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Somotimes Full of 'Em. Q. "There U ouly one sparker In a motor car. Is there?" A. "Not neces sarily. The nun. her frequently varies with the number of couples carried. Kansas City Tinea. Their Similarity. "A rolHiig stone gathers no moss,' remarked tho provc-rb dispenser. "And like the human hih roller," rejoined the thoughtful thinker, "it also gravi tates downhill." Heard in a Restaurant. Gera!d "On account of their simi larity In dress It's hard to tell a gentle man rron a w&H.-r." Gcraldiue "But doesn't the waiter usually own hi3 dress, suit." Bohemian. Shows Influence of Mind. Careful estimates show that the av rae business man walio a mile Id 181,, while the ordin:ir loiter r, who has no business on hi mind, requires 29 minuter to walk it Made His Diagnosis. What diasnosl3 did the doctor make of your wife's illness?" "Said she is su3eriag from overwork." "Is that so?" "Yes, he looked at hei tongue and reached his decision im mediately. Angel's Gifts. If, Instead of a gem, or even of a flower, we could cast the gift of a love ly thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels, I suppose, must give. George Mao Donald. Severe. "Aw, I suppose you don't keep doa biscuits in this benighted village?" asked an English tourist contemptu ously of the general shopkeeper. "Oh, yes, we do!" replied the man.' Ta a bag, or eat 'em here, sir? Don't Know How to Live. There are people who go about the world looking for slights, and they are necessarily miserable, for they find them at every turn, especially inv aginary onis. They are morally il literate for they have never learned now to live. Henry Drummond. Renewing Hostilities. Ni -,! y "I've discovered there is one state ia which divorce is wholly un nece;; ry." Mrs. Nagley (sharply) Whi. !i is that?" Nagley "The state of single blessedness!" Illustrated Sunday Magazine. Earth Mulch. Mar.; farmer.-; do not know that a pad? full of fresh earth put about trees, l;:itho3 or vines will protect them trcin mice. Clear away the grass and loaves and a minute's work will suffice to protect the tree. Madeira's Equable Climate. Med. ira is said to have the most equab:.j climate in all the world. In snrr.iu ; tuo average heat is a little above 70. and in the winter it seldom goes h!ow CO. For this reason. It Is a favorite resort for invalids, espe cially those suffering from tubercu losis and pulmonary troubles. The Dublin Cab Driver. In few cities in tho world is your Jehu more rich ia fancy than in Dub lin, more skilled in embroidered words, better able to sting and wither with the cunning of his quick scorn. It Is a f-tst of that "impassioned logic which outruns the hearer in its fiery courso." Dublin Freeman's Journal. Inhabitants of the Museum. Little Dorothy had bt-en taken by a friend to visit the mu.-.eum and was Tery much interested in the stuffed animals in the glass cages, and also In the statuary. On returning home she ran eagerly to her mother, say ing: "Oh, mamma, we saw some real, live, stuffed animals and some sam ple people." Work with a Will. We are not sent into this world to do anything into which we cannot put our hearts. We have certain work to do for our bread and that is to be done strenuously; other work to do for our delight and that is to be done heartily; neither is to be done by halves or shifts, but with a will; and what is not worth this effort is not to be dene at all. John Ruskin. Source of Poison Dr-ers. The action of foods and'vs on their receptacles may produce d a.'ly poisons. Acid fruits re k--d i:i toyp r or sine 10 is are a 1 an i ; r sou-ce o' danger. A man who was ta'cn ill in the himtlns field with y os mineral poisoning To.; :;" 1 t! :t ' 1.. 4 . Old brandy he can:.-! ii. "i-- V. pocket had dissolve- it" ; i;e ( ? per in the su-rlh-n s Iw- ,'::-', Crown-Up Chi'dren. It ia not only the frivolous whom the of cbV ii-lmei-s is just now leadius i - r iy. Siliimrs is the fash Jon ever! 2.:,.: : the wise. Women especial. v f ! a kind of childish shrewdi e s in ta'kir- of r . nous sub jects. Like children who have the habit of romancing, they lose the sento of reality, and beu-e they nev er talk exactly a3 they think they be gin to think exactly as they talk, London Spectator. Sorreh't Rc:-;!i en Cc:'-;. At dinner oae cv-t ' - a ' . .' 1: actress was im st ' ' '. - 'young lieU'ciMi: v.h.-i r.r. ' ' He was m!?r.tiiy j-: : . .! or L : ' such good ier-iS V. 1 ;t " " : SwZvly sh.: s::i '. ! r ' ' pretty manner: "f - ' ; a '1 ". part in a new r'ny. ! 1 . . watchjag 3011 ever :-::"acc- v - v :j irv-uevd. You iout mind. d- you" Hay for Sale. I have about twenty ton of good haj for sale. Will be delivered in town at reasonable price. See thi3 office or phone 23. Rooms Tor Rent. 1 have three nice rooms heated by hot water, good location, furnished, for rent at reasonable prices. See MRS. AVER1LL, 3-ltx EaEt Normal Avenue. Stock Herded. I have fine wheat pasture, good pas ture, all fenced and plenty of shelter and feed and should like a bunch of cattle to pasture this winter. Prices reasonable. Ad 'ress or see me GEORGE FORSTER, Ii frurr. F. O. Kareae Cold weather is here. Nothing is nicer than mince pics. We have some elegant-mincc-meat at our shop oppo site the post office. HOFFMAN'S. For Sale. One Brass mounted double buggy Harness, almost new; one power feed grinder with new burr?, capacity twen ty-five bushel per hour; one corn shelter in good order; one washing ma chine little used. See or phone W. A. SMITH, Hays. Turnips for Sale. We are digging our turnips. They are fine and we offer some for sale at reasonable prices, big or little amounts For terms and particulars phone me any day between twelve and one o'clock while in at dinrer. Phone No. 1220. CHRIS PEDERSON. Farm southeast of Reservation. C. M. HOLMQUIRT, ' attorNey-at law. HAYS CITY. KANSAS, OFFICE OYER 1ST NATIONAL BANK. hone IPO E. A. Rea, 71 TTORXEY TIT L71 W Office Over Poitotfice F I tr I. J. IJ. CATUDAL, m.o. A. SILVCRSTEIN mo Res. 1 hone 46 Res. Phone 276 Catudal & Silverstein, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS OFFICE. CITIZENS' BANK BLOCK PHONE 34 HAYS, KANSAS DR. L. A. MARTY PHYSICIAN 5 SURGEON Office over 1st National Bank Hays, Kansas. All calls will be answered promptly day or night. PHONE 273 VM. JORDAN, RESIDENT DENTIST Phone 84. , Hays, Kas. Have You Seen It? Our New Illustrated Pre mium Gatalog is ready for you. It shows a world of new and up to date premiums. The value of the Lee cou pon has been materially in creased; you will be sur prised at what you can get for just a few coupons. Premiums are offered for from two coupons to seven thousand coupons. Our sales sheets offer four coupons for every sale made for your home grocer. The line of Lee Pure Food Products is the only full line of high grade food products with which premiums are given. Ask your grocer for Lee Brand of anything in gro ceries from A to Z and see that every label Bears This Trade Mark Send two cent stamp for our New Illustrated Gatalog. Premium Department The H. D. Lee filer. Co. Salina. - - Kansas Beauty at the Breakfast Tab!. To look her be;t a worn -.n .should rlae slowly, dress by decrees, make her toilet as if time were at a stand still, and stroll down to the first meal of the day without the slightest trace of having hurried or of brinr in a hurry, either for ie?reshment or news, j Women who follow this plan are al ; ways -those who are most admired, ! but from the hostess' point of view it is not to 'be recommended. Ladies' Pictorial. The Mistral. The mistral is a cold northwest wind which does much damage at cer- taia seasons in France and Italy. I From the close of autumn to the be ; ginning of spring, it is especially vio I lent. It dries up the soil and causes dangerous storms on tha Mediterrano ; 4a &. Under tho organization of the famous National River Transportation " Con gress lately held in Washington, which Alex Philip attended as a delegate, there was organized a Missouri River Navigation Congress, which held its session at Omaha. Mr. Philip also at tended and there was appointed by Gov. Drake of North Dakota, President of the congress, as one of the directors for Kansas. His business will be to awaken the interests of the peopie of the state to the great importanca of river transportation from Kansas City to the gulf, which is bound to come some time and many believe now is the time to urge it. The next Congress is to meet at Kansas City next year. Next Monday in our city will be cele brated an unusual occurance, the Silver Jubilee of Very Rev. Father Charles, its Pastor, in remembrance of his 25th anniversary to his ordination to the holy priesthood. At ten o'clock there will be solemn High Mass by the jubi lariam in the church with a sermon by Rev. Father Jerome, In the evening there will be a fitting celebration, to which all are cordially invited at St. Joseph's Hall He was born in Baden in 1859, and when 21 came to America and joined the Capuchin order in 1880, was ordain ed in Dec. 1884 and on Christmas cele brated his first Holy Mass at Cumber land. He has worked faithfully at many charges and at Pittsburg, Penn., during his term he erected St. Augus tines church at a cost of $225,000 and it was he who first set in motion the es tablishing of the Catholic college at this city. He went to Rome as one of the International delegates to take part in the general election of the order and last July he was assigned to St. Jos eph's church in this city. Twenty-five years of such faithful work for the welfare of souls and up buildirg of his church is surely worthy of the highest celebration possible and it is proper that our church should celebrate it with ppecial so'emrities, and we-hope he may live twenty -five years rr.ore to er joy and push forward the gcod work. Since coming here he has proven a very welcome addition to our religious people, who gladly joir in this eeletrotien e?en if they can't be present at the services. Saturday Afternoon Club. January 8 PROGRAM: Hostess.. .... . Mrs. Snyder Roll Call Country Life Mrs. Griffith Discussion How to Keep the Boy on the Farm Mrs. A. Philip Modern Aids for the Farmer's Wife Mrs. Schrenkler Harry Frees e Notary Public Woman's Natural Sense. One woman's natural sense Is worth 60 men's trained reason in a predica ment. New York Press. Selfish Philosophy. Pliny: It is best to profit by the madness of others. When Love Grows Cold. When love grows cold there are like ly to be hot times around the house. Advice for the Lovelorn. When a girl begins to talk a greai deal about some other man It is an excellent time to propose to her. Appreciation. If courtesy were expensive more people might be inclined to regard it a? a good thing. He Was Thankful. Willie was very proud of his first pants. That night, when he said his prayers, he said: "Dear God, I am thankful to say I have on pants now." Delineator. Necessary Optimism. "The chronic optimist who says h 'loves the cold weather, " says the Philosopher of Folly, "is usually the man who has not money enough to go south for the winter." Eefore Ripe Wisdom Comes. There is a dangerous stage in every one's career when his friends are afraid to tell him a compliment, for fear it will make him more conceited. Boston Globe. From "Guesses at Trcth." Some men treat the God of theft father as they treat their father's friend. They do not deny him: h,r no means: they only dony thp;ns;i . 0 to him, when he is good noash.' to call upon them. J. C. ad A. W. Hare. Left Them Thinking. Counsel (to the jury) "The princi pal fiult of the prisoner has been his unfortunate characteristic of putting faith in thieves and scoundrels of the basest description. I have done. The unhappy man in the dock puts implic it faith in you, gentleman of the jury!" Health. Pad as conditioss are to-day, great progress has been made during the last 20 years. People are growing more careful as to what they eat and drink. There is no city that is not bestirring itself to Improve its water supply and its system of sanitation. The demand for more fresh air is al most a fad In progressive - coraraasi- Our Russian farmers were never known to buy so liberally for Christmas as this year. This ia Christmas week. Men look to the future, while women look for the "present" Here is the week the children turn the hose on old Santa . Claus and no chree-quarter inch hose will answer. They can't get a big encugh one. It is also the time when Daddy can see how big hose his wife or daughter wears. No woman now brags of "her little feet," but the bigger the better. We must Bay to the credit of the Boctor that he did not accept the pro posal Monday evening but went home with the boys to the hotel after the show rather than be carried off by a new sweet smile. It is just such Bongs that catch the bald-heads but couldn't catch Millard. At the last meeting of the Knights of Columbus the following officers were elected: Presideet, J. B. Basgall; vice president, R. M. Dresse; recording secretary, John Jacobs; financial secre tary.. Philip Jacobs; treasurer, John Eberle; sergeant-at-armp, Paul Was singer; sentinel, George Basgall, trus tee, John Pfanneetil; medical examiner, Dr. J. U. Catudal. A Public Installation Ard Csmr-fire -will be held at the G. A. R. Hall on Thurpday night, Jan. 6, 1910 at 7:80 o'clock. The public are invited to participate in the enjoyment of the camp-fire, where there will be fn 'abundance of eirgirg tf old war songs by a select quartette ard hear the many stories by the old soldier's which will always be cherishfd by all who love Old Glory. Be pure and be with us 'and enjoy an evening of war time reminiscences. H. B. KOHL, Adjutant. Joseph Runyon Dead. Word came WedreFday morning of the death of our citizen and old soldier, Joseph Runyon, which occurred Tues day night at Wakeeney, where he had gone on a business trip. He was sick but a couple days having had a para letic stroke, from which he never ralied. He leaves a widow and several erown children. A handsome new home was beirg built on East Juniata street for the family, which they hoped soon to occupy, but he failed to live to see it finished. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends both here and in Trego county, hie former home. The body was brought here and the funeral services were held in the new home Thursday afternoon, then the body was taken to the G. A. R. Hall under escort of the bid soldiers where a military funeral was carried out in the presence of a large circle of sympathizing friends, and the remains were laid to rest in our cemetery. Always Keeps Ahead. Many a man has a great future ahead of him, but in unable to catch up with it. Arabian Proverb. A day that is not thine own do not reckon It as of thy life. Ae True Now as Then. Corruption will never want a pre tense. Cato, Socialism in Sweden. Socialism has found many new. ad herents and Is making rapid growth In Sweden. The labor conditions gen erally have been such as to bring dis content to many who had previously been apparenUy satisfied. The British Press. Not a little world wisdom lies in th conduct of the British pres. It managers do not let their instincts foi news run away with their appreciation of how things said n heat look in cold print to the world abroad. They cc not furnish arrows for the quivers oi their foreign criUcs. Boston Trah script. Profits from Cat Breeding. Taken all round, cat breeding is not a royal road to fortune." It is all a matter of luck, and some people may manage for a few years to make a handsome profit, but it cannot be kept up. I myself made about 60 out of my cats one year, not allowing foj rent and labor, but as a rule I was out of pockeL Ladies' Field. Discriminating Woman. Lady theatrical managers seem t be peculiarly fortunate, or rather pe culiarly clever at gauging the taste of the public. Possibly they are not so vain as the actor-manager, or they choose their plays with greater acu men, or they pay more attention to trifles and good management in small matters. London Graphic. The Ruler of the World. When we get behind all the clrcnm tanceg of our daily life we find the thinker, the man with ideas. He Is the true ruler of the world.' He gives us all things, from the clothes of our , bodies to the clothes of our minds. He ; gives us coats and commandments; mutton chops and morals. He gives us our policies, our religion, all, in short, that we have. London Dailv, Dispatch. ; Her Kick. T dont mind finding a gray hair f two In my own hair," sighed the bach elor girl, who shows some few signs of the sere and yellow leaf, "but when I pay (3 for a nice bunch of lovely brown curls and have to pick them out of those, too, it isn't lair- Do 70a think It lar THOUGHTS WALDO PONDRAY WARREN - WHY MISTAKES ARE MADE i!STAKES do not "happen" they are the results of causes. A vast measure of time, money, and oppor tunity is lost in making mistakes and trying to rectify them. To correct mistakes is a good work, but to prevent them is a f r.r higher achievement. The "ounce of prevention" may be app!;2d by carefully considering some of the chief causes of errors in business. They are: Carelessness, inattention and superficial interest; Laziness not being willing to take the trouble; Accenting appearances as facts without investigation; Proceeding without discussion or advice; Impulsive decisions not well thought out; Lack of foresight and preparation; Wrcr.3 theories and biased advice; Fa!re economy and desire for gain; Lack of tact and thoughtfuiness; Fcrrjrttir.g ard neglect of duty; D3peridig on these not properly instructed; Failure to take due precautions; Fnilire to safeguard weak points; and exaggerated hopes. The remainder may be charitably classed as the result of humzn frailty a last rescrt in explaining mistakes that .can net ba rectified nor traced to their roots in undeveloped char acter. (Copyright, 1907, by Joseph B. Bowles.) f ii. Climatic Peculiarity. Montreal, with its winters of great severity, is 360 miles nearer the equa tor than is London. Montreal, indeed is on the same degree of latitude u Venice. Perfectly Safe. When a woman is first married, she fears her husband is so brave and gen erous that he will get hurt some day rushing into a dangerous place to do a noble act, but she is not long In find ing out that on that score he is per fectly safe. Atchison Globe. About Right. A boy was asked to explain the dif ference between animal instinct and human Intelligence. "If we had in stinct," he said, "we should know everything we needed to know with out learning itj but we've got reason, pnd so we have to study ourselves 'most blind, or be a fool." Universal ist Leader. A srrflsi3 eLrPjj LPs! 1 Lai And 1909 Atlas of the World. The Only Completely New Webster Dictionary Issued Since 1S90. 50,000 NEW WORDS NO "SUPPLEMENT." fiQ ADDED WORDS. A Place for Everything and Everything in its Proper Place Set from New Type. Printed from New Plates. Re-edited Throughout. Thia work is Not a reprint, and ia Not a phot'vyriDhic repro luction. I": is the .Most Essentially. New Web ster's Dictionary issued since Noah Webster's Own I nnnediate Wor'c. Insist upon the "Universal" and cist the " J.uverjal" ta Very 'Jest. The One Great Dictionary by Which a!! Others Are Measured. Endorsed by State Superintendent, Courts, the Press, Clergy, and People Everywhere, (Send for testimonials.) :$i0fP "'ctiwsrv of Author? ( tsvisel t' l'KW.) A department in no 'r A ' r? v2 5n &tatiirl Fiction, Legend, I "T''t 1:V?r' i-i-Cs''1 .-rholo.rv. Etc., sorvni' as .i key to libera.- allusions. Pt-gg AD'5t?or,5ry of Foroin WorJs rnsUteJ), Latin, Greek and .i!2rgt: A-JVi.V wis"!:!'-: I -- - -5,-, jlSLM'l A 'rauuasin- ":cil jniryof 3 &mmM ?-:n, and Symbols. bP?liir!.vft8 lark .JaeJ !.i :r3:-!leadins. 2207 PAGES, 2533 23"" CAU ? Z i Thai Dlcll-zz: .J publishers of Vjcb?du?f?- alt, cr!T3i"? i-rv.- Send for twenty-four jxj.vs-t -'.:'? h-k . . v .. and Iittle-at-a-tirne pay men; s. Mention ti;s twj cr.j and a full-page fac-simile of Noah, Webster's ov.i V The S2aifie!d Publishing Co. Akron, Ohia. every V one Please send me one Dictionary in full Russia binding, j-xlexed, for S days free examination. If satis- V DO for IIJa1 nn?h?orV TIONAL," (including the annoying supplement in the misleadingly sixteen months. If not satis fac- torv. I will notifv vou within 6 days and hold the book subject to order. (If sheep or morocco binding is desired, write for prices.) N&uS Aiiress. ADDHZSS TO-DAY ON BUSINESS BY All Keystones. Every stone In an arch Is a key stone, though the name is usually ap plied to the center one. Substitute for Sunlight. Atmospheric electricity is believed to encourage plant life in the arctic regions, where there is but little sun light. A Woman's Word. In a case at Southwark, his honor Judge Willis remarked: "I believe in accepting a woman's word except, perhaps, In some instances connected with dress." London Standard. Where Did Hubby Get It? Why shouldn't a woman take mone from her husband's pocket? Qult eften she is only working a bad e uaple. Exchange. Saiern J33 Gazetteer Fr EiiaioiroQQiiatiooiil UNIVERSAL A ?ron -.u'V3?ir: cticnsry of Irsek and Latin 5 5 : ;S 1 , -"'rSi'fesJ feS ''!! A Jic'::oMrt ol Y r vliloi ; ail 3o.t traction' vIiIot orols List o? Asiieniftd Spsiilns, Ilwcoraroende 1 by the Philological Society uf Lyndon ana American Pni.oi vi :tl Associauoq. art-isnt of Fai utained. ) c i;crI (A.iOt-icr va ua&v ILLli 31 ft AT! 3 3, I'O, X3H!3!lZU C3L0.1Z3 PLATES. Gear In mind that this dictionary is not published by the Old Firm whose latest product is the'Mnternational," now nineteen years old and quite obsolete. The firm now pub lishing this work is one of the Largest In the World, whose daily output almost equals k the ENTIRE FIRST EDITION MADE ORIGINALLY BY NOAH WEBSTER, while week sees MORE BOOKS PRINTED, establishment than the total aa of Illustrious author. Never In the historv of the 1 , v; ;nwl a-.V, var;1 in WEBSTER'S UNIVERSAL PICTIONARY. It is the most modern of all books of reference and definition. Copyrighted J909. It contains 25,000 n th latest words and terms wot found In WEBSTER'S "INTERNA- so-called "1909" edition" which 60,000 words not in the "latest" so-called, "thoroughly revised" your "INTERNATIONAL" which now as "pew.'' Gain prestige and influence by having WEB STER'S UNIVERSAL in Send no money In V W xHH .nd von a ARY, subject to whatever If - Of Calumny. A nickname a man may chance to wear out; but a system of calumny, pursued by a faction, may descend even to posterity. Isaac Disraeli. The Tasks for Young Men. T&aks for rapid and wholesale ad justment fall into tho hands of very young men. At the outbreak of ths French revolution the 11 men who were destined to become Its leaders averagea a years or age. m. A. Moss, 11 "ffvMal Pcvnlininr Old Heads on Young Shoulders. Our children are srowine more 1 dependent. It Is not the fault of thi parents nor of the children; wo art not careless, and they are not un grateful. The conditions of life axe responsible for the modern "youth," Fam 1H en Zeitung, Vienna. "Be a Good Man, My DearV Almost the last words whiofe Cr Walter spoke to Lookhart, his bi ographer, were: "Be a good man, my dear," and with the last flicker of breath on his dying lips, he sighed a farewell to his family and passed away blessing them. William Uaka peace Thackeray. The lllyrlane. The Illyrian province formed si short-lived government, being insti tuted by Napoleon in 1809, from vari ous territories taken from Austria, north and east of the Adriatic The government was abolished in 1814-18. The ancient Illyrians are now repre sented by the Albanians, which fact doubtless gave the little kingdom its title. " Art. Now nature is not at variance with art, nor art with nature; they being both the servants of his providenoe. Art is the perfection of nature. Wert the world now as it was the sixth d&y there were yet a chaos. Nature h&t& made one world and art another. b brief, all things are artificial; for ns ture is the art of God. Sir Thomas Browne. The Baffling Language. English is the only form of human speech of which it can be said that It Is not sufficient to know it in order to be able to use it The Frenchman la England will find it better to speak In French. The Englishman prefers to try his French rather than to Ustea at your clumsy attempts at English. If any language has to be murdered, he would rather It be that of some body else. Paris Opinion. of tho World. Proper Names. ; si j Zo inactions. Modern Usage :ozr Jphy, Itevised to Nov. 15, 1908. - i Coins. i v . : i i ) other Webster evr ".ivjtif il Mtos, printed io ail. tan oJier Webster.) fo - '.. ilia original successors. -y V. D CT UNARY --vj7 CJV?T2. i; -1 i ir; o .r, inc'iding1 marked reduction . - tr. y i a beautiful colored plate "Birth Stones," !h; iirsl Webster. ALL FftE. BOUND AND SHIPPED from this WEBSTER'S up to the death of the publishing: business has there been a anA rwnrW information as Is found book is printed from 1900 plates), and was issued in 1890, but offered to you advance of others in your locality, advanee, pimply fill out the coupon. WEBSTER'S UNIVERSAL DICTION five cay's examination, and yoa wiKs3ume no expense asa do cnaer no ocngauons you decide cot to keep the book.