Newspaper Page Text
.... vv-'-x ',- - vv From stsrsoftraph, copyright, by Underwood A Underwood. 1 Every day is a fresh beginning, Every day is the world made new. " Madonna Lilies and Other That In these sunny y23 iays life grows re orient irom me dust, a latent con sciousness of wings stirs in the buried seed, and as if from very gladness of heart the sap in the naked trees mounts upward, ever upward, into the golden light. The tiny leaves, close-clasped together in the bud, flutter timidb- apart, to grow brave ly green, and flaunt their col or on the passing breeze. The maple tree in the yard now hears a voice out of the un seen, calling from the blue jtfk skies, bidding it come up j J higher, and gladly does it fir make answer in the trreen tassels and shining leaves, telling of new growth and broader horizon. Out on the old arbor, the rough and scraggy grapevine is sending forth little gray tendrils, reaching farther toward heaven and away from the oarth that hMea Itn fnothnlrt- Hnw blithely does nature echo forth her yearly message to every waiting heart her message of resurrection. Joyous activity, high-mounting aspiration! Her myriad voices cry through every sense, to touch and penetrate the spir it with gladness and good cheer. New readings from the Gospel of eternal hope are seen on every side, in the growth, of plant, the unfolding of leaf, the blossoming of flower. The woods are full of these shy spring darlings violets, dandelions, adder's tongues, spring beauties, bluebells ! and many a nameless wildling, all hurrying gayly to deck the earth and celebrate the Eastertide. Certain flowers and plants have al ways been set apart as sacred tWngs, and from the very dawn of history we hear of flower-decked altars and wreaths of sacrifice. The heathen temples were adorned with earth's fairest blossoms, scattered on the al tars, and twined around the brow of priest and acolyte. The amaranth bloomed in deathless beauty upon the Olympian heights, the myrtle was be loved of Apollo, the rose, the lily, the mistletoe were favorites of legend and myth. The flowers once sacred to Freya, the spring goddess of northern mythology, were chosen for their spot less purity, in, form and color. And when heathen myth gave place to Christian truth, these sacred treasures were transferred to the Virgin, and be came symbols of the queen of heaven. So It is that in every story of saint or madonna we find either the lily or the rose the lily with its fragrance, Its bending, bowing, waving bells. AN EASTER Where lilies hid the Latin text. And srnllax wreathed the altar. And every head was bravely bent O'er sacred psalm and psalter. And all the font was pink and white "With roaea strewn upon It, lie saw a little maid in gray "Who wore an Easter bonnet. v r -WO'laV-V Her eyes were full of April tears, - Her scarlet Hps were smiling:; . The sunny curls about her brow Were made for man's beguiling. Her face was like a dewy rose lie paused to gaze upon it. And found that he had lost his heart, jaul she bad lost her bonnet. 7 K ; - V 1 II. T. Flowers Are Sacred seems to whisper of purity and wor ship; the rose, with its faint and far away odor, which seems to hint of eternal hope. One might almost fill a garden with flowers all named for the Virgin Mary, generally because they chance to blossom on Our Lady's days (such as the visitation, the assump tion, her birth, baptism, purification). There are lady's slipper, lady's mantle, lady's fingers, lady's smock, lady's tresses. Virgin's bower, or clematis, begins to bloom in July, the feast of visitation, and is at full bloom at as sumption in August. The lily was first found in connec tion with the . Virgin in the story of her ascension to heaven, and it orig inated probably in the second century. According to this legend, it was three days after the burial of our' Lord's mother that the apostles visited and opened her grave and found it filled with fragrant, spotless lilies. Since then these matchless flowers have been called "Madonna lilies," or "flowers of the Virgin." The common white lily of our gardens, that blooms in July, and is the sweetest and most graceful -of all flowers, might well be called "holy." No one seems to know its origin. It is never found wild In Palestine, nor can we find just where It grows without culture. But we see it in the faded pictures of old Italian masters and Netherland painters, made long before the discovery of this New World. Nearly all of our great poets have praised this flower. Chaucer and Spenser speak of it as a mystical blos som in their far-away gardens and lady's bowers. Shakespeare it was who first said: "To gild refined gold and paint the lily," and these lines from one of his sonnets tell a truth that can never be forgotten: For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Shelley has the lily in his wonder ful garden along with his sensitive plant. Wordsworth often' praises it. Burns mentions it frequently. Tenny son has lovely lily thoughts; but our own Longfellow draws the prettiest picture of maidenhood Bears a lily In thy hand Gates of brass can not withstand One touch of that magic wand. James Rusself Lowell always comes near to the heart of things and left us more than one sweet lily poem and al-. luslon, and our minor poets all tell their love for this perfect specimen of nature's handiwork. "Our Sweet V 111 Shakespeare was born in April, and It was of April's flowers that he sang most frequently and most sweetly. BONNET He walked behind her from the church And viewed her girlish grace; And breathed the vague, delicious scent Of dainty bows and lace. A prayerbook was In her hand She kept her glances on It, Till came a gust of frolic wind And whisked away her bonnet. 50 r v? But now a spray of orange flowers Is wreathed about the Latin; The little maid is all in white A dream of lace and satin. And, as he takes her slender hand. And slips the ring: upon it. He murmurs softly in her ear-- ' A blessing on the bonnet! FOUR ODD DISHES METHODS OF PREPARATION THAT ARE NEW. Quickly Made Dessert Has Founda tion of Stale. Brown-Bread Crumbs Portuguese Apples Good Way to Serve Sole. ' ' "This is the way one woman utilizes stale brown-bread crumbs and makes 3 A a quickly-made 4t?J-7ici'ft' dessert- she cov vmL ers the bottom of ?Ar o frkco rtlsri with TiiihJ. powdered sugar ana oreau crumua mixed. Over this she . puts a layer of whipped cream and preserves. The cook who pre pares this is a German and she calls the simple dainty "gotterspeise." Portuguese apples are prepared thus: Choose 12 apples, not too large, and all of one size. Peel them and remove the core. Stew gently in sirup until tender, but not broken. Leave till cold. Place in a glass or silver dish, strain and then color the sirup pink and fill the hollow in each apple with red curfant jelly, melted sufficiently to be poured in. For the sirup use a breakfast cup full of sugar, the same of water, the juice of one lemon and the peel of half. An appetizing way to prepare so- called sole really flounder is to skin and fillet two of the fish and season with salt, pepper and a little lemon juice. Place them in a well-buttered fireproof dish, cover with buttered pa per and bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes, moistening with a little stock. For the sauce: Stew four large tomatoes. When cooked rub them through a sieve and mix with them the juice of half a lemon, a pinch of salt and pepper and add the liquid in which the fish has been cooked. Stir well, make thoroughly hot and pour over the fish. Chopped mush rooms or truffles may be added to the sauce and a glass of wine should not be omitted. Stewed chicken with olives is deli cious. Cut the chicken Into neat joints and fry them in butter or sweet olive oil In a saute pan; pour off the oil and add a finely minced shallot. Cook for a little time and then moisten with rich brown stock or gravy. Cover the pan and stew gently for about 35 minutes. About 15 minutes before tak ing up the chicken add 20 stuffed olives. Dish up on a crouton of fried bread and garnish with croutons. Pour the sauce (strained) round the fowl and serve. Southern Horns. Scald one pint of milk; add two ta- blespoonfuls of melted butter. When lukewarm add one yeast crJie, dis solved; two tablespoonfuls of sugar and enough flour to make a soft dough; knead lightly, put back in the bowl; stand aside for three hours, or until light, roll out, cut into cubes; stand aside to rise in a greased pan for one hour; bake in a quick oven for about fifteen minutes. Five . minutes before they are done draw them from the oven, brush them with a glaze made by beating a tablespoonful each of sugar and milk and the white of an egg. Dust them quickly with chopped almonds. Return to the oven to brown. These are excellent. Steamed Apple Pudding. Is made with two cupfuls cf flour, four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of salt, two table spoonfuls of butter and three-fourths of a cupful of milk. Sift the dry in gredients, work in the butter, and add the 'milk slowly, mixing with a knife, and roll out on a floured board. Cut four apples into eighths; put them in the middle of the dough, and sprinkle with sugar. Draw the dough up around the apples and lift Into a buttered mold carefully, so that the apples do not break through. Cover tightly, and steam one hour and 40 minutets. Pickling Eggs at Table. Take a hard-boiled egg, remove the shell, cut in two and put on salt and pepper, and then squeeze the egg a lit tle, or crack the hard yolk with the fork or knife blade, so it will allow the vinegar to run into the bowl of white, as it holds the hard boiled and cracked white. To squeeze a little with the fingers Is more convenient and cracks the yolk in several directions, so as to allow more vinegar to be absorbed. Banana Croquettes. This is a very nourishing dish, easily prepared at a few minutes' notice. Peel and scrape ripe bananas. Cut each one in two pieces and cut off the sharp end. making them look like a croquette. Roll them in chopped nuts of any kind either peanuts, hickory or walnuts Lay on a leaf of lettuce and serve with a little French dressing containing a great deal of olive oil. This is a splen did luncheon dish for the hungry schoolboy. Oyster Pepper Roast. Pick over one dozen large oysters, strain the liquor and measure; there should be one-half of a cupful.- Add to the oysters with one teaspoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one-half of a tablespoonful of tomato catsup and two tablespoonfuls of chopped green or red peppers. Turn into a flat dish and cook in a hot oven until the edges of the oysters curl, then pour over buttered toast. Ginger Snaps. Mix together a half-cup each of hut ter and lard, creaming them thorough ly with two cups of sugar, add a beat en egg, a cup of molasses, a half-cup of strong hot coffee, a heaping tea spoonful of baking soda dissolved in the coffee, a teaspoonful each of cinna mon, cloves and ginger powdered, and enough flour to enable you to roll out the dough. Roll thin, cut out and bake in a quick oven. . Hot Pot. Boil a little veal 20 minutes; take a few brains and beat with an egg and season; then put in a buttered dish a layer, of chopped veal and chopped onion; then a layer of oysters; then a layer of brains and so on until the dish is fulL The top should be crack er. Before putting In to bake put in the oyster liquor and the veal broth. Cover and cook about one hour. A CONSTIPATION . REMEDY FREE There is no action of your daily life of greater importance than to see that your bowels move. They should move at least once a day naturally, and by that is meant without any help. If they do not move at least cnce a day you can consider yourself constipated and it is time you did something about it. You will be glad to know there is a way out of the difficulty, Lemuel Lau derdale, an old soldier at Quincy, 111., Elmer McMillan, of Speed, Mo., Mrs. Monahan, of Stonewall, Miss., and many others were as you are now. But one day they awoke to the fact that Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin was curing their friends, so they bought it too and it cured them. To-day, they are loud in praise of it. What Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin did for them it should do for you. Surely your constipation is no worse than theirs, ane of whom had it since '61. It only re mains for you to realize that salts are of Dut temporary good, and what you want a permanent cure; that purgative tab lets, cathartic pills and such violent things make a great show of doing some .hing. but do nothing that is lasting. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a scientific preparation, a laxative-tonic, a mild syr upy liquid that contains ingredients that not only cure the constipation, but tone the intestinal muscles so that they learn again to work without help. A bottle can be bought of any druggist for the small price of 50 cents, and there is a dollar size for families who have already found out its wonderful value in stomach, liver and bowel troubles, in old or young. Send your name and address to the doc tor and a free trial bottle will be sent you so that you can test it be fore buying. If there is anything about your ailment that you don't understand, or if you want any medical advice, , write to the doctor, and he will answer you fully. There is no charge for this service. The address is Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 201 Caldwell bldg., Monticello. 111. TIRED OF THE REPETITION. Plausible Argument Advanced Youthful Tactician. by Dorothy, aged eight years, was very fond of going to church, and when a severe cold made it unwise for her to be allowed to attend services one Sunday morning she was disconso late. "Frauline will read the Bible to you," her father assured her. "I don't want to tear the Bible read. I want to say my prayers," ob jected the child. "God will hear your prayers just the same if you say them at home as if you were in church," she was told. , "But I don't know any without the prayer-book," argued Dorothy. "Why, you know 'Now I lay me down to sleep," " papa said. "But God has heard that so often," she remonstrated. Harper's .Weekly. A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE Of Painting Requirements Will Save Much Expense. When one sees the surface of . a house or other building scaling, or peeling, or spotted or blistered, or showing other symptoms of paint "dis ease," it is evident that a poor painter has been on the job, and that poor paint was used or possibly that a good painter lhad been dominated by a property-owner who knew nothing about paint. It is an easy matter to be informed on paint and painting. A complete painting guide, including a book of color schemes, either for exterior or interior specifications for all kinds of painting, and an instrument for detecting adulteration in paint ma terial, with directions for using it, may be had free by writing National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Bldg., New York City, and asking for House owner's Painting Outfit No. 49. Then, every houseowner should make it a point to .get only well known reliable brands in buying his materials.- Pure white lead is espe cially important, or the paint will not prove satisfactory. The famous "Dutch Boy Painter" trademark of National Lead Company, the largest makers of pure white lead, is an ab solute guarantee of the purity and quality of the white lead sold under it. That trademark is a safeguard against paint trouble. WITH MOTHER A CLOSE SECOND. "Hi, you, Willie! Wat's de matter?" - "Nuthin. I'm trainin for a Mara thon!" How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be .cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Jk CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions and financially able to calry out any obligations made by his firm. Waldi-3. Kinkan A Marvin. Wholesale DruKtrtets. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting dlrectlv upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drusreiata. Take HaU's Family Pills tor constipation. Science and Culture. Engineer I've just .been in steam last hour. - Lit Good! You've needed some thing like that for a long time. Wis consin Sphinx. Defined. The Writer's Child Pa, what is penury? . The Writer Penury, my son. Is the wages of the pen. . Women know that men will iqake fools of themselves if given a chance and they give them lots of chances. Tet Arhe re Allen's Voot-K&M Over 3a 000 testimonials. Befnss imitations. SendZor frsw trial package. A- 8. Olmsted, La Boy, M. T. It takes a has-been a long time to find it out. w Y!0) 3 f if f lUI ci cf WHOLE TEAM. Ida Yes; that Is Mrs. Pelleigh. Her husband is a famous coach. May That's a good . combination. She's a regular nag. A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. rwenty-four Carloads Purchased fo Lewis' Slngls Binder Cigar Factory. What is probably the biggest lot of all fancy grade tobacco held by any factory in the United States has just been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, of Peoria, for the manufacture of Lewis Single Binder Cigars. The lot will make twenty-four carloads, and is se lected from what is considered by ex perts to be the finest crop raised in many years. The purchase of. tobacco is sufficient to last the factory more than two years. An extra price was paid for the selection. Smokers of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. Peoria Star, January i6 igog. Should Have Kept Them. One day just previous to the recent election a big, good-natured looking negro presented himself to the regis tration officers in Cleveland, O. "Were you born in the United States?" was the first question asked. "No, sah," answered the darky, with a broad grin; "I was bo'n in Mobile, Alabammer." Then followed the question as to the applicant's present residence, an interrogatory that caused him Some perturbation. "Can't you remember where you live?" demanded another of ficer of the board. "Sure I knows where I lives!" ejac ulated the negro; "but I can't keep the blamed numbah in mah mind." "When did you vote last?" "Eight years ago. But I think 1 voted undah mah right name that time." Sunday Magazine. TWO YEARS OF FREEDOM. No Kidney Trouble at All Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. J. B. Johnson, 710 Wee St., Co lumbia, Mo., says: "I was in misery with kidney trouble, and finally had to un dergo an . operation. I did not rally well, and began to suffer smothering spells and dropsy. My left side was badly swollen and the action of the kidneys much disor dered. My doctors said I would have to be tapped, but I began using Doan's Kidney Pills in stead, and the swelling subsided and the kidneys began to act properly. Now my health is fine." (Statement made Aug. 1, 1906, and confirmed by Mrs. Johnson Nov. 16, 1908.) Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buff alo, N. Y. FREEDOM. Son Say, dad; when is the free dom of the city given to a man? Pater When his wife goes to the country for the summer. A Triumph. Editor This is not a good dialect story. . Author On the contrary it is one of the best ever written. Editor Huh! How do you dope that out? Author If you will examine it carefully, you will see that not a single word in the entire MS, is spelt right. Cleveland Leader. Red, "Weak, "Weary, "Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for illustrated Eye Book. At Druggists. We are ruined, not by what we real ly want, but by what we think we want; it is wise, therefore, never to go abroad in search of our wants. Punshion. Your working power depends upon your health! Garfield Tea corrects disorders of liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels; over comes constipation, purifies the blood brings good health. The Idealist. The Bride I want a piece of meat without any bone, fat or gristle. The Butcher Madam, I think you'd better have an egg. Harper's Weekly. Pettit's Eye Salve First Sold In 1807 100 years ago, sales increase yearly, wonder ful remedy; cured millions weak eves. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. And a silver dollar looks like a wheel of fortune to the man who is down to his last penny. RED CROSS BALL BLUE Should be in every , home. Ask your grocer for it. Largs 2 ox." package' only 5 cents. It's easy for a man's wife to dress well if his creditors can afford it. KLEJ CTHED TS S TO 1 DATS. PAZO OLNTMBXT is guaranteed to ear any ease of Itehinjr. Blind. Bleeding or grounding Pile la t to li days or money refunded. 60a. Your orthography Is twisted, Alonzo. woman is not a padded celL Mrs. Window's Bo&thtng Syrwp. For children teething-, softens tbs rotas, reduces n SSCaBOtU Chicken-hearted people are always hatching excuses. (n(n) v WrAtt rff flfrp i r Cesauca of trscsa u.zty cjlzzly, excy hairs V09 LA i: IRK REfMwII , llM ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYetfetable Preparation Terr As -similating ihe Food and Regula ting the S tomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digesfionheerful nessandRcsl.Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic JuttJctn -j4lxSeH -KotArlh Softs yf Std Harm Sttd -Winkiyttm flavor. A perfect Remedy f or Conslipa tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Guaranteed under jlhe Foodanilj vjyV vH JijL mRsm (0)00, W 9J. 1 THI OH THAT ENCTRATC ' f fgK ! For and Is a fine Kldnev 1 it. Bhow toyour dniRv'st. ana cures." special agents SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. eECJEADAOE' CARTER'S Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating:. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongne, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CARTERS if IVER - PILLS. Hooper'sDon'tScratch (Tetterrem) sold and guaranteed by f ? t druggists to be a satis factory treatment for Dandruff and all Sca'p Troubles, Tetter, Ecze ma, Itch, Ringworm, Chapped, Sunburned Face and Hands, Pim ples, Itching Piles, Sore, Sweaty, Blistered Feet, Cuts, and all Irritations of the Skin. Does not stain, grease or blister. Two Sizes, 50c and $1 bottles. Trial Size 10c. Either mailed direct on receipt of price. HOOPER MEDICINE CO., Dallas, Texas, and Jersey City, N. J. This Trade-mark Eliminates AH Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection, see that it is en the side of every keg of white lead you buy. MTT0KH. LEAD CCSH'ARY 1332 Trinity Building, it York LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Ilectrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Kansas City, Missouri 3 rn alb. Per Salter's catalog case im. T!-""J""m 1 Larrest ercrwer of onion and vegetable 1 teeds in the world. Big eataloe free : or. f send lOoia stamps and receive catalog and j xooo kernels each cf onions, carrots, celery, radishes. 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tnr I nips, 100 parsley, 100 tomatoes, too melons, j 1200 charming sower seeds, in all zo.000 kernels, easily worth 91. OO of any man's money. Or. send 200 and we will add one pkg. of Earliest Peep O'Day Sweet Corn. SALZER SEED CO., Box W. La Crosse, Wis. HAIR DALSA&1 jPmnotaa a T rcila to Sector Gray 1 K-ir to lva Tosvafol Color. iOam scalp diseases hnit imLLtag. .)& sad f UXt tX Drorvs " CllTTLE IVER J PILLS. Jf-n CH-CLE" liAia Ri;3TCa-n.o pmc,., retzlt. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Thirty Years tms etsnus sosmmt, new vena crrr. ft Jp In M S8 vjj - For Over DISTEMPER &&g i care and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any ap d." Liquid, irlven on the tontrue: acts on the Blood ana iili Pink Eye. Eplxootle Fever & Catarrhal Fever onoattemu from the body. Curee Distemper in Doyrs and (Sheep and ( holer ta Itry. tanreet selling livestock remedy. Curee La Grippe amongr human belntts Is a fine Kidney remedy, bbc and SI a bottle . S5 and CIO a dosen. -Cut thtaoul Kep who will get It forjou. free Booklet. Distemper, waniea. Chemists and PftPUFU lun II P Bacterioioaiste OUOnLJl, mu. U. d. m 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acr have been grown -on farm lands in WESTERN CANADA Much les would bo satisfactory. The gen eral average is aboro twenty bushels. "All are loud in their praises of the great crops and that won derful country." hi- tract from correspondence Aljdiorii'l LditoHil Association cf August, 190S. It is now possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres free and another 1 60 actes at $3.00 per acre. Hundreds have paid the cost of their farms (if purchased) and then had a balance of from $ 1 0.00 la $ 1 2.00 per acre from one crop. "Wheat, bai ley. oats, flax all do well. Miked farming is great success and dairying is highly profitable. Excel lent climate, splendid schools and churches, rail ways bring most every district wilhin easy read, of market. Railway and land companies hav. lands for sale at low prices and on easy ttmu "Last Best West" pamphlets and maps sent' free. For these and information as to bow to secure lowest railway rates, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, or the authorised Canadian Govern ment Agent: J. S. CRAWrCXD. Ra. 125 V. Rinth Street. Ssasss City. Mlssowi. The Season I Make and 8ell More Men's $3.03 & $3150 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer is because I glvs ths wearer the benefit of the boss complete organization of trained experts u4 r"lH shoemakers In the country. Ths selection of ths leathers for each part oi the sass, and every detail of ths staking in every etepartaicBt, Is looked after by ths best shoemakers in ths shoe isdsstry. It I could show yon how c artfully W L. Docxlae shoe arc made, Tom would then andentand why they hoid thsta shape, fit better, and wear longer than acy ether sasas My Method cf Tanning the Solet makes tMem Mart . flexible and Longer Wearing than any other. Shees for Every Menher or the Fstmify, Meu, Jtoy, Women, M lasea start Cfailslrcaw For sal by shne dealers everywhere. PHlfTinM I " K-nuite vritlioiit W. Dnnirtao VHU I lUll I name and price stamped on botiota fast Color Eyelets Used Exclojdvely. Catatef swAed (na W. L. DOUGLAS, It Spark SC. Brecatsa, i Salts and Casio? fhj bad stuff never cure, 4y II only makes bowels move be cause it irritates and sweats them, like poking finger in your eye. Hie best Bowel Medicine is Casccreis Every Salts and Castor Oil user shcsld get a box cf CASCAKETS and try them just once. YouU see. Cascarets 10c bos week's treatment. -All drtt&rsists. Birrest seller in ib rorld million boxes monto. f SI ,500 CiCEarfH I Writs tor Ft Catalog. Describes f ! I sad illustrates or lis of ths o. . r HI. LE3 HYDRAULIC CfSEB FSESSES Built la and st 1 Unas far aha Cider . sad Thasor maker. Wt caa skew yoa hew B1.506 cisaz prafit caa bs aaada, BWUUC PHIt mn. CUMisnstsasB&sBBiB irmimx m CtHssisi ay. alini imiUsi VlktiUkJ If afflicted with sore eyes, us JThcispscn's E3Uitr V? j I ! Tr sixes M to M I 0 barrels par day. Jf I Baad or power. a J rami Cos all psissasi. Us K -. "TiT- itassi lies) s iLssf " ' aw, tssll ! "" Caesars. Tien if tiawnliPS Jlaesa, V f - , aiswf