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i V 01 yVLUjl4w,,WIAV KVE Con.plete change of program. You are sure to be pleased. Admission 25 & 35 cents. '-v '5 mm Headquarters for Z-Zf. I V, " I if ! Mr Erics, Tcilct Articles AND SUNDRIES. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. V1R e do not sutslitute.n tfjl We have a 2rpe end rcrrplete ftcck of Stat'onf ry, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle. Pipes, Ciesrs and Tobact.o. LoM'ney's Chocolates and Eon-Bons. One minute Washer. Riverside Oaks, Comets. Acorn Base Burners. Pipe of all kinds. Hods, Shovels, stove-bords. Paints, Oil and Varnish of all kinds. Hardware store, Hays City. M. M. WINTERS George S. Grass, Healer In Shoes and Gents' Furnishings. Exclusive Agency for he QUEEN IUALITY shoe for Women, & the W. L. Douglas shoe for Men. Remember that quality is the true test of Cheapness. Light, . . c - THlATRE KOV. 1i, AT 8:30 Everything guaranteed good. Come and try it one evening. Reserved at King's drug-store Now Ready for your Inspection The New Fall & Vv inter styles FROM Chas. A. Stevens & Bros. Chicago, Ills. I now haivt ready f '. r jour inspection tie con pi-Tt hir"c fslio" l.ooke, and the samples of rniferiHl. f-howinjr an irnmerfe vsriotj Mlts in Hfh-olabs rmm tailored Stic. SHrts aid DrefFts. rru-de to f.'i r crd r accordirpr to your iiidividtiul r a.-urt merita frcm your own Kit ction of rr :' i j: !f. ycriYot fit urd f atit-fj tt:or mr-iiri A'm b com plete lire ot r-ff-io-wtHr apparel of all Vi (if. ( It will l.e k j!eaurc to mo to have J on nil r c 1 1 c- t !ir vrlherou wjflt to li y or rf, k1 I wil te only tc; f li d io t-tivi ci ?r r j s-h m- jou of r r i M'C (d jliiif Mtnt'cr. Mrs. Laura E. Stout, Repies e rtirp t is icrt hcuie lii IiA"Y c r.d Lilis county. X X When in need? Df anything J In my line call and b j convinced that my prices are -right, and. Qassiiian's -A Slioe Sliop ! equipped with modem and up-to- i date machinery. I medium or heavy . half -soles sewed on while you wait. Neat mending & invisible pa tciir. a specialty ' Published every Saturday morning. Indejendent of any Politics. leered as second-class matter in the post office at Hays. Kansas. Established in 1882 by Harry Freese November 7, 1908. Optimism. To the defeated candidate we can but j Fay in the words of Jean Franklin: There's a bad side, 'Tis the sad side, Never mind it! T here's a bright side, 'Tis the right side Try to find it! In BiV Creek township 530 votes were catt, S8 more than four years ago -tr.rj a hundrt-d more than twyo years va. Twenty-four tickets were thrown .... .... A rtr.. ki.D T.7xm trtA iraight republican and one hundred Lots of floaters, the fellows who al 'hs wnrt leer ard cigars before elec tion, were in town Monday, but the Candida U?s very penti'.ily kept, to their pre mist s r.d cipars and dnnk were scarce. .No rutrrels of beer were cart ed out like in old times. Our town was ail afire on Monday when it whs accidently discovered that many farrners were required to pay more tpyps this vesr bv n increased assePrtHint, while tbp Railroad wouH pay the county shout $3 00 less in ty Our streets were full of excited formers, dicusine the matter. But the rcp'e pboiTd rfrrember that, the County f'omm?c'i"'ners "r County AQ ?ecFn'ii bfivp notb'nfr to dp with the rai'rosH t?x a the State Bo?rd of T?si1ro;id foTrrniseior'ers fix the valua tion of A1A. railroad property, otifx the County Clerk ad the ao?essment is then made &QXng to the levy on that valuation. Thp pew bridge across the creek on the wept p;de of town is completed and is a great convience to thopp traveling that wv. Now let Commissioner Brull ave the road opened from there alonjr the north side of the railroad track to Yocfirippto pnd he will receive the thsrVs of the people of our town and of Yocemento. The county pays the railroad for it and has the right to use it. ILleepion s Over. E'r ctjon i over, tp the relief pf the treneral rh'Tc. TAFT is eVcted Pres ident: STUPBS is eieetf d Govern or of Kansas. In Elli-' county the Republicans re elected George P.rown as sheriff, the democrats electing thp rest of the tick t. In this Commissioner d'itript Isaac Ze'"plpr f'pfepts Frull by 140 and in the third district Goetz defeated Miles. In Eig Crrrk Twr- J Y- Pee ring 8pd F. F. ytLrir, tie rerrMicapp, werp elected Josticps of the Peace. James Behan made a wonderful run for Representative, corr-ipg within 150 vote of an flection; but it being a U. S. Senatorial vepr bis election in a democratic county was hardly ross'D,e- For a man unknown to the grsnera' voters Mr. Flood madea splendid right for County Attorney, capturing several hundred of the oppofition votes but he had a very popular man in Jake Shutts to run against. The victory for Isaac Zeigler was ex pected for he is very popular and a business man to Took after the country's business. Mr. Brull never grappd the situation of a public offirer. Elected by non-partizan Votes he was 'iltn partizan while hi many official acts were injudicious for he was thinking less of the county's interests than of hig personal friends wishes. That Sa line river bridge being an outrage to the taxpayers ppfi traveling public and even his changing the district for his private gain did not say? btrTJ: Oh! Isn't It Delightful?, You will not be surprised at the immense demand for "LEE" Sensation Coffee iter you have tested it, for its ralue is seldom equalled at double its price 25c per pound. IT IS OfSE OF TH5 - h m& j 0 It $ Rev. Scott and wife now of Wakee ney. who formerly lived here, were down Wednesday to attend the Barnes Bamberpr wedding. A male quartette will sing at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Homer Meyer is going away and this will be your last chance to hear him sing. In the election in this county. Co. Treasurer Dreiling and District Clerk Stanton had no opposition on the tick et, the candidates of the other side having withdrawn. In Big Creek township a hundred ! votes wre cast in the first two hours, j The judges were C. W. Miller. Jacob Bissing and John Brumitt, with Frank j Lordeitsch and Ed Yost as clerks- Next Sundpy evening at the Metho dist church the pastor, Rev. Smith, will present the subject of Home Mis sions and Church Extension. In this address a description is given of the pastor's experience in the Marquette cyclone in which his church was totally wrecked and the parsonage in which he was living with the family was corn- pletely destroyed Taxes are now due and payable if you desire. The present tax law only allows an increase of two per cent in the taxes of this year over the limit allowed last year. This is not equal to natural increase because of increased wealth, to say nothing of the $213,000, 000 of personal property that has here tofore escaped taxation and which will carry more than the two per cent in crease. Lutheran Church. C. F. Wtest. Pastor T:00 a. m. Pundav School. 11:00 p n. Public Worship. Subject: 'The Jledeemed Church," Offering for Home Missions. 6-3 r rn. C. F. Fooietv. Topic: "Missions and Evangelism." 7:30 r m Public Worship Subject: "Tbe Sorrow that Worketh.' 7:80 p m. Wednepdnv Bible Train ing Clss and PraT-e- Meeting. You are cordially invited to these ser vices. Heavier Rails. The Union Pacific Railway is now laying new and heavier rails on their svstem in Kansas and have reached west this side of Salina. The rails are ten poimdo heavier than the old ones The continuous joint plate is being used, which officials state will do awy with the -'counting pf the joints-' as they vyill rnake np noise at all npw when trains are passing over them The tie plate is also being used. With the continued increase in traffic on this road with Ions' and heavy freight trains and long passenger trains the officials propose tp mfke.this one of the best roads in the United States. re iv Met jkfa rhe t I have opened up the Johnson Butch er shop on north Main street and will sell you the best of meets at the lowest price?- See or phone me. 37rtf Roy Thomas. Hogs for Sale. I have about fifty pigs and hogs of all sizes for sale 8t my farm on section 31, twp. 19, southwest pf Hays. See or 8ddreps A- W. CofFLANp, Havs, Kansas. Fred Miller has fpr sale fifteen hun dred (1500) lots in ell parts of the city. Prices range from $10.00 up. Will sell on monthly payments or any other way to suit the pure! aaer. 4?-tf C I Hays Gity Laundry FRED I LIFT, PROP. I ALL WORK FIRST ., .CLASS... ) We also do chemical clothes i cleaning. -j.;,' .; . JL Wortc caled for and delivered. 7 Phone 62. . . If You Want A fast, reliable, durable and economical conveyance. The Indian Motorcyle is at your service. It holds every track record worth having in the U. S. and perfect scores in Great Britain 2 years. v We have some very interesting booklets describing how the Indian is built. Drop us a card and it will bring catalog and booklets. Address H- Tholen & Son, Victoria, Ks. Peed for Sale. We have an abBAd&ee if feid (500 shocks cornf odder, 400 ehocits kafiir-f corn. CO tons hay, straw in abundance, one-half section fenced pasture), good shedding-, river watey. and will rent out pasture, sell feed cr vtl'd taifc Earns J. U. UATUDAL. Physician & Surgeon Phone i Office 34. " Residence 46 bays, Kansas. Office Citizen? Rani, block. O. M. HOLMQU1ST, attorNey-at-law. HAYS CITY. KANSAS, OFFICE OVER 1ST xNATIOML BANK. Phone 180. . A. Rea, 71 ttorn ey a t JLa w. Office over JPostofflet. Phone 129. WM. JORDAN. RESIDENT DENTIST Phone 84. - Havs. Kans. Do You Want to Sell Your Farm? If so kindly send me a full description and your price. have buyers here in eastern Kaunas whom I am bringing to your country every two weefrs and selling land. I have im mediate buyers for quarter sections. and one-half sections. Don't wait but send me a description of your land to day. My commissions are reasonable. Address O. H. McQuary, Jr. & Go., Real Estate Loan & Investmfnt Co., Morrill, Brown County. Kans. Or see our representativbe. C. A. I..EE, at our office over Post Office in Hays, Kansas. Notice for Publication. No. 0320 Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Office Colby. Kansas. Oct 26. 1908 Notice is hereby given that Ida Go ble. formerly Ida Clements, of Hays, Kansas, who. on Oct. 26. 1903. made Homestead Fntry No 2fiP08, Serial No. 0320 for the NwJ of NwJ4 Section 2ft, Township 11 south, range 18, W. 6th p. rn., has 'riled notice, of intention to make final rive year proof to establish claim to the land above described be fore the Clerk of the District Court at Havs Kansas, on the 12th dav of December 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Ben Eatpn. Frank Spellman, Iobn Stackhonse. Sylvester Clements nil of Hays P. U- Kansas. Jno. Thomas, Register o 31 12 Wofic for Publication, Xo, 030M. Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at Colby, Kansas. Oct TO. iqo. Notice is hereby given that Paul Ruder, Jr. of Schoengen, P.O. Kansas, who on November 6. 1902 made Homestead en try No. 26366 Serial No. 0301 for the NSWJ section 28, township 15 south, range j8 west 6(h p. M., has filed notice of intention f make final five year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before th Probate Judge a Hays, Kansas on the 28th day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses. Nick Zimmerman, Felix Werth Joseph Dinges, Henry Woerth all of Schoengen P.O. Kansas. Jno. Thomas. Meqister. Sept. 12 O IO Your Best Friend in time of need is a fat bank account. It will stand by you when all others fail. The way to acquire this fat account is to begin depositing and keep at it. The Citizens' State Bank accepts very small sums and in vites you to start an account with it to-day. After once commenc ing, you will need no urging to add to your account. The bene fits will be 50 -bvi"U5 ,3V You are uro of success when you use LEE BAKING POWDER It is the most popular of all be cause it is roost efficient, abso lutely Pure and never fails to make your flour foods light, sweet and wholesome. 16-oz. can 25e IT 13 OfiS OF TKS - - fU ' Drugs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Books, Stationery Sundries Cigars. Ice Cream, Sodas and Sundaes. Prescriptions carefully and promptly filled. Furniture t Carpets, Curtains, Matting, Wall Paper, Pictures, Picture Frames, Etc Good Wail Paper at 5c a Roll. WINDOW SHADES. M prices. BABY CARRIAGES to suit. Large assortment Carpet samples Ir WE INVITE YOU TO F.MAVEMANN f Going to Build This Year ? That it is cheaper in the long run to Build than it is to Rent is a conceded fact. One year's rentals amount to twice as much as the interest on' a building investment. Money saved is money earned don't rent, when you can save money by building a home of you own. We can supply you with L U at reasonable prices and we will gladly figure your needs with- out extra charge.' Also can supply n LIME, CEMENT, and Building Materials which you will need in building your home or making improve- ments. Come in and see us. O CH R J A number of different kinds1 and'grades J r L at varying prices. C. Schwaller Son D CD y LooK Over Your and see what you will need. tQ do the Spring work, deceive yourself by thinking you can do another work with an implement that has "served its time.'' will tmd it cheaper in the long run to buy a new Wagon, Mower or Harrow, than to try to get along with patched-up implements. Full line of Repairs for all Implements. Schlyer ix ArolioM (Successors to John Schlyer & Sons) H. W. OSHAOT, ABSTRACTOR. Bonded in sum of $5000. : . Real Estate, Inssraace sd Leans Opposite Depot Phone 76. Undertakini a INSPECT OUR GOODS. tl EL I O C Impleme Dont You u o Q C ZD E