Newspaper Page Text
.41 if Now is the time to go to CALIFORNIA Low one-way rates in effect EVERY DAY to San Fran cisco. Los Angeles and many ether points in that state. Tourist Sleeping Cars run Every Day on Electric Block Signal Protection. The Safe Road to Travel. Dining Car Meals and Service. "The Best in the World" Inquire cf Yclf. Keallst Ticket Agent. Drugs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Books, Stationery Sundries Cigars. Large Assortment beautiful Postals. Prescriptions carefully and prcmptly filled. Opposite Depot Phone 76. MB-TT i .11! IIIH r-wi--MwffM , M , L , -i5? !& Xg Jt. .J? Furniture J Undertaking L . Carpets, Curtains, Matting, Wall Paper, Pictures, Picture Frames, Etc' Good Wall Paper al 5c a Roll. WINDOW SHADES. All prices. BABY CARRIAGES to suit. Large assortment Carpet samples WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR GOODS. F. MAVEM 15a 2?t 6 Going to Build This Year ? That it is cheaper in the long run to Build than it is to Rent is a conceded fact. Cne year's rentals amount to twice as much as the interest on a building investment. Money saved is money earned don't rent, when you can save money by building a home of you own. S We can supply you with . . 2 o L U M EE at reasonable "prices and vte will gladly figure your needs with out extra charge. Also can supply LINE, CEDENT, ttt Eui!?fc8,nriIs which you will need in buildirg yevr heme cr making ipficu ments. Come in and see us. EL CO 7 T A nvmter cf diflerent kinds and gucts W 1 L. at varying prices m , . ' . - , " ? 6od OOQHjOorK30trKCKDO(:CHVX V Th Tnnv fronds of Herman Ron feldt will be surprised and era titled to hr that he is to be married at noon April 7rh, the happy youngr ladv beinjr Mibs Emma Hart of Lvons, Kansas, who will be well remembered by oar younsr folks as the student at Bissingr's Musical Consevatory. The young folks will live in Kansas City where Herman has a splendid position. Congressman Reeder is row sending out a couple valuable public Govern ment documents and will send you one if requested by postal card. One is by the Department of Agriculture on Alfalfa, civirg many new facts never before krown; the other is by the De partment of Forestry on Tree Planting in Western Kansas. Both are wonder fully interesting. Miss Clara Philip, daughter of Scotty Philip of South Dakota, is here on a visit to her relatives. . The PreEbyterian Ladies' Aid Society gave a supper at Mrs. Fields Thursday evening which was much enjoyed by many. Our people were hepirg that Mr. and Mrs Toothaker were coming back to Hays to live but-word comes that they have bought a hotel in Oxnard, California. The Workman Lodge have already received and paid over to Mrs. John Stackhouse the $2000 insurance carried by her husband in that lodge. Her sister and husband have return ed to their eastern home. Ice for Sale, I . am ready to take orders for deliv ery of ice this summer at reasonable prices. See or phone No. 8 R. B. Thomas. t Don't Forget. I will have some Extra Trees for Sale, when my Nursery Stock arrives. which will be extra good. See me at my fhop. J. C. Westbrook. Oar Sunday Sermon. - As Rev. A. N. Smith of the Metho dist church, and Rev. Goodman of the Baptist church are away and no preach ing there, the Free Press will give its readers and the attendants of these churches one of the finest sermons ever delivered, by the famous Evangelist, Bill Sunday. For beauty of expressior and genuir.e elrquence it has seldom bpp" quail- d Read it over rare full : "Twenty-two years agr, with the Holy Spirit as my guid I entered this wonderful temple called Christianity, I entered at the portico of Genesis, walk ed down through the Old Testament art gallery wh?re the pictures of Noah, Abraham Moses, Joseph, Isaac, Jacob and Daniel hang on the wall. I passed into the music rooms of Psalms, where the Fpirit swept the keyboard of nature and brought forth the dirge-like waii of the weeping prophet, Jeremiah, to the grand impassioned strain of Isaiah, until it seemed that every reed and pipe in God's great organ of nature responded to the tureful harp of David, the sweet singer of Israel, I entered the temple of Ecclesiastea where the clear voice of the prescher was heard and into the conservatory of Sharon, and the Lilly of the Valley's sweet scented spices filled and perfumed my life. I entered the business office of Proverbs, tiien into the observatory room of the prophets, where I saw telescopes of various sines, some point ing to far off events, but all concen trated upon the bright and morning star, which was to rise above the moon lit hills of Judea for our salvation. I entered the audience room of King of Kings and caught a vision of His glorj from the standpoint of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; passed into the Acts of the Apostles, where the Holy Spirit was doing his .office work in the form ation of the infant church. Then into the correspondence room, where sat Matthew, Mark, Paul, John, Peter, James and Jude, penning their epistles I stepped into the tferpe room of Revelations, which all. towered into glittering peaks, and I got a vision of tha Kfng sitting upon his throne in all His glory, an4d I cried: "All hail to the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And erown Him Lord of all! Clark Wilde, who is a student of the Wesleyan University at Salina, visited with home folks this week. About thirty of his friends gave him a pleas ant surprise one evening during his visit, and a jolly good time was had as is always the case when the Smokey Hill folks have somethin' doin How few of us are really our own boss. The married men are subject to their wives; the bachelors obey their landlady; the old maids cater to their cats and poodles, while all of us bow to the weak thing called opinion. We come into this world without our con sent and leave it against our protest, and while here kick at everythirg that crosses our path but all to no purpose. The world wags on, not caring whether we live or die, laugh or cry. The Episcopal services Sunday even ings are well attended and are proving interesting to those who attend. Another new building is being staked out. this time on North Fort street near the Rathbone rssidence. The blue slip for the box rent has appeared in the postoffice. Your Uncle Sam is doing a strictly cash-in-advance business. Joe Schnefer this week sold the three quarter sections of land belonging to Habercorn for $15,000 as the old man is going back to Russia. The Band boys are arranging to give a concert in the G. A. R. Hall, April 13th the proceeds to go toward paying for their uniforms. Save that night for them. Uufortunate Sayings. We often read in the paper or hear someone say something that sounds perfectly ridiculous, yet nothing un usual was meant. Here are a few clippings from papers: While Miss Pearl Kinsmore of East Wind, Ind., was coming downstairs Tuesday she slipped and bruised her self on the landing. (?) Amos Mittleby of Woolspost. Kan., while harnessing a fractious horse, was kicked just south of the corn crib. (?) He is able to be out sgain. While Herold Green of Buelah, Misp. was escorting' Miss Violet Gooph home from a church sociable 'Saturday night a snvap-e dog set upon them and bit Mr. Green four times in the public oquare. (?) Joop Tutf of GrimmTehurg. lows, eHmhrrt on the roof of his house Isst wppfr to find a leak and slipppd - ard fel', striking- npon his hack porch (?) nd pausing serious injuries. Isaiah Trimmer of Dolborv, Nebr., was playing with a'cat Friday, when the animal scratched him on the ver anda (?) A mischievous boy in'Gi'ead. Ohio, threw a stone and struck Mr. Perkins in the alleywav (?) last Tuesdav. Mrs. Binnich of Piketown Wis.,' let a can opener slip Monday and cut her self badly in the pantry. (?) Baptist Church. A. E. Goodman. Pastor There will be no preaching services at the Baptist church to-morrow (Sun day) as the pastor will be away at the dedication of the Turkvi'le church. Sunday School will be as usual. Lutheran Church. C. F. Wiest. Pastor. : 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Public Worship. Subject: "Ambition." 6:30 p.m. C. E. Society. Topic: "Great Missionary Books." 730 p. m. Puhlic Worship. "A Prophet Without a Convert." 7:30 p. m. Wed. Bible Training Class and Prayer Meeting. Les. 23. "Altar and Tabernacle." You are cordially invited to these services. The department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, is sending out over every rural mail route a post card notice to farmers to the effect that if in need of common laborers, mechanics farm laborers, etc. , to return the card specifying the kind of labor needed They in return will send out necessary blanks to be filled out specifying what kind of laborers they want and the department will try to fill their requisi-d tion. This is a matter taken up by the Commerce and Labor Bureau to distri bute admitted aliens and other persons seeking employment. This is a free in formation bureau and no fee is charged or accepted from either party. inese are direct rrom toe old coun try. They come over in search of work and as the government finds out from each one their trade or occupation they can generally send you good help They want a good home in America. This can either be taken as a gentle hint or a timely warning. In a few weeks a rural route inspector from the United States Postoffice department at Washington will cross the state line of Kansas and commencing in the eastern counties he will work as fast as possible his official hand, making a clean sweep over the state cutting the rural routes with relentless energy from the stand point of a celd-blooded official who is working under orders and who has lit tle use for pleas and promises. In other words a rural route inspector is coming to Kansas and his duty will be to look over all the rural routes in the state. Those routes that are hindered by roads will be scratched off the map and the customers will have to resort to the old time practice of coming to town for their mail. No excuses will go. State Journal. The government is spending much money to bring the mail direct to your farm and it is asking very little that the patrons keep the roads on the route in good shape. In this county we have some veryxbad stretches of roads on our rural routes. WM. JORDAN. RESIDENT DENTIST Phone 84. - Hays, Kans C. M. HOLMQUIST, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. HAYS CITY. KANSAS, OFFICE OVER 1ST NATIONAL BANK. Phone 180. J. U. CATUDAL. Physician & Surgeon. Phone : j Office 34. Residence 46 hays, Kansas. Your Choice of Over Two Thousand Premiums Given for Coupons . from all gPUREF00D J. Products -Coupons Given Free Tor Soliciting For Your Horns GpacQF Special Grand Prizes Awarded Eyi-ry- kionth. , . . - Ask About Our Plan. Thai?. 0, Lee'Mor, Go. . A. Rea, aTTotxEjray paw Office Over Postoffice Pftone t2Q Hays City Laundry FRCP I LIFF, PROP. - ALL WORK FIRST- We also do chemical clothes ... CLASS... f cleaning. J. Work called for and delivered. Phone 92 Do You Want to Sell Your patn? If so kindly send me a full description and your price. I HAVE BUYERS here in eastern Kansas "whom I am bringing, to your country every two weeks and selling land. I have im mediate buyers for quarter . sections and one-half sections. Don't wait but send me a description of your land to day. My commissions are reasonable. Address O. H, McQuary, Jr. & Go., Real Estate Loan & Investment to, Morrill, Brown County, Kans. Staple and Fancy Groceries. 7 1 aim to keep in stock everything to be found in a firat class Grocery store. . I have the best assortment of ' . Pure Breakfast .Foods. I have the largest apd best assortment of Qyeerisware. Com inspect fny stock. meter an on (Charles Binder, J. S. Dillon, ) v South Chestnut Street, Hays. We can do your plumbing-, House or Waterworks ' and guarantee satisfaction in work and prices. We offer fp sde a way down prices, the best of tanks, windmills pumps, tubs nd tins of various styles. We ' have' the best garden hose m the city. We canput in your irrigation system at low cost, Try us f cr your vcrk and things in our line. 1 $ Headquarters for i Drugs, Toilet Articles J : AND SUNDRIES. I Prescriptions carefully componuded day or night. RWe do not substituted Y dj We have a large and complete stock of Stationery, Sporting X Goods, Fishing Tackle. Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco. $ : : Lowney's Chocolates and, Bon-Bons. o 4 o oo0 eoo Dealer in Shoes and Gents' Furnishings. S I Exclusive Agency for the QUEEN QUALITY shoe for Women, 6c the W. L. Douglas shoe f or Men. When in need of anything In my line call and be convinced that my prices, are right, and Remember that quality Is the true test of Cheapness. D OC DOC o LooK Over Yovr Implements and see wnat you will need to do the Spring work. Don't deceive yourself by thinking you can do another year's work with an implement that has 'served its time." You will hnd it cheaper in the long run to buy a new Wagon, Mower or Harrow, than to try to get along with patched-up implements. 0 o Full line of Repair or all Implements. o SchSyeir Ss Armlholdl (Successors to John Schlyer or Sons) H... CD OCD ( J) H. W. OSHANT, ABSTRACTOR. Bonded in sum of $5000, : Heal Estate, Insurance and Loans. N. . 1 1 i Deeda, Mortgage!, and other legal Ota.y JTUDllC papers promptly executed. :: HAYS, KANSAS. M TP TIP Hardware store, Hays City. IcycieSc, Gasolene, Stoves, Sherwin-Williams Paints. Riverside rafcgej Brushes, Oils, Lead, Well casing, Chimney tops, I General Hardware. The time has ccme to secure your Garden and Flower Seeds. Remember that f Rice's Flower and Garden Seeds are the Best and Truest to name that come to this market. Preces reasonable and every package guar- CliltCVi-l CI UU JUCHAAA'W IlbUlU . UMVW WXII t buy no other kind. If you never tried tnem do &o tnis 2 year and see for yourself. Your Grocer efpe thern,; Select from the bos marked llice'o Seesb' r r