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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
DIABOLICAi ACT. A Sacrilegious Fiend Steals Our Belovsd Pastor's Pony. It is nnr painful duty this week lo n-ronl a d istardly deed which rests like a dial upon the fair fame of our roDus: com monwealth, and rancs the p 1 :irs of our church to trtmbio with righteous indigna tion. In order that our readers may compre hend the enormity of this wickedness, ii will he necessary for ns to explain some past particulars which tend to aggravate the crime. A few weeks ago our respected minister, Uev. O. W. Wright, felt the. need of a iieast to carry him on pastoral Twits to memhers of bis flocK who lived in the conntry, ouch aa brother Anthony, broth er Wilkin, nud esiieeially to brother Xiess ilnnui: his affliction. Ho therefore took a portion of his stipend and entrusted it to brother Laugton, who, after a few Hours uecoliation succeeded in purchasins a Texas pony of Charley Slaughter at a very udvautazeous price. The minister was p!ea-ed with liii new acquisition and duly grateful torothor Langrou. It was soon dicovered tiy the naitoi's intimate friends that the animal wan nt thn eel.. bratedG. A. brand. Of course the min ister was overjoyed on learning of tnis valuable point in bis property. The pony also proved docile and senile, and soon gave signs of a budding affection for his evangelical master, ihe man of God was wont to ride almost daily upon his earthly treasure out over the verdant prairie to breathe tbc pure, fragrant air, aud it was very frequently the means of renewing his spiritual strength by impart ing fresh vigor to his physical frame. Is it any wonder, then, that the good man should fee! himself engulfed in misery and overwhelmed bv the bitter waters of affliction should this possession be swept away from him f We should say not. Nor could he be censured tor invo king the vials of divine wrath npon the sacrilegious offender. On last Wednesday morning the minster arose betimes and repaired to the stable to fondle and caress his pony as was his custom, but its stall was vacant : no loving whinny greeted liioi.rndcnceot an unlaw ful entry having been ejected during the uicht could be seen abont the doorway. and he realited that bis pet was stolen. With a heavy heart and frame bowed down with grief, be slowly wended his way to Mr. Jas. Lane ton's office, (whose pony was also missing from the same stable) to condolo with him npon their parallel losses. Brother Langton bore up under his affliction with a christian forti tude worthy of a pillar of the church. He was even able to offer consolation to his beloved but be-eaved pastor, whose grief was more poignant on account of his at' taehment to the pony. The principal consolation consisted of quotations such as 'Whom the lord loreth hechastenetbr 'Lay for yourselves up treasures in hoav en, where moths do not corrupt nor thieves break through and stealr and 'Jilessed are tbey tnat mourn, for they shall be comforted.' But the minister would not be comforted, and for a time completely abandoned himself to paroxysms of grief. Finally brother JlcGoodwin was made aware of the situation, and kindly volun teered to search dilligently for the miss ing property free of charge. His services were gratefully accepted and he started at once on his charitable mission. Success soon rewarded the efforts of our worthy High Constable. The ponies were found concealed In the rank buffalo grass south east of the city. Mr. JlcGoodwin also reported the capture of the thief, and it was left with the minister to decide whether he should be shot or hung. Mr. Wright felt himselt unable to decide which penalty would be most appropriate, being unacquainted with our advanced western customs. He therefore delegated his authority to Mr. Laugton, who he argued was better posted on frontier cus toms. We believe the matter is still tinder advisement. We were sorry to notice some of the brethren who we doubt not had secretly coveted the minister's beautiful pony hint sneeringnly that the loss was a rebuke to the minister for idolizing the animal. Later. Just before going to press we are informed that the thief proves to be the notorious Luke McGIue who stole tin cigars from the St. Jo man last winter. P. C. ZIMMERMAM, GENERAL OUTFITTING STORE! FIRE ARMS AXD Ammunition a Specialty. AGENT rOK TH8 CELEBRATE!! Improved Sharp's Rifles! BEST IN USE. Agentjfor Charter Oak Stoves Best and Cheapest to Use. Also Agent for the Great Western Stove Company. FIRE ARMS REPAIRED. A Solemn Processioa. From the Leavenworth Times. On the 23d intt. there will be one of the most solemn occasions St Fort Leaven worth ever known since the rebellion. It will be the reception of the bodies of thir teen of the officers of the gallant old Seventh Cavalry, who fell with General Cnstar in the memorable massacre of the 23d of June, 18T6. Arrangements are being made at the Fort for a general sus pension from usual dnty. and the whole garrison will, officers and soldiers, turn out as an escort to convey the remains of their comrades to the National Cemetery. The citizens here, who have in the past known the officers of the Seventh, will also turn out and pay a parting tribute to the dead. DODGE CITY TOWN CO. Town Lots For Sale! Prices to Suit All Parties ! APPLT TO W. S. TREMAINE. Secretary and Treasurer,. TDr. T. L. McCARTVS DRUG SfORE. Jail Delivery. Two prisoners named Wilson and Myers escaped from the county jail at Pueblo this week. Ther captured the guard while he was in the act of unlocking the cell and locked him insida and lit out. Wilson was confined to await trial on a charge of muidering the Sheriff of Las Animas county several years ago. He bad also murdered a sheriff in Texas and sev era! other men. Though young in years he is one of the worst desperadoes in the country. He is twenty-five years old, has dark hair, light complexion, blue eyes, is live feet seven inches high, snd weighs about one hundred and forty pounds. Mjers is under sentence of two years in the penitentiary for larceny. 6. M. HOOTER, WHOLESALE DEALEK IN WINES, Liquors and Cigars, Genuine Kentucky Bourbon, SOUR MA8H AND KENTUCKY WHISKIES. RYE In the Sweet By-and-By, annot but be the happy thought as the fortunate recipient of the 'Rocky Moun tain Tourist' scans its wonderfully at tractive pases shd peruses its fascinating descriptions. Stoat beautifully embel lished with new aid highly artistic engravings, its letter press a model of typographical richness, and the arrange ment throughout simply superb, the Rocky mountain tourist Is worthy of comparison with Picturesque America or The Aldine. It is written in gossipy. grapiiio style, covering details of the tour through the garden of the Southwest Itbe Arkansas valley, Southern Kansas), to the very heart of the Alps of America the Rocky Mountains. Jaunts are made to all the famous resorts of Colorado, the remarkable ruins, the springs, the mines. and, in short, to every point of interest to tourist, agriculturist, capitalist, miner and invalid. With the Tourist, the San Juan Guide keeps fitting company, and uio two puuucauuns are uiaueu ireej lo ail writing for one or both to T. J. Anderson. Topeka, Kansas. MILWAUKEE, QUlNCr. ANDST.LOUIS BEER. ALSO A VARIETY OF CASE GOODS, Standard and Aromatic Bitters; Case Gin; Fine Imported Cognias Brandy: Catawba Wine; Cook's Imperial, and other brands of Champagne in quantities to snit any and all customers. CALL AND EXAMINE. No. 36, FRONT ST. , DODGE CITT. KAS. blacksmith. GENERAL JOBBING. Horseshoeing a Specialty Toe cheapest and best place to get Blaeksmithint done in the city. Shop aorta side of railroad west part ot town. JAS.WILSOirtCO. HERMAN J. FRINGER, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, fhemicals AND PERFUMERY Toilet floods. Brushes, Sponges, Dye Stuns Paints, Oils, Etc. DODGE CITY. KANSAS. H. B. BELL, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, DODGE CITY, KANSAS. Centennial Barber Shop I GEORGE DIETER, Rroprietor. SHAVING, SHAMPOOING AND 1IAIBCCTTIO DONE IN THX LATEST FASHION. Tint door west of BealtrA Kellr'a miit 1 rant, Sedge City, Kansas. HEAVENWARD.-We hare received from Ibe trabluber. S. Bralnard'e Sons. Cleveland. O., a copy of 'Heavenward,' a collection of new suntlay School song's by James B. Murray, P. r. Miss snd others. This new book has been eagerly looked for by our Sunday School work. er, ana thy will not be disappointed in Heavenward. It contains a large variety of choice Sunday School mnsle by tan leading writers in America, aad is the only new book In which will be foand the best anil moat popular hymns and nmaio or the late P. P. Bliss. We also notice a number of standard Sand ir School favorites have been inserted, saeh as Uold the Port,' 'What Shall the Harvest be,' 'Sweet By and By,' 'Evermore Remembered,' 'Tour Misslou,' etc," which will always be welcomed with pleasure by bnauay Schools. The Bespon sible service la also a valuable new foamre la this book. Mlndav Schools ueairinr a new music book cannot do better than to secare a supply of 'Heavenward.' It can be obtained from most booksellers or by sending 35 cents to S. Bralnard's Sons, Cleveland, o., you wdi receive a sample copy (in paper covers) by return mall. Price in wards 33c by mail $30 K( uuwucu. sue Published Jane 9, 1S77.1 Ordinance No. 35. AX ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SAL ARIES or crrr officers. Be It ordained by the Mayer and CoancOmea of the city ot Dodfe Cltyi SECTION 1. That Section One of Orainnnea Twenty-three, entitled "An Ordinance Relat ing uj we Nunu 01 vu j vmccia DG and US same is hereby ameaded se as to read as fol lows; The oataers ot the said city hereinafter speci fied shall receive the following- salaries, to wn: City Marshal, per month a7S.eS Assistant Marshal per month. 73.0s Policemen per month. City (Jerk per year.......... 100.00 City Attorney per year. 100.09 CityTreasarer per month 10. SECTION i. Ordinanea Number Tnu,. 1 . t.i.i. .wi. 1. . .,.. r by repealed. SECTIONS. This Ordinance ahan ha In Cnm. and take enact from aad after lta nahllMiln,, once in Me uout uif aunea. Passed the Council Jane 6th, 1177. Approved Jase 5th, 1877. JAKsaiLKxXLET, Attest, Xsyor, E. r. COLBOEN, Clerk. sDOdgh &0BSH. Cox k Boyd, Proprietors. Two No. 1 Sample Booms. Tables snppuea wtto all tut delicacies of the First Class Livery, Feed and SALE STABLE Df CONNECTION with this house. FINEST BILLIARD PARLOR IN THE CUT; T.LMcCABTY.M.1). Physician and Druggist, SEALER W DRUGS, MEDICINES. Chemicals aad psrmmery. Toilet Goods, Brash es, Sponjts, Dye sun, Palats, OPs, etc. jMjoreastofF. C.'s stors. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP! frtaMsMlter, Tka CfesBpKSa Boot and Shoe Maker. 5fJ?-. roolsa d shoe. ,-d. t. ssnawaSMoaaaorsEaOst.