Newspaper Page Text
Furniture J Undert&ldng Carpets, Curtains, Matting, Wall Paper, Pictures, Picture Frsircs, Etc Good Wall Paper at WINDOW SHADES. BABY CARRIAGES Large assortment WE II1VITE YOU TO 1. 1AVEMANM H : 1 You can buy a new car of John O'Lougfolin HAYS, KANSAS from $500 to $2,750 It you want a '"nifty" car at a medium price try a Ford complete for $1(1 CO. Thia is a 4 passenger car and includes Top, Wind shield, Speedometer and Lights, end will deliver this car at your door at THIS PRICE. Or will- 'a Veiie fcell you n :- iif n 7 ! a or a "veiie to" Alio agents for The : "THERE WAS AN OLD VYC HAN AS I'VE HEARD TELL'. She knew the beet grot try v. Kit they kept the Beat Eggs. ' X7m carry a line of Frodccc and are rsdj to exchange Our Groceries and Eggs ft very little money. ' Our stock is large ard attnttive, and we sell at low prices, giving full -value in all cases. " Call and see us. J B.BasgalL Grocer par of the Cream Separators are BeLaval sparators 3 ;Even R: W. Sears, foiin jder of Sears, Roebuck & (Co. uses DeLaval Separa tors on his own farms in j Minnesota. J Why not every farmer I mss a DeLaval. I They are not hard to 'zt as they can be had at iScHyer l Arnliold rnJ it coets nothing to ' 1 cent. 1 ft 5s 3 Boll. ki pflGGS. t o suit. Osipei samples J2 IKSFECT CUR GOODS. - "30" '!,600 Mtt" f( n r 1 800.00 ror Mcxwell crd Hupp ...... 1 A 'ins for test Notice Feiinl No c"oi O rtest 2 I43 I ri ' jjir f t o itt Ii ttr'u r ("rid ? talfs 1 :ra y V ce 1'ffir. Krr Murcr 2T. 1910 A 'u1 rifrt r rtest rfTd vi' hniirp been c r'rstTt rp ir-t Irrresrpc' ?trv N "( 6 n.-"' Ilm8Ty t irrp f r Fps i Mu'fr . y. t-tl r ?r l''fr f 12 cuth I AN CAT FF Tf fitt- in vl irhitis?! Icrer' rt s W Off r V I prpst- Fhas 1 ly p1 ?r r'f rr' t i1 orfl rr ver s x months 'p ' pst rrl tt i vei' i' tli strteof Missouri; re rr to rlvirr cy rultivptton cram rru e p sHd 'rrd ord these frilure sti' xist. is", tnrt ?af pi'ere- ars-rces ar- Tvr-t dre t" rnv f mpVMrtrt in the armv ravy r manre crrrs r.f he T n't-d Spates in "nv charr- ter vhptever at rrv trni or place said yp'ies rr here' v rot fied to aprear resp rd and rfler e' irlrce orcl ipp sairl al'epa? rr pt 10 Wrlc am rr MAY 24th 1010 hef-retlelUn I r t pte Jrdge of Ellis cfu fv K-Tsr? Pt T'a's Ka Fa. an that firnl hepr'Tfr w i'l be h'ld at 10 o'clock rn June 7. rejo ' efr re he Fpier and Pec ;verit theUrited States Land CfTice in Top'ka, Kansas. Ffl'd rT-testart havirp in a proper affi davit fi'ed Mrrch 21 ioo set forth facts vliih fhrv t1 a af er due di'Iiperce per sora' Sf rv re o' t' is t tTe rannrt re irade :t s he'f 1 'rdeTed a d directed th?t such notice 1 e p'ver r ue a d pr per publication Gpo. W. Fisher. Register, J. G. Wood, Receiver. Notice for Publication, No. 0972 Depaflmert of the Interior. U. S. I .and utrtce irpeka. Kansas. Marcn T4. IQIO Notice 's hereby piven that TVe-esa Penn'r p. Cuprdian rf t) e n irrr children rf RTrrraref T Puritp deceased, ofVictonr P. O.. Karsas, vho on July 7. 1003, Jad llrirf'' i mry o rff 12 serial ro 0977 or th- t 4 v & ' Ys A secrior 26. to-vrsrir 11 south Kanpe 18 W 6;h P ftT . res fled retire of intention to mpVe frrl fve year prrrf to establish claim to the Irrd sieve desenbed before the rrrb. te Judpe F'Hs Co. Kansas at Hays Kansas c n the 2?th day cf A tu IOIO. Claimant names as witnesses: H'ny Th' len rf Vic'ona P O. Kansas Iariel Fav of Ha rville " F. CVnt Thillis rf Tu.rWille Harry Frese cf . Ilays, Karsas GEO. W. FISHER, Register, mio a 2 Notice 'or PriMimtion 5VrilNo 02156 Dprtrrfrt of th tnter'or U S. Lard Oftee. Topeka, Kansas April 12. 1P10 N tioe is hf rohr givn that Fdward roliiRa, r. of Hms. Kapfits, wroon Jaruarv 4. made Homestead Fntrv lf-7P. Serin 1 No for the Wi N FM See L'6. Tovrrship 13, south Rare 17 w st. 6th P M . hs flle.i oti e of ii te:ition to ma Ire finxl Oom mutation proof, to establish rlsim t" the Imul a-oye dorribd. before the Probate Jtdsre of Ellis county Kansas at llas, Kansas, on the 2Sth day of May, 1910. ("luimart names as witnesses: William Cirabbo, Frank C. btaab, Gorct-jil Sta&b, lnatz Polifka, all of Catharine P. O. Kansas, (iKO. V. FlbllEK. Register. a-16--m 28 Insect Out new hundred page catalogue, Having ..U the bittst ttvies and cnoiceet patttrn of Rugs, C&rptts, linoliums. lace cur laiut, crperitd, window shades, etraw, jrass, anu ntrt matures laiiow reeav. btrid a rtquvt vv poat&l or cull and gtt one ot them. P. HAVE MANN. W.H.Ford, Auctioneer. W. H. Ford, of AlcCracken, a mar, with M)i g txpe-ireuew ar,d aucces will cry ealen in iLtlia county on a one and otte-half percent ccnucidsion. Satis faction vuaranted. - Ack Cave, S ark or Hry about him. Ptton cr ty.itt bit- itacc or to Lixa at JUcCxackiMA &t tL4s. , i The rains and warm weather the last few days have brought te leaves out on the trees in fine shape, ?nd the visitors to oar little city will think it is Bet in a grove. The accident of W. B. Ham of Stock ton some months aero still has its ef fects and bis doctors forbid him to en ter into active work so he has with drawn as a Congressional candidate in the race at the Primary and eleciont next fall. Mrs. Julius Bruche, formerly Mis" Afirne Wilcox, of Salira is here on p visit to Mr. and. Mrs George Browr and family and her many school chutrt here. She attended oar high school three years ago. T. L. Jones, formerly of this counrr, now of Henry, Illinois, is here tbip week shaking hands with his mary frierds and looking as young as he did fifteen years ago. He still owns lard Here and is much pleased with the outlook end improvements going on ir our town and county. Far Sale Household Goods. I have some good furniture for sale, ard will sell it at reasonable prisep. For further information call at the E. R. Cole residence. Cream Separator for Sale. A bran new cream separator in spen- worVicr condition, for sale at h'f fiTjAg if fpVn onilr. Rp FRANK 5TOUT. Hvs. Jor fnr Sate. T ff f - aola rrv hon"P, brn n y'cr 1a on KJrvr-rrxil dwxnc Pr"P rPP- PRPOTMM: T7n.te.a Mrn Wwdpr TnVn rMr A IV, S"0'" A V Pcere 1. 'Miq PowUopn T rfF-r for o'p p ctpT bed for bpnl- iPI rook, a rnncr ritwj tor, frooo f9 w. botb of Tfbiob T v'll sell ohepn. PoM for wurf of ioa. A'?o a eTrtd. frob r'IV row. Phrro ?P9 or poe I have for sale White Wyandotte erps for setHpp- at 75 cents for If?, de livered in Hays. The f rest of stock and true to colors and markings. Ad dress W. A. CAVPPELL. Favs. or phone 211 or 807. 23-4tx Pt tnruth Ffnclr Effgft. I rffrr for pale Parred Plymouth Prck rfrfrB for settinp for rale at 75 rerts a aettirp-. Gi'ararteed epyp trite to name. Write or rVore to 22 4 x GFORGF PA TVER. Treasurer's FJNAL NOTOA. ist published ArrH 9, IQIO. Treasurer's office. FUis county, Kansas Havs citv, Kansas. April 2. 1010. Notice is hereby piven that the followinp described tracts of land and town lots sirua ted in the county of Fllis, and state of Kansas ard which were sold on the 3rd ''ay of Sept IC07 for the unpaid taxes for the year 1906. wi'l. on the 6th day of Sept, IQIO. be conveyed to the purchaser, unless 'he ssme shall be redeemed acording to law eiore mat aate. I he amount set opposite each tract of land and town lot includes the amount of taxes, interests and costs, calculated to the last day of payment, viz; (former, Zlisc. HAYS. lot Ilk ami, ORIGINAL 2, 4. 6, 8 x 34. 36 , x I 36 13 51 John Frank T. C AdVins Tohn I feiffer J C. Adkins 35-33 505 255 1,34 Hii.l P. Wilson's Addition Chas. J. Staab x6 2 4 So J E Wilson's Addition 1 23 i 3 U known les-ie Bytrs U' known J C Adkins Ditto and Ditto XX 3. 21, All of all of 5 to 7 10 to 18 . 3, 5. 1-65 3 5: 8.2 9 10 XO 5.00 833 12 J5 16 4.36 Ditto Ditto B C Arnold 14. IS I.C2 2.24 723 IX. 19. 21 24.26.28,30.3a 14 Town Carl Weilert or Cathakins 2 Original 36 7 .61 ELLIS John Schlotterback 4602 UP Willis Nel First Addition X2, 13. 14 C" 2702 U. P Second Addition W W Stick ng ia xa Raynsfod' Addition Goodwin's Estate W 13 all of 15 2 5-5 44 52 Hesse Bros, Addition a a Close i xsyi tt 6 a 43IS Town of PFEIFER lacob Schoen eldt 12 9 .52 l eter stegman 7 10 1 99 Trws of Victoria, Ifeifer 2d Add John Knoll , 7 4.27 Town of Fuller WALKER 14 8 MUNJOR 30 5 W, L 7 Town of Leiker Alex .47 LANDS Big Creek Mike Jui ker NwJ sec 16 T 14 R 17 72 96 J II Ward tract ia 4 ,14 l8 97.96 ELLIS Ora Aldrich tract ia Sef 8 Pleasant Hill 13 20 32.12 John Drrher FiSsj Nw SeX 36 13 20 22 46 Victoria M. Junker KeJ 22 14 17 104 13 .' Wheatiand Ana Mc u ey- NwJ ' 28 . 15 17 42 es 13 20 . I cua Arpltton eJswi 32 K 17 John K Leiker wjnwj 12 15 x8 Witness my hand ar.d official sea this 2nd day f April AJ, 1910. B. M DREIUNG. LS . Tress. -EHIs Cfeaaty STfsa., J They have commenced laying the cement sidewalk on Sheridan avenue. Nick Gassman and - family enjoyed the Leonhardt wedding south of the reservation on Tuesday- A big crowd was present. . South Chestnut street has been graded this week by the grading ma chine and was done -Jiicely. Other streets will also be fixed. The new cigar stand in the former Charlie Reeder office on north Chestnut street looms up with a plate glass win dow that takes up nearly the whole front of the building. ' ?A very heavy wind on'l Thursday broke the awning pole at the Chase bakery on North Chestnut street and -wirgirg sgainst the heavy plate glass window broke it to fragments. - Frank Reed was here this week from alira. He came op in his racing car ith all its nice fixings on so people rould see what a nice car it is for fam ily use. This veekB Salina Journal hac a full page ad of the car and race and Bays City is in it. The Ellis Opera House. About a dozen Hays people went to Ellis Monday night to attend the open intr of their new Opera House and it is a beauty. We wish that Hays had as good a one and it should hsve. It is on the peeorid fl"or over the hie ptorep, will nicelv peat 700, hs a rslWy about fifteen foot up, which runs around three pides. with about thirtv-five feet openine. The stare is larjre on which hoice plavs can he well-shown. . It is well-lighted and thev had pome lovelv aeenprv. which slides np instead of rollintr. The whole hall is a great pne- eops, a credit to their city ard will rsw manv S'ood troupes. Mepserp. Ropp, Waldo and Phillips are to be con gratulated on bui'dinc so fine a place of amusement. The Fdwin Barie Co , who onewd the Hall Monday nieht with "St E'mo," ard have played tbrre all week, are pplendid. There is not a poor actor amonsr them and pev eenl are stars. Thev hsve hpd a prod 01700 every niht. It is handy for o- T?vs people as thv can po up on the evenipjr train and the hows are over in time to yme hack on the eleven o'clock train. Don't forret. that the Psrie compnnv play this Friday and Satnrdav evrntrfrs. Several are poirp iid trere to emov tne piays. 11 is worth the trip. This Fr?dsv everinp the play will be "The Flack Hard." Saturday evening "Greed for Gold." TFc Auto Race. The euto race lapt Saturday from Slin to Havp broufrht out a crowd to withes the firish at the South Side Garre, ar.d it was exoitirgr as through the kiT'dress of tre telrphore central tr-e rpV here were kept posted as to their comiror The cars were within three minute of each other at Wilson. two minuses at Rnell. one minute at Victoria ard 100 feet at Tou'on and when hoh errs came to the parapre at the same trrmmt. the Pmrk at the front dcor where Mayor Philip as judge ar.d Frf ese as fireman stood, and the Mapon at the br ck door the excitement ran bijrh. The Mapon was three sec- ords in cet tire to the front door, so the Puick reached the stop three pec ord ahead. The bet was $100 to the twtnrer, rt in sarttrtr tne buick who started three mirutes ahead for clparinf, and the Mason car was to fret in S00 feet ahead, o the time allow aree irave the race to the Mason by wo mirutes ard thirty five seconds. Both cars had their troubles, the Mason with its pump and the Buick with punctured tire, hut that d'd not count. It was to pret to Haya first. From Dorrarce, forty-five miles away, it was prettv race. The Buick bad held the aA frnm the start, but there the Maon hove 'in view and gradually crept up. ard when the Mason tried t pass the Buick blocked the way so they entered town on each others backs. nominally, and but for the bad turn on he east edere of town it would have heen a pretty race up Juniata street. At the draw on trie east of town both carp jumped about ten feet but Vo ac- rit't-nt recurred. Fred Ham of Des- Moinep, Iowa, drove the Mason, assist d by Frosv Blackbnm of our town as the machinist and thev jrot the $100 Durse and elorv. The next excitinsr race will be from Kansas City to Den ver," through Hays, the winner there firettin? a $in00 purse. About a dosen ars will contest. ' The'" will all start nt the Fame time and ro allowance will he made for accidenta State of Kansas, EHis countv, SS. -In the Prr bat" Coort of said county; In th matter of the e tate of . ANDRFW KOPBE deceased; To all creditors and other persons interested in said estate Ymi are herebv notified that at the next rernlar term at the Probate court. in and for said county, to be held at the Probate Judge's on ce in nays -iiy, m said county, on the 95th day of April 1010 heino- the fourth Monday in said month. I will make final settlement of said estate . - Ff vinfl- filed with said Court my claim for compensation as Administrator rf said estate and tor necessary aiiorneys fees and other expenses necessarily in curred in the administration of sa'a es tate 1 hereby give notice. ordered by said ourt. tht saio Claims art eei lor hearirg in said court on the 25th day of Aprill9l0. KICBOLARKCEBE, -Administrator Attest: J. B Gross. Probate' Judge. &rcjinnSepr&tor3. Stop in at Reemsnyders Cream Sta ion and see the Be trice Cream Sepa rator. Simple, t3e?ent ero ccraeie. Will save you $25 to on erst cost. ard its quality ar d capacity are puar an teed by the ; CcnticEta! -: Czeasserj Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mitsch of Wood bine, Kar.s., are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fields. We are making farm loans at the lowest rate of interest ever offered in the county. No extra commission: we live up to our motto: "Live and let Live." The J. M. SCHAEFER 15-tf Loan and Insurance Agency. A. petition is out to narrow Ever green avenue to a 70 foot width, the same width as all eaBt and west streets. And it is told that Mr. Thomas is so well pleased with the cement waik laid on South Chestnut street that when the Evergreen street is narrowed he will lay a four-foot cement walk this side of the hedge row and throw bis tracta in the market for sale in one aere, 'or more, tracts for buldingr, no residence to cost less than $1500. Good for Thomas. It is a pretty location and lots of people would like to build a little ways out of town and have larger lots ard they can have good walks to their homes. FOR SHERIFF. At the reqneet of my many friends I have decided to be a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Ellis county and reppectfully ask the nomination at the Republican primary in August 1910 and the votes of the people at this Novem ber election. JOHN R CHITTENDEN. For District Judge f herebv snimucp myself as a can didate for nmination"for the oflRccof JnpE of the 23rd Judicial District of Kansas, subject to the decision o the Republican voters of the district at the Primary election in Augrust. lolO, and would be pleased to have their sig natures to uiy petition and vote at said Primary. ED. A. REA. For District -Tudgf. Citizens of Elli county assisted large ly in drafting me to run the first time for Judge of he 93d Judicial district In fairness to them and to all who supported me and to myself, and be lieving that I have reasonably fulfilled every express and implied promise of that campa'gn and election. I submit to the Democratic voters at the Pri maries the question of my re-nomina tion, and then to all voters, the mat ter of my re-election. J. C. RUPPENTHAL. JOHN H. FREESE Q Candidate for Good Printing Hays, Kansas Candidate's cards ip English and German FOR PIRTBICT JUDGE . I am a candidate for nomination at the Primary Election in August 1910 for the Republican nomina tion for the office of .Judge of the 23d Kansas Judicial District. H. L. PESTANAv C. M. HOLMQUIBT, attorNey-at law. HATS CITY. KANSAS, OFFICE OYER 1ST NATIONAL BANK. Eye and Bar Surgeon Dr. M. Jay Brown, the Salina eye and ear specialist will be at the Brans wick Hotel, MONDAY, MAY 9th; At WAKEENEY, Tuesday MAY, 10th; At ELLIS Wednesday MAY Htb. DR. L. A. MARTY . PHYSICIAH S SURGEON Office over 1st National Bank Hays, Kansas. All calls will be answered promptly day or night. PHONE 273 Dr. H B tfeiswanger Dentist Expert guaranteed Dentristry at a reasonable price. Office over Farley Prug Store, Hays. Phone 294 for date. J. U, CATUDAU m.d. A. 6ILVERSTEIM mo Res. Phone 46 - Res. Phr-ne 276 Catudal & Silverstein, PHYSICIANS khd SURGEONS OFFICE. . CITIZENS' BANK BLOCK PHONE .94 HAYS, KANSAS nr.aaL w?0 &f& Qszz Mviteb to rail at our ztliu for tfje purpose af rxair.nimg antple snb inking prtre cf .grnS Calling -Carh Snbitatiaxts, ettv Owe &arU tte tict, stpk5 feter anti priced tf &SL?Z .r Here we arc m our new shop on 2nd street near the Post office. . - Keep a watch for our new stock ID H Early b Sons Dealers in Harness Saddles, and Repairs Harness. Saddles, Whips Sc Repairing Sweat Pads, Fly nets, Shoemakers Repairs Cur seeds are the best, Our prices hi i and will he found satisfactory CKXHKHWrXH0HKHCH This Year That it is cheaper in the long run to Build than it is to ent is a conceded fact. One year's rentals amount to twice as much as the interest on a building investment. Money saved is money earned don't rent, when you can save money by building a home of you own. We can supply you with L V at reasonable prices and we out extra charge. i Also LIME, CEMENT, and Building Materials which ycu will need in building yeur home or making Improve ments. Come in and see us. CH n f A number of difl U H L at varying prices. 1 C. Schwaller & Son i George S. Grass, ; I Dealer i& Shoes and Cents' Furnishings; : Exclusive Agency for the QUEEN QUALITY shoe for KoEeri, & the W. L. Dcuglfis shoe for Men. ; Remember that quality Is the true test of Cheapness. W Swift's Premium and Bacon opposite We keep nonage. until OC3 0 We are prepared n Wood and Metal "Work Our new factory on East Crawford A venue riow run niDp everyday. We have thirty machines now operatiag and can do all kinds of work in wood and metal, such as the rr?rtifaclvre of dcors, screen dcors, shelving, ecrrHsh, shew cases, all kinds of mill work, etc. We alscv do repair work of all kinds. Oat-of-town work is our specialty. We furnish estimates of all work without charge. v FAYS CITY AUTO MFG. GO. u 0 n Hays City, Kansas n i , I SLUtl&Xfjl ' lllS PL If B 1 JLM t f ? will gladly figure your needs with- can supply E A number of different kinds and grades Wh en In need; 3f anything : In my line oall and be oonvlnoed that ay prices are J right, and Holf man's Meat Market the Post office the best of ineat$, fish, oysters and vegetables, in season. We ask your pat-: See us or phone 22 ZD OC : 0 to do all kinds of