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State Historical Socitty TTTTi a. , v V .2 VOLUME XXVI. HAYS, ELLIS COUNTY, KANSAS, NOVEMBER 14, 1908. NUMBER 62 mm Light, Farmers Institute. The following program has been ar ranged for the Farmers Institute to be held at Hays, Dec. 7-8. Monday Morning. Dec 7. 9 to 10 Placing Boys Corn. 10:00 Reports from the boys. 10:30 Improvements of Com Crop. (a) By maintaining fertility. Discussion (b) By Better Cultivation, " (e) Seed Selection, Mr. J. R. Miller Kansas State Agricultural College Ceneral Discussion. 11:40 Improving Forage Crops A. D. Colliver. Monday Afternoon Dec. 7. 1:30 Improving Western Roads. (a) Drainsge. Bridges and Culverts John Chittenden. (b) The Road Drag... Mr. J. L. Pelham Discussion. 2:15 Insects Injurious to Corn J B. Parker, K. S. A. C. 3:15 Cooperation with the Children on the Farm Mrs. W. S. Picken 3:30 The Complete Farm....Mr. Miller 4:00 Adjournment. Tuesday Morning, Dec 8. 10:00 Benefits Derived from Manur ing Land C. K. McClelland Discussion. 10:30 More or Better Alfalfa Ed Madden Insects Injurious to Alfalfa Mr. Parker Discussion. Tuesday Afternoon'Dec; 8. 1:00 Business Meeting. 1:30 Farm Dairy, Lou Kraus Discussion. ... - , . , 2:00 Some Suggestions on" Wheat Culture .Supt. ' C. K. McClelland Ft. Hays Experiment Station. 2:45 Beautifying the Farm and Home Mrs. Geo. P. Griffith 3 .-00 Insects Injurious to Small Grain Crops Mr. Parker 4:00 Adjournment. Premium of $2.00 for the best ten ears of corn grown in Ellis county out side of the boys contest. $1.00 for second best. For the beat peck of wheat shown, grown in Ellis county, $2.00; second best $1 00. For the best display of vegetables given in Ellis county, $2.00: second best, SI 00. For the best loaf of bread baked by girls tinder twenty years of age, SI. 00; sec ond best, $.50. For the best cake made by girls under twenty. $1.00; for second best, $.50. For the best dis play of canned or preserved fruits by a farmers' wife or daughter, $2 00; sec ond best. $1.00. For the best 1 lb. of butter made by girls under twenty, $1.00; second best, $.50. . Boys that have enterai the corn con test, have your ten ears of corn ready , for the contest Dec. 7-8. The following are the judges of the exhibits: ' Corn: Jerry Fellers, Herbert Chittenden', Frank Replogle; Wheat: John Byera, Chas. Gosser, Peter John son; Vegetables: Raymond Stash, Mat Truan. Dan McCarthy Bread: Mrs. nocbe, Mrs. Ward, Mra.Q. Straley; Cake; Mrs. H. Byers, Mrs. Wiest. Mrs. Palmer; Butter: Mrs. Crissman, Mrs. Hiram Joy, Mrs. John Chittenden; Pre served or Canned Fruits: Mrs. Ed Rea, Mrs. Geo. Bellman, Mrs. Barney Lein- tniller. Exhibitors will please bring in their products on the morning of the seventh and prizes will be awarded in in the afternoon at which time the judges are requested to be present. D Property for Sae. A house, ekrht lota, trees, windmill on east side of tewn will be eo!d cheap See or address Jack Wolf. 41tf Hay, K.Mnart H. Dealer in Books, Stationery, School supplies, Sporting Goods, Cigars, TobacPo, Pipes and all kind of smokers supplies. We carry everything in the line of Stationery Sun dries, Toilet sets, Ladies Hand-bags, Purses and Card cases, Men's pocket-books. In fact everything usually kept in a store of this kind. Don't buy a Holiday Precent until you see us as we txaye them suile everyone and at prices that are right. We arc located one door ncrtli of P. O. Call and see us or phone No. 96. GsiSSffEleill'S Slioe Sliop equipped with modern and up-to-date machinery. medium or heavy half-soles sewed on while you wait. Neat mending & invisible patching a specialty Our motto: "To Please You." Normal Lecture Court. To those wco rave patronized our lecture courses in the past we are most grateful for the substantial support given, and we are pleased to be able to offer them ard all others interested in the best music and lectures a five-num ber course for which we are paving practically twice what we have ever paid for a single course. It will con sist of the best attracitons offered by one of the largest bureaus in the coun try. The numbers are as follows: Rlayton's Jubilee Singers, Nov. 18; Cutter Mack, Dec. 4; Father Daly, Feb. 8; Hruby Brothers, March 11, and George A. Wendling, March 25. The Jubilee Singers and Hruby Bro thers are two of the best popular mu sical attractions to be had in America to-day; Cutter and Mack as cartoonist and entertainer are unexcelled; George R. Wendling is conceded to be one of the greatest orators on the American platform and Father Dalv, who is at the head of the Milwaukee School for Homeless Boys, speaks of a subject to which he is devoting his life. In the new auditorium we are able to offer more comfortable and desirable seats than last year. The ticket-board will be opened for reservation of seats at Spratt's book store at 7:20 o'clock Monday evening Nov. 16. - Season tickets $2.00. THE FACULTY. St Catherine's Day. Whoso 14 in quest of novelty in the way-of holiday, a party or an enter tainment isay well -gfve "thought to Saint Catherine's day, November 25. This most gracious lady was an early Christian, an invincible defender of the faith and the patron saint of the city of Venice; likewise being a spin ster, of maidens, of philosophy and belles lettrea. Saint Catherine's day has long been celebrated in Italy, in France, in Eng land and perhapa other European coun tries. November 25 in Paris is known as "old maids' day," and the girls carry boquets to the churches, laying them upon the altar for. Saint Cather ine and praying for a husband. At Milton abbey, in England, is Saint Catherine's chapel, where maidens are said to offer up a prayer as fol'ows: A husband, St. Catherine; A handsome one, St. Catherine; A rich one. Saint Catherine; A nice one, St. Catherine; And soon, St. Catherine. The requirements which St. Cather ine is said to nave established tor a husband for herself were as follows: He must be nobly born; he must be great, handsome, benign. Unable to find these qualities combined to her satisfaction she remained single. Em Jtxhilae Sabers. Nov. Wichita (an.l Daily Eagle-One of the most enjoyable entertainments of the year. The entire program was of the high order of music, the old melo dies being sung in a very tasty manner and the pieces of the more classical type were rendered with all the grace and expression which could well be ap plied. White Holland Turkey. I lne Mamoutn kind, you can raise I them on a city lot, beautiful birds. Sold on approval. If not right, return them ! nd ek Jour money. Toms or hens $3 ! earh hile-they last. Order now for I Delivery. : Address E. W. Buffum, i 51-5tx Codell, Kansas. Sppatt, Ed Yost and family move shortly to Wilson. Frank Stout was transacting business here this week. Drink Firep Foot Beer out of the keg at Harkness'. ' 23-tf. Have you pot. vonr Turkev ready for Thanksgiving? It is only ten davs off. The PrepbvtPrian Ladies Aid Socie ty met at Mrs. Geo. Philips on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Casey have moved to Wilson, where he has secured a job of work. For the next thirty davs Miss Mar kev will sell all trimmed hats at a great reduction. 50-tf Regent Grass came over from La Crosse in an an to to enjoy the concert, if possible. Ben Hopper has completed his cot tage on the north side of town and moved in with his family. Examine the bargains in pictures and frames at Spratt's Book Store they have a large line to select from. 47-tf Ira Burke is to occupy the Hopper building on Fort street as an automo bile liverv. He will have four autos on hand. Mr. Isaacson has leased the Ed Yost residence and will move there next week. It is one of the handsomest places in town. At the Good Hope box supper last Friday evening they took in $ 80 00, thua showing the popularity of the teachers, the Misses Joslin. If you don't want to make a mistake when taking out accident insurance, see Fred Miller. No trouble in getting your money from the company he rep resents. 47-tf The first snow of the season came during Monday night and on awaken ing the ground was nicely white. Wed nesday morning another snow ca me. this time over four inches fell, followed by a hard freeze. I believe that insurance should be just as good as it is possibe to make it and that it must be "good all the time." I carefully attend to any busi ness entrusted, to me. 52-tf J. M. Schaefer, Over Poet office Box Supper. There will be a box supper at the Silverdale School House; District 42, Nov. 27. Proceeds to be used for a Christmas tree. Everybody invited. Clara McIntosh, Teacher. Lutheran Ghureh. C. F. Wiest. Pastor. 10 KK) a. m. Sunday School. 11. -00 a. m. Public Worship. Subject: "The Growing Church." 6:30 p. m. C. E. Society. Topic: "Temperance Organizations." 7:30 p. m. Public Worship. Subject: "The Unseen Evidence." You are cordially invited to these ser vices. IS Youth's Companion for 1909. The amount of good reading given to subscribers to the Youth's Companion during the year is indicated by the f ol lowing summary of contents for 1909,: 50 Star Article. Contributed" by Men and Women of Wide Distinction in Public Life, in Literature, in Scjence, in Business, in a Score of Professions. ' 2SO Castol Stories Including Six Serial Stories; Humorous Stories; Stories of adventure, Charac ter, Heroism. IOOO Up-Lo-D te Stories On Current Events, Recent Discover ies in the World of Science and Nature, Important Matters in Politics and Gov ernment. 2000 Onc-lUlnutc Stories. Inimitable Domestic Sketches, Anecdo tes. Bits of Humor and Selected Mis cellany. The Weekly Woman's Arti cle. Timely Editorials, etc A full announcement of the new vol ume will be sent with sample copies of me paper to any aaaresa op reqsie i. The new subscriber ltrf l09j vjbo, at once snds $L7 for thjj. new. padding 50 cents $ox extra postage if ue uves jn canaaaj wui receive tree ail the remaining issues for 1908, in cluding the Double Holiday Numbers; also The Companion's new calendar for 1909, "In Grandmother's Garden," lithographed in thirteen colors. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Masa Hare You a Farm for sale? We have customers for Ellis county land. Send us a discription of your farm and lowest price and we be lieve we can find you a customer. Our charges are reasonable Address ClPRA & STRATMAMr. Jan. 1. Holyreod, Kansas . Sheep STrayesf, Three tbeep e.r.i a hab strayed from rsy farrat ecuth c r"s about two tresis "Dolly Varden" Chocolates at Hark news' 22-tf The Lutheran Aid Society meets with Mrs. Ed Yost Nov. 19, 1908. 'If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a kodak." Harkness has kodaks and Buonliea. 21-tf Mrs. Anton Sach died at her home west of town this week. She leaves a husband and several children. On account of sickness in the pastor's familv the Baptists postponed their chicken pie supper. The official vote in this district gives Congressman Wm. A. Reeder 279 ma jority over Editor Connelly of Colby, which was a pretty close call. I charge no more for fire policies than the agents of many less responsi ble companies ask for theirs, which may be good only a part of the time. 52-tf J. M. SCHAEFER. Herbert Schultz has; returned from his visit and school in Chicago and will now help his father in the Jewelry store. He looks well and has grown quite tall. Desk for pale. We offer for sale, for a subscriber, a handsome oak secretary and desk, a pretty piece of furniture. Also & good base-burner, at a sacrifice. See This Office- Many queer election bets are being told of now and Hays : bad one, W A. Hood and barber Tillotson bet on Taf t and Bryan. As Taf t won Tillotson had to push a wheelbarrow, holding Hood cheering for Taf t, up and down Chest nut street last week. The barber says a bet should always be paid. The majestic show Wednesday even ing at the G A. R. Hall was the best that has appeared. The antics of Swan and Ostman kept everybody in a roar and the Brahmin miracles in hand col ors by the moving picture machine was grand. An entire change of program for next Thursday night. It is well worth the money. Dennis Levick, John Troth, John Frank. John Pfannestiei, and Steve Tourtellott went to Ellis Tuesday even ing to attend a meeting of the -A. O. U. W. "John H. Crider of Fort Scott, Grand Master Workman of the lodges of Kansas, gave an address. W. T. Williams of Downs, Kansas, was also present. The ladies of the Degree or Honor served supper and the visiting members report having had a royal good time. ELECTRIC Block signal Protection In addition to. the sujperb, equip ment and excellent service on the world famous trains to California each train is controlled bv Electric Block Signals, which insnre safe ty to passengers while traveling Via Union Pacific Inquire of A. W. Noble, Agent,' Hays Your Best Friend in time ot need is a rat bank account. it will stand by you when ail others fail. The way to acquire this fat account is to begin depositing and keep at it. The. Citizens' State Bask accepts very small sums and in vites you to start an account with it to-day After once cosssecc- tn ycu wiu need no err"-"-" to Attornevs Sanm IJovd and Benrds- ley were here this week with business before our court. Go to Spratt's Book Store for High Grade Candies. They keep the best at reasonable prices. 48-tf Mrs. Will Madden entertained a larsre party of friends in the front baleonv row at the Normal concert Monday evening. Homer Meyer has sold his cottspre on Gospel Hill to Walter Stedman for $2000 and has left for his new home near Topeka. If you want to sH something if you want to bny something, chip in a quart er and try this paper and you will find the notice will bring results. Try it. King Solomon said: "There is a time for all thin?8. " The time to insure is all of the time and the man to insure with is J. M. Schaefer, because he rep resents companies that are "good all the time.' The Rock Island railroad have put in service on their road a motor car from Salina to Herrinsrton and it is a success. The Union Pacific will soon put one on for day service from Salina west to Ellis and maybe Oakley. It is much needed. The most noted bishops of the Meth odist ch'irch of the world are having a gathering in Topeka this week on the subject of Home Missions and Church Extention. Rev. Smith of the Metho dist church here went down for a few days to see the notables. Cobless corn, or growing corn with out cob is a new procedure worthy of attention. Have you tried this new process? No doubt the -next new un dertaking will be amone cattle men, endeavoring to arrow beef cattle with out bones. How about it? Then every person can eat choice steak. C. The' members of the Presbyterian C. E- Society will give a "Sweet-Six-teen" social at the Brunswick Annex next Saturday evening. Waffles and coffee with syrup and cream will be served. Candy booths will also be in evidence. Your choice of sixteen kinds of home-made candy, sixteen cents for one-half pound. "Sweet-Six teen" re ceipt books - will be on sale, a dainty Christmas present for your friend. Rush . county and other places - sent goodly numbers to the Bispham con cert and Russell sent seventeen, the following coming tip from there on the evening train and made a gay party in the gallery: Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Hoo ver, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Dawson, Mr' and Mrs F. S. Hawes, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rup penthal, Mrs. Savage, Isabel Savage, C. W. McKeen, Miss Nellie Thomas, Miss Winifred Hall, H. A. Dawson. Eye and Ear Sargeon. Dr. M. Jay Brown, the Salina eye and ear specialist will fill his regular monthly date in Hays on MONDAY, NOV. 16. Will be at the Brunswick Hotel, 43-2t. Horse Taken up, A dark bay horse, about eighteen ye.trs old, star in forehead has been taken up at my place on the McGuire farm east of town. Owner can have it by paying expenses.'. 52-2tx Jacob Ross. Gmttle am d Horse Reed. I have 250 acres of pood feed, past ure, plenty of water and will take m some cattle for the winter at reason able prices. See or address. 50-4x Gk.osqb Forster, Hay si, Kansas. WANTED:-SUCCESS MAGAZINE requires the service of a nan in Hays to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special nsethoda ; unusually effective; position permanent; prefer one with experience, but would consider any applicant with pood natural qualifica tions; salary $1.50 per day, with com mission option. Address, with refer ence, K. U. reacocK, Koom 1UZ, suc cess Magazine Bldg., New York. I Any insurance policy will do if you have no loss, but none at all is just as gtod. We pay losses without delay and without discount. 52-tf J. M. SCHAEFER. The Land Man. I sell the Earth. Farmers, Take notice! I have customers for Ellis Co. farms. If YOU ..will list your farms with me and the prices are ric-ht, I can brinsr you a easterner. My commission is reasonable. Give complete diseripiiea of improvement and crops. - For refer ence I refer you to the NatktnsJl I&ek rssSSfiSMrafiaOTSaS5i2SSSSeSC1 3 A Timely Suggestion for X-mas. Ladies : A Fancy Vest is something that your Husband, Brothers & Sweetheart would appreciate as a X-rnas Gift. I would like you to call erd fee my sleek. As Christmas is only 0 weeks away an early call would te advisable as 10 to 14 days are necessary to execute the order. As you will undoubtedly want to surprise your friends or relatives, I will explain how to get the necessary measures without consulting them. A. -M. McKIE Whe HAYS PHONE NO. 90 Senator Krbertson. Fred Robertson, the (temocrat, wss elected as State Penfor from this dis trict over WSHism Wells by over 80ft maioHtv, tH conrty p-ivinc him 699 majority while h tsrried Graham county, the home of 1 llf. All Robertpon asked in the cflmpa'crn was a fpir phow, rot conJderirg the work of bin opporert pb honorable, and the people Fem to hjve decided 'the same rav. Mr Robertpon depirep to thank the people of ENi county for the pplendid vote pi'ven him and to as sure them that nrv fvor tbev may. aak for their State Ititnt?on wil! be plpd 1 prarte, if poppbTe, ard will receive, h's heartiept pnprort-; In fact he will be for the big 39th district regardless of politics. VWa"r Politic, manv kOT Commissioner Brwll made had error n locirifr tht Saline bridpe, that be failed to have the interest of be conntv at stake in leaving the Hvp Yocemento road closed when tbe other eommjppionera would frdlv hfp joined him, if be bad apked itf ir opc-inp- a d'rect road on one v!a oMhp other of the railroad track to Yocrref nto .Tpttjfce tax qnep- tion pnrnnr tji -Tpf fe.w" day.a'was"XJn- faif for it war 1se. " Neither Mr. Pmil r the other com mipaionerp have thirp" to do with tbe Railroad tjx. That-'vaVipfion ia made by tbe State Foard of Pailroad CWn mipsionera and that valuation is taxeo the pame aa anv other on the levies made bv the cotjntv, tovnHp prd pebool districts-. And' bp to hip own pronertv, ' the eppennrp hooka pbow each of the quarter pecHona in bi pee ton anpramed the pame. pnd this bv the township trnpte aetmtr as asses sor. Tbe trustee and assessor pet tbe valne of everv farm, put it. on tbe booka and the commissioners make tbe lew. Bispham Has Been Here. One of the finest audiences ever as sembled in fTsvp. not onlv from onr citv but. from Rnseil, LaCrosce, Plain ville and other ciienf on Monday even ine at tbe Normal auditorium to liRten to this sioper and nearlv every atten dant was sorely disappointed, having paid one dollar to bear a fifty cent en tertainment. He bap a pood voice but his selections were generally poor, not appreciated, ard received lig-ht ap plause, except in a few.capep, while he rushed it through, the entertainment only lastjnc nboot an boor. Some say he had a bad co'd, bat be took his full price just tbe same instead of refund ing the ticket buyers half the price they bad paid. Our musical talent can eet up a far better and more entertaining prop-ram and only eharfe half fhe price, for we have many sirjrers onr people would much prefer hearircr. As an entertain er he was not worth half the cost. Methodist. Services Rev. A. N. Smith has trone to Tope ka to be pone several days and Dea coness Wietw will preach in the Metho dist church this Surdav moroincr and evenirg and all are invited to attend.! For Sale. I have choice millet, kafircorn and alfalfa for sale. For prices see 46-tf Henry Schlyer. m e (I i t ti If n o . Os MUCH Cclciedo Potatoes Onions Cabbage ' Lindstorg Hour PUE.EFFI E CIDER, -lOc per Collon. QUALITY THE VERY BEST. COX & SON, Hays; Kansas IS TAILOR OPP. 1ST NAT. BANK. WaefeyA-Nonaal The football team from the Normal, sixteen ptronjr, played the Wesleysn football team at Salina riday the 6th and lost the pame 11 to 24. The srame was pixty-gix minute s long: snd jmod fa gt football on both sides from start to finish. Both teams were forced to punt snd both used the new style of football to pome extent. The boy re port the fairest and most courteous treatment from tbe Salina people, the players and the officials. 1R ElecLion Resufca. Tbe Board of Commissioners met last Friday and canvassed the vote and de cided that the following bad these ma jorities: Prvan bad 66; Potkin 527; Connellv, 700; Robertson. 699; Repre sentative Orabbe, 121; Co. Clerk Cox. 719;Tres. Dreiline, 145S; Piat. Clerk Stanton, 1457; Pejrister Schooler. 194; Artomev Sbnrts. 203; Sheriff Georce Rrown. 192; CrTonr Catndal. 606; Snpr. Knhn. 834; Surveyor Markey, 771. Tbe vote on commissioner was: feVer 596, Bmll 219; Goetz 105. Miles 848. In the ; election tbe peop'o of E7H" eonnty voted: For the 1st Amendment 6F6:-srns lt,.862: Foe second Amend ment, 654; aramst it, 818,. Nesrly loot votera dfd Tnot en press " tberaseJVe. 2320 votes were "east at the election, only 193 more than in tbe" Iocs I election two vears asm. The straight democra tic strength was rWe to 1450 and the republicans 850, still Hvinor the demo crats about 600 ma jority n tbe countv, bnt tbe vote on local candidates showed that we have an awful lot of indepen dent voters who choose the man they like best. In Ellis county, while we have lots of laboring men. there were onlv twentv votes east for Debs and hia socialist ticket. Prohibition bad. seven teen trne supporters, six In Bisf Creek, seven In Ellis and four in Pleasant Hill township voted that ticket. Saturday Aftensoon Chi November, 14. Program on Richard III. Hostess Mrs. Mary T. Gartland Roll Call jpure Food Law Act I, Scene S, Miss Macintosh U. P. Mortgage. - A supplemental morrtrsRe of $150, 000,000 on the Union Pacific system is beinfr filed with the Register of Deeds in every county through which tbe road mns. In July an issue of bond was an au thorized, bearinsr four per cent and not to exceed in amount $200,000,000. Tbe mortgage secures tbe balance of tbe issue. An interesting part of tbe document is that it is signed in ink by Edmund H. Harriman, president of the road and the railroad king of to-day. It ia a supplemental first lien and refunding mortgage. Another - interesting feature of the mortgage is that it ia for a little over $41,000 a mile on a total of 4,781.16 miles while the main line in Kansas counties is assessed at $58,000 per mile. This represents the value of the whole road as these bonds secured by this mortgage are for the purpose of wiping out all of the indebtedness of the com pany. Dolly NESS'. Varden Chocolates at .10, .25 and .65. Habx-28-tf FOR per bushel per peck per pound per sack LITTLE 85c 25c 1 l-2c $120 CD n ii add to jozi I is 7