing.............. 2 40 Martin Ortb. Jr., bridge work 21.60 F. Havemann, lumber & cement 204. 61 Fred Meis, sand 19.50 John Seitz, labor & meeting 34.00 M. E. Replogle, lab., exp. mtg... 4 50 F. H. Fogle, labor meeting .26.5.) Corru. Metal Mfg. Co., tiling 80.86 U. P. R. R. Co , freight 9.14 Geo. Philip & Sort, hardware 7.00 Cor. Deckand, i twp. line brg. 60.75 M. E. Replogle, service, mtg., well paint 8 00 John Seitz, meeting A labor 11.50 F. H. Fogle, labor & meeting. 5.00 Michael Long, road work 10.00 M. Haffamier & Sons, bolts ,2.28 John Beiker, hauling rock, .1.50 Joe Dinkel, plow repairs 75 John Dinkel. road work ; 20 00 Jay Grippen, road work ..22 00 A. H. Gerken. road work ...3 00 F. Sauer, hauling rock, 2 00 Jav Grippin, road work 4 00 U."P. R. R.. freight 8 48 Earnest Grippen, hauling rock S5 00 John Seitz, road work & mtg .32.00 M. Fj. Replogle, meetings 4.)0 F. H. Fogle, meetings- 3 10 Total Disbursements.. ..$827.42 Balance on hand 113 28 Do You Want to Sell Your Farm? If so kindly send me a full description and your price. have buyers here in eastern Kansas whom I am brinemg to your country every two weeKst and Pelhng land. I have im mediate buyers for quarter sections. and one-half sections. Don't wait but send me a description of your land to day. My commissions are reasonable Address O. If. AJcGuarv. Jr. & Go.. Real Estate Loan & Investment Co., Morrill. Brown County, Kans. Or see our representativbe.C A. LEE, at our office over Post Office in Hays, Kansas. Notice for Publication. No. 0320 Department of the Interior, U.. Land Office Colby. Kansas. Oct 26. 1908. Notice is hereby given that Ida Co ble, formerly Ida Clements, of Hays, Kansas, who. on net. 52i, i03. made Homestead Fntrv No 2fi808, Serial No. 03-20 for theNwJof NwJ Section 26, Township 11 south, range 18, W, 6th p. m.. has 'filed notice of intention to make final five year proof to establish claim to the land above described be ior the Clerk of the District Court at Hvr Kansas, on the 12th dav of December 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Ben Eaton, Frank SpeVhaoan. Tohn Stackhouse. Sylvester Clements all of Hays P. O. Kansas. Jno. Thomas, Register o 31 d 12 Notice Tor Publication, No, 0301. Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at Colby, Kansas. Oct. 20, 190. Notice is hereby given that Paul Ruder, Jr. of Schoengen, P.O. Kansas, who on November 6. 1902 made Homestead en try No. 26366 Serial No. 0301 for the NjSWis section 28, township' 15 south, range 18 west 6th P. has Sled notice of intention majce final five year .proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before th Probate Judge a; Hays, Kansas on the 28lh day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses. Nick Zimmerman, Felix Werth Joseph Djnges, Henry Woerth all of Schoengen P.O. Kansas. Jno. Thorno. Hegister. Sept. 12 O 10 Your Best Friend in time of need is a fat bank account. It will stand by you when all others fail. The way to acquire this fat account is to begin depositing and keep at it. The Citizens' State Bank accepts very small sums and in vites you to start an account with it to-day. After once commenc ing, you will need no urging to add to your account. The bene fits will b? so obvious Total ?S40.70 TTE STATE OF KANSAS, ELLIS COUNTY, ss. I DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR, That the within and foregoing account and voDPJiers therewith are in all reeoeets a full and true account of all the moneys received by me during the full period cf the year ending the last Monday in r October, A. D. ID 03, and for the fuil time for which I should make such settle ( znent, end of the amounts thereof er-per.dsd, and tLs manner ta which they 1 rare exje-iied Go help me God. .. Sirrred, it NSf"i!2 Ynn are curA of success when you use LEE BAKING POWDER It is the most popular of all be cause it is most efficient, abso lutely Pure and never fails to make your fiour foods light, sweet &nd wholesome. 16-oz. can 25c IT IS C'i" OF THZ I. Drugs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Books, Stationery Sundries Cigars. Ice Cream, Sodas and Sundaes. Prescriptions carefully and prompdy filled. Opposite Depot Phone 76. .Z. rgs? g f Furniture i Undertaking rj IN Carpets, Curtains, Matting, Wall Paper, Pictures, Picture Frames, Etc a- Good Wall Paper at 5c a Roll. WINDOW SHADES. All prices. BABY CARRIAGES t o suit. Large assortment Carpet samples WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR GOODS. "JSs 5S?r- f g Going to Build This Year ? That it is cheaper in the long run to Build than it is to Rent is a conceded fact. One year's rentals amount to twice g as much as the interest on a building investment. . Money save d is money earned don't rent, when you can save money by. g building a home of you own We can supply you with L U M E TO O at reasonable prices and we will gladly figure your needs with out extra charge. H Also can supply LIME, CEMENT, and Building Materials which you will need in building your home or making improve ments. Come in and see us. COAL A number of different kinds and grades at varying prices. C Schwaller B Son o ti it tl J H LodK.Ovcr Your Implements and see what you will need to do the Spring work. Don't deceive yourself by thinking" you can do another year's work with an implement that has "served it3 time. You will nnd it cheaper in the long run to buy a new Wagon, Mower or Harrow, I j than to try to get along with" patched-up implements. - i I '. U Full line of Repairs for all Implements. H H 1 (Successors to John ScKlyeroc Sons) J I H. W. OSHANT ABSTKACTOK. Bonded in sum of $5000. : . P.esJ Estate, Inrcc e and Lo- tivjas. ;