OCR Interpretation

The Hays free press. [volume] (Hays, Kan.) 1908-1924, April 23, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84029690/1910-04-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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9 ta lAiui Uvii
First Manager Did your company
have a long run?
Second Manager No; but we had a
long walk.
"I am a man seventy years old. My
hands were very sore and cracked
open on the insides for over a year
with large sores. They would crack
open and bleed, itch, burn and ache
so that I could not sleep and could do
but little work. They were so bad
that I could not dress myself in the
morning. They would bleed and the
blood dropped on the floor. I called
on two doctors, but they did me no
good. I could get nothing to do any
good till I got the Cuticura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment. About a year
ago my daughter got a cake of Cutl
cura Soap and one box of Cuticura
Ointment and in one week from the
time I began to use them my hands
were all healed up and they have not
been a mite, sore since. I would not
je without, the Cuticura Remedies.
"They also cured a bad sore on the
land of one of my neighbor's children,
ind they think very highly of the Cuti
cura Remedies. John W. Hasty, So. Ef
ingham, N. II., Mar. 5 and Apr. 11, '09."
An Eternal Reason.
j "You seem to be awfully bitter
igainst old Busby. What's the cause?"
"Oh, a money reason."
"I didn't know you had any busi
ness dealings with him."
"I don't. I hate him because he has
more money than I have." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
And mail to the A. II. Lewis Medicine Co.,
St. Louis. Mo., and they will fiend you free
a 10 day treatment of NATURE'S REME
DY (NR tablets) Guaranteed for Rheu
matism, Constipation. Sick Headache. Liv
er. Kidney and Blood Diseases. Sold by
all DruRRists. Better than Pills for Liver
Ills. It's free to you. Write today.
The Flippancy of John.
Mrs. Mott What is a sympathetic
strike. John?
Mott A sypmathetic strike, my
dear. Is being touched for a quarter
by a beggar with a hard-luck story.
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Why You're) Tired Out of
Sorts Hat No Appetite. .
will put you rigbi
U a lew day.
TWt do
their duty.
Coa atipe.
Ueiefii, laaigectiea, aa Sick lUadacae,
GENUINE mutt bear signature :
Many things
combine to make home
cheerful, but noyone thing"
plays so important a part
as artistic taste in wall
decoration. Beautiful,
cleanly and wholesome is
Too Szn&uxl&ll Gcs&3
We have Idea on color harmonica,
classic stencils, and much- that will in- '
terest the discriminating boua owwf.
' These Ideas have cost ut money but are
free ta you. Asa your dealer or write
Alabastinc Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.
James A. Patten, Frank B. Haynes,
William P. Brown and Eugene
Scales Have Been Named
by Popular Gossip.
Chicago, 111. There will be started
In New York tomorrow a federal in
vestigation without precedent in this
country. The attorney general of the
United States has ordered an iqnuiry
Into the gigantic bull movement in
cotton with which the names of James
A. Patten of Chicago, Frank B. Hayne,
William P. Brown of New Orleans, and
Eugene Scales of Texas have been
popularly connected.
Hayne and Brown both appear as
defendants in the proceedings, but it
could not be learned whether Mr. Pat
ten will be subpoenaed at Chicago to
come here and testify. He has been
generally credited, however, with be
ing the financial genius of the pool
and in recent interviews he has out
lined his bullish position and his de
termination to fight the supposed bear
clique which has been reshipping cot
ton to this country from England in
an endeavor to break the market.
The bull movement has reached such )
a stage, however, that there are ru
mors of a possible May corner in the
New York market. Never before has
the government brought similar action
against a pool operating In the mar
ket on either the long or the short
side. Meager were the details of the
proposed Inquiry available today.
Subpoenas were issued at the direction
of Mr. Wickersham commanding a
dozen or more brokers to appear be
fore a federal grand jury tomorrow
to testify against Frank B. Haynes
and Wm. P. Brown.
Announcement of the government's
action was followed , by an excited
break In prices on the New York ex
change which at one time bid fair
to rise in almost as great a demorali
zation as that noted last January.
Early in April the market had a se
vere break under heavy liquidation,
and at that time there were rumors
circulating that the bulls were aban
doning their position, but a consider
able recovery in prices since then
suggested the selling had been large
ly in the way of outisde liquidation
and during the last week or ten days
there have been renewed rumors of
an impending squeeze. The position
in the near month, at any rate, has
led to heavy shipments of cotton to
New York for delivery on contract
and the arrivals reported today are in
excess of 23,000 bales, including nearly
14,000 bales from Liverpool, while the
stock of cotton available for delivery
on contract has already increased
from about 87,000 bales to 120,000
Suffragists Plea Goes to Congress.
Washington. With banners afloat,
finery a-flutter and occupying a pro
cession of taxicabs nearly a mile
long, the suffragists in convention
j here moved on Capitol hill today and
presented to congress 400,000 indi
vidual demands for votes for women.
The mammoth national petition was
divided into little ones, each tied with
a bit of yellow ribbon and grouped
into little bundles of just the conveni
ent size for a suffragette to carry un
der her arm.
Announces That He Will Not Be Can
didate, for Re-Election.
Washington, D. C United States
Senator Nelson V. Aldrich of Rhode
Island has authorized the announce
ment that he would not be a candi
date for re-election to the senate, and
that he would positively retire at the
expiration of his present term on
March 3, 1911. This announcement
was made to a representative of the
Associated Press, who met the senator
upon his return to Washington from
Rhode Island, where he had been in
consultation with his political asso
ciates. "I have decided not to be a candi
date again," said the senator. "Since
something of my plans hare leaked
out already I would he glad to have
you make that statement. I had not
intended to say anything for a few
days, as I would have preferred to
apprise my friends in Washington of
my plans personally, but I suppose it
Is Just as well as it Is."
Publicity Bill Passes.
Washington, D. C. With Represen
tative Mann of Illinois alone voting
In the negative, the house today pass
ed the McCall campaign publicity bill.
Only a short time was required to
pass the measure. Speaking in oppo
sition to the bill, Mr. Mann declared
like the Sherman anti-trust act, It
would be found that the bill's provis
ions would far exceed the purposes of
Its advocates.
Rough Riders to Convene at New York
at Home Coming.
Oklahoma City, Okla. An official
call for the reunion of the Roosevelt
Rough Riders at New York from junw
16 to 20 has been issued. The chief
object of the reunion is to .welcome
home Colonel Roosevelt. Regimental
association officers are to be elected.
Circulars giving complete Information
have been mailed to each members of
the regiment and the attendance Is ex
pected to establish a record.
A dispatch from Winnipeg, Manito
ba, dated March 18, 1910 says: That
Germany is "anxious to secure a share
of Canadian wheat to supply her im
ports of that cereal." The recent ad
justment of the trade relations with
Germany has made it possible to carry
on a Canadian-German trade with
much fewer restrictions than in the
past, and considerable development
of trade between the two Countries
is now certain. The great men of
the United States are alive to the
"Wheat situation in this Country now,
and there is consequently the deepest
interest in every feature that will
tend to increase and conserve the
wheat supply. With its present 650,
000,000 bushel production of wheat
and aft effort? to increase it almost
unavailing, and the rapidly growing
consumption of its increasing popula
tion, there is certainly the greatest
reason for the anxiety as to where the
wheat is to come from that will feed
the nation. The United States will
be forced as Germany is to look to
the Wheatfields of Canada. One
province alone raised last year one
eighth as much as the entire produc
tion of the United States, and but a
twelfth of the wheat area has yet been
touched. The Americans who have
gone to Canada, are to-day reaping
the benefit of the demand for Canadi
an wheat and they will continue to
join in the benefits thus reached for
a great many years. Splendid yields
are reported from the farms of that
Country, and from land that the Gov
ernment gives away In 160 acre
blocks, and from other lands that
have been purchased at from $12 tJ
$15 an acre. John Munter, near Eye
brow, Saskatchewan, a former resi
dent of Minnesota says:
"Last fall got over 30 bushels of
wheat to the acre and had 30 acres of
It; also 20 acres spring breaking on
which I had flax of which I got almost
20 bushels per acre. Had . 20 acres
in oats and got 70 bushels per acre
and 500 bushels potatoes on one and
three quarter acre, and can therefore
safely say that I had a fine crop and
am well satisfied with my homestead."
He Is considered but a small farmer,
but he will be one of the big farmers,
some of these days. There are many
others, hundreds of others, whose
yields were beyond this, and whose
average under xrop was vastly
greater. The story of the experience
of American farmers In the Canadian
West is a long one. The time to go,
would appear to be now, when splen
did selections may be made, and
where land can be purchased at prices
that will be doubled in a couple of
Where She Scored.
Sheldon Kerruish tells this story on
his esteemed father:
"One day a long time ago, a number
of children in our neighborhood were
talking about the bad habits of their
parents. ,
" 'My father smokes 15 cigars a day,
said a little girl, boastfully like.
" 'My father swears something aw
ful when supper is late,' said another.
" 'My papa came home tight the
other night,' remarked a third.
"It was my little sister's turn next.
" 'You just ought to see my papa
read Cicero, she said, and all the
other little girls retired in confusion,
gladly admitting that sister had won
the prize." Cleveland Leader.
The Irisn of Shakespeare.
An Englishman and an Irishman
were having an argument on the sub
ject of Shakespeare. "I defy you,"
said the former, "to find a single Irish
character in the whole of his works."
"Well, I can give you two, at all
vents," replied the Irishman. "Miss
O'Phelia . and Corry O'Lanus." He
forgot Hamlet's intimate friend, who
stood beside him while he was con
templating his uncle in devotion, and
observed: "Now, would I do it, Pat,
while he is praying." Springfield Re
publican. O, Those Tears.
"So you are going to marry Mr.
Glimson?" smiles the first fair young
thing. "I was engaged to him last
year. He positively wept when I
broke the engagement."
"I know he did," answers the other
beauteous creature. "He told me
that he wept for joy."
A Surprise in Brooklyn.
An adult's food that can save a
baby proves Itself to be nourishing and
easily digested and good for big and
little folks. A Brooklyn man says:
"When baby was about eleven
months old he began to grow thin and
pale. This was, at first, attributed to
the heat and the fact that his teeth
were coming, but, in reality, the poor
little thing was starving, his mother's
milk not being sufficient nourishment.
"One day after he had cried bitterly
for an hour, I suggested that my wife
try him on Grape-Nuts. She soaked
two teaspoon fu Is in a saucer with a
little sugar and warm milk. This baby
ate so ravenously that she fixed a sec
ond which he likewise finished.
"It was not many days before he for
got all about being nursed, and has
since lived almost exclusively on
Grape-Nuts. Today the boy is strong
and robust, and as cute a mischief
maker as a thirteen months old baby
is expected to be.
"We have put before him other
foods, but he will have none of them,
evidently preferring tQ stick to that
which did him so much good his old
friend Grape-Nuts.
"Use this letter any way you wish,
for my wife and I can never praise-Grape-Nuts
enough after the bright
ness it has brought to our household."
Grape-Nuts is not made for a baby
food, but experience with thousands of
babies shows it to be among the best,
if not entirely the best in use. Being
a scientific preparation of Nature's
grains, it is equally effective as a body
and brain builder for grown-ups.
Read the little book, "The Road to
Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Ever read the above letter? A mew
apoevra from time ta time. They
are ceaalae, true, and fall of Imbu
iatercat. - .
L. T. Cooper's theory concerning the
human stomach, which he claims to
prove, with his new medicine, is being
given more respect and comment
every day.
Cooper claims that 90 per cent, of
all ill health is due to stomach trou
ble. "When interviewed about his theory
recently, he said: "Stomach trouble is
the great curse of the 20th century so
far as the civilized races are con
cerned. Practically all of the chronic
ill health of this generation is caused
by abnormal stomachic conditions. In
earlier days, when the human race was
closer to nature, and men and women
worked all day out of doors, digging
their frugal existence from the soil,
the tired, droopy, half -sick people that
are now so common, did not exist.
"To be sure, there was sickness in
those days, but it was of a virulent
character, and only temporary. There
was none of this half -sick condition
all the time with which so many are
afflicted nowadays.
"I know positively that every bit of
this chronic ill health is caused by
stomach trouble. The human stomach
in civilized people today is degenerate.
It lacks tone and strength. This weak
ness has gradually come through a sed
entary existence. I further know that
few people can be sick with the diges
tive apparatus in perfect shape. The
sole reason for my success is because
my New Discovery medicine tones the
stomach up to required strength in
about six weeks' time. That is why I
have had more people come and thank
me wherever I have gone to introduce
my medicine, than I have had time to
talk with."
Among the immense numbers of peo
ple who are now strong believers in
Cooper's theory and medicine is Mrs.
M. E. Delano, a prominent resident of
the suburb of Brookline, Boston, Mass.
She says: "For several years I was
broken in health, caused primarily by
stomach and nerve troubles. I gradu
ally became worse, until recently I was
compelled to go without solid food for
days at a time. I had sour stomach,
palpitation of the nerves of stomach
and heart, dyspepsia, and extreme ner
vousness. I suffered terribly with in
somnia, and my liver, bowels and
whole system) gradually became de
ranged. I felt instant relief the first
day I began this Cooper medicine. I
now feel like a new being. Today I
walked all over town, shopping some
thing I have not done for years.
"I make this statement wholly from
a sense of duty. I feel I owe It to any
one who might find relief and renewed
happiness as I have done."
Cooper's New Discovery is sold by
all druggists. If your druggist cannot
supply you, we will forward you the
name of a druggist in your city who
will. Don't accept "something just as
good." The Cooper Medicine Co., Day
ton, Ohio.
Head of Trust (paying exorbitant
fare to cab-driver) Here is your fare,
and may I ask if you think you could
get me a similar job?
Kidney Troubles Grow Worse Every
Charles S. Bailey, 808 Locust St.,
Yankton, S. Dak., says: "I suffered
agony from kid
n e y complaint
and was almost
helpless. The dis
ease grew worse
each year al
though I doc
tored and used
VT'r "'v-sr manv remedies.
There were excru
ciating pains in
my back and the
urine passed too
freely. D o a n ' s
Kidney Pills gradually helped me and
soon I was cured. Some years ago I
recommended them and have had no
trouble since."
Remember the name Dean's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Nearly the Same.
"Would it be policy for me to get
"Something like policy. It's a lot
tery, you know." Cleveland Leader.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
"Rpars the'
jTyJ . S7-
Signature ot LeSX:f?-7&ZeJU
In Use For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Women like to do things out of the
ordinary, but they never hold their
tongues for that reason.
Uae Red Cros Ball Blue. It makes clothes
clean sad sweet as when sew. All grocers.
A fool and bis money are seldom
parted by the same method twice.
CSC2US3 of tnssa
confronting anyone In need of a laxa
tive is not a question of a sirgle ac
tion only, but of permanently bene
ficial effects, which will follow proper
efforts to live in a healthful way, with
the assistance of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, whenever it is re
quired, a3 it cleanses the system
gently yet promptly, without Irritation
and will therefore always have the
preference of all who wish the best of
family laxatives.
The combination has the approval
of physicians because it is known to
be truly beneficial, and because It has
given satisfaction to the millions of
well-informed families who have used
it for many years past.
To get its beneficial effects, always
buy the genuine manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
No Encouragement.
The family had stood the long
strain of Uncle Hobart's illness well,
but the peculiarities of the physician,
chosen by Uncle Hobart himself, had
been to say the. least, trying. "Do you
really think he will recover, Dr.
Shaw?" asked the oldest sister of the
invalid, who had borne with his
vagaries patiently for years.
"I know how you feel, with Thanks
giving coming on and all," said the
doctor, peering at her from under his
shaggy eyebrows, "but it's too soon
to tell. He may get well, and then
again, he may not; I can't encourage
you yet either way." Youth's Com
panion. Because a home is in the country be
cause it is on a farm is "only an added
reason why it should be more up-to-date
and attractive, for those who are fortu
nate enough to live in the country really
spend more time in their homes than do
those who live in cities.
And it is also true that farm homes and
farm life is daily becoming more and more
attractive. The inside of our house is our
home, so why not make it nice and at
tractive, homely and cheerful, up-to-date
and modern.
You wouldn't think of burning tallow
candles, yet why use wall paper?
In order to educate a few refined peo
ple in every community to the artistic
beauty of soft velvety alabastined walls
of solid color, a free offer of beautiful wall
stencils of classic design is made to every
reader of this paper.
It is also possible to secure without any
expense color suggestions for your home
telling you the most suitable colors, to use
the best arrangement, curtains and over
curtains, etc. in fact the services of a
decorative architect are at your disposal
without charge to you.
In cities there are many and most ex
cellent designers of interior decoration, but
it takes money and time to carry out their
ideas. This same service is at the disposal
of every reader if he aska for it, and bet
ter than all, it tells you how you can
either do the work yourself or direct some
one else. It gives you exact shades and
colors, and the stencils to - do the work
without charge.
Good Law That Should Be Enforced.
Anti-spitting ordinances, laws and
regulations in more than five-eighths
of the cities and towns of the country
are not enforced as they should be,
alleges the National Association for
the Study of Tuberculosis in a recent
report. While most of the larger cities
of the United States have such laws
on their books, in the great majority
of cases they are ignored or over
looked. The report covers in detail
the enforcement of the anti-spitting
ordinances in 80 of the largest cities
in the country. During the year 1909
in these 80 cities, 3,421 arrests were
made for violation of the laws regard
ing spitting In public places. Over
2,900 convictions were secured and
$4,100.87 was collected in fines.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease that science
baa been able to cure In all its stages, and that H
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and (riving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing ttg work. The proprietors have
so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Collars for any case that It falls to
cure. Rend for list of testimonials
Address F. J. CHENEY k CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c
Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation,
Former Governor Pennypacker, dis
cussing at a dinner in Philadelphia
the divorce evil, said with his humor
ous smile:
"Perhaps there would be less di
vorce if human nature were more per
fect. Some women, you know, hen
peck their husbands. There is, for ex
ample, a Bucks county farmer who
said the other day that he would cer
tainly apply for a divorce only his
wife wouldn't let him."
The Literary Fabricator.
"How did that story that George
Washington couldn't tell a lie get
started?" asked the Inquisitive youth.
"I don't know," replied the irrever
ent person; "unless he had a press
agent that could.
Moonlight During the Arctic Night.
The moon continues to shine at
the north pole during the six months'
absence of the sun.
Don't try to mold another to your
ideal, but remold your ideal accord
ing to what he is.
and ni u boles sore from cold, rheumatism or neural-
ia; when yon slip, strain or bruise yourself use
cttv lhmxx jraxnjtuur- j. do noma remeay u years.
Remember that life is not a fulfil
ment of one's ideals, but an eternal
compromise with them.
Colar nan feed krisMer aas' factor caters than
Tea eaa eye aa; garment wltfeeat riselns apart Write
Every man should keep a fair sized
cemetery in which to bury the faults
of his friends. Beecher.
Xtra. Winslow Soot Mag; Syrap.
Coreauarea teethiag-. eoftena ttaa (tuna, rtdne!.
Sf - .li.y.jVT. MUMiwiMlaaiilL SfeaboUi.
The smaller the man the bigger the
horn he tries to blow.
uzly, crizziy, era 7 hairs. Us3 LA
Vhis contractor get results.
Some years ago a contractor build
ing a railroad in a warm climate was
troubled a great deal by sickness
among the laborers.
He turned his attention at once to
their food and found that they were
getting full rations of meat and were
drinking water from a stream near by.
He issued orders to cut down the
amount of meat and to increase greatly
the quantity of Quaker Oats fed to the
He also boiled Quaker Oats and
mixed the thin oatmeal water with
their drinking water. Almost instantly
all signs of stomach disorders passed
and his men showed a decided improve
ment in strength and spirits. This con
tractor had experience that taught him
the great value of good oatmeal. 53
Packed in regular size packages,
and in hermetically sealed tins for hot
Treatment for Lump Jaw.
Lump jaw is due to a fungus which
is usually taken into the animal's .sys
tem in feed consumed. Lump jaw is
liable to affect the glands of the
throat or the bones of the head, writes
Doctor David Roberts in American
Cultivator. It is not advisable to keep
an animal thus afflicted lingering in
a herd. On the other hand it is ad
visable to either treat such an animal;
or kill it, as such animals invite dis
eases into the herd, owing to the fact
that they are so reduced in vitality
that they have no resisting power.
A remarkably large per cent, of such
cases can be successfully treated if
taken in time by opening up the en
largement and washing it out with a
strong antiseptic solution, like five of
carbolic acid in water, and putting the
animals on a tonic. Jn this' way the
afflicted animal is not only savei, but
the entire herd is protected against
Queer Attribute cf Salmon.
Only about 20 per cent, of salmon
spawn before they return up the river
from the sea, and those that do return
after spawning are coarse, and, when
cut up, white in the flesh; in fact, are
known as bull trout, for so-called
"bull trout" are not a different kind
of fish, but are plainly salmon which
have spawned.
For Red, Itching; telld. 4Jata. Styea
Falling Eyelashes and All Eyes That
Need Care Try Murine Eye Salve.
Aseptic Tubes Trial Size 25c.
Ask Your Drugrist or Write
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.
"Clean, dry quarters are necessary
for young lambs," says a stock jour
nal. But any old quarters that will
pass are good enough for most of us.
Should be in every home. Ask your grocer
for it. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents.
Remember nothing depreciates a
man more than to show him he's like
other men.
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dii" V
ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured ,ic...cure
every day by "' .Ig- .j
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescnjtoix -4!
It Makes Weak Women Strong, M
Sick Women Well,
It acts directly on the organs affected and ia at the same time a general restora
tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to-
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
those peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth
binding for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
Do you realize there is no longer any reason why
you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal;, i t
is lighter and easier to handle, and gives an intense
heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more-,
economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the:;
He TS&ej&dE. ion. .
Oil 99E-Sf0tf '
The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of
its appearance. You really can't appreciate it -until you either '
use it yourself, or-talk to someone who has used it. It does everything that
a coal range will do except heat the room. The New Perfection Oil Cook-
Ft H 1
J Canflsaary Rote: Be sura if
iew Perfection.',
Standard Gil
any other fy. Oaa tOe aaekasa ealors all fifem.
far tree eeeUet Hew te Dm. Biased see Mis Coiers.
f ha nitae.olau II
Corn Pliiiifiii
Bar take aone at tlt m
bare Distemper.
fa yoar true aaferaard a care aa well aa prer entire 50c and tlJQ
bottle S5.09 and 10.00 dozen, delirered. Large ia more than twice Lbs
amaJler aise. Don't put it off. Get it. Droygiata or send to aiannfactarers.
Spohs Medical Co.. Caeoust aai Buriekfisia, Oaakes. lad., UJUk
j L
1. ;
Will purify - your blood, clea
your complexion, restore you
appetite, relieve your tired feel
ing, build you up. Be sure i(
take it this spring. "
Get it In usual liquid "form; or choc-c
lated tablets called Sarsatabs. tdQ Poses i."
Bolfi' Shoes
W. Ii. Douglas
shoes are worn
by more men than
any other make,
AV. IOoujfl as S3.C9
and S3-50 gtioe are
the lowest price,
quality considered,
in the world.
W.IIourla SU.OO
and &5.00 shoe
equal, In stylo, fit and
vutr. ot tier make
costing .oo to Bs.uu. sJ y W Vi .
Fast Color Euctets. Cjk l.'-irt?
The jrenuine have W. L. Ikmjrlaa name and pric
Stamped on the bottom. Tik . Muhalttut.
Ask your dealer for V.I Dotila shoes. Ii they are
not lor iwle in your town write for Mailorder Catnloe,
gmutr full direif ions liow to order by mm!.- Wio-
ordered direct from fai-tory delivered to tlm.wearva-
ail ciuue prepaid. V. 1 Doutflaa, Brockton, Al. ,
Hay's HairrHealiE::
Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to lift
Natural Color and Beauty. Stops its fllim
out. and positively removes Dandruff. 'Is not e
Dye. Refuse all substitutes. $t.oo and srw
Bottles by Mail or at Druggists. CRp-
Send xoc (or larce sample Bottle
Philo Hay Scec. Co.. Newark. N. J.. S. AJ
or Morphine Habit Treated,:
tree trial. Cases w tie re oiiif
remedies have tailed, speciali
desired. CJ'we rarrieuNrm.
Sr. B. . COHTtFT.U BsiU 696, MO W. J Jd St.. BwTurl
Locomotor Ataxia t
r'1! ?S Conqtieiedat-t i
awP Chafe's Blood & L
Nerve Tablets does tt. Write for Proof. Advlre Free i
Dr. CUASE. 224 North lOtn St.. Philadelphia, Pa i
tinest iliena.
W. N. U., WICHITA, NO.:17-1910. j
Stove will do anything, from beating a
kettle of water to cooking a courso '
dinner, but it won't heat a room. It
doesn't " smell." it doesn't smoke. It
can't get out of order. Light it and it
la ready. Turn it down and it is out.
Only a woman who knows the trouble
of carrying coal and cooking in a hot
kitchen can appreciate what it means to -have
a clean, perfect stove that will -cook
anything, boil, bake or roast, and' '
yet won't heat the kitchen. How is it
done? The flame is controlled in tur-. ,
quoise-blue enamel chimneys, and
directed against the bottom of pot, pan,
kettle or oven, and only there -Tbe"'v-1
flame operates exactly where it is neededf''
and nowhere else. With this stovL
your kitchen is cooL -
The nickel finish with the bright blue
of the chimneys makes the stove orna- ;
mental and attractive. Made with t, 2t ' ,:
and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner '
stoves can be bad with or without
IescnitiTa Circular to the nearest agency of Ua
They ia cold wttaf tatter than ftj ether ij.
ggQ&SZQg BZSSga CO., Qtsttt&y, HSSmS&m
here ZHstemper amca; i&e
rsea mar be near aviso
mra nlantim mbw 1., w 1.
Sf.00, retail.
4 V-'Fi frill

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