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Irnl Brrillle.
LaCTrenco lias as large a police force as
Dodge City.
Clothing mado to order at Hadiler &
Don't fail to examine Webster's cloth
ing. He sella at cost.
Mr. James F. Ellison, tbe King among
Texas cattle men, arrived in tbo city tins
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Bobby Oil! ingonus ns that he has aban
doned tbe 'cane' and will hereafter be
responsible for his own acts.
"A dead man's chance" was tho be
seeching prayer made by ono of tho pris
oners Iwforo His Honor in tbo iiolice
court this week.
Ichabod Clalk (alias lied Clark) editor
of the Cimmarou Gouger," was in the
city yesterday. He inform us that he
was nnt recognized by the Illinois excursionists.
Mr. W. N. Morphcy's domestic affairs
aro again serene.
Tho Alanio is a jmpular saloon.
Rain is confidently expected to-morrow.
A store house is being built at Spear-
Kooms to rent, inquire at the Times
A new bakery will soon bo started in
this city by an Ellsworth baker.
Dr. Todd, an experienced dentist,
in tho city.
Mr. G. W. Milner, tho terminal land
agent of the A. T. JtS. F.. now stationed
at Kinsley, paid this city a visit last
Wednesday. He says he is locating more
settlers in this comity than in Edwards.
OnthA Osise Trut Iant and Gorrrnmenl
lnd. wilhin the railroad limbs.
-Ml orders itoiepUj- sitended to and work
OlBoe In Court Haute.
House and Sign Painting
Graining. Etc DODGE CITT, Ks. I Mail expected from the cast to-night.
Mr. Fred Fatter-on has purchased Mr
Dan sou's interest in tho Western House
Co to Haddcr fc Draper's and Ret your
measure taken for a suit of clothes.
Red Clark sars bo tias orders to feed ftju
Chcyennes next Tuesday, on their ay to
the territory.
The now building north of Webster's
store will lie occupied by Geo. F. Jones,
who intends to start a meat market.
OllieS. Oil TPfif Mnmrlnftiinfrnn.l Inf.
of groceries at A. It. Webster's cheaper
iiuu uu) nut!) cau sell.
The I'liueo and Princess of Wales are to
visit the United States next year.
Messrs. Johnson & Greeiey shipped
four car loads of fat cattlo to Kansas City
last Sunday.
Ellis has been scratcned olT tho reap.
There used to be such a town but it has
been turned into a farm.
About 2,000.000 poinds of corn will be
shipped south from here during tho next
fen weeks.
Mr. Dabbs has the finest beer garden in
the west, at tbe old milk ranch on Duck
We guarantee you .- lit oyery time or no
charge Over ono hundred samples to
select from at Hadder fc Draper's.
Mr. George F. Jones has purebred the
Cook fc Dillnorth residence, one of the
finest in tbo city. Mr. Cook thinks of
building another. Wo hope ho wilL
Mr. Miebncr, an old timer in tho stock
business, is hero again this seanon taking
a look arnuuil, and talking all the while.
The Arkansas Valley in this county con
tains more cattlo at the present timo than
it ever did before. Hut there still is room
for twenty or thirty more herds.
Recollect Webster sells nothing but
standard goods, which accounts for the
large increase in his trade.
Several cases of 'strucif by lichtning'
hue occurred throughout the State dnring
the recent storms.
Buyers who go to Ellis after rattle have
all their trouble for nothing, and aro
compelled to ride over into this licinity
to make thoir purchases.
Messrs. G. N. Littlefield. T. A n.
kill, J. 11. I'resnell and C. II. Slaughter,
ot tcxas; r. W. Cradbnrv. Chier...,,
John Power, St. Joe, registered at tho
Dodgo House this week.
Three palaco cars filled with Illinn;.
Editors passed through hero yesterday
morning on their way to Pueblo and the
Go to Mr. F. Schulz' harness shon for
saddles, bridles, spurs, whips and every
thing else m tho harness line. A new lot
jurt received.
The number of residences on Military
Avenue is gradually increasing. The nm
now in course of construction is for Mr.
and Mrs. F. J. Leonard.
Mr. A. IJ. Webster rrioieed this wwlr
over tho fact that several of the Font
county fanners purchased goods at his
store. Ho has a fondness for fanners.
Th") probabilities now aro that the
American Eaglo will perch npon the
bannerol the Dodgo City Firo Company
befor the 4th is past.
Just tho Thing.
If you wish to get a good view of the
cattle on a thousand hills in this vicinity.
procure one of those beautiful and sym
metrical new spring wagons of M. Collar.
They arojust the thing to driTe over the
prairie with.
S P. Hounds, of the Printers' Cabinet,
Chicago, in company with several other
members of tho Illinois Press Asrociat ion,
called on us on Friday last- As an indica
tion that he has not forgotten how to stick
type wo would state that he set this item.
Mr. Collinn, of the A. T. i S. F. Land
Department, a gentleman of stoical bear
ing, but nevertheless possessing a due ap
preciation of the world and its pleasures,
was in the city this week, aitendiug the
Equalization board.
Ed. Masterson has been appointed
Assistant Marshal of this city. Ho is not
very large, but there are not many men
who would bo anxious to tackle him a
second time. He makes a good officer.
To Whom it May Concern.
AH parties are warned against cutting
or injuring trees on tbo land of tho Dodge
City Town Company, near the bank of
the Arkansas Kiver. Parties are also
warned not to dump rubbish on tho town
lots. W. 8. Tkemaise,
June 9 1ST?.
Buck Creek Bet-r Garden.
remaps our readers are not all aware
of this lato improvement which now
adorns tho classic banks of Dnck Creek,
six miles north of hero . This beer garden
has been built by Mr. Dubb3 and fitted
np in excellent stylo to lill a needed de
mand in its line. It is very pleasantly
located, and at a sumcicnt distance from
tho city to afford a pleasant drive. The
natural spring is there, and tho beer is as
cool as the water which bubbles out. Mr.
Dubbs is always ready to entertain his
visitors aud do them round to the extent
of bis accommodation?. Everv bodv and
their friends aro invited to patrouizo this
now institution.
city cor.xni..
A regular meeting of the Council of the
city of Dodge City, Tuebday. June Sth.
Present, J. II. Kelley , Mayor.
" Geo. B. Cox, Councilinau.
" D. D. Col'ey, "
" Jno. Newton. '
" C. M.Beeson, "
" F. J. Leonard. "
ine minutes oi previous meeting were
read and approved.
Tho committee of which C. M. Ileeson
was chairman and to whom tbo matter of
city printing was referred, reported fa
vorably to tho contract as made bv the
old Council. On motion of D.D. Colley
iiicold contract was renewed, allowing
five dollars for publishing tho proceedings
of each meeting.
On motion of D. D. Colloy the report of
the City Clerk on the matter of taxation
was laid over until next meeting.
On motion of D. D. Colley Ordinance
.Vo. C-J. entitled an ordinance relating to
the salaries of city officers, was passed by
tho following vote aud approved by the
Vote, Xewton, Leonard, Colley, Cox,
Beeson, allirmative, none voting in the
The following bills were presented and
W. C. Shinn. printing.. fGl.OO
Degcr&McGinty.boardingprisoners 9.(0
Joseph Maon, salary as twliccman CO.OO
E. F. Col born, salary and expenses
toTopeka . 2CC0
I E. Deger, salary as Marshal 73.00
On motion of John Xewtou tho dram
shop bond of liulo & Smith was approved.
On motion of John Newton the pftitiou
recommending Hoover & Cook ns snitablc
persons to keep a dram shop was accepted.
Tho City Clerk was ra motion of D. D.
colley instructed to correspond with the
Superintendent of tho A. T. &. S. F. rail
road company fo- the rurpose of procuring
cinders to repair crossings.
The Mayor, on motion of Jfewton,
appointed Councilsien Cox, Leonard and
Beeson a committee to engage teams for
the purpose of preparing crossings.
The Mayor appointed Ed Maiterson as
policeman, which appointment was con
firmed by tho OounciL
The City Clerk was instructed to draw
an order of fifty dollars paid J. G. Waters
as fee in the caso of John Blake vs. tbe
On motion of Xewton the Council ad
journed. J. H. KELLEY,
Attest, E: F. Colbobx, Clerk.
The Opening of the Cattle Trade
Celebrated in the Dog House.
Bobby Gill done it again. Last Wednes
day was a lively day for Dodge. Two
hundred cattle men in tbe city; the gang
in good shape for business : merchants hap
py, and monoy flooding the city, is a con
dition of affairs that could not continue
in Dodo very long without an eruption,
and that is the way it was la.-t Wcitnes
day. Robert Gilmore was making a talk
for himself in a rather emphatic manner,
to which Marshal Deger took exceptions,
and started for tho dog house with him.
Bobby walked very leisnrely so much so
that Larry felt it necessary to administer
a few paternal kicks in tho rear. This
act was soon interrupted by ISat Master
son, who wound his arm affectionately
around the Marshal's neck and let tho
prisoner escape. Deger theu grapphd
with Bat, atthesamo time calling upon
the bystanders to take the offenders gun
and assist in tho arrest. Joe Ms-ou ap
peared upon the scene at this critical
moment and took tho gun. But Master
eon would not surrender j ct, and came
near getting hold of a pistol froui among
everal w"5iicli were strewed around over
the sidewalk, but half a dozen Te.tasincn
came to the Marshal's aid and gave him a
chance to draw his gnn and beat Bat over
the head until tho blood Hew upon Jm
Mason so that he kicked, aud warded oil
tho blows with his arm. Bat Masterson
seemed possessed of extraordinary
strength, and every inch ot tbe way was
closely contested, but the city dungeon
was reached at last, andmbonent. If ho
had got hold of his gun beforo going in
there wonld have been a general killing.
The fastidious Col. Norton fell next.
He ranks next to Bat Masterson in point
of courage, being somewhat more cautions
and much more inclined to make a blood
thirsty talk. Ho is said to lie tolrrably
haudy with his gun, andfairto middling
at shoulder hitting. Norton had liecn
accused of 'ways that were? dark ana
tricks that were vsiii' in a poker game, by
a Texan, and several other Texas men
'took a hand' in tbe game of talk which
followed. Norton poon discovered that
the gang was oversized, and amiably went
against tbe booso joint for tbo house. But
tho flowing bowl raised his courage
above all cautionary measures and be gavo
it out solid that he n as a fighter and
thirsted for blood. Sim HoMem, a cattle
drover, quietly it as his opinion that
Mr. Norton couldn't fight very much; that
there were several men in town ho could
cot lick Sim himself, for instance. A
light-weight droTcr by tho name of Leo
then interfered and claimed the fight for
himself. Norton and Leo then bad a little
tcuille, which was soon interrupted by tho
police. Larry soon after csptetLNorton in a
crowd recommending himself as a fighter,
and ordered him to disyerso. Norton
proudly reminded Mr. Deger that ho was
a sovereign citizen of Dodgo City, and as
such had certain inalienable rights. For
answer Mr. Deger promptly marched him
to tbe dog house.
Ed. Masterson accomplished his first
official act in the arrest of Bobby Gilmore
the saino afternoon.
Next day Judge Frost administered the
penalty of the law by assessing tnenty-
five and costs to Bat, ten to Norton aud
five to Bobby.
Tho boys aro all at liberty now.
Preparing to Celebrate.
The Dodge City Firo Company met last
Monday evening and after transacting
tho regular business of tho evening, pro
ceeded to discuss the celebration question.
All of tho numbers present were in favor
of a celebration. Mr. Gryden moved that
a committee ot five. Marshal Beatty to bo
chairman, hj appointed on general ar
rangements. Carned. W. N. Morphy,
Lloyd Shinn. C. W, Willctt and a II.
Schulz were appointed. On motion Messrs
Newton and Connor, on the part of tho
honorary members, were added to tho
committee. A special meeting will bo
held next Monday evening, at which time
tho cemmitteo will submit a plan for thn
celebration. It is very essential that all
members of the company be present at
There are a few natural born fools in
neatly every well regulated conimnnity
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