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THOUGHTS ON BUSINESS BY WALDO POND RAY WARREN Politeness Pays. Nothing pays so well as politeness, except industry and honesty. And an industrious, honest man is handi capped if he la not polite. Don't leave a trail of grumbling and ill nature wherever you go. Atchison Globe. Getting Her to Agree. You can generally make a woman adopt yswr opinion if you argue on the other side. RUNNING DOWN AN ERROR 5N talking with a successful business manager not long ago the subject of correcting errors came up. I asked him: "How do you treat an employe when you find that he has made a mistake?" "It depends on the employe," he said, "and on the nature of the mistake. I have great deal more leniency for a mis take due to ignorance than for one due to carelessness. But I do not believe in abusing an employe for a mistake. I take the attitude that it is a serious thing, and that doubtless he feels badly about it. I don't try to smooth it over, but let his own self-conviction be his punishment." "And what about correcting it?" "Usually ! require him to look into the matter and report to me, and show me just exactly how the mistake happened. He usually knows that point better than anyone else can tell him. I question him quietly until he admits that it was Just because he let it go, or because he assumed some point with out investigation, or some such reason. Nearly every mis take can be traced back to some source of that kind. When the real reason is brought to light we talk it over as the occa sion warrants, and I make sure that he corrects the underly ing thought which gave occasion for the error. This gives fair assurance that a similar mistake will not occur again. That is better than mere scolding." (Copjrlgtt, 107, by JoMph B. Bowie.) Georgia Editor's Mistake. Olive Fremstad, who has just come fro i Europe, says the visum are wr1tt hohcIh ovcjr tlew i. It re minds us that the last time we use8 the word monocle the printer made it manacle, and we had to hide out for two days. Atlanta Georgian. i! j To Be Perfectly Accurate. The almanac tells us what . tha weather will be like next year, the government forecaster tells us what il will be like to-morrow, but for per feet accuracy it is necessary to con suit the man who tells us what it was like yesterday. Must Go Together. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless. Paley. Alwtyt S thorteet. Bdcreraia: A-straight line is the shortest to Kerala a in mathematics. Taking No Chances. A woman in New Jersey whosays she is Eve has been put in jail. Which speaks well for the cautiousness ol the New Jersey men. One pavement was not cleaned Our Patent. of the snow and we saw mother Carter have a hard fall on that! Un account of the rush of pavement on Wednesday. If ! express our package has failed a limb had been broken the city to arrive and we must rive vou would have had a damage bill to pay. Once an Actress. A woman who has been on tha Btage, even if he?- experience in the drama has be n limited to an amateur perioriuiuce as a housemaid in a so ciety play, can ntv.jr hope to be thoroughly iru&ted b her femal neighbors. Sundown Is Sure. "A man kin alius fix np argument! to quiet his conscience," said Unci Eben, but "taint no use. No mattei how much you turns de clock back sundown gwinter come jes' de same.' i all home print and will send you the ten columns of insids Charlie Goetchius and wife, j reading by next mail. formerly Louie Replogle, of ; Kansas City are here and will p . T . ... . enjoy Christmas dinner with all," . the other Replogle family at the LU vlblL ms A 101 ristmas. home of Mrs. Allie (Replogle) Mr. and Mrs. John Nultcn Reemsn3'der. - went east Friday to visit "friends. Mr. and Mrs. Huttie and baby tt 1 , XT , went east Friday morning to Help us make our New Year's j visit hop folkg paper interesting. It you havej company this week or are going ! Alfr;,d Haveman came home anywhere on a vacation, phone Thursday from Monument for this office No. 12 of it and oblige. ; his vacation. If you had special Christmas ' Miss Areiius left Thursday for doings phone us so we can make! her home at Lindsborg to spend a local. 1 the holidays. Golden Silence. I think the first virtue" is to restr3to the tongue; he approaches neirest lb gods who knows how to be si?r-i:l - ver when he is in the riht. Vanity. The mere one speaks of himself tkt less he likes to Lear another tailed of. Lavater. The Philosopher of Folly. "I never sit down,'" says the Philoso pher of Folly, "to contemplate the un- ! certainties of life. It keeps me busy enough keeping track of the sure things." IT ' THOUGHTS ON BUSINESS BY WALDO PONDRAY WARREN WHAT THE EMPLOYER DOESN'T KNOW THE abi:se of delegated authority occasions much injustice which those higher in power do not always rc 'ire. Many things are done by subordinates that the mar.ajcr would not sanction. Near closing time in a large office one young woman was seen crying and another was trying to comfort her. "What's the matter. Grace?" "Oh, Mr. Thomas said I had to work again to night." she sobbed. "I am so tired I can hardly think. This makes four nights this week. Last night I was here till after 10 o'clock, and then got scolded this morning because I was a few min utes late." "Didn't he ask you If you were able to stay?" "No, he didn'L He just came along and said, 'We want you to stay and help to-night.'" "Why don't you speak to him about it?" "I did that once and he made it so unpleasant for me I don't want to ask him again." "Then why don't you go and tell Mr. Dodson?" "That Would be worse than ever, for he would make a fuss and Mr. Thomas would take his grudge out on me for tha next two months. If Mr. Dodson would only look around one In a while and find out what is going on here he could, hava something to say for himself without waiting for com plaints. (Copyright, 10T, bj Joeph B. Bowl.) A Little Woman. "I want to get a mitten, please said the little girl, "if it don't cost too much." "Oh, you mean a pair of mit tens, don't you, my child?" replied the shopkeeper. "No, just only one; ' na that's suitable for a boy that's gcin to propose an' be rejected." A Death Each Second. The number of deaths in the world annually is S3, 333, 333, or 91,954 per day, 3,730 per hour, GO per minute, or j one per second. It is estimated that j the population of the earth at the j present time is being increased at the rate of about 16,500,000 annually. Land of Commercial Industry. The traveler through Saxony is rare ly out of sight of a factory chimney. In probably no other land are indus trial establishments so numerous in proportion to the area. The present number is 24,707, an increase of 1,755 over the preceding year. The number of operatives Is 6S5.319, an increase of 41,235 in the course of a year. Last year a kt of boys shot up Modern Way of Looking at It. "The first sign of what we call civ ilization," says the Philosopher of Folly, "is when a nation stops killing people by hand and starts doing it by machinery," The Reason. "Men worry more than women.3" "Yes; they not only have everything to worry about that women have, but they also have the women to worry about, too." Smart Set. Gnawing His Way. Nature knew that the rat would want to spend half his time gnawing and she therefore provided him with the right kind of teeth to do it. A boy caught a rat and boxed it up, and In the course of a week the rodent gnawed a hole through oak planks i nailed together until there was a i thickness of 18 inches. The hole war ! almost as round and smooth as a car penter could have made. Abuse. Of satires I think as Epictetus did: "If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself; if it be a lie. laugh at it." By dint of time and ex perience I have learned to be a good post-horse; I go through my appointed daily stage, and I care not for the curs who bark at me along the road. Fred erick the Great. A Faulty Make. "Well, there's one thing about Nu ritch, he's always ready to con fess his faults." "Nonsense! Why, he's forever bragging about being self made." "Of course; that's just it." Marked Improvement. "My washerwoman," Mrs. Lapsl'ns was saying, "used to lose ever sc many of my sheets and pillow c:i3cs but she doesn't now. I mark them all with intelligible ink." The Jealousy of Friends. Our very best friends have a tinc ture of jealousy even in their friend ship; and when they hear us praised by others, will ascribe it to sinister and interested motives if they can. -C. C. Colton. Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Griffith each enttrtain friends at Christ- the town. They shot into signs, windows, building and made! Miss Marie RoenfeMt came up hideous roiscs. This vear therom USSH Tuesday night to marshal una his several deputies nave been ordered to arrest every Therefore, Be Strong. Uncertain ways un safest are, a as doubt a greater mischief than desralr. Denham. Franklin's Grand Utterance. Franklin: Rebellion against; is obedience to God. Turkish Women Workers Pcorlv Paid The wages of in .sitta Turkey vp.ry from 10 To 15 cents a da of ten hours. Her Unbiased Opinion. Caller "Ts the lady of the boux Waitress (who ha? been jilve notice) "She's in. bat she's no Isuy! one found shooting inside the city limits either Saturday and Sunday and Police Jude Down ing will make it a good jail sen tence for every one caught, no more fine business. This cussed ness must, stop in this new city of the second class. So heed the warning. spend L hristmas v. ith her folks A qu:et? beau: if u". snow vi-it d don during Friday r. orn- Wretched Pay for Labor. At a hearing last summer in London on the "sweating" question, evidence was brought forward showing that 56 women who sewed hooks and eyes on cards earned at an average a little over 75 cents a week. Another woman was instanced who worked from nine one morning until the next morning and earned 16 cents in that time. It would seem better to die. NMUKJBS --ftrvi"Mi-f -1 Stop S A Oimlj Line to ) s (Pah ifopmi a 1 - It ?J' r , I j j f ' S liTriiiV. : . . -f . --w i ,u.J!S V ) Protected An 011001 Los Angeles Limited The train for'discrimfnating travelers every comfort and luxury of the most up-to-date hotel 'electric lighted throughout a read ing light in every berth. Ueala aerved a la carta. Every Inch by fcoraiaiLlc Tr 7 mom Sis naiis lOlfllC Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" H. a KAILL, A.G.F.&P.A, Union Pacific R. R. Co. - 901 Walnut Street, Kansas Gty, Mo. Among: those visiting our city is Mrs. Freda Trinkle and babies at father Schwallers; Miss Olive Stout from Topela at Grandpa Stout's: Miss Josie Rushmer of Pueblo at Otto Schwallers; Miss McDonald. Mr. Tanner and Ralph Graham at Geo. Philip's; Mr. and Mrs Ren Jwslin from Denver at Mrs. D. H. Joslin's; Ed and Lm Yost with their wives, and Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Yost at Stead- in xn s ana Lieste s. Cheap money is what you want and we are prepared to give it to you. At the very lowest rate of interest obtainable, any where and without additional cost to you, for any purpose, we will turn the hard cash over to you upon your signing the papers FRED MILLER & BROS., Real Estate and Ins. Agency. Force of Example. No life can be pure In Its purpose or strong In its strife and all life not be purer and stronger thereby. Owen Meredith. Agreeable Friends. Animals are such agreeable friends . they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. George Eliot. il JlJl, 1)3 Sl e 4 2L r4. I :W v - .' !- -7... - rf-r,. - : this ing-, assuring" a white Mrs. Givler of Wakeeney came home to eat Christmas dinner! with her mother, Mrs. Danford. Mart Stehley and family came from Ellis to spend Christmas dinner with the Hidramier family. Henry Scnultz is not giving out calendars, hut to his custo mers a beautiful little souvenii plate. It is a beauty. Tuesday night and Wcndnes day morning trains took home the many Normal students for their vacation. Friday morning Mrs. Gassman and her sister-in-law, Miss Gass man lefc for a Christmas visit to St. Mary's. The Russian boys who havt been attending the Catholic Col lege here went home on the Thursday trains. Mother Gretchen King, who has been very sick, is much bet ter this week, so she may eij y Christmas with her children. Christmas exercises were held Thursday afternoon in the smal ler children's rooms at the Public school, which were quite inter esting. Mr. and Mrs. Locky Scott am son of Kansas City and Stanle Philip of South Dakota came ii Thursday morning to spenr Christmas here. Henry Schultz has sold some beautiful cut glass ware as pres ents for Chritmas this week. Mrs. Henry Oshant received om of the handsomest pieces ever brought to this city. Of course you saw the nev sign of Joe Schaefer on the 1 ost office building. Joe has done a splendid business during this year and is going to offer bettei inducements during the next. mis It Come Amongf ifce r.o- - v i ,--1 V '.il OVcrg Veek f C-.z Iev Vc!anw .Li he 250 Oaca Series Serial S!cri.?-, t r'f i A orac tctt Adventure, aiiJ tleroki- 350 Contributions Articks, Sketch' s Reminiscen ces by Famous Tvica a..i 7 crrien. 1000 Graphic Notes on Current L vents, Drover 5c3 r.r .1 Inventions ta JNalurs and Scbncc. 2000 Gnfllnuio Storice, Bits cf If-.r.Oi an-I Ivlisc-cjbn--, IheeeklyJ Ica!!; Artick,Tf.-ic: Editorisis, l LcC wrsis'srir-.eic. Daily Thought. The appreciation of one act well performed, is the best incentive for another effort. Not Improbable. "I don't know how true it is," said the Irishman, "but they tell me tha the dime museum bearded lady jus died and left a wife and four children.' Old Proverb Not Correct. If ignorance were really bliss, ther would be far less misery than there u in the world. Distinctions I irpcrsible. That which is not for the into--of the whole swarm is not for the hi terest of a sinqle bee. Marcu rurelius. Bridesmaid to Grandmother. At a wedding celebrated at Bologna, in Italy, some days ago. the bride, a widow of 50, had her little grand daughter to act as bridesmaid. Couple CvtemcTi' "v115. "y I Every Crbjcrlbc? rho etits ' t t t- one 1 ; ft ml v 7 J v. Alt the I-rt-ri ? TV .' r, for tlie rt-iii...iii- " Tie Tharksr jTia, !:"' The Crtnnar v.n'sTr ' - - 1 3 h: r.- - r ' As We Use It. Horace: Money amassed servi-s or rules us. EOSTCK, :rt '' Positively "The Best Seller." Probably the name of the late Noah Webster stands at the head of the list of those whose books have been "the best sellers." Seventy-five mil lion spelling books and from 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 dictionaries look like rec ord figure. As Bobby Understood It, Little Bobby, had never been to Sunday school before, and came home wide-eyed and excited to relate his ad ventures to his mother. After giving a flattering account of his teacher, he added: "And she told me to laara the ltb- Mere Beauty. When a man tells a ghi that !- beauty doesn't to Miv. tryins: in his 1 lursv sv i comfort her bev ; she ifn't iiHtty. Self-Respect. It Is pood to foster anything th; breeds self resj.ect. It is not conceit which is vanity, but rather a resneot for the divinity of r.:an. Hatology. Two heads, however, are not better than one when you are up against the uecessity of buying her a new hat. Fuck. Affectation. Affectation is that spirit which prompts you to say to your guest: "Do you care for cream in your coffee?" when you know right well that ife milk you are passing, and mighty thi railk at that. Heart and Brain. The heart that husbands a desire to "get even" with imaginary enemie ts the haunt of unhappiness; and the brain that strives to conceive a meaat of retaliation for a fancied wrong i the abode of misery. Sunday Magazine. Grand Success, But Elevator girls may be a grand suo cess, but could one of them smooth her pompadour without taking het hand off the controller, and who would swear at the automatic door? St. Louis Republic. Reducing Weight. Racehorse Owner "William, yoa are too heavy. Can't you take some thing off?" Jockey "I'm wearing my lightest suit, and haven't tasted foo4 all day." Owner "Then, for good ness' sake, go and get shaved." Tit-Bits. A Literary Reporter. I do not profess to be a politician. but simply one of a disinterested class of observers who, with no organixe4 and embodied set of supporters to please, set themselves to observe hoo estly and report faithfully the state and prospects of our civilization. Matthew Arnold. Care Not Necesscry. Scientific knowledge is sometime negligible. "My boy," said the kindly English rector to the hobbledehoy of a youth who was picking mush rooms in the rectory fields, "beware of picking a toadstool instead of a mushroom; they are easy to confuse." "That be all rolght, sur, that be," saU the urchin, "us bain't a-goln' to eat "em ourselves; they're goin' to mar ket to be sold." Native Education at the Cape. Generally speaking, the natives are keen about education, though, like many Europeans, they do not much like paying for it. In Fingoland the desire for knowledge Is so widespread that the percentage of children attend ing school comparer very favorably with that of the most civilized Euro pean countries. Klmberley Diamond Fields Advertiser. Analysis of Good Temper. . The good temper is born in nature of low vitality, iron nerves and thick skin. These are Insensitive to change of moral atmosphere, and what would wound another soul mortally barely Inflicts a scratch on them. The rst of their emotions are usually on a par with the temper placid, imper turbable and sluggish. Those Inca paple of the passion of anger must be Incapable of any other great passion. Exchange. Rewards Constantly Paid. The rewards of great living are vt external things, withheld until H. crowning hour of success arrivfv: they come by the way in the ccv sclousness of growing power c - 4 worth, of duties nobly met, and wr :c thoroughly done. Joy and peace :. hy the way. Mabie. To Preserve Historic Battle-Ship. Nelson's flagship Victory, almost tr last relic of the great naval wars, ' to be rerlgged, repainted and as n- -ly as possible restored to the cona tion In which she gloriously led ' port column of the British fleet iu.6 battle at Trafalgar.