Newspaper Page Text
TO TEMPT APPETITE DAINTY DISHES Trj AT. INVALID WILL APPRECIATE, ' Baked Apples and Apple Toast Are Two of the Best Making Ice Cream in Comparatively Small Portions. Dainty Desserts for the Nursery or Invalid's Tray. -The first consists of an apple cored and carefully baked, set on a pretty saucer, then cov ered with whipped and sweetened cream or the white of an egg beaten stiff with a little sugar. Another digestible and simple dessert Is apple toast. To make It, toast bread In the oven . until crisp throughout, but not blackened. Place the slices in the bottom of a colander set within an other dish, turn boiling water over each slice, drain immediately and serve hot on a china or glass dish with sweetened apple sauce, about the con sistency of marmalade spread over each slice. The sauce may be made, If preferred, from dried apples, apri cots or peaches, carefully soaked until soft, then stewed and sweetened. An other delicate way of serving apple sauce is to stew tart apples quickly so the sauce will be white and tender. Strain through a puree sieve, then beat with the white of an egg already made stiff. Add sugar and flavoring to taste and pile lightly in a glass dish. Ice Cream for the Invalid A nov elty is a tiny Ice-cream freezer in which a pint of any frozen dainty can be made. Failing the real freezer a one pound baking powder can set In a larger dish will answer every purpose. Be sure, however, the tin does not Jeak. Put into a bowl two teaspoonfuls sherry, one teaspoonful powdered sugar and one-half cupful cream. Beat together until the mixture begins to thicken, but not until like whipped cream. Pour this into the sterilized freezer or a baking-powder can. Fit the lid on tightly with a piece of manlla paper between the lid and the top of the can, set in the larger ves sel of tin or wood, and fill the space with crushed ice and common salt. Turn the small can five minutes, then set away in a cool place. In a short time it will be frozen and the invalid can have a saucer of delicate and de licious cream. Fruit juice or coffee may be used in place of the wine If preferred. ' In such cases more sugar will be required. Head Cheese. Take a pig's head (upper parts only, using the lower halves for roasting), thoroughly clean, arid let lie in salt water over night. Put on to boil in plenty of water, and boil until the meat drops from the bones. Strain the liquor it was boiled in, and act away to cool. When cold, remove the fat, when the liquor will be ready to add to the meat, which must be looked over carefully, to remove any small bits of bone, and chopped very fine. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and sage. Put on again to boil for about five minutes. Then pour Into dishes and set away to cool. If sage is n t liked, add any flavoring desired. Cream as a Food. Few housekeepers realize the value of cream. It is more nutritious than butter, and the most readily digested form of fat that cn be taken. Per sons consumptively inclined or with poor digestion, aged persons, and those who are subject to cold extremi ties, will be much benefited by a lib eral use of cream. It is better than cod liver oil and is a food suitable for anyone. It would undoubtedly be used more freely If it were not for the er roneous idea that it is an expensive luxury. Butter is freely used, and yet it is more expensive than cream. Use more cream and less of some other foods. ' Stuffed Eggs. Cut six hard-boiled eggs in two 1 lengthwise. Take the yolks out and put them in a wooden bowl and mash them with pestle or heavy wooden spoon. Add two sprigs of finely chopped parsley, a saltspoonful of dry English mustard, half a saltspoonful of paprika, a teaspoonful of olive oil . and a teaspoonful of salt, the juice of a large lemon, a tablespoonful of olive oil and a teaspoonful of good table pauce. Mix the paste till soft and creamy. Then fill the hollow in the whites of the egg with it. Put each " one on a crisp lettuce leaf, ornament with pitted olives, and serve. Angels' Delight. Mix. sliced seedless oranges, white grapes cut in halves, Marachino cher ries cut in halves, and shredded pine apple with half a cup of powdered sugar, and set aside to cool. At serv ing time fill sherbet glasses with two or three tablespoon fuls of this mix ture, orange water ice, a tablespoonful or two of Marachino cordial and whipped cream. Put one or two Mara chino cherries, whole, on top and serve. Tipsy Parson. Moisten sponge cake with one cup cf sherry wine. ' Make a custard of one pint of milk and yolks of three eggs. Pour over the cake while hot. Just before it goes to the table stick it full of blanched almonds. Beat the whites of the three eggs to a stiff froth with two tablespoonfuls of pow dered sugar, then add one cup of sweet cream and pour over the cake. Before adding the last stir in candled fruit If desired. Polish Tartlets. Roll plain paste one-eighth Inch thick and cut In 2i inch, squares. Wet the corners and fold them In toward the center, pressing them down. When baked and cooL press in the centers and fill with Jelly. Mother's Gingerbread. One cup of sugar, two cups of mo lasses, one cup of lard, one tablespoon fuLof soda, dissolved In one-half cup of tt water one tea cup of cold water, thickerf'with flour and add gin ger to taste,. ELAHSAS STATE M A Brief Review of the Happenings Paragraph for oar Former Kanian Gets Big 8aJary. Tom Richardson, who 'grew up In Wellington, U to get $100,000 for the next three years, beginning 'January J, 1910, for boosting the rrany advant ages of Canada. In a letter to a Wel lington friend Tom says three Cana dians of Winnipeg had visited him and made a proposition to further their interests in public ways. ' Insane Man Swims Kaw. David Thomas, an insane patient at the To peka asylum, escaped and the offi cers pursued him. Rather than to be taken he jumped into the Kaw river and swam to the opposite shore. The ws.ter so benumbed him that te was easily captured by a farmer and held until an ambulance could te called. He was sent to the asylum from Em poria. Three Men Were Injured. In a pre mature explosion In the Frazler rock quarry near El Dorado, H. C oonk, the foreman, a negro and a Mexican em ployed in the quarry were seriously hijured. Croonk's eyes were tlown out and part of his face blown away. It is not believed he will live. The negro is also beleived to be injured fatally. The Mexlcan'3 injuries are not serious. , Blue Rapids Boy to Alaska. Ar-4 thur Groesbeck, a Blue Rapids toy. who graduated from the electrical en gineering school of the University of Kansas in February, has just left for Valdez, Alaska, where he is to have a responsible position with the Alas ka Electric, Water and Telephone company. Mr. Groesbeck will receive a salary of $1500 and in addition he will be furnished with quarters. Haskell Honors Reqi Itition. Gov ernor Haskell has horored a requisi tion for S. S. Loring, alias W. R. King, wanted in Jackson county, Kan., rcr obtaining money under fale pre tences from Mrs. Stella Knauber. Loring has been serving time in the Oklahoma penitentiary at Molester and when his sentence there expired he was rearrested immedirtely and taken back to answer to the Kansas charge. Gov. Appc'nts Lard Commissioners. J. C. Starr, ' Scott City; Robert Eadle, Syracuse; Frank Lcckard, Goodland, have been named as stst3 land commirsloners bv Governor Etubbs. About two motvs ago con gress passed a law grartlis: to th3 Kansas . Agricultural Crllee 7,6 acres or government iar.a to be se lected from any eovernment lands, in the state. These three men are to do this work. $75,CC0 for Paving at Newton. The city council of Newton has awarded the contract for paving-Main street from First to Eelhth, a dis tance of eight brocks. The lob will amount to approximately $75,000 and it is expected that work will com mence within the revt f w weeks and be completed by late in the Bummer, as the specifications require that it shall be finished inside of one hundred working days. His Skull Was Crushed. William Hill, an employe at the Santa Fe shops at Newton, was insta-tly ki'lad. He' was assisting the stationary en glneer in starting the air compressor and had a piece of heavy iron placed between the spokes of the compressor, when the machire started up sudden ly. The pipe struck Hill under the jaw, throwing him against tte brick wall of the buildinz. crushlne his skull. Hill's home was at Melvern Kan. Uncle Sam Cil Company Fre. - .Judge Falph E. Cample 1 of t'-.e Unit d States district court cf Oklahoma, has ordered the discharge cf tbe Unci Sam Oil company from bankruptcy. Concordia Brewsry Torn Down. The Renards of Corcordia are tearing down the Concorda bre very, which was built nearly forty years ago by Mr. Lencue. Strargcly enough Me dore Laroue is doing the work of tearing it down, and it was h? who when a boy hauled the s' one for his father when It was erected. Ore of the stones was broken in removing it a"d out of the center rolled a well nre served thourh petrified wall'ut. Was He Thrown from Tral ; ? E. P. Fay, a wealthy Winfield prcduc? dealer, was thrown bodilv from pas senger train No. 3, one mile west cf Florence. His face and hands wers completely sninr.ea" ard part of the flesh removed by the balla t. Othe produce dealers are said to have be n on the train and it is declared to b? evident that murder was i-tended. The Santa Fe crew will be asked .to explain why the car door was net locked between station, as Ray will put iu a big claim for damages Kansas swindler cajgrtt. Alter, a two-year's chae, during which he wars traced over almost eve"- state in the 'irjon. by prvernment detectives, Mel Fhult'.. a frrnrer photographer from Fall River, Kansas, is row under ar rest at Los Angeles. California, on a charge of raisin e ore dollar tills to five. The pursuit of Shultz has teen one cf the most interesting that has come to light in the secret Fervfee de partment for years, and poe3 clearly to show that the government is deter mined to bring offenders to justice, no matter what tbe erperse my be. Botkln Not to Leave Kansas. J. D. Botkin,. who was defeated for goviv cor on the Democratic ticket last fall, denies the f-tatement that he is rlan clng to move to Oklahoma. "If I should ever have to leave Kansas. he raid, "Oklahoma would be my choice cf. a residence, as I like the state and like the people. But that I would .o there In order to enter politics ii with out foundation. - I have never felt ar any time that mv election to a public office was absolutely necessarv to the welfare of the recple. I intend to of a Week Condensed Into Busy Readers Laws Enacted by Legislature. Here Is a list of the most important laws enacted by the 1909 legislature: . Giving every county in the state representation In the lower house of the leislature. Requiring lobbyists to register. Requiring the filing of statements showing the contributions and expen ditures of political campaign manag ers and candidates. Establishing a system of insurance for bank depositors. Making prohibition absolute and complete, even to the extent of pre venting dru? stores from handling liquor or alcohol. Reducing the tax levies to conform to the Increased assessment under the new law. Providing a system for the construc tion both of dirt roads and rock roads. Making county assessors in all counties over 12,000 population elec tive, and making township trustees denuty assessors. Exempting mortgages from taxation and providing for a registration fee of $5 for every $1,000 mortgage filed. Giving cities of the first, second and third class a commission form of government upon a vote of the people. Providing for the rotation of names on the primary ballot so that no can didate's name Leads the list on all ballots. Prohibiting children under 16 years from working during schcol months. or working at any time in theaters or public elevators. Requiring interurban lines to pro vide seats for motormen. Giving the board of health author ity to preserve the purity of water of Kansas streams. Prohibting fruit tree averts from misrepresenting the kind of trees they are selling. To protect school children from fl"e. To protect miners from coal mine disasters. Providing for the inspection of ho-' tels and other public houses. Prohibiting- the sale if cigarettes ar.d cigarette papers. Making it a crime for a state em ploye to sell or give away advance copie3 of teachers' examination ques tions. An-et'ding the drainare laws. Fequirin; newspapers to tell the truth about their circulation. Directing the attorney general to bring suits to clear the Kaw at Kan sas City, Kan. , Authorizing counties to maintain demonstration farms for the educa tion of farmers in the science of farm ing. Fixin? an excise tax on express companies of 4 per cent on their gross earnings. Requiring bank "directors to swear to all reports and making them more responsible for the condition of their banks. Firing a system of weights and measures and authorizing the pure food inspectors to see that people are given correct weights. Requiring railroads to haul passen gers on freight trains and providing conveniences for such passengers. Making it a felony to operate a bucket shop or rent a building to one. Sharon Springs Trag-dy. Joseph Peugh, a restaurant keeper at Sharon Springs, attempted to kill his wife and brother and tten committed sui cide. He called his wife and two children upstairs in hi3 house and attacked them with a kn5fe. His brother hearing tre cries rushed to he rescue and Peugh then cut his own hrcat. Winfield Bank In Line. At a meet ing or tne EtocKpoiaers ci ire iat3 Bank of Winfield at which four-'i tb.3 f the capital stock was rerres rtad, it was voted to erter unde- the rew Kansas state ban kins' law. This bark claims to be the first to comply with the new law. Let Train Run Over Him. -William McFarland of Attica commlttel sui cide in West Wichita by sitti g on the Missouri Pacific track and allow ing a train to run over him. He had been sick and was despondent. of Candidates for Wichita. When the time for the filing of nom ination papers under the ccmmllon form of government adopted in Wich ita expired, it was found that there were four candidates for -mayor and 43 candidates for commissioner. The reirrtation of 13,000 voters is proo ably the strongest possible proof of the increase in Wichita's population. Two years 2l&q the total reistra'ion was 16,123, of which 9.S75 were men. This year 11,000 men are registered. The present registration indicates a population in Wichita of fully I 51.000. The capture of Shurtz ha? probably fost the government $500 for every dollar that was made by him in hi3 Illegal practice. Arkansas City Vetoes Commission. At a srecial election held at Ar kansas Cit" on tbe commission form of government the proposition was voted down by a majority of 153 out of a total of 447. The lusi-es ele ment worked against the rlan and was Instrumental in voting it down. The total registration for the election was 1 SCO. ?tay in Kansas as long as the people will let ite." . " . . Kansas Wire Makers Qu?t. The drastic prohibition law passed by the recent legislature has stopped an In dustry which has teen carried on in Doniphan county for 35 years at the little town of Doniphan. f Brenner Bros, have manufactured thovsards of barrels of wire ard applelack the-e. Xiehclas Brenner has taken the re mainder of Ms stock to SL Josepb, lie, to dirpese of it. PREVENTING PAINT TROUBLES. It's easy enough to recognize the symptoms of poor paint, after it has been on awhile after its inherent tendency to crack and peel and scale and blister, etc, has . developed into trouble. You know these, paint "dis eases' usually indicate adulteration or substitution in the paint materials. And you know the only, remedy is re painting. A little knowledge of paint and painting requirements, and how to made sure of the purity and quality of materials, would prevent all trou ble, and save the big extra expense of re-painting; just as a proper knowl edge of simple health-laws, and ob servance of them, prevents sickness. A complete painting guide. Includ ing a book of color schemes, specifi cations for all kinds of painting work, and an Instrument for detecting adul teration in paint materials, with di rections for using it, can be had free by writing National Lead Co., 1902 Trinity Bldg., New York, and asking for Houseowner's Painting Outfit No. 49. A very simple guide in the pur chase of white lead (the only sure and safe paint , material)' is the fa mous "Dutch Boy Painter" trademark; that trademark is an absolute guaran tee of purity and quality. FIDO DULY WARNED. Look here, Fido, if you can't be a better horse than this I shall have to discharge you an get an automobile!" COVERED WITH HIVES. Child a Mass of Dreadful Sore, Itch ing, Irritating Humor for 2 Months Little Sufferer in Terrible Plight. Disease Cured by Cuticura. "My six year old daughter had the dreadful disease called hives for two months. She became affected hy play ing with children who had it. Ey scratching she caused large sores which were irritating. Her body was a complete sore but it was worse on her arms and back. We employed a physician who left medicine but it did not help her and I tried several reme dies but without avail. Seeing the Cuticura Remedies advertised, I j thought I would try them. I gave her ! a hot bath daily with Cuticura Soap j and anointed her body with Cuticura Ointment. The first treatment re lieved the itching and in a short time the disease disappeared. Mrs. George L. Fridhoff, Warren, Mich., June 30 and July 13, 1908." Potter Drag & Chcm. Corp., Sole Traps., Boston Quaint Oath Taken in Court. What is regarded as the quaintest oath still in use Is that taken by the high court judges in the Isle of Man, the terms of which are as follows: "By this book and the contents there of, and by the wonderful works that God hath miraculously wrought in the heaven above and the earth beneath in six days and six nights, I do swear that I will, without respect of favor or friendship, loss or gain, consanguinity or affinity, envy or malice, execute the laws of this isle jurtly .between party and party as indifferently as the her ring backbone doth lie In the midst of the fish. So help me God, and the contents of this book." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, aa mercury will surely destroy the serae of. smell ard completely derauce the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles shoull never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the dam&ee they will do is ten fold to tbe- good you can possibly de rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O., contains no mer cury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.- In buying Hall's Catarrh Curqf be sure you pet the genuine. It ta taken internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. TestiTio-iiais free. Sold bv Drueeists. Price, 75c. per bottle. lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. internal Disturbance. Cusie Oh, mamma! I'll never dis obey you again. Mamma Why, Susie, what have ycu done? Susie Well, I drank my mik at lunch, and then I ate a pickle. And the milk said to the pickle, '"Get out!" i and the pickle said. "I won't." and they are having an awful time!" Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature ofi In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Sex Question. Benham The paper tells of a Troman whose dress' was made of post e stamps. Mrs. Benham I thought postage stamps were used only on mail matter. Thoupands of country people know that in time of sudden mishap or accident liamiina Wizard Oil is the best substi tute for the family doctor. That is why .t is so often found upon the shelf. A Cold Deal. "And so he made a cool million?" "Yep, cornered the ice market." Yale Record. DO TOUR CLOTHES 1LOOK YEIXOW! If so, upe Red Cross Ball Blue. It will make '. aem white as snow. 2 oz. package 5 cents. Nine men out of a possible ten wear a sad look alter they have been mar ried a ear. ..., ONLY OXE "BROMOQUnOSE." That is L.AXATLVK BHOMO OUiSLSK. Lot for ta sirnatara of K. W. GR'iVtU Uaed tbe Worid vver to Cure a CuVt in One Lr. S5c A man's idea of values depends on whether he wants to buy or sell. ' fefill ') ' Yrftinl W ! ty9CwlH&l ifpJ V7 f fl ! (n I ! V J Cue of tha Important Unties of Physicians oM the WeH-Informcd of the -World - - is to learn as to the relative standing: and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is -well known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product,has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the, one perfect laxative remedy which has won theappoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed.because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of -the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of S3rup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup, of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name S3rrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine, is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States, in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. r ADDRESSES Louisville, Ky. PLEASANT FOR DAUBER. Sign Painter (to Dauber, A. N. A.) Hello, bo! It's great to meet up wiC one of de perfesh out here in de wilds! I sundry work at home would b much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces- ; sary to use so much starch tnat the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying i thickness, which not only destroys the ! appearance, but also affects the wear- J ing quality of the goods. Tis troi ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance sfarch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Fiery Courtesy. In a Canadian town a few days ago a dry goods firm was burned out in the morning. In the afternoon a com peting firm inserted the following ad vertisement in a" local paper: "We desire, to extend our sympathy to our respected competitors in their loss by fire and to express the hope that their affairs may scon be so ad justed as to enable them to continue business without undue less cf time. Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Con forms to Pure Food and Drug Laws. Mu rine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain, i Try Murine in Your Eyes. At Druggists. ; Adversity is a searching test of friendship, dividing the sheep from the goats with unerring accuracy; and this is a good service. John Watson, D. D. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" give relief in Bronchial and Lung Troubles. A sim ple remedy. 2.r cents a hox. Samples sent free by John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. Every time a married man lets out the remark that he is frea from worry and care, 'other married men give him the merry grin. A pessimist needs Garfield Tea, the Herb laxative which regulates the liver, corrects constipation and brings good health and good spirits. The assistance we get is seldom sat isfactory. The best way is not to need it. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c. Yon pay 10c for cigars not so good. Your deal er or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Travel expands the mind, : tracts the pocket book.' but ccn- Mr. Wlnalow's Soothlngr yrnp. For children teething, softens tbe gums, redueat J fUmmaiion, allays pain, cures wind coilu. 2ScabotU. It is what it is "cracked up to be, it is ice. if F Col "tare IwuiMa and testa eaters thaa an to wiUKKit nontAfl apart, wntowruooBoowof nem w ujc. im. uuaiiuc The faces of some men look like accidents and some others look like disasters. . - - - ' . Fq Allra' Foot-Fae Cures tired, aehing. sweating-feet. SAc Trial packafO free. A.M.Oimsted.IBoy.l.T. A good sermon Is often spoiled hy a bad dinner. - ucauaa of tticss usly, erizxly. gray hairs. Us San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. London, England. Bank Balance and Independence. Business women have evolved the Idea of saving, and the thrilty incen tive wa-j not inspired by t. ir broth ers, but rather envelops the girl with pendence which evolves th . girl with $300 or $400 to her credit Knd spurs her on to add more and mi. re to the reserve. P'LES CrRED IX 6 TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMiSNT ispnaranteed to enre a?'T cac of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in It to 14 day s or money refunded. 60o. It Is doubtful whether he should be cent to jail for bigamy, or be compelled to live with both of them. Lewis' Single Binder Ciprnr has a rich taste. Ycur dealer or Len- Factory, Peoria, 111. No man will become a drunkard if he knows how to make a home run. Clear white clothes are a sign that the housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue. Large 2 oz. package, 5 cents. The professional tramp never punc tures his tire. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In dipost,ion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, E .-. d Tat-te in the llouth. Coat ed Tonp-ne, Pain in tbe Side, TOUFID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Pnrely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOS?- SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fas-Simile Signature ftZFUSE SimSTlTUTLS. CARTERS Kittle i IVEFt j PILLS Taught Complet (wmu etTr--ry Urdiciaa with xmintion tnj diploma ia tnre awnihs. When : (rfioatce' -" BSTSacood pyinf I prtrfes n id tout m locality. I By '.Jas5 Th only eolicre in u linitra BtMc teaching Veterinary by mmiL Send for piomcrns. Sndenta enrolled at any nine. aKEEICAXITITrTX OF TIT KRIS ART BClk.XCK,Clm,I L Pest Coufrh syrup, lartet oooa. Use in time. SoH by i.usrwts. Other rfM. OftO 10c OaCkaaO COiors H f tten. Tnty tfya For CARTER'S pplTTLE 1 PILLS- s -""j DISTEMPER fofi hpJJ fjdj) SPCHfJ 131UL CO.. 2 - A CREOLE" HAIR RZSTCRain.o PfilCil, SI.OC, retail. INCORPORATED New York, N. Y. 320 Acres "'SS" m western e-nnnoA WILL MAKE YOU RICH Fifty bushels per acre have been . grown. General averagegreatp r than in any other j art of the continent. U nder new regulations it is mm possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres free, and additional 160 acres at $3 per acre. "The development - f tbe country bunuidt marvelous strides. It is a revelation, a rec ord of conquest by settlement tbavt ia remark able." Exiract from correspondence of s NtKXUtl EJito: ruho visited Cjad in JLanst last. The gram crop of 1908 will net marry farmers $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Grain raising, mixed farming and dairying are the principal industries. Climate is excel lent; social conditions the best; railway ad vantages unequcJled; schools, churches and markets close at hand. Land may also be purchased from railway and land companies. For "Last Best West" pamphlet, maps and information as to how to secure lowest rail way rates, apply to Superintendent of Imini-g-ration, Ottawa, Canada, or tbe authorised Canadian Government Agents j. s. c&ivroro. Bft. 125 .V. Ninth Street. Kansas Ory. HI slip ill This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty In t.e purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection, see that it is on the side cf every keg oi whits lead you bay. RATl?lU.laC83UT 19C2 Triatty tsiftlut. Rev To "I have suffered with piles for thirty six years. One year ago last April I be gan taking Cascarcts for constipation. Ia the course of a week I noticed the piles began to disappear and at tbe end of siz weeks they did not trouble tne at all. Cascarets have done wonders for rue. I am entirely cured and feel like a net? man." George Kryder, Kapoloon, O. Pleasant. Palatable. Potest. Tasta Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 13c. 25c, 50c Never sold in built. The rest cine tablet stamped C C C GuarmmaeJ i vested within J weeks after seeding ftzsoo oo wfrih nf magnificent bar. or at ike rata oil s . I J Million Dollar Oraw.Oate. VM.ftrknr .tc. ! i s i1ly worth tO OO of b; wii,wiej U wet f i atrtw)th. or. eud Ko aod t aM a san pbt j j (arm seat novelty never sran hut mm fey yea. j; SAL7ER SE0 CO.. Box W. La Cress. Kf:a. f 1 DISSATISFIED: If MIira ilAKtX tnat Too will aefl tor oweb, writs as onee, M1K8 I.NVKSTIGATIOS CO., 206 IIlbrnl LUdg.. ban rnaeavo, Cal. I'CYlPn 1 I lift BstarrteltrlaBUaBbr iaM K4I.AIWW wnw in Keiublie. frirali f W. N. U WICHITA, NO. 13, 1S03. ill COt4 Water better than am otter rfsa. ' Yaw ra aNa unvu ou, QarMMrjr, Uism Pink Eye. Eztocf8 t Gattarrkal Fmvr M CLOVER SEEE9 g,L-'.l Absoluteli Pure. Ho Weed g"" J Bora ears and posit! preventive, ao ntattor bow amass at sr srssft taeest c Sxpunwl. Liquid. riven oa ta tamsrue; aets 09 th fUoj ad Otaaast npfi tc poisonoaa renns froca Utm body. Carca Piitsuipsr ta Uki aaas hhatyi sad fccvea 4a xwiitry. -LarrcMwUlaf Hfattoek remedy. Cures La trripa aawtur ag-imaa e-- and ta a ttaa h-tdaey remedy, fcaeand si a bottf . teand Mi aoaam. UttWiwc. Li It. toyonrornawtst. who will gat It tor yoa. ra inttln. "a. wflaw j l.O aad Cures. Bpwciaiareitts waatea. BactanoiciU